Patterico's Pontifications


J.D. Vance: Hey, Let’s “Seize the Assets” of Left-Wing Think Tanks

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:29 am

I actually think he’s using the term “seize” as a dramatic way to say “tax” rather than saying we should seize their assets and then tax them. But judge for yourself:

Even though I think my interpretation is correct, I watched the clip half expecting Vance to go full Castro in an enthusiasm for seizing private assets. More and more, people who seek to associate themselves with the Trumpy ideology are looking to flex the muscles of government in a fascistic manner, whether it’s passing blatantly unconstitutional restrictions on social media, constructing a system of local election officials eager to employ myths about the 2020 election as a pretext to steal the 2024 election . . . you name it. The enthusiasm for outright fascism is growing.

Maybe Vance is only talking about taxing private assets now. But he really, really wants to “seize” those assets. Give the Trumpers more power, and they reach that point sooner rather than later.

59 Responses to “J.D. Vance: Hey, Let’s “Seize the Assets” of Left-Wing Think Tanks”

  1. Why don’t we seize all the revenues of Hillbilly Elegy under the theory of “constructive trust” (upheld by the Supreme Court as a First Amendment exception) and distribute it to all the rural Americans whose story Vance exploited for fame and fortune?

    nk (1d9030)

  2. Make sure you vote Democratic to give them more power to stop the madness.

    “ “[The vaccine] is from God to us. And we must say ‘Thank you God’…There are people out there who aren’t listening to God + what God wants…I need you to be my apostles, I need you to go out and…say: We owe this to each other.”

    NY Gov Kathy Hochul @ Christian Cultural Center”

    “ BREAKING — The Governor of NY announces that healthcare workers who don’t get vaccinated by September 27 will be fired”

    “As of today, 83,000 Healthcare workers in NY are at risk of being fired for not taking the Jab

    A year ago they were calling these people “Heroes””

    “ Unvaccinated healthcare workers worked around the clock the entire pandemic, in some cases, without being able to see their families. Especially in NY, they were on the front lines of the hot zone. And what thanks did they get from NY State? “YOU’RE FIRED””

    “So now it is Hochul’s turn. To manage the healthcare shortage, she has reserved the right to call national guard medical personnel out of their civilian jobs to fill in. In addition, Hochul will allow all vaccinated, licensed physicians in Canada and the United States to practice in New York. She is also allowing registered nurses from other countries to work in New York. Hochul issued a similar invitation to other medical staff such as radiological technicians and midwives with varying geographic limitations depending on the specialty.

    The order reads like a massive legal immigration program. Here is an example: “To the extent necessary to allow graduates of foreign medical schools having at least one year of graduate medical education to provide patient care in hospitals, is modified to allow such graduates without licenses to provide patient care in hospitals if they have completed at least one year of graduate medical education.” Much like the supposed deportation of Haitian immigrants from the southern border, these healthcare workers are not likely to leave when the “emergency” Hochul created is over.”

    Obudman (18ecb6)

  3. Typical big government conservatives. Gotta make sure they use the power of the state to punish people who think and say bad things.

    Time123 (213142)

  4. Was not expecting an anti-vax subject change this quickly.

    Time123 (213142)

  5. After deleting his anti-Trump tweets, J. D. Vance will basically take any position no matter how extreme if he feels it resonates with his constituency (Donald Trump).

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  6. The order reads like a massive legal immigration program. Here is an example: “To the extent necessary to allow graduates of foreign medical schools having at least one year of graduate medical education to provide patient care in hospitals, is modified to allow such graduates without licenses to provide patient care in hospitals if they have completed at least one year of graduate medical education.” Much like the supposed deportation of Haitian immigrants from the southern border, these healthcare workers are not likely to leave when the “emergency” Hochul created is over.”

    SWEET! We need more doctors and nurses. This will make our country better if they’re able to get foreign medical professionals to move here.

