Patterico's Pontifications


Trump: Guantánamo Bay to House Criminal Aliens

Filed under: General — Dana @ 1:25 pm

[guest post by Dana]

President Trump signs one more executive order:

President Trump said he is signing an executive order on Wednesday to prepare a massive facility at Guantánamo Bay to be used to house deported migrants.

The order will direct the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security to prepare a 30,000-person migrant facility at Guantánamo Bay. . .

“We have 30,000 beds in Guantánamo to detain the worst criminal illegal aliens threatening the American people,” Trump said during an event to sign the Laken Riley Act into law, stiffening the nation’s immigration laws.

“Some of them are so bad we don’t even trust the countries to hold them because we don’t want them coming back, so we’re going to send them out to Guantánamo,” Trump added. “This will double our capacity immediately. And tough, it’s a tough place to get out of.”

Unfortunately, this administration really doesn’t seem to differentiate between actual criminal aliens who commit violent crimes and alien families who have settled here, pay taxes, own homes, and simply live their lives. The fear is that they will treat both groups the same, thus the latter group could possibly be sent to Guantánamo Bay along with violent criminals.

47 Responses to “Trump: Guantánamo Bay to House Criminal Aliens”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (d764d6)

  2. @Dana

    Unfortunately, this administration really doesn’t seem to differentiate between actual criminal aliens who commit violent crimes and alien families who have settled here, pay taxes, own homes, and simply live their lives.

    What makes you say that?

    Presumably, these are illegal aliens already convicted, and is in custody.

    whembly (b7cc46)

  3. These are definitely NOT concentration camps guys. Before any of you wackos start suggesting such things.

    Nate (cfb326)

  4. Since Biden cleared it out it’s a good use of it and a way to dissuade future criminals.

    NJRob (bb9d53)

  5. Whembly, I’ve been reading that schools have been visited by ICE. Additionally, I saw video of a family being escorted out of their home by agents. Children included. One can reasonably assume that the children, at least, are not violent criminals.

    Dana (982b85)

  6. Whembly, I’ve been reading that schools have been visited by ICE.

    Do you have a link?

    Not all people with final deportation orders are hardened criminals. But deporting them is not only legal, it’s the Law.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  7. @5

    Whembly, I’ve been reading that schools have been visited by ICE. Additionally, I saw video of a family being escorted out of their home by agents. Children included. One can reasonably assume that the children, at least, are not violent criminals.

    Dana (982b85) — 1/29/2025 @ 2:10 pm

    One can reasonably assume that those children parents are here illegally, and in the interest to NOT splitting up the family, the whole family should be deported.

    whembly (b7cc46)

  8. All sides are conflating all they can. “Truth” was an early deportee.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  9. One can reasonably assume that those children parents are here illegally, and in the interest to NOT splitting up the family, the whole family should be deported.

    If the children were born here, there should be fostering or adoption options.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  10. Presumably, these are illegal aliens already convicted, and is in custody.

    whembly (b7cc46) — 1/29/2025 @ 1:32 pm

    ICE has been conducting workplace raids across the country, and arresting any aliens they come across. They aren’t necessarily criminal aliens; Holman has said ICE will arrest any non-criminal aliens they come across. Just because criminal aliens are a priority doesn’t mean the “law-abiding” aliens should get a break.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  11. Presumably, these are illegal aliens already convicted, and is in custody.

    whembly (b7cc46) — 1/29/2025 @ 1:32 pm

    U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said it arrested 956 people on Sunday. But an NBC News report found immigration authorities had close to 1,200 arrests that day and just 613, or nearly 52%, were considered “criminal arrests.”

    The rest appeared to be nonviolent offenders or people who have not committed any criminal offense other than crossing the border illegally. Being undocumented is considered a civil offense, not a crime.


