Patterico's Pontifications


Rep. Liz Cheney Under Attack Again, and Again…

Filed under: General — Dana @ 4:38 pm

[guest post by Dana]

Of course, if you don’t pose a threat to anyone, you won’t be attacked…

Embattled Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney is taking her ousting by her state’s Republican Party in stride. The independent-minded Cheney simply continues to fail the loyalty-to-Trump litmus test. Therefore, she must go:

In its second formal rebuke of Wyoming Republican Liz Cheney, the state party passed a resolution this week to no longer recognize her as a member — but Cheney, up for reelection in 2022, appears unconcerned.

The resolution, which is symbolic and doesn’t strip Cheney from any tangible power, cleared the Wyoming GOP Central Committee on Saturday by a narrow vote of 31-29.

The Cheney camp set the record straight:

“It’s laughable to suggest Liz is anything but a committed conservative Republican,” said Jeremy Adler, a Cheney spokesperson. “She is bound by her oath to the Constitution. Sadly, a portion of the Wyoming GOP leadership has abandoned that fundamental principle, and instead allowed themselves to be held hostage to the lies of a dangerous and irrational man.”

But of course, the issue isn’t about Cheney’s conservative bona fides, but rather it’s about Trump and her sharp rebuke of him after the Jan. 6 insurrection at the US Capitol, his post-election claims about a rigged election, and her vote to impeach the former president. In other words, a demonstrated loyalty to the U.S. Constitution by a sitting congresswoman is simply unacceptable to the Wyoming GOP. Sad!

From the central committee of the state’s GOP:

“Previously mentioned in the resolution of censure, Representative Liz Cheney ‘cast her vote in favor of impeachment without any quantifiable evidence of High Crimes or Misdemeanors,” the resolution stated. “As to date, no quantifiable and or undisputed evidence has been offered Representative Liz Cheney to defend her questionable decision.”

The end of the resolution made an appeal to congressional Republicans by asking that the “House Republican Conference Leadership immediately remove Representative Liz Cheney from all committee assignments and the House Republican conference itself, to assist and expedite her seamless exodus from the Republican Party.”

Meanwhile, Cheney faces re-election in 2022. Determined to make Cheney pay for her vote to impeach him, her main challenger is Trump-endorsed lawyer, Harriet Hageman. Cheney is likely to have a tough battle ahead given that 70% of the state voted for Trump in 2020. However, no matter much her opponent might try to make hay of Cheney’s conservative creds and loyalty to the Constitution, it will be a losing battle. And speaking of losing battles, Sen. Ted Cruz attacked Cheney this week by telling Sean Hannity that Trump broke the congresswoman:

“I’ve always liked her, I haven’t agreed with her on everything, I think she’s a bit too eager to send in the Marines and to invade countries all over the planet, but I’ve always liked her and I think she falls into the category of people who Donald Trump just broke, just shattered,” he said.

“She hates Donald Trump so much that it just has overridden everything in her system. She’s lashing out at Trump and Republicans and everything, and she’s become a Democrat and it’s sad to watch what has happened. It is Trump Derangement Syndrome,” he added.

Cheney remained unfazed by the ridiculous attack, and deftly hit Cruz where it counts:

“Trump broke Ted Cruz,” Cheney told the network. “A real man would be defending his wife, and his father, and the Constitution.”

There was yet another verbal interaction between the congress members when Cruz was asked whether there was a lane for Cheney to run for the presidency in 2024:

Cheney didn’t hesitate to blast Cruz, who has recently been flirting with Texas seceding if “things become hopeless in the U.S.”:

I know you’re posturing for the secessionist vote, Ted. But my party, the Republican party, saved the Union. You swore an oath to the Constitution. Act like it.

The most recent polling I could find in the Wyoming House race took place before Hageman entered the race. However, it looks like Cheney will have her work cut out for her:

(*Note: Darrin Smith dropped out of the race after Trump endorsed Hageman. Smith went on to back Hageman.)

Persuing the Wyoming GOP platform, I came across this:

The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land. Under the Tenth Amendment, powers not enumerated in it are reserved to the States and the People. The most effective, responsible, and responsive government is the government that is closest to the People. Government that governs least governs best.


