Patterico's Pontifications


Classified Documents Show Egypt Planned To Secretly Send Rockets To Russia

Filed under: General — Dana @ 9:07 am

[guest post by Dana]

The information was discovered in a trove of classified files posted on a chat app popular with gamers:

President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi of Egypt, one of America’s closest allies in the Middle East and a major recipient of U.S. aid, recently ordered subordinates to produce up to 40,000 rockets to be covertly shipped to Russia, according to a leaked U.S. intelligence document.

A portion of a top secret document, dated Feb. 17, summarizes purported conversations between Sisi and senior Egyptian military officials and also references plans to supply Russia with artillery rounds and gunpowder. In the document, Sisi instructs the officials to keep the production and shipment of the rockets secret “to avoid problems with the West.”

This was despite Egyptian leaders being unable to commit to sending ammunition to Ukraine after a request from Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. Interestingly:

In the document, Sisi is quoted as saying that he was considering selling “ordinary stuff” to China to make room for “more Sakr 45 production,” a reference to a type of 122mm rocket manufactured by Egypt. The document does not explicitly say whether the rockets that would be produced for Russia were Sakr 45s, but such rockets would be compatible with Russian Grad multiple rocket launchers.

A spokesman for Egypt’s Foreign Ministry claimed:

“Egypt’s position from the beginning is based on noninvolvement in this crisis and committing to maintain equal distance with both sides, while affirming Egypt’s support to the U.N. charter and international law in the U.N. General Assembly resolutions.”

“We continue to urge both parties to cease hostilities and reach a political solution through negotiations,” he said.

Exactly how secretly supplying arms to an aggressor that illegally invaded a sovereign nation and waged war at the direction of its murderous leader who has been accused of war crimes speaks to being “uninvolved” is a mystery… Anyway, the report notes that yesterday, a government offical described the allegations as being untrue, which state media echoed. Of course.

This major recipient of U.S. aid receives – and has for many, many years – more than $1 billion a year from us. Perhaps it’s time to rethink the relationship. Question: how do we know that any portion of that money hasn’t already gone to support Russia, whether in sending arms or in the manufacturing of them?

Additionally, there is the critical issue of Egypt’s reliance on Russia for its grain supply:

[A]fter the war in Ukraine disrupted access to Ukrainian wheat, Cairo began relying heavily on purchases of Russian grain. The arrangement has helped Egypt avoid wheat shortages that could spark social unrest in a country where poverty is widespread and bread is served with nearly every meal.


89 Responses to “Classified Documents Show Egypt Planned To Secretly Send Rockets To Russia”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (1225fc)

  2. Egypt receives enormous amounts of money from us as a bribe to get them to promote peace in the Arab world and, specifically, with Israel.

    Want to run the risk that Egypt stops maintaining that peace if we stop bribing them?

    aphrael (0697d4)

  3. IIRC, Egypt’s aid money was part of Jimmy Carter’s deal with Sadat and Israel in ending the Sinai occupation.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  4. I think that this pay be a play to get us to up our bribe.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  5. @2. Yep. We essentially pay them ‘all’ not to fight.

    DCSCA (57050b)

  6. Egypt has always flirted w/Russia. The Aswan Dam was financed and built for Egypt by Russia.

    DCSCA (57050b)

  7. Every country pursues its own interests.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  8. This is not helpful…

    “As I said yesterday, this is bad. It is bad that this assessment leaked; it is bad that this assessment of Ukraine’s abilities in the spring offensive are so modest or grim; it is bad that apparently lots of foreign-policy experts have doubts about the administration’s approach but are afraid to say so publicly; and it is bad that Biden’s public assessment of the war in Ukraine is the same rosy-eyed, unrealistic optimism that characterized his assessment of Afghanistan, inflation, migrants crossing the border, and the Chinese spy balloon. The president is always telling us that things are going great and that we have nothing to worry about, and a little later, we learn that the truth is the opposite.”

    Colonel Haiku (8d75ee)

  9. “Just think, it is very likely that had Donald Trump been re-elected in 2020 our petroleum producers would have driven Russia bankrupt without sanctions or any other horse sh*t like them, but simply by out competing Putin. It would been glorious for the US economy and citizens, and could have conceivably prevented Putin from invading Ukraine due to lack of funds. All that money and war machinery we are pissing down a rathole in Ukraine could be doing something more productive and useful.”

    Colonel Haiku (8d75ee)

  10. Biden’s analysis begins and ends with Statist control. He is highly unlikely to rely on private enterprise, not even when “his” president, Barack Obama, basically turned space flight over to the entrepreneurs.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  11. As I recall, we give Egypt around $1 billion as part of the Camp David accords. Talk about ingrates.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  12. $1 billion per annum.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  13. Every country pursues its own interests.

    NO NO NO!! I demand they they pursue our interests! Who do they think they are?

    Or, to quote most everyone in DC: “Don’t they know who I am!?”

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  14. $1 billion per annum.

    A deal that goes back to the 1970s. We give Israel more, from the same deal.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  15. I didn’t encounter this story before.

