New York Attorney General’s Report: Andrew Cuomo Harassed At Least Eleven Women
[guest post by JVW]
From National Review Online:
New York governor Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women, among them current and former state employees, in violation of federal and state law, state attorney general Letitia James announced at a press conference on Tuesday.
The announcement represents the conclusions of a months-long probe by the attorney general’s office into sexual harassment allegations made against the governor. Several women have alleged that the governor inappropriately touched them, although Cuomo has denied wrongdoing.
“Governor Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women and in doing so violated federal and state law,” James told reporters. Cuomo and the Executive Chamber cultivated a “toxic” workplace that allowed “harassment to occur and created a hostile work environment.”
James added that the probe “is civil in nature and does not have criminal consequences.” However, Anne Clark, one of the lead investigators for the probe, said prosecutors may look at the evidence contained in the report and determine whether to press charges.
“All the information is fully documented in the report, and any prosecutors or police departments can look at the evidence and determine if they want to take further action,” Clark said.
The report detailed allegations against Gov. Cuomo by eleven different women. They largely fall along the lines of obnoxious teenage boy garbage such as using a hug as a pretext to cop a quick feel of a woman’s breast or rear end, or forcing kisses on unwilling victims, much of which we have already discussed at this blog.
I had really began to despair that Governor Sonny was going to get away with this behavior, thanks to a notoriously cynical and corrupt political scene in New York and thanks to a lazy and self-satisfied media (with the exception of the New York Post, who has continued to hold Sonny’s feet to the fire) which can’t be bothered when sexual harassment charges are lodged against an otherwise mostly progressive Democrat. But Attorney General James has political ambitions too, and denying Andrew Cuomo a fourth term is the best way to position herself for a future run at the chief executive’s office.
Now it just remains to be seen what the fallout is. I’ve predicted all along that this ends not with the disgraced governor resigning from office, but with an announcement that he will indeed retire when his term is up at the end of next year. But key Democrats, including the President of the United States, are already on record has having opined that Gov. Cuomo should step down if the reports suggests he sexually harassed women, the legislature has opened up an impeachment inquiry regarding his behavior, and Congressional Democrats from the Empire State have begun the process of throwing their embattled governor under the bus. While I am sure Democrats will eventually find a technicality by which to conveniently backtrack on their “believe all women” stance, someone like Joe Biden whose Administration is seeking to narrow the due process rights of college men accused of sex harassment should theoretically have a difficult time explaining why a powerful, well-placed adult like Andrew Cuomo should be given any benefit of the doubt here. Though we should never underestimate the capacity of Democrats and their media guardians to engage in the rankest form of hypocrisy where party interests are in play, there is certainly going to be some reckoning up in Albany over the next few weeks.
Andy McCarthy makes a careful legal and political point at NRO that is worth putting down on the record, even if I have a very strong suspicion everything in Letitia James’s report is largely accurate:
JVW (ee64e4) — 8/3/2021 @ 1:51 pmWell Grandpoppa Clutch, ol’ Lunchbucket Convoy Joe, called for his resignation at his Covid presser [but wasn’t asked about Doctor Lindsey Graham’s self-diagnosis skills]- yet he dodged questions on prosecution like a semi weaving its way up the freeway.
And of course nobody asked him about his days driving an 18-wheeler. If it was Trump, the press would demand to see not only his license, but the manifest of what he was haulin’ back in the day.
Our president is a bum.
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/3/2021 @ 2:01 pmCuomo screwed up. He should’ve used the “it was just locker room talk” excuse.
Paul Montagu (5de684) — 8/3/2021 @ 2:04 pmDe Blasio crying crocodile tears.
Cuomo and Trump have one thing in common: They both think Letitia James is biased.
That presser was brutal.
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 8/3/2021 @ 2:05 pmWhen in New York, use The Cuomo Method:
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/3/2021 @ 2:08 pmHe’s scum and needs to go. I’ve seen congressional leadership say that clearly. Biden needs to do likewise, if not go further.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/3/2021 @ 2:08 pmPresident Biden has asked Cuomo to step down, according to Wall Street Journal:
Dana (174549) — 8/3/2021 @ 2:12 pmThat creepy montage/collage of Cuomo kissing all those ‘folks’ over the decades was about as useful to his ‘defense’ as that picture was of Oswald holding his rifle in his backyard.
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/3/2021 @ 2:12 pmSo how would Tony Soprano handle a wiseguy being a wiseguy on camera?
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/3/2021 @ 2:15 pmI think he’s going to be forced out. We’ll see!
nate (1f1d55) — 8/3/2021 @ 2:40 pmSo killing all those elderly folks made him horny?
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/3/2021 @ 2:45 pm7… he is so brave. A truly heroic stance.
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/3/2021 @ 2:46 pm@12 but was it an unequivocal he’s got to go statement? I don’t think so. Sounds like Biden is pushing Cuomo removal hesitancy. He is probably in favor of Cuomo staying.
frosty (f27e97) — 8/3/2021 @ 2:53 pmIt’s easy for Democrats to try to put some distance between themselves and the Cuomo stink. Let’s see if ANY of them do ANYTHING to clean it up.
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/3/2021 @ 2:55 pmWhats Fredo say?
mg (8cbc69) — 8/3/2021 @ 2:56 pmPaul, you may have your locker room talk wish granted. I imagine these two besties shared most of their groping stories with each other. Biden is a master of the age old game of First BSer Doesn’t Stand A Chance. If Cuomo grabbed one breast, Biden grabbed two. Biden never loses a round of BS.
