Patterico's Pontifications


Trump Is Convincing No One With His Lies

Filed under: General — Dana @ 9:01 pm

[guest post by Dana]

A voter asked the former president why he should support him in the November election. This was the best the former president could come up with:

Given that this was a golden opportunity for Trump to vigorously explain why he is worth the man’s vote, do you think he was successful in his efforts? Do you think the man was convinced by Trump’s half-truths and flat-out lies as he avoided answering the specific questions he was asked??

If you do, please explain the “how” and “why” of your view.

Oh, and about that “day of love” Trump blathered about, consider reality:


59 Responses to “Trump Is Convincing No One With His Lies”

  1. I think we need to see Trump himself in action. IMHO, everytime he opens his mouth, he provides yet more reasons why *not* to vote for him.

    Dana (cbd25e)

  2. More importantly, Dana, we need to hear Trump’s answers in their entirety. No more sane-washing and no more selective editing.

    Paul Montagu (a28670)

  3. @2 Paul, did CBS provide the full Kamala transcript yet?

    lloyd (137446)

  4. Why hasn’t Harris closed the deal then?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  5. I am voting for Jill Stein to punish democrat party. ;but I can give you the why he gets votes. He hates the same people they hate and they mostly agree with his populism. Its that simple.

    asset (fd8f37)

  6. You had hundreds of thousands of people come to Washington. They didn’t come because of me, they came because of the election, so Some of those people went down to the Capitol — I said, ‘peacefully and patriotically.’ Nothing done wrong. At all. Nothing done wrong.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  7. They coulnd’t get me because of the fact that I said, ‘peacefully and patriotically.’

    Acoustics-Mike (9e40f1)

  8. He hates the same people they hate

    That is absolutely correct, asset.

    and they mostly agree with his populism.

    I would say he makes them comfortable in their multi-generational existence as the Third World in the heart of America. They like the Juju of 21st century technology but their ethos is still sod shanties and linsey-woolsey.

    nk (bf0c98)

  9. How can Trump supporters accept that as an answer? Also, why hasn’t this question been asked at each and every rally from the moment Trump announced that he was running? If advisers who worked with Trump on a day-to-day basis consider him dangerous, a threat to national security, and a fascist, then how can that NOT matter?

    I’m sorry, but simply saying this is “baked in” is the biggest dodge of responsibility. There’s something wrong with a voter’s ethics and reasoning if they don’t care that a President could have ended a riot with a single tweet and instead chose to watch the violence….not even checking in on the security of his Vice President or coordinating with his national security folks. It’s staggeringly incompetent and any voter who declares “who cares” should explain this. Unfortunately, the answer might amount to: the right people were being chased and made to fear for their lives. Is this who we are?

    Another example of ridiculous was last night’s Anderson Cooper interview of former Lt Gov Maldonado. His explanation for why voters should not be swayed by the views of men like Milley, Kelly, Mattis, and McMaster is a historic fail. It’s embarrassing and I almost wished CNN could have cut to commercial to save him. But this is where we are at because of “baked in”….we are allowing bumbling responses to a fundamental question of fitness. Right-wing media has created this permission structure by flooding the zone with misinformation and distractions. We will fail as a country if this is how we self govern….

    AJ_Liberty (7ba468)

  10. The link to the Maldonado interview had a bad word in it so it got flagged…the word was appropriate

    AJ_Liberty (7ba468)

  11. With the basis that the post immediately prior to this was about misinformation, it seems imperative to stipulate the following:

    A. The questioner is not a “Republican no longer registered”. He is a Kamala activist play-acting as a Republican.

    B. As has been documented by multiple outlets, Trump “responded” to 1/6 by asking for National Guard assistance prior to the event and was rejected by Nancy Pelosi.

    C. More people died of Covid under Biden/Harris’s watch (in a shorter timeframe) than died under Trump.

    With the questioner’s entire premise of the question based on misinformation, seems Trump answered the question correctly.

