Patterico's Pontifications


Three Defendants in Arbey Murder Trial All Found Guilty

Filed under: General — JVW @ 11:37 am

[guest post by JVW]

Via Fox News:

Travis McMichael: Guilty of malice murder, four counts of felony murder, two counts of aggravated assault, false imprisonment and criminal attempt to commit a felony.

Greg McMichael: Guilty of four counts of felony murder, two counts of aggravated assault, false imprisonment and criminal attempt to commit a felony. Not guilty of malice murder.

William “Roddie” Bryan: Guilty of felony murder and aggravated assault.

This can serve as an open thread for all things related to the Ahmaud Arbery murder and trial.


78 Responses to “Three Defendants in Arbey Murder Trial All Found Guilty”

  1. Naturally, the race of the victim and the perpetrators plays prominently in the coverage, even though the prosecution did not attempt to try this as a racially-motivated murder.

    JVW (ee64e4)

  2. This seems like the correct verdict based on everting I’ve read.

    Time123 (0ef19f)

  3. GOOD!

    asset (3262b4)

  4. They chased after him with nothing to go on besides that he had previously entered the construction site (as had many others)

    What would they have done if they caught him? They had nothing to accuse him of. They said or shouted nothing at Arbery.

    He could have been justified in attacking them.

    Arbery seems to have used it as a regular water stop on his jogging route.

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  5. Whew! Southside Thanksgiving trip still on!! CBS-2 Chicago screwed up 2015 with the Laquoon McDonald video release.

    urbanleftbehind (c073c9)

  6. Mindless President needlessly racializes the murder:

    “Mr. Arbery should be here today, celebrating the holidays with his mother, Wanda Cooper Jones, and his father, Marcus Arbery. Nothing can bring Mr. Arbery back to his family and to his community, but the verdict ensures that those who committed this horrible crime will be punished,” Biden said in a statement.

    “While the guilty verdicts reflect our justice system doing its job, that alone is not enough. Instead, we must recommit ourselves to building a future of unity and shared strength, where no one fears violence because of the color of their skin.”

    JVW (ee64e4)

  7. Sounds about right.

    Paul Montagu (5de684)

  8. @7. Mindless President needlessly racializes the murder

    This is a written statement from the WHPO- right? Given the contradictions between his on camera verbal comments and the WH written statement when the Rittenhouse verdict was announced, the question remains as to who is truly ‘minding’ the store.

    ‘A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste.’ – UNCF

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)


    : The jury in the Ahmaud Arbery case continued its deliberations Wednesday and asked to watch two versions of the video of Travis McMichael shooting the 25-year-old Black man. The jury foreperson asked the judge if they could watch the original cellphone video and a version enhanced to reduce shadows three times each, CNN reports. The jury returned to the Georgia courtroom to watch the videos and listen to a 911 call father Greg McMichael made from a pickup truck around 30 seconds before the shooting, reports the AP. “There’s a Black male running down the street,” he told the operator in the Feb. 23, 2020 call. Gunshots were heard after he shouted, “Stop right there! Damn it, stop!

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  10. Earlier story:

    The case of three white men charged with murder in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery went to a jury Tuesday after a 13-day trial in which prosecutors argued the defendants provoked a confrontation with the 25-year-old Black man and defense attorneys said their clients acted in self-defense. “You can’t claim self-defense if you are the unjustified aggressor,” Linda Dunikoski told jurors in her final closing arguments, per the AP. “Who started this? It wasn’t Ahmaud Arbery.”

    The prosecution gets the final word because it carries the burden of proving its case beyond a reasonable doubt. Prosecutors and defense attorneys spent hours on Monday delivering closing arguments that spilled into a second day. Dunikoski spent two hours Tuesday morning hammering at defense attorneys’ attempts to blame Arbery for his own death. The defense attorneys said Arbery lashed out violently with his fists to resist a lawful citizen’s arrest by the defendants. But Dunikoski said Arbery’s pursuers had “no badge, no uniform, no authority,” adding, “You can’t make a citizen’s arrest because someone’s running down the street and you have no idea what they did wrong.”

