Patterico's Pontifications


But of Course: Rep. Liz Cheney Scolded By Wyoming Counties Republicans

Filed under: General — Dana @ 3:39 pm

[guest post by Dana]

Rep. Liz Cheney is under fire in Wyoming where Republicans remain unhappy that their elected official with a solid conservative voting record, fulfilled her Constitutional duty which compelled her to vote for the impeachment of then-President Trump:

Republicans in two Wyoming counties have voted to rescind recognition of Rep. Liz Cheney as a member of their party.

The Republican parties for Park and Carbon counties both unanimously voted in support of the move, which is symbolic and representative of the far right’s continued frustration with the congresswoman following her vote to impeach former President Donald Trump.

“You will no longer be recognized as the official Republican Congressional Representative by the Park County Republican Party,” Martin Kimmet, the chairman of the Park County Republicans, wrote in a letter Thursday to Cheney.

Park County acted first with the letter. Carbon County Republicans voted Saturday, taking it a step further by unanimously backing a formal resolution.

“Park County set up the ball, Carbon County spiked it,” Joey Correnti, chairman of the Carbon County Republican Party, told the Star-Tribune. “And now other counties, I say by the end of the week you’ll have at least three or four other counties that are having meetings that will pass a similar resolution.”

Apparently, five other counties have requested copies of Carbon County’s resolution, indicating that they will likely follow suit.

And of course, Trump remains firmly planted in Wyoming County Republican Party minds despite Carbon County chairman Correnti’s weaselly trying to claim otherwise:

But the votes in Park and Carbon counties, Correnti explained, were about more than Cheney’s voting record.

“This has very little to do with Donald Trump, except for he was her focus when she started to ignore the voices of the Wyoming Republicans or the Wyoming voters in mass,” he said.

Both the Park and Carbon letters to Cheney ended almost identically.

“In short, and in the immortal words of the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump…”You’re Fired!””

State GOP censures elected official for adhering to the oath that she took to the Constitution? Check!

County GOP publicly excoriates same elected official despite her consistently conservative voting record? Check!

State GOP remains loyal to impeached President who attempted to overturn a legitimate election by pushing the Big Lie and instead turns on elected official who did not attempt to overturn a presidential election and push the Big Lie? Check!

Wyoming, this just isn’t a good look for you.


132 Responses to “But of Course: Rep. Liz Cheney Scolded By Wyoming Counties Republicans”

  1. Hello. While I have no doubt that Cheney can take the hits, it’s possible that her chances at re-election will become increasingly harder to overcome. However, is it possible that Cheney might pull a John Boehner in 2022 ?

    Dana (174549)

  2. They’ll get back to you when they care.

    steveg (ebe7c1)

  3. Heh.

    Dana (174549)

  4. She needs to go full AOC and take over a seat in a distrct where 10% of the people vote

    steveg (ebe7c1)

  5. No offense meant to you, personally, I just doubt they care what an outsider thinks about them.

    Plus there is always the old adage: what you think about me, or what you think I should do is none of my business

    steveg (ebe7c1)

  6. She made her bed… she shall reap what she hath sown… the fu*king she gets for teh fu*king she got… yada yada…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  7. The Big Lie was the supposed insurrection.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  8. If they are going to lose the majority anyway, they be above “gifting” Cheney a seat

    urbanleftbehind (9dc562)

  9. those endorsements from pelosi and steny hoyer don’t seem to be working

    JF (c8ece5)

  10. …much like was discussed for Trump in FL, give him a safe seat to run in and become Speaker therewith.

    I thought this strategy was also called a Joe Strauss.

    urbanleftbehind (9dc562)

  11. Yes. Let’s punish the person who dared to point out that the emperor had no clothes.

    norcal (a6130b)

  12. No offense meant to you, personally, I just doubt they care what an outsider thinks about them.

    If the “outsider” is a Californian, don’t even get them started…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  13. It’s Trumps party and she showed disrespect to the king which is disrespect to the tribe. No place in the GOP for people not motivated by tribalism. The fact that she was right, or has conservative values, or principles has no bearing on it.

    Time123 (545f4b)

  14. Meanwhile, the fairy dust and unicorn farts clear to reveal the nature of the Donkey Party…

    DEMS TO MAKE UNION DUES TAX DEDUCTIBLE: Democrats in Congress are pushing legislation that will both repeal the Right-to-Work laws of 27 states and make compulsory union dues tax deductible. In other words, taxpayers subsidize Big Labor, but those same taxpayers better not even think about having a choice about joining the union.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  15. As Wyoming goes, so does Tuscaloosa.

    nk (1d9030)

  16. Except that Tuscaloosa has more than three times the population of Wyoming’s Park County. Counting the bears, elk, bison, and caribou in Yellowstone:

    Park County is a county in the U.S. state of Wyoming. As of the 2010 United States Census, the population was 28,205.[1] The county seat is Cody.[2]

    Park County is a mecca for tourists. The county has over 53 percent of Yellowstone National Park’s land area.[3] Many attractions abound, including the Buffalo Bill Historical Center, the Cody Stampede Rodeo, the Ghost Town of Kirwin, and the western museum, Old Trail Town.

    nk (1d9030)

  17. So much for that “equality state” slogan. Perhaps they can change it to “bootlicker state”.

    We’ve had two narcissists as presidents between GWB and Biden. Both attracted bootlickers, or if you prefer, sycophants, the way rotten meat attracts flies.

