Patterico's Pontifications


Joe Biden, Machiavellian Genius

Filed under: General — JVW @ 6:02 am

[guest post by JVW]

Don’t believe it? Yeah, neither really do I. But I am always up for giving due consideration to a writer who puts forward an interesting premise and then does a reasonably solid job of defending it. Writing in The Spectator, John R. MacArthur informs us that, as the title of his piece has it, Joe Biden Is Winning:

The president is a man of limited abilities, especially when it comes to stringing together coherent sentences. But he is nothing if not spectacularly persistent in the one cause that has animated his entire career: maintaining in the Democratic Party a rigid hierarchy with control emanating from the top, never from the hoi polloi and never from rebellious reformers like Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

In Biden’s catechism, rewards and punishment must result from loyalty, irrespective of electoral success. A man of little principle – and no ideology – Biden is the most regular of regular Democrats, a hack politician whose positions on the important issues of the day may gravitate toward the center, but never deviate from his party’s leadership or the Washington “consensus.”

[. . .]

And yet Biden’s disillusioned critics insist that he’s become either a raving lunatic or a hostage to the left. Also that he’s been foiled in his “progressive” push by the intraparty opposition of Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. This is absurd. All the evidence suggests that Biden was in on the foiling from the beginning — that he cleverly lured Sanders, the incoming chairman of the Senate budget committee, into believing he would forcefully support what was, in fact, the Sanders Build Back Better bill. Sanders campaigned hard for Biden because of what he claimed was Trump’s overwhelming threat to democracy, so perhaps he thought the president was indebted to him.

[. . .]

Once in power, the new president got busy doing what he does best – not promoting leftist visions of social and economic justice but dispensing patronage. Quickly jettisoned from the Covid relief bill was the Biden campaign pledge pushed by Sanders, to raise, in stages, the minimum wage to $15 an hour, allegedly because the Senate parliamentarian said it violated Senate rules to include it in a reconciliation bill. No protest from Biden over this technicality, but silent approval from Manchin and Sinema (who thought $15 was too much) and vocal praise from Republicans. Once the relief bill passed, with tiny majorities in the House and Senate powered by unanimous Democrats, whom did Biden reward? Certainly not Sanders. On March 26, Biden nominated Manchin’s wife, Gayle, as co-chair of the Appalachian Regional Commission, a federal agency and a perfect conduit to West Virginia, among thirteen states, through which to funnel pork barrel money from the proposed infrastructure bill.

There’s more, so take the time to read the whole thing (I don’t think this article requires a subscription; apologies if it does). Three-and-a-half decades ago, Saturday Night Life had a (yes, this will be hard to believe) funny send-up of the Reagan Administration, with a President who all hip liberals knew for certain was a doddering old man turning out to be a calculating mastermind hiding behind a facade of genial befuddlement. Ironically enough, one of Ronald Reagan’s strengths ended up being to trick smug elitists into thinking him dull-witted and highly manipulatable during his Presidency, while the record over the past three decades has demonstrated a far more engaged and ideologically-focused chief executive. Will we be saying the same about Joe Biden in 2050? Again, I sort of doubt it, but it’s food for thought.


41 Responses to “Joe Biden, Machiavellian Genius”

  1. Or maybe he’s just relying on inertia.

    Kevin M (38e250)

  2. Biden fell into a foreign policy crisis that his team has appeared to manage well to this point. He was not sucked into committing troops….which absent escalation was not going to happen….and he has resisted implementing a no-fly-zone….which would likely require Americans and Russians shooting at each other. I think his team has to get points for leading the world’s economic sanction response, and the ratcheting up of the pressure on the behind-the-scenes Oligarchs….though let’s not discount the courage of the Germans who are in a trickier energy position than us. Adding troops to NATO countries, providing defensive weapons systems that the Russians have found difficult to counter and afapt to, and providing intelligence and tactical training have all been on point, though with nothing outside of the geopolitical mainstream.