    Father and son Greg and Travis McMichael grabbed guns and pursued Arbery in a pickup truck after seeing Arbery running in their neighborhood in the Georgia port city of Brunswick in February 2020. Neighbor William “Roddie” Bryan recorded cellphone video as he joined the pursuit. All three defendants are white. A nine-count indictment charges all three with one count of malice murder, four counts of felony murder, two counts of aggravated assault, one count of false imprisonment, and one count of criminal attempt to commit false imprisonment.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  11. I know it’s a risk to ask but are any reasonable people saying the verdict was wrong? This seems like a fairly straightforward, albeit very tragic, situation.

    frosty (f27e97)

  12. Huh. I was assured by the media that no just verdict could come from this trial, because there was only one black juror.

    Edoc118 (0d80b9)

  13. It’s pretty obvious that race was a motivating factor in the confrontation. If you call the police and say “There’s a Black male running down the street” and not “There’s a burglar running down the street” (of which there was no evidence), that pretty well describes their underlying motivation. I’m sure more will come out in their Federal hate crimes trial in February.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  14. jury did it’s job

    no “anger and concern” bullcrap

    JF (e1156d)

  15. I have no problem with this. They had the whitest jury they could get, but that was the end of their defense.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  16. even though the prosecution did not attempt to try this as a racially-motivated murder.

    No reason to go there, and it *might* have pissed off a juror.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  17. It took a public outcry to get charges made. Police had the video for two months without filing charges. One DA involved in the case (Jackie Johnson) is facing charges for obstruction. The other (George Barnhill) was forced to recuse after conflicts of interest came to light.

    If the videos didn’t exist, these men would probably never had been tried.

    Davethulhu (f178d9)

  18. @7. Mindless President needlessly racializes the murder

    The crime was obviously racial. The prosecutor didn’t need to bring that up, so he didn’t. Why add to your burden of proof? But race was a prime factor in what they did.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  19. I think it was the right decision. I do wonder, however, if there hadn’t been the horrible body cam video available would this case have gone to trial?

    Dana (174549)

  20. If the videos didn’t exist, these men would probably never had been tried.

    True, but not everyone who gets away with something because “the fix is in” is a racist murderer. And it works the other way, too.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  21. I do wonder, however, if there hadn’t been the horrible body cam video available would this case have gone to trial?

    Without any meaningful evidence? Unlikely. Coincidentally, all cops are wearing body cams now, or soon. In 10 years maybe everyone is, spooled to the cloud.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  22. Confidence in juries is the cornerstone of our justice system. In the past, southern blacks knew that juries didn’t see them as people. Maybe not just them (e.g. Rodney King I). Maybe that can change. Any other verdict (based on what I know) would have been a travesty.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  23. All of you guys who claim that this crime “obviously” had a racial component to it even though the prosecution made zero effort to include that among the charges are going to decline to argue with anyone who accuses Darrell Brooks of being motivated by racial animosity, even if prosecutors don’t bother to allege a racial component to his charges, right? I mean it’s “obvious” isn’t it?

    For the record, if I had to bet money I too would be betting that the Arbey killers were bigots, but I am just flabbergasted that two days after the rulers of the zeitgeist were at pains to tell us how irresponsible it is to ascribe a racial motive to Brooks’s murders (you see, he was just fleeing a domestic disturbance and I guess he thought he would be able to steer his car through all of those dancing grannies and young children) we’re all playing mind-readers and deciding that Ahmaud Arbey’s killers were undeniably motivated by race. Is it too much to ask for a minimum of consistency here?

    JVW (ee64e4)

  24. Thank you for your detailed and pointed remarks JVW.

    It’s the world we live in when it’s acceptable to racially attack and denigrate one particular group that would never be tolerated elsewhere.

    Imagine if Rittenhouse didn’t have the video exonerating him. The media and prosecutor would’ve buried him.

    NJRob (070c65)

  25. @18/@20- “If the videos didn’t exist, these men would probably never had been tried.”
    “I do wonder, however, if there hadn’t been the horrible body cam video available would this case have gone to trial?”

    “Video” was used against Kirk. So another path to reveal the truth was used and the manipulation revealed. Fiction, of course– but a lesson all the same that images alone may not represent the ‘whole picture.’