    Jim Miller (edcec1)

  18. 15.As Wyoming goes, so does Tuscaloosa.

    Where the Cheney family tradition of shooting fellow ‘elephants’ in their pajamas, not the face, is legal. 😉

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  19. 7.The Big Lie was the supposed insurrection.

    The Big Lies are, and remain: Vietnam; Watergate; Reaganomics…

    and, of course, that Lucille Ball was funny.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  20. Interesting etymology of “sycophant”. It does not mean snitching out fig-smugglers as some literalists have claimed. It meant the followers of a politician who “showed the fig”, the ancient Athenian version of “the finger”, to his political opponents. More than an apt description for Trumpcakes, wouldn’t you say?

    nk (1d9030)

  21. #20 nk – Yep.

    Jim Miller (edcec1)

  22. Wholly OT but a fascinating nugget of news:

    The Apollo 11 Spacecraft Ascent Stage [‘Eagle’] May Still Be Orbiting the Moon

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  23. I sent her money after her impeachment vote. I wanted it back after she defected to the Democrats.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  24. which is symbolic and representative of the far right’s continued frustration with the congresswoman following her vote to impeach former President Donald Trump.

    You see what they did here: Supporting Trump is now “far right.” When many of his positions aren’t “right” at all. But it is merely part of painting anyone to the right of Gerald Ford as a hopeless Nazi.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  25. Blogger cosigns the Left! Check!

    You do not have to support Donald Trump, or oppose his deserved impeachment, in order to be totally pissed off by Liz Cheney’s “useful idiocy” in furthering the goals of the Left.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  26. #15

    I think Carbon County has 15,000.
    The entire state has less than 600,000 which explains Liz Cheney in the talent pool

    steveg (ebe7c1)

  27. Kevin, I think what happened on Jan 6 was part of a sincere effort on the part of an incompetent man to steal the presidency by fraud and force.

    If the Democrats self serving and flawed efforts are the only way to try and hold the people involved accountable then that’s unfortunate, but I’m glad that there are some people involved unlikely to be motivated by a desire for partisan advantage. I hope you can understand and accept that I’m sincere in that. I understand and accept why you are mad at Cheney for giving too much political aid to your political opponents and I don’t see anything wrong with the view you’ve expressed previously on that, even if I think you’re wrong.

    Time123 (545f4b)

  28. @23.’I sent her money after her impeachment vote. I wanted it back after she defected to the Democrats.’

    And The Donald smiled…

    “There is a sucker born every minute; Each time the second hand sweeps to the top; Like dandelions up they pop, Their ears so big, their eyes so wide. And though I feed ’em bonafide baloney; With no truth in it; Why you can bet I’ll find some rube to buy my corn. ‘Cause there’s a sure-as-shooting sucker born a minute, And I’m referrin’ to the minute you were born. Each blessed hour brings sixty of ’em…” – P.T. Barnum [Jim Dale] ‘Barnum- The Musical’ St. James Theatre, Broadway, NYC, 1980

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  29. Lf thee Democrats basically give her a pass, Liz Cheney could easily win re-election, like Lisa Murkowski did in Alaska in 2020 after losing a primary. There is one advantage she has – since there is only one member of Congress elected in Wyoming, she can’t be harmed by redistricting.

    If she and a few others hold the balance of power, I still can’t see her being elected House Speaker. I think she would actually vote for Kevin McCarthy. A moderate Democrat might be elected – there would be a coalition. But “progressives” don’t like that, and you might get, at most, about 150 Democrats to go along and that’s saying a lot.

    I think Pelosi is committed to not running in 2022, or to not serving one more term as Speaker, although that could change..

    Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c)

  30. Kevin, I’m interested in what ways she defected to the Democrats. Is she on board with their 3.5 Trillion in spending? Has she started talking social justice? Is she pushing for stronger voting rights?

    Besides agreeing that Trump should have been convicted in the impeachment, I’m not aware of many of her democrat-aligned policies.

    nate_w (1f1d55)

  31. Yes. Let’s punish the person who dared to point out that the emperor had no clothes.

    But she went further than that. She then went and took in Pelosi’s laundry.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  32. Besides agreeing that Trump should have been convicted in the impeachment, I’m not aware of many of her democrat-aligned policies.

    Joining that rubber-stamp commission was beyond the pale. I really don’t care what fig leaf you care to put on it. She gave Pelosi aid and comfort.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  33. Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/11/2021 @ 4:15 pm

    The Big Lie was the supposed insurrection.

    Well, there is one big lie – that Trump instigated it by his speech on the Ellipse because he said [people] have to fight like hell.

    …And the promise I make to all New Yorkers right here and right now, I will fight like hell for you every single day like I’ve always done and always will.

    This was not a pledge to do anything physical.

    Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c)

  34. If the Democrats self serving and flawed efforts are the only way to try and hold the people involved accountable then that’s unfortunate, but I’m glad that there are some people involved unlikely to be motivated by a desire for partisan advantage.

    And Cheney did that with her impeachment vote and in several clear and accurate descriptions of what happened. But joining Pelosi’s lynching of the GOP was too far.

