Nearly Every State Will Have Candidates On The Ballot This Fall Who Support Trump’s Lies About The 2020 Election
[guest post by Dana]
Unfortunately, a huge swath of Americans see this as good news:
Roughly 200 Republican candidates running for Senate, House, governor, attorney general or secretary of state have indicated publicly that the 2020 presidential election was illegitimate, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
That number, though, is almost certainly an undercount.
Dana (1225fc) — 9/14/2022 @ 1:44 pmWelp, check out who dumped millions to finance their campaigns: Joe Biden’s DNC– the very ‘evil MAGA’- fellow Americans he demonizes. This is why populism is flourishing– and the castle gets stormed. Recognize genuine evil; it vacations regularly in Delaware:
Biden demonizes ‘MAGA Republicans,’ but Dems spent over $46 million to help pro-Trump candidates win primaries
Biden claimed ‘MAGA Republicans’ represented ‘an extremism that threatens’ the US… Despite Biden’s recent rhetoric, multiple Democratic campaign groups have spent more than $46 million to boost candidates who support former President Donald Trump in several primary races, apparently aiming to force out more moderate Republicans and potentially make general election matchups more favorable for Democrats.
Biden’s Party Is Still Boosting Those ‘MAGA Republicans’ the President Warned Us About
DCSCA (68ffb4) — 9/14/2022 @ 2:06 pmI’ve written about that, DCSCA. It’s not only a dicey tactic by the Dems, it’s also an unpopular one with a lot of party members who see it as hypocritical. Additionally, it had also ensured MAGA wins over respected Republicans like Peter Meijer out of MI. I was just reading how the same strategy had been employed in NH, wish some recent “successes”.
Dana (1225fc) — 9/14/2022 @ 2:21 pmLatest north carolina poll only 25% of voters support abortion ban. Only 40% of republicans support ban. (politico) Abbot can’t get above 45% in texas polling. Trump candidates are in trouble as small number of never trumpers are still having effect in polling.
asset (7c09e5) — 9/14/2022 @ 2:29 pm> hypocritical.
Worse than that. If you believe, as many in my circles do, that Trump and his supporters are an existential threat to the republic, then this is *extremely dangerous* playing with fire that increases the threat to the republic.
Putting the country at greater risk for short-term political advantage is reprehensible.
aphrael (d9db76) — 9/14/2022 @ 2:31 pm
Ch=eating in a purely state election is not a federal crime evidently. I don;t know hiow they get jurisdiction for this, though. Using communication lines?
Sammy Finkelman (1d215a) — 9/14/2022 @ 2:33 pm@3. Yes, it’s despicable- and so hypocritical- and it waters the tree of populism they rail against. Both these parties are so isolated from the realities of the real world- it’s little wonder more and more voters register as indies. Your earlier post about inflation and the disconnect from reality – the real world prices we’re are experiencing– hit home w/me as well.
DCSCA (68ffb4) — 9/14/2022 @ 2:34 pmPutting the country at greater risk for short-term political advantage is reprehensible.
“Here’s the deal; no joke; I’m not kidding…”: Biden 101.
DCSCA (68ffb4) — 9/14/2022 @ 2:35 pmIn real life, they tend to get caught. In certain states where they pursue ordinary people, people who misunderstand the law tend to get caught also.
Sammy Finkelman (1d215a) — 9/14/2022 @ 2:38 pmThe Democrats should be careful what they wish for.
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 9/14/2022 @ 2:39 pmNow for those who claim massive fraud – surely in some pace there are Republican prosecutors where there was an entrenched Democratic machine.
Sammy Finkelman (1d215a) — 9/14/2022 @ 2:40 pm
This video discusses mostly about the 2016 (local) elections. But the method of city “political machines” providing people with party and campaign funds as what’s referred to as “walking around money” has been going on in Texas cities for at least TWO DECADES. See this article from August, 2001
No candidate should be embarrassed to say:
“Community organizing” leaves most cities controlled by Democratic party organizations — official party, PACs, and consulting / advising companies.
The processes put in place in most cities, for mail-in balloting, are SUSCEPTIBLE to massive cheating.
The cheating is sufficient to swing any close election.
