Patterico's Pontifications


Racist Material Used at Trump N.Y.C. Rally Not Red Flagged

Filed under: General — Dana @ 2:28 pm

[guest post by Dana]

What I learned from the Trump rally at Madison Square Garden last night is: not only is it okay to be a racist, which we already knew about Trump and friends, but it’s also okay to say the quiet part out loud. Anytime, anywhere. Because if calling Kamala Harris a “cunt” was red flagged and removed from the “comedian’s” set, then we can assume that everything else that was said, no matter how racist, had been approved:

“He had a joke calling [Vice President Kamala] Harris a ‘cunt,’” a campaign insider involved in the discussions about the event told The Bulwark. “Let’s say it was a red flag.”

A sample of some of the “jokes” made last night:

And we’re right there by a wide open border. Where are my proud Latinos at tonight? You guys see what I mean? It’s wide open. There’s so many of them! Absolutely incredible.Believe it or not, people. I welcome migrants to the United States of America with open arms. And my open arms. I mean, like this. (GESTURES FEARFULLY).It’s wild. These Latinos, they love making babies. Let’s know that they do. They do. There’s no pulling out. They cum inside. Just like they did to our country! HAHAHAHA!…. And, you know, there’s a lot going on. Like I don’t know if you guys know, this is. Literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. Yeah. I think it’s called Puerto Rico.

The Trump campaign has attempted to distance itself from the attacks on minorities, but given Trump’s own racist comments, the campaign trying to distance itself rings hollow:

Trump has said immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country” and called them “criminals” who will “cut your throat.”

Earlier this year, Trump repeated false claims about Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, eating the dogs and cats of the town’s residents.


77 Responses to “Racist Material Used at Trump N.Y.C. Rally Not Red Flagged”

  1. Vulgar and vile, that’s the Trump brand.

    Dana (a21193)

  2. There’s a reason why 2024 sounds a lot like 1939.

    America First vs America First

    America is for Americans, and only Americans vs America is for Americans only

    foreigners are poisoning the blood of our country vs immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country.

    I know, I know, they’re saying completely different things with the same words. Well, they’re saying kinda different things…well, they really are saying the same thing.


    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  3. I find this claim dubious…

    Those sources insisted that they did not spot the other objectionable lines in Hinchcliffe’s speech prior to him delivering it because they were ad-libbed.

    …that the c-word was submitted for the teleprompter but the racist material wasn’t.

    Paul Montagu (7d8750)

  4. That’s as good as it gets with MAGA, and they know it, and they know that the rest of the world knows it, so they might as well pull out all the stops even if it means that like the Gadarene Swine their stampede will lead them to drown in a lake

    nk (266101)

  5. Man, if only there were some records of a guy when he was actually in charge of the border when he was president and some illegals murdered, some people existed. Wait what you mean there are dozens and dozens of illegals that have murdered people when stupid Hitler was president. No, I’m shocked. I thought he was the guy that was supposed to have already fixed this with his hundreds of yards of wall and Belicose language, screaming, and crying like a little pansy.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (4ad656)

  6. Was the illegal in your story a “catch and release?”

    BuDuh (09752f)

  7. Do you f-ing homework.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  8. The answer is no. He wasn’t a “catch and release.” The killers of the girl you mock with your childish scribblings were.

    Did you ever come up with an answer as to why your online name is that of a Nazi, Klink?

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  9. Learn a thing, I know in your country you didn’t have anything but state TV, especially since 2010 when you were born. But give it a goog.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  10. Also, I notice that you never defend the actual words of your Führer. It’s only whatabout squirrel.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  11. The quality of the comments from the favored posters has definitely taken a hit since AJ’s departure.

    Good luck with the site.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  12. Again, you have an opportunity to comment on the subject, but play whatabout squirrel instead.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  13. Whats wrong with humor? Here is one 3 republican elected officials were on “thats incredible show” The first one was openly transexual. The second had never cheated on his income taxes and third had volunteered for combat in the vietnam war! Now thats incredible. Another joke. Why did the young republican cross the road? That was the side of the street the army enlistment office for Iraq was on!

    asset (7e0c4e)

  14. Klink, since there are no more rules here apparently, you are a vile bully who seems intent on destroying what is left of this place. Just for you (and only for you) I hope Trump wins.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  15. What are you talking about, you’ve been defending him with every fiber of your being. You were always a supporter of stupid Hitler, you even named him.

    You can’t both be his #1 fan and clutch your pearls when defending your leader.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  16. And we’re right there by a wide open border. Where are my proud Latinos at tonight? You guys see what I mean?

