Patterico's Pontifications


But of Course: Trump Supporter Who Told President Biden “Let’s Go Brandon” Is Considering A Run For Office

Filed under: General — Dana @ 11:23 am

[guest post by Dana]

Here’s how Trump supporter Jared Schmeck’s Christmas Eve phone call with President Biden went down:

The phone call started cordially enough. Schmeck, 35, had called the NORAD Santa tracker like he does every Christmas Eve. Normally, the call is automated. This year, the president and first lady Jill Biden were taking calls together.

For a couple of minutes, things were pleasant. “I assume you’re a dad,” said the president. “What do you want for Christmas?”

Schmeck laughed. “Maybe a quiet night.”

“Lots of luck, Dad!” Biden responded.

The president asked Schmeck what his children wanted for Christmas… The first couple then began wrapping up the amiable call.

To make sure Santa shows up, “you guys have to be in bed by nine o’clock!” the president said, adding: “I hope you have a wonderful Christmas”

That’s when Schmeck, speaking to the leader of the free world, parroted a catch phrase that’s been adopted in conservative circles, and which, when translated, means “[expletive] Joe Biden.”

“Yeah, I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas as well,” Schmeck said. “Merry Christmas and let’s go, Brandon.”

Biden took the remark in stride. “Let’s go, Brandon, I agree,” he said.

It certainly wasn’t difficult to puzzle out what makes Schmeck tick, even before he spelled it out:

The southern Oregon father of four who ended a Christmas Eve call with President Joe Biden by declaring “Let’s go Brandon” told a former adviser to President Donald Trump this week that he believes the verifiably false claim that “the election was 100 percent stolen.”

Despite telling The Oregonian/OregonLive on Saturday that he was not a “Trumper” and the comment was in jest, Jared Schmeck said Monday he’s “proud” of using the conservative dig against Biden at the end of a live streamed Santa tracker call and called the moment “pretty darn funny.”

Donald Trump is my president and he should still be president right now,” Schmeck told Steve Bannon in an interview on Bannon’s program, “War Room,” which airs on a network called “Real America’s Voice.”

Schmeck wore a “Make America Great Again” hat and struck a defiant tone in the conversation with Bannon, saying that using the euphemism for “F*** Joe Biden” was a way to express his dissatisfaction with the president.

Anyway, it goes without saying that Schmeck is now considering a run for office. This is, of course, completely unsurprising, given today’s ReTrumplican Party. Schmeck will probably get some traction too because he flattered Trump by insulting Biden and now wears that like a badge of honor. Obviously, it’s impressive in certain circles. So here we are:

An Oregon man who invoked a coded vulgar insult of President Biden…is considering running for office and says he would welcome former president Donald Trump’s blessing.

“I want to pray about it, see what God has for me,” Jared Schmeck said of his political ambitions during an interview this week with conservative Christian broadcaster Todd Starnes that focused on his use of the phrase ‘Let’s go Brandon.”

“At the end of the day, I want [God’s] will for my life and the direction that it goes,” Schmeck added. “And I strongly believe that standing up is the right thing to do here as long as that message that I’m portraying is glorifying his name. And yeah, I’ll see where it goes.”

“Something tells me if you do run, you’ll be invited to a certain place in Florida,” Starnes said, referring to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club, where the former president now lives.

“I would be honored,” Schmeck replied.

The real question I have is: When Schmeck says that he “strongly believe[s] that standing up is the right thing to do here as long as that message that I’m portraying is glorifying his name,” does he mean glorifying God or glorifying Trump? Because certainly, they are not one and the same, no matter how much a large segment of White evangelicals have attempted to merge the two. And most certainly, God wasn’t glorified by Schmeck’s “Fuck Joe Biden” insult.

So I guess I’ve answered my own question.