The results are VERY difficult to detect let alone “prove”. We’re talking valid voters, with valid ballots, who — outside the protections of Election Day on-site polling stations — are manipulated into voting a particular way, or if voting otherwise, having their ballots go astray. The best clue about such shenanigans is statistical, showing “dumps” of ballots with lop-sided preferences counted late on election night.
It’s hardly crazy to say so.
Pouncer (c02b00) — 9/14/2022 @ 2:58 pm👍
Colonel Haiku (3c6008) — 9/14/2022 @ 3:09 pmHere’s a detailed look at a scheme in Texas that some — not all — political entities used to ensure election outcomes. “Rolling Polling”. Obviously immoral and (small d) un-democratic, but legal until recently.
Extended “early voting” — a month or so in some states — like easy mail ballots, same-day registration, and obsolete signature match identifications are all processes that need revision, and every time a candidate advocates better, fairer, rules, the Democrats call it “suppression”.
Pouncer (c02b00) — 9/14/2022 @ 3:17 pm@Rip Murdock, political campaigns routinely ask for and election offices routinely provide prior-election data. A candidate (I’ve been one) then targets expensive mailouts to voters who reveal a party preference from prior primary elections. I might target “likely” voters who voted in 5 of the last 7 elections. I might target one mailout at an address shared by a family of adult voters. I might target one particular ad for an issue at older voters, and another at younger voters. This is ABSOLUTELY BUSINESS AS USUAL!
Working the data ALSO allows us to see, for instance, candidates who don’t live in the jurisdictions they campaign to represent. It shows those who alternate voting in the city and the suburb. It showed me at least one voter had died but still voted for her daughter, my opposing candidate, a few months after.
Claire Woodall-Vogg, who suggests
Pouncer (c02b00) — 9/14/2022 @ 3:28 pm“that those organizing the effort are not out for information but rather are trying to cause chaos” is, I infer, mostly unhappy that a new category of “community organizer” has entered the game.
It may seem odd to wish this, but I can’t help hoping that many of those 200 candidates are lying. I can’t help hoping that they are in touch with reality, in spite of the loser’s best efforts.
(Full disclosure: It’s not the first time I have hoped that politicians were lying. In fact, that happened more than once with the other recent narcissistic president, Obama.
And there are, absolutely, times when an elected official should lie for national security reasons.)
Jim Miller (85fd03) — 9/14/2022 @ 3:31 pm@Sammy Finklestein links to a story about Jason T. Schofield, the Republican Rensselaer County Board of Elections
Yeah, exactly. The established parties — insiders, the ones who both develop and run the processes, and have the duty to protect those processes — are in fact the ones with the experience to cheat effectively. (And cheaply. Why hire “Mules” in Rensselaer County?)
It’s a swamp. Who should be embarrassed to say so?
Pouncer (c02b00) — 9/14/2022 @ 3:41 pmI get what you’re saying. But, if they are lying simply to stay in the good graces of MAGA and perhaps get an endorsement from Trump, that doesn’t up their worth in my book. That they would sell out any integrity before they even get into office doesn’t speak well for them. And I know you aren’t referring to these politicians, but the only security these candidates are interested in (and willing to lie for) is their own.
Dana (1225fc) — 9/14/2022 @ 3:43 pm@19. Albeit a figurehead, hence the legacy of devotion to country and duty to same– makes the late Queen Elizabeth II’s legacy appear all the more exemplary to leaders around the world.
Even her beloved Corgis were ‘subjected’ to better treatment than the electorate of the United States has been from their elected politicians.
DCSCA (68ffb4) — 9/14/2022 @ 4:06 pmfivethirtyeight doesn’t track how many democrat candidates still support the trump russia collusion narrative
which is all you need to know about fivethirtyeight
JF (9d0e60) — 9/14/2022 @ 5:16 pmThank you for bringing up this issue, Dana. This isn’t the good old days anymore, when a voter’s decision was simply between a lefty and a righty.
No. Now we have the Big Lie to contend with. The Big Lie is dangerous because it undermines faith in elections, and provides an excuse for a would-be strong man to foment his supporters into believing that they are justified in using violence to install the “rightful” winner.
A conspiracy theorist could make a case for fraud in ANY presidential election. Why? Because it’s a massive undertaking. The 50 states each have their own procedures and practices, and I suspect that is sometimes true even on a county level. Events can be interpreted in different ways. Conspiracy theorists tend to stick to the dark interpretations.