    Stupid suburban white guy. The proper locution for this is “Where my proud Latinos at tonight?” You drop the verb to sound authentically streetwise. Otherwise, you just go with the correct English of “Where are my proud Latinos tonight?”

    Why is it up to me to explain these things to people like this?

    JVW (ea76c4)

  17. I hope Trump wins.

    75 years ago, the Bund said the same thing about Hitler prime. The company you keep defines you.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  18. And you guys please just cut this out already. Go to bed, get a good night’s sleep, and come back tomorrow and promise to forsake all of this petty bullshit. Honestly, this comments section needs to be better than just commenters trying to push everyone else’s buttons.

    JVW (ea76c4)

  19. Be like me don’t attack other posters. lets inform and have humor.

    asset (7e0c4e)

  20. RE:

    BuDuh (09752f) — 10/28/2024 @ 3:28 pm

    Does anybody care to learn how Schicklgruber used the assassination, on 9 November 1938, of the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan, a 17-year-old German-born Polish Jew, in Paris, to start his Blitzkrieg against the Jews?

    Nazi words and Nazi tactics.

    nk (266101)

  21. Col., Klink, no wonder Gl Burkhalter was so mad at you all the time!

    The fixation of the primary writers here is a joke that fell flat made at a hours long convention.

    Our ICBMs are 50 years old; inflation still lurks; our deficit is unsustainable; we have a war in europe and one in process n the Middle east, and our border is open; foreign gangs take over apartment complexes (although for you discriminating types, its “only” a handful so far). The taxpayers are funding a bullet train in CA that was supposed to cost $10B but is now projected to be over $100B; NY pays $352 per night for housing migrants in hotels (with laundry service) while our homeless vets are ignored. and that is only the tip of the berg.

    Is the focus who will best remedy this mess? No: its a joke. Not one made by a candidate but by some rouge comedian. Oh and the insistence that a man who hands out french fries is a nazi and because he didn’t solve the world’s problems in 4 years while being harassed 24/7 he is somehow “worse” than someone who will happily make all these problems worse.

    Harcourt Fenton Mudd (010cf0)

  22. This is a joke:

    Since 1898, the United States and Spain have fought five wars for possession of the island of Puerto Rico. Spain has won all of them.

    This is not a joke except to terminally consanguineous lowlifes:

    And, you know, there’s a lot going on. Like I don’t know if you guys know, this is. Literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. Yeah. I think it’s called Puerto Rico.

    Sheesh! This piece of pig feces should sleep where Abraham Lincoln slept?

    nk (266101)

  23. HFM #22:

    A few things about your post:

    The fixation of the primary writers here is a joke that fell flat made at a hours long convention.

    The reason this is a thing is that it became a “fixation” of a large voting group who were deeply insulted. If there were not memories of Trump’s offhand treatment of Puerto Rico during his administration and reluctance to provide aid after a hurricane, the effect would not be so large. To me, this bad joke is one of many insults and to see this on creating viral disgust is a pleasent surprise.

    Is the focus who will best remedy this mess? No: its a joke

    I’m not sure you understand how corrosive this kind of “joke” can be. If you insult somebody and their people, they do not hear anything else you say, can’t bring themselves totry a meeting of minds with you on an equal basis. You demean someone (and it’s usually not the first time), they switch you off. So forget about getting anyone to help ypu with all those other problems you talk about. If you want society to move a certain way, you can’t just rely on your 45% tribe. You have to create a consensus among all groups, or else what you want really does not happen.

    Appalled (ba9e75)

  24. And you guys please just cut this out already.

    It’s not “you guys”, it’s Klink calling everyone a Nazi. Do something about it.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  25. Specifically, the Bund. They were/are the apologists for Hitler, prime/stupid.


    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  26. Kevin M —

    Klink’s thesis is that Trump’s folks are emulating the American First and Germn American Bund rallies in the pre-WWII past, and Trump supporters are staying quiet about it. It’s curious that Trump spews rhtoric (poisoning the blood, enemies within) that evokes Nazis. He didn’t do that in 2016 or 2020 — this is new.

    So, maybe Klink isn’t being nice about it. I could see that running Stalag 13 would be tough on his self-esteem. But if Trump is practicing reducem ad Hitlerium on himself, do we not have the duty to notice and question?

    Appalled (ba9e75)

  27. Correct, MAGA=Bund, as was defined, in detail.

    Again, again, again, again…The Bund never comments on what stupid Hitler says, only about those that point out that stupid Hitler is selling his own version of lebensraum. Saying he’d use the power of the state to silence, imprison, deport his detractors, the others.

