Patterico's Pontifications


The Best Evidence that the Dobbs Leaker Is Worried

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:47 am

I say “evidence” but what I actually have is speculation — hey, if you wanted truth in headlines you wouldn’t be on the Internet! But it’s educated speculation, by which I mean I think it’s right.

There’s been a lot of talk lately about how no progress is happening on the Supreme Court leak. The AP can’t even get the Court to confirm that the investigation is ongoing. But now we have this:

Well of course Roberts lobbied for his position. But the main thrust of this report — that the leak may have solidified the votes of the newer conservative justices — is totally unevidenced. It comes down to “Brett Kavanaugh is a nice guy and always says he will hear you out.” Here’s what I think: the effort to portray the leak as a strategic leak by a conservative, which I believe it is not, may indicate an effort at misdirecton from the lefty leaker.

I have as much evidence for my view as Biskupic has for hers. But I have the advantage of believing that I am right.

69 Responses to “The Best Evidence that the Dobbs Leaker Is Worried”

  1. But I have the advantage of believing that I am right

    As do I; Alito is the leaker.

    DCSCA (ecc6ec)

  2. There is only one justice so stupid and hidebound that she would think that leaking this was justified. Of course, another justice might have seen that as good cover. I very much doubt this was done by someone other than a justice.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  3. DCSCA, never right, never uncertain.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  4. A Dobbs 15-week standard would have preserved the abortion industry’s bread and butter in the pro-life states while letting the pro-abortion states continue their New York values. Not half a loaf, just barely a thin sliver of crust to the anti-Roe position. I think the Five of Nine are perceptive enough to see that without having their chain yanked with a leak.

    Yeah, this is CNN!

    nk (fd0427)

  5. @3. ROFLMAOPIP cried the desperate Nixon worshipper…

    “I am not a crook.” – The Big Dick 11/17/73


    DCSCA (ecc6ec)

  6. @2. There is only one justice so stupid and hidebound that she would think that leaking this was justified.

    Alito is hardly effeminate, Kevin.

    DCSCA (ecc6ec)

  7. @4. Alito’s former Princeton classmate calls draft SCOTUS opinion ‘a greatest hits of misogyny’

    Yeah. This is CNN. Don’t blame the messengers.

    DCSCA (ecc6ec)

  8. When Sotomayor admits it, and resigns, DCSCA’s response will be:

    “Pffft! Except it’s Alito!”

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  9. It appears the Supreme Court is on its own in investigating the leak-no hint of DOJ involvement. Too bad–a few weeks in jail for the reporters would do a world of good.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  10. I would say a clerk, if only because the combination of youthful fervor and the knowledge that you wouldn’t ever have to deal with the consequences long term is an incentive to leak.

    I have no idea whether if it was left or right, though

    Appalled (1c61f6)

  11. Merrick Garland publicly stated, at the very beginning of the leak, that the DOJ would not be involved. At length. Comprehensively. His DOJ would not investigate, question, or subpoena reporters or their records.

    nk (2ad0cb)

  12. Merrick Garland publicly stated, at the very beginning of the leak, that the DOJ would not be involved. At length. Comprehensively. His DOJ would not investigate, question, or subpoena reporters or their records.

    nk (2ad0cb) — 7/26/2022 @ 10:17 am


    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  13. The U.S. Marshal’s Service is a bureau within the DOJ, BTW. So maybe not absolutely, if they’re still handling the internal investigation. Only in regard to the media.

    nk (2ad0cb)

  14. @8. =yawn= Recognize a ‘Nathan Jessup’ when you see one, Kevin; BTW the character’s a guy:

    Justice Alito reportedly growing increasingly ‘pissed’ at the direction of so-called conservative court

    Samuel Alito: One Angry Man

    “A seething and resentful anger can be traced to a tetchy 2006 confirmation hearing, from which his wife fled in theatrical tears. It registered during the first official State of the Union address delivered by a Black president, when Barack Obama’s comments on a campaign finance ruling caused Alito to visibly respond “not true.” When his female colleagues Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan have read opinions from the bench, Alito repeatedly would purse his lips, roll his eyes, and (again) mouth “no.” Perhaps Alito subjects white male antagonists to the same openly disdainful — and nakedly unjudicial — displays of contempt.”