    “But that’s not the way it happened.” – Captain Kirk {William Shatner] ‘Court Martial’ “Star Trek” NBC TV 2/2/1967

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  26. Phoney-baloney Vice-President also pounces on the race angle which — again — was never a part of the case against the three men:

    Vice President Kamala Harris said the verdicts in murder trial of Ahmaud Arbery “send an important message” but warned there is still “work to do.”

    “Today, the jury rendered its verdicts and the three defendants were found guilty of murdering Ahmaud Arbery,” Harris said in a statement Wednesday. “Still, we feel the weight of grief. Ahmaud Arbery should be alive, and nothing can take away the pain that his mother Wanda Cooper-Jones, his father Marcus Arbery, and the entire Arbery family and community feel today. I share in that pain.”

    [. . .]

    “These verdicts send an important message, but the fact remains that we still have work to do,” Harris said. “The defense counsel chose to set a tone that cast the attendance of ministers at the trial as intimidation and dehumanized a young Black man with racist tropes. The jury arrived at its verdicts despite these tactics.”

    To be fair, as a former corrupt prosecutor herself, it’s understandable that VP Harris hates it when a defense attorney aggressively represents his or her client. And while it was indeed pretty questionable for the McMichael/Bryan defense team to insinuate that Mr. Arbey was some sinister force, I can kind of understand their revulsion at seeing hucksters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson show up in the court gallery, even if they were pretty oafish in how they raised the objection. But I don’t think anything the defense did rises to the level of — oh, I don’t know — remaining mum after learning about problems with the crime lab her office relied upon to obtain convictions.

    In any case, contrast the Vice-President’s statement today with her reaction to the events in Waukesha on Sunday night. Here is a video of her very brief remarks, made on Monday afternoon right before she gave some meaningless address on COVID vaccinations. Just a bland “we know families and the community are hurting” boilerplate statement. By the time the VP spoke, the names of the (at that point) five victims had been released, but she didn’t bother to mention them by name nor speak directly to their families. She didn’t even attempt to pronounce the word “Waukesha,” probably at the urging of her staff who realized she was likely to make mincemeat of it.

    JVW (ee64e4)

  27. Not a surprise; the self-defense argument was going to be very hard to demonstrate because they actively chased the guy down and engaged him. This is also a second instance where prosecutorial misconduct came in to play as well.

    I’m curious to see what happens with the Daniel Perry case in Austin; initially the DA didn’t charge him, but the new guy, a Soros campaign beneficiary, brought down the hammer on charges and clearly wants his head.

    Factory Working Orphan (490897)

  28. JVW, A few points to your comment @24

    1. The charges against Arbery’s killers were not brought until after significant public outcry. This was one of the cases that had BLM all upset last year. Protestors (correctly) believed that a murder had been committed and justice was due.

    2. There is substantial evidence (some introduced under oath) that at least one of the defendants harbored racial animus towards blacks and called Arbery a M**&ther F***ink N***er when he shot him.

    3. We don’t know very much about the motives of the murderer from WI yet and it may turn out that he was motivated by the race of his victims. There’s some evidence of that in some of his social media posts.

    Not every accusation that race played a factor is correct. But it’s not zero either. Like you, I would guess that in this case race did play a role in what happened, and in the difficulty in getting justice.

    Time123 (9f42ee)

  29. About Sharpton and Jackson’s

    Not everything they say is wrong. But they’ll only share information that supports their chosen cause. If that information doesn’t exist they’ll fabricate it or mischaracterize what information does exist. It’s well documented that they’re not trying to bring information forward fairly or honestly but acting as spokesmen for their teams. They will never go back and correct a mistake.

    To loop back to our previous thread, these are my complaints about Andy Ngo. But, and I can’t stress this enough, the damage he’s done is a minuscule fraction of the damage they’ve done. I’m worried ‘minuscule fraction’ might be large a thing….if you can think of another adjective than ‘minuscule’ I’d use that. Infinitesimal maybe.

    Time123 (9f42ee)

  30. @28, FWO, what misconduct t was there in this trial? It’s not intended as a challenging question, I didn’t follow this case very closely.

