Patterico's Pontifications


California Wildfires from Space

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:41 pm

The then-actively burning fires are indicated in red in this image, taken at 7 p.m. Eastern yesterday, October 22. It is the most recent satellite photo of the fires currently on NASA’s page.

Image credit: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response

The L.A. Times is reporting over 1100 homes destroyed.

21 Responses to “California Wildfires from Space”

  1. Good photo. Sad situation. Made worse by federal disaster assistance. It will happen again worse than now and in the exact same region. Guaranteed.

    It’s inevitable. At least the affected homeowners should have to buy their own insurance and/or not be bailed out by the government.

    Lifesaving emergency services, yes. Funds from other Californians and Americans to rebuild in high-risk fire areas, no.

    Christoph (92b8f7)

  2. I wonder whether we couldn’t leave the moralizing until the fires are out? That comment isn’t directed at Christoph only; I’ve seen a lot of that over the past few days.

    Patterico (bad89b)

  3. That’s smoke from the fires, right? What an incredible picture.

    DRJ (fb1a22)

  4. Those must be some of the most powerfull outflow winds ever. You can see the smoke and dust plumes all the way down the Baja Penisula. As a professional wildland fire fighter, I can assure you that the fires occurring in Southern California right now are under the worst possible weather conditions. Kudos to the state and the Californians for their orderly evacuations and minimal loss of life.

    bobonthebellbuoy (d27fd9)

  5. Unbelievable.

    It looks like there are some smaller fires in Baja as well.

    I agree with bb#4, kudos to the fire fighters and emergency services folks.

    itsme (811939)

  6. “Kudos to the state and the Californians for their orderly evacuations and minimal loss of life.”

    Hear, hear.

    Christoph (92b8f7)

  7. Damn. Rough situation, here’s hoping everyone makes it out alive. I’m in Portland; too bad I can’t ship some of this endless rain down there.

    Russell (cf89ed)

  8. Some people are complain now about President Bush coming out to visit the scene (damned if you do and damned if you don’t)

    Well lets see what Hillary is doing.hillary fiddles while California burns

    But some of the political elite here in town were oblivious to the situation. They were down the hill in Brentwood hanging out with Hillary Clinton and funneling cash towards her campaign like she was a busboy from Chinatown. According to a report from ABC News, director Rob Reiner (yes that is ‘Meathead’ from All in the Family’ sang to Senator Clinton “Happy Birthday Mrs. President.” I’m guessing that Marilyn Monroe is spinning in her grave right now.

    Jamie Lee Curtis and Magic Johnson arrived in time for cocktails and hour dourves, Eloise Harper reports. She writes, “Despite the massive fires miles away in Malibu, celebrities like Ted Danson, Bridget Moynahan and Chelsea Handler made the trip to the famous director’s house to catch the Senator from New York. Guests were greeted by men dressed in head to toe white, with lavender bow ties saying with “Welcome to the Reiner’s,” as they shuffled up and down the street parking Bentley’s, Porsche’s, and BMW’s.


    Hillary is no Bill Clinton. He would have made an appearance in Malibu and cried on cue at the disaster.

    daytrader (ea6549)

  9. Latest figures per LA Times:

    420,424 acres burned
    1,155 homes destroyed
    881,500 people evacuated


    itsme (811939)

  10. Way to lay off the moralizing, day.

    No doubt if she had visited a fire line, she would have been “playing politics.”

    PV = nRT is science, not politics.

    Not much you can say about nature’s law.

    alphie (99bc18)

  11. I don’t see why it’s necessary to hold back “moralizing” until after some undefined period of time. The current situation is one where the federal government steals my money to help rich Californians rebuild their homes however many times as necessary because they decide to build them or move to areas where you really shouldn’t have such a high concentration of homes thanks to the risk of wildfires. Why should I be forced to subsidize their stupid choice of a place to live?

    Is that moralizing? Yes, because my money is getting stolen from me for the benefit of these people. Theft is wrong… except, I guess, when the fires “aren’t even out yet.”

    chaos (2a6b46)

  12. I am glad we’re getting visits from the governor, the president, whoever is in a position to help. There should be no partisanship in dealing with disaster, and there is none among San Diegans. It is one of the few good things in this tragedy. Praise be to Patterico for setting the correct tone.

    Just over a mile from where I live, 20,000 evacuees are staying at Qualcomm Stadium. Hard to believe, except when you look up at the sky and see (and smell) the smoke.

    This Washington Post story captures the spirit of San Diego well.

    Bradley J. Fikes (1c6fc4)

  13. Why should I be forced to subsidize their stupid choice of a place to live?

    Is that moralizing? Yes, because my money is getting stolen from me for the benefit of these people. Theft is wrong… except, I guess, when the fires “aren’t even out yet.”

    Chaos, would this same argument apply to those who wish (and complain) to re-build below sea level in N.O.?

    Meanwhile Harry Reid’s blaming the whole thing on global warming, and Boxer thinks the fires would be out with our national guard returned from Iraq. I would submit the Boxer has had pleanty of warnings about these impending disasters.This is our democratic leadership?

    excerpted and linked here:

    Rovin (7f64b8)

  14. Yesterday, California Attorney General Jerry Brown sued the EPA to allow Brown to outlaw cars which emit too much global warming CO2 gas.

    The amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere from these wildfires can be offset by how much time living under Jerry Brown’s new rules?

    A) one hour
    B) one day
    C) one month
    D) one year
    E) ten years

    I’ll have the answer tomorrow.

    Wesson (fd354d)

  15. Patterico’s house has many rooms, chaos. Just go to this thread.

    nk (da3e6b)

  16. Chaos, would this same argument apply to those who wish (and complain) to re-build below sea level in N.O.?

    If they can do it solely with state and local taxes, no. Same thing in California. If Californians and Louisianans don’t mind being fleeced in that manner, as a Pennsylvanian, it’s not my business. They can waste their taxes on whatever damn fool thing they please.

    Federal tax money is a different issue. They can’t, or shouldn’t, be able to waste my taxes on whatever damn fool thing they please.

    chaos (9c54c6)

  17. The question of where to build safely in southern California is not easily answered.

    As far as taxes go, California is a net exporter of federal taxes — it gets back less than what it puts in.

    Steverino (e00589)

  18. Shows what happens when enviromentalists wackos are allowed to use their rediclous lawsuits to halt good land management lets put them on these fires like start with all those tree huggers and hollywood eco-wackos

    krazy kagu (a6e311)

  19. Poor ALF his heroes are bailing out of sanity

    Harry Reid is blaming Global Warming

    Randi Rhodes is blaming BlackWater

    Mike Malloy is blaming The Bush Crime Family

    daytrader (ea6549)

  20. chaos #16:

    Well, I see that PA has had its share of federally-declared disasters.


    In fact, it looks like over $90 million in federal money went to the state during last year’s flooding:

    Oct. 2006 PA

    I hope I’m not subsidizing any stupid choices made by Pennsylvanians.

    Itsme (b1ce9f)

  21. Steverino’s comment on 10/24 hits the nail on the head and Im surprised no one else has thought of commenting on it. California, along with other states like New York, are net exporters of federal taxes. This has been true for years. State like Texas are net importers. No wonder the Texas economy is doing better than California !! We’re helping to pay for it. So if California sub prime real estate gets some kind of bailout, great. Its our money anyway finally coming back to us.

    peter wolf (a943ed)

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