89 Responses to “But of Course: Trump Supporter Who Told President Biden “Let’s Go Brandon” Is Considering A Run For Office”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (5395f9)

  2. I really don’t think much of someone who is so without manners that they will insult the President of the United States to his face. I despise Joe Biden, his policies and his whole f*****ng party, but if the President of the United States took the time to converse with me, I would not use the opportunity for a cheap insult. I would tell him about one or more of my disagreements instead. Respectfully, as I don’t think he has an easy job and I sure would not want it.

    So I think I’d find someone else to vote for than this buffoon.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  3. Also, you misspelled “schmuck.”

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  4. Mr. Schmeck is just as qualified as Marjorie Greene, and just as mature. He could be the future of my party. Yay.

    Paul Montagu (5de684)

  5. It’s funny, Paul, I had a line in the post that it wouldn’t be surprising if Schmeck gained traction given the odd eggs and grifters today’s Republican Party attracts but took it out because it’s already evident.

    Dana (5395f9)

  6. They used to deify dead Roman emperors. People say that Trump’s problem is that he’s too old, but I see his advanced age as a (limiting) feature.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)


    Where could he have possibly learned that being disrespectful to the President is a way to elected office?

    NJRob (5243b8)

  8. Where could he have possibly learned that being disrespectful to the President is a way to elected office?

    Yes. Let’s not assume that only one party has rude buffoons. But we should worry more about the beam in our eye than the mote in theirs.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  9. Americans use watered down cuss word euphemisms all the time. By gosh. Jiminy Christmas. Son of a gun etc.
    The guy used a very distant form euphemism
    None of the words F or Joe or Biden are in it. even “by gosh” above has the first two letters in God right.

    It’s probably closer to “Karen” or “Bye Felicia”. It convey’s disdain, contempt in a very indirect way.

    People should stop over reacting and save their outrage for actual FJB chants

    steveg (e81d76)

  10. That guy is not going to beat OR-2 Bentz in the primary

    steveg (e81d76)

  11. Sounds like the supply chain freed up some pearls.

    frosty (83511a)

  12. “Something tells me if you do run, you’ll be invited to a certain place in Florida,” Starnes said, referring to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club, where the former president now lives.

    “I would be honored,” Schmeck replied.

    He would fit in with these Trump endorsements.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  13. The GOP in that district may be country, but they aren’t stupid

    steveg (e81d76)

  14. Brandon brown the race car driver of lets go brandon fame last week announced he was having problems of sponsors not wanting to sponsor his car ;however when this news came out anti-biden individuals steped up and will now sponsor his “Lets go brandon” race car!

    asset (e3d5d8)

  15. I doubt he married his sister.

    mg (8cbc69)

  16. @14: canceled by proxy.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  17. I really don’t think much of someone who is so without manners that they will insult the President of the United States to his face.

    Really?? Exhibit A- Joseph Robinette Biden:

    ‘Will you shut up, man?!’- Squinty McStumblebum

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)


    He’s a bum.

    And a lying dog-faced pony soldier.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  19. The game is Risk: pulling for Putin; roll those tanks, Vlad.

    You’ll never have a better opportunity to grab Ukraine than now- possession in 9/10ths of the law. The weak old Mick has earned the smackdown. Humiliate him.

    … and Carter smiled.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  20. Really?? Exhibit A- Joseph Robinette Biden:

    1) He had provocation. Bozo McWontshuddup showed up instead of the President. BTW, this cost Trump the election.

    2) He apologized later.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  21. The game is Risk: pulling for Putin; roll those tanks, Vlad.

    And Trump’s armies are going to “suicide” against us all unless we let them have Central America whatever Trump wants today.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  22. Getting very stale, Kevin M. Perhaps I should rant about worse than Trump.

    mg (8cbc69)

  23. @20. No.

    He didn’t.