BuDuh (7bca93) — 8/3/2021 @ 2:57 pmHe’s awaiting instructions from that fatass Zucker.
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/3/2021 @ 2:57 pmOver enhancement for the resume, govna.
mg (8cbc69) — 8/3/2021 @ 2:58 pmSeems pretty unequivocal to me.
“Let’s take one thing at a time here. I think he should resign,” Biden said… Biden joined a growing number of prominent politicians of both parties who have called on Cuomo to resign following the report’s release, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. James noted the investigation’s findings were “civil in nature,” but left open the possibility that other authorities could pursue criminal cases against the governor.
“I’m sure there were some embraces that were totally innocent, but apparently the attorney general decided there were things that weren’t,” Biden added regarding Cuomo’s conduct.
When asked about the allegations against Cuomo last March, Biden called for a full investigation and noted the governor should resign from office if the claims were confirmed by evidence. At the time, Biden added that credible claims against Cuomo could “very well” result in a “criminal prosecution.”
Biden said he has yet to read the entire report and would not comment on whether Cuomo should now face criminal prosecution.
Time123 (f78123) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:10 pmThe Governor should’ve listened…
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:17 pm“Both of them speak to, and practice, the basics of Catholic social justice, and that’s how we were raised,” Ms. Owens said.
I’ve spent 51 years in the Catholic Church and I’ve never heard the part of the catechism where you’re encouraged to sniff little girls’ hair or nuzzle their cheek and neck with your nose, nor have I encountered the part where you get to cop a feel during a hug or force a kiss on the face of a comely colleen. And I know a lot of Italian and Irish Catholics who would punch me in the face — and deservedly so — if I did that to their wives or daughters.
JVW (ee64e4) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:21 pmOne thing at a time? What was the item that Biden thought was a bridge too far?
Oh.. it is within a more complete quote from your link, Time:
It doesn’t sound like an unequivocal “he’s got to go” statement as a full quote, IMO.
BuDuh (7bca93) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:22 pm6.He’s scum and needs to go. I’ve seen congressional leadership say that clearly. Biden needs to do likewise, if not go further.
LOL That’s probably an insult to genuine scum. Regardless of your politics, we’ve certainly had a crop of bums financed into office over the past several years.
But it’s time to pump the air brakes and get Grandpoppa Clutch, Ol’ Convoy Joe rolling to a stop at a ‘choke and puke’ and send in the relief pitcher- have Kamala warming up in the bull pen; the country can weather a few innings of her- at least laughing and speaking in complete sentences- even get her to Europe; before she’s sent to the showers, too.
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:26 pm“I’m sure there were some embraces that were totally innocent, but apparently the attorney general decided there were things that weren’t,” Biden added regarding Cuomo’s conduct.
Well now I’m really confused. I thought it was the woman herself who gets to decide if the hug is totally innocent, not some elected Democrat with ambitions for higher office. But how can any of us be surprised that Joe Biden is rather clueless in these matters, give his own past behavior?
I can bet you this one thing: if the NY Attorney General were a Republican I’ll bet you would have far more New York Democrats arguing that Cuomo didn’t do anything wrong and that this is a giant conspiracy against him. Not all of them, mind you, but certainly way more than are coming to his defense now.
JVW (ee64e4) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:26 pm17.He’s awaiting instructions from that fatass Zucker
History of the Sitcom.
Now THAT’S news.
Jesus. Turner would have fired Zucker’s ass long ago.
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:28 pm@22, what did he say that sounded like he didn’t want Cumo to resign?
Time123 (f78123) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:29 pmDevil is in the disregarded details, BuDuh.
Maggie Haberman
This press conference and the report are way, way, way more detailed and damning that many in press and
amongother Dem operatives expected. What happens now is unclear – ball is in Heastie’s court.8:37 AM · Aug 3, 2021
FIFH… she nearly ‘fessed up.
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:29 pmHis answer on impeachment did not rise to an unequivocal “he’s got to go” otherwise he would have said “if he doesn’t resign he needs to be removed.”
BuDuh (7bca93) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:33 pmWho broadcasts a montage/collage of decades of creepy behavior like that then boasts ‘our whole “family” does/did this’ — even, dead Mario =bethumpa as the bus rolls over his corpse= Cuomo?!
Michael Jackson?
Hunter Biden?
Gomez Addams?
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:34 pmWhen does a Hunter Biden connection surface?
BuDuh (7bca93) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:35 pmThat’s fair. He only called for resignation. He should have taken a stronger stance. Pretty lackluster statement from the president. I mean, calling for his resignation isn’t bad. But it’s probably the minimum acceptable position.
Time123 (f78123) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:36 pm@30. A family of touchers. Or is it hair sniffers this week.
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:37 pm@30, I’m sure gateway pundit will have that any minute. 😉
Time123 (f78123) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:37 pmOr that FreeRepublic site Rip knows all about.
BuDuh (7bca93) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:37 pmPretty lackluster statement from the president
Be grateful he was able to stand.
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:39 pmHis answer on impeachment did not rise to an unequivocal “he’s got to go” otherwise he would have said “if he doesn’t resign he needs to be removed.”
Would have been nice to have real reporters who might have asked President Biden a follow-up question such as, “Mr. President, should Governor Cuomo resign for the greater good of the New York Democrat Party or for the greater good of the people of New York State?” Because a grumpy old cynic like me gets the sense that what bothers Democrats the most is the politics of this, not Cuomo’s actual behavior. They fear that they will be undergoing divisive impeachment proceedings in Albany this fall, only a year before their party needs to come together to defend the governor’s seat and Chuck Schumer’s seat in an election which might be kind of unfavorable to their party.
