Patterico's Pontifications


Presidential Debate Questions

Filed under: General — Dana @ 7:55 am

[guest post by Dana]

Ask five people how important the presidential debates are and it’s likely you’ll get five different answers, ranging from not important to very important. Regardless of the value you place on presidential debates, President Joe Biden and Donald Trump are scheduled to debate tomorrow night. . .unless one of them develops a bad headache and can’t make it.

With that, over at Axios, they have a come up with a decent list of questions to be asked of the two rich, old white guys who want to become our next President.

For President Biden:

1. If you’re re-elected, you’ll be an 86-year-old man in one of the world’s most stressful jobs before your second term is up. What changes would you make to account for that, and assure Americans that you’re capable of serving that long?

2. The stats tell us the economy is doing well, but many voters aren’t feeling it because of inflation — and they’re blaming you. What do you say to them, and are you frustrated that much of your messaging on the economy’s progress hasn’t resonated with many Americans?

3. Knowing now what you didn’t know when Hamas attacked Israel last October, would you have done anything differently with regard to Israel? How do you assess the political damage to your candidacy from progressive Democrats whose voted [sic] you need, but who are angry about Israel’s actions against Palestinians?

4. Why did it take so long for your administration to respond to the influx of migrants at the southwestern border? . . . polls suggest it’s among your biggest vulnerabilities.

For Donald Trump:

1. You’ve questioned the president’s mental acuity, but in several speeches you’ve told rambling stories that haven’t made a lot of sense, slurred your words, and gotten people’s names wrong. Do you understand why some voters are wondering about your mental acuity?

2. You’re signaling that you want to dramatically increase presidential powers. Your 2025 plans include mass deportations, ordering the Justice Department to prosecute political foes, and replacing civil servants with loyalists. Wouldn’t centralizing power like that amount to replacing what you call D.C.’s “swamp” with a swampier swamp?

3. You’ve called Russian President Vladimir Putin a “genius” and “savvy” for invading Ukraine, and said that as president you could quickly end the war there. Would that plan involve Ukraine giving up land Russia took in the war — essentially rewarding Putin?

4. You’ve praised the Jan. 6 protesters who were convicted, calling them “patriots” and “hostages.” You haven’t said much about the 140 police officers who were wounded that day, the officer who was killed or the four others who died by suicide in the months after the assault on the Capitol. Do you regret anything about Jan. 6 — besides Congress certifying your loss in the election?

I would also like to see Trump asked if he believes that the 2020 election was stolen. Let’s get him on the record at a debate where preposterous answers would likely be challenged by the moderators, rather than at a rally where anything he says goes unchallenged.

Additionally, he claims he will deport millions of illegal immigrants. Does he still plan to do that, and if so, exactly how would he accomplish such a massive undertaking? What would that look like in real time?

What would you want to see asked of the candidates?


208 Responses to “Presidential Debate Questions”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (c3265c)

  2. 2. The stats tell us the economy is doing well, but many voters aren’t feeling it because of inflation — and they’re blaming you. What do you say to them, and are you frustrated that much of your messaging on the economy’s progress hasn’t resonated with many Americans?

    Objection: Leading the witness.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  3. Softballs for Joe, fastballs up and in for Trump.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  4. I think that Biden is most vulnerable on border issues. Hopefully, the moderators will push back on his pat answers.

    Dana (c3265c)

  5. Immigration:

    President Trump:

    If Democrats were willing to negotiate an entire new immigration law, closing many abused loopholes and prioritizing young workers who’d pay taxes, would you reconsider your deportation stance?

    Followup: Do you intend to use the military to enforce deportation orders, if necessary?

    President Biden:

    Why has your administration been so willing to admit “refugees”, many of whom appear to be coached how to game the system? How do you respond to the claim that Democrats are trying to import future voters?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  6. I would also like to see Trump asked if he believes that the 2020 election was stolen.

    Asked? What is the betting line how long it will take Trump to mention it himself?

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  7. Ukraine:

    President Biden:

    You have been forceful in your public support for Ukraine, but many feel that the actual support has been so incremental and hedged as to prevent a Ukrainian victory. How do you respond to the criticism that the US seems to “walk on eggshells” with respect to Vladimir Putin.

    Followup: Why should Ukraine not be able to deter Russian attacks on civilian targets with the threat of a similar response?

    President Trump:

    Many of your supporters in Congress have turned against Ukraine, for a variety of reasons. IF elected will you continue supporting Ukraine’s defense, or will you pressure Zelensky’s government to trade land for peace?

    Followup: If so, what guarantees will Ukraine have against future Russian aggression? Can Ukraine ever be a NATO member?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  8. Asked? What is the betting line how long it will take Trump to mention it himself

    Well, it will probably come after his tirade on the Stalinist court in New York.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  9. or the four others who died by suicide in the months after the assault on the Capitol.

    Terrible question. Why people commit suicide should not be part of any debate. The reasons were likely personal and may have been unrelated to J6. If they WERE related, what happened that day that made it impossible for them to continue? You might not like the answer to that.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  10. LOL!

    According to trading on Polymarket, a crypto-based platform that facilitates legal trading outside the U.S. on current events, there’s a 5% chance the first debate is canceled. More than $500,000 has been bet on this market. Polymarket geo-blocks U.S.-based users.

    Another market, albeit much smaller with just $19,000 wagered, was whether Biden and Trump would shake hands before the debate, with “yes” at only 32%.

    Gamblers have also risked more than $100,000 on what Trump will say during the debate. Below were the probabilities on Polymarket as of Monday, June 24:

    “Fake News”: 65%
    “Dementia”: 14%
    “Crack”: 24%
    “Felon”: 35%
    “Sleepy Joe”: 24%
    “Hunter”: 65%
    “Jail/Prison”: 69%
    “Abortion”: 65%
    “Putin”: 77%
    “Crypto/Bitcoin”: 45%
    “Rigged”: 61%


    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  11. Executive powers:

    President Trump:

    Near the end of your first term, you proposed to remove Civil Service protection from numerous higher-ranking federal officials. You argued that these people made or controlled policy and ought to be under political control. Do you still feel that way, and why?

    President Biden:

    How do you respond to the long-held Republican belief that many federal bureaucrats attempt to thwart policy directives from GOP presidents while empowering those of Democrat presidents. Should there be some reform of Civil Service rules to prevent this?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  12. Both:

    Without going into details, both of you have been affected by what seems to many to be targeted prosecutions. Do you see it as a worrying sign that future politicians will have to risk invasive scrutiny in order to seek high office?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  13. Both:

    Whatever your current abilities, you are both of an age when health can decline abruptly. Do you think there should be an age limit on who can run for President?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  14. 2020 Election:

    President Biden:

    Republicans complained the emergency COVID rules, particularly mail-in ballots, tilted the election towards Democrat candidates. How do you respond to that?

    President Trump:

    In 2020 you actively discouraged your supporters from using mail-in ballots while the Democrats encouraged theirs to do so. Given the slim margins in several critical states, do you regret this? Should Republican voters who might not be able to make it to the polls on election day avail themselves of early voting or mail-in ballots this time?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  15. Without going into details, both of you have been affected by what seems to many to be targeted prosecutions.

    What “targeted prosecutions” (a pejorative) has President Biden been affected by?

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  16. Someone needs to ask Trump whether he will acknowledge that, if he wins, he has to leave office at the end of his term and is ineligible to continue being President after that. You might say, “Why bother? Of course he will acknowledge that even if he doesn’t like it. Or, even if he plans to try to stay in power longer, he would just lie about it now.”

    I actually expect he is so pathological that he wouldn’t be able to admit any limit on his power or privilege, and that he’d give some noncommittal conman answer like “We will look at that and negotiate a great deal for everyone. Maybe people would want me to stay? I’ve heard many people say that, and many very smart people are saying it’s possible.”

    And then at least everyone would be on notice … before they decide to vote for him anyway because he’s 3 years younger than Biden.