    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  12. @10 Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 1/29/2025 @ 2:49 pm
    I agree… they ALL should be repatriated back home.

    whembly (b7cc46)

  13. Improper Entry Is a Crime

    To be clear, the most common crime associated with illegal immigration is likely improper entry. Under federal criminal law, it is misdemeanor for an alien (i.e., a non-citizen) to:

    Enter or attempt to enter the United States at any time or place other than designated by immigration officers;
    Elude examination or inspection by immigration officers; or
    Attempt to enter or obtain entry to the United States by willfully concealing, falsifying, or misrepresenting material facts.
    The punishment under this federal law is no more than six months of incarceration and up to $250 in civil penalties for each illegal entry. These acts of improper entry — including the mythic “border jumping” — are criminal acts associated with illegally immigrating to the United States.

    Like all other criminal charges in the United States, improper entry must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to convict.

    Unlawful Presence Is Not a Crime

    Some may assume that all immigrants who are in the United States without legal status must have committed improper entry. This simply isn’t the case. Many foreign nationals legally enter the country on a valid work or travel visa, but fail to exit before their visa expires for a variety of reasons.

    But mere unlawful presence in the country is not a crime. It is a violation of federal immigration law to remain in the country without legal authorization, but this violation is punishable by civil penalties, not criminal. Chief among these civil penalties is deportation or removal, where an unlawful resident may be detained and removed from the country. Unlawful presence can also have negative consequences for a resident who may seek to gain re-entry into the United States, or permanent residency

    I have no idea what exact information NBC is using for their report. I will make an assumption. Because of “catch and release,” so many of the illegal aliens have already been cited for the crime of “improper entry.” Maybe there is a substantial amount of the non-violent criminals that are criminals nonetheless and already known to law enforcement by signing Biden’s guest book at the Open Border Invitational.

    BuDuh (64098f)

  14. However, “Any person who, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation” is a criminal.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  15. It would be terrible if they escaped into Cuba.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  16. However, “Any person who, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation” is a criminal.

    Looking forward to the raids on left-wing seminaries and churches.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  17. Fair point about keeping the criminals at Guantanamo, Dana, and as long as all are treated humanely.

    Paul Montagu (3fa619)

  18. @Kevin@6 We’ve had ICE at a couple of our elementary schools. They haven’t taken any kids off campus at this point and seem mostly so far to be trying to figure out what kind of info we collect (probably nothing very useful to them).

    Nic (120c94)

  19. It will never happen, but PRESIDENT TRUMP SIGNED AN EXECUTIVE ORDER which was VERY SUCCESSFUL and we got more illegal aliens out of America than any other President in history.

    nk (82e888)

  20. Looking forward to the raids on left-wing seminaries and churches.

    There is an exception in 8 USC 1324

    C) It is not a violation of clauses [1] (ii) or (iii) of subparagraph (A), or of clause (iv) of subparagraph (A) except where a person encourages or induces an alien to come to or enter the United States, for a religious denomination having a bona fide nonprofit, religious organization in the United States, or the agents or officers of such denomination or organization, to encourage, invite, call, allow, or enable an alien who is present in the United States to perform the vocation of a minister or missionary for the denomination or organization in the United States as a volunteer who is not compensated as an employee, notwithstanding the provision of room, board, travel, medical assistance, and other basic living expenses, provided the minister or missionary has been a member of the denomination for at least one year.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  21. “The fear is that they will treat both groups the same, thus the latter group could possibly be sent to Guantánamo Bay along with violent criminals.”

    Clearly. the fear is that our immigration laws will be enforced.

    If a non-criminal alien family gets sent to Gitmo, that would be a story. Until then, I guess we’ll just have to manufacture the story.

    lloyd (eb6264)

  22. The fear is that hardworking people with families they are taking care of will, as a result of a *civil infraction*, be treated the same way that rapists, murderers, and carjackers are.

    I’m aware that what I fear is what you want.

    aphrael (dbf41f)

  23. Too bad this administration is going after Tren de Aragua instead of J6ers, right aphrael?

    If fear prevents migrants from sending their kids alone to be tossed over the fence with only a note pinned to them, or sending their kids to be trafficked by a “family member” who is a complete stranger, or to be raped en route, or raping and killing someone like Laken Riley after having committed a *civil infraction* with no consequences, that would be very unfortunate. Because it’s not about them, it’s about you.

    lloyd (eb6264)

  24. Will see how it plays out. We can always use gauntanamo to house trump and his minions. Maybe make a deal with cuba for the excess. I hope all this cutting and freezing chaos didn’t contribute to plain crash.

    asset (6657e0)

  25. Anyone know if team USA figure skaters and coaches were on plane?

    asset (6657e0)

  26. Focusing on people like Tren de Aragua is one thing, but what I’m concerned about us stories like

    People like that don’t deserve the cruelty inflicted on them, and their kids certainly don’t.