    I did read abut South Korea (that South Korea was deliberating about whether to send arms that could reach Ukraine – I had read that that problem was resolved by South Korea selling arms to the USA and the USA would send arms to Ukraine – in other words backfill U.S. This leaked document may have been from before that or perhaps it was not completely resolved

    And I did read two things about Israel – one the USA was trying to come up with arguments to persuade Israel to break its neutrality and sell lethal weapons -anti-missile missiles to Ukraine, with one argument being that Iran was allied with Russia, and the document also noting that it might happen if it was sold through a third party, like Turkey, or if Israeli relations with Russia deteriorated.

    The other thing was a claim, stated to be based on signals intelligence, that the Mossad (its foreign intelligence service) wanted to join in with the protests in Israel awhile back against the judicial reform legislation. This has been denied by apparently everyone in Israel who could be contacted and caused some of them to wonder about the quality of U.S. intelligence. (do they know the difference between the Mossad and the IDF?)

    The legislation supposedly was going to destroy democracy but was intended to get rid of a super powerful Supreme Court by changing the way they were appointed – largely self appointed – and allowing a simple majority of the Knesset to overrule the Supreme Court.

    These protests also involved some people in the army threatening not to serve and the Defense Minister was persuaded not to state his opposition to the Netanyahu government continuing with the legislation, and then the next day (March 26) it was announced he was fired, and then Netanyahu backed down agreeing to postpone consideration for a month and the Defense Minister has been unfired or non fired. The firing was never processed. It took till this week for Netanyahu to officially not fire him.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  16. The president is always telling us that things are going great and that we have nothing to worry about, and a little later, we learn that the truth is the opposite.”

    That’s what Jimmy Carter did.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  17. Talk about ingrates.

    Okay. For starters:

    Japan is buying oil from the Eurasian Alliance’s lesser half [Russia] as is democracy India and NATO Italy… and Froggie Macron just peed on the graves of Americans who came to the aid in the trenches of France in 1917 and on the beaches of Normandy in 1944.

    In the 21st century, it’s past time to put America first.

    … and The Donald smiled.

    DCSCA (86aea7)

  18. A portion of a top secret document, dated Feb. 17, summarizes purported conversations between Sisi and senior Egyptian military officials and also references plans to supply Russia with artillery rounds and gunpowder. In the document, Sisi [is quoted as] instructsing the officials to keep the production and shipment of the rockets secret “to avoid problems with the West.”

    Well, the document, if it is accurate and the U.S> government translator didn’t make it up, [more likely with signals intelligence about Israel] indicates that that didn’t work.

    And now it went further.

    Some documents were posted back in January in a far unindexed corner of the Internet – then a subset was posted elsewhere, then a further subset posted more widely (and possibly altered by Russia to reduce U.S> estimates of Russian deaths and increase U.S> estimates of Ukrainian deaths but earlier versions may have been spotted. It was finally noticed by the U.S>government last Wednrsday, April 5.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  19. The source has to be a courier who was allowed all by himself to take briefing materials for high level officials. He or she had enough time to photograph them. Or maybe he was supposed to put extra copies in a burn bag – and did – but not before taking pictures. He is not a Russian spy – Russia would have used the information by now. He is more likely Chinese spy, or possibly one working for a third country, like Saudi Arabia.

    One theory about why it was posted online was that some people were arguing over what was going to happen in the war in Ukraine and somebody posted secret documents to support his argument. But this is unlikely and wouldn’t to explain it all..

    They came up with this because the motive is clearly not some form of patriotism or values like with Snowden or Manning. And they can’t figure out why a professional spy would do it. But this would be done so that when a country acted on the intelligence it would be assumed they got it from the Internet and not from their own spy.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  20. 8.

    It is bad that this assessment leaked

    The general assessment that Ukraine is using supplies at such a rate that it is danger of running out of ammunition leaked before.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  21. The source has to be a courier who was allowed all by himself to take briefing materials for high level officials. He or she had enough time to photograph them. Or maybe he was supposed to put extra copies in a burn bag – and did – but not before taking pictures. He is not a Russian spy – Russia would have used the information by now. He is more likely Chinese spy, or possibly one working for a third country, like Saudi Arabia.

    That narrows it down. 🙂

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  22. That narrows it down. 🙂

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 4/11/2023 @ 2:33 pm

    Of course, it is pure speculation.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  23. 17… yeah, America’s standing in the world hasn’t been this weak in quite a while, certainly in my lifetime. Erstwhile allies stabbing us in the back, as THEY act in their own self-interest.

    And nothing but lies and asshattery from the Biden Administration.

    Colonel Haiku (fa2991)

  24. @23. Yep. And what does he do as the world turns away from the USA? Plagiarized JFK’s ’63 trip to Ireland to search out his roots. BYO six pack and a potato, eh, Joey…

    DCSCA (7e76f5)

  25. DCSCA (86aea7) — 4/11/2023 @ 1:50 pm

    and The Donald smiled.

    Well, he probably won’t in real life take comfort with that, but secrets were more secure at Mar-a-Lago then if he had left them there in the White House.