    SaveFarris (79ab12)

  12. Hmmm, does SaveFarris @12 merit a reply or does he not? Does he genuinely believe what he wrote or is it just a means of generating some outrage? He can’t actually believe that Trump bore no ethical responsibility for calling off the riot on J6, can he?

    It brings me to a more fundamental quandary. I always found it curious who Eric Erickson chose to reply to when he was active at RedState. It was usually the most trollish character and he might intervene in the most outlandish fashion. It seemed counter to the maxim: don’t feed the troll. I know, I know, it’s irresistible. It’s low-hanging fruit. There is a compulsion to correct misinformation, even if it’s clearly bait. But is it good for the soul?

    Nothing I write will persuade dear SaveFarris…ever. It won’t compel introspection or a drive him to consider better facts. It’s more about a weird performance art. I mean why would the Trump questioner’s party affiliation even matter? Many still-hoping-the-GOP-resets Republicans have wanted these questions answered for years. Was it unfair or irresponsible for Trump to be posed why he waited so long to call for the J6 mob to cease? But I suppose this is canon for being included in the club. If doubts would in fact spread, then that will imply something untoward about MAGA and its bubble. It’s like questioning papal infallibility: a slippery slope that leads only to more uncomfortable questions.

    SaveFarris and whembly will do everything to avoid saying, yeah, he F’d up. There’s no excuse. We were lucky that more people didn’t die or that the country was not spun off into an even more chaotic direction. This should have been disqualifying and it’s embarrassing that Republican leaders and media didn’t make Trump persona non grata. We’re stuck and we desperately need change. But any inner conflict is excised by a good Andy McCarthy apologia, Hannity pep talk, or Tucker sermon. The reality is that it’s not Nikki Haley’s or Mitt Romney’s fault despite Dustin’s obsession. People live vicariously through Trump. They want to be Trump. It’s who they are now…Cult? It sure is not normal….

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  13. Funny how MAGAs question the questioner and not the answerer’s lying answer.

    As has been documented by multiple outlets, Trump “responded” to 1/6 by asking for National Guard assistance prior to the event and was rejected by Nancy Pelosi.


    Trump: 450k Covid deaths in 11 months
    Biden: 770k Covid deaths over 40 months
    In the early months, there was a race between vaccinations and the Delta variant, and Delta won, no thanks to the RFK Jrs. of the world and the right-wing anti-vaxxers.

    Paul Montagu (a28670)

  14. Does he genuinely believe what he wrote or is it just a means of generating some outrage?

    What a fantastic segue!

    Are you now ready to shed some light on what “not a prophecy guy” means?

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  15. @12

    SaveFarris and whembly will do everything to avoid saying, yeah, he F’d up.

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3) — 10/17/2024 @ 6:53 am

    F’d up what exactly?

    I wanna know what ‘F up’ you’re talking about.

    whembly (477db6)

  16. @2 Paul, did CBS provide the full Kamala transcript yet?

    Why ask a question you already know the answer, lloyd, if not to be a troll?

    Paul Montagu (a28670)

  17. @16 I don’t know the answer, Paul. Haven’t stayed on top of sane-washing, like you. Since you didn’t mention it, I guess they finally released it. Thanks.

    lloyd (8c0dee)

  18. I don’t believe you, lloyd, and you’re a documented liar.
    A simple Google search would’ve given you an answer, so you didn’t have to ask me, if not to be a troll.

    BTW, here’s Bret Baier interviewing a presidential candidate with way fewer interruptions, and here’s another.

    Last night, Kamala was on shaky ground on the immigration and Iran questions, and her best moment was calling out FoxNews on Trump’s fascist “enemy from within” comments. I think the interrupting helped Kamala and hurt Baier.
    Overall, I don’t believe it hurt Kamala to appear, and it’ll put pressure on Trump to talk more, which will hurt him, because more Americans will see his insanity and dementia.