JVW (ee64e4) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:41 pmSomebody in the press should have the balls be hounding that brain-damaged mick repeatedly until he gets his Irish up and angrily admits- ‘Okay, damn it, I’m a lying dog-faced pony soldier– I never drove an 18-wheeler… and I’n not a pony soldier, either. Just a liar.”
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:44 pmDrip, drip…gush!
norcal (a6130b) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:45 pmCuomo will never quit. And unless impeached, can’t be fired like so may media gropers have. Prosecute hi civilly if possible. But his political future is like an oxygen tank and fuel cells aboard Apollo 13: dead.
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:48 pmHopefully they ask Biden repeatedly, ad nauseam, if he will “completely and unequivocally renounce Cuomo.” This kind of questioning should continue for years whether or not he answers.
BuDuh (7bca93) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:50 pmJennifer ‘pro-voting’ Rubin
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:55 pm@JRubinBlogger
Mar 25, 2020
Watching Andrew Cuomo is inspiring, uplifting, fascinating. He weaves details and humor and math and common sense all together. He is magnificent. Let’s just listen to him.
I, for one, am awaiting RIP’s hot headlines and “just teh facts” reporting!
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/3/2021 @ 3:58 pmDCSCA’s favorite and most relevant pundit weighs in, and he says “impeach Andrews Cuomo”.
Paul Montagu (5de684) — 8/3/2021 @ 4:00 pm@40 It’s got to be so frustrating when you’re political opponents won’t oblige you by being wrong.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/3/2021 @ 4:03 pm@45; I wouldn’t say frustrating. We already know what to expect. I fully expect “serious” people to remind everyone that Trump got to grab’em so fair is fair.
frosty (f27e97) — 8/3/2021 @ 4:24 pm@46, Good for them! Makes Biden’s response look even weaker. Or, more adequate.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/3/2021 @ 4:25 pmFrosty, if you don’t want to talk about Trump why are you taking about Trump?
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/3/2021 @ 4:26 pmI don’t think this investigation would have happened Pre-Me Too. But hypotheticals can’t be proven.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/3/2021 @ 4:29 pm@49 ya really got to read these comments. I said you blame him for everything including Farmer Brown’s bull giving you sour milk no matter where the conversation starts. Are you begrudging me a little fun at the irony of the situation?
frosty (f27e97) — 8/3/2021 @ 4:46 pmAbout sums it up…×534.jpg
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/3/2021 @ 4:49 pmThe serial groper sure won Tater’s heart!
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/3/2021 @ 4:53 pm@44. What would Tony Soprano do to a wiseguy who turns wise guy?
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/3/2021 @ 4:55 pmI am OK here as long as this does not distract from the vital inquisitive work the SDNY is doing on 45
steveg (ebe7c1) — 8/3/2021 @ 5:38 pmAnd he probably does not even have a mansion in Palm Beach. What a pretentious parvenu behaving above his station.
nk (1d9030) — 8/3/2021 @ 5:41 pm@53; the D’s might succeed in impeaching the acting president. Not holding my breath though.
frosty (f27e97) — 8/3/2021 @ 5:42 pm57 – and heals-up, so they can make Pelosi leader of the free world.
mg (8cbc69) — 8/3/2021 @ 5:51 pmWho would have thought a couple of Hollywood demimondes trying at menopause to reclaim their virginity (or at least get some back end money for it) would have unleashed such a storm on their media colleagues and political fellow travelers?
(9Which is not to say that Cuomo is not a filthy New York sewer rat. Young women trying to earn their daily bread have a difficult enough time without a boss who should have been flushed down the Hudson instead of elected to the governor’s mansion.)
nk (1d9030) — 8/3/2021 @ 5:53 pm@58; I was referring to the media calling Cuomo the acting president in that video.
Impeaching Biden isn’t an appealing proposition and I’m hoping we can keep him above ground and behind the desk for as long as possible.
frosty (f27e97) — 8/3/2021 @ 5:56 pm60-
mg (8cbc69) — 8/3/2021 @ 6:07 pmoh dopey me
Per my comment about “divisive impeachment proceedings in Albany” this fall, it will be really interesting in seeing if Cuomo wants to spare his party that fate in one final act of minimal grace, or if he wants to burn it all down by forcing them to remove him. I can’t imagine him voluntarily resigning, nor can I imagine him subjecting himself to removal. I guess he’ll try to find a middle-way where he resigns while still insisting that he is being treated unfairly. (I know that he desperately wants to cut a deal where his fellow Dems let him get away with announcing that he will retire once his third term in office is complete, but I think that ship has long-since sailed and this is exactly what he needed to do in March, not in August.) In any case, an actual impeachment and removal with Cuomo fighting it tooth-and-nail would probably be disastrous for New York Democrats next year, as I don’t think there is an Obama-like (or even for that matter Clinton-like) figure for them to rally around. It would be awfully fun to watch the left battle the far left in New York for the next year.
JVW (ee64e4) — 8/3/2021 @ 6:57 pmImpeaching Biden isn’t an appealing proposition and I’m hoping we can keep him above ground and behind the desk for as long as possible.
If the GOP takes the House back, they’ll impeach both Biden and Harris for stealing the election.
Kevin M (ab1c11) — 8/3/2021 @ 7:27 pmJust think that some wanted Cuomo to take over for Biden last fall.
