VP Harris Says The Southern Border Is Secure While Sitting For An Interview In A Border State Which Begs To Differ
[guest post by Dana]
This latest bit of silliness from Vice-president Kamala Harris reminds me why I don’t take her seriously, and it also serves as one more reminder of the current humanitarian crisis that still exists at the Southern border because both Democrats and Republicans play politics with this issue:
CHUCK TODD: Final topic here. Since we’re here in Texas, I want to ask you about the border. Would you call the border secure?
VICE PRES. KAMALA HARRIS: I think that there is no question that we have to do what the president and I asked Congress to do, the first request we made: pass a bill to create a pathway to citizenship. The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system, in particular, over the last four years before we came in, and it needs to be fixed.
CHUCK TODD: We’re going to have two million people cross this border for the first time ever. You’re confident this border’s secure?
VICE PRES. KAMALA HARRIS: We have a secure border in that that is a priority for any nation, including ours and our administration. But there are still a lot of problems that we are trying to fix given the deterioration that happened over the last four years. We also have to put into place a law and a plan for a pathway for citizenship for the millions of people who are here and are prepared to do what is legally required to gain citizenship. We don’t have that in place because people are playing politics in a state like this and in Congress. By the way, you want to talk about bipartisanship on an issue that at one time was a bipartisan issue both in terms of Republican senators and even presidents.
Okay, I shouldn’t have to point out just how disingenuous Harris is being here, but if the border was really that secure, would the Customs & Border Protection encounter an average of 7,400 migrants trying to cross the border on a daily basis? Also, if it’s so secure, why is Texas bussing migrants to sanctuary cities as a way to get the federal government’s attention and compel them to help in a more effective way with this disaster? It’s pretty damning when the Vice-president of the United States is being interviewed in an actual border state that has repeatedly requested help from the federal government for the crisis they face on a daily basis only to assert that the root of the problem is the people of the state.
Meanwhile, Mayor Muriel Bowser of Washington D.C. declared a public emergency as a result of receiving migrants bussed from Texas to her self-identified “sanctuary city”.
However, border sheriffs are criticizing the mayor for declaring a public emergency:
Sheriffs dealing with the crisis at the southern border are taking aim at Washington, D.C., for declaring a public emergency over the migrants that have been bused into the sanctuary city by Texas and Arizona — and bristling at claims that the buses have turned D.C. into a “border town.”
“They have seen nothing. They are not a border town. They don’t know what a border town is,” Goliad County, Texas, Sheriff Roy Boyd told Fox News Digital.
While one would think that Bowser and other big city mayors who declare their cities a “sanctuary city” would actually make sure to have the necessary infrastructure in place to provide said sanctuary, that apparently isn’t the case.
Look, I don’t particularly like it that Texas and Arizona are bussing migrants to cities so far away from their points of entry, and in many cases so far away from any relative or community that they were hoping to reach when they arrived in the U.S. But I also understand the level of frustration these border states reguarly endure. I’m not sure what the answer is, but I do know that being so incredibly tone-deaf and divisive by accusing the state residents in the state in which she is being interviewed, isn’t helping. To the contrary. So maybe lead by example, Vice-president Harris, and stop playing politics with the issue.
I also don’t think Harris did anything to boost Beto’s bid for governor.
Dana (1225fc) — 9/12/2022 @ 3:34 pmIF by “disingenuous” you mean “lying sack of sh1t” I can’t argue.,
Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/12/2022 @ 3:44 pmThey should invite the DC mayor to their border city. Then leave him there at night without a cell phone.
Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/12/2022 @ 3:45 pmIt’s pretty galling to have Harris blame Trump for the problem. This is one area where Trump actually improved things (for us). I guess if you view the much reduced ability of “migrants” to enter the US as “deterioration” then she’s right. If you view the lack of a path to citizenship as America’sproblem, then she’s right.