    He’s near the end of his career: He did it: Alito’s the leaker. And he is just itching to tell you he did. Ever mouthy, he seeks credit for pride in authorship based on 13th century musings– and thinks nothing of throwing young clerks under the bus at the start of their careers to get more of it. He believes HE should be CJ. His pas patterns reveal it; his resentment is barely cloaked under that silly robe…

    “You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall.”- Nathan Jessup [Jack Nicholson] ‘A Few Good Men’ 1992


    @10. A SCOTUS clerk w/promising decades of career years ahead didn’t do it. A justice near the end of their career, ever craving recognition – especially for correcting what their faith felt was a flawed decision his betters– would.

    DCSCA (32b816)

  15. Clear as day it was a leftist. Clear as day that Biskupic is a leftist hack who enjoys reporting false propaganda for her cause. But at least she has DCSCA’s support.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  16. @9. Too bad–a few weeks in jail for the reporters would do a world of good.

    This 1st amendment thingy is a real problem for you clingers to back half of the 2nd amendment types. Sick a well-regulated militiaman after ’em instead, eh– then read about it in the papers. Better still, let’s make it simple for you… “Ted”:

    ‘Mary Richards is in charge of the newsroom when an accountant comes in with information about a major financial scandal, giving WJM an exclusive on the story. Soon an agent at the Department of Justice asks Mary to reveal the name of her source to a grand jury. She refuses on the grounds of journalistic integrity, and the judge tells her that if she does not change her mind by Monday she will go to jail. Sue Ann plans a party with a jail theme, and Mary shares her dilemma with Lou Grant: she believes in press freedom, but she is afraid to go to jail. Commercials deleted.’

    DCSCA (32b816)

  17. 14, what’s worse for Alito is that, since the reversal was made official, the “mook” is getting all the accolades as the steadfast religious conservative and cultural warrior

    urbanleftbehind (a5f54d)

  18. Clear as day it was a leftist.

    Alito is left-handed?

    The Rudest Justice

    Surprise, it’s not Scalia! Why is Samuel Alito so nasty?

    Sam’s the man; the leaker.

    DCSCA (32b816)

  19. @17. You just know he’s bursting to tell you, too– and not have to do a Mark Felt or park it in a memoir 20 years from now. But he has certainly bayonetted his chamber foe- the once persuasive CJ.

    DCSCA (32b816)

  20. I root for it to be Alito, there is sufficient probability, but I think it will be Kagan (she’s the RBG to Kavanaugh’s Scalia, not to mention they could be fraternal twins) or Breyer as a big FU on the way out

    urbanleftbehind (a5f54d)

  21. That’s back when liberals like Ed Asner believed in the first amendment. Although, to be fair, they still beleive in freedom of the press for a certified and approved newspaper.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  22. Hire the Pink Panther

    mg (8cbc69)

  23. UBL,

    Breyer on the way out is one possibility. Sotomayor was the one banging on about how overturning Roe would ruin the credibility of the Court and how the blowback would affect everything, so she’s my pick for hastening things.

    I don’t see Alito at all. Of all the conservatives he’s got the firmest stick up his ass, so for him to ignore norms would be unthinkable.

    I also don’t see a clerk doing this except by completely anonymous connections — a Tor browser through a series of VPNs using a PDF completely scrubbed of any identification. And even then, they’d be risking a VERY bright future, going from one of the Elect to alone among the Damned.

    If I were betting, I’d also put a nickle on Ginni Thomas.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  24. U.S. Marshall service looks like F-Troop.

    mg (8cbc69)

  25. @20. Nah. The pattern fits Alito. He’s hungry for the recognition. His irritation w/Roberts’ persuasiveness w/newer members of the be-robed bureaucracy is evident.

    DCSCA (32b816)

  26. U.S. Marshall service looks like F-Troop.

    F-Troop was funny; But the USMS, more like Police Squad. Paging Frank Drebin:

    DCSCA (32b816)

  27. So Clown Justice John Roberts attempts to twist the law into nothingness in order to appease leftwing activists. Its what this clown justice has been doing all long. He is the leaking toilet.

    mg (8cbc69)

  28. I don’t see Alito at all.

    Open your eyes, see his behavior pattern– and sniff his “nos”!

    DCSCA (32b816)

  29. @27. Roberts tries – or tried- a balancing act; but leave it to a clown like Alito to upset the wire act.

    DCSCA (32b816)

  30. Roberts has the history of playing the fool on the hill.

    mg (8cbc69)

  31. Hire the Pink Panther

    mg (8cbc69) — 7/26/2022 @ 11:37 am

    More like Inspector Clouseau. Oh wait, they already have hired one of the Three Stooges.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  32. Of all the conservatives he’s [Alito] got the firmest stick up his ass, so for him to ignore norms would be unthinkable

    And he craves to beat everybody with that stick: on the contrary- it is clearly who he is– as the world witness televised first hand at Obama’s SOTU speech:

    The Rudest Justice

    DCSCA (32b816)


    ‘They nailed it back in 1235!’ Eh, Sam?