    Time123 (213142)

  7. We should call the GOP the New Democratic Party. After all, the Trumpian majority also wants bigger government, only to use that power to own the libs and fight the culture war and reward loyalists.

    Paul Montagu (1888f5)

  8. big government conservatives

    Demonstrating that the word “conservative” now has no meaning. They are just Statists. Some Statists want to tell you how to spend your money and how to behave. Others want to tell you how to spend your money and how to behave. See the difference?

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  9. “looking to flex the muscles of government in a fascistic manner

    Guild lawyers of a 90-odd percent Democrat profession who trashed attorney-client privilege, legitimate executive perogatives, medical privacy, secrecy of diplomatic communications, freedom of association, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, protection of journalistic sources, and the legitimate chain of command continue to be shocked, appalled, floored, gobsmacked, that “Turnabout is Fair Play” remains the strongest Aesop no matter how much they complain about it and call down curses on the man who made it possible for the people and societies they wronged.

    Who warned you snakes to flee from the wrath to come?

    BAPtismo (32df1e)

  10. For some fun, you should get the Trumpies into a debate on how to deport all the illegals. Do we triple the size of ICE or do we use the army?

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  11. Moar Grievance Theater, please!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  12. Patterico, I suggest the “Proxy & VPN blocker” for WordPress.

    Using the API this plugin will prevent Proxies, Tor, VPN’s, IP Addresses, Ranges or ASN’s & select Countries from accessing your WordPress Login, Registration pages, Select Pages and Posts (or the whole site!), and also prevent them from making comments on your pages and posts. This will also help to prevent spammers as many of them use Proxies to hide their true location.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  13. @9: Using imagined wrongs to justify actual wrongs.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  14. “Mr. Trump is unfit for our nation’s highest office.”
    –J.D. Vance, August 2016

    “My fear with Trump was always that he didn’t have great solutions.”
    –J.D. Vance, November 2016

    “Trump’s biggest failure as a political leader is that he sees the worst in people and he encourages the worst in people.”
    –J.D. Vance, November 2016

    The Evan McMullin voter right in 2016, which was before he sold his soul to Trump in order to advance his political ambitions.

    Paul Montagu (1888f5)

  15. OTOH, there’s heavy hands at the digital oligarchy, too:

    YouTube is banning prominent anti-vaccine activists and blocking all anti-vaccine content

    YouTube is taking down several video channels associated with high-profile anti-vaccine activists including Joseph Mercola and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who experts say are partially responsible for helping seed the skepticism that’s contributed to slowing vaccination rates across the country.

    Is there still free speech when the main means of communication are regulated? This is a problem that will continue to grow.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  16. Typical big government conservatives.

    Ah begs to differ, Iime123. Typical Trumpmuffins playing to the ignorant.

    I have neither read Hillbilly Elegy nor seen the movie. Now, before I do either, I’ll wait for the results of the Ohio GOP primary to see how well Vance really knows his hillbillies.

    nk (1d9030)

  17. The Evan McMullin voter right in 2016, which was before he sold his soul to Trump in order to advance his political ambitions.

    I am shocked, SHOCKED, to hear that there are scoundrels in politics.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  18. Honestly, I don’t think foundations in that fashion of think-tanks should be tax exempt.

    Not because I don’t want my political ideological opponents to be “punished”, but from a fundamental understanding that they are an entity enjoying the freedom and protection from their government and as such should be taxed like any other individuals.

    I feel the same way for groups like the NRA as well.

    But his arguments to tax “x” to pay for “y politcal ordeal” is simply a dumb argument and is showing ignorance on how the system works.

    whembly (1fe49d)

  19. While we’re at it, let’s yank that H1B and that cool corner office your wife or her forebears took from and then restore to some below I-80 U of I (or below I-70 Ohi-ya State) comp sci major.

    urbanleftbehind (c073c9)

  20. @11, that s actually how Id describe the Tucker segment.