Kevin M (ab1c11) — 8/3/2021 @ 7:37 pmTexas Rep. Chip Roy calls for impeachment of President Biden, DHS Secretary Mayorkas
“Over the past several months, President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas have blatantly and consistently refused to do their constitutional duty to take care that the immigration laws be faithfully executed, as required by Article II, endangering countless American and foreign lives in the process,” Roy told Fox News Tuesday.
After conservative radio host Jesse Kelly described the border crisis as “more impeachable than Watergate” Monday, Roy retweeted the message and wrote “Co-sponsor. #ImpeachBiden #ImpeachMayorkas.”
Rip Murdock (6467ac) — 8/3/2021 @ 7:43 pm………
I am OK here as long as this does not distract from the vital inquisitive work the SDNY is doing on 45
DO you think that imprisonment would stop the GOP from nominating Trump?
Kevin M (ab1c11) — 8/3/2021 @ 7:45 pm@64. Just think, The Big Dick won in a landslide, too.
All’s well that ends well. 😉
“Impooch With Honor.’ – legend on souvenir pet food bowl, 1974.
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/3/2021 @ 7:45 pmThis evenings fun conspiracy theory, brought to you by me:
Cuomo is being forced into resignation in order to continue with the coverup of the COVID deaths in nursing homes at the behest of his wealthy hospital donors, and his questionable book deals with New York-based publishing conglomerates. By forcing his resignation, Attorney General James’s office will have a reason to let the investigations into both of those scandals fizzle out without any embarrassing charges being brought against any powerful Manhattan-based players. Cuomo will land a gig as a lawyer/lobbyist with offices in Manhattan and Washington, and he’ll pull in a several million a year for that along with millions more in speaking and television appearances.
JVW (ee64e4) — 8/3/2021 @ 7:52 pm
Under what authority can the CDC even pretend to do this and absolve Congress of their duty as the Supreme Court stated?
NJRob (27417d) — 8/3/2021 @ 8:12 pm@65 maybe biden would stop blatantly lying about it if he were under oath
“We have not withdrawn the order that is sometimes criticized saying that unvaccinated people should go back across the border,” the president said. “But unaccompanied children is a different story. Because the most humane thing to do is to test them and to treat them and not send them back alone.”
Earlier in the day Homeland Security had told the judge that it was “generally” testing migrants.
The affidavit from David Shahoulian, assistant secretary for border policy, came after Texas told the judge of an incident in La Joya, where police found a migrant family at a local fast-food restaurant who admitted they had COVID but were released into the community.
The family was staying at a local hotel run under the auspices of Catholic Charities, and police who responded to the hotel found several dozen people from the hotel “out and about” and “the majority without face masks.” Police issued a public health alert based on the situation.
Mr. Shahoulian, in his sworn affidavit, tried to minimize coronavirus risks from illegal immigrants, saying Homeland Security generally has the situation in hand.
“Those released directly from CBP facilities are generally provided testing either prior to or immediately after release from CBP custody,” he said.
JF (e1156d) — 8/3/2021 @ 8:45 pmNJRob (27417d) — 8/3/2021 @ 8:12 pm
I think we’re all just pretending at this point. SCOTUS, POTUS, and Pelosi have said they can’t without additional congressional approval. They didn’t get it and they’re doing it anyway.
frosty (f27e97) — 8/3/2021 @ 8:54 pmWhat would Putin do if a wiseguy turns wise guy?
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/3/2021 @ 9:24 pm11.So killing all those elderly folks made him horny?
More likely it was the videos of Marla Maples bouncing her peaches along, jogging on that treadmill in the 80s; He’s been Kid Kreep for decades.
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/3/2021 @ 9:39 pmIf someone else was President this would be impeachable, but…
NJRob (eb56c3) — 8/3/2021 @ 9:52 pm63- Next election?
mg (8cbc69) — 8/4/2021 @ 3:19 amAnyone Worse than Trump/2024
The eviction moratorium was a mistake from Day 1.
-It violated the rights of the property owner. Their property was taken without compensation.
-It was bad policy as it moved the cost from the government to the property owner.
-It wasn’t justified by events. (IMO)
-Even if it was necessary the way they went about it was flawed. It would have been far better to give money directly to renters. This would have made the costs visible and reduced the costs of ending the program.
This is the kind of flawed, populist, policy that Democrats historically like. Previously Republicans push back on this type of thing. But because the GOP has embraced populism and Trump was the one doing it, the GOP went along and now we’re stuck with it. Because Biden’s in charge now partisan’s will find a reason to hate it now, but the damage has been done and this will be hard to fix.
The people talking about impeaching Biden over this need to lay out how this was legal before and is no longer legal now. The decision about if it’s justified seems subjective. I agree its not at all needed today, but I don’t think it’s legality has changed. But I’m open to good arguments that it has.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 5:17 am@63, I don’t see any evidence that you’re wrong.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 5:18 amIn my next life I want to be a headline writer for the New York Post.
Charlie Davis (15121e) — 8/4/2021 @ 5:36 amThere have certainly been a number of New York Democrat cretins who’ve displayed cuomosexual tendencies over the years… paragons of virtue like Eliot Spitzer, Anthony Weiner, former Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.
When they’re not harassing women, they’ll be choking and assaulting them.
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/4/2021 @ 5:43 am@76; It was legal under the original congressional action. When that expired it was extended by the CDC under Trump as an administrative action and again by Biden. There was some question as to whether the CDC extensions were legal. SCOTUS said they were not and the CDC had exceeded it’s authority. They had until July/31 to resolve the problem. They didn’t.
