Patterico's Pontifications


Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Alito and Thomas

Filed under: General — Dana @ 8:13 pm

[guest post by Dana]

While the drama continues about whether President Biden will step down or press on in the presidential race, I thought I’d post about something not directly related to the presidential race.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez filed articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas today.

Regarding Justice Thomas, AOC argued:

“His conduct has caused a reasonable person to believe the gifts were offered and accepted in return for being influenced in the performance of an official act and from the same or different sources on a basis so frequent that a reasonable person would believe that he used his public office for his own private gain or for the private gain of his donors.”

Ocasio-Cortez contended that impeachment against Thomas was further warranted because he refused to recuse himself from election-related cases despite reports that his wife, Ginni, was involved in efforts by former President Donald Trump to overturn the results of the 2020 election. She argued that the justice had a legal obligation under federal law to step back from such litigation

Regarding Justice Alito, AOC pointed out that:

. . . the justice also declined to recuse himself from election-related cases after reports emerged that symbols of the “Stop the Steal” movement and Christian nationalism were displayed at two of his residences following the Capitol riot.

“Justice Samuel Alito, Jr., has engaged in a pattern of conduct that is incompatible with the trust and confidence placed in him as a justice of the Supreme Court,” the New York Democrat said, “by failing to disqualify himself from cases in which he had a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party.

Seeming to realize that this will likely go nowhere, AOC said that she did it because it was the right thing to do and that the justices’ behavior is “fundamentally incompatible” with service on the Supreme Court.


18 Responses to “Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Alito and Thomas”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (ba21b7)

  2. AOC is a commie.

    Of course she’ll use government powers to go after her enemies.

    whembly (726752)

  3. She going to have to expound on the fundamentals, and for her sake I hope she hires someone to do that for her.
    The incompatibles too

    steveg (641f88)

  4. I applaud AOC for seeking to put her fellow House members on the record. We already knew she was a loon. Let’s see who else wants to self identify.

    lloyd (a072ce)

  5. AOC is not without intelligence, it is just -like Trump- by the time the IQ travels over the river, through the woods to grandmothers house, grandma has done it herself. God forbid there is math

    steveg (641f88)

  6. This is weak tea, and the timing just happens to coincide with the firestorm around Biden with an election looming.

    norcal (c22d23)

  7. Yeah, every year this kind of thing happens. Of course, if they win the WH and Congress, this will come back with a vengeance.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  8. by failing to disqualify himself from cases in which he had a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party.

    IF this was the standard, there would be about 3 justices on any case. Of course, the Left thinks they’re the center….

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  9. On the Rahimi case, all nine had a prejudice against the flaming ah0le Rahimi. But it’s the case, not the person.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  10. She does have a case with Ginni the Moocher, not so much with Martha-An, and picking on both is likely to cost her support from married women.

    nk (e9077b)

  11. *Martha-Ann*

    nk (e9077b)

  12. Voting for leftists has consequences. All the successes we have had recently overturning leftist abuses will be undone if leftists gain more power.

    Choose wisely.

    NJRob (198954)

  13. “…“His conduct has caused a reasonable person to believe…”

    First off, AOC needs to demonstrate she knows a reasonable person. Can’t be assumed, given prior outbursts.

    Second, it’s AOC. How much effort is really required to write off just about anything she says? I suppose she MIGHT come up with something intelligent – Obama did that, after all. (I don’t remember the subject, just remember being amazed that he actually appeared to have used more than 3 brain cells at once.)

    alanstorm (05fa54)

  14. The Thomas articles of impeachment are here. They are pretty strong and list out the evidence behind the call for impeachment:

    The Alito articles of impeachment are here:

    It seems to be all about the upside down flag and unspecified gifts. This is very weak.

    AOC would have done better to stick with Thomas.

    Appalled (721968)

  15. Thomas is utterly corrupt. AOC is a Bimbo. If you’re going to deny reality bc AOC is a Bimbo, then you are a Bimbo too,

    JRH (63cf2d)

  16. Thomas should avoid even the appearance of corruption. He should have made more of an effort to insulate himself from the charge by absorbing more of the costs of the trips. It does not strike me as fair that he must isolate himself completely from a long-time acquaintance just because that individual is rich. And being invited out on a yacht is different than being given cars and jewelry. Still, objectivity demands that Thomas should have been more circumspect. It doesn’t rise to impeachment or sanction, but it does suggest a change to ethics expectations for our highest judges.

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  17. Yacht trip to Russia? Nothing to see here.

    JRH (63cf2d)

  18. This will be even less successful than the attempt (which really went no where) to impeach Biden.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

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