Patterico's Pontifications


President Biden Speaks In Philadelphia, Name-Checks Donald Trump

Filed under: General — Dana @ 6:41 pm

[guest post by Dana]

Just a few brief clips:

You can watch President Biden deliver his speech in its entirety here.


115 Responses to “President Biden Speaks In Philadelphia, Name-Checks Donald Trump”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (1225fc)

  2. Summation of Biden’s speeches the last few days:

    President Pudding Brain: You and I have a real problem. Now I’m standing here, if you can tell me something, face-to-face, just who in the hell do you think you are, and whose side are you on? You tell me, whose side are you on?! Come on! Tell me! Tell me whose side you’re on! Face-to-face, come on! Make up your mind, man. Make it up.

    Me: Not yours.

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  3. What is the Trumpist Threat? What is their path to power? Are we really expecting 10 million armed Trump supporters to attack and take over the country in some coup, run by people who cannot plan breakfast?

    Or, maybe 17 states will vote to secede unless there is a re-do. Or vote to change their electoral votes. Or maybe form an interstate compact to only cast their electoral votes for Republicans. Oh, wait, I got that one confused.

    What is this threat? Next Biden will be waving papers about the 117 card-carrying Trumpists who are plotting this coup.

    Bah. I thought we are supposed to ignore conspiracy theories.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  4. He’s a fascist who uses the same language used ro arrest American citizens on trumped up charges.

    NJRob (4f3cc4)

  5. Is he using Marines as props?

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  6. Hard to understand how anyone would be caught short or surprised by this turn of events. This is how they’ve been rolling for quite some time.

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  7. Imaging going from

    “Democrats thirst for the blood of the unborn. If they’re not grooming little children, they’re killing them.”

    to clutching pearls about Biden’s speech.

    Davethulhu (aac330)

  8. Jonah Goldberg V @JonahDispatch
    “Oh just to be clear, I agree with most of what Biden has said. Nearly all
    of it. But I still think this is a mistake.”
    Stephen L. Miller V @redsteeze
    “That’s weird because this just looked like liberal fascism to me.”

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  9. “Democrats thirst for the blood of the unborn.”

    Aggressively promoting abortion all the way through the ninth month – up to and including the actual birth – is as wrong as wrong can be.

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  10. Absolute “dish it out but can’t take it” clowns.

    Davethulhu (aac330)

  11. Absolute “dish it out but can’t take it” clowns.

    Davethulhu (aac330) — 9/1/2022 @ 7:16 pm

    Is that why your side screeches about “REEEEAKSHUNAIREES” and “ARE DEMOKRASEEE” whenever it’s vigorously challenged?

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  12. Please explain why it is OK for a state legislature to join an agreement to choose electors by means of some unprovable “popular vote” but not for the legislature to choose electors themselves. Especially as the power for the former RESTS on the power to do the latter.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  13. The Great Unifier

    JF (44a0a6)

  14. Am I the only person who, when eharing the Federal Executive describing a likely opponent and his supporters as “a clear and present danger“, am reminded of the same term used in the 1950’s to outlaw the Communist Party?

    See here:

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  15. > some unprovable “popular vote”

    so you’re saying you don’t trust the vote counts, because it’s not possible to prove what they are?

    aphrael (4c4719)

  16. So much for the “tolerant left.”

    Davethulhu (aac330)

  17. Someone needs to ask Biden: “You have called Donald Trump a ‘clear and present danger’ and stated that you ‘would not stand idly by and let them steal power.’ If you lose to Donald Trump in 2024, will you surrender power to him?”

    It is hard to believe, from this polemic speech, that he would do so.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  18. Maga Republicans do not respect the constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law.

    i wonder how this guy plans to deport all the illegals

    JF (44a0a6)

  19. so you’re saying you don’t trust the vote counts, because it’s not possible to prove what they are?

    Not exactly. I am saying that there is no way to validate the exact vote. A close popular vote (e.g. the 0.15% margin of 1960, with credible reports of vote fraud 10 times that) would make the lawsuits of 2020 not only pale by comparison, but make things like Texas suing Pennsylvania over its vote counting VALID as they would have harm, and standing.