    Turd Ferguson (1d28f1)

  17. What “targeted prosecutions” (a pejorative) has President Biden been affected by?

    Perhaps you missed the whole Hunter Biden thing. Or maybe you just want to stir the pot.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  18. Turd,

    1) By Trump’s reckoning of the 2020 vote, he’s already ineligible.

    2) Trump could serve a 3rd term. He just has to get the 22nd Amendment repealed.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  19. “targeted prosecutions” (a pejorative)

    No, it’s just an adjective. The prosecutions of Capone and Gotti were also “targeted.”

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  20. I, like many Americans, will be watching to see if either Biden or Trump show signs of dementia. Biden needs to be less concerned about answering the moderator’s questions (they are predictable) than he does in engaging Trump’s nonsense — since he has the opportunity to do that without being interrupted. Summarizing and dissecting the precise and unpredictable eruptions of idiocy coming out of Trump is a way to demonstrate mental acuity in a way that is hard for Trump to ignore and respond even more stupidly to. If Biden does well answering substantive questions, there will be accusations that he was fed the questons by CNN, and it will be boring TV too easily forgotten.

    If I were a reporter, I’d ask Trump about the specific provisions of project 2025 and what does his desire to be a dictator on the first day mean. I’d also ask him about his plans for DoJ. I’d ask Biden about WHY he changed his immigration approach. (Dana’s question forces him to admit failure, if properly answered. That means the question will be avoided.)

    Appalled (f7363f)

  21. the officer who was killed

    Things that didn’t happen should not be part of a legitimate debate question.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  22. Summarizing and dissecting the precise and unpredictable eruptions of idiocy coming out of Trump is a way to demonstrate mental acuity in a way that is hard for Trump to ignore and respond even more stupidly to.

    Now, that is JUST the kind of even-handedness most Republicans expect.

    If Biden does well answering substantive questions, there will be accusations that he was fed the questons by CNN

    Even if he does poorly.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  23. President Biden, do you believe that your Customs and Border Protection is lying in their tabulation of fentanyl seized between ports of entry?

    Do you agree that the amount of fentanyl that comes across the border between ports of entry has the lethality to wipe out the population of entire cities?

    Do you disavow all of the knuckleheaded claims that lethal drugs only come through ports of entry?

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  24. My questions for Biden are in moderation.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  25. Hey Kevin M:

    Now, that is JUST the kind of even-handedness most Republicans expect.

    I’m not talking about moderators commenting on/summarizing what Trump says — I’m saying Biden should do it AND address anything that sounds like dementia wweirdness.

    A debate is not about the moderators who, in my perfect world, come from circa 2005 CSPAN and ask pretty softball questions that allow the candidates room to give their pitch.

    Appalled (f7363f)

  26. I released your comment, BuDuh. I’m not sure why it got moderated.

    Dana (359e39)

  27. The “musts” for each candidate:

    1. Biden MUST be articulate and aware. Being on-point would help, too. If all his answers seem canned and rehearsed, not only will people think he was given some questions, but he’ll also seem unprepared for the job ahead.

    2. Trump MUST not lose his temper or be a boor. His arguments will be flagged by the fact-checkers whatever he says, but he just cannot get up in everyone’s face. While that plays to his choir, it does not persuade the persuadable.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  28. Thank you, Dana. 🙂

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  29. A debate is not about the moderators who, in my perfect world…

    In a perfect world we would not have execrable candidates. But for moderators from the all-time team, I’d choose

    1. Huntley and Brinkley.
    2. George Will and Sam Donaldson
    3. Bernard Shaw and Robert Novak

    These newbies are too shallow.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  30. What “targeted prosecutions” (a pejorative) has President Biden been affected by?

    Perhaps you missed the whole Hunter Biden thing. Or maybe you just want to stir the pot.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 6/26/2024 @ 11:34 am

    I don’t consider the Hunter Biden case a “targeted prosecution.” It’s not like the evidence against him was pulled out of thin air, he confessed to it in his book.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  31. Former President Trump, should the American people find it disconcerting that the Barrack Obama CIA Chief of Staff ex-husband of one of tonight’s moderators was one of the “former intelligence” signatories of the debunked claim that Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation?

    Would Americans be better off if they settled for happy coincidences?

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  32. Would Americans be better off if they settled for happy coincidences?

    BuDuh (4214e4) — 6/26/2024 @ 1:02 pm

    Would any Americans care?

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  33. Fake middle of the road ball and strike callers would say they didn’t care.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  34. For both: “Read any good books recently?”

    Jim Miller (301a58)

  35. ex-husband of one of tonight’s moderators

    I didn’t know that about Jake Tapper.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  36. For Trump: “What does Putin’s boot polish taste like?”

    Jim Miller (301a58)

  37. I find this poll unbelievable:

    About 6 in 10 U.S. adults say they are “extremely” or “very” likely to watch the debate live or in clips, or read about or listen to commentary about the performance of the candidates in the news or social media.

    The poll suggests tens of millions of Americans are likely to see or hear about at least part of Thursday’s debate despite how unusually early it comes in the campaign season. Both Biden and Trump supporters view the debate as a major test for their candidate — or just a spectacle not to miss.
    About half, 47%, of Americans say the debate is “extremely” or “very” important for the success of Biden’s campaign and about 4 in 10 say it’s highly important for Trump’s campaign. About 3 in 10 Americans say it is at least “very” important for both campaigns.

    Most Democrats, 55%, think the upcoming debate is extremely or very important for the success of the Biden campaign. About half of Republicans, 51%, say the same thing about the importance of the debate for the Trump campaign. ……..
    About 4 in 10 say they are likely to watch or listen to some or all of the debate live, while a similar share say they will watch or listen to clips later. Another 4 in 10, roughly, expect to consume commentary about the debate and candidate performance in the news or on social media. Republicans and Democrats are more likely than independents to be following debate coverage in some capacity.
    Most Americans, 56%, say they are “very” or “somewhat” dissatisfied with Biden being the Democratic Party’s likely nominee for president, and a similar majority are dissatisfied with Trump as the likely GOP nominee.
    About 3 in 10 U.S. adults are dissatisfied with both Trump and Biden as their party’s likely nominees ……..

    I agree with the description of the debate as a “spectacle”; like watching a auto race for the crashes. I intend to spend debate night in a movie theater watching Forbidden Planet and The Time Machine. Time well spent.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  38. President Biden, what do you think about Kari Lake’s hairstyle?

    BuDuh (7d0431)

  39. Fake middle of the road ball and strike callers would say they didn’t care.

    BuDuh (4214e4) — 6/26/2024 @ 1:07 pm

    I doubt most voters have any idea what you are talking about.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  40. Do you know what I am talking about? If so, do you have no problem whatsoever with the choice of moderators?

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  41. As Trump has said, his VP selection will “most likely” be at the debate (presumably in the spin room or backstage). So who will show up-Kari Lake, Marco Rubio, JD Vance, Doug Burgum, or ____________?

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  42. Do you know what I am talking about? If so, do you have no problem whatsoever with the choice of moderators?

    BuDuh (4214e4) — 6/26/2024 @ 1:24 pm

    I don’t, and I doubt the “American people (would) find it disconcerting” if they knew that Dana Bash was married to Jeremy Bash and divorced him 16 years ago.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  43. Why are we even concerned about debate questions? Most likely, CNN and the NYT, et al., have already written their stories reporting that their polling shows Americans believe by a margin of 53%-28% (or similar) that Biden won the debate, reinvigorating his campaign. They’ll probably be smart enough not to run the stories until the debate is over, but you never know.

    And no, am not a Trump fan and won’t vote for him (as if my vote here in CA mattered anyway) but the result, or at least the reported result, of tomorrow’s political theater seems rather predictable, unless perhaps Biden has an extended senior moment or has to be helped off stage mid-debate.