    Bbbuuuttt it’s not Jews, blah, blah, flluuph. Replace Jew (Romani, gays, brown people…), with brown people, democrats….

    t***p=stupid Hitler

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  28. Bund?

    BuDuh (59d701)

  29. Bund

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  30. More Bund

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  31. “The love in that room, it was breathtaking. It was like a lovefest, an absolute lovefest, and it was my honor to be involved”

    “And I’ll tell you right now, nobody’s ever had love like that. That was love in the room, and it was love for our country.”

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)


    The commies will try gaslighting, but we know better.

    NJRob (b31871)

  33. The Bund, never address the Nazi in the room.

    Whatabout squirrel always and forever.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  34. My previous comment is stuck in moderation. You don’t need to release it if you done want, but please consider it.

    whembly (477db6)

  35. *don’t deserve.

    What is it going to take to get an edit button on this site? A subscription to something? I’d be game for that!

    whembly (477db6)

  36. There were 6 hours of “love in the room”.

    The Bund sees no problems, only people hearing the words and saying “huh, that sounds a lot like those folks 75 years ago” are a problem.

    We’re all hallucinating, only the Bund can hear the luuuvvv.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  37. My American countrymen, men and women, Changes of Government have occurred frequently in history, and in the history of our people. It is certain, however, that never was a change of Government attended with such far-reaching results as that eight years ago. At that time the situation of America was desperate. We were called upon to take over the leadership of the nation at a moment when it did not seem to develop towards a great rise. We were given power in circumstances of the greatest conceivable pressure, the pressure of the knowledge that, by itself, everything was lost, and that, in the eyes of the noblest minds, this represented a last attempt, while in the eyes of evil-wishers it should condemn the MAGA Movement to final failure. Unless the nation could be saved, by a miracle, the situation was bound to end in disaster.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  38. You may as well let happyfeet start posting again.

    BuDuh (59d701)

  39. “What about Hanuman, the monkey god?” Lester Leith asked.

    nk (bb1548)

  40. Trump derangement syndrome started in 2016. I don’t hate trump and he is not hitler. Their are better choices and I will vote for Jill Stein. We will all be just fine after the election. We on the real left will be busy taking over the democrat party if harris loses as the corporate establishment democrats will be discredited as in 2016. New squad members will get elected again over corporate donor class stooges. AOC and Bernie plays it smart as it will be hard to blame the left for defeat as they supported harris making it easier to take over the party as the sociopath in the white house self destructs. Never trump conservative will have to go live in a “political” homeless shelter or join the libertarian party dopers.

    asset (7b4d85)

  41. So, maybe Klink isn’t being nice about it.

    My wife is Jewish. Her parents lost family in Germany. Suggesting that ANYTHING that Trump does is, in any way, comparable, is deeply offensive to me. Suggesting that anyone who does not call Trump a Nazi is, themselves a Nazi, is worse.

    What he is, is a noisome assh0le who has less decency than Trump himself. There is no excuse for permitting him to continue here. It’s him, or me.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  42. My parents grew up under Nazi occupation. My grandfather’s brother and his two sons, the younger 16 years old, were executed by the Nazis on suspicion of being in the resistance.

    I do not consider Nazi victimhood my exclusive inheritance, or any kind of property interest at all that I possess for that matter.

    I do see the similarities of Trump and his Deplorables with the Nazis, in their words, in their tactics, in the history of their progenitors in America, and in their current affinities.

    nk (ed0e2c)

  43. Some in the Bund were Jewish, Some Nazi’s in Germany were too, verband nationaldeutscher Juden.

    If you don’t see the parallels, that’s a you problem, if your offended by people pointing out the parallels, that’s a you problem.

    stupid Hitler is a term you coined, btw.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  44. The contrast between Sunday’s Bund rally and tonight is stark.

    Normalcy vs Nazi.

    Nazi was a name for the party, and didn’t have the history that we see today, let’s not give this Bund the opportunity to create a future history that is looked on as in the same way.

    Vote for Harris, then by all means, oppose anything and everything. But, for the love of God, don’t vote for the fascist.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  45. I do see the similarities of Trump and his Deplorables with the Nazis, in their words, in their tactics, in the history of their progenitors in America, and in their current affinities.

    Like this?

    BuDuh (59d701)

  46. There’s a reason Klink chose the name. Goosestepper for life.

    NJRob (b31871)

  47. It’s hilarious when the Bund defends an event with 20k people had the chosen speakers and stupid Hitler saying things out loud from the lectern, with a grainy cell phone video. Hey, remember this?