    Joe will be Joe with his “standing with the Iranians” and misstating our defensive commitment to Taiwan, but he’s also communicated well enough for Americans to understand why the anti-interventionist position is untenable. Succinctly, the U.S. cares about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine because the Baltics care about the invasion of Ukraine, and NATO cares about the Baltics, and the U.S. cares about NATO. A superpower can’t ignore a critical NATO showdown, no matter what the hollaring ninnies claim. We can also add in the disruption of the wheat and oil markets and the economic instability that such an attack brings to the world.

    As much as sleepy Joe is past his best performance….the contrast with the shoot-from-the-hip on the best day of Trump is unmistakeable. War is horrible…awful….and the threat of nuclear and chemical attacks unsettling, but it is an opportunity for the GOP to find its foreign affairs feet and return to sober analysis and away from the election contesting sideshow. Let’s hope that happens….

    AJ_Liberty (3cb02f)

  3. Keep telling yourselves Biden’s not so bad.

    Uranium, oil and technology: How Russia got stronger as Bidens and Clintons got richer

    Obudman (2d52ed)

  4. What JVW says is more or less what I thought about Joe Biden before the election, except that he turns out out be imcompetant – as seen wrt Afghanistan – because he never wither held an executive position or had to be right in forecasting (planning) anything.

    With Ukraine I sense he sis more cautious than nearly everybody in his Administration, but he’s well briefed and familiar with what’s going on. Biden thinks the war might go on for most of the rest of the year (but not further)

    Sammy Finkelman (c04aa1)

  5. Where I disagree with Mr. MacArthur is here:

    All the evidence suggests that Biden was in on the foiling from the beginning — that he cleverly lured Sanders, the incoming chairman of the Senate budget committee, into believing he would forcefully support what was, in fact, the Sanders Build Back Better bill. Sanders campaigned hard for Biden because of what he claimed was Trump’s overwhelming threat to democracy, so perhaps he thought the president was indebted to him.

    My sense of what really happened is that Sanders was haunted by the allegations that Bernie Bros had turned on Hillary Clinton and quietly voted for Trump in key midwestern states, and thus he felt morally obligated to work hard to ensure that his biggest fans stayed loyal to Democrats this time around. And I think that Joe Biden was quite happy to support Build Back Better, and would have been just as supportive had the price tag been $2.5 or even $4 trillion, since there is no real record of him ever opposing government spending over his half-century career in Washington. The only reason the bill failed is because Biden is frankly too weak of a politician and the Democrats’ “majority” far too thin for such a massive bill to pass — certainly not because Biden was quietly undermining it all along.

    JVW (ee64e4)

  6. Covfefe!

    nk (1d9030)

  7. fjb

    mg (8cbc69)

  8. Biden wanted some bill to pass and he and the Congressional leadership wanted to hold the Democratic majority together. They decided to split the bill into two parts. One part passed. They expect another bill to pass because there is too much in it for members of Congress to give up on it entirely. They are not going to not have a reconciliation bill.

    Sammy Finkelman (c04aa1)

  9. Again, this is short term worry. TPTB need to get Kamala Harris to Eugene Sawyer or David Paterson small-harm level; note one was primaries and the latter f-over by dynastic white Dem scions.

    urbanleftbehind (c6f17b)

  10. “We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men and women are created equal. Sounds corny.” – Squinty McStumblebum addressing the U.S. 82nd Airborne in Poland, 3/25/22

    … and dead Machiavelli smiled.

    …food for thought…

    High gas prices, supply chain issues… and now Joe says the U.S. should prepare for a food shortage, too. Did Machiavelli ever miss a meal? Likely not ’til he was dead. Food for thought.

    “Always assume incompetence before looking for conspiracy.” – Niccolo Machiavelli

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  11. @2. Biden fell into a foreign policy crisis that his team has appeared to manage well to this point.