    He’s a bum.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  24. Case Study: The Armstrong Superheterodyne Phenomenon As Observed In Thing Lowlifes Say.

    nk (1d9030)

  25. He apologized later.

    Can’t unring a bell on national TeeVee. The old fart who likes to try invent John Wayne quotes, like calling voters, ‘lying dog-faced pony soldiers.’ Well, here’s a real John Wayne quote for Joe:

    “Never apologize, mister, it’s a sign of weakness.” – Nathan Brittles [John Wayne] ‘She Wore A Yellow Ribbon’ 1949


    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  26. It’s kind of sad. Here’s a man with his son. It’s Christmas eve. If you’re devout it’s an important religious holiday. If you’d not it’s still aa big celebration about peace on earth and good will towards men, and the best thing he can think to do is tell the president to go eff himself.

    Time123 (9f42ee)

  27. The little angel on his shoulder evidently counseled throwing caution to the wind.
    It’s the same angel who sits on every dusted gamblers shoulder. It wasn’t the worst insult ever, but the timing was off

    steveg (e81d76)

  28. Thanks for this post, Dana. It is quite lively and everyone seems to be getting in some good digs.

    felipe (484255)

  29. Steve, Any other day of the year it wouldn’t register. But on Christmas Eve….

    Time123 (9f42ee)

  30. Biden took the remark in stride. “Let’s go, Brandon, I agree,” he said.

    He might as well of heard, “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.” He drifts in and out like the tide.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  31. Where could he have possibly learned that being disrespectful to the President is a way to elected office?

    NJRob (5243b8) — 12/30/2021 @ 11:37 am

    The dude who believes the election was stolen is far more deranged. But that aside, you’re right. The cyclist who flipped off Trump is just as obnoxious. And as her wrongful termination suit shows, civically illiterate.

    lurker (59504c)

  32. Where could he have possibly learned that being disrespectful to the President is a way to elected office?


    Or is it Wilmington this week.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  33. For those really worried about the respectability of the office; maybe you should have voted for a more respectable choice. Granted the pickings were slim but at least one who did more than read the prepared script.

    The whole schtick of everyone pretending he’s actually making executive decisions and what not and respecting the office only goes so far when it’s obvious the people doing the pretending don’t respect the office either.

    frosty (f27e97)

  34. Can’t unring a bell on national TeeVee

    No you can’t, and the 10 million undecided voters — like me, who up to that point might have voted for Trump — who were appalled by Trump’s asinine performance in the first debate and turned off the telly, can attest to that.

    You ALSO can’t unring an election.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  35. Bills Sponsored by Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.)

    Read through’em.

    40 years a bum.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  36. On May 29, 1994, two American soldiers received posthumous Medals of Honor from the President of the United States, Bill Clinton, for heroism in Somalia. Herbert Shughart, the father of one of them, Randy Shughart, refused to shake Clinton’s hand. He said:

    “You are not fit to be president of the United States. The blame for my son’s death rests with you. You are not fit to command.”

    DN (181662)

  37. Herbert Shughart was right.

    frosty (f27e97)

  38. So I guess I’ve answered my own question.

    That’s why it’s so droll

    Hatari Somewhere on Ventura Highway (cad170)

  39. Probably why there were no medals awarded for Benghazi

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  40. For those really worried about the respectability of the office; maybe you should have voted for a more respectable choice.

    There was no ballot line for “pick someone from the phone book”

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  41. “And I strongly believe that standing up is the right thing to do here as long as that message that I’m portraying is glorifying his name.”

    He just told the President to F-off to his face…on the eve of the holiest of the holy holidays…..after the President was trying to make some polite conversation. It was wrong and he should be embarrassed. Glorifying his name? Talk about cognitive dissonance. He could have taken the high road…he could have been self deprecating….he could have taken a creative subtle jab….instead he took the low road. Geee, I wonder where he learned that? Pray on it indeed.

    AJ_Liberty (3cb02f)

  42. I find it particularly nauseating when vulgarians like Schmeck wrap themselves in piety. “Glorify his name” indeed! Setting himself up as some kind of moral beacon glorifies no one but Trump, as another commenter here noted.

    Roger (17a3ee)

  43. AJ_Liberty (3cb02f) — 12/31/2021 @ 5:17 am

    on the eve of the holiest of the holy holidays

    This is an interesting take based on your comments in the other thread on religion. There it was all concern about whether all of that’s made up and about it being used to manipulate people but now it’s all about sacrilege and disrespect of the holiest of holidays (excepting Easter of course). So, you’re a believer now? That is good news!