    These materials were probably destined for a burn bag, or taken out of a burn bag before being burned. Extra copies they didn’t need.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  26. That narrows it down.

    Who he was working for, they can’t tell, but there are all sorts on numbers printed on the documents – they can probably tell what meetings they came from.

    Whether they’ll suspect the burn bag guy, I wouldn’t venture to guess. I wouldn’t know if they even keep a record of that.

    Burn bags must contain only the classified material that is to be destroyed. Personal documents, trash, recyclable materials, metal objects (such as binder clips and acco fasteners), string, twine, spiral bindings, cleaning cloths, food, or any other object that is not classified material should not be placed in a burn bag.

    c. The office or bureau generating the waste is ultimately responsible for ensuring that it is disposed of in accordance with the procedures in 6 FAM 1780 and 12 FAM 539.5.

    So, no standardized procedures.

    The office generating it was probably mostly or only the Joint Chiefs of Staff. But they probably didn’t handle the disposal. It fell between the cracks.


    If they came from burn bags, nobody would ever have missed the documents.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)


    After the briefing is completed, the aide is supposed to pack the binder in the locked bag and take it back to the intel shop, where its return would be logged and — in most cases — the documents would be placed into “burn bags” and later destroyed, according to several people familiar with the process.

    In some cases, however, the principal elects to keep the documents for days or even weeks. In those cases, the intel shop officials are supposed to keep track of what documents are outstanding and remain in touch with the person who picked up the material so it can eventually be returned and disposed of.

    Two people who worked in previous administrations, who asked for anonymity to discuss classified material, said officials in the intel shop were typically relentless about making sure the most highly classified documents were given back. Some of those documents are even numbered, to make it easier to trace classified information to a particular person.

    One of the people who handled such documents in a previous administration said that a “sliver” of information is protected by the C.I.A. that is highly compartmentalized and very hard to print, and when it is printed, it is usually tracked.

    If that kind of information is revealed to be part of the documents found in the homes of Mr. Biden, Mr. Trump or Mr. Pence, the former official said, it would be a breach of the classified information handling rules. It would mean, the official said, that either staff members failed in their duty to keep track of the documents or that someone was trying to willfully keep them in an unauthorized way.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)


    One of the most significant leaks of highly classified U.S. documents in recent history began among a small group of posters on a messaging channel that trafficked in memes, jokes and racist talk.

    Sometime in January, seemingly unnoticed by the outside world, an anonymous member of a group numbering just over a dozen began to post files—many labeled as top secret—providing details about the war in Ukraine, intercepted communications about U.S. allies, such as Israel and South Korea, and details of American penetration of Russian military plans, among other topics.

    The documents, which appear to have numbered in the hundreds, stayed among the members of the tiny group on the Discord messaging platform until early March, when another user reposted several dozen of them to another group with a larger audience. From there, at least 10 files migrated to a much bigger community focused on the Minecraft computer game.

    On Wednesday, with the U.S. government apparently still unaware, a Russian propaganda account on Telegram posted a crudely doctored version of one of the documents, alongside a few unedited ones.

    That’s when they noticed it.

    The U.S. good at spying on Russia (which the documents confirm)

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  29. The Wall Street Journal wasn’t able to independently authenticate the documents, but they contain enough detail to give them credibility. Defense officials have said they believe some of the documents could be authentic….

    …In total, just over 50 documents with Secret and Top Secret classification markings have surfaced so far, and have been viewed by the Journal and a variety of independent intelligence analysts. A critical question is who had access, and when, to the hundreds of others that were posted in the original group between January and March, and how significant are the secrets that these files contain.

    I think the key question is who had access to the burn bags.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  30. US is losing leverage. One way to work with Egypt might have been for the US government buy and supply American wheat at a loss as part of the $Billion dollar aid package except last years drought saw the smallest wheat exports since 1971/72 and pricing that was not competitive. Interesting as well because domestic consumption of wheat is down. (My guess is on Americans going lower on the carbs and also gluten free craze).
    Another reason for loss of leverage is that the USA is politically unstable. Trump reversed Obama foreign initiatives and Biden reversed Trump’s 4 years later. Xi and Putin are hegemonistic S#1T heads but they have a consistency the US does not have.

    steveg (d59e25)

  31. On CBS Evening News: Defense Secretary says he only knows abouut documents dated on two different days! N=Maybe just Def Dept documents?

    Sammy Finkelman (124bd5)

  32. And where does Mike ‘Pillow Guy’ Lindell buy the cotton for his sheets? The USA?

    Nope. Egypt.

    DCSCA (b1c925)

  33. Who do they use to take out the trash at the Pentagon? E-3s or GS-3s? This sounds to me like some low-grade dork who grabbed up something that someone had taken their eyes off of for a moment the way he’d learned to snitch anything not nailed down in civilian life. And then he didn’t know what to do with it so he posted it on a gamer site.

    nk (433140)

  34. This major recipient of U.S. aid receives – and has for many, many years – more than $1 billion a year from us. Perhaps it’s time to rethink the relationship.

