Patterico's Pontifications


Oh. I Guess This Blog Has Been Around Over Twenty Years

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:04 am

I started blogging on February 17, 2003. A lot of the early posts from the first year or two are lost, sort of . . . I think they’re still around on a Blogspot site and could theoretically be moved over again the way they were the first time, but I know that’s my date because I have commemorated it in the past.

I forgot to do so on my 20th anniversary, about a week ago. So this post will have to do.

It could be because I have been so neglectful of my own site that I no longer feel like I have been blogging continuously for x years. Dana and JVW have kept the site alive more than I have, and I think JVW would acknowledge that a good deal of the credit goes to Dana on that front. So let’s take this opportunity to thank her.

That said, I am basically back, after backing away from Twitter. In fact, I have another short post coming in a moment.

Thanks for reading.

19 Responses to “Oh. I Guess This Blog Has Been Around Over Twenty Years”

  1. Thank you, P, JVW, and a special thank you to Dana!

    Take the company yacht one more time around the private island.

    felipe (77b190)

  2. Hi Patrick.
    Thank you for all the conversations.

    Did the mountain tops on Catalina get snow? I was hoping to see snow on the tips of the mountains on Santa Cruz Island but it wasn’t visible, still too grey. Haven’t seen snow on the islands since I was a boy. It has to be supercold since they are surrounded by 55 degree water but was hopeful. I’m going to ride my bike up to the snow get a better view and freeze my…. um…. toes

    steveg (3c2506)

  3. Many thanks to Patterico, Dana, and JVW for essays. I learn something from each one…not only when I am in agreement, but also when I am not. The latter allows me to reflect on what I believe and why, since all three of you are so thoughtful.

    Thank you for the past twenty years.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  4. Congrats and thanks!

    Dustin (a87c64)

  5. And thanks Dana and JVW, two really smart people who are distinct enough to keep this blog very interesting. There have been a lot of great cob-loggers here over the years.

    Dustin (a87c64)

  6. Congrats on the 20 yrs.

    Nic (896fdf)

  7. As someone who lost the blogging energy much sooner, I am amazed that you’ve managed to carry this on as you have.

    And let’s not forget DRJ.

    Kevin M (1ea396)

  8. DRJ remains wonderful. Period.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  9. Thanks to the keyholders for keeping this site going, and to most of the commenters for the good discussions.

    Paul Montagu (8f0dc7)

  10. Adding my kudos and thanks. Back to mostly lurking.

    JoeH (871b8d)

  11. Congrats and thanks to Patterico, JVC and Dana. And special thanks to Dana, not just for all the time-consuming work and insight, but for her near-saintlike patience in the face of persistent, entitled whining.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  12. Happy anniversary, Patterico! Thank you, and Dana and JVW for keeping it going. And, of course, DRJ! Nobody is going to forget DRJ.

    nk (8f058b)

  13. Doh! JVW. (Sorry, JVW.)

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  14. Congratulations, Patrick!

    I missed the founding, but I started coming here circa 2007 after seeing some place called “Patterico” mentioned on Cathy Seipp’s (RIP) wonderful blog.

    After Seipp’s death, I needed a place to land that felt something like her blog. This place was the best substitute I could find, and it helped that Dana and Mike K (who, sadly, seems to have stopped commenting here after seeing criticism of Trump) were at both blogs.

    I wonder how many people there are like JoeH above. Step out and at least say hello, lurkers! (Not commenter by the name of “lurker”, obviously.)

    norcal (7345e5)

  15. Haven’t seen snow in New York, except for some flurries and a dusting in some places that didn’t last, all winter. Just enough snow has fallen in Central Park (where they take the NYC records from) so that the records would show it.

    It’s been cold the last few weeks, but only ,/i> on Saturdays.

    I’ve been here since 2011, with the exception of one year mostly absent, Some familiar commentators are not here: Daleyrocks, md in Philly (and elsewhere later) and I thin pin something,

    Sammy Finkelman (bfb6d5)

  16. Oh yeah, Dana has been the stalwart here over the past couple of years while the boss and I have been gallivanting all over the world on the Patterico’s Pontifications yacht, which P so cleverly sails under the flag of Bermuda for obvious tax reasons, even though it is moored right next to his private helicopter landing pad on Catalina Island.

    The fact that Patterico has kept this blog afloat (and all respect to his many past guest bloggers, especially the marvelous DRJ) is astounding to me. I know that were this my own blog it probably would have lasted — oh — about a fortnight or so, with readership never to break the single-digits. That reminds me to thank each and every one of our readers who suffers though my prolix prose.

    JVW (72432b)

  17. Congratulations to the best blogger on the internet.

    DRJ (e7de3a)

  18. Congratulations! And I am sure you deserve the yacht. (I assume you let DRJ use it from time to time.)

    Jim Miller (f29931)

  19. I like it any time DRJ weighs in. A west Texas, college football loving gal, and a clear thinker.

    norcal (7345e5)

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