Patterico's Pontifications


Constitutional Vanguard: Responding to the Cancel Culture Deniers

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:29 am

Today’s midweek newsletter for paid subscribers responds to Mike Masnick and Ken White on the issue of cancel culture. I cite numerous examples and ask one central question:

To me, the point is: why? Why are there so many examples of people being fired, being shunned, and/or being rendered non-persons because of innocent, well-intentioned actions or statements? Why are there so many examples of overreaction — reactions totally lacking in any and all common sense — in response to issues of race?

Plus, a follow-up on the issue of whether KBJ will recuse from the Harvard affirmative action case. She will recuse! I guessed wrong.

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6 Responses to “Constitutional Vanguard: Responding to the Cancel Culture Deniers”

  1. I was wrong about Judge Jackson, too. I guess somebody in the Biden camp must have read the Little Red Book: “Take one step backward to take two steps forward.”

    As for Marlon Anderson, the black school security guard who was fired for telling a student not to call him the N-Word, I was told recently that white wokes are trying to abolish the word altogether, not even permitting it to be used by black people either. It was not an isolated incident, it’s a tenet of the woke faith.

    nk (1d9030)

  2. When I was in 1st grade, I attended a public schools that was racially segregated, mostly due to housing segregation in that town. I guess I could get canceled for that.

    Kevin M (38e250)

  3. I was told recently that white wokes are trying to abolish the word altogether, not even permitting it to be used by black people either

    I’ve been in situations (generally in a Black social setting) where the N-word is used by Blacks in a self-depreciating manner, and I have to admit being uncomfortable about it (and perhaps that was intended by some). It’s not so much “guilt” as being old enough to remember the attitudes of white adults when I was a child and being embarrassed once again by the memory.

    Kevin M (38e250)

  4. When I was growing up it was democrats who said “WE” and conservatives said you and me don’t make we commie! Today republicans say “WE” and liberals say YOU and me don’t make we racist! What goes around comes around! No quarter asked or given. Learn to live with it.

    asset (8a0ac1)

  5. ‘Bout time a non-judge, non-lawyer be appointed to SCOTUS. The kind of person who doesn’t fear giving the definition of a woman.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  6. She will recuse! I guessed wrong.

    That shows you how much Biden and his administrations responds to public pressure. And not just from the left wing of the Democratic party.

    Sammy Finkelman (c04aa1)

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