Georgia Grand Jury Report On Trump Election Investigation
[guest post by Dana]
Have to dash, so just going to pop this here. This is from the opening of the report:
The Grand Jury heard extensive testimony on the subject of alleged election fraud from poll workers, investigators, technical experts, and State of Georgia employees and officials, as well as from persons still claiming that such fraud took place We find by unanimous vote that no widespread fraud took place in the Georgia 2020 presidential election that could result’1n overturning that election.
Finally, in the report’s conclusion, this seems to be the most important assertion — a caveat rather than a finding:
If this report fails to include any potential violations of referenced statutes that were shown in the investigation, we acknowledge the discretion of the District Attorney to seek indictments where she finds sufficient cause.
The grand jurors elaborate that they are not “election law experts or criminal lawyers.” If I were a target or subject of the investigation, this excerpt would concern me. We’re reading tea leaves here, but my interpretation is that the grand jury not only found what it believes to be crimes, but is also sufficiently offended by what it heard that it is worried there may be additional crimes that it failed to detect so that it could recommend even more charges than it has.
Thank you to the Special Grand Jury in the Great State of Georgia for your Patriotism & Courage. Total exoneration. The USA is very proud of you!!!
Dana (1225fc) — 2/16/2023 @ 5:13 pmTrump should have paid more attention to capitalization lessons in his English classes.
He’s such an embarrassment.
I guess the rubes don’t care.
norcal (7345e5) — 2/16/2023 @ 5:28 pmGiven the fact that the meat of the report was not released, I’ll bet we will see a number of indictments later this year.
All sixteen of the “fake electors” have been named as targets.
Whatever Trump touches, other people get burned.
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 2/16/2023 @ 5:53 pmThe last addendum (Exhibit C), oddly not text but a PDF image, states that:
I think you might not see this quote a lot because people would have to type it in, rather than cut and paste, since it is neither searchable nor copyable, and reporters are lazy.
Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/16/2023 @ 6:38 pmI am at a loss to understand why the quote in #4 was a necessary part of this brief excerpt. I understand that grand juries might not have all members all the time, but this seems an awkward way to phrase that. I’m sure that those more knowledgeable will have a quick answer.
Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/16/2023 @ 6:40 pmTrump should have paid more attention to capitalization lessons in his English classes.
Maybe he’s been reading the Constitution or something, which tended to capitalize a lot of words.
Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/16/2023 @ 6:42 pmMaybe he’s been reading the Constitution or something, which tended to capitalize a lot of words.
Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/16/2023 @ 6:42 pm
I’m confident he has read as much of the Constitution as he has the Bible.
norcal (7345e5) — 2/16/2023 @ 6:46 pmWhatever Trump touches, other people get burned.
Some of the Promise Keepers are flipping on Trump.
Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/16/2023 @ 6:47 pmI’m confident he has read as much of the Constitution as he has the Bible.
Or any other book without his name on the cover.
Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/16/2023 @ 6:48 pmThat should have been enough to tell you you were on the wrong track.
lurker (cd7cd4) — 2/16/2023 @ 6:50 pmI thought it was a shockingly gracious tweet.
nk (bb1548) — 2/16/2023 @ 6:51 pm@11. I can never be sure I’ve mined your comments to the deepest level of irony, so I’m just going to tell myself that one has one more layer I’ve yet to comprehend.
lurker (cd7cd4) — 2/16/2023 @ 7:01 pmBut, yeah, random capitalization is the mark of a semi-literate. Whether he’s losing it with age or never had it, I don’t think Trump could pass the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) now.
nk (bb1548) — 2/16/2023 @ 7:02 pmI thought it was a shockingly gracious tweet.
nk (bb1548) — 2/16/2023 @ 6:51 pm
As gracious as “We love you. You’re special”?
norcal (7345e5) — 2/16/2023 @ 7:03 pmTrump was probably reading something other than the Constitution. Who else or where else does that capitalization of nouns occur in English?
I think Trump is correct that, whatever else you can say about it, the grand jury did not find any violations of law in what Trump and the would-be electors did. (neither did they find any relevant vote fraud),
Sammy Finkelman (33f956) — 2/16/2023 @ 7:12 pmExonerated? How’s that?
Paul Montagu (8f0dc7) — 2/16/2023 @ 7:16 pmTrump was probably reading something other than the Constitution.