    When every jurisdiction has a different rule for who can vote (e.g. registered 20 days? registered on election day? ID? no ID? 60 days advance voting? must have a notarized request to vote absentee?), and differing standards of solving issues (no signature or postmark on the ballot as required? What to do?)

    It is impossible to weigh votes cast under different system equally. Even if you could do that, they are counted by different systems. Or regimes. Do you trust how those crazy people in AZ count votes? Or how black folks are allowed to vote in Mississippi?


    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  20. “I’d like to see Paris before I die… Philadelphia will do.”

    … eh, Squinty?

    DCSCA (e07696)

  21. Someone needs to ask Biden: “You have called Donald Trump a ‘clear and present danger’ and stated that you ‘would not stand idly by and let them steal power.’ If you lose to Donald Trump in 2024, will you surrender power to him?”

    It is hard to believe, from this polemic speech, that he would do so.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9) — 9/1/2022 @ 7:42 pm

    He wasn’t going to do it in 2020, either. They were openly wargaming that he wouldn’t concede the election, Hillary was blatantly telling them that they shouldn’t do it, and Time Magazine reported that the literal “cabal” of the Chamber of Commerce, big business CEOs, urban politicians, and the left-wing NGO networks had their protest actions ready to go to try and force Trump out.

    Even if Trump had actually won legitimately, there was no way these people were going to let him take the seat again. In fact, if the results had been reversed, it’s highly likely it would have been Antifa running roughshod through the Capital on January 6th, instead of a bunch of blue-collar Boomers and ex-military vets.

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  22. Joseph Goebbels and Leni Riefenstahl did it better, but I have no doubt Biden et. al will keep practicing. Sieg Heil Herr Präsident

    Horatio (d88a19)

  23. How does an Aussie handle a Squinty?

    DCSCA (e07696)

  24. But let’s leave this aside for a moment. And look at what state legislative powers enable the Popular vote compact: the ability of the state legislature (and governor) to decide, in advance, how the state will select electors.

    The Constitution allows the legislature to use dice, if they make that the official process.

    Given that, how on earth can one both support the Popular Vote Compact, yet denounce a legislature that chooses to retain the right itself?

    Biden did tonight, forcefully, pretty much calling it treasonous. I don’t disagree, but I’d be happy to hear how the legislature can do the one thing and not the other.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  25. “Biden is Mussolini without the charm or 50 IQ points…”

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  26. “Too much of what is happening in this country is not normal.”

    —- Feckless Leader of the Progressive Party Dementia Joe Biden, of all people

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  27. When you’ve lost CNN…

    “Whatever you think of this speech the military is supposed to be apolitical. Positioning Marines in uniform behind President Biden for a political speech flies in the face of that.”

    —- CNN

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  28. But let’s leave this aside for a moment. And look at what state legislative powers enable the Popular vote compact: the ability of the state legislature (and governor) to decide, in advance, how the state will select electors.

    I wouldn’t worry too much about the PVC–it’s entirely conditional upon the Democrat winning the popular vote; that’s why only the bluest of blue states have signed on to it. The day a Republican wins it, the PVC will be ignored as “not enforceable.”

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  29. “Oh just to be clear, I agree with most of what Biden has said. Nearly all of it. But I still think this is a mistake.”
    –Jonah “Goucher College All-Star” Goldberg, “True Conservative” who is Conserving Conservatism by supporting everything the New Soviet Democraticals desire.

    Next up for the “TrueCons”: David French pens column entitled The Conservative Case For Criminalizing Opposition To Democrats”

    —- Drago

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  30. Looks familiar

    Horatio (d88a19)

  31. Only things missing, Horatio, from his channeling of that Nazi asshole were Biden smacking the podium and repeatedly rising on the balls of his feet as he screeched.

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  32. On a much lighter note, that CSPAN cameraman from Haiku’s #29 must have also worked with Haray Caray and Brent Musburger.

    urbanleftbehind (0900f9)

  33. How does a Duke handle a Squinty?

    DCSCA (6e8ea5)

  34. Biden’s a moron. I really dislike his blanket insult of all MAGA voters. An artful politician would be able to call out extremism while offering an olive branch to the non-extremists. Just basic politics 101. Pete Buttagieg once talked about winning the votes of “Republicans of Good Faith.” I thought it was an awesome line. Blanket insults aren’t good politics. FFS.

