Patterico's Pontifications


Weekend Open Thread

Filed under: General — Dana @ 9:14 am

[guest post by Dana]

Let’s go!

First news item

Fears of French women :

. . .a woman living in the city of Lyon. . .shared the reality of living with immigrants. According to the English translation shared by a self-described independent reporter. . . the woman and her friends were constantly harassed by foreigners.

I am 26 years old, blonde, with light eyes, and I have always lived in the 6th arrondissement of Lyon, which is thought of as the poshest area in Lyon, and my daily life has become unbearable," the woman wrote in a lengthy post sent to Rieu. "I write this because, ten years ago, I could go out with my friends in the evening, at any hour, without being bothered, insulted, followed, or stabbed. . .

The woman goes on to say that a "white man" has never behaved toward her in the manner that male foreigners have. "Is it racist to call out what my daily life has become as a woman, because of immigration? Is my reality, my daily life, racist?" she asked. "Am I not as legitimate as any other person to call out traumatising acts of violence, just because they are done by foreigners or immigrants?"

Second news item

No more money to Democrats until Biden steps down:

Abigail Disney, an heiress to the Disney fortune and donor to the Democratic Party, announced on Thursday that she would withhold donations to the party until President Joe Biden drops out of the race.

“I intend to stop any contributions to the party unless and until they replace Biden at the top of the ticket,” Disney told CNBC on Thursday, joining other Democratic donors who have also pulled support for Biden since his disastrous performance in last week’s CNN presidential debate.

She continued, “This is realism, not disrespect. Biden is a good man and has served his country admirably, but the stakes are far too high,” before concluding, “If Biden does not step down the Democrats will lose. Of that I am absolutely certain. The consequences for the loss will be genuinely dire.”

Jay Nordlinger asks:

So, should Biden, DeSantis-style, punish Disney, somehow? Especially now that he has all that immunity?

Third news item

Labor Party win:

U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak conceded defeat to the center-left Labour Party early Friday, which was projected to win by a landslide in the country’s general election — delivering a huge blow to the ruling Conservative Party after 14 years in power.

. . .

The British networks’ exit poll indicated Labour won 410 seats in Parliament, a majority of 170.

Keir Starmer becomes the new prime minister.

Fourth news item

President Zelensky challenges Donald Trump’s boast:

“If Trump how to finish this war, he should tell us today,” Zelensky said in a Bloomberg Television interview on Wednesday. “If there are risks to Ukrainian independence, if we lose statehood — we want to be ready for this, we want to know.”

This from Trump last week:

During the presidential debate last week, Trump criticized the amount of funding the U.S. has sent to Ukraine, adding that the country is “not winning the war.”

“I’m only saying, the money that we’re spending on this war, and we shouldn’t be spending, it should have never happened. I will have that war settled between Putin and Zelensky as president-elect before I take office on January 20th. I’ll have that war settled,” Trump said.

Put up or shut-up.

Fifth news item

This is how to do it:

Have a great weekend.


332 Responses to “Weekend Open Thread”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (8c9aac)

  2. Biden is a good man and has served his country admirably

    A good man would have not run again at his age with his difficulties.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  3. Keir Starmer becomes the new prime minister.

    Reform UK got 14% of the vote for 3rd place, but only 4 seats. Those votes came straight out of the Conservatives. Added together they would have beat Labour, but in opposition they let Labour candidates win pluralities.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  4. Is question they ask in Latvia. I ask here now:

    Is how come about Biden we hear from media how big money donor no longer give money and about Trump we hear from media how many more small donors give money?

    Is Biden have no small money donors? Is Trump have no big money donors? Is which tree make sound when fall in forest?

    nk (bad0e9)

  5. I too would like to know Trump’s “secret plan” to end the war. Will it be like McClellan’s in 1864? Or like Reagan’s wrt Iran in 1980? It makes a difference.

    I’m sure it’s well thought out.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  6. 3. That tends to happen to a party that promised low taxes but raised them; promised to stem the increasing flow of economic migrants, but instead, fecklessly allowed even more, causing rising rents, higher taxes to support them and more language and social issues; then fired the one minister that wanted to try to actually do something to stem the migrant influx of migrants.

    During 14 years of indifferent rule, they picked a series of Haley-like leaders, pleasant but out of touch, that all knew better than the voters, and stood for nothing and acomplished nothing.

    Reduced to chumming the election-time water with more promises no one expected them to keep. And weakly saying “well yes we blew off everything we promised to do, but “at least we’re not as bad as labor.”

    Harcourt Fenton Mudd (0c349e)

  7. Third news item:

    The 121 seats won by the Conservatives is the lowest since 1912, when the modern party was founded. Liz Truss lost her seat to Labour.

    The Lib Dems won 71 seats, a record high while defeating several ministers. They will be the third largest party in Parliament.

    The Greens won 4 seats, a record high.

    Rip Murdock (19ce52)

  8. Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/5/2024 @ 9:57 am

    I too would like to know Trump’s “secret plan” to end the war. Will it be like McClellan’s in 1864? Or like Reagan’s wrt Iran in 1980? It makes a difference.

    I’m sure it’s well thought out.

    His “plan” probably is to do and say nothing and hope that Putin psyches himself out.

    I guess that is a little like what Reagan did in 1980.

    Trump didn’t only claim that, if elected, he would end the war before he becomes president, but he also said that Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich would be released from prison:

    ….We had so many things that we had done, hard negotiations with Mexico, and I got it all for nothing.

    It’s just like when you have a hostage, we always pay $6 billion for a – every time we sees hostage. Now we have a hostage. A Wall Street Journal reporter, I think a good guy, and he’s over there because Putin is laughing at this guy, probably asking for billions of dollars for the reporter.

    I will have him out very quickly, as soon as I take office, before I take office. I said by literally as soon as I win the election, I will have that reporter out. He should have had him out a long time ago. But Putin is probably asking for billions and billions of dollars because this guy pays it every time.

    We had two cases where we paid $6 billion for five people. I got 58 people out and I paid essentially nothing…

    Now Putin is not asking for money (not even in the form of sanctions relief or release of frozen assets) but is believed to be angling for a prisoner or two.

    In fact, they think the reason Putin finally put him on trial is to facilitate a prisoner swap after conviction.

    …But the U.S. believes Gershkovich’s trial and anticipated conviction could help facilitate a prisoner swap, a possibility that Putin confirmed earlier this month to international journalists.

    Vladimir Putin, Russian President (through interpreter):

    Such issues are not decided via mass media. They prefer a discreet, calm and professional approach and dialogue between special services. And they certainly should be decided only on the basis of reciprocity.

    Nick Schifrin:

    Americans believe that means two for two or one for one, as it went in 2022, WNBA star Brittney Griner in exchange for a notorious Russian arms dealer, Viktor Bout.

    Several Americans remain in Russian custody, Paul Whelan, also convicted of espionage and also labeled wrongfully detained, active-duty Staff Sergeant Gordon Black convicted of theft and threatening his Russian girlfriend. There are also dual nationals, Alsu Kurmasheva, a reporter for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, accused of violating a foreign agent law, and Ksenia Karelina, accused of treason for donating $51 to Ukraine.

    Today, the U.S. State Department said they’re working privately to bring Gershkovich and others home.

    I think they’re trying to exchange Gershkovich for Russian FSB killer Vadim Krasikov, who is being held in Germany. He killed exiled Chechen commander Zelimkhan Khangoshvili in a Berlin park, plus he’s suspected by (western intelligence) of killing someone else in 2013 in Moscow.

    Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09)

  9. “So, should Biden, DeSantis-style, punish Disney, somehow? Especially now that he has all that immunity?“

    How silly. Democrats don’t need immunity.

    lloyd (ba7900)

  10. Trumps is talking through his ass like always.

    nk (6583a9)

  11. A possible “fact check” done in the media style:

    Biden on Trump:

    How many billions of dollars do you owe in civil penalties for molesting a woman in public, for doing a whole range of things, of having sex with a porn star on the night – and – while your wife was pregnant?

    I mean, what are you talking about? You have the morals of an alley cat.

    This requires context and contains several errors of fact or interpretation. Trump owes less than 1 billion in total civil lawsuits. He was ordered to pay $5 million in damages in May 2023 in a civil case brought by E. Jean Carroll. And $83.3 million in damages in E. Jean Carroll defamation trial. The big one [range of things] was the civil lawsuit brought by New York State Attorney General Leticia James for misvalueing his property and that still does not add up to one billion The molestation he was accused of was not witnessed or heard by anyone and so was not in public. The allegation of sex with a porn star. which Trump denies and for which he was not sued or charged criminally, involves a date after his wife gave birth not before.

    The statement about the morals of an alleycat requires context. Biden uses the present tense, but the most recent allegation of promiscuity took place almost 18 years ago. This also is not consistent with other things Biden has said because this seems to be intended derogatively but his son Hunter did more and more recently and yet he says he loves him/

    Lastly, all cats are, or were, alley cats. Cats became pets, a book says, about 100 to 150 years ago, and what happened t them is like what would have happened had it happened to squirrels.

    not so long ago, cats had little hold on public affection and were regarded as skulking scavengers useful chiefly for catching mice or for having their skins made into gloves.

    We are on the far side of a historical shift, as Kathryn Hughes explains in “Catland,” a sparkling account of the “great cat mania” that engulfed whole societies between roughly 1870 and 1920 and whose effects are still with us today (see above). During those years, Ms. Hughes writes, cats “lost their previously weaselly faces and ratty tails to take up their place as rounded, silky and large-eyed personalities in a plush modern world.” Imagine a common pest like the squirrel being elevated to the status of household darling, and bred specially to compete in shows, and you will have an idea of what happened to the cat.


    Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09)

  12. Item 5 conservatives for the rich labor for the poor. Democrat party donor class money can’t buy you the poor’s votes. Trump has just about run conservative economic libertarian reaganomics out of the republican party running against the dwarfs with no cuts to soc. security and medicare.

    asset (a82953)

  13. Biden’s new campaign strategy C-Pap machine!

    asset (a82953)

  14. Russian Command and Control issues continue:

    via Z-military blogger Romanov

    “The Russian Armed Forces in Vovchansk lack coordination of actions: there are cases when Russian soldiers storm a building that is already under their control and suffer losses.”

    “The offensive on Vovchansk is commanded by the Russian General Lapin, who distinguished himself by commanding the unsuccessful crossing of the Russian Armed Forces across the Siverskyi Donets River in 2022.”
    Unsuccessful is overly kind and sarcasm is heavy. It was a catastrophe for those involved

    The ominous news
    “There are 7,000 former fighters of the “Wagner” PMC in Belarus.”

    steveg (b46859)

  15. Hunter Biden is said to want his Dad to stay in it to win.
    Wondering why…. follow the money?
    Hunter Biden is 53 and his only marketable skill at this point is selling his dads legal thus far influence

    steveg (b46859)

  16. If it’s Trump vs Biden-Harris, Trump will run against Harris.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  17. Biden shows strength! Did you review your debate to see what you did wrong? Biden “I don’t remember.” You have sad trump is a threat to american democracy. What if you lose? “Well I tried!”

    asset (3e592b)

  18. Biden shows strength! Did you review your debate to see what you did wrong? Biden “I don’t remember.” You have sad trump is a threat to american democracy. What if you lose? “Well I tried!”

    asset (3e592b) — 7/6/2024 @ 12:56 am

    Good point.

    Same logic applies to Haley supporters who rejected any compromise candidate who would beat Trump and Biden.

    The argument that losing means the end of civilization, that Trump is that big a deal, is totally undermined. Partly because they clearly are opposed to conservative policies, and partly because they obviously know they had an option that was a sure win, but wouldn’t compromise to have that option. So winning must not be that big a deal. Trump must be an acceptable risk, both in your example with Biden, and to the ‘nevertrump’ movement that I kinda thought I was part of.

    Dustin (3a39df)

  19. :beat-dead-horse:

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  20. Taking a page out of Biden’s book, Starmer’s first decision as PM is to scrap the only plan to address the UK’s illegal immigration problem. There is no backup plan, of course. Only words. With Labour, just as with the Democrats, border security failure means success.

    lloyd (f7ec2c)

  21. :beat-dead-horse:

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/6/2024 @ 7:53 am

    Indeed, I warned about this problem, a refusal for compromise from the republicans who think of themselves as smarter and elite. In 2012, when they nominated Romney over the anger of the Tea partiers, they broke the party, leading directly to a populist movement that makes no effort to work with them (and was easily taken over by a dynasty of crooks).

    We had a miraculous chance to fix it this year, and the same bozos refused to compromise, while they pretended beating Trump was the most important thing in the world. It wasn’t.

    So this election is the least important election of my lifetime. It doesn’t matter. You guys agree with me, even if you won’t show us. You don’t mind if Trump wins, or you would have taken an easy step to help avoid it.

    It’s much like Biden’s supporters pretending that beating Trump means saving the human race, planet earth, democracy, because a rather obvious supreme court outcome means the president has immunity for his actions. But with all that at stake, they can’t make a compromise like… running their VP for president, or picking someone else.

    Regardless, I am quite confident the democrats had every intention to run someone else, that’s been the plan for a couple of years, and they like the attention and drama this is creating (much like Trump tends to create negative drama but benefit from it).

    The losers here are the Haley supporters, who generally realized they were at a crossroads between Trump and Desantis, and chose the Trump administration candidate who was only running to shut down Desantis. You guys use words and actions that mean different things.

    Dustin (3a39df)

  22. and chose the Trump administration candidate who was only running to shut down Desantis.

    Her and her time machine again. DeSantis was history when she entered the race.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  23. @21, seems like this lament was asked and answered multiple times…months ago. The responses sat unaddressed. Now it just seems like trolling. For better or worse, GOP voters want Trump’s bombast as much as they want his world view. Indictments just raised his cred and gave them all something to whine about. In the end, Haley and DeSantis never really had a shot….

    AJ_Liberty (11cbc2)

  24. “If Trump [knows] how to finish this war, he should tell us today,”

    Of course it means cutting aid to Ukraine and dividing up the country….while thumbing his nose at NATO. Sadly, that’s what a vote for Trump means.

    AJ_Liberty (11cbc2)

  25. It’s about time for Harris to say she’s behind Biden “1000 percent”

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  26. Biden aides wrote questions for radio hosts who interviewed him.

    Philadelphia radio host Andrea Lawful-Sanders was stunned when she got a surprise phone call: Would she like to interview President Biden? She jumped at the chance to be one of the first journalists to talk to the president since his abysmal debate performance.

    But Biden’s aides, grappling with the biggest political crisis of Biden’s career, sought to exert control over the Wednesday interview. “I was sent eight questions to choose from,” Lawful-Sanders told The Wall Street Journal.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  27. RIP Oscar-winning screenwriter (for Chinatown) Robert Towne (89):

    …………… He also was nominated for The Last Detail (1973) and Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1985). He was honored with the (Writers Guild) Laurel Award for Screenwriting Achievement in 1997.
    …………. Towne got his start with his screenplay for 1960’s Last Woman on Earth before writing for such early-’60s TV series as The Outer Limits, The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and The Lloyd Bridges Show. He went on to work with Roger Corman on films including The Tomb of Ligeia (1964) and later co-penned with Sam Peckinpah the 1968 Mexican Revolution film Villa Rides starring Yul Brynner, Robert Mitchum and Charles Bronson.