    You cannot be part of a party and break ranks like that. The impeachment vote was a conscience vote. The commission thing broke party discipline and there’s that word: discipline.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  35. 27. Time123 (545f4b) — 8/11/2021 @ 6:47 pm

    Kevin, I think what happened on Jan 6 was part of a sincere effort on the part of an incompetent man to steal the presidency by fraud and force.

    I don’t think that was part of his game plan. He had another game plan.

    Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c)

  36. Jan 6 Prosecutors admit to possession of “images of officers hugging or fist-bumping rioters, posing for photos with rioters, and moving bike racks”
    Calls into question the trespassing and related non-violent crimes charged against defendants like Cuoy Griffin.

    The Department of Justice appears to have an double standard when it comes to enforcing 18 U.S.C. § 1752. Recall that hundreds of protesters “broke through Capitol Police barricades” before “storming” the Capitol Building and the Supreme Court during the Justice Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.

    One photo from Roll Call shows some of those protesters standing in the same “restricted area” the government alleges Griffin “illegally entered.”

    Yet none of these protesters was charged under 18 USC § 1752 despite the fact that Congress was disrupted when the protesters invaded the Capitol Building in the middle of the confirmation hearings. Instead, they were charged with D.C. Code §22-1307 – a local law that carries a maximum of 90 days in jail.

    John Adams said that ours is a government of laws and not of men. Yet it becomes clearer every day that the opposite is true – the entrenched bureaucrats at the Department of Justice have one set of rules for those it views as enemies of Democrats and another for those they view as their political allies. And we know which category Couy Griffin falls into.

    The Government Tried To Keep Him Imprisoned
    Griffin was arrested on January 19, 2021, and as with many of those who were merely present at the Jan. 6 melee (and as I wrote about regarding another Jan. 6 prisoner here), the government prosecutors sought to detain him without bail for the duration of his criminal prosecution.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  37. Joining that rubber-stamp commission was beyond the pale. I really don’t care what fig leaf you care to put on it. She gave Pelosi aid and comfort.

    Ideological conservatives love to mug and stunt for committee cameras, Kevin:×612

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  38. Vaccine ID cards may be required to vote in 2022 and 2024.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  39. It is really interesting that people, in defending Cheney, keep talking about the impeachment vote, when they KNOW this is not what the retribution is about. Not once in that leftist-written Star-Tribune piece — or any other ret3elling by the MSM — is Cheney’s participation in the sham commission mentioned, even though it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

    The media line is that all this is because of her impeachment vote, but she already weathered that storm. Then she kicked her majority leader in the nuts and called out the entire GOP by joining with Pelosi.

    Sure she has the right to do that — and perhaps it needed doing — but she cannot do that AND call her self a member of the party. She should have the decency to discard the Republican label and leave the GOP caucus. If she wants to run for re-election, I’m sure the Libertarians will have her.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  40. Vaccine ID cards may be required to vote in 2022 and 2024.

    I guess it is possible they could require them to enter a polling place, but they cannot condition your VOTE on that. Besides, this is just a transparent way of disenfranchising blacks.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  41. @38. Counterfeits on the way.

    “They make such good ones.” – Leonard [Martin Landau] ‘North By Northwest’ 1959

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  42. Question: Does anyone here want to state, or defend, the idea that Pelosi’s commission was about fact-finding and done without partisan purpose? This was not a legion of honor horrified at what Trump had done — they’d be OK if Biden had really stolen the election, so long as he didn’t get caught.

    No, this was about waving the bloody shirt.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  43. No, this was about waving the bloody shirt.

    And Barnum smiled…

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  44. I guess it is possible they could require them to enter a polling place, but they cannot condition your VOTE on that. Besides, this is just a transparent way of disenfranchising blacks.

    The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  45. 11.Yes. Let’s punish the person who dared to point out that the emperor had no clothes.


    “Yeah! Behind the gymnasium! I’ll hold your coat!!!” – Wilmington’s own “Joe the Mick” — or is it Scranton this week.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  46. #39 Kevin – I will wait until the special committee at least begins hearings before I judge Senator Cheney’s actions on it. She may surprise you, pleasantly. She is, after all, an exceptionally capable conservative.

    And I hope you will forgive me for reminding you that Senators take an oath to defend the Constitution, not an oath of loyalty to their party.

    (For the record: I don’t have high hopes for the committee. I think we will learn the most from the many trials of the Trump followers.)

    Jim Miller (edcec1)

  47. > Vaccine ID cards may be required to vote in 2022 and 2024.

    unlikely. the way left-leaning places tend to deal with the risk of exposure in polling places is to make it simple and easy to vote remotely.

    aphrael (4c4719)

  48. > Then she kicked her majority leader in the nuts and called out the entire GOP by joining with Pelosi.

    the entire GOP in Congress decided to give aid and comfort to Trump and to try to join in an effort to cover up and deflect, and she called them out on it.

    the party’s reaction is proving that she was *right*: fealty to Trump is the most important thing in the modern Republican party, bar none. It might even be the *only* important thing.

    aphrael (4c4719)

  49. ‘Senator Cheney’s actions on it. She may surprise you, pleasantly. She is, after all, an exceptionally capable conservative.’

    Except she’s not. But here’s a bigger surprise for you, Jimbo: nor is she a United States Senator.