    ‘U.S. assistance to Egypt has played a central role in Egypt’s economic and military development and in furthering the U.S.-Egypt strategic partnership and regional stability. Since 1978, the United States has provided Egypt with over $50 billion in military and $30 billion in economic assistance.’ – source,

    As the U.S. influence is waning in multiple global regions as it is, ‘rethinking’ the relationship would be to the advantage of which adversary…

    “Can’t Buy Me Love” – The Beatles, 1964

    DCSCA (5cd6cb)

  35. From the BBC:

    The UK is among a number of countries with military special forces operating inside Ukraine, according to one of dozens of documents leaked online.

    It confirms what has been the subject of quiet speculation for over a year.

    According to the document, dated 23 March, the UK has the largest contingent of special forces in Ukraine (50), followed by fellow Nato states Latvia (17), France (15), the US (14) and the Netherlands (1).

    Dana (1225fc)

  36. According to the document, dated 23 March, the UK has the largest contingent of special forces in Ukraine (50), followed by fellow Nato states Latvia (17), France (15), the US (14) and the Netherlands (1).

    Fact Check: Are U.S. Troops on the Ground in Ukraine?

    ‘Since Russia’s President Vladimir Putin started his full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. has sought to provide military assistance to Kyiv without causing an escalation of the conflict. But some social media users note a direct American role on the ground.

    Ukraine is not a member of NATO and so the U.S.-led alliance is not directly involved in the war. President Joe Biden has repeatedly ruled out American troops fighting in Ukraine, though the U.S. and its allies provide equipment and training to Kyiv’s forces.’

    Here’s what Biden has said about sending US troops to Ukraine

    ‘Biden said, “Our forces are not and will not be engaged in the conflict.” He added, “Our forces are not going to Europe to fight in Ukraine but to defend our NATO allies and reassure those allies in the east… “Let me be clear: These are totally defensive moves on our part. We have no intention of fighting Russia,” Biden said.” – source,

    No surprise, really: the plagiarist lied.– and the camel’s nose is under the tent.

    Back in the day, the ‘advisors, aka ‘boots on the ground,’ aka ‘special forces’ were Green Berets…

    “The Letter’s Postmarked Vietnam…” – SSgt. Barry Sadler, 1966

    DCSCA (7c6b23)

  37. ‘Leak’ from “outside the Pentagon…”

    Apparently 1,000-5,000 people in the MIC can have access to these sort of classified documents. Look to a MIC contractor pissed at being dissed for the leak. For example:

    CT-based Sikorsky loses out on Army $1.3 billion Black Hawk replacement contract

    Connecticut-based Sikorsky lost out on a $1.3 billion contract to produce an aircraft that the Army envisions would replace its fleet of Black Hawk helicopters, failing to win over Pentagon brass with its Defiant-X prototype in partnership with Boeing. The contract was instead awarded to Texas-based Bell, which aims to produce its own V-280 Valor tilt-rotor aircraft…

    DCSCA (9f1f45)

  38. This is what motivates the Saudi’s

    Top oil exporter Saudi Arabia imported 261,000 tonnes of Russian diesel in March and early April,” said Reuters, “the largest volume it has ever received from Russia.”

    Russian diesel exports — the Putin regime’s main source of hard currency — are capped at $100 per barrel, well below market prices. Saudi Arabia is buying priced-capped Russian diesel, “laundering” it with their own, and then selling it mostly to European buyers at market prices.

    In effect, EU countries are bypassing their own sanctions against buying Russian fuel. The difference is that the Saudis are keeping most of the profits instead of Moscow.

    Europe is paying $130 to the Saudi’s and Saudi’s pay Russia $100
    Russia produces 2 million barrels a day of diesel and 800,000 are exported. If the Saudi’s only control 100,000 barrels a day, that is still $3Million a day gross profit and well over $1Billion per year.

    Here is another Foreign policy win
    The oil price cap for Russian crude oil was set at USD 60 per barrel, which is currently above the market selling price for the majority of Russian crude oil exports.

    This is what happens when we want to limit the flow of cash into Russia, without creating a worldwide shortage of oil products. I’m happy Russia isn’t getting the cash, but I’d rather see some deal put together that cuts ukraine in on the profits. Maybe pay Ukraine back for the grain stolen by the Russians

    steveg (d59e25)

  39. OT: Tim Scott’s announcement
    Pretty damn good imo.

    He doesn’t have the name recognition as others do, but he’s so damn good at this.

    whembly (d116f3)

  40. OT- 42 years ago today; April 12, 1981– when America was still capable of doing great things:

    “American thunder in the skies.” – Jules Bergman, ABC News


    62 years ago today, April 12, 1961, when Russia did something great…

    DCSCA (cd81cb)

  41. ^@40, postscript; an excellent depiction of a beginning…

    Today, Man has left footprints on Luna; multiple crewed space stations circling Earth, machines probing through the cosmos and gazing to the very edge of our Universe. All within a single human lifetime.