    Towne did touch-up script work on The Godfather (1972), (including the Don Vito Corleone death scene in the garden), Bonnie and Clyde (1967), and some other important films of the era, but his breakthrough came with The Last Detail (1973)……….. That film would set up Towne’s career-defining screenplay the following year.

    ……….(Chinatown) was nominated for 11 Academy Awards including Best Picture, but only Towne would win amid that year’s dominance by another Paramount Pictures classic, The Godfather Part II.
    His next film, 1975’s Shampoo, was another commercial and critical hit. Starring Warren Beatty as a Beverly Hills hairstylist and playboy who dreams of opening his own salon, its big-name cast also included Julie Christie, Goldie Hawn, Lee Grant and Jack Warden.

    During the 1970s, Towne also did script-doctor work on Beatty’s directorial debut Heaven Can Wait, along with other screenplays including Orca, The Missouri Breaks and The Parallax View.

    Towne later wrote and made his directorial and producing debut with Personal Best, the 1982 sports drama starring Mariel Hemingway and Patrice Donnelly as lesbian athletes trying to make the Team USA Olympic team, much to the dismay of their coach (Scott Glenn). It ranked among AFI’s Top 300 sports movies of all time. He later would direct and co-write another sports-related drama feature, 1998’s Without Limits, starring Billy Crudup as the ill-fated distance runner Steve Prefontaine.
    (Towne) penned the script for Days of Thunder (1990), the very popular, very loud Jerry Bruckheimer-Don Simpson NASCAR drama directed by Tony Scott and starring Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Robert Duvall and Randy Quaid.

    Towne also wrote the screenplays for three other Cruise-led movies in the ensuing years: Pollack’s The Firm (1993), based on the John Grisham novel and co-starring Jeanne Tripplehorn and Gene Hackman; Brian De Palma’s franchise-starting mega-actioner Mission: Impossible (1996); and its 2000 sequel Mission: Impossible 2, helmed by Hong Kong action icon John Woo.

    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd)

  28. Biden is a good man and has served his country admirably


    He’s not a “good man”.

    A good man doesn’t leverage the death of his first wife and kids death for political purposes.

    A good man doesn’t let it be known that his wife/kid was killed by drunk truck driver that was absolutely false.

    A good man doesn’t use every scummy trick in the books to technically lynch Justice Thomas at his confirmation hearing.

    A good man doesn’t lie about the circumstances of his son’s death in the military.

    A good man… Biden simply isn’t.

    His behaviors actually gives politicians a bad name by his deeds alone.

    So. No.

    I’ll not participate in the gaslighting that Biden is a good person.

    whembly (41bf07)

  29. Disqualifying:

    Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. posted on social media Friday that it’s “hard to tell what is a conspiracy theory and what isn’t” when it comes to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

    “As President I won’t take sides on 9/11 or any of the other debates. But I can promise is that I will open the files and usher in a new era of transparency,” Kennedy said in a post on X. He followed that post a short time later with another saying that he was referring to an almost two-week old segment on CBS’s “60 Minutes” about possible Saudi involvement in the 2001 terror attacks on the United States.

    In a third post about an hour later, he wrote “speculation about what our government may be covering up is rife outside the mainstream of our political culture” and the way to restore trust “is through honesty and transparency. That is my promise, and that is what will resolve any questions about 9/11, [unidentified aerial phenomena] and other contentious topics. I am personally agnostic on those issues.”
    The “60 Minutes” report focused on a recently unsealed video of a Saudi intelligence officer filming the U.S. Capitol in 1999.
    “There’s strange things that happened on 9/11,” he told author Peter Bergen’s “In the Room” podcast in September of last year. “I don’t know what happened on 9/11. I mean, I understand what the official explanation is, I understand that there is dissent. I have not looked into it. I haven’t examined it. I’m not a good person to talk to about it,” Kennedy said, according to an account of the interview in The Guardian.

    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd)

  30. Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/6/2024 @ 11:26 am

    The broadcasters should have immediately canceled the interviews, but apparently they did not. From your linked article:

    (Andrea Lawful-Sanders, the Philadelphia radio host) said she didn’t find the request to be unusual. “The only caveat that I had was, ‘If I’m asking the questions you want me to ask, I’m going to do follow-ups.’”

    In a subsequent email, Lawful-Sanders added, “When I was asked to do this interview it was most important to me to have the voices of the Black people heard. I never once felt pressured to ask certain questions. I chose questions that were most important to the black and brown communities we serve in Philadelphia.”

    A second radio host who also interviewed the president this week, Wisconsin-based Earl Ingram, confirmed that he, too, was provided a list of questions.

    Biden needs to not only withdraw from the campaign, he also needs to immediately resign as President. He can’t be incompetent to serve as a candidate but competent to serve as President.

    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd)

  31. Corrected formatting:

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/6/2024 @ 11:26 am

    The broadcasters should have immediately canceled the interviews, but apparently they did not. From your linked article:

    (Andrea Lawful-Sanders, the Philadelphia radio host) said she didn’t find the request to be unusual. “The only caveat that I had was, ‘If I’m asking the questions you want me to ask, I’m going to do follow-ups.’”

    In a subsequent email, Lawful-Sanders added, “When I was asked to do this interview it was most important to me to have the voices of the Black people heard. I never once felt pressured to ask certain questions. I chose questions that were most important to the black and brown communities we serve in Philadelphia.”

    A second radio host who also interviewed the president this week, Wisconsin-based Earl Ingram, confirmed that he, too, was provided a list of questions.

    Biden needs to not only withdraw from the campaign, he also needs to immediately resign as President. He can’t be incompetent to serve as a candidate but competent to serve as President.

    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd)

  32. Biden should withdraw from the race, but not resign. Rely on his staff to help him finish out, and let Harris dedicate her time to running. Pick Beshear or Mayor Pete for Veep, it would position either for a solid run in 28 if the worst happens. Beshear is term limited here, so he could dedicate his time, same with Pete.

    Biden has fallen off the cliff in the last year, I know being prez ages you, but it was a drastic change in a year, but if they knew it was happening around the holidays last year, it’s political malpractice that his folks let it get to this point. Just having a conversation about this means he can’t run, period.

    Trump is still a worse choice than a catatonic Biden, but since the turnout is going to be significantly lower this time, a candidate with a pulse might pull the 1% that it’s going to take.

    Harris for prez isn’t what I signed up for, but I’m still 100% in on NoGDWayTrump. If Harris wins, we Conservatives have a great opportunity for a 2 term prez in 28.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  33. Can you imagine all the behind-the-scenes maneuvering and machinations going on this weekend among the Democrats? It has to be epic.

    norcal (9ed475)

  34. Also, Trump will be older than Biden at this point in a Trump admin, so whoever he picks for Veep is who you’re voting for in 26-27.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  35. When you have lost David Axelrod ….

    Opinion: Biden’s defiant delusion

    Denial. Delusion. Defiance.

    When Stephanopoulos asked him how he would feel if he continues and Trump were to win in November, the president who has told us that this is the most consequential election of our lifetimes seemed unmoved by that prospect.

    “I’ll feel, as long as I gave it my all, and did as good a job as I know I can do … that’s what this is about.”

    No, sir. It’s not.

    nk (5ad3ea)

  36. Dumpster diver election.

    nk (5ad3ea)

  37. Nice link, nk. Thank you. From the same article:

    Early in the interview Friday, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked President Joe Biden if he had watched his disastrous June 27th debate with Donald Trump that has created an existential crisis for the Biden campaign.

    The president paused and appeared to search his memory. “I don’t think I did. No,” he said quietly.

    Not being sure if he watched the debate afterwards is as bad as anything he said in the debate.

    norcal (9ed475)

  38. Expecting Biden’s camp to put the country first, or even their party first, is putting naïveté before experience. If we had an opposition media, hiding Biden’s decline wouldn’t have been possible. The outlets that reported on his dementia episodes going back years are outside most people’s bubbles. Readers of the NYT snd WaPo only know now because the debate was live and couldn’t be edited. The media is suddenly giving Biden a beating only because he seemingly can’t win, and if they could hoodwink their readers and viewers into voting for a celery stalk, they would. They’ve just now come to the realization that they can’t.

    lloyd (164e2f)

  39. RFK is of the “If I have no understanding of a subject, anything might be true” camp of intellectuals. AKA idiots.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  40. Also, Trump will be older than Biden at this point in a Trump admin, so whoever he picks for Veep is who you’re voting for in 26-27.

    Not everyone ages at the same rate. I have family members sharp as a tack in their 90s. Then again, there is always impeachment, so Trump will pick someone unqualified.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  41. “I’ll feel, as long as I gave it my all, and did as good a job as I know I can do … that’s what this is about.”

    Hmmmmm … maybe the existential threat is oversold?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  42. Not being sure if he watched the debate afterwards is as bad as anything he said in the debate.

    He should have been asked what he had for breakfast or lunch, or some other short-term memory question.

    Perhaps: “Bird, zebra, toaster”
    Then ask him 3 minutes later to repeat those.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  43. Trump’s been a demented idiot his whole life, do we think he’s going to get better?

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  44. RFK is of the “If I have no understanding of a subject, anything might be true” camp of intellectuals. AKA idiots.

    Worse. Some people think that other people make stuff up because “nobody can be that smart.” So, they just make up stuff, too, and are upset when other people pretend like they actually know it’s made up.

    I’ve met a few like that. Not in the deep end of the IQ pool.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  45. Trump’s been a demented idiot his whole life, do we think he’s going to get better?

    I’ll spot you the “demented”, but I argue it’s acquired. If he’d been an idiot, or demented his entire life, his money would have been parted from him by Barnum’s Second Law.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  46. I don’t think Trump is stupid at all. He’s amoral and lawless, but not dumb.

    Nobody can command a cult like he does without some cunning.

    norcal (9ed475)

  47. Trump’s clever, not smart, he’s like a rat.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  48. So RFK, Jr. is running for president, even though he doesn’t know what happened on 9/11. Or so he says.

    And, as far as I can tell, doesn’t feel he should know that. Amazing.

    Jim Miller (5db8e0)

  49. If any of you have watched HBO’s excellent Succession, just think of RFK Jr. as the character Connor Roy. Once you see the connection, you’ll smile every time RFK Jr. is mentioned.

    norcal (9ed475)

  50. And, as far as I can tell, doesn’t feel he should know that. Amazing.

    Nor does he believe that anyone else really knows. This is a mark of true stupidity.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  51. “I’m ignorant, therefore you must be ignorant.”

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  52. Still, he may be better than the other two. I’m having a tough time here.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  53. Some good reminders why Kamala shouldn’t be the one:

    Again, while multiple names are being bandied about, many seem to agree as to who should not replace Biden: Kamala Harris. First and foremost, because many believe she is simply and truly a lousy candidate. Back in 2020, her campaign for the Democratic nomination imploded so quickly that she didn’t even make it to the Iowa caucus.

    Beyond that, it has been Democrats who have talked of Harris brow-beating staff members into quitting; of Harris dropping the ball of managing the Southern border; of Harris not being up to the demands of the vice presidency, let alone the presidency. Anyone who cares to take a minute to do an internet search will find those stories and more.

    I had almost forgotten that Kamala was put in charge of the border early in Biden’s term. I’m sure she would like everyone to forget that. I can guarantee you that Trump won’t forget.

    Come on, Democrats. Put up somebody who can win. No Joe, Kamala, or Gavin. Please!

    norcal (3a285b)

  54. Gretchen Whitmer would probably be DEMs best bet. She is governor for a swing state that they need badly. Surround her with Warnock and that is a young and dynamic team (who might not be as ideologically rigid). Other options would be Beshear. I could more easily stomach Tim Kaine or Mark Warner…to provide some national security heft….but both are stuck in Virginia with a tight Senate.

    AJ_Liberty (11cbc2)

  55. Harris did exactly what every Democrat wanted her to do on the border: nothing.

    lloyd (febe76)

  56. I want J. B. Pritzker. He even looks like Grover Cleveland, and if any Democrat can get the New Mugwumps behind him he can.

    nk (36211a)

  57. The big villain right now isn’t Joe. It’s Jill.

    Raddatz also told Stephanopoulos that Biden listens to “a very tight circle” which reportedly includes first lady Jill Biden. Raddatz then claimed Biden administration officials told her Jill Biden is “lashing out” at anyone suggesting her husband abandon his 2024 reelection bid.

    I’m confident there will be a movie made someday about all the wrangling going on this weekend. Jill needs to ask herself if she wants to come across as Lady Macbeth in the movie.

    norcal (9ed475)

  58. This all sounds vaguely familiar to the stories about Nancy Reagan and the effect she had on Ronald. Maybe we should place this on Joe, where it belongs, and his poor judgment.

    Paul Montagu (169a51)

  59. AJ_Liberty (11cbc2) — 7/6/2024 @ 4:09 pm

    nk (36211a) — 7/6/2024 @ 4:18 pm

    Any of those. For the love of Mike!

    norcal (9ed475)

  60. Maybe we should place this on Joe, where it belongs, and his poor judgment.

    Paul Montagu (169a51) — 7/6/2024 @ 4:23 pm

    I would, if he had any judgment. He doesn’t even know if he watched his debate performance after the fact.

    norcal (9ed475)

  61. Gretchen Whitmer would probably be DEMs best bet.

    I want J. B. Pritzker.

    As I pointed out on a previous thread, unless Kamala Harris heads the ticket as the presidential nominee, any other candidate combination will be unable to tap into the $91M raised by the Biden/Harris campaign.

    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd)

  62. Whether it was Joe or Jill who picked Kamala, bad choice.

    Paul Montagu (169a51)

  63. Rip Murdock (7bd5fd) — 7/6/2024 @ 4:30 pm

    I believe a new nominee would receive significant donations very quickly.

    norcal (9ed475)

  64. Trump is at least as smart as Biden, but not in the same ways. Cleverness takes the processing power down different neural pathways, but it requires intelligence.
    I’d go so far as to say that Trump is the smarter of the two at this point in time.

    Trump is a liar and had the morals of an alleycat 20 years ago and evidently so did Joe when he took out the wife of Bill Stevenson. Trump never libeled, smeared Curtis Dunn, a decent innocent man who was not drunk, who tried to save Joe’s wife and daughter

    steveg (1549b0)

  65. $91 million is chump change to J. B. Pritzker. If I remember correctly, he sank $75 million of his own money in his first campaign for Governor of Illinois. In the primary!

    nk (36211a)

  66. 91 million is chump change to J. B. Pritzker. If I remember correctly, he sank $75 million of his own money in his first campaign for Governor of Illinois. In the primary!

    nk (36211a) — 7/6/2024 @ 4:50 pm

    Well, there you go.

    norcal (9ed475)

  67. Trump never libeled, smeared Curtis Dunn, a decent innocent man who was not drunk, who tried to save Joe’s wife and daughter.

    You’re not giving Trump enough credit, steveg. It’s a big world, and there must be a couple more people besides Curtis Dunn whom Trump has never smeared or libeled.