If there really is fraud going on, then a candidate can file a lawsuit, which Trump did 60 times or so. They didn’t go anywhere. Why is that?
This is where the conspiracy thinking come in. Trumpers will say, “All those judges are just part of the deep state. They won’t give Trump a fair hearing.” At that point, Trump world resembles a cult, because anything in Dear Leader’s way is proof of a conspiracy against Dear Leader. Great logic, right?
When I was an immigration officer, I investigated marriage fraud (marriages for green card purposes only). I received referrals from co-workers who suspected fraudulent marriages, and would then take a close look at the marriages myself, including unannounced visits to residences.
You wouldn’t believe how many times my co-workers were wrong. The problem is, if you look closely enough, you can find something suspicious about most marriages. They don’t have a bank account together! There is a huge age difference! One spouse took a trip without the other! The foreigner can barely speak English, and the U.S. citizen only speaks English! And on and on. It doesn’t mean it’s fraudulent.
The same phenomenon can happen with elections. If you have fallen in love with a candidate (something only a fool would do–it’s much wiser to say you prefer someone, always being ready to call balls and strikes on that person), you will believe him all too readily if he claims fraud.
I believe the origin of this whole problem is people who fall in love with a candidate. Once that happens, all bets are off. Yes, people fell in love with Obama, but he wasn’t as dangerous as Trump. People who can’t make this distinction likely fell in love with Trump at some point.
norcal (da5491) — 9/14/2022 @ 5:19 pmUntil we see evidence of application of equal justice under the law, the cessation of fascistic actions, policies and – importantly – language, the Biden administration and all its supporters may as well take sh*ts in their beanies.
Colonel Haiku (3c6008) — 9/14/2022 @ 5:42 pm@12/15 guess you missed @6 where republican got caught vote cheating. Last major vote cheating scandal was north carolina republicans were caught stuffing ballots and destroying votes in n.c. district 9. Some years ago democrats in congress agreed to national voter id registration to answer rethugs voter fraud claims. RethugliKKKans said NO! We want states that we control to decide on voter id’s and registration requirements so we can prevent as many democrats as possible from voting. Paul weyrich said it best. we want as few people (democrats) as possible voting. Republicans think they can vote as many times as possible. See florida villages prosecution for voter fraud.
asset (668064) — 9/14/2022 @ 5:50 pmIt don’t matter nohow. A President who cannot defend the integrity of America’s elections, not even his own reelection, has no business being President. He’s worthless. A good for nothing. A stooge. If not for Putin, then for any of America’s other enemies.
nk (140ee8) — 9/14/2022 @ 6:08 pmEvery american citizen should be allowed to vote and not prevented from voting, not just those who might vote the way you want them to vote.
asset (668064) — 9/14/2022 @ 6:32 pmnk. I agree Biden should not be President – thanks for confirming
EPWJ (650a62) — 9/14/2022 @ 6:41 pmI’ll meet you halfway. Only Trump could have gotten Biden elected President.
nk (140ee8) — 9/14/2022 @ 7:18 pmDenying election results has been all the rage since 2000. Senate and House are both chock full of (D) election deniers over Gore, Hillary and for some odd reason, Stacy Abrams
steveg (36fcdb) — 9/14/2022 @ 8:17 pmI think this is Trump’s election to lose, and I expect him to do so.
Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/14/2022 @ 9:22 pmwhich is all you need to know about fivethirtyeight
Clearly it’s all you care to know. Pretty much par for the course.
Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/14/2022 @ 9:23 pmHillary and Gore eventually conceded, they didn’t foment hysterical mobs to storm the capitol, and they didn’t file 60 lawsuits.
Here it is, almost 2 years later, and Trump is claiming he should be reinstated to the presidency.
Abrams is nuts. I’ll grant you that.
norcal (da5491) — 9/14/2022 @ 9:24 pmLatest north carolina poll only 25% of voters support abortion ban. Only 40% of republicans support ban. (politico) Abbot can’t get above 45% in texas polling.
Abbot and Paxton have really stirred up a lot of negatives with the Texas abortion-law outsourcing. I cannot see an unmarried young woman voting for either of them and probably not an unmarried young man, either. Some of these were independents until the GOP went full Gilead.
Trump candidates are in trouble as small number of never trumpers are still having effect in polling.