    RL formerly in Glendale (7a2d64)

  44. What if she was married to David Duke?

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  45. I’ll check in after the debate.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  46. Softballs Trump?

    Explain why you say such dumb things?

    Do you still want to inject bleach to cure a virus?

    Explain which way you’ll swim when you’re electric boat sinks in the ocean and their are sharks?

    Follow up, do you understand there have been electric boats for 125 years?

    Follow up, do you understand that the company that makes the military subs is called General Dynamics Electric Boat Works have built every US sub for 75 years, and is 125 years old?

    Is your mental deficiencies new, or have you always been defective?

    Do you understand that reality exists outside of your defective brain?

    Mr Biden…same questions.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  47. Do you still want to inject bleach to cure a virus?

    Things that didn’t happen make for terrible debate questions.

    BuDuh (7d0431)

  48. Trump asked a question and accepted the answer. If you are afraid to ask stupid questions you may not learn a lot.

    Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09)

  49. Win or lose the debate, and win or lose the election, you just know that Trump will show up at the Capitol on January 20, 2025, and insist that he be given the oath of office.

    norcal (f06e07)

  50. I agree with the description of the debate as a “spectacle”

    Most voters are just now thinking about the election and want to see the candidates. They don’t spend the summer 18 months out pouring though polling crosstabs.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  51. I see that the partisans are self-identifying again.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  52. Things that didn’t happen make for terrible debate questions.

    Why would you lie about such a stupid point, other than the typical MAGAt gaslighting? He said it, I watched it live, you can watch the video of it.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  53. Presidents Biden and Trump:

    A recent Pew Poll says that half of all voters would toss you both off the ballot if it was in their power. How do you justify running for this office when half the voters think you should not?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  54. Yes please, can we have different options. I don’t want to watch this show any longer, 8 years is enough.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  55. Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a) — 6/26/2024 @ 1:42 pm

    I would add a question about the Army’s electric tanks:

    In a Fox News interview earlier this month, Trump attacked electric tanks.

    “They don’t go far and they have to pull a wagon because the wagon, the battery, is so big that the Army tanks will have a wagon like a child,” Trump said. “He’s pulling a wagon.”

    That echoes Trump’s false claims about electric tanks at a Wisconsin rally in May.

    “They want to make our Army tanks all electric so that when we go into a foreign country, blazing hot, we’re going in, we keep their environment and their air nice and clean,” he said. “Now how crazy is it?”

    From yesterday’s Pentagon press briefing:

    MAJOR GENERAL PAT RYDER: All right, let me go to Jeff Schogol, Task & Purpose.

    Q: Thank you. Former President Trump has criticized the military for going — for moving toward electric tanks. As far as you know, is there — are there any plans for electric tanks?

    GEN. RYDER: Yes, thanks, Jeff. Seeing those press reports, I’m not aware of any electric tanks. And certainly refer you to the Army for any questions about their acquisitions programs. And just leave it there.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  56. “I would also like to see Trump asked if he believes that the 2020 election was stolen. “

    If Trump is smart, he’ll say “I’ll recognize the legitimacy of the 2020 election exactly 4 years after Biden accepts the legitimacy of the 2016 election.”

    SaveFarris (99a679)

  57. Yeah, the new light tank (sorry armored assault gun) is decidedly not electric, and that will be the newest gen tank like thing we have for another generation.

    There are upgrades still happening with the M1, it will be upgraded/remanufactured to the M1E3 spec. Still decidedly un-electric.

    The JLTV and AMPV are diesel, those will in service till the 2050’s.

    The Bradley replacement MICV will be a hybrid electric powerplant, not for propulsion, but to power all of the directed energy weapons and sensor packages. This program has been cancelled a couple of times already and it’s still a decade away from production. It’s supposed to replace the Bradley, M113, Stryker, and LAVIII, so it basically has to be a miracle IFV.

    Now, electric non-combat vehicles are definitely on the drawing board for the 2030’s, one of the main reasons is it’s much easier to “refuel” as electricity is fungible, where diesel (or Jet-A for the Abrams) isn’t.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  58. “I’ll recognize the legitimacy of the 2020 election exactly 4 years after Biden accepts the legitimacy of the 2016 election.”

    SaveFarris (99a679) — 6/26/2024 @ 4:39 pm

    Both of them were wrong to suggest illegitimacy, but are you really going to compare a one-off remark to Trump’s ad nauseum repetition of the Big Lie, and loyalty tests conditioned on it?

    norcal (f06e07)

  59. Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a) — 6/26/2024 @ 3:25 pm

    The only disinfectant ever is bleach. Period. Nothing else is a disinfectant.


    There is a reason the sound bite is always cut off at a certain point.

    I bolded the part you rely on:

    THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of, if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too. It sounds interesting.

    ACTING UNDER SECRETARY BRYAN: We’ll get to the right folks who could.

    THE PRESIDENT: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.

    So we’ll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute, that’s — that’s pretty powerful.

    Sunlight used to be the best disinfectant until it became necessary to lie about what Trump was actually saying. Now it is bleach, because in the category of “disinfectants” there is only one entry. Bleach. Bleach is the only disinfectant.

    BuDuh (7d0431)

  60. I forgot the link to the transcript. Here it is:

    Knock yourself out finding a direct quote from Trump about injecting “bleach.”

    BuDuh (7d0431)

  61. My question for both candidates:

    Without mentioning the other guy, Why the hell should any Independent vote FOR you?

    felipe (e0a511)

  62. Can Ukraine ever be a NATO member?
    Kevin M (a9545f) — 6/26/2024 @ 8:49 am

    That is a good question for both guys.

    felipe (e0a511)

  63. Later in that same press conference a doofus asked the bleach question heard maliciously around the world:

    Q But I — just, can I ask about — the President mentioned the idea of cleaners, like bleach and isopropyl alcohol you mentioned. There’s no scenario that that could be injected into a person, is there? I mean —

    ACTING UNDER SECRETARY BRYAN: No, I’m here to talk about the findings that we had in the study. We won’t do that within that lab and our lab. So —

    THE PRESIDENT: It wouldn’t be through injection. We’re talking about through almost a cleaning, sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work. But it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.

    Wait… what??? Trump said no bleach injections??? He said it was for stationary objects?

    Yep. I don’t care if you admit you were duped. That is your issue. I do wish you had some anger towards the crew that duped you.

    BuDuh (7d0431)

  64. but trump didn’t say the thing you saw him say and later said that he didn’t mean the thing that he said earlier but then repeated it days later and then in a debate and then later and then last week but he definetely didn’t say the stupid thing that he said that is a liberal conspiracy to make the stupid things he says looks stupid because they’re stupid and that’s because elite realities aren’t MAGA so refuse to believe the reality that reality makes and replace it with the MAGA reality based on not reality be really wish was reality where the donald is the mostest smartest because he has a relationship with MIT and stuff and and hes working on getting the mericans out of Afghanistan and other stuff and things because only he can fix the things like lectic tank and boats and stuff and windmill cancer and things. go MAGA

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  65. Debate questions from WaPo columnists:

    What should be done about the Black-White wealth gap?
    Does one of your parties need to admit total defeat?……..And what’s your theory for how America might become a unified, governable country again?
    How do you define victory in Ukraine? And what steps should the United States take to ensure it?
    How will you lift up American places that have been left behind?
    What are you going to do about Medicare and Social Security?
    How central is Europe to U.S. national security? …….Should they continue to be? If so, how? If not, why not?………
    How would you end the Gaza war?
    How should the country mark the 250th anniversary of its independence?
    What would you do to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon? And what would you do if it gets one?
    What’s your plan to make homeownership affordable again?
    What should be done about the expiring tax cuts – and the debt?
    Should the government try to help young men?
    Is free trade dead?
    How will you make it easier for Americans to have kids?
    How would you deal with the crises in Myanmar and Sudan? ……..Do you believe the United States has any obligation or national interest in intervening to stop the mass slaughter of civilians? What criteria would you use to decide?
    If China attacks Taiwan, would you send the U.S. military to intervene?