    Probably the only Commandment Trump has not broken is “Honor thy father and thy mother”, and the one he has broken most often is “Thou shalt bear false witness against thy neighbor”.

    nk (36211a)

  68. Yikes! “Thou shalt NOT bear false witness against they neighbor.”

    nk (36211a)

  69. @56 Pritzker is more William Howard Taft than Grover Cleveland. Though exchanging dementia for morbidly obese is probably an upgrade.

    lloyd (febe76)

  70. Bill Stevenson is Jill’s ex and he claims the story of how and when Jill met Joe is a lie. I’m inclined to believe him

    Imagine being the daughter of Curtis Dunn and knowing this

    “The driver of the truck, Curtis C. Dunn of Pennsylvania, was not charged with drunk driving. He wasn’t charged with anything. The accident was an accident, and though the police file no longer exists, coverage in the newspapers at the time made it clear that fault was not in question. For whatever reason, Neilia Biden, who was holding the baby, ended up in the right of way of Dunn’s truck coming down a long hill.

    “She had a stop sign. The truck driver did not,” Jerome Herlihy told me. He’s a retired judge who then was a deputy attorney general “A pal of Biden at the time asked Herlihy “to go out to the state police troop where the driver of the other vehicle was to make sure everything was going all right,” and so he did. “In the end,” Herlihy said, “I concurred in their decision that there was no fault on his part.”

    But hearing this from Joe on the national campaign trail “It was an errant driver who stopped to drink instead of drive… hit my children and my wife and killed them.”

    Joe said this even though he very likely knew his neighbor and friend, Deputy Attorney General Jerome Herlihy concurred in the state troopers decision of no fault of Curtis Dunn.

    Everytime they go with “Straight talking, honest Joe” vs. Liar Trump, they are lying about Joe

    steveg (1549b0)

  71. Pritzker played the virtue signaling card by welcoming migrants and shaming border states, then begged for help when Biden sent too many. Sounds like the sort of leadership qualities Nevertrumpers look for.

    lloyd (febe76)

  72. $91 million is chump change to J. B. Pritzker. If I remember correctly, he sank $75 million of his own money in his first campaign for Governor of Illinois. In the primary!

    nk (36211a) — 7/6/2024 @ 4:50 pm

    LOL! You don’t see Trump spending his billions on his presidential campaign, why would Pritzker do the same?

    More Biden replacement fantasies.

    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd)

  73. I believe a new nominee would receive significant donations very quickly.

    norcal (9ed475) — 7/6/2024 @ 4:39 pm


    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd)

  74. According to this article from 2009:

    The police reports have been lost, but Delaware Judge Jerome Herlihy, who investigated the crash, supports Hamill’s claim.

    He told CBS News, “There was no indication that the truck driver had been drinking.”

    And last fall, a spokesman for Biden said that the senator “fully accepts the Dunn family’s word that these rumors were false.”

    Yet, he has chosen to lie about it since then.

    lloyd (febe76)

  75. I believe a new nominee would receive significant donations very quickly.

    norcal (9ed475) — 7/6/2024 @ 4:39 pm


    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd) — 7/6/2024 @ 5:29 pm

    Hardly. There are big Democratic donors who are telling Biden to drop out. Do you really not think they would donate to someone else?

    norcal (9ed475)

  76. Biden should withdraw from the race, but not resign.

    Why? If his cognitive abilities have declined as it appears, why doesn’t that put the country in grave danger?

    The alternative is for the House to quickly impeach Biden to remove him from office. The 25th Amendment process under Section 4 is too cumbersome and time consuming; and it is unlikely that two-thirds of the Congress would ratify a decision to remove the President, leaving an incompetent person in power.. The mere threat of impeachment could trigger a cascade of Democratic pressure on Biden to resign.

    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd)

  77. The party that is going to Save Democracy seems intent on tossing aside all that voting in their primaries like it never happened.

    lloyd (febe76)

  78. LOL! You don’t see Trump spending his billions on his presidential campaign, why would Pritzker do the same?

    Because Prirzker is not a soulless conman like Trump?

    nk (36211a)

  79. Pritzker won’t use his own money if he can find a way not to, because yeah he’s not a conman.

    lloyd (febe76)

  80. Hardly. There are big Democratic donors who are telling Biden to drop out. Do you really not think they would donate to someone else?

    norcal (9ed475) — 7/6/2024 @ 5:41 pm

    Any change would need to ratified by a convention made up entirely of Biden delegates-they may not agree with outsider pressure; they could nominate Biden regardless what donors want. And it would depend on who the Democrats select-some donors may not like whatever choice is made. Finally, dumping Harris and replacing her with a white male candidate will alienate two of the core constituencies of the Party.

    I just don’t see that happening.

    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd)

  81. lloyd (febe76) — 7/6/2024 @ 5:46 pm

    Let me know when a violent mob storms the White House and tries to intimidate Biden into dropping his campaign.

    norcal (9ed475)

  82. dumping Harris and replacing her with a white male candidate will alienate two of the core constituencies of the Party.

    I just don’t see that happening.

    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd) — 7/6/2024 @ 5:59 pm

    I didn’t say it had to be a white male candidate. Hell, I’d be okay with Michelle Obama or Oprah.

    norcal (9ed475)

  83. Sunk-cost fallacy. Sometimes you just start over. Money will flow if there is genuine excitement. Harris may not be as bad as we imagine, but she has a lot of ground to make up. If she had IT, we’d have seen it by now.

    AJ_Liberty (11cbc2)

  84. Because Prirzker is not a soulless conman like Trump?

    nk (36211a) — 7/6/2024 @ 5:48 pm

    Because Pritzker wants to keep the fortune he inherited. A presidential campaign will cost upwards of a billion dollars this election cycle, the $91M is what the Biden/Harris campaign has in the bank right now. As of April 2024 over $300M was raised by both candidates, not including the hundreds of millions raised by outside groups.

    After the recent meeting with Biden, and along with other Democratic governors, Pritzker has said he is backing Biden. There is no evidence (outside of the pundit class) that any of the Democratic governors are angling to replace Biden.

    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd)

  85. I’d be okay with Michelle Obama or Oprah.


    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd)

  86. Norcal,

    have you given up any conservatuve principles and just become a lefty then?

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  87. Money will flow if there is genuine excitement.

    And who could generate that excitement?

    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd)

  88. Money will flow if there is genuine excitement


    And who could generate that excitement?

    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd) — 7/6/2024 @ 6:23 pm


    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd)

  89. lloyd @79

    J.B. Pritzker’s toilet troubles may come back to haunt him if he runs for president in 2024
    Pritzker and his wife’s attorneys maintained the couple’s innocence in 2019
    Houston Keene By Houston Keene Fox News
    Published July 26, 2022 2:31pm EDT

    So the Obama sept was worried about Pritzker two years ago, eh? This has the smell of Democrat in-party dirty tricks that Axelrod excelled at and got him and Obama to the White House. I wonder if he regrets it now.

    nk (47339e)

  90. Norcal,

    have you given up any conservatuve principles and just become a lefty then?

    NJRob (eb56c3) — 7/6/2024 @ 6:22 pm

    Hardly. I just think the biggest threat right now is Trump. As I’ve stated before, I’ve been a Republican all my life, and I even voted for Trump in 2016. I now see him as an amoral and lawless thug who supersedes traditional concerns about right versus left policies.

    Respect for elections results is a first-order concern. Policies are second-order concerns. If we can’t respect election results, then we don’t have a country.

    norcal (9ed475)

  91. All you are doing is naming leftists and saying you’re in full throated support of them. Doesn’t sound remotely conservative.

    If you believed Trump was the threat you allege, then like Dustin said, you should’ve done everything possible to support DeSantis. Where’s the evidence?

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  92. Giving leftists power doesn’t improve respect for election results.

    But you know that, right?

    Guess living in Cali does have some benefits though. Conservative politics doesn’t exist.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  93. Jill needs to ask herself if she wants to come across as Lady Macbeth in the movie.

    More Edith Wilson lately.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  94. As I pointed out on a previous thread, unless Kamala Harris heads the ticket as the presidential nominee, any other candidate combination will be unable to tap into the $91M raised by the Biden/Harris campaign.

    And as I pointed out, the FEC or some compliant judge could fix that long enough. Just like that NJ senate election got a new entrant despite laws to the contrary.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  95. You think the NYP is an information source? Well it is, for the conspiracy and celeb gossip crowd.

    Also you failed to fully quote the headline “— then backtracks” backtracks mean the automated removal process was reviewed and video was published. That they were actually talking about the Russian interference and not about actual vote counts kind of makes a difference if you care about facts. But if you close one eye and dance on your left foot, you can fool (who am I kidding, they know they’re f-ing liars) yourself into thinking that if those guys complained then that’s the same as actively conspiring to falsify the results after the fact and sending a mob to attack the capital.

    Whatabout squirrel strikes again.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  96. And as I pointed out, the FEC or some compliant judge could fix that long enough. Just like that NJ senate election got a new entrant despite laws to the contrary.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/6/2024 @ 7:31 pm

    What would be the legal argument to overturn the FEC regulations?

    Claims that there’s a judge “somewhere” who would enforce your policy preferences is not an argument.

    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd)

  97. And since the FEC commissioners are split 50/50 between Democrats and Republicans, I don’t see why a Republican commissioner would vote to give the Democrats a break.

    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd)

  98. I remember when Activist Judges were a bad thing.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  99. And as I pointed out, the FEC or some compliant judge could fix that long enough.

    An assertion completely without evidence.

    Rip Murdock (7bd5fd)

  100. @97 NYP had been reporting about Biden’s dementia problems for years. Good thing you didn’t fall for that.

    lloyd (1168f0)

  101. And as I pointed out, the FEC or some compliant judge could fix that long enough. Just like that NJ senate election got a new entrant despite laws to the contrary.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/6/2024 @ 7:31 pm

    By any means necessary, huh? You would “cut down the laws” to achieve your preferred outcomes.

    Rip Murdock (f2e670)

  102. Yeah, they started 16 years ago. Predicting a 65 year old is going to get old is probably going to be right at some point.

    30 years ago they reported that Trump was a lying philanderer, they were right.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  103. By any means necessary, huh? You would “cut down the laws” to achieve your preferred outcomes.

    Oh, please, politics and courts mix all the time. You should see the 3rd party ballot access fights. This, from way back in the misty days of 2002:

    Middlesex County Superior Court Judge Yolanda Ciccone halted the printing of ballots in a ruling sought by the Democrats. The state Supreme Court then agreed to consider the issues — including how long it would take to print new ballots — at a hearing scheduled to start at 10 a.m. Wednesday.

    Torricelli, 51, a first-term senator considered a rising star and renowned for his fund-raising prowess, announced Monday he was withdrawing from the race because of the lingering controversy over personal gifts he took from a major campaign donor and questions about campaign donations from 1996.

    Though he escaped criminal prosecution, he was admonished by his Senate colleagues following an ethics investigation.

    His sinking popularity — he was trailing his little-known Republican opponent by 13 points in a recent independent poll — threatened Democratic efforts to retain the party’s one-seat edge in the Senate and prompted his decision to throw in the towel.

    His withdrawal raised a host of legal issues, and Republicans pledged to fight in the courts against any ballot change. New Jersey hasn’t sent a Republican to the U.S. Senate in 30 years, and they see this year as a great opportunity to change that.

    Under New Jersey law, a general election candidate must withdraw at least 51 days before election day to be replaced on the ballot — a deadline Torricelli did not meet.

    However, Torricelli wrote in a September 30 letter to state Attorney General David Samson that he had asked Bonnie Watson Coleman, chairwoman of the state Democratic Party, to “pursue the selection of a candidate in my stead” in accordance with state law.

    In a brief filed with the state Supreme Court, Samson wrote he believes the court should “craft a remedy” that would still be consistent with state law.

    “If the court were to find that there is sufficient time prior to the general election to enable the various election officials to attend to the mechanics of preparing for the general election, then the principles set forth in Kilmurray apply here,” Samson wrote.

    “This would further the general statutory intent and public policy to allow the voters a choice on election day.”

    And the court went along.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  104. Rip is certainly on a hand-wringing “nothing will work” kick today.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  105. “Even if Biden is not the nominee, he would have the authority to direct his campaign treasurer on what to do with the remnant funds — whether that is a transfer in full to the DNC, to a super PAC supporting the new nominee or parsed out up to contribution limits to various other campaigns with the balance to the DNC or a super PAC,” Steve Roberts, a partner at Holtzman Vogel and former general counsel on Vivek Ramaswamy’s 2024 presidential campaign, told The Hill.

    AJ_Liberty (11cbc2)

  106. Claims that there’s a judge “somewhere” who would enforce your policy preferences is not an argument.

    There’s a judge somewhere who would enforce ANY policy preference. Probably in Hawaii.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  107. @30 25th amendment anyone? Bueller? Over at DU its biden is great everything is wonderful report and toss anyone who disagrees! The party is always right! This is my side.

    asset (633515)

  108. @48 what happened on 9-11? Dubya and the neo-cons got their second pearl harbor they said they needed before they could invade IRAQ! Dubya tells national security advisor on 9-11 now we can attack Iraq! No mr. president we were attacked by bin ladin. Rummy ;but their are no good targets to bomb in afganistan! History did not start on the morning of 9-11 2001.

    asset (633515)

  109. Klink,

    you didnt read the results. The backtracks was YouTube banning the video. The video itself was a perfectly accurate summation of leftists denying elecrion results which is what I stated.

    You continue to misrepresent my statements and you continue to run interference for leftists. Why is that?

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  110. The NY Post reported on the Biden laptop truthfully amd accurately. The leftist media colluded with Biden to supress the truth.

    We know why.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  111. I’ve been reading Ian Toll’s “Six Frigates”, and found it most interesting. Though it took me a while to realize that I needed a dictionary beside me while reading, to translate all those nautical terms, like “scantling”.)

    There are tidbits like the incident of the wife of the British ambassador being insulted because Jefferson didn’t escort her into a state dinner, as was the rule in Britain at the time. (Jefferson explained that the US would follow its own rules, which meant escorting the wife of a cabinet minister.)

    Or the detailed “shopping lists” that the Barbary pirates gave our ambassadors, when demanding tribute.

    And, early in the book, I found a reminder from Jefferson which — in my opinion — is good advice for us, today. The 1800 presidential election was one of the most bitter in our history, but Jefferson did not want to continue that bitterness. In his inaugural address, Jefferson said: “Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by different names bretheren of the same principle. We are all republicans, we are all federalists.”

    Jim Miller (b6ab01)

  112. 25th amendment anyone? Bueller?

    Asset, the problem is that the 25th Amendment is harder than impeachment if the president disagrees.

    Sure, he can be declared incapable by the Cabinet, which isn’t terribly difficult, but if he disagrees you have to get 2/3rds of the House AND 2/3rds of the Senate to vote to remove. Impeachment only requires a majority in the House.

    The 25th Amendment only works if it is in the president’s interest, like the situation in the West Wing episode “25”, or if the president is so incapacitated he cannot object.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  113. Thanks for the link, NJRob. The Democrats were really mad when Trump won in 2016. They said the election was fraud, hacked, and Trump was illegitimate. Sounds like what Trump said in 2020 !! (except, of course, Obama peacefully transferred power and no one stormed the Capitol to stop it).

    DRJ (f65e25)

  114. (except, of course, Obama peacefully transferred power and no one stormed the Capitol to stop it)

    I wonder if that will remain the same in Jan 2025. This election is going to be very bitter and if Trump wins narrowly there are those on the Left as willing to take to the streets as any Proud Boy. Still, Biden (or possibly Harris) isn’t likely to stand by, or leave the Capitol unguarded, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be violent mob action.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  115. Impeachment only requires a majority in the House.