    Time123 (213142)

  21. For some fun, you should get the Trumpies into a debate on how to deport all the illegals. Do we triple the size of ICE or do we use the army?

    A law like Texas’s. Sue your foreign neighbor for his business, his house, his bank account, and his ’63 Impala lowrider. I’m only partly joking. A lot of Trumpcakes in 2016 had hopes Trump would give them that. They had precedent for something close to it dating back to before WWII in another place, and during WWII in America.

    nk (1d9030)

  22. Whembly, I’m fine with taxing foundations.

    not on with doing it based on their political views.

    Time123 (213142)

  23. Thus far, he seems faker than pleather to southern Ohians. He was rather derogatory to the culture in his book.

    urbanleftbehind (c073c9)

  24. the tax exempt status of these foundations is a running joke

    as was the tax exempt status of university endowments, which trumpers rectified, and only trumpers would have

    but yeah, first they came for the tax exempt status of billion dollar political agitation groups, next they came for me

    something like that

    JF (e1156d)

  25. Whembly, I’m fine with taxing foundations.

    not on with doing it based on their political views.

    Foundations are set up as charities under the law. Not only are their endeavors untaxed, but you get a tax write-off for giving them money. Just like a college.

    If they are actively involved in politics (e.g. the NRA’s campaign arm) then they are not a write-off and (I believe) they are also taxed. It very much matters what the IRS thinks about that, of course. How soon we forget what weaponizing that feels like. I would think that conservatives should not be advocating that during a Democrat administration.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  26. The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act affected only a small number of endowments (approximately 40), so it is very limited. Foundations in general do pay taxes:

    Private foundations are tax-exempt organizations established by an individual, family, or company for charitable purposes. Unlike college and university endowments, which accrue from multiple sources over time, foundations must pay an excise tax on their net investment income (generally 2 percent but reduced to 1 percent if their distributions are growing over time). Nonoperating foundations, which are funded by a single or small group of donors and distribute money to others rather than engage themselves in charitable activities, are required to pay out at least 5 percent of their funds each year. In contrast, operating foundations can receive donations from many donors and primarily operate charitable activities themselves rather than distribute grants.


    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  27. Maybe it’s an idea worth considering, and maybe it’s not, but I guarantee you it’s not going to be done by a Trumpmuffin. All that ilk knows it’s how to talk big. Not do.

    nk (1d9030)

  28. Shorter: “Hey, let’s tax those Tea party groups!”

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  29. “Those that can, do. Those that can’t, talk.”

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  30. “Those that can, do. Those that can’t, tax.”

    Rip Murdock (574a19)

  31. And there you have the difference between the modern Democrats and Republicans.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  32. “Was not expecting an anti-vax subject change this quickly”

    I realize it’s not as compelling an issue as a RBG quote, a rock n roll outfit or turning the anti-American corruption at the Ford Foundation into another anti-Trump piece but it seems kind of topical.


    “NY workers fired for refusing vaccine won’t get unemployment insurance… Under what legal authority does a Governor get to rewrite the rules for who gets unemployment? These employees remain able & willing to continue”

    No vaccines required to enter the country illegally but fire the frontline heroes, many of whom have natural anti-bodies, who choose not to get the vaccine,

    Obudman (18ecb6)

  33. @32-

    If a (New York) worker refuses to get vaccinated, will they be eligible for UI benefits?

    Like all UI claims, eligibility will depend on the circumstances as each claim is unique and reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Workers in a healthcare facility, nursing home, or school who voluntarily quit or are terminated for refusing an employer-mandated vaccination will be ineligible for UI absent a valid request for accommodation because these are workplaces where an employer has a compelling interest in such a mandate, especially if they already require other immunizations. Similarly, a public employee who works in a public setting and is subject to a local government mandate to submit proof of vaccination or negative testing may be disqualified from the receipt of UI if they refuse to get vaccinated or tested. In contrast, a worker who refuses an employer’s directive to get vaccinated may be eligible for UI in some cases if that person’s work has no public exposure and the worker has a compelling reason for refusing to comply with the directive. ​
    If you disagree with any determination that denies you benefits or affects the amount of benefits you can receive, you have the right to request a hearing. The hearing will be held before an impartial Administrative Law Judge…….