I’m personally not convinced the original congressional action was legal either but I don’t understand the details enough to have a good opinion. But that’s how we went from legal (authorized by a specific law that expired) to not legal.
Congress has the ability to enact new legislation reauthorizing the restrictions. Members of congress are telling the CDC to ignore the SCOTUS ruling. Yea, it sucks that we can’t depend on R’s to be the adults in the room or keep the wheels on.
Now we’ll see what happens if landlords ignore the CDC and are pulled in front of a judge who is told to ignore a SCOTUS ruling.
frosty (f27e97) — 8/4/2021 @ 6:14 am@76 I’ve always hated it, even when Trump administration started it.
The issue here with Biden, is that SCOTUS has already ruled on it, and recently. That’s the difference.
This is literally Biden flipping the bird to SCOTUS and daring them by saying “what are you going to do about it”?
whembly (ae0eb5) — 8/4/2021 @ 6:18 am@80, that’s good information I didn’t have. Based on that it’s illegal.
One correction, this original problem wasn’t created by the R’s not stopping the Dem’s. It was created by the R’s being as bad on policy as the Dem’s. Not sure that’s what you meant or not.
From a small government perspective a lot of the social con stuff was a trade off for smaller government, fiscal discipline, rule of law. It’s a bummer we lost that.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 6:22 am@81, yes, he needs to comply with the SC order.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 6:28 am@83 If anything, this is impeachable.
Enacting an illegal program unilaterally by gaming the court process (as that takes time) just so that some money get out of the door before is shut down is about as clear as corruption as you can get. How quickly can you go a nation-wide injunction? This is the time to use that.
I can’t think of a presidential act more dangerous than this. Even pretty much what Trump did, with the exception to his non-response during the riot on 1/6.
Note: I’ve seen folks on twitter saying Obama’s DACA/DAPA EO was just as bad. I’d disagree in that it was really tested by the courts. Many administrations try to push the envelope hoping the courts would side with them.
The eviction moratorium unilaterally by the CDC was literally ruled recently.
If SCOTUS/Congress doesn’t tamp this down is some politically embarrassing manner, this is one hella slippery slope that future administrations would take advantage. That’s really bad governing.
whembly (ae0eb5) — 8/4/2021 @ 6:42 am@84, agree.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 6:55 am@84 the glory of our ruling class
This is Maxim Waters Aug/2.
And how did this happen on the Cuomo thread? I feel like a pro-Cuomo/removal hesitant faction diverted this thread.
frosty (f27e97) — 8/4/2021 @ 7:07 amIt was Rip & NJRob posted links and then you responded to NJRob. Why do you and NJRob not want Cumo to resign?
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 7:14 am@87 – I don’t know. Maybe I’ve been brainwashed? The propaganda is real! Maybe the aluminum in my cranium protector has worn out and needs to be replaced.
frosty (f27e97) — 8/4/2021 @ 7:32 am@86
Not a Cuomo honk. He should be impeached following a good-faith investigation.
whembly (2900b2) — 8/4/2021 @ 7:53 amWoosh
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 8:17 am68. JVW (ee64e4) — 8/3/2021 @ 7:52 pm
The way the calls for his resignation were orchestrated, makes it look like a conspiracy.
WE can’t be sue just what other scandal or combination of scandals, the New York State Democratic Party wants to close down.
Of course, Cuomo could threaten to let all things hang out.
They’d have to assure him of no charges, and a good income stream, to hope of avoiding that. But he was forced to quit once before, by Bill Clinton, in 2002, when he first ran for Governor. He may not like thhat. And he may have hopes if some of the charges are false.
The one with Charlotte Bennett is completely true – Cuomo is just denying what he knows, that she correctly assessed his conversation(s) with her a meaning that he wanted to sleep with her. Of course he was careful with his words.
And Cuomo was trying to figure out why she might not want to, not trying to comfort her.
Is there any way for anyone to guarantee that? It’s hard to even guarantee no prosecution for anything,
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 8:52 am69. NJRob (27417d) — 8/3/2021 @ 8:12 pm
By limitig t to 75% or so of the country. That makes it possible to distinguish the two cases.
Biden is hoping at least that the policy will be allowed by a court to remain in effect till it expires. The chances are not zero.
In the meantime he’s trying to get states to push out the rental assistance.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 8:56 amTime @83…..yes, he needs to comply with the SC order.
There is no Supreme Court order (or any other court order) regarding the eviction moratorium. The SC did not invalidate the ban, it actually allowed to continue. The Biden Administration has called Kavanaugh’s bluff.
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 8/4/2021 @ 8:57 am70.
What he’s not doing is planning for these releases.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 8:57 am84. whembly (ae0eb5) — 8/4/2021 @ 6:42 am
A nationwide eviction moratorium.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 9:02 amSammy, I’m not following what you mean in 93.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 9:03 amGiven that the moratorium started under the Trump Administration, do you really want to go there?
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 8/4/2021 @ 9:04 amIf Cuomo resigned you would get a more conservative Governor, although actually she’s just cynical.
Cuomo has tilted back to the center since this started and also probably changed what he does in the office.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 9:06 amBack on topic……
Marist Poll Results & Analysis: Governor Andrew Cuomo
In a poll conducted last night, 59% of New Yorkers, including 52% of registered Democrats, say New York Governor Andrew Cuomo should resign from office in light of the results of an independent investigation which found Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women, including state employees. 32% report Cuomo should serve out the rest of his term. If Cuomo does not resign, 59% of New Yorkers say the New York State Legislature should impeach him.