    Impeachment means nothing if 2/3 of the Senate doesn’t vote to convict and remove.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  116. Rip is certainly on a hand-wringing “nothing will work” kick today.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/6/2024 @ 8:25 pm

    Only that fantasies won’t work within the context of current laws and political realities. . I’d rather depend on facts.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  117. AJ_Liberty (11cbc2) — 7/6/2024 @ 8:26 pm

    Which would certainly be challenged in court by the Trump campaign and RNC, even if technically legal.

    AJ_Liberty (11cbc2) — 7/6/2024 @ 6:14 pm

    Money will flow if there is genuine excitement.

    What candidate could generate that “genuine excitement”?

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  118. There’s a judge somewhere who would enforce ANY policy preference. Probably in Hawaii.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/6/2024 @ 8:34 pm

    I daresay your 2024 election predictions leave a lot to be desired-what happened to Republican presidential nominee Nikki Haley? She’s voting for Trump.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  119. @119, the DEMs will be “excited” by any candidate who can think on their feet…and not stumble, grumble, and bumble about. I would see Gretchen Whitmer as satisfying the criteria while adding the potential of being the first female President. Her number 2 could be Raphael Warnock or Roy Cooper. Beshear is relatively green but has shown that he can win in a Republican state. Amy Klobuchar might be a reach, though an all female ticket might have some advantage. Jared Polis is fairly popular in his state, though it might not be the time to explore a national gay candidate.

    Polling shows a deep dissatisfaction with Trump v Biden. The debate showed two old men each with deep flaws. Even though most Americans might not really know Whitmer, they want a different option, someone who can articulate positions and values without a teleprompter…and with some experience at governing. There is nothing optimal about introducing oneself to the country in a mere 4 months….provided both Biden and Harris give the thumbs up. But it would likely be better for America, than the present sad offering….and I applaud any effort to make it so.

    AJ_Liberty (bd5cd1)

  120. What we have had for 30 years is a government (at all levels) wringing their hands and saying “Nothing can be done.”

    Surprise: Populists, who won’t play be the rules.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  121. . The Democrats were really mad when Trump won in 2016. They said the election was fraud, hacked, and Trump was illegitimate. Sounds like what Trump said in 2020 !! (except, of course, Obama peacefully transferred power and no one stormed the Capitol to stop it).

    I’m going to say that a lot of that anger was due to absolute shock that a reality TV host was victorious over a Democrat whose hub had been president, and had a massive following herself, with oodles of years of experience in politics. People, even Republicans, were in utter shock that Hillary Clinton lost. They could not accept that, while not winning the popular vote, Trump nonetheless ended up in the Oval.

    Dana (46b10b)

  122. @119, the DEMs will be “excited” by any candidate who can think on their feet……

    Excitement? The Democrat governors are dull as dishwater.

    And all of the Democrat governors you mentioned (outside of Whitmer) are white males-how do you think that will play among progressive Democrats at the convention? They also have no national profile and would certainly alienate black voters.

    I don’t see the convention rejecting Harris to lead the ticket. The political optics are all bad.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  123. This will irritate the Trumpist right-wing, but I agree with Somin, not an invasion at the southern border.

    I actually don’t think the issue here is particularly difficult. Both at the time of the Founding and today, “invasion” usually means an organized armed attack, but also has secondary meanings, many of which are more metaphorical. Which one is relevant in a given case depends on the situation.

    The use of “invasion” in the Constitution is an example of how the meaning of a potentially ambiguous word becomes clear in context. In other situations, “invasion” can sometimes mean a mere intrusion on rights (e.g.—”invasion of privacy”), or even just a metaphorical conflict, like the 1960s “British Invasion” of UK rock bands coming to perform in the US.

    In the context of giving states the right to “engage in war” in response (which the Constitution authorizes a state to do in the event it is “actually invaded”), suspending the writ of habeas corpus (which the federal government can do if there is an “invasion”), and other relevant features of the Constitution, it is limited to organized armed attacks. Founding-era evidence supports this position. For more detail see my Lawfare article on this subject, and the amicus brief I filed in one of the Fifth Circuit cases on behalf of the Cato Institute and myself.

    Paul Montagu (169a51)

  124. If Biden withdraws/resigns from the campaign or presidency,, my (pretty safe) prediction is that there is greater than 50% chance Harris will be the presidential nominee.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  125. Thanks for the link, NJRob. The Democrats were really mad when Trump won in 2016. They said the election was fraud, hacked, and Trump was illegitimate. Sounds like what Trump said in 2020 !! (except, of course, Obama peacefully transferred power and no one stormed the Capitol to stop it).

    DRJ (f65e25) — 7/7/2024 @ 8:04 am

    Glad to do so. I also remember the “Summer of love” that was fiery, but mostly peaceful and Kamala bailing out the criminals.

    I do not recall Trump telling people to storm the Capitol. Perhaps you’ve seen otherwise.

    NJRob (259cb9)

  126. Let’s see, 30 years takes us back to 1994, when the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives. That resulted in a balanced budget and welfare reform. Following Clinton, we had the overthrow of Saddam, PEPFAR, the most successful foreign aid program since the Marshal Plan, and family-friendly tax cuts. Recently, Roe was finally tossed, as it should have been, and affirmative action is now illegal, something I think will do much to reduce tensions among groups, in the long run, and perhaps even sooner.

    Then, on the negative side, we have two presidents in succession who have run massive deficits.

    I wouldn’t call any of those “nothing”, but others may disagree.

    Jim Miller (80458d)

  127. “But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”
    –Donald J. Trump, 1/6/2021

    “Take back” doesn’t sound very democratic. Or peaceful.

    Paul Montagu (169a51)

  128. Last I checked, Raphael Warnock is not white…and Joe Biden is. At some point, the election becomes about competence. It’s a minimal threshold that people will get excited for. Neither Trump nor Biden is competent. Harris has demonstrated meager competence. Those I mentioned all have higher ceilings. It will be difficult for our ossified system to make significant change. It needs to…

    AJ_Liberty (bd5cd1)

  129. They also have no national profile and would certainly alienate black voters.

    Democrats will vote for the Democrat even if it’s David Duke. What matters is who the center votes for, and right now they’re trending Trump.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  130. my (pretty safe) prediction is that there is greater than 50% chance

    That’s utterly safe as it can never be proven wrong, even if someone else gets the nomination.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  131. I wouldn’t call any of those “nothing”, but others may disagree.

    None of those helped the white working class out of their depression until Trump actually cut their taxes and forced the money people to abandon China.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  132. Good news. The Putin Party lost in France today, and the results were worse than anyone expected. Maybe LePen posing with terrorist regime members wasn’t a good idea.

    Paul Montagu (ca7cff)

  133. Hooray, the French antisemites won!

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  134. In an attempt to avoid actual democracy, Macron and his centrists allied with the antisemitic far Left to stop what the MSM call the far Right. They continue to sow the wind.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  135. Paul cheering on the communists in France. I’m shocked

    The New Popular Front (NFP), a hastily formed coalition of socialists, communists, greens and the leftist France Unbowed party, is set to take between 172 and 192 of the chamber’s 577 seats, Ipsos predicted.

    NJRob (259cb9)

  136. Wrong again, Rob.
    I’m cheering against the Frog right-wingers who are in the tank for the Terrorist Thug-in-Chief of Russia, and the right-wing party that is led by fascist Marie LePen.

    Paul Montagu (169a51)

  137. “Good news. The Putin Party lost in France today”

    And the Stalin Party won. Good news for those who oppose the will of the people. Great news, actually.

    From the left wing Le Monde:

    “The president has the duty to call on the Nouveau Front Populaire to govern,” declared left-wing leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The leader of La France Insoumise (LFI, radical left) party spoke from the restaurant La Rotonde Stalingrad, in northern Paris, where his party held its election night event, just after 8 pm.

    In the week between the two rounds of voting, more than 200 candidates, mostly from the left and center, dropped out in favor of a better-placed candidate to beat the RN, to prevent the far right from ascending to power in what is called the “republican front” in France. “These electoral agreements throw France into the arms of Mélenchon,” Bardella said.

    France has two rounds of elections, so that these sort of electoral tricks can be played.

    lloyd (ed9493)

  138. There is more to the world than opposing Putin. Particularly for people who don’t have next year’s meals paid for already.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  139. Macron is left-of-center and still in charge, so it’s status quo, which is acceptable considering the Putin-sniffing right-wing alternative.

    You’re right, Kevin, there’s “more to the world than opposing Putin”, but not in France today.

    Paul Montagu (169a51)

  140. I used to think that in the second round in France it was a runoff between the top two finishers, but evidently they changed it so that all candidates run again. France Unbowed may be worse than Le Pen.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  141. @141 Macron was not up for election. He was going to retain his position regardless. Macron wasn’t the alternative to the RN. Power has been handed to the Stalinist coalition, which is “good news” only to leftists.

    lloyd (ed9493)

  142. Leading House Democrats are holding a Zoom meeting today to discuss next steps. This is a meeting usually held on Wednesdays. Senator Mark Warner is trying to get Democratic Senators to either meet with Biden or write him a letter about withdrawing on Monday.

    Meanwhile evidently to head that all off, there is being arranged a poll of convention delegates in a week or two with the idea that they will support Biden staying.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  143. Dictionary
    Definitions from Trump University Languages
    a person who has not been urinated on by a prostitute in a Moscow hotel room.
    “these values are shared by many leftists”

    nk (fb93ae)

  144. Leading House Democrats will meet on Zoom today, a meeting usually held on Wednesday, Senator Mark Warner is trying to assemble a group of Democratic Senators to either meet with Biden on Monday or write him a letter about withdrawing.

    Meanwhile, Donna Brazile said on ABC that she’s a member of the credentials committee and is helping compile a list of delegates to the conventi ballots to.on to mail ballots to.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  145. my (pretty safe) prediction is that there is greater than 50% chance (that Harris will be nominated if Biden withdraws or resigns)

    That’s utterly safe as it can never be proven wrong, even if someone else gets the nomination.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/7/2024 @ 11:30 am

    Actually I will be proven wrong if Harris doesn’t receive the nomination.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  146. At Trump University they also engage in first black woman president denialism.

    lloyd (ed9493)

  147. Meanwhile, the “reformer” won in Iran. Perhaps the Ayatollah will take a lesson from that. Maybe he already has,

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  148. France’s Parliament will be split mainly into 3 incompatible groups. The left consisted of a coalition of 4 parties: Socialists, Communists, Greens and France Unbowed. Macron must hope to split it apart. One idea is a caretaker cabinet, with new elections in one year, he soonest he can call another,

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  149. “Good news. The Putin Party lost in France today”

    And the Stalin Party won. Good news for those who oppose the will of the people.

    Under the French electoral system the vote did reflect the will of the people. It’s not like the French right was unaware how their system worked.

    A candidate can win in the first round by garnering 50% of votes cast if turnout represents at least 25% of the constituency’s registered voters.

    In the case of a second round, anyone winning at least 12.5% of voters may stand; it is therefore possible to see three or four candidates competing. A candidate may withdraw between the first and second rounds, which is usually done to throw votes to another candidate.

    If no candidate garners the 12.5% required, the top two candidates compete in a second round.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  150. Nk ignoring the actual description of the commies that won in France according to exit polls. No surprise that a fraud like Macr9n would align woth the Stalinists. We see the same here in America.

    NJRob (bfab53)

  151. Power has been handed to the Stalinist coalition, which is “good news” only to leftists.

    You’re pretending that Macron has no power, which is ridiculous and false, because it’s a center-left coalition. Macron keeps his job and is more or less status quo, and it’s a loss for Putin because his propaganda effort failed. Phillips O’Brien here.

    Also, it was just a few days ago that Farage and his Putin-loving Tories cratered in their election.

    I keep saying this, but right-wing ≠ conservative. Also, what’s called “conservative” across the pond isn’t traditional American conservatism.

    Paul Montagu (169a51)

  152. Marine Le Pen provided an incentive to the left to form an electoral alliance when she said her National Rally party would not lead a government without a absolute parliamentary majority in the second round.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  153. I keep saying this, but right-wing ≠ conservative. Also, what’s called “conservative” across the pond isn’t traditional American conservatism.

    I agree. And not here, either, anymore.

    nk (f319d4)

  154. Keep making the conservative case for Biden, Schiff, Bragg, Sotomayor, and the French communists. Anyone I left out? It’s all so very convincing, Paul.

    Farage won his seat and Reform UK gained seats. This counts as cratering in the same news bubble that told you Biden was lucid.

    lloyd (ed9493)

  155. Farage won his seat and Reform UK gained seats.

    Five seats out of 650 (.8% of the total) and fewer than the Lib Dems (72, 11%); Scottish National Party (9, 1.4%); Sinn Fein (7, 1.1%); and independent candidates (6, .9%).

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  156. @157 Don’t let the facts get in the way.

    “Reform’s roughly four million votes translates into a 14% share of the total votes cast in the election, but only 1% of all the seats in the House of Commons. By contrast, Labour won 34% of total votes cast, but about 64% of the 650 seats.”

    lloyd (ed9493)

  157. The left consisted of a coalition of 4 parties: Socialists, Communists, Greens and France Unbowed. Macron must hope to split it apart.

    Which of those 4 parties is he hoping to work with? (France Unbowed is hard Left antisemites).

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  158. So, what do people think of the proposed Democratic “Blitz primary” game show? WIll there be a Lightning Round?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  159. Five seats out of 650 (.8% of the total) and fewer than the Lib Dems (72, 11%)…

    That’s 5 seats with 14% of the vote versus 72 seats with 11%. What it shows is an electoral system that caters to regional parties with concentrated support.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  160. Wishful thinking:

    The proposal is the work of Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown University law professor who served in the Obama and Clinton administrations and as a volunteer policy adviser to the Biden campaign in 2020, and Ted Dintersmith, a venture capitalist and education philanthropist who has donated to various Democratic campaigns………..

    • Biden would step down as the Democratic nominee in mid-July, and announce the new system, with backing from Vice President Kamala Harris.

    • Potential candidates would have a few days to throw their respective hats in the ring. The Democratic Party then would begin a primary sprint in which the six candidates who receive the most votes from delegates pledge to run positive-only campaigns in the month leading up to the convention.

    • The “blitz primary” would involve weekly forums with each candidate moderated by cultural icons (Michelle Obama, Oprah, and Taylor Swift are among the names floated in the memo) in order to engage voters.

    • The nominee would ultimately be chosen by the delegates using ranked choice voting before the start of the Chicago convention on Aug. 19.

    • It would be announced with plenty of fanfare on the third day of the gathering. The memo imagines the nominee unveiled on stage with Biden, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

    According to its authors, the country would be captivated. Donations would pour in. And Biden would be celebrated as a “modern-day George Washington,” the proponents argue.
    ……………. (I)t would require Biden — who has only been digging in — to decide voluntarily to exit the race within days. And it wouldn’t automatically make Harris the nominee, instead ushering in a broader field, which could exacerbate the party’s problems with some key constituencies if she’s seen as being passed over.

    It’s also hard to see candidates sticking to a positive-only campaign pledge that avoids attacking their competition. Even if they publicly restrained themselves, a competitive race would likely usher in a knife fight of opposition research, leaks, and whispers by their allies in the press and on social media.