    Fell? Manage well?? Step away from the bong, AJ:

    “Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President. He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him… Putin knows if I am president of the United States, his days of tyranny and trying to intimidate the United States and those in Eastern Europe are over. I’m going to stand up to him… ” – Joe Biden, 2020

    Even the Duchess of Cornwall and the Pope can tell you he stepped into sh-t of his own making.

    “The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.” – Niccolo Machiavelli

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  12. Joe Biden isn’t the oatmeal brained walking corpse his critics like to protract him as, but he’s not a genius. There’s a story telling desire put things in extreme terms even when it’s silly. I think “Joe Biden is an experienced cut throat politician who knocked the legs out from under his left flank.”

    Time123 (7a04f5)

  13. The premise is that Joe Biden is happy to look like a loser incapable of doing anything as long as he can dispense patronage to his buddies and continue to not accomplish much.

    Um, no. No politician has an ego that would be content with that. Not even Bush Sr. These guys want to do great things and be seen as having done great things.

    Biden ran for President three times before getting in. He didn’t do it so he could be the Democrats Chester A. Arthur.

    Appalled (1a17de)

  14. “The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.” – Niccolo Machiavelli

    The second method is to see how fast the brighter people quit and are replaced by yes-men.

    Kevin M (38e250)

  15. Let’s Go Brandon! You short-term problem, you…

    C’mon, man! Do sanctions deter or not?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  16. “The second method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is does he has MENSA.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  17. Joe Biden isn’t the oatmeal brained walking corpse his critics like to protract him as

    Except he is.

    World War III? Biden Tells U.S. Troops What They’ll See When They Get to Ukraine

    ‘Biden said to the troops: “And you’re gonna see when you’re there, suh- suh- some of you have been there, you’re gonna see, you’re gonna see women, young people standin’, standin’ in the middle, in the front of a damn tank, just sayin’ ‘I’m not leavin’. I’m holdin’ my ground.’ They’re incredible.” Wait a minute. Why are U.S. troops going to see anything in Ukraine? If American forces go into Ukraine, there is no doubt whatsoever that Vladimir Putin would consider the United States to have entered the war on Ukraine’s side, and World War III would begin. Just over a month ago, on February 24, Biden assured us that it would not come to that: “Our forces are not and will not be engaged in a conflict with Russia in Ukraine,” he declared. “Our forces are not going to Europe to fight in Ukraine, but to defend our NATO allies and reassure those allies in the East.”

    An oatmeal-brained corpse it way too kind. He’s an idiot.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  18. @14. Unless the idiot starts with yes-men -and women- around him. And he has.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  19. Visits non-taxpaying refugees in Poland but won’t go to Texas and talk with Americanss at the U.S. southern border. On the way back to Wilmington, do a visit to a NYC subway platform and inhale the familiar, sweet smell of success, chowderhead.

    Attaboy, Joe.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  20. These guys want to do great things and be seen as having done great things.

    Pfft. Like drive an 18-wheeler. Yes, Joe’s a legend in his own multi-brain-operations mind.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  21. Biden tells US troops what they can expect to see when they go to Ukraine, WH issues quick clean-up

    President Joe Biden apparently gaffed on Friday while visiting US troops in Poland, stating that they would be witness to the courage of Ukrainians fighting against the Russian invasion “when you’re there,” confusing and alarming not only the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division but Americans in general. “You’re going to see when you’re there, you’re going to see women, young people standing in the middle, in the front of a damn tank saying ‘I’m not leaving. I’m holding my ground,’” Biden told the soldiers.

    Biden has repeatedly told Americans that we would not put boots on the ground in Ukraine to avoid triggering “World War III.” If the slip was not a gaffe then it would appear that he just told our troops the United States is going into Ukraine and going to war with Russia. The White House was quick to issue a statement claiming that Biden had not changed his stance.

    “The president has been clear we are not sending US troops to Ukraine and there is no change in that position,” a Biden spokesman told the New York Post.