    Time123 (9f42ee)

  31. Imagine if Rittenhouse didn’t have the video exonerating him. The media and prosecutor would’ve buried him.

    As I said, it works the other way too. If you put yourself into an asinine situation, as Rittenhouse did, and people die, you got some ‘splainin’ to do.

    Without video evidence (and eyewitness evidence that might not have been the same without the video), Rittenhouse had put himself into an impossible position. No one around him was his friend and the narrative would have been him versus 10 other people. Not sure a shadow of a doubt squeaks through that.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  32. As I said, I think the prosecution looked at bringing in the racial component and decided there was no profit in it. They had them nailed to the wall and all the racial argument would do is bring emotion into a box of facts.

    Besides, the racial thing is front and center in the federal civil rights complaint.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)


    The Swedish government fell today, mere hours after the !first! female prime minister was sworn in. Embarrassing as all heck, but it really wasn’t her fault. She came into office with a 1-vote margin coalition that could not hold, ranging from the center-right Centre Party to the “former Communists” of The Left. Plus the Greens and her Social Democrats.

    SO there was a budget vote and amendments brought by the parties on the Right were adopted, with substantial defections from her own coalition over the influence that was given within the coalition to The Left. Then the Greens bolted and she resigned, about 8 hours after being sworn in.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  34. @28, FWO, what misconduct t was there in this trial? It’s not intended as a challenging question, I didn’t follow this case very closely.

    Time123 (9f42ee) — 11/24/2021 @ 4:45 pm

    They had video of it and sat on pressing charges for months; I believe the dad actually knew some people at the police department, but I’m not sure if that came in to play in terms of favoritism. From what I understand, the dad was one of those “knows enough to be dangerous” types and thought they could do a citizen’s arrest in this instance, based on conversations he’d had with people at the police department.

    Factory Working Orphan (490897)

  35. @35. Thank you

    Time123 (9f42ee)

  36. Not everything they say is wrong. But they’ll only share information that supports their chosen cause. If that information doesn’t exist they’ll fabricate it or mischaracterize what information does exist. It’s well documented that they’re not trying to bring information forward fairly or honestly but acting as spokesmen for their teams. They will never go back and correct a mistake.

    It’s way worse than that, Time123. Jackson and Sharpton are grifters who actively stoke racial animosity for their own enrichment while hoodwinking progressives just enough so that they get the benefit of the doubt as Civil Rights Leaders (TM). Both are now old men and have been supplanted in the racial grievance racket hierarchy by Ta Nehisi Coates and Ibram X. Kendi, so the real reason Jackson and Sharpton showed up at the Arbey trial was to try to get their names mentioned in the news cycle. They are like the aging ballplayer who can no longer chase down fly balls, the past-his-prime heartthrob actor who still thinks he looks convincing on-screen wooing a woman less than half his age, the elderly politician who exudes nostalgia for decades gone by while completely misunderstanding what is going on today. It’s sad watching old conmen who only know how to play the cons from yesteryear, while the real pros are operating on a way more sophisticated level.

    JVW (ee64e4)

  37. Citizens arrest for what?

    It always sounded like the idiot family and friend saw there was an unaccompanied negro running about the neighborhood, so they assumed he was up to no good and took the law into their own hands. One thing led to another and they shot him dead over a disagreement about assumption.

    steveg (e81d76)

  38. Infinitesimal maybe.

    A femto-Sharpton.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  39. they shot him dead over a disagreement about assumption.

    No, what they shot him dead over was as plain as the nose on his face.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  40. They were in the right place but it was in the wrong time.

    nk (1d9030)

  41. Not everything they say is wrong.

    Ask Tawana Brawley.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  42. Is it too much to ask for a minimum of consistency here?

    JVW (ee64e4) — 11/24/2021 @ 3:32 pm

    No it isn’t. You’ve got every right to expect it. We all do. And we all have every right to call it out when we see it.

    frosty (1e6b9e)

  43. Time123 (9f42ee) — 11/24/2021 @ 4:44 pm

    I’m glad to see your new found concern for misinformation.