Sammy Finkelman (33f956) — 2/16/2023 @ 7:12 pm
I don’t think Trump reads much at all, Sammy.
norcal (7345e5) — 2/16/2023 @ 7:24 pm@11. I can never be sure I’ve mined your comments to the deepest level of irony, so I’m just going to tell myself that one has one more layer I’ve yet to comprehend.
I misread the tweet. See Paul’s comment @16. The “shockingly gracious” was from the apocryphal story about the letter Trump allegedly left for Biden.
nk (bb1548) — 2/16/2023 @ 7:45 pm@18. Yeah, it was reconciling your comment with the exoneration claim that had me flummoxed. Thanks for clearing it up. The world makes senses again.
lurker (cd7cd4) — 2/16/2023 @ 8:12 pmExonerated? How’s that?
It didn’t indict him, so he’s been exonerated. See?
Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/16/2023 @ 8:46 pmOT: A shockingly believable story about what happened to a UK government group tasked with identifying signs of Islamic terror: Can you really be radicalised by Great British Railway Journeys?
Very quickly they decided that they needed to look at all signs of terrorism, and then focused almost exclusively on signs of budding right-wing terrorism (such as people who thought there needed to be a goup looking at Islamic terrorism).
By the time they were done….
Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/16/2023 @ 8:52 pmtrump lost 2020 election because republican legislators passed laws to try and keep libertarian party off ballot in az, ga, mi, pa. and wi. which democrat party used to keep green party off ballot costing trump the election. He won all of those states in 2016 when green party was on ballot. The fraud was forcing voters like me to have to write in green party candidates which few did.
asset (b7d97a) — 2/16/2023 @ 9:19 pm@21 desatan and his book burners are doing worse in floriduh. Last night joy reed did a show with black leaders on saving the teaching of black history. Many are ready to confront desatan with militancy especially if he tries to run for president in blue states.
asset (b7d97a) — 2/16/2023 @ 9:28 pmMany are ready to confront desatan with militancy especially if he tries to run for president in blue states.
asset (b7d97a) — 2/16/2023 @ 9:28 pm
Whence your penchant for violence, asset?
norcal (7345e5) — 2/16/2023 @ 9:43 pmIt’s been done. In 2016, Trump was turned back at O’Hare airport by mostly peaceful groups of folks who besieged his planned rally at the UIC Pavilion. It was a major factor in Hillary winning the election. Um, wait ….
nk (bb1548) — 2/17/2023 @ 3:43 amThe truth? Your ratings can’t handle the truth!
nk (bb1548) — 2/17/2023 @ 5:47 amFox News stars and executives privately trashed Trump’s election fraud claims, court document reveals
Actual malice.
#9 Kevin – You are kinder than I am. I have long wondered whether the story about a Philadelphia athlete might not apply to Trump. The athlete, being asked about an incident in a book he had supposedly written (with help), said something like: “I don’t know. I haven’t read that part, yet.”
Has Trump read all of the books he supposedly wrote? Who knows, but it seems unlikely.
(To be fair, I suppose Trump could be familiar with parts in “his” books that he had told the author.)
Jim Miller (f29931) — 2/17/2023 @ 7:27 amThere’s a lot of books which the only thing the author named on the cover wrote was his name on the contract with the publisher. And the book itself was written by a “hack” writer. (Which “hack”, BTW, is the term unnamed ghost writers use for themselves among friends.)
And not just memoirs and autobiographies. Mystery, science fiction, and fantasy books, too, that I could name, from old popular writers whose fans see the name on the cover and automatically buy the book.
nk (bb1548) — 2/17/2023 @ 7:55 amTrump write a book? Ha! His 140 character tweets were often incoherent. His “hack” would have to wade through a bunch of contradictory spew, probably tweet sized on tape because Trump has zero attention span. It is a work best viewed as of fiction. I forgot to say that Trump rubs a lot of people the wrong way, particularly when given time, so there is a 60/40 or greater chance the actual writer disliked Trump intensely by the time the book was finished.
steveg (4d8d97) — 2/17/2023 @ 9:03 am@24 In 2016 latinx kids blocked the road to trump rally in fountain hills az. Trumpsters tried to run the children down. Your side has a penchant for violence too such as passing laws making it legal to run over protesters. Remember kent state? The only reason conservatives say they oppose violence that is not their own is they are afraid they will get whats coming to them.
asset (f95701) — 2/17/2023 @ 1:48 pmasset,
I don’t have a “side”, and my comments don’t advocate violence.
norcal (7345e5) — 2/17/2023 @ 2:04 pm@31 So you opposed the minutemen at lexington & concord?
asset (1323f4) — 2/17/2023 @ 11:06 pm@32 Not all wars are evil.