    Always whatabout squirrel.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  48. The lack of actual comments on the words stupid Hitler says is telling. The Bund is always working to promote stupid Hitler.

    This is an entire thread of them avoiding the content and context.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  49. Normalcy vs Nazi.

    BuDuh (59d701)

  50. The guy with the siren, that’s funny.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  51. Hashtagging a self labeled Nazi to get famous, is a defense of them not being Nazi’s?

    Classic, I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  52. Hashtagging a self labeled Nazi

    Wanna go the extra step and say who the “self labeled Nazi” is?

    BuDuh (59d701)

  53. So you didn’t bother to look at the thing you linked to?


    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  54. It’s a typical Bund thing, a self-defeating argument.

    Also, still not addressing the topic of the thread, even once, even in passing.

    Whatabout squirrel.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  55. I did. The only hashtag I saw was for the same Jewish person that was called a kike at this pro-Nazi rally.

    BuDuh (59d701)

  56. Patterico’s has deteriorated into throwing “Nazi” against the wall.. over and over again.

    Absolutely crazy. I apologize for the grief I wrongly brought to this site. I had no idea where it would lead.

    Contrary opinions have consequences I guess.

    BuDuh (59d701)

  57. You provided the link.

    Also, when was the last time you had more than a one sentence troll?

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  58. IMO Kevin’s comments, especially his frequent false equivalences, can fairly be characterized as defending Trump. That doesn’t make him a Trump supporter. He did call for the guy to be executed. That’s strange support.

    More to the point for the moment, while blog thread insults of politicians and their surrogates aren’t necessarily uncivil, insults of other commenters are. I think Klink should cut it out.

    That said, IMO Kevin’s demands would have more standing had he ever objected to the torrent of “leftist”, “commie,” “moby” and other counterfactual insults leveled at NeverTrump commenters.

    lurker (c23034)

  59. How could I have possibly predicted that all of the Bund would be playing whatabout squirrel and not addressing the actual topic in this post.

    I kind of think that says it all. If the Bund wins the election, you know what we’re getting.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  60. That said, IMO Kevin’s demands would have more standing had he ever objected to the torrent of “leftist”, “commie,” “moby” and other counterfactual insults leveled at NeverTrump commenters.

    I have objected to calling people “commie”, just not after a while. At some point it’s just pointless to correct (although I would have objected had it been said about me).

    As for “leftist”, well, that’s a pretty broad term and it certainly does not imply any particular criminality other than maybe a disregard for the property of others. About as pejorative as calling someone a “Republican” would be.

    “Moby” is a claim that someone is pretending to be something they are not, in order to discredit the side they are pretending to. Of people here, Klink probably isn’t, at least not for that purpose. I have trouble believing he’s right-of-center, as he’s let the mask slip, but I don’t think he’s trying to impugn the side he argues for.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  61. But I draw the line at being called a Nazi. That is unforgivable.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  62. Bund, not a Nazi. The Bund just defended the Nazis. Kind of like the modern America First Foundation defends the KKK, well, and the Nazi’s. Wait, stupid Hitler sat down for dinner with the founder and was really impressed?

    Huh? Why would stupid Hitler be chatting with the modern Natcies? Nope, just a coincidence, hangin’ out with natcies, nbd.

    Defending and deflecting any notion that stupid Hitler is saying and doing these Nazi-ish things=Bund.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (0aaa41)

  63. Thank you Joe Biden for completely neutralizing this argument forever.

    SaveFarris (8940bf)

  64. Yeah, terrible that Biden said the garbage is…garbage. That took, 3 seconds.

    Now, do the 6 hours of the American Bund Party meeting at MSG. Or the 9 years of stupid Hitler’s racism and incivility.

    I’m sure one word from Biden totally outweighs those.

    Whatabout squirrel

    Still, zero comments about the actual topic of the post.

    BTW, it is Racist Material Used at Trump N.Y.C. Rally Not Red Flagged

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  65. Bund, not a Nazi.

    Defending some proposition of Trumps, is not the same as defending all of them, or any specific other position.

    People who support Trump have all kinds of reasons. Some are racist. Some love Putin. Some just don’t much care for a country where you need a college degree or a government job to succeed. Some don’t think the government should tilt the playing field away from the native born. Some aren’t thrilled by a government whose answer to these issue is “here’s some dole.”

    But if it’s all the same, then what about those who support Harris, or the Democrats in general?

