Patterico's Pontifications


Happy Father’s Day

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 2:30 pm

Hope all the fathers have a happy day. I’m working all day in the hopes that I get enough done to take time off to go out to dinner tonight. I think it’s gonna work out.


12 Responses to “Happy Father’s Day”

  1. Family is all there is, Patterico.

    Do you know the old Robert Frost quote?

    “Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.”

    Family is everything, good and bad.

    Eric Blair (5a226d)

  2. Happy Father’s Day to all of you. I am praying that El Tigre can have a front 9 charge that puts the fear of God in the leaders.

    JD (da8b51)

  3. Not this year for Tiger. Happy Father’s day to all Fathers and Grandfathers and Great-Grandfathers. I took my 12 year old son paintballing today. Hey, somebody’s shooting at me!!! Ouch, I’m hit! Thank God it was only a game.

    An especially Blessed Father’s Day for all our Fathers serving in the real Armed Forces

    J. Raymond Wright (e8d0ca)

  4. I took my girls out for sushi, then to the salon for haircuts and mani/pedis for all. That bought me 2 hours of quiet time for the Open and my new HD projection screen.

    JD (da8b51)

  5. Alas! My darling bride (of 30 years, one month and two days) is working today, and won’t be home until around 8:30 PM, so nothing special in the Father’s Day department here. But I got some work done on the house, my younger daughter — and the cats — helped, and it really hasn’t been a bad day at all.

    The proud father Dana (474dfc)

  6. Three of my four boys took me out for too much Guinness and too many Buffalo wings.I toast to my Dad and all those Dads who look down upon us on this day. Happy Fathers’ Day to all!

    pitchforksntorches (4dd8c4)

  7. Well, I got a new digital camera, but I got it two weeks ago: for some reason, everybody here — including me — thought that Father’s Day was two Sunday’s ago.

    The Dana who obviously can't read a calendar (474dfc)

  8. I have a first second grader who thought I should know that even though it was June it was still spring — that summer will come after Father’s Day.

    nk who can stream songs and movies on his blackberry (cf618d)

  9. Ahhh, just you wait until you have teenagers! Then you’ll find how really stupid you are!

    The older Miss Pico is in the Army and out; she’ll be back for a couple of weeks in August, before she starts college again. The younger Miss Pico turns 18 in two weeks.

    The Dana facing empty nest syndrome (474dfc)

  10. Hope it was the greatest Dad’s Day for all of you guys out there. You are appreciated.

    PatAZ (9d1bb3)

  11. I got calls from four of my kids (the only four I expected) and my nephew and his wife had their first girl this weekend. Even though it’s kind of a commercial holiday, it’s nice to feel appreciated.

    Mike K (90939b)

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