49 Responses to “Rep. Liz Cheney Under Attack Again, and Again…”

  1. Mettle and backbone are an anathema to the Trump-controlled GOP. Sad!

    Dana (174549)

  2. Cheney will kill our best and brightest, it runs in the family. Adios hon.

    mg (8cbc69)

  3. She’s my kind of conservative, win or lose.

    Paul Montagu (5de684)

  4. A Cheney loss will be a Pyrrhic Victory….but Trump et al are nor really trying to build a winning party….sad what’s become of the GOP

    AJ_Liberty (ec7f74)

  5. Trumpers love to say that policy is all that matters, not “mean tweets”. Okay. Cheney was right on all the conservative policies, so that’s all that should matter, right? Nope.

    This is where the Trumpers move the goalposts. They dismiss all of Cheney’s conservative record because she refused to support the Big Lie about the election, and correctly assigned blame to Trump for January 6th. Well, we can’t have that! Off with her head!

    Cultists gonna cult.

    norcal (b9a35f)

  6. To some people, Donald Trump might seem an unlikely Rudolph Valentino and Ted Cruz an even unlikelier Agnes Ayres but if that’s not their relationship, as it pertains to Cruz, I don’t know what it is.

    nk (1d9030)

  7. Cheney voted with the leftists again.

    NJRob (f85558)

  8. BTW, the more accurate term for what Trump did to Cruz is not “broke”. It’s “turned out”.

    nk (1d9030)

  9. She3 should take them up on it, and start an independent party. The Sane Party, for example. And then run against the GOP and Dem in 2022. Eff ’em if they can’t take a joke.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  10. Cheney voted to censure a racist and fascist today. That don’t sound “leftist” to me, but it’s a snapshot of where this GOP is.

    Paul Montagu (5de684)

  11. Even though the state voted 70% for Trump, the election is not Trump vs Biden this time. It’s not even Trump vs Cheney. It’s Cheney vs Trump’s stooge, and the stooge has got to walk a fine line between Trump, and the real world. Too far one way or the other and either Trump destroys her or Cheney does. And the Trump side of things isn’t ever that clear.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  12. Cheney will kill our best and brightest, it runs in the family. Adios hon.

    Nah, she’s only after the Trumps, who are neither best nor bright.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  13. Cheney may lose this battle, but she cannot help but win the war. Populist movements cannot last — they end up spent once the system they despise has been smashed. So, when it comes time to rebuild and Bubba has gone back to his beer and his football, it will be people like Cheney who will pick up the pieces. People who you at lest know where hey stand.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  14. Cheney voted to censure a racist and fascist today. That don’t sound “leftist” to me, but it’s a snapshot of where this GOP is.

    When anti-Semites got outed in the other party, no Democrat fingers were pointed at the bigot. Liz Cheney was just as clear then as she is now.

    WASHINGTON — Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., accused Democrats on Sunday of “enabling” anti-Semitism for failing to explicitly condemn recent comments by a freshman Minnesota Democrat, Rep. Ilhan Omar, in a recent congressional vote.

    Cheney, the third-ranking GOP leader in the House, made her comments during an interview on “Meet the Press” days after the House passed a broad condemnation of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and other instances of hate. The resolution was criticized by Cheney and other Republicans for not directly singling out Omar.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  15. “Cheney voted with the leftists again.”

    What was your opinion of Kathy Griffin?

    Davethulhu (3cc5b4)

  16. Populist movements cannot last — they end up spent once the system they despise has been smashed.

    But they can last long enough to render her irrelevant.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  17. Never forget, she copped to consulting/talking w/Daddy Darth every day on 60 Minutes.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  18. Cheney will kill our best and brightest, it runs in the family. Adios hon.

    It’s tragic, mg, every time I consider that if my Senator, Tammy Duckworth had had bone spurs she would still have her legs.

    nk (1d9030)

  19. For Liz Cheney to win re-election, it’s important for her not to appear stupid or robotic, and I’m not sure she is capable of that, but if she is, there should be a way for her to win, though she might have to run on a third party line, or as a write-in. One thing she has going for herself – she can’t be redistricted out of her seat.