    Walz says that “socialism” is just being neighborly (at gunpoint usually). If someone defends Harris, are they defending that? If they defend the Democrat Party, are they defending Bernie (who actually is a Communist*), or Warren (who just wants the State to run everything)?

    * Anyone who defends Castro’s Cuba, Chavez and Maduro’s Venezuela, and honeymoons in Brezhnev’s USSR is a Communist, even if they just say they really just want Denmark (for now).

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  66. There is so much propoganda coming out and each side seems intend on promoting their own and dissing the other sides’, when it is all lies right now. ALL OF IT. Calling those who challenge your side’s lies names like “Nazi” or “Communist” is just bound to drive the conversation in the gutter. I can go to DU or Instapundit if I want to find the gutter.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  67. *propaganda.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  68. stupid Hitler being Nazi curious, not a problem.

    Let’s dig inside this turd to find the kernel of potential. Ignoring that it’s in a pile of poo.

    stupid Hitler, still just a piece of hits.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  69. Bund, not a Nazi. The Bund just defended the Nazis.

    German American Bund rally, Hindenburg Park, Glendale CA, 1937. Seems pretty Nazi to me.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  70. 33% of the people running for president have called the GOP nominee Hitler.

    Guess which one?

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  71. If stupid Hitler thinks that having a smart uncle that went to MIT makes him smart, I guess he’d agree that having a bunch of his dads brothers and uncles were Nazi’s, makes him a Nazi.

    If genealogy is destiny, as Donald Trump believes, then “poison in the blood” – a phrase Trump repeatedly uses – determines the fate of nations. By Trump’s logic, “blood” is the true and final measure. Trump, like Hitler, appears to classify people and countries by “blood” on a scale of their innate racial characteristics. Those features define the essence of nations, which are themselves delineated on a racial pyramid, with the purest and whitest, the most Aryan, at the pinnacle. True to his doctrine, the Nazis on his family tree must explain his penchant for Hitlerian rhetoric.

    “Poison in the blood” was the core of Hitler’s race doctrine as well. Hitler, too, believed it explained the rise and fall of civilizations. “All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning,” stated Hitler. It is also Trump’s fundamental trope. “We’re poisoning the blood of our country, and you have people coming in, think of it, mental institutions all over the world are being emptied out into the United States,” he said on Fox News in March. “Jails and prisons are being emptied out into the United States. This is poisoning our country.”

    Just recently, on 31 August, addressing Moms For Liberty, a rightwing group devoted to book-banning, he raised again the menace of “poison in the blood”: “But what’s happening to our country, our country is being poisoned, poisoned!”

    At a rally on 18 September, Trump elaborated: “They’re coming from the Congo, they’re coming from Africa, they’re coming from the Middle East, they’re coming from all over the world – Asia! A lot of it coming from Asia … And what’s happening to our country is we’re just destroying the fabric of life in our country, and we’re not going to take it any longer, and you got to get rid of these people.”

    “Blut und Boden” – blood and soil – was adopted as an official slogan of the Nazi regime to express its ideal of the nation rooted in the authentic unity of Aryan blood. The community of its people – Volksgemeinschaft – comprised only those of shared ethnic blood. Aliens corrupting the blood, principally Jews, but also Slavs, Poles and Roma, were described as disease carriers and “vermin” – Volksshadlinge – and posed an existential threat. Only those people of the blood belonged to the Heimat, a concept the Nazis cast as the racially pure home, intrinsic to Blut und Boden.

    Jews were Heimatlos – a people separate from the Heimat, without a true home, wanderers, cosmopolitans and globalists, a menace to the sanctity of the culture and the identity of the nation. They were not simply outsiders, or the Other. They were a different species – subhumans, Untermenschen – and must be eradicated to preserve the blood of the race. “Although it has features similar to a human, the subhuman is lower on the spiritual and psychological scale than any animal,” instructed a pamphlet entitled Der Untermenschen, illustrated with distorted photographs of these lower beings to depict the “bestial” nature of the subhuman Jews and Slavs. Four million copies were published in 1942 under the direction of Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS.

    “In some cases, they’re not people, in my opinion,” Trump said this March. “But I’m not allowed to say that because the radical left says that’s a terrible thing to say. These are animals, OK, and we have to stop it.” When they are removed, it will be, says Trump, “a bloody story”

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  72. @70 jfk must have been a commie because he said those who make peaceful change impossible make violent revolution inevitable. Or maybe you think batista was a good capitalist helping the mafia develop cuba!

    asset (92c7e3)

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