While Cuomo denies the allegations, 44% of New Yorkers believe Cuomo did something illegal, and 29% think he did something unethical but not illegal. Only 7% believe Cuomo did nothing wrong. Six percent say they haven’t heard enough about the allegations, and 13% are unsure.
Cuomo’s reelection prospects are bleak. 11% of New Yorkers, including 12% of registered voters, think Cuomo deserves to be reelected while 78% say it’s time for someone else to be governor. When last reported in February, 36% of registered voters statewide thought Cuomo should be reelected, and 58% reported it was time for a new governor.
Even his core supporters think Cuomo should resign and, if he does not, believe he should be impeached. 52% of registered Democrats are calling for the governor to resign, and the plurality (48%) think he should be impeached if he does not leave office. Similarly, 52% of New York City residents want him to resign, and 60% believe he should be impeached if he does not do so.
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 8/4/2021 @ 9:11 am………
Poll crosstabs.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 9:03 am
Which one is 93?
If you mean the planning thing, the Administration does not plan for any releases of migrants – it does not acknowledge that they are going to happen – it just does them when it can no longer hold people because there’s no more room (as the Trump Administration also did)
As a result it is more haphazard, and they can be accused of spreading Covid around. I don;t know if there are reasonable basis for that.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 9:13 amSorry Sammy, that was RIp’s post and I missed that he linked to an explanation that supported his position.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 9:17 amThe Cuomo boys are the spoiled, entitled kids of a political hack.
The Bush family political dynasty were well raised and had class.
Cuomos, not so much
steveg (ebe7c1) — 8/4/2021 @ 9:23 amThis is the Attorney Generals’ report:
I don’t know if this link is behind a paywall, but it’s only the public document,
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 9:29 am@93 – This is not an accurate statement. A lower court ruled that the CDC exceeded its authority. SCOTUS declined to overturn that ruling allowing it to stand, thereby confirming that the CDC exceeded its authority. They didn’t immediately terminate the policy since it was already set to expire but they were clear the policy could not be renewed absent new legislation. Biden and congressional leaders all agreed that new legislation was required until they couldn’t get the votes for it.
@97 – Yes, and I did. It was initially authorized by Congress under Trump. I don’t think it was right. I’m not convinced it was legal. That authorization lapsed. The CDC administrative action wasn’t tested until Biden. It is not clear that the CDC doesn’t have the legal authority to do what it is doing.
@95 – Suggesting a nationwide moratorium is outside the scope of the CDC but one that might cover 80% but allows for 100% is ok seems a bit ridiculous. Next someone will be saying the landlords impacted should just move their land.
frosty (f27e97) — 8/4/2021 @ 9:29 amOther than the loss of office IF he resigns, Cuomo will already have a well-feathered nest awaiting. JVW’s “conspiracy theory” is not far off.
This is a distraction from the thousands of elderly people he helped kill with his March 25, 2020 order.
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/4/2021 @ 9:33 amThis push to get rid of Cuomo just strikes me as too organized not to have been planned in advance of the release of the Attorney General’s report, which was supposed to be secret until released. Somebody wanted a pileup.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 9:33 amSome allegations are trivial, like with the woman (a female physician) who gave him the live COVID-19 test on camera on March 17, 2020, and at other times the Governor probably lied in some of his explanations, like he lies other times about other things.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 9:48 am@104, I know “seems” isn’t really a legal standard but it seems like the court has been clear that this needs to be re-authorized by congress or stopped. IANAL so the line between legal not not isn’t one I have an opinion on but Biden should be winding this down.
Here’s an idea, if we need cheaper rent let’s relax zoning requirements to allow people to more easily create additional hosing and drive prices down.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 9:51 amSammy, The report has been in the works for long enough that Dem leadership could talk about what they’d do / say if it was good/ambiguous/bad. They didn’t need details to know how they’d react if it was bad and come to a consensus. Also, while I had no idea what the details would be I’m not at all surprised so I doubt they were caught off guard.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 9:54 amNew York Governor Andrew Cuomo actually arranged (by reducing the minimum requirements for one thing) for a female state trooper he had met to be given a job in his protective detail, possibly in the hopes of making her his mistress, or maybe just to have her around as an option, and he took liberties with her later.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 10:00 am@106 – This reminds me of a movie quote … something about being shocked … if only we had a commenter expert in the ways of the movie quote.
frosty (f27e97) — 8/4/2021 @ 10:01 amExperts Warn Of New ‘Cuomo’ Variant That Is Dangerous To Young Women, Fatal To Elderly
U.S.—Epidemiologists are sounding the alarm about a new COVID variant that is leading to increased hospitalization rates across the country. According to scientists, this new mutation—dubbed the “CUOMO” variant, is particularly dangerous to young, attractive women, and 100% fatal to the elderly.
“This is the most infectious—and also the grossest—variant yet,” said Dr. Maria Bellagamba to reporters. “It seriously creeps me out just thinking about it. If this variant doesn’t make you want to isolate yourself in a locked home immediately, I don’t know what will.”
According to virologists, young attractive women should avoid wearing short skirts and low-cut tops, as the CUOMO variant seems to gravitate toward women who it deems are provocatively dressed.
“If you find yourself smelling nothing but the scent of garlic and marinara sauce combined with profuse amounts of cheap cologne, this is a sure sign you’ve been infected,” said Bellagamba before barfing into a nearby trash can from sheer disgust.
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/4/2021 @ 10:01 am108. Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 9:51 am
People who have not paid all their rent or who have bad credit may have trouble renting at any price – and may have too much income to qualify for public housing or Section 8 even without the factor of waiting.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 10:03 amThat is my concern – Democrats will feed Cuomo to the wolves over this to prevent any further investigation into his handling of COVID and nursing homes.