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  20. But they can last long enough to render her irrelevant.

    Like the Viet Cong, she’ll still be there when they go home.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  21. but if she is, there should be a way for her to win, though she might have to run on a third party line, or as a write-in

    That might be possible if the Cheneys controlled the levers of Wyoming like the Murkowskis do in Alaska, but that’s not the case. Her only option appears to be to cultivate the millionaire/Hollywood leftists in Jackson, where she has her house (pretty interesting that she chose the farthest-left place in the state to buy a home, rather than, say, Sheridan, Cody, Casper, Pinedale, or even Cheyenne), and beg for campaign donations to run an ad blitz for an independent run. Because if the state GOP coalesces around one candidate, she can kiss the primary goodbye. The chances that she splits the vote and allows the Democrat candidate a better shot at winning would probably be enough for the champagne socialists to open their checkbooks for her.

    Factory Working Orphan (2775f0)

  22. There will be a lot of money behind little Lizzie.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  23. Meanwhile, 207 of the 213 Republicans in the House are not willing to censure one of their own for posting an anime video which had been edited to show him killing one of his colleagues.

    I’m quite certain that if *I* posted an anime edited to show me killing one of my coworkers, i’d be fired.

    aphrael (4c4719)

  24. @23 yeah aphrael, you’d be fired

    you’d also be fired for making a host of anti-semitic comments

    but ilhan omar still has her committee assignments

    JF (e1156d)

  25. Well, the Democrats said nothing about Ilhan Omar’s continuing anti-Jewish comments. They won’t next time, either. If the GOP takes the House, she can phone it in from Minnesota because the precedent has been set for majority discipline of the minority.

    This isn’t to defend Gosar, but to note that this is purely partisan since the other shoe never drops and pettiness is always returned.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  26. @5 the goalposts haven’t budged

    pelosi and the dems know their sham investigation is about advancing their leftist policies, nothing more

    cheney and her fans are too dense to realize that

    JF (e1156d)

  27. I think we’d all be better served by Congressional (and Presidential) leadership that wasn’t so viciously partisan. The level of invective that was displayed by Goser is pretty tame in the internet scheme of things, on all sides. Someone should be trying to walk this back, and nobody is. All that anyone is interested in is claiming moral superiority. Ironic that.

    “An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind.” — Gandhi

    And yet all we have are eye-pluckers.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  28. I’m expecting partisans to start shooting at the other side’s representatives soon.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  29. A partisan did shoot at our representatives in 2017, and the FBI described it as suicide by cop.

    mikeybates (c22064)

  30. Yes, there have been a few. I’m expecting a lot.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  31. @5 the goalposts haven’t budged

    pelosi and the dems know their sham investigation is about advancing their leftist policies, nothing more

    cheney and her fans are too dense to realize that

    JF (e1156d) — 11/17/2021 @ 7:29 pm

    Ah yes. January 6th was nothing, right? Besides, even if it was something, Trumpers didn’t do it, but rather infiltrators. Besides, even if Trumpers did do it, Trump bears no responsibility. Besides, even if Trump bears responsibility, he shouldn’t have been impeached.

    And on and on.

    Some people are too dense to realize they’re in a cult.

    norcal (b9a35f)

  32. The worse than Trump cultists are extremely worried.
    Be Prepared, cub scouts.

    mg (8cbc69)

  33. Indeed, nk. Booosh and Cheney screwed up many lives.

    mg (8cbc69)

  34. JF (e1156d) — 11/17/2021 @ 7:29 pm

    cheney and her fans are too dense to realize that

    Cheney and her fans absolutely realize that. But “working” with D’s in a bipartisan effort to grift is a default mode they’re very comfortable with. Their only real issue is how do they get back to the old days when it was “normal” and expected.

    frosty (f27e97)

  35. @31 It was something and I’d expect the people guilty of actual violence to be held accountable. It’s also been wildly exploited by various politicians for personal and partisan advantage with little interest in “investigating” anything. Cheney is happy to play that game and we’ll see how it works out for her.