Calling for violence within the established democracy of the U.S. is evil.
norcal (7345e5) — 2/18/2023 @ 12:23 amSeriously, asset. Unlike some of your right wing opposites here, you’re genial and polite, and that goes a long way with me. But your advocacy for stuff like violence and re-education camps is despicable. If FWO’s beloved culture war is odious, what you seem to want is even worse.
lurker (cd7cd4) — 2/18/2023 @ 2:01 am@33 During the race riots the establishment kept telling black people to stop rioting and burning down cities from watts onward because they couldn’t ignore black people when they riot. Sometimes violence is necessary because it is hard to ignore and defend against. After kent state shootings police in san francisco aimed guns at protesters. A picture was taken of some protesters aiming guns back at the police. For some reason the picture was censored and disappeared. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. John brown’s raid on harpers ferry within the established democracy to protest the dred scott decision and fugitive slave act while a tactical failure was a strategic. conservatives don’t like the answer to their question “well what are you going to do about it?” So they try to avoid it with platitudes. Populists say we will answer that question with action. John brown and anti-war protesters on my side ashlee babbit on the other side. I disagree ;but I understand. The white supremacists are having an anti-war march in support of putin! MTG will she sit on an anti-aircraft gun like jane fonda?
asset (1323f4) — 2/18/2023 @ 2:11 amThose who make peaceful change impossible make violent revolution inevitable! JFK. As for re-education camps thats my attempt at levity to lighten things up or sarcasm if you like. The angry marginalized people I support do not post here and is my attempt to express their feelings to conservatives.
asset (1323f4) — 2/18/2023 @ 2:20 amThose who make peaceful change impossible make violent revolution inevitable!
You mean like the folks who attacked people leaving a Trump rally in my town? It works both ways. Trump was supported by legions of “angry marginalized people” who were tired of being ignored and relegated to government handouts.
What are these groups you allude to anyway?
Kevin M (1ea396) — 2/18/2023 @ 6:17 amWhat are these groups you allude to anyway?
No group asset belongs to. He’s no Gen Z-er. Latino or otherwise. And no Millennial or Gen X either.
asset reminds me of Shelley Winters in Wild In The Streets (1968). A 80-plus year old Shelley Winters, fifty years after the movie.
But I’ll tell you, when he talks about war in the streets, I do find the mental image of a .30 cal M1919 BMG mounted on a mobility scooter, Rat Patrol style, kind of entertaining.
nk (bb1548) — 2/18/2023 @ 6:50 amUnlike his father who had three wives and 23 children, John M. Browning only had one wife and ten children. I wonder, occasionally, how history would have been different if he had taken more wives and spent more time making babies instead of guns.
nk (bb1548) — 2/18/2023 @ 7:05 am@37 Those marginalized ignorant southern white trash former democrat populist trumpsters have similar ;but not exactly the same issues as the marginalized groups that the left base of the democrat party try to represent. In 2016 some bernie sanders supporters voters voted for trump. Different sides of the same populist coin. I never hated trump and would have prefered him to biden in 2020 so AOC would win in 2024. You never trumper conservatives and establishment democrats are the ones who hate trump. Grifters like the bidens and clintons hurt the democrat party along with their enablers in the DNC who hate the left base as much as they hate trump. @38 I am part native american. The velvet glove works best with the steel fist inside it. Asking please rarely gets the needed results. As Dr. king said to the white power structure you deal with me or you will have to deal with Malcom X!
asset (a0b3ad) — 2/18/2023 @ 1:43 pmasset,
Concord and Lexington were violence against tyranny. Harper’s Ferry was violence against slavery.
Tyranny and slavery aren’t the law of the land anymore. That’s why I disagree with your support of violence.
norcal (7345e5) — 2/18/2023 @ 4:49 pm@41 Black lives matter would disagree and so would the trumpsters on the other side.
asset (2bfa64) — 2/18/2023 @ 9:52 pm@38 I am part native american.
Then you should know that all of America’s problems can be traced directly to the immigration policies of the American Indians.
My friend, Congress did not enact the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, which granted automatic American citizenship to all American Indians (before that they had to be naturalized like immigrants), because we were scared of Geronimo.
We did it because Americans are a just and kind of people. You know what we did before that to Indians who scared us.
Don’t scare white people, asset!
nk (8da6e2) — 2/20/2023 @ 5:12 am