I seem to think it should not stop any investigation into Cuomo killing thousands, just as Democrats still spend time investigating Trump. But you know Democrats…for thee, not for me.
Hoi Polloi (ade50d) — 8/4/2021 @ 10:15 amto allow people to more easily create additional hosing
Hosing is the foundation of every lefty scheme, Sammy.
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/4/2021 @ 10:16 amYeah, that crazy leftist theory that people should have as much freedom as possible to make use of their property.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 10:44 am@111.@106 – This reminds me of a movie quote … something about being shocked … if only we had a commenter expert in the ways of the movie quote.
Hmmmmm. “Shocking. Positively shocking.” – James Bond [Sean Connery] ‘Goldfinger, 1964
No? That one too overused? 😉 What would Putin do if a party wiseguy went on TV and talked like a wise guy?
“Who do you think you’re talking to, errand boy! Nobody sets me up! Take him back to the baggage room and put one in his ear!” – Doyle Lonnegan [Robert Shaw] ‘The Sting’ 1973 😉
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/4/2021 @ 11:11 amMorning Jolt:
He can’t do that if they’d actually impeach him.
Wa=hat stopped it in Virginia, was the prospect that a few dominoes would fall, with the 4th in line, a Republican, becoming Governor. So nobody resigned.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 11:20 amto allow people to more easily create additional hosing
Definition: Rea-gan-omics.
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/4/2021 @ 11:28 amFrosty @104
It was initially authorized by Congress under Trump. I don’t think it was right. I’m not convinced it was legal. That authorization lapsed.
As I recall, it was a Trump Administration Executive Order (through the CDC) that initially imposed the moratorium. There was never any Congressional authorization.
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 8/4/2021 @ 11:28 amFrosty,
I brought it up because the illegal act just came to pass and we all know Cuomo is filthy, but will get away with it.
There’s no point in continuing to say the same things over and over again about Cuomo. We knew he was a pig. We knew the AG wants the Governor’s mansion. We also knew she would never prosecute him.
NJRob (eb56c3) — 8/4/2021 @ 11:36 amHere is a non-paywall link to the Cuomo Report.
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 8/4/2021 @ 11:38 amOfficial sote for the report:
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 11:41 amHochul, of Erie County, as Gov might be motivated to ram something through on behalf of these 4 time losers.
urbanleftbehind (ef9d3d) — 8/4/2021 @ 11:42 amFrosty @104
It was initially authorized by Congress under Trump. I don’t think it was right. I’m not convinced it was legal. That authorization lapsed.
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 8/4/2021 @ 11:50 amAs I recall, it was a Trump Administration Executive Order (through the CDC) that initially imposed the moratorium. There was never any Congressional authorization.Correction: The Trump Executive Order was issued after a Congressional eviction moratorium lapsed in August 2020.
Same site. We cross posted.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 11:51 amNJRob, when I said it was you and Rip who provided the link I wasn’t sincerely accusing you of trying to cover trot Cumo. I think frosty was making a joke based on the accusation he feels people have been making that conversation not focused on the need to get the vaccine encourages vaccine hesitancy. I was playing along with that joke. Sorry for any confusion.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 11:53 amNJ Rob, I think Cumo’s action merit his resignation or impeachment. I haven’t read the report. Does it support criminal charges?
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 11:54 amLook at this:
A few pages down:
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 12:00 pmIf they take a very strict interpretation of sexual harassment maybe it could support criminal charges. And there seem to be instances, if true, of sexual abuse.
Somehow President Kennedy never interacted with any unwilling women. I think he had other people sound them out before.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 12:04 pm@128-
The Albany DA is investigating.
Related: Cuomo violated state and federal laws, report finds, but will he be charged with a crime?
Cuomo sexual harassment report prompts inquiries by prosecutors in Manhattan, Westchester
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 8/4/2021 @ 12:04 pm@121 – and I was joking. I kicked that can as much as anyone
frosty (5343e8) — 8/4/2021 @ 12:08 pmI think we need to start using the /snark tag or putting in emoji or a disclaimer.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 12:27 pmSomehow President Kennedy never interacted with any unwilling women. I think he had other people sound them out before.
Even a millionaire playboy has his pimps, eh Sammy.
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/4/2021 @ 12:32 pmAlso, when everyone agrees that Cumo is a scumbag unfit for office who should resign, leaders of his party have said so the day the report came out, his state legislature has said they’re getting ready to impeach, and no one is defending him it’s kind of a dry conversational well.
NJRob took it to the next step which is criminal charges. Not every improper act is criminal, but if there’s sufficient evidence and someone willing to press charges I don’t see anyone likely to push back on that. I would’t.
At this point the only way to continue the conversation is tangents or counter-factual trolling about ‘republican’s wouldn’t hold him accountable’ or ‘dem’s wouldn’t do this if the seat weren’t safe. I’d rather just be happy everyone is on the same page about doing the right thing for once.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 12:34 pmCNN has totally ‘Zucked’ itself.
They’ve destroyed their credibility. Cleanout the stall; rebuild: fire Chris Cuomo.
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/4/2021 @ 12:38 pmNot sure if reaching under a woman’s blouse to caress a breast and/or grabbing derrière is battery or assault under New York law – it may not be, as Epstein (wdnkh) and Harvey W. seemed to feel welcome and comfortable there – and there may be other unlawful moves Cuomo made. But if they are… and he’s charged, tried and convicted… he may well be incarcerated.