    Source My emphasis.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  34. @32, why not just about the idea isn’t in line with American values? Why the desperate need to change the subject?

    Time123 (213142)

  35. Anyone know what happened to Frosty and DCSCA?

    Haven’t seen them in a while

    Time123 (213142)

  36. Patterico gave DCSCA a “vacation”.

    Davethulhu (017f04)

  37. Oh, that makes sense. What finally broke the camels back?

    Time123 (213142)

  38. Ombudsman, I wanted to add that I’d feel the same way if some lefty wanted to do the same thing for Richard Spencer’s org or storm front. Laws that punish speech based on the political contents of that speech are wrong.

    Time123 (213142)

  39. @37-
    A racial slur against Maxine Waters, among other things.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  40. “For some fun, you should get the Trumpies into a debate on how to deport all the illegals. Do we triple the size of ICE or do we use the army?”

    Neither, just tax Western Union remittances to Mexico at 50%.

    Simple Solutionist (9ac07d)

  41. Awesome. On my right are people like Vance. On my left are people cheering vaccine mandates and the private corporation and government punishments being promised to those who don’t vaccinate.


    Hoi Polloi (121542)

  42. “What finally broke the camels back?”

    I think the slur was against Harris….kind of out of left field….but just inappropriate and somewhat jarring. Kind of like a trial balloon that unceremoniously got shot down.

    Not sure about frosty….as I don’t recall any sort of triggering event. Could be on vacation…or maybe Patt et al tired of his bad-faith argumentation style. Most of frosty’s threads were him lamenting other commenters not understanding what he wrote. It was getting tedious to read. But I know you had the patience for it….

    AJ_Liberty (ec7f74)

  43. When it comes to “the Trumpy ideology are looking to flex the muscles of government in a fascistic manner,” I’d be a lot more concerned about:

    1 – the government claiming the power to force you to get vaccinated, at the cost of your job if you decline;
    2 – the government wanting a mileage tax, which would mean that the government would have to have a way to track your vehicle wherever it goes; and
    3 – the government wanting to have all transactions $600 or greater reported. This would mean they’d be getting reports every time you paid your mortgage or rent, whenever you bought a refrigerator or something for home improvement, whenever (for most people) you made a car payment.

    It ain’t the Republicans proposing these things!

    Now, why would the Feds want to track all expenditures of $600 or more? The explanation, such as it was, was the idea that they could catch millionaires and billionaires doing stuff to avoid taxes, but millionaires and billionaires aren’t worried about the $600 stuff.

    Maybe it takes someone living in eastern Kentucky to see it, but around here, if you want, for example, to have a fence company install one for you, and the bid is say $3,000, you know what a lot of people will do? They’ll say, “Is there a discount for cash?”

    The answer will usually be, “Yeah, we can do that,” and knock off 10%. Now, I don’t know what such vendors would do that would make such a discount worthwhile, but I could guess:

    1 – Pay their workers in cash for that day’s labor, and save taxes for both the company and worker.
    2 – Not charge you sales tax, and thus not send it into the state.

    More reasons could be imagined, but the truth is that this proposal isn’t to go after millionaires and billionaires, but after the low-level cash economy. Seeing some of the poor people around here, who want to save on that 6% sales tax, and who want to avoid income taxes where they can, yeah, I understand it, and I’d never snitch on any of them.

    The libertarian, but not Libertarian, Dana (fcc309)

  44. Mr Solutionist wrote:

    “For some fun, you should get the Trumpies into a debate on how to deport all the illegals. Do we triple the size of ICE or do we use the army?”

    Neither, just tax Western Union remittances to Mexico at 50%.

    Try 100%.