    “TeeVee said that?!” – Homer Simpson

    DCSCA (32b816)

  34. DCSCA has a theory that at least has some basis. The longer this goes on, the more it appears that the people in charge of the Court are afraid of the answer. My money remains on a clerk, simply because the young don’t always “get” long-term consequences, the current lot of young are very focused on results over collegiality, and clerks will be leaving soon. BUT, I have a hard time believing that the investigation hasn’t found a good suspect by now. As a side note, a clerk who did the leak, if he were of the right leftist sort, would find a home at a good law firm or a university. I doubt a rightest clerk would get the same courtesy. But they can look at Laura Ingraham’s career as a template.

    None of the Republican justices are likely to have a short-timer’s contempt for consequences of the leak. All of them are going to either die in the saddle, or stay on until 2025. DCSCA believes Alito is sufficiently arrogant to not care. His deduction is rational. (His repetition, less so)

    Breyer is a maybe. He doesn’t have to live with the results and the people who control history and his legacy would forgive him. The other Democrats on the Court — they just made their job worse. I don’t think they’d do it. They are probably stuck on the court until 2025, too.

    Long time bureaucrat lifer? Maybe. They would be better at not getting caught.

    Appalled (fa627b)

  35. Senator Dick Durbin (D) pressed Alito to either agree or disagree with a statement by Chief Justice John Roberts that the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision was “settled law.” Alito would not agree, stating that it was a matter that could come before the court, and that “it is an issue that is involved in litigation now at all levels.” He did say, “When a decision is challenged and reaffirmed, it increases its value. The more times it happens, the more respect it has.” Durbin suggested there seemed to be inconsistency between Alito’s unequivocal support for the unspecified right to desegregated schools in Brown v. Board of Education from the equal protection clause and his refusal to do the same for the Griswold case from the liberty clause. Durbin also questioned Alito further regarding his membership in Concerned Alumni for Princeton, and Alito again denied remembering any details about his membership in the organization… 1/11/06

    “I don’t think that foreign law is helpful in interpreting the Constitution… There are other legal issues that come up in which I think it’s legitimate to look to foreign law.” – Sam Alito, confirmation hearings, 1/10/06 –

    On January 24, 2006, the Senate Judiciary Committee endorsed the Alito nomination, sending it to the full Senate for final action in a 10–8 party-line vote. Not since 1916, concerning the Supreme Court nomination of Louis Brandeis, had the committee’s vote to approve a nominee split precisely along party lines. The vote underscored the contrasting views on Alito’s conservative judicial record. The Senate voted 58–42 on January 31, 2006, to confirm Alito as the 110th justice of the Supreme Court. All but one of the Senate’s 55 Republicans voted to confirm Alito; they were joined by four Democrats who broke party ranks and voted in his favor. This was the closest confirmation vote for a Supreme Court nominee since Associate Justice Clarence Thomas was confirmed 52–48 in 1991,’

    “Foreign law’—- like ‘a treatise from 13th century England‘- eh, Sam?

    Too funny; this be-robed bozo is truly the court jester. 😉

    DCSCA (32b816)

  36. @34. My money remains on a clerk

    Appalled, why would a young clerk, w/decades ahead of a promising career and even a possible spot on the SCOTUS themselves, risk that by cutting their own throat doing this after years of study and work? Don’t see it. As it is, every clerk from this leak session period is going to have an asterisk of suspicion on their resumes because of this until it is run to ground. F/t staffers, too. A justice did this. A zealous one. And it’s doubtful any of the women would be so petty or peevish as to do it, if only to cast stereotypical aspersions on their own sex for going overly emotional on this- especially as the first woman only made it on to the court just 40 years ago. The pattern is clear w/Alito. Just revisit his history and behavior. He’s the leaker– and he desperately wants you to know it, too– to vindicate his quilling, his antiquated thinking and byzantine rationale. If he isn’t ferreted out it will likely come out one day, a la Mark Felt, in a memoir– or after his death. But the battle between he and Roberts is destructively evident- and the leaker- be it Alito or another- has inflicted a wound on the CJ– and the court integrity:

    New poll shows less than 40% of Americans approve of SCOTUS

    (KYMA, KECY/ CNN) – Americans’ approval of the Supreme Court is falling, according to a new poll released Wednesday morning. Just 38% of the country now says it approves of the nation’s highest court, which happens to be a stark drop from just a year ago when that number was 60%. The poll — conducted by Marquette Law School — was taken soon after the court’s recent Roe v. Wade ruling. It shows a dramatic shift in public opinion from even its March poll, when a majority of Americans still showed approval for the court.