    The claim that it’s about people like Lake Riley is a plausible lie used to conceal that it’s really about people like the guy in Lubbock.

    I’m aware that this is what you want.

    aphrael (dbf41f)

  27. @26 Japanese saying cut flesh to cut meat. The corporate establishment leadership in the democrat party is being discredited and telling the enraged base of the party are donor class say we can only whine as we act like liberal punching bags! 2016 anger brought us 2018 and the rise of AOC and the squad. 2026 is coming soon and the primarying corporate establishment stooges will begin. Gavin Newsom is the next hillary clinton. Jimmy Kimmel did a joke video of him tonight. Direct Action by any means necessary! (Malcolm X) strikes terror in the donor class and their media running dogs. When the raids on elementary schools begin asking democrat politicians what are you going to do to stop it terrifies democrat governors.

    asset (6657e0)

  28. Aphrael, you seem to be implying that Lloyd is a racist. Am I reading you correctly?

    Time123 (66914d)

  29. Athens illegal aliens driving without a license and by definition insurance. What could possibly go wrong?

    NJRob (bb9d53)

  30. As U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents led Sai Pavuluri out of his Northwest Side home in handcuffs, he turned to look at the camera crew recording his arrest.

    He wore shorts and a T-shirt. His face offered no discernible expression.[Emphasis mine. If you have seen Jon Stewart talk about Dr. Phil and young, buff immigrants, you’ll get it.]

    Several feet away, Dr. Phil McGraw — a TV talk show host who, along with his camera crew, was embedded with Homeland Security agents as they launched an immigration blitz in the Chicago area on Sunday — opined on the arrest in keeping with his role of de facto spokesman for the operation.

    This is Trump we’re talking about, folks. It’s all entertainment value. In the same class as Marjorie Taylor-Greene holding up enlargements of Hunter Biden having sex with prostitutes.

    Immigration porn. It’s what Trump fans like; it’s what Trump gives them.

    nk (82e888)

  31. @28

    Aphrael, you seem to be implying that Lloyd is a racist. Am I reading you correctly?

    Time123 (66914d) — 1/30/2025 @ 4:05 am

    Par for the course Time…

    He doesn’t believe non-criminal illegals (an oxymoron) shouldn’t be repatriated.

    whembly (b7cc46)

  32. From Aphrael’s terrifying link:

    the agents returned with Jose Alvaro and told him that he’ll have two hearings and a court date for his removal proceedings, the next in Dallas.

    How did the Feds use discretion? I thought they were going to cuff Jose to the nearest rapist and lock him up in Cuba??

    Of course the reality is that what happened to Jose was part of the risk he has been taking for years by driving illegally with faulty equipment. Law enforcements cooperation with ICE never went extinct despite Biden trying his best.

    It would be interesting to hear more about his quest for a green card, but, according to the story, his lawyer doesn’t want to talk about that. She “declined to say how Jose Alvaro entered the country for fear that it may hurt his deportation case.”

    Hopefully no one was lying to the court.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  33. The claim that it’s about people like Lake Riley is a plausible lie used to conceal that it’s really about people like the guy in Lubbock.

    I’m aware that this is what you want.

    aphrael (dbf41f) — 1/30/2025 @ 1:11 am

    GFY. What happens to American citizens who drive without a license? What happens to American citizens who traffic their kids?

    You want exceptions carved out for migrants, and smear anyone who doesn’t go along.

    Jose Ibarra, the murderer of Laken Riley, was a Tren de Aragua gang member. He was arrested in New York “with acting in a manner to injure a child less than 17 and a motor vehicle license violation.”

    He was let go and treated special, just like you wanted:

    Ibarra ended up in Athens courtesy of a taxpayer-funded flight provided by the administration, traveling from Kennedy Airport in Queens to Atlanta, Ga., in September 2023, New York City sources said.