    But the only way to get rid of the illegals is to end welfare! Make it so American citizens can’t just sit on their dead asses and survive without working, so that they’ll have to get jobs or starve. Labor shortage solved!

    The libertarian, but not Libertarian, Dana (fcc309)

  45. R.I.P. Tommy Kirk, star of “Old Yeller,” and other Disney live-action films of the 50’s & 60’s

    Icy (6abb50)

  46. Other Dana @ 43

    We’ve been mandating vaccination for years. That’s not new. But the other 2 are annoying. I’m not saying the Dems are better at limited government. I’m saying the GOP is now bad at it also.

    Time123 (213142)

  47. “Try 100%.”

    Now that’s some solid libertarianing.

    Davethulhu (017f04)

  48. University Endowments Mint Billions in Golden Era of Venture Capital
    The University of Minnesota’s endowment gained 49.2% for the year ending June 30, while Brown University’s endowment notched a return of more than 50%, said people familiar with their returns, which aren’t yet public.

    Meanwhile, Duke University over the weekend said its endowment had gained 55.9%. Washington University in St. Louis last week reported a 65% return, the school’s biggest gain ever, swelling the size of its managed endowment pool to $15.3 billion. The University of Virginia’s endowment reported a 49% gain. Universities’ returns may include portions of endowments, plus other long-term investments.
    The numbers also could rekindle debate around a touchy topic: whether—and how—much wealthy universities should be taxed. Some universities have been criticized for not spending more of their money to reduce tuition and support low-income students. A tax of 1.4% on college endowments’ income was enacted in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed by President Donald Trump, affecting private schools with at least 500 students and at least $500,000 of investments per student.

    Democrats are now aiming to soften the blow of the tax. The House Ways and Means Committee recently approved a provision that would phase out the tax for schools based on how much financial aid they award to students as a share of tuition costs. That provision is part of the broader spending and climate legislation that lawmakers are still debating.

    Rip Murdock (574a19)

  49. Jd vance is a populist like trump and the rest of the republican party. Free trade economic libertarian conservatism has been discredited in the republican party. Both major partys are populist now. Uncle milty’s economic creative destruction free trade capitalism was run out of the republican party by populism.

    asset (998b11)

  50. Over at Reason:

    In the past, conservatives and libertarians have freaked out—with very good reason—at the idea of the IRS or any other government agency targeting tax-exempt groups based on these groups’ beliefs. To have charities, think tanks, grant-making foundations, activist groups, and other nonprofit organizations subject to the whims and will of each passing political administration would be antithetical to free speech, free markets, and the civil liberties of these groups and their donors. Republicans—including Tucker and Vance—would surely be horrified if the Biden administration started taking any action against conservative nonprofits, let alone seizing their assets and handing it over to causes liberals support. I know, I know—Carlson and Vance are not principled torchbearers of conservative ideology but people who routinely espouse whatever outrage-mongering nonsense will get them attention and rile up their audiences. Still, they have huge audiences among conservatives and the influence that goes along with that. And last night’s segment is a good reminder of the kind of anti-conservative, anti-liberty, authoritarian logic they employ. Throughout the segment, Carlson and Vance try to portray nonprofit groups as an exotic Democratic Party plot and the whole idea of tax-exempt status as some sort of left-wing conspiracy. Carlson complains that groups like the Ford Foundation can “completely change the country, non-democratically, using their tax exemption” and acts aghast that politicians like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I–Vt.) aren’t calling for taxing “openly partisan” nonprofits. Vance called groups like the Ford Foundation, the Gates Foundation, and the Harvard University endowment “fundamentally cancers on society.” But Carlson and Vance probably wouldn’t like it if Democrats came after the Heritage Foundation, Turning Point USA, the Independent Women’s Forum, and other GOP-friendly groups that enjoy tax-exempt status, too. As with arguments about social media, a policy requiring “nonprofit neutrality” wouldn’t actually make anyone happy.