    Biden replacement fantasy camp. I don’t see any serious Democrats participating in something like out of the fear of alienating any one of a number of Democrat interest groups.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  161. Because “Jihad Primary” was already trademarked?

    lloyd (ed9493)

  162. So, what do people think of the proposed Democratic “Blitz primary” game show? WIll there be a Lightning Round?

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/7/2024 @ 2:58 pm

    Comedy gold!

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  163. Here are the basic numbers from the July 4th UK election.

    The incumbent parties — the Conservatives in Wales and England and the Scottish Nationalist Party in Scotland — lost badly. Both were hurt by scandals, but especially the SNP.

    The Conservatives would have done better had not Nigel Farage worked to expand Reform UK. He succeeded in votes, but failed in seats, winning only 5 of the 650 seats in the House of Commons. He helped, in short, to damage the conservative cause in the UK, and the world, generally.

    (Northern Ireland is, of course, an entirely different world from the rest of the UK, still fighting over centuries-old religious quarrels.)

    Jim Miller (50a86c)

  164. lloyd (ed9493) — 7/7/2024 @ 2:50 pm

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/7/2024 @ 3:01 pm

    Those are great bragging rights, but the ability to make policy and laws is based on the number of seats a party holds in Parliament. Five seats out of 650 will show that Reform UK will have little influence on policy when Labour will have a 407 majority over Reform.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  165. I don’t see how Biden could withdraw from the race and then remain President until the end of his term. Everybody would know he withdrew due to his disastrous debate performance where he looked feeble-minded. If he’s too feeble to continue the campaign, then he’s too feeble to be President.

    To make the argument that the people around him will run the country for the next six months is to argue that the President just isn’t that important, which is very ironic in an election year, don’t you think?

    The only way it makes sense is if he withdraws AND resigns, making Kamala the President. I doubt she would be content to only be President for six months. No. She would vie for the nomination along with the other wannabes. I’m going to stock up on popcorn.

    norcal (a97e06)

  166. Keep making the conservative case for Biden, Schiff, Bragg, Sotomayor…

    I haven’t made a conservative or any case for any of them, lloyd. WTF are you blathering about?

    Paul Montagu (169a51)

  167. He helped, in short, to damage the conservative cause in the UK, and the world, generally.

    Jim, I think you mistake Reform UK as “conservative.” Like other populist parties they call for significant change. Heck, “Reform” is in their name.

    What Gingrich said of Dole: The tax collector for the welfare state.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  168. In most of the world, there is a ratchet clicking Left. Conservatives want the ratchet to click more slowly, not go the other way. “Progressives” want it to click much faster. Populists want to get rid of the ratchet entirely.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  169. The conservative case for Biden et al is Trump.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  170. I don’t see how Biden could withdraw from the race and then remain President until the end of his term. Everybody would know he withdrew due to his disastrous debate performance where he looked feeble-minded. If he’s too feeble to continue the campaign, then he’s too feeble to be President.

    I agree completely; those who want him to just withdraw but remain President are in denial.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  171. I want him to resign but stay in the race!

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  172. I want him to resign but stay in the race!

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/7/2024 @ 3:31 pm


    norcal (a97e06)

  173. I doubt (Harris) would be content to only be President for six months. No. She would vie for the nomination along with the other wannabes.

    The primaries are over; and the Biden/Harris team won the vast majority of delegates. I would expect a simple majority would pick her as the Democratic nominee for president.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  174. I don’t think of Reform UK as conservative, especially not in the US sense. Some of his followers, there and here, claim he is. But I think his attraction to Putin should make it clear that he is not a conservative by our standards, any more than Jeremy Corbyn is a conservative. (He also likes Putin.)

    Jim Miller (50a86c)

  175. Had this crisis occurred during the primaries, an alternative candidate to Biden might have emerged with a significant number of convention delegates, but that didn’t happen.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  176. So, there’s a bunch of people on a raft, heading down the Niagara River to the Falls. The oarsman has dropped the oar into the water and they can no longer control the raft and they are starting to panic. They talk about making a new oar, and ask each other why they picked this senile oarsman. Or maybe just jumping into the fiver and swimming for it.

    Every new idea is shot down by a guy who thinks he’s the smartest guy on the raft. Swim for it? You’ll just drown. Make a new oar? Wishcasting. We were doomed when we let that idiot hold the oar.

    So, they all tie the wiseguy to the raft and swim for it, while he’s still telling them they’ll drown.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  177. Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/7/2024 @ 3:47 pm

    Fortunately fables are just that.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  178. Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/7/2024 @ 3:47 pm

    Another good one, Kevin. I enjoy your comedic side.

    norcal (a97e06)

  179. Out:

    Radio host Andrea Lawful-Sanders has resigned from WURD Radio after admitting her post-debate interview with President Joe Biden included questions that were pre-selected by Biden’s campaign team, the station told CNN Sunday.
    WURD is Pennsylvania’s only Black-owned talk radio station. (Sara Lomax, the station’s president and CEO) said the station prides itself on being an independent, trustworthy voice for its primary audience of Black Philadelphians and that using questions that were provided ahead of time “jeopardizes that trust and is not a practice that WURD Radio engages in or endorses as a matter of practice or official policy.”

    “WURD Radio is not a mouthpiece for the Biden or any other Administration,” she added.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  180. norcal (a97e06) — 7/7/2024 @ 5:10 pm

    If only Kevin M put as much thought and effort into supporting his arguments beyond “there’s a judge somewhere.”

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  181. Kevin makes mistakes sometimes, but I like how he shoots from the hip and throws ideas out there. Some people edit themselves so much that they never say anything.

    norcal (a97e06)

  182. There’s always a judge somewhere. Between the 5th Circuit and the 9th Circuit there’s a lot of ideological room. One guy might rule the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional while another has no problem with Bible studies in classrooms.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  183. I don’t see how Biden could withdraw from the race and then remain President until the end of his term. Everybody would know he withdrew due to his disastrous debate performance where he looked feeble-minded. If he’s too feeble to continue the campaign, then he’s too feeble to be President.

    norcal (a97e06) — 7/7/2024 @ 3:20 pm

    The reason he’ll quit the campaign, if he does, is that he’s convinced he can’t win, or at least that others have a better chance. It would be an assessment of his popularity, not his competence. Can’t win ≠ can’t govern.

    lurker (c23034)

  184. Andrea Lawful-Sanders, WURD Radio part ways after she used questions provided by Biden’s campaign

    A Philadelphia radio host who said she used questions prepared by President Biden’s campaign in a post-debate interview parted ways with WURD, the station’s president and CEO announced on Sunday.

    Andrea Lawful-Sanders, who hosted “The Source” on WURD 96.1 FM/900 AM, in Philadelphia, mutually parted ways with the radio station after she said on CNN that she received a list of eight questions from Mr. Biden’s campaign, including four that she approved.

    “WURD Radio remains an independent voice that our audience can trust will hold elected officials accountable,” Sara M. Lomax, the president and CEO of WURD, said in a statement on Sunday. “As Pennsylvania’s only independent Black-owned talk radio station, WURD Radio has cultivated that trust with our audience over our 20-year history. This is something we take very seriously. Agreeing to a pre-determined set of questions jeopardizes that trust and is not a practice that WURD Radio engages in or endorses as a matter of practice or official policy.”

    “WURD Radio is not a mouthpiece for the Biden or any other Administration,” Lomax said. “Internally, we will commit to reviewing our policies, procedures, and practices to reinforce WURD’s independence and trust with our listeners. But mainstream media should do its own introspection to explore how they have lost the trust of so many Americans, Black Americans chief among them.”

    Yeah, sounds like bypassing Harris is going to go down well.

    lloyd (ffd3a6)

  185. lloyd (ffd3a6) — 7/7/2024 @ 7:04 pm

    I salute Andrea Lawful-Sanders for telling the truth.

    norcal (a97e06)

  186. @185, that’s right. There’s nothing worse than quitting except losing to Trump and preventing someone from making it a close election. That fear will either move him or not. There are also no white knights waiting to roll in. Whitmer, Newsom, Cooper, all represent risk. Any of them could implode from lack of preparation and choking. I think Biden dropping out is the right thing to do.

    AJ_Liberty (45564b)

  187. Msdnc ayman: Under supreme court ruling when fbi conspired with chicago police to murder Fred Hampton and Mark Clark if president ordered it it would now be legal. Seal team six better get ready!

    asset (f10a85)

  188. @115 they were mad at jill stein too! Clintonistas didn’t believe democrats like me wouldn’t vote for what ever crap they threw on the wall that stuck. They also hate bernie sanders. Now they rightly fear RFK jr. if Biden isn’t dumped.

    asset (f10a85)

  189. Democrats tell joe its time to go! 1974 all over again. Then they go visit Michele Obama!

    asset (f10a85)

  190. I think Biden dropping out is the right thing to do.

    AJ_Liberty (45564b) — 7/7/2024 @ 7:31 pm

    Another thing I wonder about is who would be willing to get in the race at this point. Trump was up even before Biden’s debacle of a debate. The top names could very well decide that their chances would be better in 2028.

    Even Kamala might not like her chances, but her hand would be forced if Biden resigned. She would then have to run, wouldn’t she? If she retains presidential aspirations, I just can’t see her skipping the 2024 race as the incumbent President, and hoping she could jump back in come 2028.

    These are interesting times.

    Whatever happens in this election, I hope that at least one chamber is controlled by the party not winning the Presidency. There is too much potential for mischief otherwise.

    norcal (a97e06)

  191. @127 You just found out that establishment corporate democrats are phony do as I say not as I do hypocrites? Nov.8 2016 clintonistas our elections are not rigged! Nov. 9 2016 rigged! ;but you said they were not rigged yesterday? Democrats that was then this is now!

    asset (f10a85)

  192. @192 who would run? Don’t stand in the door way you would get run over by democrats running.

    asset (f10a85)

  193. @188. I want whoever is likeliest to defeat Trump to run. If it’s Biden, leave him be. If it’s anyone else, even the execrable Kamala, dump him. If NJRob could beat Trump and would run as a Democrat I’d crawl over broken glass to vote for him. The thing is, I have no confidence I can predict who that optimal candidate is. My strongest intuition is that the election is lost, whoever runs, so I doubt any of the frantic activity we’re going to see between now and election day will be of much consequence.

    lurker (c23034)

  194. @177 why do you think the dnc rigged the primaries and had no debates to keep out RFK jr.

    asset (f10a85)

  195. My strongest intuition is that the election is lost, whoever runs, so I doubt any of the frantic activity we’re going to see between now and election day will be of much consequence.

    lurker (c23034) — 7/7/2024 @ 8:00 pm

    I fear you are correct. If so, Democrats should try to mitigate the damage by doing whatever they can to enhance the prospects of down-ballot candidates. I guess it’s possible that some potential Democratic Presidential nominees, although destined to lose, would help down-ballot candidates more than other nominees.

    norcal (a97e06)

  196. Don’t stand in the door way you would get run over by democrats running.

    asset (f10a85) — 7/7/2024 @ 7:57 pm

    I think Gavin Newsom is shrewd enough to know that this isn’t the time to jump in.

    norcal (a97e06)

  197. If the Democrats end up sticking with Biden, expect the media to suddenly find him lucid again. The media will herd to whatever they think will help Democrats.

    lloyd (da29ad)

  198. @187 She went along with the request, which wasn’t the right decision, but yes she was honest about it after the fact. I salute the radio station putting their integrity first.

    lloyd (da29ad)

  199. If the Democrats end up sticking with Biden, expect the media to suddenly find him lucid again. The media will herd to whatever they think will help Democrats.

    lloyd (da29ad) — 7/7/2024 @ 8:23 pm

    It won’t work. We all saw the debate. We also saw the Stephanopoulos interview, where Biden wasn’t sure if he watched his debate performance after the fact. There is no un-ringing that bell.

    norcal (a97e06)

  200. @197. Yeah, but I have no idea who’s likeliest to help down-ballot either. Just a hunch, but I’ll guess it’s the same person who’s likeliest to beat Trump. Which leaves us back where we started.

    lurker (c23034)

  201. If she retains presidential aspirations, I just can’t see her skipping the 2024 race as the incumbent President, and hoping she could jump back in come 2028.

    Oh, I think she could, particularly with all the MSM could say in her defense.

    “These are difficult times and I could use my position and claim the nomination. But it is more important that we have the strongest candidate to beat Donald Trump. So, it is a matter of integrity that I put my party and my nation ahead of my ambitions ….”

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  202. Whatever happens in this election, I hope that at least one chamber is controlled by the party not winning the Presidency. There is too much potential for mischief otherwise.

    I don’t advocate further stalemate. We have serious problems that we’ve not addressed for 20 years or so. After a while, any decision is better than no decision.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  203. I don’t advocate further stalemate. We have serious problems that we’ve not addressed for 20 years or so. After a while, any decision is better than no decision.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/7/2024 @ 8:48 pm

    Both parties have had periods in the last 20 years where they controlled the Presidency and both chambers, so I’m just not seeing the need.

    The last time we had a balanced budget was with Clinton and a Republican Congress.

    norcal (a97e06)

  204. Yeah, but I have no idea who’s likeliest to help down-ballot either.

    Apparently, it’s Trump. He is taking a situation that has 7 Democrat seats up for grabs and has promoted candidates who are losing all of them. The only gained senate seat will be in WV.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  205. The last time we had a balanced budget was with Clinton and a Republican Congress.

    And Perot and his 19% of the vote scaring the crap out of them.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  206. Biden is mortally wounded. You don’t come back from “Beat Medicare” and the vacant stares. It’s just too easy to make the case that he’s simply not up to standing up to Putin, Xi, and the Mullahs. Add in inflation, immigration, and crime and he loses too many of the voters that propelled him in 2020.

    So, it’s Kamala or the field. I’ll take the field because Harris inherits looking back at the inflation, immigration debacle, and Afghanistan. She must own it. Someone new gets to look forward and paint a more clear contrast with Trump. Can Whitmer do it? I’ve seen her on TV a handful of times. She’s struck me as brighter and quicker than Biden or Harris (ok, low bar…really low bar). Trump is a different animal which requires disciplined delivery and an ability to put him off kilter. Hopefully the strategists are earning their strategy and strategizing….and make it a fight.

    AJ_Liberty (45564b)

  207. I like the cut of your jib, AJ.

    norcal (a97e06)

  208. So, it’s Kamala or the field. I’ll take the field because Harris inherits looking back at the inflation, immigration debacle, and Afghanistan.

    AJ_Liberty (45564b) — 7/7/2024 @ 8:58 pm

    She especially inherits the immigration debacle because she was delegated to handle the border. Trump will have a field day with that.

    norcal (a97e06)

  209. This is why I say Kamala should stay as VP running mate, and the DNC vote for a headliner.
    It keeps Kamala’s foibles off the table, and also takes Biden’s feebleness and mental diminution off the table, and then the focus can turn back on Trump’s mental illness and unfitness.

    Paul Montagu (169a51)

  210. But it’s likely to be Harris if she insists. Who’s gonna enter the race against Ms Intersectionality? It’ll be kit gloves at best. You thought Haley looked awkward running against Trump? Wait’ll you get a look at the white guys lining up to take on Miss Black America.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  211. More attention is being paid on the lives Putin is sacrificing to keep his dirty illegal war going.