    A lot of these questions pre-suppose a role for government that doesn’t exist.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  66. Here are more details on how wrong you and your sources are:


    …..I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes; isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing — just spraying it on and letting it go….


    THE PRESIDENT: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute.

    Now how do we get over the hurdle of bleach killing the virus in five minutes and not one minute? Well, a non manipulative reading of the transcript means we don’t have a hurdle.

    THE PRESIDENT: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.

    So we’ll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute, that’s — that’s pretty powerful.

    Everything is answered in the transcript from the pre solitary disinfectant days of past.

    Disinfectant bleach = 5 min
    Disinfectant alcohol = 30 sec
    Disinfectant UV = 1 min

    But thanks to poor reading comprehension and distortions from the media, there is only one disinfectant under the sun, and that is bleach. Only bleach.

    BuDuh (7d0431)

  67. My reading comprehension…why would you not actually include the whole paragraph? It’s almost like you don’t like the words he said.

    Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you`re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds interesting to me.

    but dumb de dumb dumb

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  68. Injection of a disinfectant, right?

    BuDuh (7d0431)

  69. And

    Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it`s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn`t been checked, but you`re going to check it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you`re going to test that too. Sounds interesting.He saw it on a documentary.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  70. I would add a question about the Army’s electric tanks

    Electric tanks are silly, of course, but it’s not crazy to think there are those that would mandate them.

    California is now banning gas-fired tankless water heaters (and pool heaters). If you do the numbers you’ll find there is no good way to make an acceptable electric tankless water heater for the home, as these require substantial on-demand power. Most of the time they use nothing, but keeping a shower hot for 20 minutes takes a LOT of power. Gas does this well, and cheaply, although the gas lines for the instantaneous flow need to be larger than normal.

    It might take 160,000 BTU/hr to run a tankless water heater with gas, but that’s 40KW in electric power and that’s a lot. There is no residential electric code for 100 amps of 440V. Even a standard tank heater would need 50 amps of 220V to work.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  71. Sure, now how do you want to put it inside your body, front door or back door? Trump definitely used his time machine to go to the future…and MIT and mostest smartest.

    I would have thought he would have used the light to cure his Covid…wait…that didn’t happen, butt huh.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  72. as electricity is fungible, where diesel (or Jet-A for the Abrams) isn’t.

    Well, you have an odd definition of fungible then. What it means is that once instance is the same as any other instance, like dollar bills.

    Gallon drums of diesel or Jet-A or lime jello are fungible. Electricity might be, in some sense, but there is no standard packaging so it’s hard to say what it even means to say that.

    Now, if you said “ubiquitous”, I’d be inclined to agree.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  73. but dumb de dumb dumb

    Well, yes. Also ignorant. But he wasn’t quite suggesting people inject bleach, just noting that things like that do a number on living systems and “maybe” that might be useful to know.

    As if he should be explaining things to people who have 60 IQ points on him and years of experience.

    He could have easily suggested that fluorine gas might kill COVID, which might be true.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  74. Gallon drums of diesel or Jet-A or lime jello are fungible.

    No, they’re not, you can make electricity with dozens of different source fuels, you can’t eat diesel or power your car with jello.

    Fungible: (of a product or commodity) replaceable by another identical item; mutually interchangeable.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  75. Electricity is fungible in the sense that it can come from many sources. Oil is not– it really only comes out of the ground. (Biofuels also have the same problem.)

    You can think about making cars electric as removing a tight coupling between transportation and fuel. It creates a more generic interface, which will create more flexible implementations. For example: wind, solar, and using charged car battery fleets to balance the electric grid at peak times.

    Electric motors are also massively easier to maintain, have fewer moving parts, are quieter, etc etc. Batteries are heavy though, so the larger the vehicle the more batteries, but are getting more energy dense every year. By the 2040’s when something like an E-Tank would exist, electric will be the better tactical solution by a mile. See nuclear naval vessels.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  76. I expect Trump will bring up Ashley Biden, to deflect from him being found liable for sexual abuse.
    I expect Trump will bring up Hunter Biden, to deflect from his own criminality.
    I expect Trump will bring the “Biden crime family”, to defect from his own criminal and civil fraud, both personally and at his organization.

    Trump has done and said and interrupted at previous debates. What’s the next level of escalation? Perhaps some physical act on Biden that would show the current incumbent’s feebleness, like a squeezing or wrist-twisting handshake, or not, who knows.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  77. Fungible: (of a product or commodity) replaceable by another identical item; mutually interchangeable.

    Right definition, wrong usage. The fact that you can make electricity many ways does not make electricity fungible. It actually is nonsense the way you are using it. You cannot replace one “electricity” with another “electricity.” Electric power is COMMON or UBIQUITOUS, but never fungible.

    But one drum of oil is a lot like another drum of oil.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  78. You can drive any car. with pretty much the same gasoline, but they are not interchangable. A Maybach is not the same as a Buick.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  79. Electricity is fungible as electrons are completely isolated from the source. Any input that creates work can create free electrons. Gasoline is not because it has one input to create one output for one use and that is unique. Cars are not fungible as cars as a product are different and each unit is unique.

    Any work that creates electricity is intermingled with any other work source and distributed to any work that can consume electricity. Replace oil with coal, fine-electricity; replace coal with nuclear, fine-electricity; replace nuclear with solar, fine-electricity; replace solar with hydro, fine-electricity; replace hydro with wood, fine-electricity. Do any combination and stick it in a wire, a battery, fine-electricity. It is portable, it is universally transmutable, it’s fungible by definition of the word.

    That’s why the market treats it as such, the source can have different costs but the output is completely mutable.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  80. Old saying: When a genius and a fool argue, it is difficult to tell them apart.

    Reality: No, not really. The fool will always self-identify.

    felipe (44e42a)

  81. The deficit is 34 Trillion and growing.
    When are we no longer a superpower and is that a good thing?

    Joe (d57c55)

  82. A special needs fifth-grader’s understanding of everything, not only science and medicine, is what gets people to attend Trump’s rallies (without being paid to).

    They don’t want anybody talking smart to them. They know that they are smart and they know that they know things and they want the affirmation.

    Talking smart to them would only alienate them. The “elites” have the good jobs, and the fancy houses, and the fancy schools for their kids, but they have those things for themselves and other elites, and not for them. And it’s just not fair!

    nk (bb1548)

  83. Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a) — 6/26/2024 @ 9:49 pm

    Electricity is fungible as electrons are completely isolated from the source. Any input that creates work can create free electrons.

    Including walking, if you are properly set up, or turning a crank on a radio.

    Gasoline is not because it has one input to create one output for one use and that is unique.

    But it is more flexible, and easier to refuel. And you don’t have everything depend on the electric grid. Hybrids make more sense.

    Electric cars need less maintenance but depreciation is faster because there’s one extremely large and extremely expensive to replace thing that can go wrong: The battery can cease to work. It happens faster is the battery gets fully recharged.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  84. But he wasn’t quite suggesting people inject bleach, just noting that things it is disinfectants like UV light that do a number on living systems the virus and “maybe” that might be useful to know.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  85. I agree Trump he did not directly suggest that people inject themselves with disinfectant. But with his typical wandering, inarticulate comments, it sounded like he was saying that and There was an increase in people trying disinfectants after he said it. That’s probably why he deceptively walked it back later:

    “The former president later claimed his controversial remarks were “sarcastic” when he faced criticism. “I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters just like you to see what would happen,” Trump told reporters in a subsequent press briefing.

    His comments led manufacturers to warn people not to attempt to use disinfectants to treat COVID. Disinfectant is highly effective at killing viruses on surfaces. But ingesting disinfectants, which are toxic to humans, is extremely dangerous.”

    DRJ (496584)

  86. Darwin awards are a good thing.

    People were killing themselves over sanitizing their houses. You had a wife kill her husband with fish tank cleaner. The average IQ is getting closer to idiocracy.