    Except he hasn’t- as evidenced by the daily clean-up on Aisle Biden. And while you’re at it, ‘WH Spokesperson’– change his adult diapers, too. Because no matter how you try to spin it: he stinks.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  22. <b< you’re gonna see, you’re gonna see women, young people standin’, standin’ in the middle, in the front of a damn tank, just sayin’ ‘I’m not leavin’. I’m holdin’ my ground.

    Not quite exactly the way it is, anyway.

    Maybe he means they’ll see on television. Or by “see” he means “hear of.”

    Sammy Finkelman (c04aa1)

  23. 15. Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 3/25/2022 @ 12:40 pm

    C’mon, man! Do sanctions deter or not?

    The threat of sanctions deters, but by deter they mean, gives an argument against – they may not be deterred/

    Sanctions themselves do not deter, since they are imposed after the fact.

    3/8/2022 – It was Aron Nimzowitsch (pictured) who coined the paradoxical expression “The threat is stronger than its execution.” This phrase sounds catchy and smart but if you think about it, you start to wonder how a threat can actually ever be stronger than its execution. Jan Markos has a number of good answers. (Foto: L’Echiquier 1931)

    Sammy Finkelman (c04aa1)

  24. @22. Maybe he means they’ll see on television. Or by “see” he means “hear of.”

    Maybe he means chocolate ice cream. Or Chevy Corvette. Or Rehoboth Beach sand is hotter than a Scranton sidewalk in July. So hot, it could pop Corn Pop’s popcorn. Or maybe he’s just a dementia-riddled 80 year old losing touch with reality by the hour. And we’ve got nearly 3 more years of this to look forward to.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  25. You missed the point, Sammy.

    “President Biden suggested Thursday that sanctions were not meant to deter the actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin, telling reporters now that “sanctions never deter.”

    “Sir, deterrence didn’t work. What makes you think Vladimir Putin will alter course based on the action you’ve taken today,” Biden was asked by CBS reporter Christina Ruffini during a press conference at a NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium.

    “Let’s get something straight. You remember if you covered me from the very beginning, I did not say that, in fact, the sanctions would deter him. Sanctions never deter. You keep talking about that. Sanctions never deter,” Biden responded

    Ruffini repeated the question, asking whether these actions could make Putin change course.

    “That’s not what I said. You’re playing a game with me. The answer’s no,” Biden snapped back.

    Biden said the “single most important thing is for us to stay unified” and for the world to “continue to focus on what a brute [Putin] is, and all the innocent people’s lives are being lost and ruined.”

    “We have to stay fully, totally thoroughly united,” he added.

    Biden’s remarks come after weeks of messaging from key Biden administration officials – including Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of State Antony Blinken – who claimed the sanctions placed on Russia were meant to deter the actions of Putin.

    Asked in February whether she believed sanctions would deter Putin, Harris said at the time, “Absolut- — we strongly believe — and remember also that the sanctions are a product not only of our perspective as the United States but a shared perspective among our Allies. And the Allied relationship is such that we have agreed that the deterrence effect of these sanctions is still a meaningful one, especially because – remember, also – we still sincerely hope that there is a diplomatic path out of this moment.”

    Harris also said in February that the “purpose of the sanctions has always been and continues to be deterrence.”

    Prior to Russia’s invasion, during an interview with CNN, Blinken insisted that the “purpose of the sanctions in the first instance is to try to deter Russia from going to war.”

    Similarly, in February, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said “sanctions can be a powerful tool” and that the overall goal of imposing sanctions on Russia was to “have a deterrent effect.”

    “Sanctions can be a powerful tool,” Psaki said. “They have been in a lot of moments throughout history. And what we view them as — or how we’re viewing them as we’re starting high, as Daleep just conveyed here, in terms of the significance and the severity of the sanctions that were announced today — yes, our intention is to have a deterrent effect.”

    During that same briefing, Daleep Singh, deputy national security adviser for International Economics, said sanctions “serve a higher purpose” and that is to “deter and prevent.”