    Maybe Biden shouldn’t have been trying to leverage the holiest of holidays to improve his poll numbers?

    frosty (f27e97)

  44. With all due respect, Mr. DN @36, this was not “Blackhawk Down”. This was the President and the First Lady of the United States talking to kids on the NORAD Santa tracker. An event not unlike pardoning the Thanksgiving turkey. And then they answered a call from one. “Gobble, gobble, let’s go Brandon!”

    nk (1d9030)

  45. What a distraction from the fact that Biden’s crumbling faculties were not shielded from the world. The real Biden is the real story, not the guy who got past the handlers.

    BuDuh (4a7846)

  46. This is a society that praises crudity as long as it’s against conservatives, and has been for several decades now. At some point, conservatives were going to adapt and do the same thing.

    This behavior has to be continually nipped in the bud, but multiple generations took the path of least resistance, and this is the result.

    Factory Working Orphan (15638e)

  47. frosty (f27e97) — 12/30/2021 @ 7:16 pm

    The whole schtick of everyone pretending he’s actually making executive decisions and what not and respecting the office only goes so far when it’s obvious the people doing the pretending don’t respect the office either.

    Biden’s making decisions.

    Noboy else would have stuck to the August 31 pullout date from Afghanistan or made sp many speeches about it. He consulted people, yes. But they were helpers, trying to make things look better, stuck with some immovable decisions. They were not running thins any more than the military was making core decisions about Afghanistan.

    @ DCSCA

    And when it comes to “Let’s Go Brandon” that was not Biden being a little out of it, but being out of touch.

    It must have sounded to him like a cheer either for somebody attempting a difficult feat – like climbing a mountain, or learning to walk again or recovering from an illness, or was somebody in a sports competition.

    Biden did not want to reveal he didn’t know who this Brandon was, or what he was trying to do, but after a very slight, almost unnoticeable bit of thought, Biden decided to say he was for that too.

    He didn’t worry too much if Brandon had a competitor who also had fans – Brandon was evidently an underdog, and it’s always good, and forgivable, for a Democrat to side with the underdog. So he agreed he wanted Brandon to succeed.

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  48. Time123

    Good morning
    I obviously don’t think this is a big deal, but your point is a very fair one.

    I’ve said and done things I learned to regret after time passed by and people gave me space to make things right again. I can still remember stupid hurtful things I said to people 50 years ago.
    I guess that is why I am giving him more space.

    steveg (e81d76)

  49. I think the ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ thing is pretty funny. Not because I think the election was stolen (it very much was not), but because it was the press that made Let’s Go Brandon by lying that thousands of people weren’t chanting to F Biden.

    If thousands of people were chanting F Bush or F Trump, the press would make that headline news, all the talking heads would tell us what that means, etc, but because there is such widespread disgust with Biden and Harris, we get excuses and coverups and lies. So it’s very funny that it has backfired, and it gives people a relatively civil way to coyly express a vulgarity about Biden.

    But in the moment, it is quite an honor to speak to any president, and Biden was doing this for the kids, and it really was pretty ugly to change the meaning of that from innocence and Santa and some kind of national unity. We can whatabout and bothsides this all day, but in the moment, it was not a good thing to do.

    But no one accepts nuance. We can both chuckle at ‘Let’s go brandon’ and roll our eyes at a jackass saying it to Biden. We can chuckle that Joe Biden is so out-of-it and insulated he apparently didn’t know about ‘Let’s go Brandon’ (or his cognitive decline caused him to forget?), but also think someone running for office because they were sufficiently ugly to the ‘enemy’ political party is a very bad thing.

    We can gauge the evolution from Romney to Boebert with how Cruz has slithered his way down. Things are getting worse.

    So another nuanced take: I will both enjoy Team D getting their ass kicked in 2022 and be frustrated with Team R finding a mandate to be hyperpartisan and crazy about elections.