    NJRob (8098f1)

  87. Question for both:

    Iranian politicians are now openly talking about building nuclear weapons. Will the United States tolerate an Iranian bomb, and would military measures be considered if they persist?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  88. Electricity can come from batteries, solar panels, or hydro power, among other things.

    The reliability of that electricity is markedly different: One will run for a fixed time then stop, one will run while the sun is up and repeat daily, and one will run pretty much forever.

    When things are different, they are not “fungible.”

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  89. Kevin M (a9545f) — 6/26/2024 @ 8:49 am

    Followup: Why should Ukraine not be able to deter Russian attacks on civilian targets with the threat of a similar response?

    I don’t think Ukraine wants to attack civilian targets, which would be a war crime to do intentionally.

    It wants to attack Russian military targets inside Russia. It’s now been given extremely limited permission to do so in an area near Kharkiv.

    President Trump:

    Many of your supporters in Congress have turned against Ukraine, for a variety of reasons. IF elected will you continue supporting Ukraine’s defense, or will you pressure Zelensky’s government to trade land for peace?

    It’s a delusion and a Russian lie that Russia is prepared to make such a deal now..

    Followup: If so, what guarantees will Ukraine have against future Russian aggression? Can Ukraine ever be a NATO member

    It could be if it got borders recognized by Russia so Russia won’t. Ukraine might be prepared to stay out of NATO so long as it got a defense treaty or security of some other kind like Finland used to have, and Taiwan does still.

    Sammy FInkelman (e4ef09)

  90. You can combine batteries with solar power and can use sodium based batteries instead of lithium when used to store power generated by big installations.

    But neither Trump nor Biden wants to buy the sodium batteries from China.

    Sammy FInkelman (e4ef09)

  91. DRJ @86,

    inarticulate comments, it sounded like he was saying that and There was an increase in people trying disinfectants after he said it.

    No, they weren’t trying it. They wanted to know whether it would work and be safe.

    They wanted independent confirmation that it was not a good idea. That’s why they would have called poison control centers not because anybody actually went ahead and tried that..

    Sammy FInkelman (e4ef09)

  92. Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a) — 6/26/2024 @ 6:01 pm

    I would have thought he would have used the light to cure his Covid…wait…that didn’t happen, butt huh.

    No, he used synthetic monoclonal antibodies, which is kind of like a disinfectent.

    This fell out of fashion because Regeneron and the other company making them, Eli Lilly wanted to limit the targets to just one or two antigens on the virus in order to increase the chances of no side effects and the virus mutated around it after several months.

    The antiviral Paxlovid was a more general attack on the virus.

    But if FDA approval was different, they could have created targeted monoclonal antibodies quickly one after the other. And targeted more than one or two antigens.

    Sammy FInkelman (e4ef09)

  93. I don’t think Ukraine wants to attack civilian targets, which would be a war crime to do intentionally.

    Really? Tell that to Bomber Harris and Curtis LeMay. Or LBJ and Nixon, for that matter.

    When it comes to deterrence, you cannot allow the enemy to target your population, which is what Russia is doing, and not respond.

    Also, see the US SIOP.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  94. Sammy, you are not helping either one of us. You’re just introducing detailed irrelevancies.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  95. No, he used synthetic monoclonal antibodies, which is kind of like a disinfectent.

    Both are liquid. The other similarities? This is like saying a gunshot to the head is kind of like an enema.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  96. Really? Tell that to Bomber Harris and Curtis LeMay. Or LBJ and Nixon, for that matter.

    Bomber Harris was crazy and wring and they weren’t classified as war crimes yet. LBJ and Nixon attacked military targets.

    When it comes to deterrence, you cannot allow the enemy to target your population, which is what Russia is doing, and not respond.

    What you can’t do is allow the enemy to use the laws of war as a shield. They are not intended for such a purpose.

    Also, see the US SIOP.

    They’ve always been war crimes. We just don’t think about it or in such extremes they don’t apply. (But even Truman in 1945 specified that the atomic bomb should hit a military target even if we now know that made no sense.)

    The danger now is that Iran may get the USA to commit against it.

    Reagan wanted to avoid that with “Star Wars”

    Sammy FInkelman (e4ef09)

  97. 96.

    The other similarities?

    It’s targeted. Except that monoclonal antibodies don’t destroy anything but the virus.

    Sammy FInkelman (e4ef09)

  98. A low bar.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  99. LBJ and Nixon attacked military targets.

    Like dams.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  100. Trump is not serious about deporting all illegal immigrants but he’s daring Biden to argue with him.

    Sammy FInkelman (e4ef09)

  101. The Rules of War require reciprocation. See Butch Cassidy on knife fights.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  102. Trump is not serious about deporting all illegal immigrants but he’s daring Biden to argue with him.

    No, he’d be forcing Democrats to agree to sane immigration laws and strict terms for legalization. But I think he’s prepared for the “or else.”

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  103. What could be going on with Biden:

    It’s been proposed that he took a full week to prepare because his people are experimenting with different regimens or doses.

    Vitamin B12 has been prosed or peptide infusions. And various things that have been tried by VIPS before an important event.

    But simply antibiotics or spending time in a cooler room could help.

    Sammy FInkelman (e4ef09)

  104. Transfusions from 18yo virgins.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  105. The debate will start at 9 PM EDT and last for 90 minutes with two commercial breaks of 3 1/2 minutes each.

    In addition to CNN and other cable networsl it will be broadcast on CBS, NBC, Fox, ABC and OBS and also on the radio at least Bloomberg 1130 AM and WOR 710 in New York and C-SPAN Radio (90.1 WCSP-FM in Washington, D.C.)

    CBS will precede it with Young Sheldon and Ghosts, NBC it Olympic Trials in Track and Field, Fox with a Democracy Special starting at 8:30, ABC with a 1-hour special on the race for the White House.

    CBS, NBC, ABC ad PBS will have their own coverage after it is over running until 11 PM. FOX will have something else (regular news?) at 10:37 or
    maybe 10:35.

    Sammy FInkelman (e4ef09)

  106. Just lowering the temperature could help. Do they know that?

    Sammy FInkelman (e4ef09)

  107. Here is Nick Catoggio with a nice description of some people’s simplistic approach to politics:

    Because Trump’s supporters (like their counterparts on the other end of the horseshoe) have adopted a childish good-versus-evil quasi-religious narrative of politics, it’s inconceivable to them that they might lose a political battle fairly. They represent The People against a malign establishment; their champion is an invincible savior-hero. If their side loses an election or a debate—or a criminal trial—there must be some nefarious explanation that accounts for it.

    It was rigged. The other side illicitly enhanced its performance. There is no such thing as a legitimate victory for the bad guys.

    Sadly, the people most in need of this message (and that would include some of the commenters here) won’t see themselves in his description.

    norcal (6299be)

  108. Right out of the gate Biden says that Trump said to “inject bleach in your arm” to deal with Covid.

    Even Klink’s tilted sources disagree with that.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  109. Trump lies like he breaths, but Biden can’t string a coherent sentence together. This election is over. We’re f’d.

    lurker (c23034)

  110. A) My source was Trump’s mouth
    B) Biden looks terrible
    C) Trump hasn’t said a single true thing yet, but he lies confidently and that’s what MAGA wants
    D) CNN has failed America-again
    E) America will get the president it deserves, but maybe not the one it needs, you know, neither one of these guys

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  111. I have “malarky on my bingo card!”

    felipe (e0a511)

  112. Now I need Trump to say “fake news” to bingo. I like my odds.

    felipe (e0a511)

  113. If you don’t watch it and read the real-time closed caption it’s much better for Biden. His words are fine, they’re just coming out of an old mans mouth. Trump is unhinged if you actually know what reality world is like.