    The flight — which took place less than six months before he hunted Riley down as she jogged — was paid for out of federal funds under a Biden administration program that provided one-way flights for migrants to anywhere in the world.

    lloyd (eb6264)

  34. I have cspan up on my iPad…

    Struggling to split my time to watch the Kash or Gabbard hear…


    whembly (b7cc46)

  35. Time123 can’t focus past the ad hominem.

    lloyd (eb6264)

  36. Dick Durbin is pontificating…

    : making gross hand gestures :

    whembly (b7cc46)

  37. LOL!

    Thom Tillis has a K$H bingo card!

    whembly (b7cc46)

  38. Democrats are clowning themselves…

    Switching to JVW’s Sweet Aloha’s™ confirmation…

    whembly (b7cc46)

  39. Sheesh… Democrats aren’t any better there.

    Tulsi is holding up well.

    Back to Patel’s…

    whembly (b7cc46)

  40. Looking forward to the raids on left-wing seminaries and churches.

    There is an exception in 8 USC 1324
    Kevin M (a9545f) — 1/29/2025 @ 6:43 pm

    It doesn’t exempt seminaries or churches that are harboring illegal aliens for the purpose of preventing their deportation.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  41. >What happens to American citizens who drive without a license? What happens to American citizens who traffic their kids?

    Whatever legal penalties they face, they are not treated the same as murderers, rapists, and arsonists.

    >You want exceptions carved out for migrants, and smear anyone who doesn’t go along.

    No. I want them treated like anyone else.

    *You* want them singled out for special treatment, where all illegal immigrants are treated like murderers, rapists, and arsonists.

    >He was arrested in New York “with acting in a manner to injure a child less than 17 and a motor vehicle license violation.”

    Any American citizen arrested on those charges would be let out on bail or, quite likely, simply *fined* and not subject to criminal prosecution.

    Your contention is that he should be treated differently because we just *know* he’s a bad person, without actually going through any sort of legal process to *determine* that he’s worthy of different treatment.

    aphrael (dbf41f)

  42. @41 “Whatever legal penalties they face, they are not treated the same as murderers, rapists, and arsonists.”

    Nor was the illegal migrant in your linked article. You haven’t provided a single example of an alien being treated like a murderer. rapist or arsonist who wasn’t actually a murderer, rapist or arsonist.

    Your contention is that he should be treated differently because we just *know* he’s a bad person, without actually going through any sort of legal process to *determine* that he’s worthy of different treatment.
    aphrael (dbf41f) — 1/30/2025 @ 11:13 am

    Ibarra was a Tren de Aragua gang member. He was a bad person, but was shielded from law enforcement (ICE) and given a free flight to anywhere. This is not how a U.S. citizen is treated. Had he been handed over to law enforcement, it could’ve been determined how bad he was. That’s not what you want. Rule of Law is not what you want.

    lloyd (77510e)

  43. Trump heard that a Blackhawk was involved so he immediately assumed DEI.

    Davethulhu (14e9e4)

  44. ugh wrong thread oh well

    Davethulhu (14e9e4)

  45. What happens to American citizens who drive without a license? What happens to American citizens who traffic their kids?

    aphrael: Whatever legal penalties they face, they are not treated the same as murderers, rapists, and arsonists.
    Parents who traffic their kids should be at the least treated as we would rapists.

    Every once in a while a driver with no license, no insurance- multiple instances of ignoring the laws (think Sovereign citizens), every once in a while they get thrown in jail until they pay all their fines, but the County jail screws up and puts them into the wrong pod

    steveg (25c199)

  46. I think US citizen minor children of criminal illegal aliens should be placed in the custody of the parents and be removed as a family unit

    steveg (25c199)

  47. “I think US citizen minor children of criminal illegal aliens should be placed in the custody of the parents and be removed as a family unit”

    An obvious exception would be illegal alien parents whose crimes include trafficking their children. The state has a responsibility to protect its minor citizens from endangering parents, but in most cases I’d lean towards maintaining the family unit intact

    steveg (25c199)

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