Patterico's Pontifications


Another nail in the coffin

Filed under: General — Dana @ 2:00 pm

[guest post by Dana]

That was then:

When [Trump] was asked in May if he was ready to admit that he had lost the election, the first words out of his mouth centered on the film’s [2000 Mules] claims.

“If you look at True the Vote,” he said, “they found millions of votes on camera, on government cameras, where they were stuffing ballot boxes.”

This is now:

Texas-based True the Vote filed complaints with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in 2021, including one in which it said it had obtained “a detailed account of coordinated efforts to collect and deposit ballots in drop boxes across metro Atlanta” during the November 2020 election and a January 2021 runoff.

A Fulton County Superior Court judge in Atlanta signed an order last year requiring True the Vote to provide evidence it had collected, including the names of people who were sources of information, to state elections officials who were frustrated by the group’s refusal to share evidence with investigators.

In their written response, attorneys for True the Vote said the group had no names or other documentary evidence to share.

Raffensperger’s office responds:

“Once again, True the Vote has proven itself untrustworthy and unable to provide a shred of evidence for a single one of their fairy-tale allegations,” said Mike Hassinger, a spokesman for the secretary of state’s office. “Like all the lies about Georgia’s 2020 election, their fabricated claims of ballot harvesting have been repeatedly debunked.”


9 Responses to “Another nail in the coffin”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (8e902f)

  2. The issues with the 2020 election have very little to do with vote counting, and much more to do with the sea change in voting methods. And the issues are not that things were done illegally, but that one side took advantage of these changes and the other side told their voters to NOT take advantage of them.

    Trump would have won, handily, had he told his supporters to vote early, or by mail, in the weeks preceding Election Day. Biden’s people sure did, allowing them whole weeks to get out the vote. Trump made it a point of loyalty to only vote on Day-of.

    Yet more evidence of Trump’s bloody-minded stupidity. He deserved the loss and it’s ALL on him.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  3. Kevin M (ed969f) — 2/15/2024 @ 3:15 pm

    The issues with the 2020 election have very little to do with vote counting, and much more to do with the sea change in voting methods.

    You mean the more legitimate issues. But Trump and Giuliani and others were talking about vote stealing.

    And the issues are not that things were done illegally, but that one side took advantage of these changes and the other side told their voters to NOT take advantage of them.

    Trump would have won, handily, had he told his supporters to vote early, or by mail, in the weeks preceding Election Day. Biden’s people sure did, allowing them whole weeks to get out the vote. Trump made it a point of loyalty to only vote on Day-of.

    Steve Bannon wanted there to be a disparity between the results of the mail votes and the in-person, Election Day vote, so that in case Trump lost they could claim fraud.

    Trump went along with this.

    Leaked Audio: Before Election Day, Bannon Said Trump Planned to Falsely Claim Victory

    <i? “That’s our strategy. He’s gonna declare himself a winner.”

    ….On the evening of October 31, 2020, Steve Bannon told a group of associates that President Donald Trump had a plan to declare victory on election night—even if he was losing. Trump knew that the slow counting of Democratic-leaning mail-in ballots meant the returns would show early leads for him in key states. His “strategy” was to use this fact to assert that he had won, while claiming that the inevitable shifts in vote totals toward Joe Biden must be the result of fraud, Bannon explained.

    But Trump never figured out how he could make false charges of ballot box stuffing stick.

    Yet more evidence of Trump’s bloody-minded stupidity. He deserved the loss and it’s ALL on him.

    I think he figured out he would probably lose, and thought that all his campaigning against mail ballots would not affect the results, but if he created this disparity in results he could claim fraud (which might be plausible to all those who did not know the reason for it)

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  4. In their written response, attorneys for True the Vote said the group had no names or other documentary evidence to share.

    Well, that means:

    A. They lied
    B. They relied on claims made by other people, who they should have known did not have evidence.
    C. They relied on anonymous sources.

    Which do they want us to believe?

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  5. Here is Bannon on tape telling some people on October 31, 2020
    what the strategy was:

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  6. @4 You forgot D. fundraising.

    asset (6ddfda)

  7. In other news, leaked internal emails from the 2023 hugo administration committee indicate that the western members of the committee collected political dossiers on the nominees and used the contents of those dossiers to disqualify nominated works that the western members thought might generate objections from the chinese government.

    aphrael (71d87c)

  8. oops, wrong thread

    aphrael (71d87c)

  9. You mean the more legitimate issues. But Trump and Giuliani and others were talking about vote stealing.

    That’s because they were talking to idiots.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

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