    “She’s a man, baby!” – Austin Powers [Mike Myers] ‘Austin Powers’ 1997

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  50. Much easier to cheat, as well.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  51. Jim Miller, at 46: Cheney is a *Congressperson*, not a Senator.

    aphrael (4c4719)

  52. Of course it is done with partisan purpose. But it’s also about fact finding. I’m pretty sure the overwhelming majority of people on the committee believe that fact finding will *per se* serve a partisan purpose because the facts are obviously so overwhelmingly in their favor.

    aphrael (4c4719)

  53. the party’s reaction is proving that she was *right*: fealty to Trump is the most important thing in the modern Republican party, bar none. It might even be the *only* important thing.

    A real shame, if true. Americans need a strong pushback, when the Democrats roger the taxpayers, force their far-left agenda down the throats of half the country and saddle future generations with debt that will bring the Republic to its knees.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  54. @53. Pfft. As if future generations will care about us: we’ll be dead.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  55. #51 aphrael – Right you are. But I think she should be.

    Jim Miller (edcec1)

  56. Time often shows that the scion doesn’t perform with any of the rootstock

    steveg (ebe7c1)

  57. The Republic is close to being on its knees *today* and it’s not the debt that’s causing it.

    aphrael (4c4719)

  58. #51 DCSCA – Because I care about your health, I must tell you that rolling on the floor as often as you do exposes you to dust, bacteria, viruses, and, possibly, parasites, for example, lice.

    Jim Miller (edcec1)

  59. Correction: #45, in my last comment, not #51. (The heat may be getting to me.)

    Jim Miller (edcec1)

  60. @.58. Lunch!

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  61. And I hope you will forgive me for reminding you that Senators take an oath to defend the Constitution, not an oath of loyalty to their party.

    An idea that died well before the election of 1800.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  62. However, is it possible that Cheney might pull a John Boehner in 2022?


    lurker (59504c)

  63. Meh… a tug or two…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  64. The Republic is close to being on its knees *today* and it’s not the debt that’s causing it.

    Go… go… go Dementia Joe!!!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  65. The Republic is close to being on its knees *today* and it’s not the debt that’s causing it.

    aphrael (4c4719) — 8/11/2021 @ 8:04 pm


    When a sitting President refuses to concede that he lost an election, we are on the path to tyranny.

    I looked the other way with many other mean and stupid things he said, because I liked many of his policies, but the Big Lie about the election superseded all the good.

    norcal (a6130b)

  66. Solid conservative voting record may impress the donor class and never trumpets ;BUT! the republican party is now populist not free trade economic libertarian. Do your creative destruction somewhere else.

    asset (d99750)

  67. 62,

    If you clicked the link you would see that that is the title of the op-ed.

    Dana (174549)

  68. the party’s reaction is proving that she was *right*: fealty to Trump is the most important thing in the modern Republican party, bar none. It might even be the *only* important thing.

    This may all be true. But then why does she persist in clinging to that party? Paul Mitchell of Michigan left the GOP in December 2020, in order to protest Trump’s election antics and the GOP’s falure rein him in.

    Mitchell, who was already set to leave Congress next month after declining to run for a third two-year term this year, had been one of the few Republicans in Congress to say that Biden had won the election and that Trump needed to accept it.

    Mitchell asked that his party affiliation be changed to independent in the letter he sent Monday to Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, and U.S. Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California, the party’s leader in the U.S. House.

    Note that this was before Jan 6th. Also note that he left the party instead of trying to hang on as a party leader.

    Cheney should have left the party on Jan 6th, officially, voted to convict, then worked to start a better party. As it is, she just helps Biden get over on America and in that she might as well be in league with Donald Trump.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  69. The Republic is close to being on its knees *today* and it’s not the debt that’s causing it.

    Trump is ephemeral. He won’t be a candidate again and he may not be a free man for long. The party’s strategy is to outlive him and, if you take the long run, it’s a good plan. Nobody talks about Ross Perot any more.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  70. Then again, there is Trump’s legacy:

    In 2016, there were 33 GOP governors, a 4 seat advantage in the Senate and a 47 seat advantage in the House. Now there are 27 GOP governors, 50 GOP Senators and a 9 seat deficit in the House.

    The Congress on the brink of undoing in one fell swoop all the progress the GOP has achieved since the 70’s.

    Someone should send him a seppuku gift set.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  71. If you clicked the link you would see that that is the title of the op-ed.
    Dana (174549) — 8/11/2021 @ 11:25 pm

    Sorry, Dana. I did see the title. Mine was an Archer reference. Juvenile to be sure (as are pretty much all Archer references), but not directed at you.

    lurker (59504c)

  72. >Cheney should have left the party on Jan 6th, officially, voted to convict, then worked to start a better party.

    “start a better party” hasn’t worked in over a hundred and fifty years, despite numerous attempts by many people to try. If you can’t enact the changes you want within one of the existing parties, there’s no path to success.

    aphrael (4c4719)

  73. Cheney is the pierre delecto of Wyoming.

    mg (8cbc69)

  74. Harris/Cheney/2024

    mg (8cbc69)

  75. Trumpcakes crying in the wilderness. Literally and figuratively.

    There are more people at a Cubs game than in Carbon and Park counties combined. (And four times as many who are of voting age.)