    Video is bad medium for Biden.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  114. Somehow Biden seems to think that talking fast makes him sound vibrant and strong, when all it does is cause him to stumble and spout gibberish. His brain can’t keep up with his mouth. If he’d slow down, he might finish an occasional thought.

    Now Trump is laying the groundwork for surrendering Ukraine to his buddy Vlad. But Biden can’t make the case. He’s useless.

    So we’re going to be governed again by the pathologically disordered, compulsively dishonest, convicted felon, adjudicated sexual abuser, defamer and fraud, who, oh by the way, tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. I pray the republic survives.

    Again, the takeaway is we’re f’d.

    lurker (c23034)

  115. Maybe you should watch the disinfectant press conference with the closed captioning on, Klink.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  116. This is so bad y’all

    Dustin (1eabe0)

  117. Biden is horrible. I can’t see how anyone could watch this and think he’d do a good job as president.
    I wish the GOP had nominated anyone else.
    I didn’t like Ron, but could have voted for him after this.

    Trump is still worse.

    Time123 (89c7af)

  118. Dustin speaks truth, as usual.

    Time123 (89c7af)

  119. hey guys

    Is your refrigerator running?

    cause I’ll vote for it.

    Dustin (1eabe0)

  120. Some one else bingo’d. I was so close, too. Still, that was a fast bingo – before the first break, no less.

    Nero fiddled while Rome burned. I and others play bingo…

    felipe (e0a511)

  121. Dustin (1eabe0) — 6/27/2024 @ 6:53 pm

    HAhaha! That’s funny, Dustin.

    felipe (e0a511)

  122. Biden shouldn’t be President. He should be sitting at home being taken care of by his children and grandchildren.
    Trump shouldn’t be President. He should be sitting in jail.

    Biden’s too old. He’s an embarrassment as President.
    Trump is the worst thing our country could have. He can’t be President (but might be!).

    Nate (cfb326)

  123. Nate (cfb326) — 6/27/2024 @ 6:54 pm

    You are not wrong, Nate.

    felipe (e0a511)

  124. Even the legacy networks are covering this abomination, so I can’t even escape to Jeopardy or the Olympic trials.

    lurker (c23034)

  125. President Biden’s voice is hoarse, and both of them are spewing out mostly uncorrected misinformation some of which I am surprised is nit corrected. We’re getting a little bit of “greatest hits”

    There are some interesting statements, Biden wants Hamas destroyed like bin Laden. He said only Hamas wanted to continue the war, Trump said Israel did and should be allowed to finish the job.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  126. Thanks Felipe, I’ve always enjoyed your comments. I think you’re wrong about a lot of stuff but I think we would be friends in real life. You remind me a lot of people I’ve always liked. Good Christians who put their faith at the center of their lives. People who care about those around them.

    Nate (cfb326)

  127. Chris Wallace was about 7k times better in 2020. CNN should be ashamed. Whoever was supposed to give Biden his ritalin, gave him some valium instead.

    He’s just too old.

    Trump is just insane, but he’s a great conman and liar. Actually, he doesn’t think he’s lying, he believes it when he says it. So maybe he’s not crazy, just a confident toddler, everyone loves a toddler, they’re dumb but who cares.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  128. Have been a Biden supporter but I’m genuinely worried. I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t withdraw his nomination. This is painful. And Trump is relatively disciplined. Curb stomping Biden.

    JRH (53c854)

  129. Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e) — 6/27/2024 @ 6:59 pm

    Sammy, the silence of the moderators is a feature for me, not a bug. No fact checking, no commentary, no nuthin’!

    We want to hear the candidates, not the moderators.

    Nate (cfb326) — 6/27/2024 @ 7:00 pm

    Thank you, Nate. My best friend disagrees with me on many matters, too. So yes, we could be friends as well.

    felipe (e0a511)

  130. Yeah Felipe is great, nate.

    Time123, thanks for the kind remark.

    I’ve been saying Biden won’t be on the ballot for like a year now. I find it kinda dark someone is willing to put what’s left of Biden’s rep through this frankly historic debate.

    Trump won’t answer a question directly or intelligently. I guess it doesn’t really matter in this context, though it matters to me.

    I find this defense of his ‘disinfectant in the vein’ rambling hilarious btw. Trump lies so egregiously, but this quibble is crossing the line? Why exactly?

    Dustin (1eabe0)

  131. I’m not watching the debate, but I am following the commentary on NRO. Dan McLaughlin had a pretty scary take:

    Trump sounds as if he knows what he is talking about, which in large part he does not. Biden is unable to pass even that low bar.

    JVW (b02843)

  132. When Obama ran against Mccain I recall all these people complaining about how bad those candidates were.


    Dustin (1eabe0)

  133. The Bulwark folks are talking about an Obama(M) and Mitt Romney ticket.

    In some ways the best opponent for Trump would be a teenage mean girl. He’d get trounced.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  134. Chris Wallace was about 7k times better in 2020. CNN should be ashamed. Whoever was supposed to give Biden his ritalin, gave him some valium instead.

    He’s just too old.

    I’m dying to see how the pro-Biden media covers what appears to be from everything that I have read a completely lethargic and confused performance from the President. They’ll probably go with something like “Subdued Biden Sticks to Main Items: Declares Trump Not Fit for Presidency.” But they may just shoot the moon in gaslighting and try something like “Biden Aggressively Defends Record, Attacks Trump’s Ideas and Character.” I’ll go and check in a few minutes.

    JVW (b02843)

  135. Jack Butler at NRO with a great quip:

    When Biden isn’t being questioned, the split screen reveals that he’s looking off into the distance like he’s regretting all of his life choices.

    JVW (b02843)

  136. Trump sounds as if he knows what he is talking about, which in large part he does not. Biden is unable to pass even that low bar.
    JVW (b02843) — 6/27/2024 @ 7:10 pm

    I agree with Dan’s take.

    felipe (e0a511)

  137. Jim Gerghaty at NRO:

    You know who’s looking really vindicated tonight? Special counsel Robert Hur.

    JVW (b02843)

  138. Woah! Audrey Fahlberg in NRO:

    Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang weighs in on X: “Look I debated Joe 7 times in 2020. He’s a different guy in 2024. swapjoeout“

    JVW (b02843)

  139. What’s with the “we bought a dog to solve fentenyl” thing? Did anyone understand what that was about.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  140. Why exactly?

    Because none of us need to lie like Trump. We can tell the truth. So, truthfully, what did Trump actually say?

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  141. Biden’s infirmity breaks down to two essential problems. One, he can’t make the positive case for anything, including his own compos mentis. Two, he lacks the memory required to fact check even a tiny fraction of Trump’s fire hose of lies.

    lurker (c23034)

  142. Jeffrey Blehar at NRO:

    Kelly O’Donnell reports that President Biden’s team is telling journalists that Biden “has a cold,” which certainly makes sense given how shot his voice sounds.

    The problem, of course, is that Biden looks like the next cold he catches could well send him to the boneyard.

    JVW (b02843)

  143. Because none of us need to lie like Trump. We can tell the truth. So, truthfully, what did Trump actually say?

    BuDuh (4214e4) — 6/27/2024 @ 7:24 pm

    LOL I just remember some idiot rambling nonsense about disinfectants and UV lights in our blood, because he could not understand how to lead in one of our nation’s great challenges.

    Is it a lie if someone jokes that he said the word ‘bleach,’ mocking Trump? I guess technically it is, but not really because it’s not misleading at all.

    Trump was not damaged by this vicious and evil smear because it’s 99% what he said.

    Dustin (1eabe0)

  144. Well, they asked about their health. Biden petered about and looked like an old man.

    Trump has been talking about his 6 year old health check with the Dr. Lost Medical License and winning his club championships in golf at his clubs…that weren’t tournements and weren’t scored.

    This is embarrasing.

    Colonel Klink (ret) (96f56a)

  145. Even the legacy networks are covering this abomination, so I can’t even escape to Jeopardy or the Olympic trials.

    Addams Family (1964) reruns on the Roku Channel. I bugged out after about half an hour in total on and off.