    “Sanctions are not an end to themselves. They serve a higher purpose. And that purpose is to deter and prevent,” Singh said. “They’re meant to prevent and deter a large-scale invasion of Ukraine that could involve the seizure of major cities, including Kyiv. They’re meant to prevent large-scale human suffering that could involve tens of thousands of casualties in a conflict.”

    During an appearance on ‘America’s Newsroom’ in February, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said the administration wanted the sanctions “to have a deterrent effect.”

    “We want them to have a deterrent effect, clearly,” Kirby said. “And he hasn’t invaded yet. […] So look, if you punish somebody for something they haven’t done yet … they might as well go ahead and do it.”

    A Twitter account managed by the Republican National Committee highlighted remarks from officials in the Biden administration who, at one point, claimed that the sanctions were meant to deter Putin.

    Also in February, Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser, said “the president believes that sanctions are intended to deter.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  26. Ask the Tartars how Biden is doing with their Lyddle’ Borscht Man.

    nk (1d9030)

  27. Joe Biden said today that what’s going on is like a science fiction movie. I think it’s more in the horror genre. Although it could be a science fiction movie

    Sammy Finkelman (c04aa1)

  28. DCCCP: “Putin knows if I [Biden] am president of the United States, his days of tyranny and trying to intimidate the United States and those in Eastern Europe are over. I’m going to stand up to him”

    This is what’s called bravado. All candidates do it because they’re trying to look tough, but what does it really matter? Bush couldn’t actually see into Putin’s heart, Hillary’s reset ended up a joke, Obama was wrong for criticizing Romney’s focus on Russia, and Trump said and did more goofy things than are documentable….but suffice to say Helsinki. So, yes, Putin was not afraid of Biden, but it appears that Putin misread much of the EU’s willingness to oppose his invasion and maybe even China’s willingness to bail him out. In the end, this statement is another DCCCP red herring. Has Biden responded reasonably to the events in front of him? The objective answer is “yes”, and thankfully so because the stakes are high. If Putin was supposed to be eating Chicken Kiev by now, maybe DCCCP should be gobbling down some red herring to refill the coop he’s unleashed on us.

    AJ_Liberty (ec7f74)

  29. AOC was never fooled by biden and is preparing for 2024. Her competition is harris and buttigeig neither of which is very popular in the black community. AOC and stacy abrams as running mate would cleanup in the primaries.

    asset (ec0b85)

  30. Comrades, please tell me sincerely! A person may suspect himself of being non compos mentis, but he would be the very last one to actually know that he is. Do I strike you as outright gonzo bughouse nuts as a couple of other commenters here whom it should not be necessary to name?

    nk (1d9030)

  31. @28. “Putin knows if I [Biden] am president of the United States, his days of tyranny and trying to intimidate the United States and those in Eastern Europe are over. I’m going to stand up to him…” This is what’s called bravado. All candidates do it because they’re trying to look tough, but what does it really matter?

    Does it matter??????


    Ask Putin. Then try to ask the dead in Ukraine. Then ask the Afghan Taliban– and the 13 U.S. service personnel he got killed in Kabul. Oh. Wait. They’re dead on his “watch” too…

    “Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” – Robert Gates, Former CIA director, intelligence analyst and United States Secretary of Defense.


    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  32. “I sat across the negotiating table going all the way back to Soviet Alexei Kosygin to talk arms control…” – Joe Biden, 3/26/22


    Another load of fertilizer shovelled from Joe:

    “Boasting of those credentials, Biden for a time recalled sitting briefly across from Leonid Brezhnev in the Kremlin in 1979 before negotiations with Alexei Kosygin, the Soviet premier. “Brezhnev looked grey; we didn’t know it but he was already sick and dying. The Soviet president excused himself after introductions and turned the meeting over to Kosygin,” Biden wrote in a 2007 memoir. He repeated the story to Putin four years later.

    But Andrei Kozovoi, a historian at the University of Lille and author of a forthcoming biography of the Soviet leader, noted in a detailed look at the delegation that Brezhnev never mentions meeting those US senators in his diaries. Nor does his secretary, or anyone else on the trip.