But the people side with Trump here. Yes, Trump. Even Hispanic people side with Trump.
Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/12/2022 @ 3:51 pmShe’s going to get Tom Eagleton-ed by the powers that be and replaced by HRC at the convention.
If Squinty lives to dare to try, expect Biden/Clinton 2024; one with a foot in the grave, the other ready to jump into his pants and suit with both feet in a heartbeat– after Joe’s stops. Oh sure, she’s fervently denied running for POTUS again; but not VPOTUS. No primaries, no fundraising; credentialed and party vetted. And lest you forget, she garnered more of the popular vote than The Donald did and only lost due to the EC.
DCSCA (63479a) — 9/12/2022 @ 3:57 pmOne of the things that has always struck me about Kamala Harris, is how inept she is as a politician. She barely won her 2010 race for California Attorney General against Steve Cooley, in a very Democratic state. (4,442,781-4,368,624 votes, 46.05-45.28 percent)
And that is in spite of her ticking three boxes: woman, Indian-American, and black. (She is also part white, but that doesn’t count in today’s Democratic Party. And she is married to a Jewish guy, which doesn’t count either.)
(Fun fact: She is also a “Baptist, holding membership of the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco”. I don’t believe she attends, often, given where she now lives.)
Jim Miller (85fd03) — 9/12/2022 @ 4:11 pmI thing she’s going to be replaced by Buttigieg. Someone young and not too radical.
There is no guarantee that Biden, Hillary or Trump will be breathing in 2024, let alone running. And if it’s President Harris, there won’t be enough popcorn.
Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/12/2022 @ 4:12 pm@6: 2010 was the last year that the CA GOP was a major party.
Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/12/2022 @ 4:13 pmHer constituents’ Acapulco Gold shipments are not being hijacked. Isn’t that secure enough?
nk (776903) — 9/12/2022 @ 4:28 pmEh, I was trying to find a nicer way of saying that, but to your point, I just italicized “disingenuous”.
Dana (1225fc) — 9/12/2022 @ 4:43 pmI thing she’s going to be replaced by Buttigieg. Someone young and not too radical. Someone young and not too radical.
Inexperienced mayor, gay, married to another guy and a heartbeat away from all-but-dead-Squnity?!?! ROFLMAOPIP. Not a chance. Stick to predicting Putin nuking the very territory he wants to reclaim.
DCSCA (4fe8b6) — 9/12/2022 @ 4:45 pmHer constituents’ Acapulco Gold
There is little reason for a Californian to import pot.
Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/12/2022 @ 4:46 pm@11:
Gay is almost straight these days.
Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/12/2022 @ 4:46 pm@13. Not in fly-over country. Or Texas.
DCSCA (4fe8b6) — 9/12/2022 @ 4:50 pmI don’t think either Biden (too old) or Harris (too incompetent) will be the Democratic nominee.
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 9/12/2022 @ 4:52 pmNot in fly-over country. Or Texas.
I live in fly-over country and a lot closer to Texas than you are.
Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/12/2022 @ 5:27 pm@16. Which means nothing. But be sure you don’t use that green ice that falls from the New Mexico skies on your lawn. It’s the Blue that’s popular. Especially around Albuquerque. 😉
DCSCA (df7022) — 9/12/2022 @ 5:34 pmBut not on the lawn.
Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/12/2022 @ 5:40 pm“They should invite the DC mayor to their border city. Then leave him there at night without a cell phone.”
Muriel Bowser did a sex change?
Colonel Haiku (e1ed70) — 9/12/2022 @ 6:07 pmLook, I don’t particularly like it that Texas and Arizona are bussing migrants to cities so far away from their points of entry, and in many cases so far away from any relative or community that they were hoping to reach when they arrived in the U.S.
would you prefer that they be flown instead of bussed?
nobody is forced onto the bus, so if they hop on and end up far away from where they were hoping to reach, seriously who the eff cares?
and none of them simply “arrived” here, a fact that should be obvious to anyone who’s been shoving Rule of Law platitudes down our throats for months now
JF (7c418e) — 9/12/2022 @ 8:19 pmI don’t understand why Biden lets Harris speak in public.