    This is very bad. If Trump wins, I hope his retribution reaches Biden’s reelection team.

    What on Earth possessed them to think that they could palm off that doddering old zombie on us? With Kamala Harris as the stand-in. Trump’s evil has always been self-evident but this is an even greater attempt at fraud against America, tantamount to treason.

    nk (9157fa)

  146. Guys, this is rough to watch. If we could replace Trump with DeSantis or Cruz or Haley and replace Biden with (checks Democratic bench, uh) Buttigieg or Michelle Obama, would anyone be sad?

    I remember watching the VP debate with Lieberman and Cheney and thinking, man these would be better candidates than the top of the ticket, but man is this another level.

    Nate (cfb326)

  147. Lie little, lie big, Dustin.

    But, whatever

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  148. Imagine if RFK (who I do not support) had been on that stage tonight. I bet he is so pissed off about it.

    Kamala and Gavin are like hopeful 7 year olds on Christmas Eve.

    Dustin (1eabe0)

  149. Just lowering the temperature could help. Do they know that?

    Biden is old. He probably has the White House set to 85.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  150. Nate (cfb326) — 6/27/2024 @ 7:00 pm

    Sammy, the silence o

    f the moderators is a feature for me, not a bug. No fact checking, no commentary, no nuthin’!

    We want to hear the candidates, not the moderators.

    I meant that the misinformation was often not being corrected by the other candidate.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  151. I wish the GOP had nominated anyone else.
    I didn’t like Ron, but could have voted for him after this.


    Also, Biden saying he only rand to beat Trump. As if he isn’t the only guy Trump can beat.

    (Kamala is not a guy)

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  152. both of them are spewing out mostly uncorrected misinformation some of which I am surprised is nit corrected.

    I am assured that Trump’s BS will be corrected.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  153. Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e) — 6/27/2024 @ 7:37 pm

    Thank you for that clarification, Sammy.

    felipe (e0a511)

  154. Whoever was supposed to give Biden his ritalin, gave him some valium instead.

    I disagree. He started off like a man who’d done bunch of coke or speed (trust me, I’d know), but then it seemed to wear off.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  155. For those who haven’t seen, Dana posted a Debate thread. If anyone wants to move this painful viewing party to there.

    Nate (cfb326)

  156. Also, Biden saying he only rand to beat Trump. As if he isn’t the only guy Trump can beat.

    Kevin, you’re right.

    And Biden picked Kamala without thinking it through. If Biden drops out, what happens?

    How does Team D keep his coalition of voters together if they don’t put Kamala at the top of the ticket? And Kamala will probably lose.

    Dustin (1eabe0)

  157. Switching over to MSNBC (I’m performing a mental health check), Joy Reid admits that the universal reaction from her Obama-Biden peeps was panic.

    Too late to do anything about it? I assume so, but I guess we’ll see.

    lurker (c23034)

  158. Remember back to 2008, when Joe Biden wiped the floor with Paul Ryan? Or worse to 2004, when he left Sarah Palin looking dumb? Or even clear back to 2020 when he faced off against Yosemite Sam?

    Past his sell-by date, wanting four more years.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  159. Is it over yet?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  160. How does Team D keep his coalition of voters together if they don’t put Kamala at the top of the ticket? And Kamala will probably lose.

    Dustin (1eabe0) — 6/27/2024 @ 7:47 pm

    The straitjacket that is Kamala was always the obstacle to moving Biden off the ticket. Run Kamala for president, you lose every independent. Dump Kamala, you lose every woke identitarian. From the minute Biden chose her, for better or worse — I’d say worse — they were probably locked in.

    lurker (c23034)

  161. The CNN commentators who live-blogged the debate are mostly pro-Biden, but they are acknowledging that he looked pretty awful in the first hour of the debate, even as they hasten to remind us that Donald Trump is a wretch and and a proto-fascist. Former MSNBC reporter Kasie Hunt is one of the only commenters who is willing to speak bluntly about CNN’s preferred candidate:

    The bottom line takeaway for the first 20 minutes of this debate: President Biden is generally struggling onstage.


    Multiple Democratic sources watching the debate are writing to me close to despair about how the president is performing tonight.


    One Democratic source tells me it’s hard to see how Biden can be the party’s nominee for president. Another says he’s “incoherent.” They are wondering about his voice, his open-mouthed look, and the presentation contrast with Trump.

    To be fair, CNN does have some reports that “unnamed senior Democrats” are in a panic over the President’s listless debate. Has the dam at long last finally burst? Wait and see.

    JVW (b02843)

  162. It would have been hilarious and amazing to have Desantis vs Biden tonight.

    But noooooooooooooooo, the political world can’t give me what I want, ever. At least I have alcohol.

    Dustin (1eabe0)

  163. The fair and impartial CNN “journalists” are nearing suicide-watch levels.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  164. DeSantis could not give you that, Dustin.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  165. Explain your comment BuDuh?

    Nate (cfb326)

  166. I’m drunk tbh so I’m not calling you out for my failure to understand what you’re saying.

    Nate (cfb326)

  167. Erin Burnett, while lamenting Biden showing the naive what everyone else has known for years, just said that Biden prepared for 6 days and he knew every one of these questions were coming. I am going to give it the benefit of the doubt and assume that she meant that he should have expected current event questions. But the Donna Brazil Affair certainly makes one wonder.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  168. What are you drinking? 😃

    Which comment?

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  169. “DaSantis could not give you that, Dustin.”

    I drank two beers and then started to finish of the CostCo box of wine I bought to make shrimp scampy a couple weeks ago.

    Nate (cfb326)

  170. DeSantis could not give you that, Dustin.

    BuDuh (4214e4) — 6/27/2024 @ 8:08 pm


    The incumbent won the primary. Desantis had no real path without either the moderates making a compromise they were not patriotic enough to make, or Trump caring about anything but himself.

    Blaming the guy who stepped up and tried to give us an option is irrational.

    This, like much of our problems today, is on Trump specifically. Trump, whose defenders get really upset when we joke about how he said idiotic rambling nonsense, because that’s just so unfair… to Trump, who apparently deserves the most precise care when saying mean stuff.

    What’s even more hilarious is Trump fans do not understand that they lost the election tonight. They can’t work out what just happened, and why that relates to Trump blocking the GOP from picking a realistic candidate.

    Dustin (1eabe0)

  171. Trump Indicted For Murdering Elderly Man On CNN

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  172. Dustin explains my comment pretty well, nate. 👍

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  173. The MSNBC talkers are now discussing the rules and mechanics for Biden releasing his delegates and dropping out of the race. From their mouths to Biden’s ears.

    Anyway, let that sink in. MSNBC. That’s saying something about the breadth of panic over Biden’s performance tonight. Until tonight I considered replacing Biden implausible. I still think it would be an almost guaranteed loser due to the Kamala conundrum I mentioned above, and I still consider it unlikely, but for the first time since he’s been president, as of tonight I can plausibly see it happening.

    lurker (c23034)

  174. “Right now, everybody making under $170,000 pay 6% of their income, of their paycheck,” he said. “Millionaires pay 1%.”

    Somehow this didn’t get fact-checked at CNN. Biden is counting the paper value of appreciated assets as “income” when not one single tax law we have does that. And he wants to tax paper profits at 25%, raking in substantial assets every year and obliterating the compounding that makes long-term investments work.

    It’s a lie, and a threat. Talk about “retribution.”

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  175. Dustin, why do you say Trump lost tonight?

    Time123 (56098f)

  176. Here’s a plan for the Democrats.

    1. Sonia Sotomayor announces her retirement.
    2. Biden appoints Harris to the Court.
    3. Biden picks Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Witmer as VP
    4. Victory!

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  177. Biden was doing so well up until a few hours ago. I mean, he was the best! This is coming as such a surprise!!