    Paul Montagu (a28670)

  19. Trump just says what he believes, and the MAGAts then try to walk back what he said, then he quintuples down.

    There’s the they, and the we, and he has told you many times who the we is, but again yesterday

    There were no guns down there, the others had guns, we didn’t have guns, and when I say “we” these were people that walked down, this was a tiny percentage of the overall which nobody sees, nobody shows but But that was a DAY OF LOVE from the standpoint of the millions, it’s like HUnDReDs of Thousands could have been the largest group I’ve ever spoken before.

    They asked me to speak, I went and I spoke and I used the term peacefully and patriotically. If you look at the Democrats, what they say, you look at Maxine Waters, if you look at Hilary Clinton, if you look at what they say and they don’t put that on, they only put Republicans up. But they couldn’t get me because of the fact that I said everything’s got to be peaceful and patriotic. And we’ll see how it all works out an I think that we’re gonna, we’re right now in another election. We want, all I want is honest elections. I’m willing to take any chance I want honest elections.”

    Well, they did have guns, but baseball bats, 2x4s, nah that’s fine. The “others” are police, so those police are they, which police are the good ones?

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  20. Also, “Linda McMahon did a great job during Covid at the Small…Business…Association, you’ve heard of it”

    Ahem, McMahon left the Trump administration in 2019. Sure, he’s referring to what she was doing during Covid

    A small project in the back yard
    A business review of the WWE
    Formed an association with her neighbors

    I’m sure that’s what he meant.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  21. There were rioters with firearms on J6. Trump was channeling Tucker.

    Paul Montagu (a28670)

  22. In the early months, there was a race between vaccinations and the Delta variant, and Delta won, no thanks to the RFK Jrs. of the world and the right-wing anti-vaxxers.

    You’re right, those anti-vaxxers really bare some responsibility.

    SaveFarris (79ab12)

  23. He can’t actually believe that Trump bore no ethical responsibility for calling off the riot on J6, can he?

    Any more than Obama did in calling off the Ferguson riots.
    Any more than Biden/Harris did calling off the Floyd riots. Or the Hamas riots this past summer.
    Any more than Hillary did the 1/20/17 riot in DC. (Bet you forgot about that one.)

    If Trump bears responsibility for his supporter’s actions … well, I’m not sure you want to play that game.

    SaveFarris (79ab12)

  24. SaveFarris (79ab12) — 10/17/2024 @ 8:18 am

    That was also fact-checked. Kamala said she wouldn’t take Trump’s word, but would listen to scientific experts, which is sensible given Trump’s established history of touting unproven drugs such as HCQ and Ivermectin. The question is, why would you take the word of a court-adjudicated fraud and liar?

    Paul Montagu (a28670)

  25. Did Obama bring the rioters in and speak at their inciting event?

    Did Harris bring the rioters in and speak at their inciting event?

    Did Clinton bring the rioters in and speak at their inciting event?

    How about this.

    Did Trump bear responsibility for starting the Gina Virus?

    Did Trump bear responsibility for Wilber Ernesto Martinez-Guzman?

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  26. A lot of people blaming others for their own colossal failures in life.

    An idiot: Why aren’t the democrats stopping me from making idiotic decisions?!

    Another idiot: More dummies like me died of covid during Biden’s administration because we chose to ignore Biden’s warning. Damn you Biden for making me so stupid that I’d eat horse de-wormer pills recommended by a bloated orange clown!

    Atomic Amish (da2cbb)

  27. If Trump bears no responsibility, then why did his staff, his children, and even Sean Hannity implore him to make a more impassioned statement to stop the violence and occupation? A plea from Hannity that included that Trump’s inaction could ruin his legacy. Violence intended to stop the certification for an election that he had no evidence of wide-spread fraud. Trump advocated for Pence to throw out electoral votes based on nothing more than Trump’s order. How does Ferguson earn any sort of comparison?

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  28. Any more than Biden/Harris did calling off the Floyd riots

    Also, you might want to look up who was president then.

    Hint…May 26, 2020

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  29. Of course, Harris and Biden did call for ending the Floyd riots.

    Not really a high bar, everyone else in govt did too.