    JRH (3c2ec4)

  35. Good manners is nothing they ever suffered from


    DCSCA (6e8ea5)

  36. Jesus Christ, does that angry old fart give America the Blues. Joey, this is how you reach America, Soul Man:

    DCSCA (d027e6)

  37. @28: see 5.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  38. I wouldn’t worry too much about the PVC

    I would worry less if it was workable. A popular vote within the recount margin, and the whole thing implodes. Think Florida 2000 without state borders.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  39. The village idiot speaks! As will rodgers said the president doesn’t say much and when he does he doesn’t say much. Trump is the village tyrant with lindsay graham his faithful igor.

    asset (0ef0ee)

  40. It is kind of interesting how Biden, while denouncing Trump, is using Trump’s own line of BS about the other side’s election cheating.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  41. Trump is the village tyrant with lindsay graham his faithful igor.

    Trump is the leader of the villagers with torches and pitchforks, off to storm Dr Salk’s castle.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  42. Sounds familiar

    Horatio (d88a19)


    Just a reminder to those of you who shrugged at Biden going after “MAGA Americans” as fascists, if you’re pro-life he’s coming after you as well.

    Choose better allies.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  44. The new Republicans are really, really bad. Unlike the old Republicans, who just wanted to “put y’all back in chains.” They never liked you, guys. It’s a game.

    mikeybates (dd20f5)

  45. “Run for your lives! It’s teh Dark Brandon!”

    The Moronic Convergence of far-left politics and mush-minded dementia. No joke!

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  46. “We the People, but not you people.”

    —- Ann Althouse sums it up in 7 words

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  47. “Heil! to the Chief”

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  48. From the day of Trump’s Inauguration…

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  49. Transcript of speech:

    This exact link will expire (and be changed) when Biden is no longer president, but will be accesible with that URL through the Internet archive.

    More permanent, with some commentary, but the website has a paywall with some free access:

    Sammy Finkelman (b434ee)

  50. “I found the entire scene bizarre. It was almost Nuremberg-like in it’s staging, lighting. Not as grandiose. Like a student of Albert Speer is on Biden’s marketing/design team (it would not surprise me) and had a great idea for showing His Confusedness in a more heroic manner. Except that it was just cartoonish. I was waiting for his face to contort in a comic book like caricature of hate. Along with the red lighting, the ‘Hail to the Chief’, the applause lines for the Loyal Ones, the Marines aside the American Flags, you almost forget that his wife has to lead him out for these things to make sure he doesn’t fall, and that he goes in the right direction. Like she’s sending off her 3 year old into class.

    It was a convention speech. “It’s not going to be political” we were all assured. Heh. When these people take a crap, it’s political. Remember Obama’s acceptance speech in Denver that first time around? The Greek columns, the huge crowd swooning. The same team tried to create a Biden moment with his own staging. Except that he came off as a cartoon version of a Dictator. A fascist. Not semi. But the full real thing.“

    —- Temujin

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  51. When 70% of Republicans still believe that Biden isn’t the legitimately elected president, he’s not talking about a minority within the party.
    He didn’t need to make the speech, but 70% is a big problem for this country, that so many have fallen in line and actually believe Trump’s Big Fat Lie.

    Paul Montagu (062b7e)

  52. #PedoHitler

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  53. Paul,

    Keep making excuses for the fascist. He declared war on about 1/3 of the nation. Yet people keep claiming it’s Trump stoking the fire.

    NJRob (9e3a05)

  54. What taking “Temujin” as a screen name tells us:

    The Mongol conquests of the 13th century resulted in widespread and well-documented destruction. The Mongol army conquered hundreds of cities and villages and killed millions of people. One estimate is that about 11% of the world’s population was killed either during or immediately after the Mongol invasions , around 37.75–60 million people in Eurasia.[1] These events are regarded as some of the most deadly acts of mass killing in human history.

    The historical Temujin (better known in the US as Genghis Khan) began this mass killing, and his descendants continued it.

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  55. Dry Run, though the ideologies of the principals should be reversed:

    urbanleftbehind (7c7194)

  56. What did last night’s Third Reich/Nazi imagery tell you, Jim Miller?

    “screen name” scare-mongering, FFS.