    Dustin (0ee127)

  50. And when it comes to “Let’s Go Brandon” that was not Biden being a little out of it, but being out of touch.

    It must have sounded to him like a cheer either for somebody attempting a difficult feat – like climbing a mountain, or learning to walk again or recovering from an illness, or was somebody in a sports competition.

    Biden did not want to reveal he didn’t know who this Brandon was, or what he was trying to do, but after a very slight, almost unnoticeable bit of thought, Biden decided to say he was for that too.
    Sammy Finkelman (c49738) — 12/31/2021 @ 9:14 am

    It’s amazing to me that Biden didn’t recognize it. He should spend a couple hours a day reading about current events. Every politically interested person in America knows instantly what this joke means, but a man whose entire life is politics, and is the subject of the meme, didn’t recognize it? A good politicial would have a dozen well rehearsed responses ready to go when this comes up.

    Imagine if Biden did have something quick and light to say when this cropped up, that he appreciates good humor but it’s Christmas, and he hopes we can all put our differences aside and wish eachother well, so ‘let’s go santa’ or something. Instead, he’s cognitively unable to even remember the meme. He needs to resign, in my opinion. I would expect someone managing a McDonalds to have some kind of intelligent response to being cussed out, let alone the guy who needs to stand up to Putin and Xi.

    Dustin (0ee127)

  51. 47–Except August 31st wasn’t the designated pullout date. Biden initially set it to 9/11 for a stupid “anniversary” photo-op and to claim the pullout as his own, because he and his administration didn’t want to meet the May 1st deadline that the Trump administration had negotiated and give Trump a chance to crow about it.

    Unfortunately for Biden, the Taliban didn’t give a rip about his big “mission accomplished” moment and, in fact, forced him to move it up to August 31st thanks to their blitzkrieg that started after…the May 1st deadline.

    Factory Working Orphan (15638e)

  52. This is a society that praises crudity as long as it’s against conservatives, and has been for several decades now. At some point, conservatives were going to adapt and do the same thing.

    And do it poorly; exhibit A- Morton Downey, Jr.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  53. I think the ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ thing is pretty funny.

    As good as ‘Dick Nixon; before he dicks you.’

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  54. Factory Working Orphan (15638e) — 12/31/2021 @ 10:16 am

    Except August 31st wasn’t the designated pullout date.

    Biden moved it up because he was very afraid that that Taliban would attack the moment the deadline passed, and in fact wondered why the Taliban were given the United States so much time (because they didn’t want him to change his mind because they thought attacks could cause the US to stay longer)

    Biden moved it from May 1 because he recognized that was bad.

    Biden asked the Taliban if he could stay longer. If he hadn’t asked they wouldn’t have attacked. And he;s been pretending he evacuated everyone who wanted to be evacuated and also changed the goalposts from Afghan allies to American citizens and permanent residents.

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  55. This was the President and the First Lady of the United States talking to kids on the NORAD Santa tracker.

    Waste, fraud & abuse.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  56. Morton Downey would be a simp or cukc by the standards of today’s conservatives, though I do wonder if a lot of Andy NGO’s beatdowns are of a similar “veracity”.

    urbanleftbehind (75abc0)

  57. As to the subject of this post, it’s a shame if LGB dad somehow prevents a clean Alex Skarlatos run (either by the latter not running, getting pushed into a cliser-to-Portland district, or battling each other in an R primary).

    urbanleftbehind (75abc0)

  58. 50. Dustin (0ee127) — 12/31/2021 @ 9:59 am

    It’s amazing to me that Biden didn’t recognize it.

    It primarily circulated among hardcore MAGA people (because the subtext was that the media was biased) and in right of center media writing about it. And it hadn;t been going on for that long.

    He should spend a couple hours a day reading about current events. Every politically interested person in America knows instantly what this joke means, but a man whose entire life is politics, and is the subject of the meme, didn’t recognize it?

