Patterico's Pontifications


Cost of Refusing To Comply With Trump’s Campaign: They Accused Me Of Being A Pedophile, Pervert, & Corrupt Politician

Filed under: General — Dana @ 3:50 pm

[guest post by Dana]

I can’t add anything to the unwavering testimony of Arizona Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers today before the Jan. 6 Committee hearing. It was solid and very personal. Judge for yourself:

Bowers made very clear his priorities in life. And his priorities were antithetical to the Trump campaign’s plan to overturn the election results:

Personal integrity before one’s political party or even before the sitting president should be the rule for all of us, and especially for those with their hands of the levers of power. However, reality has shown us that those closest to Trump were the ones most willing to look the other way if it benefited them politically. Unfortunately, loyalty to Trump and the party (but I repeat myself) has not only become the priority, but it is also the ultimate litmus test for far too many Republicans.

Anyway, here’s the price the Bowers family paid for resisting the pressure of Trump and his minions, and their unlawful scheme:

The Republican Party is in desperate need of more Rusty Bowers. Unfortunately, the party seems pretty uninterested.


15 Responses to “Cost of Refusing To Comply With Trump’s Campaign: They Accused Me Of Being A Pedophile, Pervert, & Corrupt Politician”

  1. Hello.

    Push the big lie here and you will find yourself in moderation.

    Dana (1225fc)

  2. I’ll betcha he was also called a groomer and globalist.

    Paul Montagu (5de684)

  3. Bowers:

    ….it is a tenet of my faith that the constitution is divinely inspired [slurs a word or two] of my most basic foundational beliefs.

    Is he a Mormon?

    Apparently you don’t have to be a Mormon to believe that. Pence does too, and today Liz Cheney said she does too.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  4. “If you can’t stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.” As I have said before what happened to trump why he lost is on the republican party. In their never ending attempt to stop ballot access for the libertarian party they make ballot access as difficult as the courts will allow. The libertarian party is big enough to deal with the ballot access problem and was on the ballot in all 50 states ;however the green party is not, allowing the democrat party to prevent the green party from getting on the ballot in many republican controlled states. In 2016 trump wins wisconsin with 22,000 vote margin with green party jill stein getting 36,000 votes away from clinton. In 2020 biden wins wi. by 20,000 votes because democrat party kicked green party off ballot. Same with az. ga. mi. This is provable corruption no lies!

    asset (328f8d)

  5. 5 Did bowers love his country so much that he served in the military? most mormons didn’t like all the romneys.

    asset (328f8d)

  6. Personal integrity before one’s political party or even before the sitting president should be the rule for all of us, and especially for those with their hands of the levers of power. However, reality has shown us that those closest to Trump were the ones most willing to look the other way if it benefited them politically.

    Lest you forget: Lee Atwater.

    DCSCA (dbdc29)

  7. Personal journaling is a useful tool for reflection, introspection, and personal growth.

    Offering up your personal journal where you told yourself, self, we don’t want to be a bad guy as evidence at a congressional hearing that you are not in fact a bad guy and can be trusted is sketchy.

    We are not led by serious people.

    frosty (82661f)

  8. … or Donald Segretti.

    … or Roger ‘yes, I have Nixon tattoo on my back’ Stone

    “Personal integrity” is the fluff they’ve sold the ‘seduced and abandoned’ too many times– which is why populism is growing more and more– ready at the boil of late; and you get chumps like Trump and swamp creatures like Joey.

    DCSCA (dbdc29)

  9. Rust Bowers’ gravely ill daughter, whom he referenced on the video above and said that she was worried about what was going on outside their home, passed away at the end of January, 2021 during all this insanity.

    Dana (1225fc)

  10. We are not led by serious people.

    frosty (82661f) — 6/21/2022 @ 5:19 pm

    I can assure you that Mormons take their personal journals seriously. I kept one for seven years when I was an active Mormon.

    norcal (da5491)

  11. “both sides” do it

    JF (5d0145)

  12. @JF@12 As far as I can tell, that’s the point of almost every comment you make where you basically say not to bother with whatever the Rs may have done because the Ds have done stuff. So why complain about the people who see that both sides do bad things?

    Nic (896fdf)

  13. Nic (896fdf) — 6/21/2022 @ 10:03 pm

    did you see anything about “both sides” in this post, or the other one?

    i didn’t

    but since you did, maybe you can point it out to me

    JF (5d0145)

  14. @JF@14 I see a lot of posts that cover various similar issues of both Democrats and Republicans and some posts that cover issues that are more issues of either Democrats or Republicans. Other than the weekend update posts which cover a number of current issues, each blog post tends to cover a single issues, and are one a good spread of issues.

    Frex you seem unhappy that the bloggers aren’t talking about the BLM riots as much as they are the January 6th riots. Well, when they were happening in summer of 2020 there were more than 15 dedicated articles about them and a lot of the surrounding politics being idiocy (and a bunch of weekend open threads that includes one or more items regarding the same). There is not a lot of news regarding them right now, but I suspect if there were something big to happen, one of our dedicated bloggers might make a post on it. You mentioned Scalise and Patterico did several posts on that when it happened.

    A couple of articles down from this one, Patterico made several posts about the idiocy of the current liberal DA in LA. JVW did several recent post about a number of unfortunate California political issues from a conservative viewpoint, including a take down of the sexual harrassment issues of the LA mayoral administration of Garcetti. Dana did a post about Nancy Pelosi saying dumb things and one regarding a liberal man who wanted to assassinate Kavanaugh.

    You are getting the both sides articles, but the issues on the right and the left aren’t always at the same exact time, so sometimes you get more posts on one issue and sometimes more on the other, but that doesn’t mean that they are ignored BLM because they are currently covering the current issue of the January 6th hearings.

    Nic (896fdf)

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