    Just imagine where we could be in 162 years…

    “No matter how much progress one makes, there is always the thrill of just beginning.” — Robert H. Goddard

    DCSCA (cd81cb)

  42. Tempest in a teapot. We found out, told them not to, they didn’t. That’s why we have spies and why we have the NSA.

    This isn’t really something that the public needs to bother it’s silly head about, as are again proving.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  43. Everything I look at in this doc dump, from the actual documents to the altered ones, Russia benefits. Prove me wrong and show me something real about Putin and his circle, like why they have this defenestration crisis.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  44. @42/42. This isn’t really something that the public needs to bother it’s silly head about

    Except it is. A near trillion dollar a year taxpayer financed organization that can’t pass audits, keep track of inventory or classified files is very much something to bother ‘silly heads’ about – especially those that deserve to get rolled at the Pentagon– or any of the other redundant and costly alphabet agencies. They can’t protect the skies from spy balloons or keep track of papers— just like SCOTUS. Bureaucratic incompetence in government agencies is very much a concern for the citizenry that pays the freight for this ineptness.

    DCSCA (cd81cb)

  45. And where does Mike ‘Pillow Guy’ Lindell buy the cotton for his sheets? The USA?

    Nowadays the name “Egyptian cotton” refers more to the way cotton is treated and threads produced rather than the location where it is grown.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  46. Except it is.

    Three words utterly guaranteed to stop the reader.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  47. OT: Tim Scott’s announcement

    There are a lot of sharpened knives waiting for this uppity Republican.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  48. Oh, and Twitter is a cesspool. Real names should be required, along with a unique code, blue-checked back to state IDs.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  49. @456. Pfft. Which is why Lindell advertises -complete w/a map of Egypt- that he obtains cotton from Egypt. Thanks for playing.

    DCSCA (1495f8)

  50. They’re fake.

    Does that sound likely to anybody? Except maybe people who voted by text?

    nk (04e216)

  51. Pentagon Documents Leaker Has Reportedly Been Identified

    The U.S. has identified the person who leaked Pentagon documents online, the Wall Street Journal reports citing an official, and arrest is expected as early as Thursday. Investigators believe the leaker is an Air National Guardsman and the New York Times reports Jack Teixeira, a member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard, was the leader of the online group where the documents first appeared.

    Teixeira, 21, is said to be the head of Thug Shaker Central, an online gaming community where the classified documents were published, according to the Times. The newspaper reports how they tracked him down:

    While the gaming friends would not identify the group’s leader by name, a trail of digital evidence compiled by The Times leads to Airman Teixeira.

    The Times has been able to link Airman Teixeira to other members of the Thug Shaker Central group through his online gaming profile and other records. Details of the interior of Airman Teixeira’s childhood home — posted on social media in family photographs — also match details on the margins of some of the photographs of the leaked secret documents.

    The Times also has established, through social media posts and military records, that Airman Teixeira is enlisted in the 102nd Intelligence Wing of the Massachusetts Air National Guard. Posts on the unit’s official Facebook page congratulated Airman Teixeira and colleagues for being promoted to Airman First Class in July 2022. –

    DCSCA (4c559e)

  52. Which is why Lindell advertises -complete w/a map of Egypt- that he obtains cotton from Egypt. Thanks for playing.

    That just means that Lindell is an idiot. But we knew that. I doubt he knows within 1000 miles where the cotton is grown, and you know less.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  53. It’s not yet clear how a Air National Guardsman would have access to codeword documents. Was he sleeping with someone?

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  54. It’s not yet clear how a Air National Guardsman would have access to codeword documents.

    Apparently while on assignment at Ft. Bragg… What is clear is the fvck-ups at the Pentagon can’t pass audits nor keep track of classified documents.

    A televised Pentagon briefing to pipe out excuses on this is imminent…

    DCSCA (4c559e)

  55. @52. Tagged and bagged. Just like Lindell’s Egyptian grown cotton.

    DCSCA (4c559e)

  56. While I was at the Pentagon these summaries were passed around far and wide. What is interesting is that there is nothing really new in the information being leaked, the “news” in the documents has been available in the media for along time.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  57. Breaking- the FBI has made an arrest.

    Jack Teixeira: Leader of ‘Thug Shaker Central’ Chat Group, Reports Say

    Jack Teixeira is a Massachusetts Air National Guardsman who is accused of being the leader of a “small online gaming chat group” called “Thug Shaker Central,” where secret U.S. classified and defense documents were leaked, according to the New York Times and CBS News.

    The Times, in an exclusive investigation, reported that Teixeira “oversaw the private online group named Thug Shaker Central.” Teixeira has not been formally accused by authorities of leaking the documents.

    However, CBS News reported that three law enforcement officials believe Teixeira leaked the documents.

    The New York Times reported that members of the Thug Shaker Central chat group spoke with the newspaper, and one claimed to have met the leader in person, referring to him as “O.G.,” and older than other members.

    The Times reported that a “trail of digital evidence compiled by The Times leads to Airman Teixeira.”

    This evidence included Teixeira’s “online gaming profile” and family photos posted to social media, which the Times reported “also match details on the margins of some of the photographs of the leaked secret documents.”

