Patterico's Pontifications


(Not So) Former Gang Member Arrested

Filed under: Crime — Jack Dunphy @ 4:19 pm

[Guest post by Jack Dunphy]

Alex Sanchez, described by the Los Angeles Times as a “nationally recognized anti-gang leader,” was arrested today by the FBI. Among the charges against him is conspiracy to commit murder.

I’m always very skeptical of anyone who claims to be a “former gang member.” This is just the latest justification for my skepticism.

–Jack Dunphy

8 Responses to “(Not So) Former Gang Member Arrested”

  1. Blood in, adulation-by-credulous-“community-leaders” out.

    Ken (c97a0c)

  2. “He took public funds while furthering the gang,”

    Anti-gang my ass! He just figured, WTF these libs are so f’g stupid if I pretend to be “anti-gang” they f’g give me money!!! He was probaqbly rolling on the floor laughing his ass off all the way to the bank. Some people, especially libs, are so gullible.

    J. Raymond Wright (e8d0ca)

  3. Honestly, it’s pretty hard to distinguish among the pettier gang members and community organizers. But killers are a different category.

    I’d like to think gang members can reform, but I do not think such people will go around grandstanding about it.

    Juan (bd4b30)

  4. ACORN would be proud.

    HeavenSent (1e97ff)

  5. Wow, another one!

    Marroquin’s Revenge

    How about cutting off funds for “ex”-gang members to save money?

    Just a thought.

    Patricia (2183bb)

  6. I second Patricia’s motion. We will now call a vote, all in favor?

    tyree (21111a)

  7. Aye!
    It was bad enough when they arrested another “former” gang-member last year for trafficing in automatic weapons, and he had a full-blown office and staff paid for by the do-gooders to “reach out” to the underprivileged and deprived.
    This is all just the tip of the iceberg.

    AD - RtR/OS! (82598f)

  8. The comments on the LA Times site are amusing. It is all the US fault because we “invaded poor countries.” I guess this is a representative sample of who is still reading the Times.

    Mike K (2cf494)

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