Paul Montagu (753b42) — 9/12/2022 @ 9:11 pmI don’t understand why America lets Biden speak in public.
DCSCA (ff3638) — 9/12/2022 @ 9:29 pmI don’t understand why Biden lets Harris speak in public.
Paul Montagu (753b42) — 9/12/2022 @ 9:11 pm
cuz she’s one of the few who can make him sound half lucid
(and thanks Paul for introducing Biden into this post)
JF (7c418e) — 9/12/2022 @ 9:48 pmLook, I don’t particularly like it that Texas and Arizona are busing migrants to cities so far away from their points of entry, and in many cases so far away from any relative or community that they were hoping to reach when they arrived in the U.S.
If they wanted to stay with friends and family they wouldn’t have come here. The point of the busing is to share the pain with the annoying posturers. I’m not happy about LA being a sanctuary city but at least they have skin in the game.
Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/12/2022 @ 11:47 pmEstablishment democrats feel that the truth is not their friend. They keep trying to appeal to independent and moderate republican voters that wont vote for them as hillary found out in 2016. Biden, harris and the corporate democrat establishment think they have to pretend to do something to fool these voters into not voting republican. If they actually start sending women & children back AOC and the left will have their you know what! While millennials, latinx and the left are not the majority of the democrat party they are a large minority thanks to millennial latinx. Example 2016 sanders loses california and texas primaries big while AOC is bartending. In 2020 AOC campaigning for sanders and he carrys california and nearly carrys texas with dnc getting moderate democrats to drop out and telling warren to stay in to siphon off sanders votes. Biden/harris has to appease AOC and left with immigration issue and lie to try and fool independents and moderate republicans into voting for them. The establishment democrats are the definition of hypocrisy.
asset (b1b25e) — 9/13/2022 @ 1:34 amWith cold weather coming on, Northern cities should be taking a page from Abbott’s book, and giving their homeless free bus rides to the Sun Belt. It’s the humane thing to do.
nk (f80665) — 9/13/2022 @ 5:14 amPoor asset. All those parasites care about is keeping their jobs. They don’t work. They don’t make things work. They only talk.
nk (f80665) — 9/13/2022 @ 5:53 amWith cold weather coming on, Northern cities should be taking a page from Abbott’s book, and giving their homeless free bus rides to the Sun Belt. It’s the humane thing to do.
nk (f80665) — 9/13/2022 @ 5:14 am
The Bum Brigades don’t congregate in places where there aren’t a lot of services or the pathological altruism to accommodate them. That’s why the homeless population has skyrocketed in deep blue urban cesspools; even if they were bussed down to the Deep South, they’d just migrate somewhere that they’d be supported.
Factory Working Orphan (2775f0) — 9/13/2022 @ 5:53 amIf they actually start sending women & children back AOC and the left will have their you know what!
No, asset. They will only put on the show they think they need to get reelected in their bailiwicks, and if they have someone else to point the finger at it’s an easier script.
nk (f80665) — 9/13/2022 @ 5:56 amHow are Republicans playing politics with this issue? Maybe an open borders fraud like Romney is, but most Republicans want to secure the border to stop the invasion taking place on our southern border. The left is trying tondestroy America by breaking her will and destroying her identity. That continues every day.
NJRob (eb56c3) — 9/13/2022 @ 5:57 amHow are Republicans playing politics with this issue?
good luck getting an answer, NJRob
where’s someone like lurker when you need him?
JF (2171e3) — 9/13/2022 @ 6:32 am@26
And that would further cement how shallow Democrats are regarding immigration policies.
If these leaders in these sanctuary cities are truly empathetic to these immigrant’s plight, they would send liaison to the border and encourage these immigrants to come to their city red-carpet style.
