The Must-Watched Cable News Anchor Has Issued This Correction Regarding the Vaccine and Swollen Testicles
In case you missed it, Tucker Carlson has issued this important correction:
Tucker Carlson wants to "correct the record" about his coverage of Nicki Minaj's swollen balls tweet last night.
"Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s testicles are not swollen, as far as we know, he's fine. It's Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend's testicles who are swollen from taking the vax."
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) September 15, 2021
Thank God the record has been set straight. But let this be a lesson to us all: we must all be more careful to check our facts. The rumor that Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s testicles were swollen by the vaccine traveled around the world many times, while the truth that her cousin’s friend’s testicles were swollen by the vaccine was still tying its shoelaces.