    CBS News reported that federal law enforcement officials “have identified the person suspected of leaking secret defense and intelligence documents that have circulated online.” CBS News then named Teixeira as that person.

    The New York Times spoke with Teixeira’s mother, Dawn, “outside her home in Massachusetts.” While doing so, “someone who appeared to be Airman Teixeira drove onto the property in a red pickup truck,” the Times reported.

    On a second visit, the Times asked to speak with Teixeira and a man with Teixeira’s mother told the newspaper, “He needs to get an attorney if things are flowing the way they are going right now. The Feds will be around soon, I’m sure,” the Times reported.

    Teixeira is a member of the “intelligence wing of the Massachusetts Air National Guard,” The Times reported. On July 7, 2022, the 102 Intelligence Wing wrote on Facebook, “Congratulations to some of the 102nd Intelligence Wing’s most recent promotees! Way to go!!!” Included with that post was a graphic that listed service members being lauded.

    Teixeira’s name was listed under the header “airman 1st class.”

    “You might want to take this post and photo down,” a woman wrote on the comment thread after the stories about Teixeira broke. According to The Times, Teixeira’s mother “confirmed that her son was a member of the Air National Guard and said he had recently been working overnight shifts at a base on Cape Cod,” and said he recently changed his phone number.

    An online site called Bellingcat and the Washington Post have been digging into the online history of the group.

    “These documents appeared to be dated to early March, around the time they were first posted online on Discord, a messaging platform popular with gamers,” Bellingcat reported. However, Bellingcat also wrote that it “has seen evidence that some documents dated to January could have been posted online even earlier, although it is unclear exactly when.” Bellingcat wrote that “three members of the Discord community” claimed “that many more documents had been shared across other Discord servers in recent months.” “There’s a full blown investigation going on, as you know, with the intelligence community and the Justice Department, and they’re getting close,” President Joe Biden said, according to The Times.

    The Pentagon presser: useless. Totak fvck-ups. Seems nailing a Chinese balloon and keeping docs secure have much in common.

    DCSCA (4c559e)

  58. While I was at the Pentagon these summaries were passed around far and wide. What is interesting is that there is nothing really new in the information being leaked, the “news” in the documents has been available in the media for along time.

    Seems the fvck-ups at ‘The Pentagon’ the POTUS, the FBI and angry ‘allies’ spied upon and view this as a ‘massive security breach’ disagree.

    DCSCA (4c559e)

  59. It’s not yet clear how a Air National Guardsman would have access to codeword documents. Was he sleeping with someone?

    Kevin M (1ea396) — 4/13/2023 @ 10:55 am

    It’s entirely possible that his assignment required a security clearance to access these documents.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  60. It’s entirely possible that his assignment required a security clearance to access these documents.

    It’s possible. It’s also possible that an elephant could appear in my living room. These documents appear to be highly classified (TS and compartmentalized). Why a PART-TIME summer soldier would have legal access is literally incredible.

    It appears he was the Leader of the Discord server group where these first went online. HE would have contact details on all the members, who are soon going to get a visit from people looking for the real source.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  61. Of course, I could be wrong and they leave these in the waiting room in every staff colonel’s office. But if that’s so there needs to be a firestorm.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  62. @59. It’s entirely possible a Chinese submarine can float across America on a balloon.

    The Pentagon is staffed to to bottom w/fvck-ups.

    @61. The FBI sent 8 SUVs and an armored vehicle to arrest this kid?!?! WTF. While Hunter is touresting it up w/Daddy across Ireland? When the hell is that ‘kid’ going to get a criminal caravan sent to arrest him?!?!

    Garland gives briefing— when the HELL is he going to give one on arresting Hunter Biden.

    DCSCA (fa3479)

  63. Mark Hertling on the little traitor who leaked classified intel.

    A “cyber systems journeyman” in civilian-speak for “the IT guy.” As such, this airman would have likely been charged with ensuring operations of SIPR (secure internet protocol routers) computer networks, which is used to pass classified info. Yes, he would have had a clearance.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  64. BTW, the traitor’s name is Jack Teixeira, and bellingcat has a thread on him, and he’s been arrested.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  65. Who is Jack Teixeira? Airman arrested in Pentagon document leak worked in cyber systems

    The image of this kid in a T-shirt and shorts, w/hands on his head, next to a van w/armed and camoed up FBI agents toting assault weapons is utterly hilarious– right out of WarGames.

    Guess it’s safer to keep classified documents stacked up in your garage next to your classic Corvette.

    A MIC/Pentagon/government full of McKittrick-styled fvck-ups.

    “Oh, Jesus, Jennifer, what am I gonna do? They’re going to come get me. I’m really screwed! I am screwed!”- David Lightman [Matthew Broderick] ‘WarGames’ 1983

    DCSCA (841b42)

  66. Maybe nepotism played a role in this immature kid’s access to classified intel.

    NEW: It appears Jack Teixeira’s stepfather retired from the 102 intel wing at the base in Cape Cod in 2019, according to a search of public records.