    Not what you’d call a national movement. Their bellwethers walk on four legs and actually wear bells.

    nk (1d9030)

  76. Kevin, What’s the point of voting for (let alone donating to) a GOP congresswoman that’s unwilling to stand up to the type of unpatriotic lawlessness we saw on Jan 6 due to partisan concerns? People like Chaney (or Meijer) give me some hope for th Republican Party. Trump’s old, and when he’s gone people who believe in limited government and rule of law needs some representation in the GOP.

    If all that’s left are the likes of MTG, Cawford, or Cruz why would people ever come back to the party?

    Time123 (9429b3)

  77. 25. Kevin M (ab1c11) — 8/11/2021 @ 6:33 pm

    in order to be totally pissed off by Liz Cheney’s “useful idiocy” in furthering the goals of the Left.

    She doesn’t seem to realize there are some problems with the narrative as told by the Democrats (which can be quite consistent with there also being a BIG LIE about the election results and even lies or misdescriptions about some things that happened.)

    And some problems with actions or preparation by the Capitol Police

    …In fact, the January 4, January 5, and January 6 DIRs assessed the probability of acts of civil disobedience from the planned protests across all of Washington, D.C. as “Remote” to “Improbable.”261 Regarding a “Million MAGA March/US Capitol,” the report assigned a probability of “Improbable,” adding as context, “it [is] possible the Million Magi [sic] March folks could organize a demonstration on USCP grounds. Women for America First has permitted on USCP grounds and Freedom Plaza parade permit through MPD and has been the permitted portion of previous Million MAGA Marches.”262 The Stop the Steal event was assigned a probability of “Highly Improbable” given that “no further information has been found to the exact actions planned by this group.”263 The Women for America First event planned for the Ellipse also received a “Highly Improbable” rating, but the report contained no explanation or context as to why this rating was assigned.
    264 ….One explanation given to the Committees for why the January 3 Special Assessment was not incorporated into the DIRs is because a single analyst prepared and disseminated the DIRs without supervisory review.265

    That is probbly not the entire explanation.

    Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c)

  78. This may all be true. But then why does she persist in clinging to that party? Paul Mitchell of Michigan left the GOP in December 2020, in order to protest Trump’s election antics and the GOP’s falure rein him in.

    I get that, but Dick and Liz have been in the GOP a lot longer than Trump, which makes Trump the usurper. Unfortunately, if you’re a traditional conservative, there’s no other party of any mettle to jump to, so there’s that, too.

    Paul Montagu (5de684)

  79. How’s that group of 18 sophisticated woke Republicans explain voting for the pile of garbage?

    mg (0240c0)

  80. Jesus Henry Christ on a motorcycle… another head of hair for Dementia Joe to sniff:

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  81. Better to hire a more believable tranny…and that’s probably Joey D’s Warren G. Harding moment.

    urbanleftbehind (22dce4)

  82. It’s good that Trump isn’t running things any more. Now at last we have some common sense, some probity, some bedrock values and serious people running the country.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  83. “The Taliban also has to make an assessment about what they want their role to be in the international community.”

    —- Jen Psaki

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  84. Gooder and harder.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  85. @65 i checked again this morning just to make sure

    yes, the president is still biden

    JF (e1156d)

  86. @84, the policy you’re complaining about is one Trump created and still supported. You need to find something Trump would do differently.

    Time123 (545f4b)

  87. the entire GOP in Congress decided to give aid and comfort to Trump and to try to join in an effort to cover up and deflect, and she called them out on it.
    aphrael (4c4719) —

    Exactly. The Republicans had a chance to show that they would accept a nonpartisan, independent investigation, and most of them said “No!” All the outraged claims that Pelosi is just on a partisan warpath must be viewed in that light.

    the republican party is now populist not free trade economic libertarian. Do your creative destruction somewhere else.
    asset (d99750)

    Cheney voted with Trump on policy more than Elise Stefanik did. She voted with Pelosi less often than Kevin McCarthy did. Trumpsters had no complaints about Cheney until she took the position that a sitting president should not refuse to accept the results of an election if it goes against him. That is the only issue

    Radegunda (33a224)

  88. That is the issue that really matters to Trumplicans.

    Radegunda (33a224)

  89. called out the entire GOP by joining with Pelosi.

    She called out those who were giving cover to an effort by a sitting president to overturn an election. So took the position that one of the nation’s two major political parties should respect the rules of the system, not attach itself cravenly to a selfish sociopath. Her “calling out” did not include the small part of the GOP that clearly said it’s essential to follow the rules, win or lose.

    Saying “it’s okay when our guy does it because the other side would have done the same” is just a way of saying that the only rule is what you can get away with.

    Radegunda (33a224)

  90. Here’s an irony:
    Trump emerged on the political field saying “I alone can fix it!” Many of his boosters held him up as the only person who could save America. The mantra “Let Trump be Trump!” was a way of saying he’s so special and singular that he gets his own code of behavior. Today they’re saying “It’s Trump’s party now,” and judging a person’s standing in the GOP first and foremost on loyalty to Trump.

    But when Liz Cheney and others openly take a stand on principle, and try to influence the direction of the party — or at least maintain their integrity — the Trumplicans are all outraged that someone would act as an individual with a rational mind and an ethical code, rather than fall in line with the mob in the name of partisan unity.