Non-Trump candidates are also in trouble as larger numbers of ever-Trumpers won’t vote for the “RINOs”
Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/14/2022 @ 9:28 pmEvery american citizen should be allowed to vote and not prevented from voting, not just those who might vote the way you want them to vote.
Should they be encouraged to vote? You and I take our vote seriously. Would you encourage someone who says he’ll flip a coin or consult his horoscope to vote? Would you encourage someone to vote who honestly does not know who is president? 5-10% of adults do not know.
Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/14/2022 @ 9:31 pmI’ve written about that, DCSCA. It’s not only a dicey tactic by the Dems, it’s also an unpopular one with a lot of party members who see it as hypocritical
If the Democrats are squealing about a ” clear and.preaent danger” while funding the campaigns of people they say constitute this threat, it means one of two things:
1) They don’t actually believe this, and these people aren’t anywhere close to the threat they’re screeching about, or
2) They actually do believe it, but are too full of themselves about their supposed 400-densional chess abilities and don’t see how this can backfire on them–a not unreasonable assumption about a party that killed the filibuster for judges, calls the Senate “undemocratic” when they can’t pass their agenda with impunity, and played the same reindeer games with Trump in 2016.
Either way, it just demonstrates, once again, that the Dems never argue in good faith and should never be taken at face value.
Factory Working Orphan (590c6b) — 9/14/2022 @ 10:21 pmEvery american citizen should be allowed to vote and not prevented from voting, not just those who might vote the way you want them to vote.
asset (668064) — 9/14/2022 @ 6:32 pm
No, not every American citizen should be allowed to vote. I’m more than happy to.take that away from felons serving their time and anyone under the age of 18. In.fact we should actually raise the voting age to 25 so it’s in line with eligibility for the House.
Factory Working Orphan (590c6b) — 9/14/2022 @ 10:24 pm@norcal@32 I think that if there’s evidence of voter fraud (not just “I think I should’ve won” or “I don’t understand that a voting precinct counts and then, once they are done, submits the results of that count in one communication”), a candidate should be able to take it to court, but the courts gave Trump an answer. Over and over and over again. And then he fomented an insurrection.
@Kevin@34 I think people should be encouraged to vote, but not forced to vote. There are countries where not voting is illegal and I absolutely do not support that. However, I do like having a couple of days of early voting. Shortly after I graduated from college I missed voting one year because there wasn’t early voting and I had had a shift until midnight, drove an hour home, and had to be back for a 13 hour shift at 9 the next day. Technically I could’ve gotten up at 6 after getting in at 1 AM and not getting to sleep until 2AM (you have to keep yourself hyped to drive for an hour in the middle of the night after a long shift, so that you don’t fall asleep at the wheel, so it takes a little time to come down), but I was mostly dead at the time. Early voting is useful for people who work long hours.
Nic (896fdf) — 9/14/2022 @ 10:49 pmSo it’s up to the rest of us to satisfy you that your conspiracy theories aren’t true? Yeah, I’m sure that would be time productively spent. It’s no wonder you and your far left counterparts find so much to like on Sputnik and RT. You inhabit alternative universes more like each other’s than like the one inhabited by us poor benighted folk who still believe in this country, its principles, its laws (Hi, JF!) and other foundational institutions.
lurker (cd7cd4) — 9/15/2022 @ 12:19 amDems never argue in good faith and should never be taken at face value.
NONE of these party bastards do. That’s why populism is growing- and rooting deeper.
Storm the castle.
DCSCA (fa2033) — 9/15/2022 @ 1:16 am“Every american citizen should be allowed to vote and not prevented from voting”
Still, how early should early voting go? And, how little voter verification is advisable? I have no problem making election day a holiday and having a week or so of early voting. I’m sure there are a lot of straight ticket voters that are ready to vote today if necessary (for 2024!), but things happen in the world….and they can happen in those final few weeks and there should be some responsibility to take those events into proper account. At some point we seem to be encouraging the most base voting possible….rather than informed and reasoned voting. Of course, what we are putting forth as candidates is getting less and less wise….we need more statesman and less used-car salesmen…..
AJ_Liberty (242c56) — 9/15/2022 @ 3:30 amNearly every democrat candidate want to weeck america so theres that
EPWJ (650a62) — 9/15/2022 @ 5:35 amIs it time to revive the term “chicken hawk” for our keyboard revolutionaries?