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  57. #59 I seldom watch political speeches and haven’t watched Trump in years, so I didn’t see his latest rant. I would advise you, for your mental health, to avoid listening to him, too.

    (There are clinical and crime-prevention reasons for listening to pathological liars, but one should avoid listening to them otherwise.)

    I hope you haven’t been foolish enough to contribute to the loser.

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  58. The President always has an honor guard, of some kind or other, from some service or other, preceding him or tagging after him with the flag. They have a height requirement, They must be between 6’1″ and 6’5″. That’s probably why Trump kept them at a distance.

    nk (d9047a)

  59. And those Nuremberg rally references, they’re for morons. Short-bus people. People on the spectrum. Who don’t have anything else to say.

    nk (d9047a)

  60. @62

    And those Nuremberg rally references, they’re for morons. Short-bus people. People on the spectrum. Who don’t have anything else to say.

    nk (d9047a) — 9/2/2022 @ 8:11 am

    Trump got 74,223,369 recorded votes in 2020.

    Biden labeled every one of them a domestic terrorist and wants to use the power of the federal govt to target them.

    Enjoy your unity.

    whembly (b770f8)

  61. Hershey w/almonds bars on sale at the Jewel on N.State St. Chicago!

    You’d think it was an ambulance!

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  62. I think it’s useful to remember all of the reasons people have given for voting for Biden while pretending all of this wasn’t obvious before the election.

    frosty (0a358c)

  63. @65

    I think it’s useful to remember all of the reasons people have given for voting for Biden while pretending all of this wasn’t obvious before the election.

    frosty (0a358c) — 9/2/2022 @ 8:27 am

    Biden actually had observable record of being a lying, nasty piece of work and the willful efforts to ignore that was something else.

    whembly (b770f8)

  64. Nice set up for the feds to take over the election in FLA/GA/TX…

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  65. whembly:

    People like our friend Haiku says: “Democrats thirst for the blood of the unborn. If they’re not grooming little children, they’re killing them”. So let’s just say the habit of labelling everyone who isn’t on your side with the most toxic representation of that side’s extremists is a rhetorical problem we all suffer from.

    Biden’s speech felt like a campaign stop — not some deep presidential moment. It’s of a piece with the guy who figures he can add a trillion to the budget by executive order. I actually can see why you see that mindset as a bigger threat to democracy than Trump’s more direct attempt to steal votes. I can also see why Biden would rather talk Trump than his own putrid record.

    There’s an easy way to solve that problem, y’know. It’s admit the truth about Trump, his 2020 defeat, and his anti-Democratic leanings. And stop defending him. When it’s a choice between the lesser of two evils, I’ll select the one who won’t try to prevent me from making that choice between the two evils. Convince me that the GOP is actually committed to (i) having elections where Trump is allowed to lose or (ii) where Trump is allowed go to jail for any crimes he committed, and I will likely vote GOP.

    Appalled (03f53c)

  66. Appalled (03f53c) — 9/2/2022 @ 8:44 am

    the GOP could nominate DeSantis and we’d hear the same putrid speech

    JF (e0ac83)

  67. What did last night’s Third Reich/Nazi imagery tell you, Jim Miller?

    You have got to be kidding.

    Dana (1225fc)

  68. Keep making excuses for the fascist.

    What excuses? I said Biden made a false statement and that he shouldn’t have made the speech.
    How about you stop making excuses for your tribe, that seven out of ten are political lemmings who will believe an unconservative unmoored unfit unhinged con man.

    Paul Montagu (062b7e)

  69. #69

    I’ll concede that. Given Biden’s record — what else does he have to tun on?

    Still — Just because someone calls you a fascist doesn’t mean you actually have to act like one.

    Appalled (03f53c)

  70. @68


    People like our friend Haiku says: “Democrats thirst for the blood of the unborn. If they’re not grooming little children, they’re killing them”. So let’s just say the habit of labelling everyone who isn’t on your side with the most toxic representation of that side’s extremists is a rhetorical problem we all suffer from.