But, we know they’re beholden to the virtue signaling public face, whilst at the same time react, NIMBY’sim style, when a handful of buses are sent their way.
whembly (b770f8) — 9/13/2022 @ 6:32 amNo Cold Civil War?
Stinking politicians. Frustrated actors all of them. Like Newsom “punishing Texas” for its private lawsuit abortion law by creating the same law for California gun owners. And the people eat it up.
I’m old enough (but still young enough) to remember the brief anti-incumbent sentiment of 1992. But they squelched it pretty well with campaign finance and ballot access laws. Among the many benefits of Trump losing reelection was that he was the first President not to be reelected to a second term in 28 years.
nk (f80665) — 9/13/2022 @ 7:30 amWith cold weather coming on, Northern cities should be taking a page from Abbott’s book, and giving their homeless free bus rides to the Sun Belt. It’s the humane thing to do.
They tend to get there anyway. Los Angeles is not only hospitable year-round but has literally billions committed to helping the ever-growing homeless population. For all I know, LA pays for the bus ticket to get there.
Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/13/2022 @ 8:31 amWith cold weather coming on, Northern cities should be taking a page from Abbott’s book, and giving their homeless free bus rides to the Sun Belt. It’s the humane thing to do.
Pfft. No room at the inns in Illinois???? Chicagoans must learn to open their homes to the homeless– it’s the Christian thing to do.
DCSCA (f2a18c) — 9/13/2022 @ 10:08 amImmigration, like abortion used to be, is an area where politicians can posture, because no matter what you say, nobody actually does anything. There is a law regarding immigration. It is not enforced, or is enforced in a random, inequitable manner.
The one thing I though we might get out of Trump was a consensus on immigration, because he would try to enforce the law as written, and the result woud be mass screaming that eventually generated legislation that cleared 60 votes in the senate.
Appalled (5fd77f) — 9/13/2022 @ 10:29 amFoolish me. Trump didn’t have the character of the Supreme Court majority.
@29 You are very ill informed about the power struggle inside the democratic party. AOC and the left are not posturing they want to take over the democrat party and biden/harris, pelosi, schumer and the democrat establishment know they are barely tolerated by the base. The left is already primarying establishment democrats.
asset (0e231d) — 9/13/2022 @ 12:47 pmSome of them were misled into thinking they’d get help there (not entirely false) but they thought Governor Abbott and he mayors were working together.
Of course. The anti-Golden rule. That is what the Republican Party stands for.
You think they are perhaps, more interested in helping American citizens? They are interested in helping nobody! And to get people used to that is the reason for all this complaining.
Sammy Finkelman (1d215a) — 9/13/2022 @ 2:21 pmIf it was not secure, they would not e encountering them.
Sammy Finkelman (1d215a) — 9/13/2022 @ 2:22 pmI’m right here. And good luck finding a comment of mine that criticizes the GOP on immigration. Not that that should bother you. Making sh*t up about my views is a virtual cottage industry with you. Don’t let me interrupt. Carry on.
lurker (cd7cd4) — 9/13/2022 @ 3:45 pmIf it was not secure, they would not e encountering them.
Sammy Finkelman (1d215a) — 9/13/2022 @ 2:22 pm
what a ridiculous comment
JF (461797) — 9/13/2022 @ 8:41 pmI’m right here. And good luck finding a comment of mine that criticizes the GOP on immigration. Not that that should bother you. Making sh*t up about my views is a virtual cottage industry with you. Don’t let me interrupt. Carry on.
lurker (cd7cd4) — 9/13/2022 @ 3:45 pm
and i was so looking forward to another Rule of Law (TM) lecture
JF (461797) — 9/13/2022 @ 9:04 pmNot that you couldn’t benefit from one. But you wouldn’t, so why waste my time or yours?
lurker (cd7cd4) — 9/13/2022 @ 10:33 pm