    So Donald Trump had a moral right to remake the character of the GOP. But Liz Cheney doesn’t have a moral right to influence it in the slightest?

    Radegunda (33a224)

  91. #7 – Ditto. See: Jan 6 Prosecutors admit to possession of “images of officers hugging or fist-bumping rioters, posing for photos with rioters, and moving bike racks” – Calls into question the trespassing and related non-violent crimes charged against defendants like Cuoy Griffin

    Seems like a redo of the Trump/Russia collusion and targeting/frame-up/entrapment of General Flynn.

    And who did not see this coming: For 6 months Biden has shut down U.S. oil production, today Biden asks OPEC to pump more oil

    Recall, under Trump WE/the U.S. was energy independent.

    Liz Cheney = SWAMP Creature.

    Liberty & Truth require constant vigilance. GLZ.

    Gary L. Zerman (a1521c)

  92. All of the Emperors show their butts at some point on another, literally, when swimming in front of female Secret Service agent, and figuratively.
    Even the [change voice to very pious reverent tone here] principled

    steveg (ebe7c1)

  93. Prosecutors admit to possession of “images of officers hugging or fist-bumping rioters, posing for photos with rioters, and moving bike racks”

    Do those images cancel out the voluminous video of Trumpers physically fighting their way through the police line, and smashing windows and trying to heave their way through doors? Trumpers were fighting with police in hand-to-hand combat for hours. We have the evidence on video, and in the testimony of officers involved, many of whom were injured — some with traumatic brain injury.

    It’s shameful to claim that those officers are all lying. It’s insane to claim that all the video evidence of what Trumpers did — plus all the social media record of what they wanted to do — is meaningless because a subset of officers sided with the people who wanted to “Hang Mike Pence” and intimidate legislators into overturning an election.

    Recently we’ve seen yet more evidence of how Trump was pressuring the DOJ into conspiring to keep him in power. His scheme failed only because of a threat of mass resignations in the DOJ in response.

    No wonder the Trumpers are grasping at the thinnest of straws in an effort to say that the truth is the opposite of what the overwhelming mass of evidence indicates.

    Radegunda (33a224)

  94. Liz Cheney = SWAMP Creature.

    So that’s why she voted with Trump on policy most of the time, and voted for his re-election.

    Radegunda (33a224)

  95. The operative definition of “SWAMP Creature” nowadays is: anyone who will say “He shouldn’t have done that” if Trump shoots someone on 5th Avenue.

    Radegunda (33a224)

  96. @94 if policy alignment mattered to you, you would’ve voted for trump

    JF (e1156d)

  97. 79. mg (0240c0) — 8/12/2021 @ 7:14 am

    How’s that group of 18 sophisticated woke Republicans explain voting for the pile of garbage?

    By removing some “sweeteners” from the second bill by putting it in the first bill, they’ll make the second bill smaller and maybe it won’t even pass – except that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she wouldn’t bring the smaller bill to the floor for a vote until the Senate passes the bigger bill. Earlier President Biden retracted the implication that he might veto the first bill if he doesn’t get the second one.

    He’ll leave the job of holding the smaller bill hostage to the bigger one to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

    Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c)

  98. Do those images cancel out the voluminous video of Trumpers physically fighting their way through the police line, and smashing windows and trying to heave their way through doors? Trumpers were fighting with police in hand-to-hand combat for hours. We have the evidence on video, and in the testimony of officers involved, many of whom were injured — some with traumatic brain injury.

    Yes, they should release all law enforcement body cam footage and unabridged Capitol bldg camera footage.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  99. 83. I don;t think the Taliban is an independent group.

    The Administration is moving up its worst case scenario from Kabul falling in six months to Kabul flling in amonth. Many NATO Allies don;t like what’s happening.

    You can say that the reason the Biden Administration doesn’t truly care what happens to Afghanistan in its own right is because the U.S. does virtually no trade with Afghanistan, unlike Taiwan or South Korrea. The U.S. wouldn’t even notice it was gone. (except on a person to person basis)

    They also foolishly predicted Afghanistan couldn’t fall to the Taliban. And that as far as terrorism was concerned, there were four or five other places of concern that didn’t have U.S. troops.

    There could have been trade, from mining, including lithium,

    …Afghanistan’s resources could make it one of the richest mining regions in the world.[10].

    Afghanistan has large untapped energy and mineral resources, which have great potential to contribute to the country’s economic development and growth. The major mineral resources include chromium, copper, gold, iron ore, lead and zinc, lithium, marble, precious and semiprecious stones, sulfur and talc among many other minerals. The energy resources consist of natural gas and petroleum….

    ….According to other reports the total mineral riches of Afghanistan may be worth over $3 trillion US dollars.[30][31][32] “The previously unknown deposits — including huge veins of iron, copper, cobalt, gold, and critical industrial metals like lithium — are so big and include so many minerals that are essential to modern industry that Afghanistan could eventually be transformed into one of the most important mining centers in the world”.[33] Ghazni Province may hold the world’s largest lithium reserves.[34] The deposits were described in the USGS report on Afghanistan in 2007.[35][36] Afghan President Hamid Karzai remarked “Whereas Saudi Arabia is the oil capital of the world, Afghanistan will be the lithium capital of the world.” [37][38] Afghanistan invited 200 global companies for the development of its mines.[39]

    But it could never get started because of the war.

    Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c)

  100. A majority of Americans support withdrawal, but most Americans probably presumed there was at least some coherent strategy for protecting their safety. There is not. The Biden administration withdrew without basic details worked out in advance. The two identifiable tactics as it relates to supporting the Afghan government are ad hoc airstrikes against the Taliban, and a round of utterly humiliating hashtag diplomacy as U.S. leaders are forced to pretend the peace process has any relevance of credibility. This week the administration even threatened that any government taking power in Afghanistan absent the Doha peace process would be internationally isolated. You might have sensed that will not deter the Taliban.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  101. …but Dick and Liz have been in the GOP a lot longer than Trump, which makes Trump the usurper. Unfortunately, if you’re a traditional conservative, there’s no other party of any mettle to jump to, so there’s that, too.

    Usurper???? Not a wise metric.

    Nelson Rockefeller and Gerald Ford were “in the GOP a lot longer” than the usurper conservatives Goldwater and four-time-FDR-voter-Reagan.

    Darth and daughter Darth– can tell you parasites need a host; hence, paras gotta site: the GOP.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  102. ‘Trump is ephemeral. He won’t be a candidate again…’

    ROFLMAO. If you decide not to be the king, be the king maker.

    “… and he may not be a free man for long.”

    ROFLMAO. Lori Laughlin did more time than your beloved Big Dick ever did— or Trump ever will. America will never throw a POTUS in the pokie. Bad act for the world stage.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  103. “… and he may not be a free man for long.”

    If wishes were horses, anyone believing this is unfit to ride…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  104. re #95 – The operative definition of “SWAMP Creature” nowadays is: anyone who will say “He shouldn’t have done that” if Trump shoots someone on 5th Avenue.

    The only person shot at the so called 1/6/17 ‘insurrection’ was Ashli Babbitt and not a single firearm was found on the so called ‘rioters’. The unarmed Ashli Babbit was shot/killed by the still unnamed Capitol Police Officer from the so called completed DOJ investigation of that shooting. So much for holding law enforcement accountable, especially after all the clamor from death of George Floyd. (Ditto re the two (2) federal correctional guards watching over the renegade rogue Jeffrey Epstein – who was in fact on suicide watch in their care/custody – but who both were given a DPA.) Does your “He Shouldn’t have done that” Trump standard apply to that Capitol Police officer?

    Re accountability in the SWAMP, see also: U.S. v. Edwin P. Wilson, 289 F.Supp.2d 801 (USDC-SD, TX, 2003).

    Liberty & Truth require constant vigilance. GLZ.

    Gary L. Zerman (a1521c)

  105. @104: “So much for holding law enforcement accountable”

    You must be smart enough to understand that not every police shooting is against the law, regardless of whether the person is armed or not. Babbitt was breaking into an area that was prohibited. The officer identified himself and told her to stop. She continued trying to enter the area. The cop fired once, hitting her in the shoulder. There was no evidence of ill intent or that there was no reasonable expectation of either self defense or defense of others. It was investigated and the cop was cleared. It is not difficult to find the cop’s name, but it is understandable why responsible media do not want him sicced on by the rabid mob. But the point here isn’t to be responsible, right? It’s to change the narrative and draw false equivalencies. This is the inherent problem with Trumpism: it’s about a really distorted notion of truth. It’s sad that Babbitt ultimately died for a lie….an irresponsible lie from the highest office. How about let’s not double down on the tragedy and try to ruin this cop’s life too…..

    AJ_Liberty (ec7f74)

  106. (She) was our only hope…No, there is other:

    urbanleftbehind (4e5526)

  107. if policy alignment mattered to you, you would’ve voted for trump

    How do you know whom I voted for?

    If you cared about the principle that the loser of an election should concede to the winner in a democratic republic, you wouldn’t still be defending Trump unconditionally and trashing everyone who says it was wrong for the incumbent to attempt to stay in power illegally.

    A large portion of the GOP and the “conservative” movement now believe that their policy preferences are so sacrosanct that they are entitled to cheat and impose their will forcibly.

    I still believe that if you want your policies to prevail, you need to persuade “the American people” (a term routinely abused by Trumpsters) to vote for them.

    Radegunda (33a224)

  108. @65 i checked again this morning just to make sure

    yes, the president is still biden

    JF (e1156d) — 8/12/2021 @ 7:39 am

    Wait until tomorrow.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  109. …… “images of officers hugging or fist-bumping rioters, posing for photos with rioters, and moving bike racks” – Calls into question the trespassing……


    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  110. Babbitt was breaking into an area that was prohibited.

    ROFLMAOPIP. The Royalist Credo.

    Prohibited area– Congress. LOL! Storm the Bastille!!!!!

    “You find me degenerate – or worse even, French.” – Count Henri Tixier [Jean Pierre Aumont] ‘Castle Keep’ 1969

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  111. not a single firearm was found on the so called ‘rioters’.

    That is false. The police reported confiscating firearms, as well as other kinds of weapons — bear spray, sharpened flagpoles, etc. There ware “several defendants who police say were found to have brought firearms with them. Some were charged with having firearms on Capitol grounds, while others stashed them away while in Washington.”