    Biden’s speech felt like a campaign stop — not some deep presidential moment. It’s of a piece with the guy who figures he can add a trillion to the budget by executive order. I actually can see why you see that mindset as a bigger threat to democracy than Trump’s more direct attempt to steal votes. I can also see why Biden would rather talk Trump than his own putrid record.

    So, can you humor me with something?

    Take a look at the text of this Biden speech – and replace the term “MAGA Republican” with “Jew”, “Muslim”, “Black”, “Japanese”, or any other ethic, racial or religious group you want to use, and you’ll truly appreciate the tenor and unprecedented of what you just heard from a sitting President.

    There’s an easy way to solve that problem, y’know. It’s admit the truth about Trump, his 2020 defeat, and his anti-Democratic leanings. And stop defending him. When it’s a choice between the lesser of two evils, I’ll select the one who won’t try to prevent me from making that choice between the two evils. Convince me that the GOP is actually committed to (i) having elections where Trump is allowed to lose or (ii) where Trump is allowed go to jail for any crimes he committed, and I will likely vote GOP.

    Appalled (03f53c) — 9/2/2022 @ 8:44 am

    All I can say, is to put in the work for us to elect better candidate. What that “work” entails is up to you of course.

    Furthermore, for all the bad things Trump done/said… I say this in seriousness… pales in comparison to what Democrats have done and is wanting to do. I truly believe we live in the political world of Calvinism, and I don’t know how we can move off of that.

    But, what I do know, is that either encouraging or advocating for inaction that would allow Democrats more control is the wrong answer.

    I’m an anti-Democrat, or #NeverDemocrat. The worst the GOP can throw up there is going to be vastly better than any Democrat and I will always challenge everyone who argues differently.

    whembly (b770f8)

  71. File this under “one standard”. If you condemn one person for having Marines stationed behind him during an official speech, then condemn them all for the practice.
    Do I endorse Biden for doing it? No.

    Paul Montagu (062b7e)

  72. Biden’s speech sounded better in the original German

    Horatio (d88a19)

  73. Sigh! One would think “patriots” would know these things:

    The 3rd U.S. Infantry is traditionally known as “The Old Guard,” and is the oldest active-duty infantry unit in the United States Army, serving the United States since 1784. The Old Guard is the pre-eminent Honor Guard, being the Presidential Guard – the Old Guard is the Army’s official ceremonial unit and escort to the president, and it also provides security for Washington, D.C., in time of national emergency or civil disturbance.


    Presidential Salute Battery – Equipped with ten M5, 75mm antitank cannons mounted on the M6 howitzer carriage, the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) Presidential Salute Battery fires cannon salutes in honor of the President of the United States, visiting foreign dignitaries, and official guests of the Unites States. The battery also fires in support of memorial affairs for all military services in Arlington National Cemetery. Also the battery fires for ceremonies and special events throughout the National Capital Region. The Presidential Salute Battery is the only unit of its kind in the Army, and its busy schedule includes more than 300 ceremonies each year.

    There’s lots more at the link, lots, but I would not expect people who can only spell T-r-u-m-p to actually go and read it.

    nk (d9047a)

  74. “You have got to be kidding.”

    No joke!

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  75. “Even in this moment with all the challenges we face, I give you my word as a Biden, I’ve never been more optimistic about America’s future.”

    Who’s writing speeches for this idiot… Robert Smigel?

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  76. Hmm… glowing red background, check… Biden demonizing “MAGA Republicans”, check…

    “We, the people, have burning inside of each of us the flame of liberty that was lit here at Independence Hall…. That sacred flame still burns…”

    “I’ve been able to work with these mainstream Republicans. But there’s no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans…. MAGA force… promote authoritarian leaders, and they fanned the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country….”

    Quite a guy.

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  77. “We know from their public comments that for the GOPe-ers and NeverTrumpers, the mere word of Biden is sufficient to generate confidence and faith and drooling positive commentary.

    FYI, in a tweet from last night that she has since deleted, Jen Rubin was calling for mass arrests to begin while Jonah Goldberg publicly agreed with the entire speech and the WaPo has labeled the speech a “War time speech”.