    [Paragraph breaks deleted]

    lurker (59504c)

  51. Free trade economic libertarian conservatism has been discredited in the republican party.

    Trumpy opinion leaders aren’t merely hostile to “free trade economic libertarian conservatism,” out of concern for the economic well-being of average people. They also want the government to be more muscular in defending and promoting a certain sense of culture, including a particular brand of religion, and/or ethnic identity. For many, that outweighs economic concerns. (Exhibit A: Tucker Carlson.)

    People who travel long distances to attend political rallies can’t be awfully strapped for cash. A lot of political activism — on both left and right — arises from comfortable boredom rather than economic hardship.

    Radegunda (142a4d)

  52. “Trumpy opinion leaders aren’t merely hostile to “free trade economic libertarian conservatism,” out of concern for the economic well-being of average people.”

    They’re not JUST making noises against advantaging only the most largest and most soulless multinational corporations to promote only a dead asocial consumerist lifestyle that benefits only them in the long run, they have some bad points too!

    “They also want the government to be more muscular in defending and promoting a certain sense of culture, including a particular brand of religion, and/or ethnic identity. For many, that outweighs economic concerns. (Exhibit A: Tucker Carlson.)”

    Well, yes, there’s no point in having all that money if there’s nothing that money can buy.

    Why would any conservative be against promoting the people and lifestyles that have been scientifically verified to have already made America great, rather than the people and lifestyles that failed to make their home countries great? You’re being veeeeeery cagey about identifiers here, are you too ashamed of the failures of your own particular peoples, religions, and heritage to speak them aloud?

    Johnny Deformed (773202)

  53. 6.

    The order reads like a massive legal immigration program

    You’re just showing your ignorance. Kathy Hochul cannot issue work permits – what she can do is waive licensing requirements. The rest, for now, depends upon current status and federal law.

    It seems like you want to find every kind of immigration bad in principle.

    You should now turn your attention to births and assume all births hurt the economy, in the short run and in the long run, and constitute a great replacement…

    Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c)

  54. It’s pretty obvious that Vance’s “tax their assets” is a corrective to “seize their assets”, and taxation is a partial seizure of assets, so I don’t buy your claim that he’s proposing the seizure of the Ford Foundation, let alone “outright fascism”.

    DWPittelli (9b8381)

  55. he sold his soul to Trump in order to advance his political ambitions.

    Who did Trump sell his soul to? Steve Bannon?

    Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c)

  56. Vance is playing to ignorance.

    He wants people to think of taxation as arbitrary seizure. He intentionally used both words. He;s trying to desensitize people. More exactly really though, he’s daring is political opponents to support equal tax treatment for non-profits they hate.

    Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c)

  57. There was a story that same day about a “Ford foundation fellow” at Arizona State University “harassing” white folks (it’s right there on the Fox chyron too) and Vance was playing to Carlson’s trailerparketariat over that story, that’s all. There’s nothing to desensitize in Carlson Trucker’s audience — if they were sensate in the first place they wouldn’t be his audience.

    nk (1d9030)

  58. The problem is ultimately one of what is valued:

    “It seems like you want to find every kind of immigration bad in principle.”

    It is. People generally don’t leave well-known native countries and folkways unless something bad happened somewhere. “IMMIGRATION GOOD” should never be a default assumption.

    “You should now turn your attention to births and assume all births hurt the economy, in the short run and in the long run, and constitute a great replacement…”

    You’re this close to finding out the right answer to the question: “Why is replacing the population through native births better in almost all ways in both principle and practice than replacing it via immigration?” Maybe you should explore the question further!

    Danathrius (8de00a)

  59. Both sides are greed bags.
    All politicians are prone to grifting too.
    They remind me of the missionary people that would make the rounds of churches “raising money” telling the same stories as last year.
    Its what happens when your life depends on other people’s money. Even their “investments” are often “friends of Angelo” arrangements, their Foundations and non profits, scams.
    We are f’d

    steveg (e81d76)

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