Appalled (d4286b) — 9/15/2022 @ 6:02 amhow about keyboard chicken socialists – sure vote for the other guy but don’t you dare post stories on how the democrat
EPWJ (650a62) — 9/15/2022 @ 6:13 amcongress is ruining your life…
#41 —
I wasn’t talking about you. Since you use the term socialist, you weren’t talking about me either.
Appalled (f5d333) — 9/15/2022 @ 6:19 amMY APOLOGIES
EPWJ (650a62) — 9/15/2022 @ 7:10 amOT- “This… is CNN”–
Don Lemon Loses CNN Primetime Gig, to Co-Anchor New Morning Show With Poppy Harlow and Kaitlan Collins
‘Don Lemon will lose his primetime CNN show on weeknights to co-anchor the network’s reimagined morning show with Poppy Harlow and Kaitlan Collins, the network announced Thursday. The new morning show will debut later in the year with a new name, format and set — and signals the end of “Don Lemon Tonight” after an eight-year run. CNN did not announce any plans for how it will fill Lemon’s primetime slot, which has long lagged behind Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” in the ratings.’-
DCSCA (0f32b0) — 9/15/2022 @ 7:27 amLurker,
Name calling is a violation of ToS. So is misrepresenting anothrr commenter’s posts.
NJRob (103d11) — 9/15/2022 @ 7:54 amWhere is the “name calling” in lurker’s post? Where is the misrepresentation of someone else’s post?
Radegunda (54e434) — 9/15/2022 @ 8:04 amI think calling CH “far left” and a conspiracy theorist is insult enough. 😉
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 9/15/2022 @ 9:05 amLurkers post completely and deliberately misstated the Col post
EPWJ (650a62) — 9/15/2022 @ 9:06 am38… you appear to have a wild imagination, lurker.
and you’re beclowned, not beknighted.
Colonel Haiku (10c2fa) — 9/15/2022 @ 9:26 amHaiku,
Was your comment 23 a response to comment 22, or were you responding to something else?
DRJ (c8fe0a) — 9/15/2022 @ 10:11 amlurker @38,
I don’t know about “fascistic actions, policies and – importantly – language”, but the Kaiser better stop trying to steal my string.
nk (bf1da4) — 9/15/2022 @ 10:31 amNearly every state will have a majority of candidates on both sides who intend to keep the abortion debate going with intransigent extreme positions.
This bothers me more than some loonie fantacists.
Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/15/2022 @ 10:32 amHere is how one Rep House candidate has responded. If you are taking flak from both sides, you must be doing something right.
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 9/15/2022 @ 10:44 amAlso, neither Hillary nor Gore nor even Abrams were sitting presidents when they complained about their election loss. None of them fomented an insurrection at the US Capitol because more than 60 court decisions didn’t go their way. I believe that POTUS, no matter which side of the aisle, should always be held to a higher standard. At the most basic level, they should be willing to accept the decision of the Court. In this case, Trump still hasn’t accepted the decision(s), and it’s still incredible that people are quick to pull out election complaints by other lesser-positioned politicians as comparable to what Trump has done, and continues to do.
Dana (1225fc) — 9/15/2022 @ 10:57 amI want at least POTUS to be a person of character. I know that some folks will laugh, but I am not wrong. It’s important. Thank you for your comment, Dana.
Simon Jester (c8876d) — 9/15/2022 @ 11:14 amAnd as VP Biden gaveled down 11 objections to the electoral college certification of Trump’s election for failing to follow the rules.
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 9/15/2022 @ 11:18 amIs he sincere? Who knows, but it shows he lacks the courage of his (primary campaign) convictions. MAGAWorld is not amused:
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 9/15/2022 @ 11:29 am
What insurrection? Where are the charges?
NJRob (5c19b5) — 9/15/2022 @ 11:35 amThere are 11 who have been indicted for seditious conspiracy.
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 9/15/2022 @ 11:41 amSeditious Conspiracy is defined as:
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 9/15/2022 @ 11:43 amEqual justice under the law.
Colonel Haiku (10c2fa) — 9/15/2022 @ 11:50 amShow them the man and they’ll invent the crime.
Showtrial didn’t work, so the Soviet-style horsesh*t continues…
Colonel Haiku (10c2fa) — 9/15/2022 @ 11:53 amSome little part of me wants #TheSteal to prove true at some later point (preferably after Trump is dead) as everyone needs to be taken down a peg or two at times.
Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/15/2022 @ 1:16 pmDana,
To this day Al Gore claims he won the election and the democrats refused to acknowledge Bush as President, 9/11 changed that
Hillary never officially conceded
EPWJ (650a62) — 9/15/2022 @ 2:23 pmIt took all of a few seconds to find that she did concede.
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 9/15/2022 @ 2:26 pm“To this day Al Gore claims he won the election and the democrats refused to acknowledge Bush as President, 9/11 changed that”
“Hillary never officially conceded”
Davethulhu (aec6bf) — 9/15/2022 @ 2:27 pmdave = oh shes retracted everything – she cant stop running her mouth about her stolen election
Al Gore tried to bribe electors up to a year after the election, today his official position is that he won the election
EPWJ (650a62) — 9/15/2022 @ 2:31 pmJuly 2022:
December 13, 2000: Al Gore Concedes Election
Both Clinton and Gore conceded after hard fought elections. Trump still hasn’t recognized the reality of his loss.
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 9/15/2022 @ 2:35 pmProof?
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 9/15/2022 @ 2:36 pmRip, I didn’t call him far left. I said the reality he inhabits has a lot in common with that of his far left counterparts, i.e., his enemies. That may make him many things, ironic for example, but it doesn’t make him far left. As for “conspiracy theorist,” I didn’t call him that either, though that at least is a more plausible inference than “far left.” I implied that his comment suggests he harbors some conspiracy theories. Believing a conspiracy theory or two doesn’t necessarily make one a conspiracy theorist any more than holding a few racist, antisemitic, communist or fascist beliefs necessarily makes one a racist, antisemite, communist or fascist. It’s the difference between labeling the behavior and labeling the person, a distinction lost on some here (not you) who ironically do call people names on the regular and then are the first to whine about violating rules they don’t seem to understand when their behavior or that of another in their tribe is described unflatteringly.
lurker (cd7cd4) — 9/15/2022 @ 2:52 pmSorry, I shouldn’t have interfered. ; (
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 9/15/2022 @ 3:21 pmlurker (cd7cd4) — 9/15/2022 @ 2:52 pm
Well stated, lurker, and accurate.
Some people here always seem so aggrieved, and cry wolf when there is no wolf.
norcal (da5491) — 9/15/2022 @ 3:49 pm@73. Not at all. You didn’t interfere. For the reasons I explained, I think you misunderstood my comment, but I have zero doubt it was a good faith misunderstanding. And I welcome your reaction to anything I say. Unlike the replies by some others in this thread, I take your opinions seriously. That’s why I responded to you, not them, allowing my answer to you to dispose in passing of their BS accusations. (I didn’t respond to Radegunda, DRJ or nk, but I appreciate and take their comments seriously too. Well… nk’s comment… I take that as seriously as I think he wanted it to be taken, but I appreciate it nonetheless.)
lurker (cd7cd4) — 9/15/2022 @ 4:07 pm@74. Thanks.
lurker (cd7cd4) — 9/15/2022 @ 4:07 pmIt’s no wonder you and your far left counterparts find so much to like on Sputnik and RT.
lurker (cd7cd4) — 9/15/2022 @ 12:19 am
stay classy, lurker
JF (5cea79) — 9/15/2022 @ 4:34 pmhere’s a tissue for your issue
Dustin (a87c64) — 9/15/2022 @ 4:58 pmWill it never be over?
“A federal grand jury subpoenaed records of any “payments or gifts” that Charles McGonigal, the FBI’s former head of counterintelligence in New York, received from foreign governments. McGonigal was involved in the investigation into the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia during the 2016 election.”
McGonigal should immediately shop a tell all on Trump book deal claiming he was a double agent for the USA and is being persecuted for being a simple conduit of information, serving our nation.
Trump has an uncanny, subliminal draw for grifters of all stripes and persuasions from Avenatti to Manafort.
Dear God, please make it stop?
steveg (33c5e8) — 9/15/2022 @ 7:54 pmPeter Thiel and Donald Trump seem to only be interested in winning Republican primaries — not general elections. (or are much ore interested in that)
Sammy Finkelman (1d215a) — 9/19/2022 @ 12:41 pmtest
lurker (cd7cd4) — 9/26/2022 @ 2:32 pmtest