    The speech was so very inspirational to all the GOPe-ers and NeverTrumpers that Max Boot might decide to watch it over and over again in lieu of taking his step-kids back to a Drag Queen Story Hour (an event the “True Conservative” David French called a “blessing of liberty”) and Mitt Romney might decide to skip the next BLM march in order to pen a congratulatory note to Biden, whom Romney has repeatedly, over and over, called a fundamentally decent man who will bring back our political norms.

    Needless to say, I don’t expect Mitch McConnell to have much negative reaction to the Biden speech as there is a significant possibility Mitch’s own speechwriters collaborated with the White House in the crafting of the speech.”

    —- Drago

    Colonel Haiku (8049f2)

  78. @70. “Springtime for Joey and Delaware…
    Winter for Scranton, PA…

    Don’t be stupid; be a smarty
    Be a Hunter, snort and party!”

    DCSCA (58f353)

  79. @80

    Love it! Too bad Mel Brooks ruined The Producers by making it into a second movie and a Broadway musical. No one could replace Zero Mostel as Max Bialystock

    “This pin used to hold a pearl the size of your eye. Look at me now, LOOK AT ME NOW! I’m wearing a cardboard belt!”

    Horatio (d88a19)

  80. Biden today: “I don’t consider any Trump supporter a threat to the country.”

    Different day, rapid brain cell depletion…

    Colonel Haiku (d95e29)

  81. Over night polls are back, junk punch to the Dims and so Dementia Joe is walking some sh*t back.

    Colonel Haiku (d95e29)

  82. I can here Herr Biden now:

    Ich meinte nicht, was ich letzte Nacht gesagt habe. Nun, ich habe es getan, aber ich dachte nicht, dass die Leute sich so sehr darum kümmern würden, dass ich Trump -Anhänger erniedrigte. Ich habe also wirklich nicht gesagt, was alle denkt, dass sie gehört haben. Trump -Anhänger sind gute Leute. Trump ist auch in Ordnung. Das habe ich letzte Nacht gemeint. Die Bedrohungen für unsere Demokratie sind die Menschen, die die Wahlergebnisse und meine Entscheidungen in Frage stellen. Sie wissen, wie die 74 Millionen Menschen, die für Trump gestimmt haben. Weißt du, der Typ, der seit dem ersten Tag die Gültigkeit meiner betrügerischen Wahl in Frage stellt. Aber sonst ist jeder wirklich cool.

    Horatio (d88a19)

  83. *hear

    Horatio (d88a19)

  84. A Wall Street Journal pol showed Biden beating Trump 50-44, in a re-run.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  85. #31,

    Exactly. An irony that totally escapes French and company is that the public figure who most resembles Donald Trump is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

    I commented a few weeks ago that Trump talks too much, thinks out loud, and says stupid things into an open microphone. The same goes for Biden.

    DN (69ae6e)

  86. Trump got 74,223,369 recorded votes in 2020.

    Biden labeled every one of them a domestic terrorist and wants to use the power of the federal govt to target them.

    Enjoy your unity.

    whembly (b770f8) — 9/2/2022 @ 8:16 am

    No, he was explicit about referring only to a minority of Republicans.

    “Now, I want to be very clear, very clear up front. Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans.”

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  87. Over night polls are back, junk punch to the Dims and so Dementia Joe is walking some sh*t back.


    DCSCA (64947d)

  88. Interestingly,

    Did Biden’s speech violate the Hatch act? If so, the most basic remedy is he might be forced to step down. Or be fined millions, lose his pensions, and be forced to resign.

    EPWJ (650a62)

  89. No, he was explicit about referring only to a minority of Republicans.

    “Now, I want to be very clear, very clear up front. Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans.”

    lurker (cd7cd4) — 9/2/2022 @ 3:36 pm

    It didn’t sound any better when Hillary called them a “basket of deplorables.”

    His staff has to be the most tone-deaf in history when it comes to appealing to American patriotism. Obama’s team was smart enough to know that, if you’re going to make a speech like that in front of one of the most iconic buildings in American history, you’d do it during the daytime, right before lunch with the sun washing over the birthplace of the republic. They’d be damn sure to absolutely blanket the hall in red, white, and blue bunting, with the Army band playing John Phillips Sousa on a loop. Not hold the event in the dead of night, while washing the building in a solid matte lighting design that makes it look like you’re auditioning for a reboot of “Man in the High Castle” or “V for Vendetta” when it’s shown on TV.