    He may not be getting briefed on it, and maybe only gets told poll results. The more pro-Administration media didn’t mention it so much.

    There had been a New York Times story after about two months: (in the business section)

    As the interview continued, a number of people in the stands started rhythmically chanting the name of President Biden preceded by a four-letter expletive, a chant that was clearly audible on the broadcast.

    The reporter cut in with an attempt to stay on message and to cover up what was being said: “As you can hear, the chants from the crowd — ‘Let’s go, Brandon!’”

    The moment was, objectively, pretty funny; it was also, to some on the right, a symbol of the way in which the news media ignores their views.

    It had caused a disturbance or two on an airplane.

    With its origins at a NASCAR race in Alabama in October, the phrase “Let’s go, Brandon” has become common in conservative circles as a way of saying, “F*** Joe Biden.” It started as a meme that has now widely spread to Republican members of Congress and has even been said on the House floor.

    The Associated Press reported that the pilot used the phrase on a flight from Houston to Albuquerque, N.M., and that there were audible gasps from passengers.

    Southwest says it does not condone its employees sharing personal political opinions while working…


    A good politicial would have a dozen well rehearsed responses ready to go when this comes up.

    I’m not sure anyone could have anticipated it being said to him in person, he didn’t speak much with or in front of random voters – this Santa call in was a bit of an exceptoon -but Winston Churchill did have responses ready for hecklers.

    Imagine if Biden did have something quick and light to say when this cropped up, that he appreciates good humor but it’s Christmas, and he hopes we can all put our differences aside and wish eachother well, so ‘let’s go santa’ or something. Instead, he’s cognitively unable to even remember the meme.

    I think he had never heard of it! After all, it would seem this would be used only by some hard core right wingers. He could have alluded to the fact that it meant that the person who said it thought he was not a good president or didn’t like some of his policies, and used what someone had come up with some response appropriate to a less strong rejection of him.

    Jill Biden also didn’t interpret it for him. The moment passed.

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  59. He may not be getting briefed on it, and maybe only gets told poll results.

    Bingo, Sammy.

    Seems like that turned out to be a mistake. I argue it’s also a missed opportunity. A smarter politician would have been aware of this meme and rehearsed a few responses to it. When the dad tried to trick him, he could have said something presidential. But of course, we all know Biden’s brain is mush and he can’t do that, and his committee of handlers probably spends more time talking to him about ice cream than they do criticism and commentary about him.

    He could have alluded to the fact that it meant that the person who said it thought he was not a good president or didn’t like some of his policies, and used what someone had come up with some response appropriate to a less strong rejection of him.

    I agree. It’s OK for a president to acknowledge the division. Biden ran on being a unifying president, so he should be proactive in addressing differences. I realize it’s impossible for Biden to win over people chanting he should get F’d, but the country’s politics are rich with opportunity for a movement that can be moderate. It simply takes someone at the top with a little awareness of what the nation needs today. Biden is falling short. His only defense is to whatabout Trump.

    Dustin (0ee127)

  60. Jill Biden also didn’t interpret it for him. The moment passed.

    Or she waited until they were behind closed doors? If you know what I mean, nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

    And on whom would the joke be then? You know, like in FTW (and I don’t mean “For The Win”). They’re in the President’s Bedroom in the White House and the Schmucks are not.

    nk (1d9030)

  61. didnt need that visual, nk

    As far as jealousy, I’m sure many do envy him, but if you had the chance to switch places with him you would be crazy to say yes.

    Dustin (0ee127)

  62. Reaper still reaping…RIP Betty White at 99 on the last day of a crap year.

    urbanleftbehind (75abc0)

  63. R.I.P. Betty White, 99 17 days shy of 100.

    And the Password is: ‘longevity.’

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  64. Line-up for refunds:

    “Betty White: 100 Years Young — A Birthday Celebration” will be distributed by Fathom Events and will be shown in 900 cinemas nationwide on Jan. 17, 2022.