    There was a run on pearl necklaces during the World Series. Given the global supply chain issues maybe don’t clutch yours so tight. If you break it you’ll only have crocodile tears and without the necklace to clutch those just look silly.

    frosty (f27e97)

  36. OT: Rittenhouse prosecutor is in deep doodoo.

    Hoi Polloi (ade50d)

  37. “It was something and I’d expect the people guilty of actual violence to be held accountable. It’s also been wildly exploited by various politicians for personal and partisan advantage with little interest in “investigating” anything. Cheney is happy to play that game and we’ll see how it works out for her.”

    Once again, reminder that Republicans were offered a truly bipartisan investigation, without politicians, and overwhelmingly rejected it, preferring instead to whine about Democrat partisanship.

    Davethulhu (3cc5b4)

  38. @37 let me guess, you think the mueller investigation was truly bipartisan

    JF (e1156d)

  39. “let me guess, you think the mueller investigation was truly bipartisan’

    Let me guess, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

    The commission proposed by Thompson and Katko would include a 10-member panel, with half appointed by Democratic congressional leaders, including the chair, and half by Republicans, including the vice chair. The panel will have the power to issue subpoenas if they are signed off by both the chair and vice chair, according to a summary released by the committee.
    The commission would be tasked with issuing a final report by the end of this year, making it a quick timeline for the panel to put out a final product.

    Davethulhu (3cc5b4)

  40. @39 oh, i get it, with pelosi vetoing republican selections

    it wasn’t clear what you meant by truly bipartisan

    JF (e1156d)

  41. In general, I am no fan of Chris Cillizza, but I think he makes a valid point in this column:
    Trump is a big loser, and has presided over serious Republican losses, but he has been able to keep the loyalty of many Republican voters by refusing to admit he has lost, again and again.

    So, Trump came into office in 2016 with Republicans in the majority in the House and Senate. He left office in 2020 with Republicans totally out of power in the executive and legislative branches.
    . . .
    After the 2018 midterms, Trump tweeted that he had “received so many Congratulations from so many on our Big Victory last night.” Later he tweeted that “those that worked with me in this incredible Midterm Election, embracing certain policies and principles, did very well.”
    In the aftermath of his 2020 loss, Trump has spent months propagating the lie that there was widespread voter fraud that cost him a win. (Note: There wasn’t.)

    And so Liz Cheney must be attacked because she is telling the truth: Trump is a LOSER, who has damaged the Republican Party.

    A truth that Trump almost certainly knows, but is unwilling to admit, because it would cause him to lose power. (And might hurt his fragile ego.)

    If you are in favor of truth, you’ll stand with Cheney.

    Jim Miller (edcec1)

  42. “it wasn’t clear what you meant by truly bipartisan”

    You really don’t know what you’re talking about. This was the committee that was formed after the Republicans rejected the bipartisan one. Pelosi would have been unable to veto anyone, and for that matter, the bipartisan one wouldn’t have used politicians.

    Please continue to reveal your ignorance.

    Davethulhu (3cc5b4)

  43. @41 cheney was part of an administration which lost control of the house in the 2006 midterms and left with a dem supermajority

    but that administration was great, like it’s recession

    JF (e1156d)

  44. In 2006 Trump was a registered Democrat.

    nk (1d9030)

  45. But Liz Cheney is a RINO.

    nk (1d9030)

  46. @45. No. A Neocon.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  47. “Trump broke Ted Cruz,” Cheney told the network. “A real man would be defending his wife, and his father, and the Constitution.”

    Tedtoo’s response is a natural for Liz’s discourse: “Oh yeah? Well, your mother wears army boots!” 😉

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  48. @46. It’s too easy, but who am I to put on airs: If Liz is a neocon, what kind of con is Trump?

    nk (1d9030)

  49. nk-
    In #48, assume you mean Trump is just a con.

    In #44 Trump registered Democrat in 2006
    The way I see it is
    When the GOP left people that hang out here behind, they went NeverTrump and Never for those who offer comfort and/or support to their enemy.

    When the Democrat party left people behind, they began turning to Trump. Trump being the egotist he is, of course turned to himself

    steveg (e81d76)

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