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  90. Did Biden’s speech violate the Hatch act?

    If Biden’s speech did so, then Trump’s RNC convention acceptance speech at the White House was an even greater offense, and I don’t recall you clamoring for a forced resignation, fines, etc.
    One standard.

    Paul Montagu (062b7e)

  91. Paul,

    No, he cleared it with the Hatch act lawyers first, and no one but Fox covered it. (well Cspan too)

    But I dont recall you ever saying anything truthful here so there’s that

    EPWJ (650a62)

  92. @93. Hillary’s blunder was leaving the insult open-ended. That opened her to the fair accusation that she was indeed talking about all Trump’s voters. Whatever else you may think of Biden’s speech, he didn’t make that mistake, though as the reactions from AntiAntiTrumpWorld show, it won’t stop people from falsely accusing him of it anyway.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  93. His staff has to be the most tone-deaf in history when it comes to appealing to American patriotism.

    Tone deaf? No.

    Just “MEGA” [not MAGA] Defiant. You missed the rare public appearance of the real POTUS: Susan Rice. Pure arrogance…

    Storm the castle.

    DCSCA (cd5a93)

  94. Paul,

    No, he cleared it with the Hatch act lawyers first,

    Name them. The Hatch Act lawyers he cleared it with.

    nk (9338bd)

  95. But I dont recall you ever saying anything truthful here so there’s that

    It is you who is constantly regaling us with alternative facts from a parallel universe, EPWJ.

    nk (9338bd)

  96. Trump got 74,223,369 recorded votes in 2020.

    Biden labeled every one of them a domestic terrorist and wants to use the power of the federal govt to target them.

    Enjoy your unity.

    whembly (b770f8) — 9/2/2022 @ 8:16 am

    whembly, You are incorrect. Biden clearly made a distinction between MAGA Republicans and non-MAGA Republicans, and also noted that it was a minority of Republicans to which he was referring. Please listen to the first video I posted as you can see/hear what Biden actually said. Not what you assumed he had said.

    Dana (1225fc)

  97. @93. And by the way, I agree that pretty much everything about that staging was awful.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  98. Do Trump supporters ever say anything truthful? Good grief!

    nk (9338bd)


    President Biden on Friday tried to walk back some of the fiery political rhetoric from his primetime speech in Philadelphia a night earlier, denying that he attacked Donald Trump voters despite having repeatedly slammed “MAGA Republicans” allied with the former president.

    “Do you consider all Trump supporters to be a threat to this country?” a reporter asked Biden at the end of his only scheduled public remarks of the day.

    “Come on, look, guys, you keep trying to make that case. I don’t consider any Trump supporter to be a threat to the country,” Biden said.

    “I do think anyone who calls for the use of violence, fails to condemn violence when it is used, refuses to acknowledge when an election has been won, insists upon changing the way in which they can count votes, that is a threat to democracy.” President Biden on Friday tried to walk back some of the fiery political rhetoric from his primetime speech in Philadelphia a night earlier, denying that he attacked Donald Trump voters despite having repeatedly slammed “MAGA Republicans” allied with the former president.

    “Do you consider all Trump supporters to be a threat to this country?” a reporter asked Biden at the end of his only scheduled public remarks of the day. “Come on, look, guys, you keep trying to make that case. I don’t consider any Trump supporter to be a threat to the country,” Biden said.

    “I do think anyone who calls for the use of violence, fails to condemn violence when it is used, refuses to acknowledge when an election has been won, insists upon changing the way in which they can count votes, that is a threat to democracy.”

    So I am not talking about anything other than that it is inappropriate and it is not only happening here, but other parts of the world — the failure to recognize and condemn violence whenever it is used for political purposes, failure to condemn any attempt to manipulate election outcomes, failure to acknowledge when an election has been won or lost.”

    Biden on Friday appeared to be walking back his fiery rhetoric from just hours earlier despite saying in Philadelphia that “the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans. And that is a threat to this country.”

    The president’s strident, 24-minute speech outside Independence Hall featured three uses of Trump’s name and 13 mentions of his “MAGA” — or Make America Great Again — political movement.