    So asking why didn’t X ask for ending riots they didn’t start because Trump initiated a riot and storming of the capitol and he didn’t, seems kinda weird.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  30. This has to be the most upset I have ever seen Paul.

    BuDuh (216746)

  31. My guess is that Paul and George Will helped prepare Kamala for this question.

    BuDuh (216746)

  32. Any more than Obama did in calling off the Ferguson riots.
    Any more than Biden/Harris did calling off the Floyd riots. Or the Hamas riots this past summer.
    Any more than Hillary did the 1/20/17 riot in DC. (Bet you forgot about that one.)

    The world must have missed Obama, Biden/Harris, and Hillary issuing a call to arms, unlike Donald Trump:

    Donald J. Trump

    Peter Navarro releases 36-page report alleging election fraud ‘more than sufficient’ to swing victory to Trump A great report by Peter. Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!

    10:42 PM · Dec 18, 2020

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  33. Trump Is Convincing No One With His Lies

    Apparently he has convinced millions, including some here.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  34. I’ve added to the post.

    Dana (fda1f7)

  35. In our reality time flows in one direction, so when a thing happens then a time later a different thing happens, currently the second does cause the first.

    Unless MAGA modifies general relativity. Einstein’s special and general relativity, causality means that an effect cannot occur from a cause that is not in the back (past) light cone of that event. Similarly, a cause cannot have an effect outside its front (future) light cone.

    Definitely no one was hurt there, no video of it, nope, No video of any attackers at the capitol, it was all love. No memory of it at all, didn’t happen.

    Even if this guy was exaggerating his injuries, WHAT’S YOUR F-ING POINT.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  36. Post Millennial

    Bias Rating: RIGHT
    Factual Reporting: MIXED
    MBFC Credibility Rating: MEDIUM


    Paul Montagu (a28670)

  37. When asked about the effects of climate change…

    I always feel that with the climate and I have been a great, I have been an environmentalist, I built many things. I own Doral right next door, and we did that in a very environment — I got awards, environmental awards for the way I built it, for the water, the way I use the water, the sand, the mixing of the sand and the water.

    I hear a lot about climate and they talk about global warming — because they used to call it global warming, now they call it climate change because that covers everything — global warming. The real global warming that we have to worry about is nuclear. The water is coming up eighth of an inch over 300 years, the ocean is going to rise and you know — nobody knows if that’s true or not — but they’re worried about the ocean rising an eighth of an inch or a quarter of an inch in three hundred years. What I’m worried about is nuclear weapons tomorrow

    Couple mall problems. Trump didn’t build Doral, he bought it. Alfred Kaskel built it in 1962. Also, under Trump, his EPA said 10 – 12 inches in the next 30 years, in 270 (2300) it’s 12 to 18 feet. Generally, 2 feet will put Florida underwater during high tide.

    Still avoided the answer, he didn’t lie more than one or two times about the environment specifically, but he shifted to something else…and lied about that.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  38. The Chev Olds Are The Same Man DEMANDS ANSWERS!!

    Get bent, poser.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  39. Poor Zerohedge suckling Paul.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  40. The difference is acknowledged their credibility shortcomings up front. Poor troll, doesn’t get it.

    Paul Montagu (a28670)

  41. Oh bless your heart, we all send our love to you. I truly hope you can get better.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  42. Sadly, he’s convincing a huge percentage of the country with his lies.

    aphrael (9c2ac5)

  43. I also wouldn’t attempt to impugn Dana’s intellectual integrity, because she’s earned it, let alone with a sketchy right-wing MAGA source.

    Paul Montagu (a28670)

  44. MAGA=truth and integrity

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  45. But you would try to speak for her, Paul?

    I posted nothing that could be considered an attempt to impugn Dana in any way shape or form. It is real dirty of you to try and plant that seed. This is exactly what AJ is talking about when he compared “genuine belief” to just “generating outrage.” You are doing the latter because you lack anything cogent to say.