    His stepfather appears to be Master Sgt. Thomas P. Dufault.
    According to Cape Cod Times, he also has a step brother that works at the base.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  67. This is the guy that America entrusted its classified intel. Sigh. Interesting thread, though.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  68. Trump supporter as I guessed earlier. Also gun nut maggot. Remember when it was anti-war left who leaked. What goes around comes around. Will he ask trump for pardon? Also maggot was expelled from AZ house yesterday by republican leadership for accusing them of being drug dealers in the pay of mexican drug cartel and being pedophiles!

    asset (fb9a1b)

  69. You should know better than anyone that anybody can claim to be anything on the internet, asset. He’s just a low-level, fantasy-playing dork.

    And he can claim all he wants that it was necessary for him to “transcribe” the Top Secret information he published because he could not take out any copies of it, but my guess is that he mostly made it up, like he was a copy writer for The Daily Mail or something, and I think that it’s a very good guess.

    Serbia supplying weapons to Ukraine! That’s like the Wahhabis supplying communion wine to the Vatican.

    nk (bb1548)

  70. Maybe nepotism played a role in this immature kid’s access to classified intel.


    Maybe massive, expensive, systemic, bloated bureaucratic MIC/Pentagon government incompetence played a role in this kid’s access to classified intel, instead.

    DCSCA (ab6bcd)

  71. Instapundit’s late night shriekster Sarah Hoyt will probably yelp how very proud of this Portuguese- (or Brazilian-) American.

    urbanleftbehind (290c60)

  72. Maybe massive, expensive, systemic, bloated bureaucratic MIC/Pentagon government incompetence played a role in this kid’s access to classified intel, instead.

    DCSCA (ab6bcd) — 4/13/2023 @ 5:20 pm

    The same descriptors could be used for any department of the federal government. I know, because I used to work for the Department of Homeland Security.

    norcal (15fce4)

  73. The problem is that the powers that be have no effing idea of how to contain electronic information. And even if they record all access with dongles, and thumbprints and approval codes there won’t be any review of those records. This is the government after all. Reams of data sent to a server, backed up to secure storage and never ever looked at.

    This guy was responsible for keeping things secure. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? It’s an old problem.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  74. To be fair, I have seen the need for security make practical use of material impossible, or software fail to work. I was on a project once, that required sending compiled code electronically to a hardware device. The software involved expected a USB link.

    Then some security assh0le decided to turn off all the USB ports in the facility, making that task (and others) impossible. But it did defeat the potential recording of proprietary data to a flash drive.

    Later they decided to airgap all the computers, bringing development to a halt.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  75. nk (433140) — 4/11/2023 @ 4:34 pm

    Who do they use to take out the trash at the Pentagon? E-3s or GS-3s? This sounds to me like some low-grade dork who grabbed up something that someone had taken their eyes off of for a moment the way he’d learned to snitch anything not nailed down in civilian life. And then he didn’t know what to do with it so he posted it on a gamer site.

    I was wromng. It was at the other end of the chain of custody – a person responsible for loading files (mostly presentation slides and maps) into the classified system or for making sure it was accessible at any point where there was a SCIF outlet)

    Naturally, this job would be given to the most low ranking servicemen, and things were printed out by someone who wasn’t even in the military, but in the National Guard. There’s tracking of physical copies, but not photos, except whatever information would be contained in the EXIF file or a similar file.

    And he had top security clearance (probably) because he needed to be able to handle the material and make sure everything worked..He was in “antiwar” Massachusetts. I knew that some part of the protocol for preventing outside circulation had not to be working – I just assumed it was at the end before it was to be destroyed, I just assumed that there is where there would be the oversight.,

    The news media solved he mystery, not the Pentagon.

    Sammy Finkelman (93d502)

  76. Kevin M (1ea396) — 4/13/2023 @ 11:47 am

    Why a PART-TIME summer soldier would have legal access is literally incredible.

    Somebody has to run and check all the hardware. He needs a printer to be able to make sure the formatting comes out right.

    I was assuming that the source came from the other end. They said it was briefing material, and that it was crumpled (later, that it was folded in half twice)

    Crumpled would mean it was going to be disposed of. Well, maybe somebody crumpled it before.

    But it seems like the material came from no actual briefing or a few (and that’s why nobody was able to trace the leak based on ho had access to it) and maybe they’ve got the burn bag situation handled well – maybe there’s not just one person alone who has custody of it at any one point or if it is opened, it can’t be re-closed.

    I was thinking when it was said to be someone who worked on a military base that maybe he was not the original source, but it seems basically plausible.

    As for why it was crumpled, or folded, maybe it was needed to smuggle it out, and maybe Jack Teixeira didn’t want anything else to fit in the picture except for his hunting magazine, or a newspaper, but seen in the pictures are also a bottle of Gorilla glue, a knife and a nail clipper but nothing that would identify it the house (or a garage) where he lived.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  77. Paul Montagu (8f0dc7) — 4/13/2023 @ 1:12 pm

    Mark Hertling on the little traitor who leaked classified intel.