    2/7 The Economist reported on July 5, citing leaked documents from the U.S. Defense Department, that between mid-June, 462,000 and 728,000 russian soldiers were killed, injured, or captured.

    Paul Montagu (169a51)

  212. This is why I say Kamala should stay as VP running mate

    Sde’d be better off stepping off “voluntarily” as I suggested in 203. Then pick up her IOUs and run for CA governor where she can’t hurt anyone.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  213. Paul, that quote is missing words. Between what?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  214. Paul Montagu (169a51) — 7/7/2024 @ 9:41 pm

    Anytime I think I have problems, I just remind myself of all the people dying in Ukraine because some thug–who has the largest country in the world by land area–wants more territory.

    Support for Ukraine is the number one issue in this election. As long as the Democratic nominee is supportive of Ukraine, he/she will get my vote.

    norcal (a97e06)

  215. Kev, the Kyiv Post completed the rest…

    These figures do not include Ukrainians recruited by Russia from occupied territories or seriously injured Russian soldiers who cannot return to battle. The Economist calculates that for every Russian soldier killed in battle, there are about three to four wounded.

    By mid-June, The Economist estimated that between 462,000 and 728,000 Russian soldiers had been killed or wounded, exceeding the number of Russian invasion forces in February 2022. French and British officials believe that around 500,000 Russians were seriously injured or killed by early May.

    Paul Montagu (169a51)

  216. Yeah, the tweet said “Between mid-June …”

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  217. Support for Ukraine is the number one issue in this election.

    To many it’s more a “would be nice…”

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  218. Hunter biden lets try A.I. president biden to keep me out of jail!

    asset (f10a85)

  219. Four more years! Four more weeks. Four more days?

    asset (f10a85)

  220. The French invented communism. Look it up.

    But it takes an exceptionally Orwellian cerebral short-circuit to call people of any political stripe who oppose Putin’s invasion of Ukraine Stalinists. The Stalinists are the ones who do not oppose Putin.

    nk (8c10d3)

  221. @78

    LOL! You don’t see Trump spending his billions on his presidential campaign, why would Pritzker do the same?

    Because Prirzker is not a soulless conman like Trump?

    nk (36211a) — 7/6/2024 @ 5:48 pm

    Are you… for real?

    You don’t get the Governorship in freaking Illinois by NOT being a conman.

    whembly (477db6)

  222. What can I say, whembly? Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

    Rip finally went hunting where the ducks are by finding out that Pritzker had joined the other governors in supporting Biden’s continued run.

    Despite my wishes, darn it! I never said Pritzker was going to run. What I said was that I wanted him to run.

    nk (0ba86c)

  223. @171

    The conservative case for Biden et al is Trump.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a) — 7/7/2024 @ 3:26 pm

    Absolutely not.

    You may have a “case” to justify your vote for Biden over Trump.

    But, there’s nothing “conservative” about it.

    Voting for Biden is voting for insane leftist/progressive policies that would be neigh impossible to reverse in the future. (see Obamacare).

    whembly (477db6)

  224. #208

    So, it’s Kamala or the field. I’ll take the field because Harris inherits…

    One thing Trump has been doing is making inroads with the black vote, the young vote and this hisapnic vote.

    You don’t get that back by openly dissing Kamela.

    Just sayin’…

    I’m a yellow dog anti-Trumper, which means I will vote for a demented Biden as well.


    You may have a “case” to justify your vote for Biden over Trump.

    But, there’s nothing “conservative” about it

    What you are saying is that Conservatism is Trump in 2024.

    Appalled (40fe59)

  225. @226

    You may have a “case” to justify your vote for Biden over Trump.

    But, there’s nothing “conservative” about it

    What you are saying is that Conservatism is Trump in 2024.

    Appalled (40fe59) — 7/8/2024 @ 7:23 am


    Not really.

    I was really saying Conservativism was DeSantis in 2024… but, I lost that primary battle.

    Trump’s “Conservativism” is accidental simply because of the nature that he brings in Republicans (generally) into his administration. And because conservative policies are popular amongst his voters, so he fans their adulations by hitching his policies to that. But, he’s certainly no Conservative™ advocate.

    Perfect example to that is just Judge nomination from the Heritage Foundation.

    Or, put another way. Instead of saying which politician is “x” political ideologies.

    Simply ask yourself this:
    Which candidate will advance your preferred policies?

    IMO, that’s the only criterion one should vote for…because it truly should be distilled down a transactional enterprise.

    Doing so otherwise, while claiming to be a righty/conservative… is a recipe for civic disaster.

    whembly (477db6)

  226. From the AP today:
    “Biden tells Hill Democrats he ‘declines’ to step aside and says it’s time for party drama ‘to end'”

    So, either Biden is truly stubborn in refusing to step down.


    No one has made the Biden’s an offer they couldn’t refuse…


    whembly (477db6)

  227. @222 No one is calling them Stalinists, nk. They self identify as such. There’s really no guesswork at play here. They’re anti-Semites as well. Take your pick. But they’re pro war, so it’s all good.

    lloyd (c2d3a3)

  228. Well, I did read that Stalin was “rehabilitated” in the USSR around 1984 (not kidding), so I suppose that could have also involved “erasing” the Holomodor as well. Still ….

    nk (22f75e)

  229. You don’t get the Governorship in freaking Illinois by NOT being a conman.

    Or, often enough, a felon.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  230. If Blacks thought Harris was such a great candidate, they would have voted for her in 2019. They didn’t. The choice is lose with Joe….or lose bigger with Kamala. If you don’t want Christian Nationalists whispering in the ear of the President, maybe there’s a different choice…

    AJ_Liberty (45564b)

  231. What you are saying is that Conservatism is Trump in 2024.

    Biden is the “conservative” here. He favors continuing along as we are with as few changes as possible. Bloated government, rampant spending, more taxes to pay for continued rampant spending, a trillion-dollar military, complex tax policies, open borders, etc.

    The radical is Trump, who would upend every apple cart. As usual with radicals, he’s kinda weak on what he’ll do after all the destruction and blood-letting.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  232. If Blacks thought Harris was such a great candidate, they would have voted for her in 2019.

    I guess you say “voted” in some metaphorical sense.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  233. BTW, the left-wing French PCF party threw off Stalin back in the 1970s. The only folks who still publicly admire the Soviet butcher are Putin and a few remaining communist dictators.

    Speaking of Putin, today’s terrorist attack is brought to you by the Thug-in-Chief of the Russian Federation, who “liberated” the main children’s hospital in Kyiv.
    It takes a special kind of evil to deliberately murder children, but Vlad has been up to the task. The toll so far is 17 dead and 41 wounded.
    To date, Putin has bombed nearly a thousand hospitals, churches and schools, terrorist attacks all. If only Ukraine had a fraction of Hamas’ skills at manipulating the media and playing the victim.

    Paul Montagu (6a638f)

  234. Support for Ukraine is the number one issue in this election.

    To many it’s more a “would be nice…”

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/7/2024 @ 11:14 pm

    Ukraine may be the number one issue here, but most voters don’t care. A February 2024 poll shows “foreign policy” coming in at 1% as the “most important issue”, ranked 14th out of 15 issues (tied with criminal justice reform).

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  235. Despite my wishes, darn it! I never said Pritzker was going to run. What I said was that I wanted him to run.

    nk (0ba86c) — 7/8/2024 @ 6:55 am

    And I was trying to disabuse you of the notion that he would run.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  236. If Blacks thought Harris was such a great candidate, they would have voted for her in 2019.

    They didn’t have the chance to vote for her in 2019, since the primaries didn’t start until January 2020. She withdrew in December 2019, before the primaries began.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  237. There’s always a judge somewhere. Between the 5th Circuit and the 9th Circuit there’s a lot of ideological room. One guy might rule the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional while another has no problem with Bible studies in classrooms.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/7/2024 @ 6:17 pm

    There he goes again……What would be the legal argument to overturn the FEC rules?

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  238. #232

    There is a world of difference between the 2020 primary and overlooking the sitting Vice President for — what exactly? The names I hear are all kind of wonderbread. Kamela isn’t that appealing, but who on the Dem side has much appeal? And do they have any time to break through the media and show it? What’s the theory that some Dem out of nowhere is going to salvage things, without alienating a lot of others?

    The goal for any Biden replacement is to get the Obama minority vote. That way victory lies. That said, it does sound like the black establishment is rallying around Biden.

    Appalled (40fe59)

  239. Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 7/8/2024 @ 8:46 am

    A February 2024 poll shows “foreign policy” coming in at 1% as the “most important issue”, ranked 14th out of 15 issues (tied with criminal justice reform).

    People who answered the survey could only pick one issue as the most important.

    That was inflation/prices at 20%. (they probably got to pick the top three)

    Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09)

  240. Rip Murdock @151. Than you for explaining the French electoral system. One thing is still not clear. What if the tp finisher gets under 50% but more than 12.5% and the next runner up gets less than 12.5% (unlikely)

    Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09)

  241. There’s another place named after Stalin (sort of) where the members of the New Popular Front gathered to hear the results:

    Supporters of France’s left-wing New Popular Front alliance took to the streets of Paris on Sunday night to celebrate a performance better than many had expected in the parliamentary election and to cheer the failure of the far-right National Rally to capture a majority, according to initial projections.

    As votes were being counted across the country, a crowd gathered at the Place de la Bataille de Stalingrad waved the national tricolor flag and chanted slogans. They booed when Jordan Bardella, the 28-year-old president of the National Rally, appeared on a big screen. Some in the crowd made an obscene gesture.

    They also gathered at the Place de la République in Paris.

    Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09)

  242. What they are not doing is proposing any changes in the presidential nominating/election system.

    If you need competitive primaries you need a threshold of over 50%, at least on the first ballot (I suggested 62% – not 2/3) and the ability of someone to jump in after the first primaries (that means the ability to raise money quickly in a=large donations but not in such a way that a candidate has few possible donors) and less obstacles to third party candidates.

    Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09)


    The fact that Biden and his allies were able to get this far by gaslighting everybody about his mental decline, and the difficulty Democrats have in dumping him now, is a demonstration of how unlikely it is that they would ever pursue the 25th Amendment option unless he is totally incapacitated. But as the Biden experience shows, there can be a long decline before somebody gets to the point at which he literally cannot even pretend to function. Which means, the argument – whether stated implicitly or explicitly – is that a vote for Biden is not actually a vote for Biden, but for others around him to control the presidency.

    Letting unelected aides or family members run the country rather than the elected president is the exact opposite of saving democracy.


    whembly (477db6)

  244. norcal (a97e06) — 7/7/2024 @ 3:20 pm

    To make the argument that the people around him will run the country for the next six months is to argue that the President just isn’t that important, which is very ironic in an election year, don’t you think?

    No, who holds the office is important, because when the president changes the appointees and the nature of the appointees changes.

    Eisenhower was almost out of it for several weeks..

    In 1955, President Eisenhower suffered a heart attack that left him unable to perform his presidential duties. Vice President Nixon stepped in and showed quiet leadership during President Eisenhower’s six-week recuperation.

    This is a Nixon legacy website.

    Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09)

  245. “I guess you say “voted” in some metaphorical sense.”

    And by “voting” maybe I meant expressed their preference as evidenced by polling. If the Democrat Party must be so sensitive to black voters, it’s interesting that Harris and Booker never left single digits….and the party stuck with an all-white lineup to defeat Trump: Biden, Warren, Sanders, and Buttigieg topping out the list.

    It’s looking less and less likely that Biden will drop out. He believes he can mumble his way through this like 2020. I think he’s wrong. I think he is not intellectually facile enough to prosecute the case against Trump while rationalizing his own deficiencies. He’s never been a great orator and mixed in with his doddery, he’s just not compelling. Trump wins. Having been a prosecutor, one would think Harris would be a more natural choice, but she’s never impressed as being a quick wit or especially organized. She will be saddled by the border and all the Biden missteps from Afghanistan to Inflation. They can try and run on that the country has turned the corner and that we need to push forward with the same policies. Trump will eat their lunch.

    The DEMs gambled by not having a wide-open primary and introduce their rising governors. Dean Phillips was duly ignored. Is it too late to push a young and glib alternative? Weekend at Joe’s was mildly amusing in 2020. Now it’s just sad. This is how you get Trump 2.0….

    AJ_Liberty (5f05c3)

  246. Breaking: Biden’s letter to Congressional Democrats today:


    July 8, 2024

    Fellow Democrats.

    Now that you have returned from the July 4th recess, I want you to know that despite all the speculation in the press and elsewhere, I am firmly committed to staying in this race, to running this race to the end, and to beating Donald Tramp.

    I have had extensive conversations with the leadership of the party, elected officials, rank and file members, and most importantly, Democratic voters [who??] over these past 10 days or so. I have heard the concerns that people have – their good faith fears and worries about what is at stake in this election. I am not blind to them. Believe me, I know better than anyone the responsibility and the burden the nominee of our party carries. I carried it in 2020 when the fate of our nation was at stake. I also know these concerns come from a place of real respect for my lifetime of public service and my record as President, and I have been moved by the expressions of affection for me from so many who have known me well and supported me over the course of my public life. I’ve been grateful for the rock-solid, steadfast support from so many elected Democrats in Congress and all across the country and taken great strength from the resolve and determination I’ve seen from so many voters and grassroots supporters even in the hardest of weeks.

    I can respond to all this by saying clearly and unequivocally: I wouldn’t be running again if I did not absolutely believe I was the best person to beat Donald Trump in 2024.

    We had a Democratic nomination process and the voters have spoken clearly and decisively. I received over 14 million votes, 87% of the votes cast across the entire nominating process. I have nearly 3,000 delegates, making me the presumptive nominee of our party.

    This was a process open to anyone who wanted to run. Only three people chose to challenge me. One fared so badly that he left the primaries to run as an independent. Another attacked me for being too old and was soundly defeated. The voters of the Democratic Party have voted. They have chosen me to be the nominee of the party.

    Do we now just say this process didn’t matter? That the voters don’t have a say? [They didn’t, really -SF]

    I decline to do that. I feel a deep obligation to the faith and the trust the voters of the Democratic Party have placed in me to run this year. It was their decision to make. Not the press, not the ‘pundits, not the big donors, not any selected group of individuals, no matter how well intentioned. The voters — and the voters alone ~ decide the nominee of the Democratic Party. How can we stand for democracy in our nation if we ignore it in our own party? I cannot do that. I will not do that.

    Like Jimmy Carter said when campaigning in the Ohio primary in 1976, the candidate should be some one who ran in the primaries and a vote for anyone else there is a vote for Hubert Humphrey and Hubert Humphrey is not running in the primaries so you have to vote for him. He said that after getting Mayor Daley the first to say that the nominee should be whoever won the Ohio primary, thus ignoring California and New Jersey which voted on the same day.

    I have no doubt that I – and we – can and will beat Donald Tramp. We have an historic record of success to run on. From creating over 15 million jobs (including 200,000 just last month), reaching historic lows on unemployment, to revitalizing American manufacturing with 800,000 jobs, to protecting and expanding affordable health care, to rebuilding America’s roads, bridges, highways, ports and airports, and water systems, to beating Big Pharma and lowering the cost of prescription drugs, including $35 a month insulin for seniors, to providing student debt relief for nearly 5 million Americans to an historic investment in combatting climate change.