    DCSCA (32b816)

  37. @34. BUT, I have a hard time believing that the investigation hasn’t found a good suspect by now.

    It’s believable given the management of the resources at hand. They’re bureaucrats. You ought to revisit how hard The Big Dick’s team of Plumbers tried to plug a leaks and one named ‘Deep Throat.’ Never did. OTOH the CJ may already know which justice did it– and will endure the slings and arrows until the zealot retires under be-robed and cloaked internal pressure– or just age.

    DCSCA (32b816)

  38. FYI, the R’s had the majority in ’06 to confirm Alito- but 4 D’s crossed over and voted for Sam The Man: Robert Byrd [D] W.Va; Kent Conrad [D] ND; Tim Johnson, [D] SD; Ben Nelson, [D] Neb.

    DCSCA (32b816)

  39. Wally is alive

    mg (8cbc69)

  40. Wally is alive

    mg (8cbc69) — 7/26/2022 @ 2:26 pm


    Dow’s death was widely reported Tuesday morning, including in The Times, until his wife and son told CBS and Fox, respectively, that Dow was still alive. Both said that the famed actor was in hospice, with his son Christopher telling Fox that his father was “in his last hours.”

    “This is a difficult time,” Christopher Dow told Fox. “Yes he is still alive but in his last hours. Under hospice care.”

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  41. @38/@39.

    Again: “Golly.” – The Beaver

    DCSCA (32b816)

  42. As a side note, a clerk who did the leak, if he were of the right leftist sort, would find a home at a good law firm or a university.

    I disagree. No one trusts a traitor. He *might* get a sinecure somewhere, but it would be a window-seat. He’d never be trusted with a confidence.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  43. DCSCA is back into his manic phase.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  44. @43 “Back” implies that he ever left. 😛

    norcal (da5491)

  45. @43./@44. Pfft. Projecting again.

    Translation- you have no valid arguments.

    DCSCA (dff500)

  46. This leak may have less to do w/t specifics of R v.W and more to do w/t internal jousting between Alito and Roberts. Sam is clearly pissed w/Roberts and the success he has had swaying other justices to his POV in earlier cases before the court:

    The animosity is there.

    DCSCA (dff500)

  47. The north caroline republican legislature is pushing a bill to authorize deadly force against abortion providers. So I don’t want to anymore whining about pro-choice using violence in self defense.

    asset (87ca40)

  48. I think the leak was heavily organized and many people are involved. The court has probably been penetrated

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  49. @10. A SCOTUS clerk w/promising decades of career years ahead didn’t do it

    Nah, Zoomers and late Millennials have incredibly low future orientation, are solipsistic in the extreme, and they’re perpetually online with a massive dopamine addiction. That’s what led Reality Winner to think she could get away with leaking classified material despite leaving a digital footprint the size of the Iron Giant’s in her wake. They’d do it for the endorphin rush of the media frenzy alone, to say nothing of the chance to marinate in their own sense of self-regard.

    A clerk releasing this in a fit of pique is exactly the kind of self-righteous, emotion-driven action these generations are known for.

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  50. @49. Not in that league; just getting the gig is hard enough. A zealous, aging justice did it– and didn’t do the young clerks nor staff justice at all by doing so.

    DCSCA (acf5c0)

  51. The real problem for the leaker is the ENORMOUS temptation to tell someone they did it.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  52. @49. Not in that league; just getting the gig is hard enough. A zealous, aging justice did it– and didn’t do the young clerks nor staff justice at all by doing so.

    DCSCA (acf5c0) — 7/26/2022 @ 6:10 pm

    Getting a Top Secret-level position in the federal government is just as difficult, but that didn’t matter to Winner. These young idiots post their stupidity on social media for the entire world to see, and always end up surprised when they suffer the consequences of it.

    A zealous, emotionally stunted clerk did it–and didn’t do the court nor staff justice at all by doing so.

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  53. @52. Not in that league. A zealous justice did it– and the histrionic history trail points to the PO’d Alito.

    DCSCA (acf5c0)

  54. @52. Not in that league. A zealous justice did it– and the histrionic history trail points to the PO’d Alito.

    DCSCA (acf5c0) — 7/26/2022 @ 6:51 pm

    Yes, in that league. A zealous clerk did it–and the histrionic history trail points to a PO’d lefty clerk.