    Tickets will go on sale on Dec. 17.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  65. When NBC re-airs the SNL White hosted in 2010 in tribute– watch it. The best SNL of the decade.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  66. R.I.P. Betty White, national treasure

    Icy (6abb50)

  67. Jill Biden also didn’t interpret it for him. The moment passed.

    Or, just maybe, the President has enough class to ignore the barb as inappropriate in the situation, but unworthy of any response but what he gave. It must have been difficult not to roll his eyes.

    This is a man who has been on the hustings almost since he was a child, and has vast experience in dealing with hecklers. Even half senile, he should be able to dismiss this twerp.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  68. George Burns also missed his big 100th party, being too weak to give a planned performance at Caesar’s palace, or his desired party with Sharon Stone. He died 49 days later.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  69. somehow prevents a clean Alex Skarlatos run

    Well, if Trump has to decide who to endorse, will he pick the quality candidate or the guy who parrots his lies? Hard to say.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  70. So another nuanced take: I will both enjoy Team D getting their ass kicked in 2022 and be frustrated with Team R finding a mandate to be hyperpartisan and crazy about elections.

    We have the worst political class since 1859.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  71. Wake up, America: God is sending you a message–

    When Joe Biden first got elected to the Senate, this is what Betty White and Caitlyn Jenner looked like:

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  72. Ed Asner, Gavin MacLeod, Cloris Leachman and now Betty White- the heart of the MTM cast all passed in 2021. Keep wasting days playing with that pooch, Joey; time waits for no man- or woman.

    … and Putin smiled.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  73. 67. Or, just maybe, the President has enough class…

    President Plagiarist????

    Uh, maybe not:

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  74. Or, just maybe, the President has enough class to ignore the barb as inappropriate in the situation, but unworthy of any response but what he gave. It must have been difficult not to roll his eyes.

    This is a man who has been on the hustings almost since he was a child, and has vast experience in dealing with hecklers. Even half senile, he should be able to dismiss this twerp.
    Kevin M (ab1c11) — 12/31/2021 @ 12:04 pm

    If you watch it you know this wasn’t what happened. Sammy is running a lot of interference but it was clear that Jill picked up on it right away and he was clueless.

    If you watch the whole thing it’s worse because Biden keeps talking and thinks the call got cutoff and you hear Jill say something like “Yea, we lost him” and it’s clear she knew what was going on.

    The impression from the video is that Jill is both better informed and quicker on the uptake than JB. And this isn’t new. They tried to co-opt it and defuse it back in Oct when they had the handicapped guy named Brandon there with JB.

    frosty (f27e97)

  75. If you watch it you know this wasn’t what happened. Sammy is running a lot of interference but it was clear that Jill picked up on it right away and he was clueless.


    Betty White is more aware of her surroundings. And she’s dead.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  76. The fictional workhouse where Oliver Twist lived actually existed, It’s been landmarked

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  77. Joe Biden was clueless, here, but not because of brain deterioration

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  78. 75, Oh, she just did,

    Even if you want to say that Joe Biden looked a little lost there, I would say his ignorance is attributable to never having heard the phrase before, not forgetting it,

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)


    Maybe Biden didn’t know about the more famous Brandon – the race car driver?.

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  80. They couldn’t explain it to him?

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  81. Maybe they never explain to him the rationale behind all these ceremonial events, and he’s not curious as to the political basis for them and they thought it would look more natural if he didn’t know there was a special reason for selecting that other Brandon?

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  82. Even if you want to say that Joe Biden looked a little lost there, I would say his ignorance is attributable to never having heard the phrase before, not forgetting it,

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738) — 12/31/2021 @ 1:03 pm

    This has been going on for several months. He’s so insulated that he hasn’t heard the phrase before? How is this better? When it’s obvious Jill knows what it is?

    frosty (f27e97)

  83. @82. There’s a running gag in a later season of Parks & Rec with the Congressman David Murray character. This is what you’re describing. Except that is a TV show that is supposed to be funny.

    frosty (f27e97)

  84. I would say his ignorance is attributable to never having heard the phrase before, not forgetting it,

    The press secretary was asked about it early on. The internet has been flooded with it. He made 9/11 stops where people chanted the FJB version, which he acknowledged; did he think FJB disappeared? Desantis headlined the entire newsosphere by referring to the “Brandon Administration” a week before he went to Brandon, Florida for a bill signing. The publicity list goes on and on.