    Not everything they say is wrong

    I think it’s safe to start from the position that it is until proven otherwise.

    frosty (1e6b9e)

  44. I’m still of the opinion they shot him dead over an assumption, but if he’d been white, they might have given him a pass on the assumption.
    There is a time and a place for everything, and this wasn’t it.
    I’m a big fan of “you can do what you like, you just can’t do it here” but the death penalty in this case was harsh

    steveg (e81d76)

  45. This was one of the cases that had BLM all upset last year. Protestors (correctly) believed that a murder had been committed and justice was due.

    Time123 (9f42ee) — 11/24/2021 @ 4:25 pm

    Given BLM’s track record it’s also safe to be skeptical. What with blind squirrels and random chance this is better attributed to luck.

    frosty (1e6b9e)

  46. “I want you to look at your family table and look at how there will be one empty seat and Marcus and Wanda’s table and the empty seat is where Ahmaud would’ve sat. Ask yourself, have you heard any reason Ahmaud shouldn’t be at that table? That’s what everybody ought to think about over Thanksgiving… ” – Al Sharpton 11/24/21

    And I want you, Tawana Al, to ask yourself why these folks shouldn’t be at their Thanksgiving tables– then ask Joe:

    Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover, 31, of Salt Lake City, Utah; Marine Corps Sgt. Johanny Rosariopichardo, 25, of Lawrence, Massachusetts; Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole L. Gee, 23, of Sacramento, California; Marine Corps Cpl. Hunter Lopez, 22, of Indio, California; Marine Corps Cpl. Daegan W. Page, 23, of Omaha, Nebraska; Marine Corps Cpl. Humberto A. Sanchez, 22, of Logansport, Indiana; Marine Corps Lance Cpl. David L. Espinoza, 20, of Rio Bravo, Texas; Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz, 20, of St. Charles, Missouri; Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Rylee J. McCollum, 20, of Jackson, Wyoming; Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola, 20, of Rancho Cucamonga, California; Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui, 20, of Norco, California; Navy Hospitalman Maxton W. Soviak, 22, of Berlin Heights, Ohio and Army Staff Sgt. Ryan C. Knauss, 23, of Corryton, Tennessee.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  47. They were in the right place but it was in the wrong time.

    At least 60 years too late. Maybe 160.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  48. @44, your assertion that I don’t care about accuracy is dishonest.

    Time123 (9f42ee)

  49. @48 good one!

    Time123 (9f42ee)

  50. JVW — I applaud your perspicuity in this post and in your comments.

    Chris (3d25b0)

  51. I’ve got the consistency you’re looking for. White scum and black scum, they the same consistency, and when they mix in the gutter, they the same color too. Darrell Brooks, he ain’t no more a Nat Turner than Gregory McMichael is Nathan Bedford Forest. But some folks just can’t have themselves enough critical race theory.

    nk (1d9030)

  52. Time123 (9f42ee) — 11/25/2021 @ 1:21 am

    Given your track record I think it’s safe to be skeptical on this as well. You can call me a lot of things and be correct but you aren’t on this one.

    frosty (1e6b9e)

  53. JVW, That’s part of what I had in mind when I referenced the harm they do.

    Time123 (9f42ee)

  54. Happy Thanksgiving to all by the way.

    Time123 (9f42ee)

  55. The Reverend Al Sharpton basically declared victory by saying the verdict proved that black lives matter. (I have said that he’s trying to kill off or control BLM)

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  56. The thoughr occurs to me: in the past we didn’t have all this video.

    How could anybody decide anything before 1990?

    Now it’s like we have the Zapruder film almost all the time/

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  57. Happy Thanksgiving, Time123 and everybody!

    The lamb chops are ready for the grill and the Greek potatoes with Portabella mushrooms are ready for the oven.

    nk (1d9030)

  58. 1. Time123 (9f42ee) — 11/24/2021 @ 4:25 pm

    The charges against Arbery’s killers were not brought until after significant public outcry.

    The local police department, which I think has since been abolished, was protecting them. The right of citizens’ arrest was also since significantly restricted by the state legislature of Georgia. Even under the old system what were they going to say when the police came? They saw nothing, none of them.