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  55. The real problem for the leaker is the ENORMOUS temptation to tell someone they did it.

    … mused the squirming, seething, angry, be-robed bureaucrat, Sam ‘Nathan Jessup’ Alito.

    “You can’t handle the truth!” – Nathan Jessup [Jack Nicholson] ‘A Few Good Men’ 1992

    DCSCA (acf5c0)

  56. @54. Nope. Alito did it. As evidenced by his own record of answers during confirmation hearings, public discourse at events and trail of being increasingly pissed off at CJ Roberts for swaying the newer justices on other cases.

    This baby was his [no pun intended] and he wasn’t going to lose it to due to the persuasive powers of the CJ.

    Read it. The animosity is clearly there.

    DCSCA (acf5c0)

  57. @54. Nope. Alito did it. As evidenced by his own record of answers during confirmation hearings, public discourse at events and trail of being increasingly pissed off at CJ Roberts for swaying the newer justices on other cases.

    Nope. A clerk did it. As evidenced by their generation’s own massive online record of short-term thinking and hyper-partisan ideologies.

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  58. @54. This as well:

    And revisit his confirmation hearings, too.

    Alito is the leaker; and you can bet he’s damned proud of bayonetting the CJ’s sway.

    DCSCA (acf5c0)

  59. @57. Keep trying; Alito is the leaker- as evidenced by his own simmering history. No clerk in that gig is going to crater their future over this– but an angry old justice near the end of his run who is on the record in opposition and of a faith opposed to same demands recognition for his POV over a CJ who keeps swaying colleagues against him sure as hell would.

    The history is there; as is the obvious animosity. Alito is the leaker.

    DCSCA (acf5c0)

  60. Inspired by the Murder on the Orient Express, all nine of the justices leaked it.

    AJ_Liberty (c82e21)

  61. This is another thread where discussion is pretty much ruined because the troll just repeats the same thing over and over obnoxiously. He doesn’t really want to discuss that, he just wants to drown out the discussion because he is a troll.

    Dustin (f01c00)

  62. Dustin #61: yeah, that’s why I don’t post much any more.

    Simon Jester (8089ba)

  63. @61. Translation: nothing thoughtful to contribute.

    DCSCA (5684fb)

  64. 28 out of 64 comments so far.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  65. @65. Projecting again. Translation: you have no argument nor supportive material to make.

    DCSCA (20660c)

  66. The real problem for the leaker is the ENORMOUS temptation to tell someone they did it.

    If this was the only leak they did..

    But this person (and maybe persons) has probably been leaking all kinds of decisions, and has long been aware of the need for secrecy.

    The only difference in this case is that somebody decided to make the leak public.

    And it might be true that the effect was to cement in the decision more than it was already cemented, but that doesn’t mean that was the purpose of the leak.

    Most likely somebody wanted to act in some fashion based on this inside information, and making the news generally public was a way to cover their tracks. And the leaker(s) probably had updates past February 10 but decided to use the oldest version.

    And it may have come from the printers, if they still use printers.

    In a rare published comment, Justice Brennan told of how he once “circulated 10 printed drafts before one was approved as the Court opinion…

    But finally, when all the revisions and corrections are complete, a master proof of the opinion is authorized for printing. On the day of release, final copies go to the Clerk for safekeeping and to the Reporter of Decisions, Christine L. Fallon. She writes headnotes, called “syllabus”—short analytical summaries of the opinions.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  67. Opinions change, but not too often, and the leaker probably knew no votes had changed in almost three months. (I mean, again, that what was leaked was not ALL the information the person who got this news and the draft out knew)

    …I have seen internal memos from one justice to another saying things as simple as, “You have persuaded me.” (Indicating that the justice changed his or her vote after reading a draft. Such persuasion can occur after reading a dissenting or concurring opinion, too.) Overall, vote switching while opinion drafts are circulating is relatively rare but does occur in a non-trivial number of cases.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  68. The SCOTUS leaker keeps leaking– this time, hot gas out the aft end of his service module:

    Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito defends abortion ruling, slams critics at religious event

    July 29 (UPI) — U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, a conservative member of the court and the one who wrote the ruling last month that struck down legalized abortion nationwide, defended the decision and slammed world leaders who opposed it in a keynote speech in Italy…’

    A ‘Nathan Jessup’ by any other name, still smells like stink. A zealous, byzantine, be-robed Catholic in ancient Rome; seeking praise by kissing other be-robed butts in the cult; maybe a ring or two– and singing the ‘Vatican Rag’… hit it, Tom:

    DCSCA (9d864e)

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