Chuck Schumer Brazenly Lies in Service of the Biden Administration’s Narrative
[guest post by JVW]
We discussed this a bit last week, that the feckless and inept Biden Administration who has embarrassed itself and our nation by its ignoble retreat from Afghanistan would likely end up pushing the idea that those American citizens who were unable to get out have themselves to blame, since apparently they didn’t work hard enough to pre-book their itinerary. Considering that reports came this past weekend — from the office of a loyal left-wing and utterly shameless Democrat Senator, no less — that the Taliban is actively preventing planes bearing U.S. citizens from taking off from Kabul, perhaps with the quiet acquiescence of our own State Department, one would think the Democrats might want to tread very lightly on this obnoxious version of what in other circumstances we like to call victim-blaming.
But nobody gave Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D – New York) the memo, I guess. As the holiday weekend dawned, in an interview with a local upstate ABC affiliate he took up the Biden Administration’s dumb refrain:
Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) claimed that all Americans who wanted to leave Afghanistan had left the country in a Friday interview with an ABC News affiliate in Syracuse, N.Y.
Schumer, who was visiting the New York State Fair in Syracuse, was asked by NewsChannel 9 reporter Andrew Donovan how the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan would affect Democrats in the 2022 midterms.
“I can’t predict that,” Schumer responded. “There’ll be a job for congressional oversight, there always is, but at the moment actual I’m still focused on trying to get some of those brave Afghans out. The Americans, all of whom wanted to come out have come out, praise God.”
When members of the Senator’s staff and the Senator’s colleagues caught wind of what Mr. Schumer was claiming, there no doubt was some frenzied and panicked damage control planned out and put into place. Yesterday, the Senator “clarified” his initial comments:
Unfortunately for the Senator, the two words “praise God” at the end of the original statement show pretty conclusively that Mr. Schumer sees the evacuation of Americans as having been fully completed and, indeed, fait accompli. Had he truly misspoke and meant to convey the idea that we were still working to make good on that obligation, don’t you think he might have ended with “God willing” instead? Also, why would the Senator have preceded his claim that all Americans had been evacuated (praise God) with a lamentation that we hadn’t been as successful in evacuating our Afghan allies? It just doesn’t make sense: “We haven’t been as successful in evacuating Afghans, but all Americans who wanted to leave are out (praise God). [Two day pause] Oh, I didn’t mean to imply that all Americans who want to leave have been evacuated.”
Chuck Schumer is craven, dishonest, demagogic, and unprincipled, but I have never seen him as being stupid (his admirers are, of course, quite fond of reminding all of us that he got a perfect SAT score over a half-century ago) and I find it hard to believe that he would have said what he said had he not meant to convey the notion that the only Americans who were still stranded in some backwater hellhole we just sunk a whole lot of money into are our compatriots who refuse to leave, and thus any who are rescued from here on in are done so by the merciful beneficence of the Biden Administration.
In any case, Dems might need to rethink the whole “it’s their own damn fault if they’re not home by now” narrative in light of what has been going on the past week. I continue to hope that we get all U.S. citizens out of the country, but I no longer have any faith that our Afghan allies will have a fate other than being horribly betrayed and left to the murderous hands of the Taliban.