    Only the person who actually shot and killed Arbury was convicted of all charges but the other two were convicted on enough so that they theoretically could get life imprisonment.

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  59. ….about the motives of the murderer from WI yet and it may turn out that he was motivated by the race of his victims. There’s some evidence of that in some of his social media posts.

    The race of his victims was probably a necessary, but not sufficient condition.

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  60. Now it’s like we have the Zapruder film almost all the time

    Even in baseball.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  61. nk (1d9030) — 11/25/2021 @ 8:23 am

    How yummy.

    felipe (484255)

  62. In baseball, it’s planned.

    But we have the Zapruder film for many unexpected occupancies. There are cell phones (with their cameras hat can be easily started) everywhere, security cameras, and body cameras for take his motion picture camera with him, and start shooting, and he was the only person in the crowd who did so. (The press did not routinely record things at the time,

    In 1981, there was more with Reagan, but there was nothing to solve

    Sammy Finkelman (21dbe4)

  63. “He shouldn’t have been there!”

    Hm, that works pretty well for every legal case.

    Didn’t the three see Aubery several times on their surveillance tapes of their construction site, and things were going missing from said construction site, even though he was never caught on tape actually stealing something.

    That being said, why in the world didn’t those three plea bargain for something much softer? Were no deals on order? This is a very dumb case to try to push through on full self defense.

    Ingot9455 (44586b)

  64. “That being said, why in the world didn’t those three plea bargain for something much softer? Were no deals on order? This is a very dumb case to try to push through on full self defense.”

    One of the DAs involved was forced to recuse and a second has been indicted for obstruction related to the case. One they got a non-corrupt DA on the case, I suspect that “something softer” wasn’t on the table.

    Davethulhu (f178d9)

  65. Ingot9455 (44586b) — 11/25/2021 @ 1:09 pm

    Didn’t the three see Aubery several times on their surveillance tapes of their construction site, and things were going missing from said construction site, even though he was never caught on tape actually stealing something.

    I think they didn’t see him, that day or any other day, but somebody else maybe saw him and cslled police, and they told him to call former policeman Gregory McMichael, if I remember this right. He enlisted his son Travis, who shot and killed Ahmaud Arbery, who probably thought he was being chased by men who wanted to kill him. (the third man decided to tape the whole thing, but he also participated in the chase, and was instrumental in cornering him, if I have this correct.)

    There are tapes of Arbery going into that construction site. He never took anything, and what could he have taken that day, wearing shirts and a T-shirt? Gold coins? Now the people pursuing him may have thought maybe he had a car somewhere, but if so, he wasn’t near it.

    And things were missing from a boat, but the owner didn’t know for sure if it had been taken while it was on construction site or not but that’s why he put in the surveillance cameras.

    That being said, why in the world didn’t those three plea bargain for something much softer? Were no deals on order?

    I think they weren’t allowed to. They still face federal trial in February.

    But of Travis McMichael hadn’t killed Ahmaud Arbery, nothing much would have happened to them, in fact Arbery might have been prosecuted on some Mickey Mouse charge, especially because the local prosecutor, Jackie Johnson was close to ex-cop Gregory McMichael, who had worked for her as an investigator and one way to cover up misconduct is to charge the victim of the misconduct with a crime. This usually turns out well for the policeman, even if the arrestee is fully exonerated.

    She lost her bid for re-election in 2020, and she’s been indicted too now, for “showing favor and affection” to Gregory McMichael, and for directing police officers not to arrest the shooter, Travis McMichael.

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  66. Meanwhile, Rep Greene attempts to paint a large target on Rittenhouse’s back, by way of grandstanding stupidity.

    Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) has introduced a bill to award the Congressional Gold Medal — the legislative branch’s highest honor — to Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager who last week was found not guilty of homicide and other charges related to his fatal shooting of two men during a protest against police violence last year.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  67. I’d say that was the equivalent of shoplifting. She and Gosar and Gaetz. Stealing the kid’s fame and fandom by pretending to honor him with tin and internships. What a bunch of worms!

    nk (1d9030)

  68. nk (1d9030) — 11/26/2021 @ 5:24 am

    Yep. Sounds about right. Nevermind Obama getting a free Nobel, let’s give KR a medal. KR should refuse it. Maybe give them a piece of his mind. But he’s a kid, so what can we expect?

    felipe (484255)

  69. While nothing much if anything had been stolen recently from the construction site where Ahmaud Arbery used to stop to rest up and get a drink of water, there had been a rash of nearby burglaries.