    The link you hate has a 7 min video that doesn’t portray an officer who is near death. I assume his “loved me to death” comment meant that he was near critical.

    The true insult to Dana is that you do not think she is capable of looking at what I have posted and having an fair and honest conversation.

    Dana and I don’t agree on quite a bit, but I have never, and will never, treat her poorly. You owe both of us an apology, Paul.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  46. You owe Dana an apology, troll.

    Paul Montagu (a28670)

  47. @18 “I don’t believe you, lloyd, and you’re a documented liar.”

    Paul, you can’t name one lie. Your lies about “bloodbath” and “they’re not human beings” are on the record here. I can dig up the comments. You have zilch squat to dig up on me. You know that, which means it’s another lie from you.

    The possibility that Trump might win is getting you upset. Rest easy. He’ll lose. This “red wave” will be just like the last one.

    lloyd (40061d)

  48. I called out your lie yesterday, lloyd.

    Paul Montagu (a28670)

  49. @18 “BTW, here’s Bret Baier interviewing a presidential candidate with way fewer interruptions, and here’s another.”

    She showed up 15 minutes late for the scheduled interview. That’s ok, she’s the future president. But to ding Baier for trying to fit in more than two questions in the remaining time is just dishonest and partisan. The other presidential candidate gave Baier plenty of time. From non-bubble media:

    The vice president’s team also tried to shorten the time allotted for the taped but unedited interview, the anchor said during an on-air conversation about their chat after it aired.
    Baier said members of Harris’ campaign waved their arms frantically as they pushed to wrap the interview.

    ‘We were supposed to start at 5 p.m., this was the time they gave,’ Baier explained of his interview with the Democratic presidential candidate.

    ‘Originally, we were going to do 25 or 30 minutes, they came in and said ‘maybe 20.’ So it was already getting whittled down.’

    ‘And then, the vice president showed up about 5:15 – we were pushing the envelope to be able to turn it around for the top of the 6 o’clock.’

    ‘So that’s how it started,’ he continued. ‘And I could tell when we started talking that she was going to be tough to, you know, redirect without me trying to interrupt.’

    lloyd (40061d)

  50. @49 I missed it then. I’m sure everyone knows what you’re talking about. Apparently it was so kick a$$ you aren’t interested in repeating it.

    lloyd (40061d)

  51. @48 “Your lies about “bloodbath” and “they’re not human beings” are on the record here.”

    Yeah those, and the Cybertruck Musk personally delivered to a Russian warlord. Forgot that one.

    lloyd (40061d)

  52. Oh look, Paul loves leftist sources.

    They consider “right leaning ” sources to be far right and mixed, but left leaning sources like CNN are considered moderate and “high credibility.”

    NJRob (3c44c3)

  53. Yes, among the MAGAs, facts have a leftist bias.

    Paul Montagu (a28670)

  54. “Sadly, he’s convincing a huge percentage of the country with his lies.”

    I think it’s baked in for a good number of them. They’ve already decided that lies don’t matter because of policy xyz or judicial appointments. Many of these people are content with Trump’s authoritarian instincts because they were not adversely affected by anything he did his first term. Ukraine is probably not in the top 3 things that they care about. Most will put securing the border above spending more in Ukraine if given a choice. People may not like the spectacle of J6 but ultimately they’ve decided that it didn’t affect them personally…and like the classified documents mess….it’s more bluster than anything. They like that he fights and aggravates the people that they don’t like.

    Anybody left undecided is debating whether going to vote is worth it either way. Trump will continue to lie because it gains him more than he loses. It’s a depressing morality….

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  55. Never change Birddog. Never change.

    NJRob (3c44c3)

  56. I won’t change, Rob, but maybe you should.
    It wasn’t CNN that paid hundreds of millions to a voting machine company for lying about them, and it wasn’t MSNBC that paid millions to the parents of Seth Rich for lying about their son.

    Paul Montagu (a28670)

  57. @9 I just explained it they are both populists and hate the same people. Why wont you except reality? The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

    asset (394a9e)

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