    There’s audio evidence of Trumpers aiming to take guns away from police offiders. The Proud Boys had a stash of firearms at the ready just outside D.C.

    Ashli Babbit was shot while climbing through a window smashed by Trumpers, after she was told not to go through the window and warned that the police inside had guns drawn. The warnings about guns can be heard in the audio. She was attempting to go intimidate legislators — some of whom can be seen hurrying away to safety while Trumpers were in the process of smashing the window. Her social media postings reveal someone who had become violently radicalized. It’s tragic that she became so deluded – and it’s appalling that people who should have known better fomented her delusion. But she is not in innocent victim of injustice.

    Putting “rioters” in scare quotes to describe the events of 1/6, heavily documented in video, is a clear sign that one is committed to viewing those events through deeply rose-tinted lenses.

    Radegunda (33a224)

  112. Co-conspirators.
    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

    Props for being more succinct than me.

    Radegunda (33a224)

  113. @105 responsible media had darren wilson named and guilty of murder

    JF (e1156d)

  114. The Royalist Credo.

    The royalist credo is the one by which the incumbent says beforehand that his defeat in an election would necessarily be illegitimate, and then pressures the DOJ and various other officials to override the votes of the American people and keep him in power.

    Radegunda (33a224)

  115. 109, makes me wonder if any of the 4 suicides were from the co-conspirator or “naively trusting” ranks?

    urbanleftbehind (4e5526)

  116. responsible media had darren wilson named and guilty of murder

    Who are the “responsible media” on 1/6? The people telling us to disregard what we can see in a huge volume of video shot by Trumpers themselves and video from police bodycams? And to ignore what we can read in the social media posts of Trumpers? And just go with “Oh look, I’ve got a picture of someone opening a door!!”?

    I stopped trusting the judgment and the good faith of some people when they started telling me that the truth is the opposite of what my eyes and ears tell me.

    Radegunda (33a224)

  117. @116 yet another straw man flash mob

    JF (e1156d)

  118. Oh, come on, man! Don’t fall for the malarkey! Here’s the deal: There’s a concerted effort by Trumpcakes to whitewash the Orange on the internets and everywhere else, and all their prevarications, dissimulations, and disingenuousness are nothing but lies and bullsh!t. Don’t fall for it and try to engage them in good faith, cause they ain’t got none.

    nk (1d9030)

  119. Have they already melted down all those weapons they’d seized on 1/6, JF?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  120. The Royalist Credo.

    The Royalist Credo also includes “I alone can fix it,” and the belief that government officials and Supreme Court justices are one’s own employees owing personal loyalty.

    Radegunda (33a224)

  121. @116 yet another straw man flash mob

    Where’s the straw man?

    I’ve watched a large quantity of video from 1/6 and read a lot of Trumper social media postings surrounding the event. The people shouting “Fake News!” are basically telling me that all of that is irrelevant or fake, or that I need a special Trumpist decoder ring to understand that it’s all a side show to the main event, which was some (possibly Trump-loyal) officer opening a door somewhere to welcome in the peaceful patriots.

    It’s just like extracting the one coy line “peacefully and patriotically” from Trump’s 1/6 speech and claiming that it cancels out the many instances of “fight” and “take back our country with strength,” plus the summons to be in D.C. for a “wild” protest, and the many, many other things Trump did to stir up the mob and to excuse and congratulate them afterward.

    It’s quite astounding to see the lengths people will go to try to swat away all the evidence that their side — and their hero — behaved badly and in many cases criminally.

    Radegunda (33a224)

  122. @121 names?

    JF (e1156d)

  123. “responsible media had darren wilson named and guilty of murder”

    Didn’t the police department release Wilson’s name….here they chose not to out of concerns for his safety. Responsible media generally honor the genuine concerns of the department. And even if Wilson ended up being treated badly….are you truly arguing that this now justifies treating the Capitol officer badly? What kind of perverse thinking is that? The prosecutor did not find sufficient evidence to charge him…why doesn’t that end the discussion? Oh yeah, because the GOP spin machine needs a villain….needs a false equivalency. Just try being objective for once…

    AJ_Liberty (ec7f74)

  124. 113. Until Queen Nancy officially releases the name of the killer, interweb scuttlebutt is meaningless.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  125. here they chose not to out of concerns for his safety.

    Safety??? What makes his ass any more at risk than the names of police officers in other shootings across the land???

    Oh. Right.


    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  126. @123 are you seriously going to argue that responsible media would respect a police request for anonymity if the cop had shot and killed a blm rioter?

    if you’re advocating a rule where cops’ identities get protected depending on which side their victim is on, then be honest about it

    public officials should be identified, otherwise abuse will follow

    same rules, applied across the board

    JF (e1156d)

  127. Neocon Liz was 8 year old for this evacuation:

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  128. I can’t make emojis with this keyboard.

    🙁 . . .

    That’s supposed to be someone crying about ronald reagan

    dustin (9491b4)

  129. 😢

    Here are a couple you can cut and paste.

    BuDuh (7bca93)

  130. Thanks lol, that’s actually helpful

    dustin (9491b4)

  131. 👍

    BuDuh (7bca93)

  132. That’s supposed to be someone crying about ronald reagan

    He’s dead. Party on!

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

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