    “Brezhnev was in no meeting that I was in and I was in all the delegation meetings on that trip,” said Bradley. Former senator Carl Levin also confirmed that Brezhnev was not there. Biden’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment. Biden has faced scrutiny before over claims about his foreign adventures. During the Democratic primary race earlier this year, he repeatedly asserted that he was arrested in apartheid South Africa while trying to visit Nelson Mandela in prison. US newspapers investigated and debunked the story and Biden eventually acknowledged: “I wasn’t arrested, I was stopped. I was not able to move where I wanted to go.”

    Brezhnev’s cameo in his memoirs lends a young Biden gravitas. But at the time, said Kozovoi, Biden was just “one tiny little cog in the Carter ‘detente machine’”, sent to Moscow to help allay domestic concerns about the Salt II treaty. Few Soviet officials mention the president-elect in their memoirs, and Soviet press clippings curtly note the senators arrivals in Leningrad and Moscow. Bradley recalled the meeting with Kosygin, which lasted three hours, as substantive, and said the delegates also met with foreign ministry officials and had lunch with a senior military official…”

    “I’m from Delaware [NOT Scranton, Pennsylvania that day, Joe??? Pshaw!!] and we have a saying – you can’t sh-t a shi-tter,” Biden told Kosygin in 1979, Levin recalled. Asked how it had sounded in Russian, an interpreter said: “You can’t fool a comrade.” Biden apparently liked the phrase to repeat it nearly verbatim – “you can’t bullsh-t a bullsh-tter” – during his next trip in 1984.

    Alexei Kosygin resigned in October, 1980 and died two months later. OTOH, Joe’s been brain-dead all his life.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  33. AJ needs a lesson in ‘bravado’– vs., ‘bull sh-t’:


    “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” – RWR

    “This will not stand.” – GHWB

    “In a very real sense, it will not be one man going to the moon it will be an entire nation. For all of us must work to put him there.” – JFK

    “I shall go to Korea.” – DDE

    “”I never gave anybody hell…I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.” – HST

    “No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people, in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory.” – FDR


    “Putin knows if I am president of the United States, his days of tyranny and trying to intimidate the United States and those in Eastern Europe are over. I’m going to stand up to him…” – JRB,Jr.

    “I’m from Delaware and we have a saying – you can’t sh-t a shi-tter…” Joe Biden, 1979

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  34. Joe Biden is on record as having thought that Obama’s stimulus in the “Great Recession” were far too small. He actually thought that BBB was the way to go, but his party is not entirely without sanity or conscience and he needed every vote.

    Kevin M (38e250)

  35. I think that Biden would have been better off had those two GA seats not flipped and he had to put up a bill with GOP support.

    Kevin M (38e250)

  36. I keep forgetting to ask: Is the Machiavelli Starbucks or Dunkin’? I don’t want to be embarrassed at the drive-through.

    nk (1d9030)

  37. I don’t understand the Starbucks vs Dunkin question. Dunkin was later (by two days) to pull out of Russia. I don’t think anyone anticipated sanctions and anything that could cause great hostility to Russia, so nobody could have planned a way to do it and also not do it.

    Sammy Finkelman (c04aa1)

  38. Machiavelli sounds like a fancy coffee drink. You know, like Mocha Venti or Frappuccino. “I’d like a Grande Machiavelli almond milk latte with cardamom, non-dairy whipped cream, and rutabaga spice sprinkles.”

    I read The Prince when I was seventeen and even at that callow age I realized that old Niccolo was full of it, and I would not think any of the less of anyone who did not know who he was.

    nk (1d9030)

  39. I don’t know about the cheese-eating surrender monkey, but for sure Biden must not let either Turkey or Israel arrange to sell Ukraine down the river in the guise of arranging peace negotiation. They each have a foot firmly planted in the Russian camp and they cannot be trusted to be honest brokers.

    nk (1d9030)

  40. And neither can the Trump gerbils at Powerline.

    nk (1d9030)

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