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  178. It would have been hilarious and amazing to have Desantis vs Biden tonight.

    Or Cruz, or Nikki, or, hell, Doug Burgum. Only Ramaswamy would have been worse.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  179. It would have been hilarious and amazing to have Desantis vs Biden tonight.

    But noooooooooooooooo, the political world can’t give me what I want, ever. At least I have alcohol.

    If I had my way, we would be finishing up President Scott Walker’s second term in office right about now, and the GOP candidate would probably be gearing up to take on Kamala Harris or Gavin Newsom this fall.

    JVW (b02843)

  180. Kamala has the same cold as Biden. She can’t give a straight answer on CNN.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  181. Dustin, why do you say Trump lost tonight?

    Time123 (56098f) — 6/27/2024 @ 8:25 pm

    Because Biden will not be the nominee. The democrats will have a significant challenge playing the identity politics issue. But they will figure that out. They probably already had figured it out, and this wasn’t actually a decisive day, but rather just part of the show, to help explain why Biden had to be replaced. ‘A good man who is just not able to beat Trump, and the nation calls for bla bla bla’

    Trump didn’t even do well tonight. He just did a lot better than Biden, which ensured the one thing that Trump needed to win: Biden, ain’t there in November.

    Dustin (1eabe0)

  182. Only Ramaswamy would have been worse.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 6/27/2024 @ 8:30 pm


    Dustin (1eabe0)

  183. Desantis had no real path

    The betting odds Jan 3, 2023 had DeSantis far in the lead. 35% against everyone. Biden at 28%, Trump at 15%.

    He just blew it. Six months later he was in single digits.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  184. Anderson Cooper is actually conducting an interview. Kamala is tongue tied having never been asked a serious question.

    Cooper has his instructions to get rid of this incompetent duo and help the Dems usher in some new blood.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  185. He just blew it.


    BuDuh (4214e4)

  186. Because Biden will not be the nominee.

    And the Dems go second.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  187. ‘A good man who is just not able to beat Trump, and the nation calls for bla bla bla’

    A great deal of sadness and respect for the old man.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  188. Mercifully, the Olympic trials are back on.

    lurker (c23034)

  189. Now, will they be able to push Joe out, or can they convince him to step down.

    Did the Trumpies set their convention early to prevent the same kind of revolt?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  190. He just blew it. Six months later he was in single digits.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 6/27/2024 @ 8:34 pm

    Nah, that’s just BS.

    A previously elected president is going to win the nomination.

    All the folks who refused to compromise, the Haley supporters who ignored she was working with Trump specifically to stop Desantis, are accountable for what our country looks like tonight.

    Good job, Haley and Trump supporters who didn’t understand how manipulative that deal was.

    Dustin (1eabe0)

  191. Talk about conspiracy theories.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  192. Well said Dustin.

    NeverTrump nominated Trump because they refused to accept the only candidate that could beat him.

    They would rather a leftist than strong conservativism.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  193. Talk about conspiracy theories.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 6/27/2024 @ 8:51 pm


    Ok buddy

    Dustin (1eabe0)

  194. Ok buddy

    Dustin (1eabe0) — 6/27/2024 @ 9:21 pm

    Once in a great while a conspiracy theory is correct. I’m open to evidence I haven’t seen yet that this is one of those. But I don’t understand how you can deny that “[Haley] was working with Trump specifically to stop Desantis” is a conspiracy theory.

    lurker (c23034)

  195. The betting odds Jan 3, 2023 had DeSantis far in the lead. 35% against everyone. Biden at 28%, Trump at 15%.

    He just blew it. Six months later he was in single digits.

    Betting odds don’t gauge the actual likelihood of an event happening, they are just a snapshot of where the bettors are placing their money. There wasn’t a damn soul back in January 2023 who had any true inkling of whether Ron DeSantis had a 35% or 55% or 5% chance of winning the 2024 election. There was just sucker money chasing gut feelings.

    JVW (b02843)

  196. But I don’t understand how you can deny that “[Haley] was working with Trump specifically to stop Desantis” is a conspiracy theory.

    How did their combined votes stack up against Trump?

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  197. Kevin m – why would the Senate confirm any vp? If the office remains vacant and Biden dies, Johnson is president.

    Is the nomination of a vp filibusterable?

    aphrael (1797ab)

  198. How did their combined votes stack up against Trump?

    BuDuh (4214e4) — 6/27/2024 @ 9:48 pm

    I don’t recall their aggregate vote total exceeding Trump’s, but my recollection is hazy at best. Regardless, how does whatever the correct answer is evidence that Trump and Haley were working together to stop DeSantis?

    lurker (c23034)

  199. why would the Senate confirm any vp?

    I meant as VP nominee. If Harris is kicked upstairs, they’d pick some retiring Senator as a placeholder. Maybe Laphonza Butler. The Democrats controlled both houses in 1974, were no less partisan, and let Nixon pick Ford and Ford pick Rockefeller.

    I doubt that a filibuster of a VP nomination would survive the obvious “nuclear option” (aka an appeal of the chair’s ruling). I wonder if Harris could preside. Order of things is important. But it is both houses that have to agree.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  200. But fighting over a caretaker VP nomination would be incredibly poor optics, even for MAGA.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  201. DeSantis didn’t need anyone’s help to stop DeSantis. He tried Florida politics and it didn’t play in Peoria.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  202. I understood this:

    But I don’t understand how you can deny that “[Haley] was working with Trump specifically to stop Desantis” is a conspiracy theory.

    to mean you believe that Trump and Haley were working together.

    I understand this:

    Regardless, how does whatever the correct answer is evidence that Trump and Haley were working together to stop DeSantis?

    to mean the opposite.

    Are you saying they worked together or are you thinking I am saying they worked together?

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  203. Lurker, I missed the quotation marks in your 9:40. I misunderstood your first comment. My error.

    I understand what you are saying. Please disregard my comment.

    BuDuh (4214e4)

  204. OK

    lurker (c23034)

  205. If Joe refuses to step aside, I don’t think there is anything the Democrats can do about it. He got the votes in the primary.

    On CNN they asked who has enough heft in the Democratic Party to persuade Joe to step down. All I can think of is Obama. As I think about it more, I suspect the main person who needs persuading is Jill Biden, because Joe appears so far gone that he will do whatever she wants.

    So, the question becomes just how in love with the trappings of the White House is Jill Biden. Is she going to bristle and dig in if Obama and other Democrat powers tell Joe it’s time to retire? If she does, she will go down in history as a villain.

    norcal (809d41)

  206. If Joe and Jill just double-down, Harris and the Cabinet could always go 25th Amendment on him. I’m not a fan of Harris, but at least she has her marbles.

    norcal (809d41)

  207. 178. Kevin M (a9545f) — 6/27/2024 @ 8:27 pm

    Here’s a plan for the Democrats.

    1. Sonia Sotomayor announces her retirement.
    2. Biden appoints Harris to the Court.

    This was bruited about, Sonia Sotomayor did not want to go along. (Kamala Harris might have no choice because if she wasn’t going to get the vice-presidential nomination, she she wasn’t going to get the vice-presidential nomination.

    Of course you couldn’t be sure that one vote to confirm her to the Supreme Court wouldn’t be lost in the Senate.

    3. Biden picks Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Witmer as VP

    This takes you practically to, and past the November election. They might not bother with filling a vacancy in the Vice Presidency. They’d most likely delay the confirmation of Kamala Harris to the Supreme Court till after the November election.

    4. Victory!

    The key thing would be to pick somebody else besides Joe Biden or Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for president. For Joe Biden or to quit the race and to substitute for somebody else besides Kamala Harris for him.

    But not Gavin Newsome or Gretchen Witmere.

    Mark Simone was saying that Democrats were talking about Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro or Maryland Governor Wes Moore. They are both moderates.

    One point said to be in their favor is that they haven’t held office very long. And it’s also the fact that both are Governors.

    Sammy Finkelman (e4ef09)

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