    If you sincerely believe that Biden never heard the phrase before, then you should be wildly concerned about how shielded Biden is behind his handlers.

    BuDuh (4a7846)

  85. Or, just maybe, the President has enough class to ignore the barb as inappropriate in the situation

    I would buy that, but Biden said he agreed and repeated ‘let’s go brandon’ so…

    It’s an amusing diversion from the existential threat of debt and the horrific afghanistan situation.

    Dustin (0ee127)

  86. Why wasn’t Vindman in on the Biden Putin call?
    Where is the oh so patriotic leak of the transcript?

    steveg (e81d76)

  87. 79.

    Even if you want to say that Joe Biden looked a little lost there, I would say his ignorance is attributable to never having heard the phrase before, not forgetting it,

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738) — 12/31/2021 @ 1:03 pm

    83. frosty (f27e97) — 12/31/2021 @ 1:27 pm

    This has been going on for several months. He’s so insulated that he hasn’t heard the phrase before? How is this better? When it’s obvious Jill knows what it is?

    It isn’t actually good, but it is better than the alternative of him hearing it and forgetting all about it,

    (unless you think that if he is so out of it, he can’t be making decisions, and in that case whoever it is who is making decisions at least aware of well known facts, but if he half knows what’s going on then he can be making decisions, and that that’s worse.

    BuDuh (4a7846) — 12/31/2021 @ 2:00 pm

    The press secretary was asked about it early on. The internet has been flooded with it. He made 9/11 stops where people chanted the FJB version, which he acknowledged; did he think FJB disappeared? Desantis headlined the entire newsosphere by referring to the “Brandon Administration” a week before he went to Brandon, Florida for a bill signing. The publicity list goes on and on.

    Some presidents, like John F. Kennedy, subscribe to newspapers and read them, like John F. Kennedy read the New York Times and the New York Herald Tribune. Others get their international news from the president’s daily brief (supposedly better) and their political news from consultants.

    And if Biden reads or listens anything outside of that, it’s not the right wing blogosphere, and it hadn’t yet created a political problem for him that he needed to be consulted. Biden has shown himself to be somewhat out of touch as to the prospects of passing a bill, or unaware of the arguments being made against his Covid policy.

    They used to claim that Donald Trump only listened to Fox News, but he seemed to draw from a wider variety of sources including personal contact or someone who knew someone who knew someone. That;s how he heard of hydroxychloroquine.

    If you sincerely believe that Biden never heard the phrase before, then you should be wildly concerned about how shielded Biden is behind his handlers.

    It’s reasonable they would try to limit his contacts – his staff are worried about could be called the Mandela Effect – remembering things, or pretending to remember, things that never happened.

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  88. 82.

    Maybe they never explain to him the rationale behind all these ceremonial events, and he’s not curious as to the political basis for them and they thought it would look more natural if he didn’t know there was a special reason for selecting that other Brandon?

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738) — 12/31/2021 @ 1:25 pm

    frosty (f27e97) — 12/31/2021 @ 1:32 pm

    @82. There’s a running gag in a later season of Parks & Rec with the Congressman David Murray character. This is what you’re describing. Except that is a TV show that is supposed to be funny.

    Wikipedia seems to describe only one episode, in Saason 5, episode 4, broadcast on October 18, 2012, in which Congressman MurrAy does everything his handlers tell him to, but does nothing else.

    There’s a deleted scene cut from the episode, in which they try to determine if he really is a human bring that may be viewable here;

    Now Joe Biden is different. He sometimes breaks from the script. He’s spoken about now being told to answers questions and possibly getting into trouble if he does, or told to call on reporters according to a list prepared by somebody else.

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

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