    In the minds of the three men convicted he fit the expected profile of the one [1] burglar (young black casually dressed male whom they didn’t recognize) they thought was stealing things. Of course, in some more subtle ways, he shouldn’t have, because he was not carrying anything or wearing clothes with big pockets and he was running but nobody else was chasing him.

    A real burglar would not run, but try to look normal, in spite of the proverb that the guilty flee when no man pursueth.

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  70. #69

    The kid needs to make a written statement — something about not being ashamed of what he did but not being proud of it either — then disappear. (Take his Mom’s maiden name, maybe) He can grow some facial hair, move to Iowa, have his new good friends get him an ok job.

    Fame will get him killed, just like an old west gunfighter. Or it will make him one of those second string pundit people who you find on the late hours of Newsmax or something, hawking pillows.

    Appalled (056c0d)

  71. But he’s a kid, so what can we expect?

    He went on Tucker Carlson’s show, so we can expect continued poor judgement.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  72. @71 After MLK was shot Jackson made sure to get photos of MLK’s blood on his white shirt. He went on to have a good career grifting and race baiting.

    KR’s gotten off to a more honest start so it might be a while before he’d be relegated to late night hours.

    frosty (1e6b9e)

  73. Mr Finkelman wrote:

    The Reverend Al Sharpton basically declared victory by saying the verdict proved that black lives matter. (I have said that he’s trying to kill off or control BLM)

    Let’s tell the truth here: to the left, black lives only matter when taken by a white person.

    Foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia just recorded its 500th homicide of the year, tying the record set during the crack cocaine gang wars in 1992, and just barely missed, with 499, in 2020, and there are five weeks left in the year.

    And nobody says anything, other to blame the guns, because with the vast majority of the victims — 86% last year, and around 85% this year — being black, and killed by other black people, to say anything harsh would be to, Heaven forfend! blame black people!

    The Philadelphia Inquirer, our nation’s third-oldest continuously published newspaper — behind the Hartford Courant and the New York Post — doesn’t even cover city homicides anymore, unless the victim is an ‘innocent,’ someone already of note, or a cute little white girl.

    The libertarian, but not Libertarian, Dana (ae0ea3)

  74. He went on Tucker Carlson’s show, so we can expect continued poor judgement.

    Kevin M (ab1c11) — 11/26/2021 @ 9:54 am

    If we’re making a list based on poor judgment; KR’s life has been altered because the people sworn to protect his community didn’t. The Jacob Blake riots were the result of BLM, their allies in the media, and their fellow travelers. The riots were domestic terrorism that was allowed and enabled by people who should have prevented it.

    Now that we’re past the KR trial maybe we can focus on the bigger issues.

    frosty (1e6b9e)

  75. Kyle Rittenhouse will do what he will do. He is is not in Congress voting on laws not just for the dipsticks who elected him but for all the rest of us as well.

    MTG, Gaetz, and Gosar are. In Congress. The Ahmaud Arbery jury just gave them and their ilk a big “Blow it out your asses!” and all decent people should too.

    nk (1d9030)

  76. big loud

    nk (1d9030)

  77. The libertarian, but not Libertarian, Dana (ae0ea3) — 11/26/2021 @ 9:58 am

    Let’s tell the truth here: to the left, black lives only matter when taken by a white person.

    Oh, of course. Or a policeman. Not a prison guard. though. And they pretend that the bad incidents that fit a template can only happen to black persons.

    But still it is, that the Reverend Al Sharpton declared victory. Compare to Kamala Harris, for instance. who said there is still work to do.

    The Philadelphia Inquirer, our nation’s third-oldest continuously published newspaper — behind the Hartford Courant and the New York Post — doesn’t even cover city homicides anymore, unless the victim is an ‘innocent,’ someone already of note, or a cute little white girl.

    Thus has been going on as long as anyone can remember.

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

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