Constitutional Vanguard: There Is No Originalist Case for Roe v. Wade
The latest newsletter is out, after a substantial break for a long trial I did. It is titled There Is No Originalist Case for Roe v. Wade. It begins with Ed Whelan’s recent post demolishing an alleged originalist case for Roe. After reading Ed’s post, I decided to dive a little deeper, since we have the Dobbs case from Mississippi being heard this year (and decided next year).
I’m going to work to get these out a little more frequently in the near future to make up for the gap — which I will have time to do since our last child is now out of the house . . . something I have been meaning to post about and hope to tonight.
Hope everyone is well. It’s nice getting back to a routine after being rudely yanked from it for weeks. I’m a guy who likes routine, so when I abandon one, you know it’s for something important.
Oh, you can subscribe here, if you like.