    More importantly, we have an economic vision to run on that soundly beats Trump and the MAGA Republicans. They are siding with the wealthy and the big corporations and we are siding with the working people of America. It wasn’t an isolated moment for Trump to stand at Mar-A-Lago and tell the oil industry they should give him $1 billion and he will do whatever they want.

    “That’s whose side Trump and the MAGA Republicans are on. Trump and the MAGA Republicans want another $5 trillion in tax cuts for rich people so they can cut Social Security and Medicare.

    While some Republicans proposed some cutbacks in Social Security, Trump has disavowed any interest in doing so.

    We will never let that happen. It’s trickle-down economics on steroids. We know the way to build the economy is from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down.

    Democratic immigration policy would be trickle down economics for the immigrants – and it would work

    We are finally going to make the rich and big corporations pay their fair share of taxes in this country. The MAGA party is also still determined to repeal the Affordable Care Act,

    Trump has proposed either amending it or coming up with a better system – no details – but not a simple repeal.

    which could throw 45 million Americans off their coverage. We will never let that happen either. Trump got rich denying rental housing to Black people.

    [His father had that policy till 1973. He didn’t get rich because of it – it simply made his tenant selection process easier. He was trying to protect his buildings. Or what is Biden saying here about the utility or value of racial discrimination in housing?? It makes you rich? Donald Trump decided to stay out of middle income housing as a result of these legal complications and that’s why he only built expensive housing.

    We have a plan to build 2 million new housing units in America. They want to let Big Pharma charge as much as they want again. What do you think America’s seniors will think when they know Trump and the MAGA Republicans want to take away their $35 insulin [!!?] — as well as the $2,000 cap on out-of-pocket prescription costs we Democrats just got them? Or what do you think American families are going to think when they find out Tramp and the MAGA Republicans want to hit them with a new $2,500 national sales tax on all the imported products they buy.

    That’s an estimate of what a 10% tariff on all imported goods, which Trump has floated, would amount to

    We are the ones lowering costs for families – from health care to prescription drugs to student debt to housing. We are the ones protecting Social Security and Medicare. Everything they’re proposing raises costs for most Americans — except their tax cuts which will go to the rich.

    We are protecting the freedoms of Americans. Trump and the MAGA Republicans are taking them away. They have already for the first time in history taken away a fundamental freedom from the American people by overturning Roe v. Wade. They have decided politicians should make the most personalofdecisions that should be made by women and their doctors and those closest to them. They have already said they won’t stop there – and are going after everything from contraception to IVF to the right to marry who you love. And they have made it clear they will ban abortion nationwide. We will let none of that happen. I have made it clear that if Kamala and I are reelected, and the nation elects a Democratic House and Senate, we will make Roe v. Wade the law of the and again. We are the ones who will bring real Supreme Court reform; Donald Trump and his majority want more of the same from the Court, and the chance to add to the right-wing majority they built by subverting the norms and principles of the nomination and confirmation process.

    And we are standing up for American democracy. After January 6th, Trump has proven that he is unfit to ever hold the office of President. We can never allow him anywhere near that office again. And we never will. My fellow Democrats — we have the record, the vision, and the fundamental commitment to America’s freedoms and our Democracy to win. The question of how to move forward has been well-aired for over a week now. And it’s time for it to end. We have one job. And that is to beat Donald Trump. We have 42 days to the Democratic Convention and 119 days to the general election. Any weakening of resolve or lack of clarity about the task ahead only helps Trump and hurts us. It is time to come together, move forward as a unified party, and defeat Donald Trump.


    Joseph R. Biden Jr.

    President of the United States of America

    Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09)

  247. 213. Surrendering Russian soldiers being killed by foreign troops fighting for Ukraine and there’s nobody to stop that

    Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09)

  248. There he goes again……What would be the legal argument to overturn the FEC rules?

    The FEC just votes 3-2 to suspend them. Feel free to sue. Oh, wait, you don’t have standing. Maybe Trump does and they’ll get to it in 2027.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  249. There he goes again……What would be the legal argument to overturn the FEC rules?

    Who the F needs a legal argument any more? Just some argument and the right judge. Trump has East Texas or Louisiana judges to pick from. Biden has California and Hawaii.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  250. Surrendering Russian soldiers being killed by foreign troops fighting for Ukraine and there’s nobody to stop that

    Russians routinely shoot captured foreign fighters as “mercenaries.” You don’t offer quarter, don’t expect quarter.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  251. There he goes again……What would be the legal argument to overturn the FEC rules?

    The FEC just votes 3-2 to suspend them…….

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/8/2024 @ 12:20 pm

    LOL! The FEC has six commissioners, three Republicans and three Democrats. They are hopelessly deadlocked.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  252. We have a plan to build 2 million new housing units in America.

    Yeah, that doesn’t work so good. $800,000 studio apartments in Los Angeles, given all the palms they have to grease, starting with the construction unions. Grey-water treatment systems, solar panels, EV charging, on-site services, etc.

    How about just get out of the way of people who know how to build stuff?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  253. LOL! The FEC has six commissioners, three Republicans and three Democrats. They are hopelessly deadlocked.

    Then they’ll do nothing. EVERY time something like this comes up and one of the major parties needs a break, they get the break. EVERY time. Minor parties not so much.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  254. The DEMs gambled by not having a wide-open primary and introduce their rising governors.

    Nothing prevented a governor running in the primaries, but they are all institutionalists.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  255. So, to get rid of Biden, someone has to challenge him at the convention and table a motion to free the delegates.

    Boy, that’s going to be one mean-spirited convention.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  256. Note the election in McCarthy’s district and how Fong got onto the ballot.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  257. Gretchen Whitmer is not interested in replacing Biden.

    …..(I)n a pre-launch interview (for her new book), with The Associated Press, Whitmer did what she could to shut down such speculation. When asked if she would consider becoming a candidate this year if Biden were to step down, she responded with a definitive, “No.”

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  258. @248 Nobody who isn’t senile believes Biden wrote that letter.

    lloyd (d7d2cc)

  259. Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/8/2024 @ 12:44 pm

    It would be a waste for a new Democrat candidate to spend the time and money litigating his candidacy, something the Trump campaign would like to see.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  260. So, to get rid of Biden, someone has to challenge him at the convention and table a motion to free the delegates.
    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/8/2024 @ 12:43 pm

    It’s entirely possible that Biden might pull out before the convention and free his delegates, but as of now it looks unlikely. As I said above, my prediction is that Harris has a greater than 50% chance of being nominated if that happens. To not do so would alienate major sectors of the Democrat base, and I doubt any of the previously mentioned governors would take on that task. I could see them being the VP, however.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  261. lloyd @160:

    @248 Nobody who isn’t senile believes Biden wrote that letter.

    But that’s par for the course.

    I wouldn’t believe that Biden (or just about any politician) composed that letter alone anyway, or just about anything that goes out under their name and that’s true for many presidents. Andrew Jackson didn’t write his own papers but maybe Martin Van Buren did.

    The question is, who (or how many people) did write that letter, or contributed to it?

    Did you notice the numerous lies about abortion policy?

    It’s all designed to fool some of the people some of the time.

    Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09)

  262. It would be a waste for a new Democrat candidate to spend the time and money litigating his candidacy, something the Trump campaign would like to see.

    At this point, you are right. Biden is going to augur this in all by himself.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  263. People from certain countries (like Nepal) get tricked into joining the Russian army in combat roles – and have to pay for the privilege – and maybe to escape:

    He didn’t have any documents.

    Or money.

    Or even a phone.

    He was wrapped in bandages and 2,500 miles from his village in the Himalayas.

    But as he lay in a Russian military hospital, wounded in battle and surrounded by people speaking an alien language, Krishna Bahadur Shahi, an out-of-work engineer from Nepal who had committed the mistake of joining Moscow’s army, made a vow.

    Somehow, he told himself, I’m getting home.

    “I had to get out,” he said in a recent interview. “I was even thinking of killing myself. I knew if I didn’t leave that hospital, they would send me back to the front and if they did that, well, there would be no possibility of returning alive.”

    Mr. Shahi had become ensnared in the shadowy, predatory underworld of human traffickers from Nepal who supply foreign fighters to the Russian army for its war in Ukraine. The Nepali government has been trying to shut down this pipeline. But the Russian military continues to rely on it, boosting combat power with impoverished young foreigners even though many, like Mr. Shahi, said they didn’t know they would be going into battle….

    Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09)

  264. I don’t understand why so many Democrats find Gretchen Whitmer an appealing candidate To Republicans she is the Covid dictator of Michigan
    who is issued irrational orders. (Later she became the object of an FBI sting operation that resulted in acquittals)

    In the last election, they did flip the Michigan House and Senate from Republican to Democrat, but that was because of redistricting, and she was re-elected but maybe that’s because of the Republican Party in Michigan.

    New York Times Magazine interview with Governor Gretchen Whitmer:

    Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09)

  265. Sammy,
    1. The charges related to her attempted kidnapping resulted in aquitals, convictions, and confessions. Ppl tend of focus on which outcome supports their priors.
    2. Having seen her up close I think Whitmer is dumber than your average politician and a terrible leader. Would vote for her over Trump, but she lacks W’s and Obama’s intellect and leadership abilities and would be a terrible president.

    Time123 (1abcd6)

  266. The cross-tabs of that NY TImes poll last week are truly damning for Biden:

    In a 2-way race, Trump leads among all age groups except 65+

    18-29 Trump +8
    30-44 Trump +10
    45-64 Trump +20 (!)
    65+ Biden +4

    Undecided 8 to 12%

    Biden leads 73-15 among blacks, but is down 9 points among Hispanics and down 17% among whites.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  267. Time123 (1abcd6) — 7/8/2024 @ 1:48 pm

    Having seen her up close I think Whitmer is dumber than your average politician and a terrible leader.

    She wanted to meet with an accused person to learn how he had been harmed personally.

    They wanted to go after her because of general considerations – and encouragement by the FBI.

    You write in the book that you want to meet with one of the plotters who pleaded guilty who is in prison now. What do you want to know? I’d like to understand what drove this group of people to take this extreme position. I want to understand it.

    You think there’s something to understand? Maybe. Maybe there’s not. But I’d like to see. I’d like to know. Is it because there wasn’t, for that person, economic opportunity? Was it because they got laid off during the pandemic and they were really worried about how they were going to make their house payment? What was it that set them off?

    This is indeed dumb – or shows a lack of common
    sense , or a swallowing of a stupid theory about crime.

    Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09)

  268. But the (donors?) think that because she won a (tough?) election in 2022, and the legislature flipped at the d=same time, she’s good.

    The people who confessed were indeed guilty of doing (or contemplating) something wrong. Except they never would have thought of the idea (and what a cockamamie idea or more it was too) if it wasn’t for the FBI.

    The FBI is not supposed to be acting in the role of Satan.

    Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09)

  269. Or Iago in Othello.

    Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09)

  270. Democrat party problem African-americans especially older women are biden’s loyalist supporters and want him to stay in the race. They do add harris is acceptable if joe drops out ;but no white men.

    asset (b545d0)

  271. @270 what goes around comes around. Government agent provocateur terry norman fired the first shot over the heads of national guard troops at kent state. William o’nieal informant and fbi handler roy martin orchestrated the murder of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. Conservatives turn now!

    asset (b545d0)

  272. Messed up the tags.

    Time123 (130f45)

  273. The thing about Whitmer, she’s not aged, she’s not Trump, and she’s governor of a battleground state, which means she’s better qualified as Donkey Party nominee than Biden.
    As of right now, Biden doesn’t lead in any recent general election polls (RCP). The gerontocracy needs to go.

    Paul Montagu (ca7cff)

  274. @276 Sure but Biden only really selling points were “Not Trump” and “more conservative then Bernie/Warren”

    Time123 (130f45)

  275. Does anybody doubt that Trump is the only reason Biden was elected in 2020?

    Biden was the only game in town in 2020 and if Whitmer is the only game in town in 2024, then it is what it is.

    “You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.”

    nk (b1434d)

  276. I don’t get the love for Whitmer, she doesn’t seem like a particularly smart or charismatic leader. I also don’t really see any other governors with the kind of gravitas to pull voters, maybe Roy Moore would keep the not-Trump voters and potentially sway a swing state. He’s term limited, so it’s less of a risk of his future. He’s 67, so he doesn’t really have a window to wait till 28.

    Andy Beshear is in a similar situation, being term limited, but also has a few years left and may want to wait till 28.

    Katie Hobbs wouldn’t be too bad, but again, I think she’d want to wait till 28, 6 years deep into the governors gig instead of 2. That’s about it for the govs.

    I still feel that Sherrod Brown would be the best at the top of the ticket, but I don’t think he’d do it, he’d have been open to the Veep slot last time if he’d wanted it…he should have, I think he’d have been a shoe in as a Biden replacement.

    Maybe drafting Claire McCaskill as a Veep could help Harris. I know she’s got some minor skeletons, but they’re a nit, and could bring some heft to the ticket.

    Realistically, it’s Harris at the top of the ticket, or Biden, you’re voting for Harris either way as she’ll be prez regardless. Just pull the bandaid.

    46% people are actively voting for not-Trump, so you don’t need that many people to vote for the people actually on the ticket, just a bare inkling of competence might be enough to tip the balance.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  277. TLDR: It’s 95% Harris at the top if there’s a change. Whitmer is fine keeping the not-Trump and maybe pulling a few wavering not-Trump, but is that any more likely Harris,

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  278. Another candidate is Klobuchar, because Minnesota is close to becoming a battleground state, she’s already run for prez (so she’s more or less vetted), she has a stable level-headed mien (a good counter to Trump’s psycho personality), she’s a moderate Dem, she’s not an aged crone, and she has some law enforcement background.

    Paul Montagu (cff05a)

  279. Yeah, I forgot about Klobuchar. I still think a new top of the ticket won’t be anyone but Harris, but Klobuchar would work. In fact, roll in any one of the folks being bandied about and chances of a not-Trump go up.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  280. “You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.”

    Something General McClellan never understood.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  281. Maybe drafting Claire McCaskill as a Veep could help Harris.

    She at least knows how to troll her opponent, and Trump is amazingly easy to troll.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  282. Biden will have to die, or perhaps drool on camera, before they will force him out. So, it’s Trump versus Biden. I so wanted Haley or even DeSantis, so misery loves company.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  283. Do you mean “drool”, literally? Because that slack-jawed “25th Amendment face”* on the split screen as Trump was speaking at one point in the debate was only missing the wetness on the chin.

    *h/t Jon Stewart

    nk (69ab57)

  284. Apparently so, as that wasn’t quite enough. I guess he could unzip and urinate instead.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  285. Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09) — 7/8/2024 @ 2:18 pm

    I agree, it smacks of entrapment; rather than placing undercover agents or seeking informants, the FBI should just monitor these alleged “conspiracies” (but not interfere), and arrest the perpetrators afterwards.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  286. Trump’s New Running Mate Imperative
    As the GOP convention nears, and voters focus on the election, the race remains closer than it should be given Mr. Biden’s infirmities. Swing voters still worry about Mr. Trump and the possibility of four more years of turmoil. The former President can help his campaign, and the country, by projecting stability and calm.
    …………. Now leading in the polls, he doesn’t need an attack-dog VP or someone to rally his core voters. He needs a choice who shows mature judgment and has the ability to appeal to anxious and undecided voters.
    The need for stability and experience should eliminate the young MAGA-in-a-hurry types like Sen. J.D. Vance or Members of the House. They lack experience and wouldn’t be a reassuring contrast to Vice President Kamala Harris.
    …………. Mr. Trump needs a running mate who causes voters to stop and say: Yes, that person could be a good President.