    “MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies. Together, we can choose a different path,” Biden said in the speech.

    Last week, the president said support for his predecessor, who is openly considering a 2024 White House run, amounts to “semi-fascism.” “What we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy,” Biden said at a Maryland fundraiser. “It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something, it’s like semi-fascism.”

    Republican leaders slammed Biden for what they called an attack on the 74 million Americans who voted for Trump in 2020.

    House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said Thursday, “When the president speaks tonight at Independence Hall, the first lines out of his mouth should be to apologize for slandering tens of millions of Americans as ‘fascists.’”

    “Come on, man…” indeed.

    Joe: you’re a “lying dog-faced pony soldier.”

    And, as ever, an IDIOT.

    DCSCA (cd5a93)

  100. I agree that pretty much everything about that staging was awful.

    Unless you’re a MEGA-Joester:

    DCSCA (cd5a93)

  101. Biden clearly made a distinction between MAGA Republicans and non-MAGA Republicans, and also noted that it was a minority of Republicans to which he was referring.
    Dana (1225fc) — 9/2/2022 @ 5:16 pm

    ok, so not 74 million


    so how many millions of voters was he calling fascist domestic terrorists?

    JF (320c00)

  102. But I dont recall you ever saying anything truthful here so there’s that

    Thank you, EP, I’ll take that as a personal attack, and your double standards are noted. I think you should answer nk’s challenge.

    Paul Montagu (062b7e)

  103. Do your own homework, JF.

    Dana (1225fc)

  104. I think you should answer nk’s challenge.

    It was an easy challenge, actually. It’s the U.S. Office of Special Counsel. They’re always in the news about one thing or another.

    You know, people who act like they know everything really annoy those of us who do.

    nk (9338bd)

  105. #108 Dana – I’ll help a little with the homework (just to show how easy this is.) Assume that the electorate is divided into thirds. (It isn’t — the Republican share is a little less than that — but I want something anyone can do in their head.) Assume that half of Republicans want Trump to run again. Then about one-sixth of the total electorate could be classified as MAGAs.

    The rest is easy peasy.

    Jim Miller (85fd03)

  106. When 70% of Republicans still believe that Biden isn’t the legitimately elected president, he’s not talking about a minority within the party.

    Double that number and you get a majority of voters. Hey, maybe it’s true. I have no first-hand knowledge. My personal feeling is that they counted the votes correctly, but there are other ways to shade the odds. So, he could be legitimately elected and still have fixed it.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  107. Jim Miller (85fd03) — 9/2/2022 @ 5:57 pm

    I hate homework so thanks, Jim Miller!!

    so, there are roughly 25 million fascist domestic terrorist Americans according to the president

    any of them comment here?

    are we at the stage where we name names, or is that jumping ahead?

    JF (249ecd)

  108. “Now, I want to be very clear, very clear up front. Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans.”

    And Joe McCarthy was clear that not all of the State Department were Communists. Just a couple hundred.

    Biden used the “clear and present danger” language that is historically used to exclude people from political activity. No first amendment rights for them. Go look it up.

    Half of the Democrats in Congress are Socialists — is that better than supporting Trump? Are they not pushers of a Big Lie (that government can make everything better once it has full control)?

    But we’ve learned from Joe McCarthy not to go there. Biden has opened up Pandora’s Box with his words.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  109. “Now, I want to be very clear, very clear up front. Not every Irish Catholic, not even the majority of Irish Catholics, are angry, bar-brawling drunks…” eh, Joe?!


    DCSCA (b5fa0a)

  110. Sound familiar, Joe?

    “I come before you, to stand behind you,
    To tell you something I know nothing about.
    Admission is free, so pay at the door;
    Pull up a chair and sit on the floor.

    Early this morning late last night
    Two dead soldiers began to fight.
    Back to back they faced each other
    Drew their swords and shot each other.

    A legless donkey passing by
    Kicked both men right in the eye.
    It knocked them over a 10 foot wall
    Into a ditch and drowned them all.

    A deaf policeman heard their cries
    And came and shot those two dead guys.
    If you don’t believe this story’s true,
    Ask the blind man – he saw it too!”

    DCSCA (b5fa0a)

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