    He was, quite possibly, trying to help Ukraine.

    One or two or more of the members of the excluaive invitation only forum he was the leader of were from Ukraine – or so said another member.

    But one member posted it to a public Discord forum, and two days later someone posted some to Minecraft forum, and by Wednesday, April 5, Russian propagada had discovered it and posted at least one altered slude. Then it soread all over.

    The NYT discovered some more the other day.

    Sammy Finkelman (47514b)


    …The additional documents, which did not surface in a 53-page set that came to wide public attention online last week, paint a picture of the Russian government feuding over the count of the dead and wounded in the Ukraine war, with the domestic intelligence agency accusing the military of obscuring the scale of casualties that Russia has suffered.

    The new batch, which contains 27 pages, reinforces how deeply American spy agencies have penetrated nearly every aspect of the Russian intelligence apparatus and military command structure. It also shows that the breach of American intelligence agencies could contain far more material than previously understood.

    n one document, American intelligence officials say that Russia’s main domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Security Service, or F.S.B., has “accused” the country’s Defense Ministry “of obfuscating Russian casualties in Ukraine.” The finding highlights “the continuing reluctance of military officials to convey bad news up the chain of command,” they say.

    The entry, dated Feb. 28 in a document with a series of updates about the war in Ukraine and other global hot spots, appears to be based on electronic intercepts collected by American intelligence agencies….

    …F.S.B. officials, the document says, contend that the ministry’s toll did not include the dead and wounded among the Russian National Guard, the Wagner mercenary force or fighters fielded by Ramzan Kadyrov, the strongman leader of the southern Russian republic of Chechnya. The sundry fighting forces that the Kremlin has deployed in Ukraine have sometimes acted at cross purposes, further complicating Russia’s military effort.

    Sammy Finkelman (47514b)


    It sounded as if the airman, Jack Teixeira, was in a speeding car, said a member of the group who uses the screen name Vahki.

    “Guys, it’s been good — I love you all,” Airman Teixeira said, Vahki recounted. “I never wanted it to get like this. I prayed to God that this would never happen. And I prayed and prayed and prayed. Only God can decide what happens from now on.”

    Sammy Finkelman (47514b)

  80. He was, quite possibly, trying to help Ukraine.

    Doubtful, Sammy. If anything, he was opposed to our helping Ukraine defend itself, and the reporting is that he was more about him wanting impress his incel buddies.
    But regardless of motive, he broke his oath to our country and committed a federal offense by stealing classified documents, photographing them (also illegal) and releasing said photos onto the interweb.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  81. What Airman Teixeira was not, Vahki said, was a whistle-blower in the vein of Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, whose outrage over perceived injustices led them to break the law and reveal closely held government secrets.

    The secret documents in the news now, Airman Teixeira’s friends said, were never meant to leave their small corner of the internet.

    “This guy was a Christian, antiwar, just wanted to inform some of his friends about what’s going on,” said Vahki, a 17-year-old recent high school graduate who identified himself by the screen name he used. “We have some people in our group who are in Ukraine. We like fighting games; we like war games.”

    If some were in Ukraine (and not Russia – and if Russia, why didn’t they plug the leak) then it could be someone contacted some official, …ad Ukraine asked Teixeira to please provide more information!

    Thy wouldn;t normally get signals intelligence.

    Sammy Finkelman (47514b)

  82. The Airman started out in October just speaking in general — presumably without documents.

    Sammy Finkelman (47514b)

  83. He knew things before they hit the news.

    I don’;t know if there is enough to tell if this theory is ossible.

    It might have been ideologically motivated after all — and ntended to help Ukraine.

    Sammy Finkelman (47514b)

  84. Amazing (and amusing!) how some pick up the language of the far fringe left – e.g., “incels” – and run like MFers with it.

    Colonel Haiku (95c518)

  85. If there is a better, more complete correction of past errors by a journalist, I don’t know what is, and it’s worth watching the full 18 minutes, here. Kudos to the cute blonde lady (didn’t catch her name).

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  86. Maybe it’s just me, Haiku, but an internet group with racists, gun nuts and Christians is typically not “far left fringe”.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  87. It might have been ideologically motivated after all — and intended to help Ukraine.

    Probably not,

    These people were callous and pro-killing.

    A WSJ article made things clearer – too much has been vague.

    This what I read: (quoted in #82)

    . “We have some people in our group who are in Ukraine.

    Means, I think not in government controlled Ukraine, but in Russian controlled Ukraine – and they are probably with the Wagner Group (which is named after musician Richard Wagner, and that means exactly what you think that means)

    Which raises the question of why weren’t the Russian leaks plugged. The answer is that the Wagner Group doesn’t want the regular Russian military to succeed.

    There is no signals intelligence from the Wagner Group, it appears, nor from Putin’s inner circle.

    Sammy Finkelman (170eb5)

  88. Pictures get thrown up in my mind (not literally pictures) based on very little information about something new that comes up. A little bit more information throws up a completely different scenario.

    Eventually, it stops changing.

    Sammy Finkelman (170eb5)

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