    The problem with the WSJ’s analysis is that there is no evidence that the VP selection influences how one votes; people vote for the head of the ticket. I expect that Trump will select someone who can serve as impeachment insurance-that would eliminate governors like Glenn Youngkin or Doug Burgum.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  287. The italicized paragraph above should not have been block quoted.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  288. Evaluating the impact of vice presidential selection on voter choice
    A 2010 study from scholars at the University of California, Irvine, “Evaluating the Impact of Vice Presidential Selection on Voter Choice,” provides a different lens through which to see this question. ……….

    The study’s findings include:

    • The net effect of a vice presidential candidate is generally less than 1% in terms of getting voters to cross party lines: “Only in 1972 was more than 1% of the final vote affected by conflicted vice presidential and presidential preferences; on average, over the 1968-2008 period, the net impact of conflicted presidential and vice presidential choices is only slightly less than 0.6% of the votes shifted.”

    • Though the selection of Gov. Sarah Palin is assumed to be a decisive factor in the defeat of Sen. John McCain, the study finds otherwise: The “gross impact of vice presidential selection in 2008 was very similar to (though slightly lower than) the historical average impact, and that the net impact of vice presidential selection in 2008, at about one-half of a percentage point, was also slightly lower than its historical average, may violate the common wisdom that Palin’s choice had significant electoral implications for McCain.”

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  289. The problem with the WSJ’s analysis is that there is no evidence that the VP selection influences how one votes

    This is not a normal year. Both candidates are old and Trump is impeachment-bait. Who might follow them is important. Biden has already cast his lot with a bubblehead. I guess it can’t hurt since he’s counting on people voting against Trump anyway.

    Trump’s choice is interesting. He cannot repel the independents who are gingerly considering voting R with someone like Ramaswamy, but it can’t be so strong as to upstage Trump, or to entice impeachment or the short-form thereof. I guess Rubio can be brought to heel, so he’s looking like Mr Intersectionality, GOP version.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  290. Studies of past campaigns are of little use here. The problem this time, with two repulsive candidates, is to get people to vote for one of them. There’s little chance of getting a Democrat to vote for Trump, and those erstwhile Republicans who will vote for Biden (or a cabbage) have drawn that line already.

    But there are a lot of people who are currently planning to not vote, or write in Elmer Fudd. Those can be influenced by Trump’s VP choice.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  291. @292. You keep dangling impeachment in a second Trump term as if there’s any chance the required quantum of Republicans will vote to convict. If they didn’t do it after 1/6, I see no reason to believe they ever would.

    lurker (c23034)

  292. @279 The love for whitmer here is by conservatives not democrats other then elites/liberal media.

    asset (57aeb5)

  293. “I also don’t really see any other governors with the kind of gravitas to pull voters, maybe Roy Moore would keep the not-Trump voters and potentially sway a swing state”

    I think you mean Roy Cooper…but it was amusing to read

    “I still feel that Sherrod Brown would be the best at the top of the ticket”

    Of course he’s never run anything. Governors at least do things a President will need to do. Even in 17yrs in the Senate, I don’t recall people racing to Brown for his views on national security matters. It’s not even clear he would win OH which is solidly Trump.

    AJ_Liberty (93c6ca)

  294. Even in 17yrs in the Senate, I don’t recall people racing to (Senator Sherrod) Brown for his views on national security matters.

    I don’t recall anyone running to Govs. Beshear, Pritzker, Whitmer, Newsom, or Moore either.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  295. Correction:

    I don’t recall anyone running to Govs. Beshear, Pritzker, Whitmer, Newsom, or Moore Cooper either.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a) — 7/9/2024 @ 6:32 am

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  296. Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/8/2024 @ 9:42 pm

    In any event, I don’t expect Trump will heed the WSJ’s advice to select a sober-minded VP, especially after his disappointing experience with Pence. He will pick someone who can do his dirty work for him, and carry on the MAGA legacy, which would eliminate governors like Youngkin or Burgum. Sarah Sanders of Arkansas might fill the bill, though I don’t know how ruthless she can be.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  297. Senators are one of 100. They don’t get to run agencies, manage budgets, and make critical appointments. They talk…a lot; few pass major pieces of legislation. Some rise above party and can assume senior statesman status. We saw McCain and Dole on Meet the Press a lot because their opinions were valued and respected across the aisle.

    Are we to pretend that Sherrod Brown is a senior statesman? The only thing he has going for him is that he’s been able to win in a red state…like Beshear….and like Cooper. What exactly are his excutive credentials? Is the Presidency REALLY entry level? Trump could fake it until he was confronted with crises. Experience matters. It’s why Obama will ultimatey be downgraded. He was in over his head but was able (lucky) to avoid crises. JFK at least had some military experience to demonstarte leadership.

    Governors are executives. Bigger states make the job more relevant. Governors with international experience are better choices. The Democrats are stuck in a non-optimal situation. It might need to be Harris…but she’s not a very good choice. They will lose with Biden…and that will be his epitaph…

    AJ_Liberty (93c6ca)

  298. Sarah Sanders would be a sure fire winner, but he doesn’t need her and she doesn’t need him. She’s a year and a half into her first term as governor and with all the time in the world — she’s only 41 — to built a solid foundation of her own.

    nk (20c41e)

  299. AJ_Liberty (93c6ca) — 7/9/2024 @ 6:53 am

    I’m not arguing the point about governors being more qualified as executives versus senators-look how few senators have become president. But they do lack national security experience.

    But in any event I don’t think any Democratic governor will replace Biden or Harris on the presidential ticket. If Biden is replaced, it will be with Harris.

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)

  300. The question should be about winning. Does Harris improve the odds of winning….or are we in a fait accompli? One more senior moment and we are in crisis. Do we care about loyalty or judgment?

    AJ_Liberty (93c6ca)

  301. @301

    Sarah Sanders would be a sure fire winner, but he doesn’t need her and she doesn’t need him. She’s a year and a half into her first term as governor and with all the time in the world — she’s only 41 — to built a solid foundation of her own.

    nk (20c41e) — 7/9/2024 @ 6:56 am

    I think she’d be great VP… but, I suspect she’d want to flesh out her political career by completing her Governorship and then seeking a Senate seat.

    I still think the smartest VP pick would be Younkin… but it probably won’t be a smart pick. It’ll be someone like JD Vance or some other “pitbull” who can tangle with the media with aplomb.

    whembly (477db6)

  302. The question should be about winning.

    The choice will be up to a convention entirely composed of Biden delegates. Unless someone takes up Biden’s offer to “go ahead and challenge me” in Chicago, Biden (or Harris) will be the nominee. There will be no “blitz primary“; and it’s notable that no Democratic governor (or Senator) has come out and explicitly said that Biden must go or announced a challenge to Biden.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  303. Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 7/9/2024 @ 8:31 am

    It’s all Biden replacement fantasy camp.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  304. If they didn’t do it after 1/6, I see no reason to believe they ever would.

    IF they prefer the VP and his behavior warrants it, I can see it. The J6 impeachment did get more votes than ever in a partisan impeachment trial, but there was no upside and plenty of individual downside to the vote.

    Trump cannot afford to give them too much upside.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  305. Experience matters. It’s why Obama will ultimatey be downgraded. He was in over his head but was able (lucky) to avoid crises.

    I look back at Obama and while I object to some policy choices, he was a fairly good steward. The economy had a horrid shock to recover from, and it did so under his watch. At the time it didn’t seem like it was recovering fast enough, but it DID recover and we have not had a crash since.

    I see him as ranking in the high 10s or low 20s (1 being best). Although I have some bones to pick with the people who do these rankings. Truman was a mediocrity, Wilson was terrible and Reagan was in the first rank. And the authoritarian radical FDR was saved by WW2.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  306. Sitting senators are unlikely to be elected president; only three have been (Harding, JFK and Obama).

    But even less likely are sitting vice-presidents, as they have to defend the previous two terms with a public that may be tired of them. Only Van Buren and GHWB have succeded in the modern era (Adams and Jefferson did too, but the rules were different).

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  307. RIP former Republican OK Senator James Inhofe (89).

    Rip Murdock (f6813a)


    Biden shows his priorities and it isn’t pro-American.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  309. It is now about 100 years since the start of radio broadcasting. This is when the big stations got their start. Before networks

    This is for the 100th anniversary of WNYC (originally 830 AM, now 820)

    Their 100th anniversary rebroadcast of their first program is an apparently shortened re-creation, using scripts of speeches and newspaper clippings as they lost their original recordings.

    WOR in 1972 had many original recordings from 1922. They were made on records, for legal reasons,

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  310. 299. I think it will be Doug Burgum, because Melania likes him, or his wife, and he has no big negatives, and he hasn’t dropped off the short list.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  311. And Burghum will neither upstage Trump nor entice people to replace Trump with him. He also won’t scare anyone and won’t be a serious contender in 2028. A perfect Zeppo.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  312. The NATO summit is coming up. Will Biden attempt to use it to change the subject, such as calling for NATO air power to protect “the citizens of Ukraine”?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  313. Wagging the dog is a tried and true response to domestic problems.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  314. The NATO summit is coming up. Will Biden attempt to use it to change the subject, such as calling for NATO air power to protect “the citizens of Ukraine”?

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/9/2024 @ 12:45 pm

    Wagging the dog is a tried and true response to domestic problems.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/9/2024 @ 12:46 pm

    Didn’t you once suggest that Biden allow the USAF to be at the disposal of Zelensky?

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  315. NATO, of course, doesn’t have its own Air Force, only the air forces of member countries. It’s a decision I could get behind, as it would be the only way for highly trained pilots in Western aircraft to make a difference in Ukraine. Ukrainian pilots with six months (or whatever) of training in Western aircraft will be sitting ducks for highly experienced Russians.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  316. Oh, I’d be for it too. I just would think it cynical of Biden.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  317. Meanwhile, in the annals of “Criminals are stupid”, some 18yo thought it would be a good idea to carjack one of Sotomayor’s protective detail. He’s recovering in hospital.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  318. They could just give \Ukraine more air defenses or use it against any target actively involved in preparing to attack Ukrine.\\I think Russia attacked the children’s hospital in order to try to get Ukraine to defend it instead of more standard military targets because Kyiv does not have enough air defenses in place to cover all.

    Ukraine had left the hospitals undefended.

    Sammy Finkelman (51823e)

  319. If they didn’t do it after 1/6, I see no reason to believe they ever would.

    IF they prefer the VP and his behavior warrants it, I can see it. The J6 impeachment did get more votes than ever in a partisan impeachment trial, but there was no upside and plenty of individual downside to the vote.

    Trump cannot afford to give them too much upside.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/9/2024 @ 9:41 am

    Did they not prefer Pence? Did 1/6 not warrant it?

    lurker (c23034)

  320. Ukraine had left the hospitals undefended.

    Hospitals shouldn’t have to be missile-defended. Putin’s Russian Federation is signatory to the Geneva Conventions.
    Sammy, this was a terrorist attack, just like thousands of other terrorist attacks Putin has committed.

    Paul Montagu (0dcb38)

  321. Mega church paster robert morris blames 12 year old for his sexual misconduct his lawyers say. (DU)

    asset (2aacf5)

  322. To me, the second most interesting thing about Kamala Harris is her religion:

    Harris is a Baptist, holding membership of the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco, a congregation of the American Baptist Churches USA.

    (Links omitted.)

    It’s a famous church.

    I haven’t seen any news stories on how often she attends.

    Jim Miller (0eab9d)

  323. Mega church pastor robert morris blames 12 year old for his sexual misconduct his lawyers say.

    “The child tempted me, oh Lord?”

    Good luck with that.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  324. Did they not prefer Pence? Did 1/6 not warrant it?

    Trump had left office, so Pence didn’t matter. The only effect would have been to keep him from future office. A noble goal, and 7 GOP senators voted to convict. But there wasn’t enough gain for the others, who would be committing political suicide, nor for the party which would remain subject to the votes (or non-votes) of Trump’s minions.

    But let Trump do something wild in a new term, with a normal VP (Rubio or better) and the gain goes way up while the downside becomes manageable given Trump’s myriad legal problems at that point.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  325. Speaker Mike Johnson at the Hudson Institute

    I’m going to wrap all this up by reminding you of a couple of things. All this, everything that I’ve talked about today and everything that we know needs to happen involves choices. We can choose to lead or we can choose to be a speed bump down the road to serfdom. Decline is always a choice. We live in a free country and we ought to make the right choice. At one point, the West was facing elimination by fascists and imperialists, and the Jews were facing genocide by the Nazis. At another point, we faced annihilation by the Soviets.

    Today, we are threatened again by Chinese Communists, by Russian oligarchs, and Islamic terrorists. We can choose to ignore them, we can try to appease them. We can listen to the naysayers who say our values aren’t worth defending and that there can be no victory. Or we can choose another course. We can respond again with all the fortitude and fight that once ran through every American vein. We can rearm, rebuild, reinvigorate, restore, and reinstate fear in our enemies. We can retake the summit of respect and thus look out on a landscape of peace and prosperity and security. We can show courage, we can show valor, and we can give our grandchildren the chance to grow up not in the shadow of tyranny, but atop our own shining city on a hill. Decline is always a choice. That is not a choice that Republicans will be making anytime soon.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  326. Kevin M (a9545f) — 7/10/2024 @ 8:49 am

    Too bad a House Speaker who remains in power only by the grace of Democrats will have zero influence on the Trump Administration’s foreign policy.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  327. I doubt that the 2024 House elections will be a wash.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  328. Something the Biden administration is doing right:

    Millions of homeowners are forced to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars when they refinance their mortgages to protect against unexpected costs from a challenged property title.

    Yet claims on such insurance are exceedingly rare. Payouts may only amount to about 3% of overall premiums, according to loss data released by Doma, a financial-technology company that sells title-insurance policies….

    The Biden administration has been seeking to lower the costs of such policies as part of a broad effort to slash fees. It will host a roundtable meeting at the Treasury Department on Wednesday to discuss the issue with industry officials, consumer advocates and academics.

    Fannie estimates that its pilot program will save thousands of borrowers $500 to $1,500 each.

    The average loss per policy for refis is under $25, MUCH less than on original loans, yet the policy price is the same.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  329. It’s sad that this is even news:

    Trio accused of killing New Zealand tourist to remain in jail without bail

    Three men charged with the murder of a 68-year-old New Zealand woman dragged to her death during an attempted robbery at Newport Beach’s Fashion Island mall appeared in a Santa Ana courtroom Wednesday and were ordered held without bail.

    Prosecutors charged Leroy Ernest Joseph McCrary, 26, of Los Angeles; Malachi Eddward Darnell, 18, also of Los Angeles; and Jaden Cunningham, 18, of Lancaster with special circumstances murder. The trio could be sentenced to death if they are convicted of killing Patricia “Trish” McKay in the commission of a robbery, with a felony enhancement of causing the death of a person over the age of 65. California has had a moratorium on carrying out the death penalty since 2019 and has not executed anyone since 2006.

    Of course, this is Orange County, not L.A. County.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

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