Highly unlikely, but not impossible.
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/4/2021 @ 12:53 pmIf the victim wants to press charges I hope he is.
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 12:55 pmCH, did we just agree?
Time123 (9f42ee) — 8/4/2021 @ 12:55 pmSomehow President Kennedy never interacted with any unwilling women. I think he had other people sound them out before.
Or Donald Trump.
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 8/4/2021 @ 1:31 pmCuomo did it; Packwood did it; Franken did it; Kavanaugh did it; O’Reilly did it; Ailes did it; Cosby did it; Bolling did it; Lauer did it; Moonves did it; Halperin did it; Matthews did it; Charlie Rose did it.. what the hell, O.J. Simpson did it.
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/4/2021 @ 1:42 pmExecutive Assistant #1 sayd she didn’t say, slap him, like people she knows later said she should have, because “I’m [not] going to assault the [G]overnor. I would be taken away by the state police officers and I would be the one that would get in trouble and I would be the one to lose my job, not him. . . .”
And she couldn’t tell anyone because her supervisor, Stephanie Benton, was the Governor’s right-hand person and “if I told her I was going to be asked to go somewhere else or transferred to [another] agency” and she actually liked her job.
“I was proud to work, especially during this pandemic. I generally enjoy working with my colleagues . . . that was an opportunity of a lifetime.”
She felt she was being taken advantage of.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 1:50 pmKavanaugh didn’t do it, and they all did different things. Andrew Cuomo has been caught in peripheral lies.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 1:51 pm@143. Except he did. In his own boozy obno-notes.
Get over it, Sammy.
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/4/2021 @ 1:54 pmSomehow President Kennedy never interacted with any unwilling women. I think he had other people sound them out before.
140. Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 8/4/2021 @ 1:31 pm
Well, that happened with the two women in Nevada in 2006.
Somebody indeed talked to Stormy Daniels before.
As for Karen McDougal, Donald Trump thought she was a prostitute and offered her money, but that was not what she thought of herself, and when Donald Trump found out she was willing to do that without a specific quid pro quo, he started an affair with her that lasted ten months until she broke it off because Donald Trump was introducing her to Melania.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 1:58 pmThe peripheral lies in the Kavanaugh case are with the accusers. The most credible accuser even changed her story about what approximate year it happened.
And one of her prime sources of income was doctoring scientific papers.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 2:02 pm@146. Thomas did, too.
Keep pitchin’ Sammy. Karma’s gonna get ’em in the end.
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/4/2021 @ 2:09 pmSomehow President Kennedy never interacted with any unwilling women. I think he had other people sound them out before.
In Kennedy’s case attractiveness attracts; attractiveness and power are a magnet. (Of course, we have no idea about the consensual nature of his affairs).
In the case of Trump and Cuomo, it is the opposite. They believed their power exempted their behavior. (I have no opinion about Kavanaugh, though it might involve social privilege).
Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 8/4/2021 @ 2:23 pm@148. Kiss a frog and a Toad tells all:
“Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” – Henry Kissinger
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/4/2021 @ 2:39 pmAOC ny governor in 2022?
asset (3da40b) — 8/4/2021 @ 2:58 pm* 107
I remember that test. I thought this was later. March 17, was extremely early in the epidemic in New York State but I thought, maybe…
Now I heard Inside Edition say it was in May.
The AG report has March.
That’s one error in it.
This is the thing that I meant when I said at #107 that some allegations are trivial.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 4:15 pm147 Thomas didn;t do it. Anita Hill said that the reason she followed Clarece Thomas from one job to another was because she was afraid the Department of EDucation would be abolished.
WHHICH WAS ASOMETHING THAT COULD ONLY MAKE SENSE TO A PERSON WHO SWALLOWED THE NEA TALKING POINT IN 1982 because abolishing the Deppartment of Education would not have meant firing all the people. It;s something which an uninformed person might assume from that talking point. But Anita Hill was in the government and was covered by civil service.
Her co-workers also disputed her. She was not trying to avoid Clarence Thomas.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 4:20 pmCBS News said that New York State lawmakers will give Governor Cuomo until the end of the weekend (i.e. Monday August 9) to resign – otherwise they will proceed with impeachment. The Assembly;s impeachment investigation should be finished by the end of the month – that is Cuomo should be impeached by Labor Day.
And his trial should begin by September 30.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 4:24 pm130. Two possible New York State criminal charges against Andrew Cuomo, both misdemeanors, are forcible touching and sex abuse in the 3rd degree. I doon;t know if any of that could make Cuimo into a sex offender. I think his denials are too broad because of fear of a law covering it.
Four county DA’s are interested in looking at possible charges.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/4/2021 @ 4:34 pmActually 5 District Attorneys: Albany, Manhattan. Westchester, Nassau and Oswego.
Oswego? (That would probably be the event in “upstate New York” where the Governor spoke and where Virginia Limmiatis was inappropriately touched.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/5/2021 @ 8:14 amImpeachment in New York Sate works differently than in the federal government.
1) Upon impeachment, the Lieutenant Governor becomes Acting Governor. Si Andrew Cuomo would lose his power at that point.
2) The jury consists of the members of the Senate, minus the temporary president of the Senate, plus the members of the New York State court of appeals.
There are currently 62 Senators and seven members of the Court of Appeals. You might think this adds up to 69, but it is 68 because one Senator does not count. Two thirds of 68 or 69 is 46, and the blocking number is 24. Only those present count, but there must be a majority both of the Senators and of the 7 members of the Court of Appeals.
The trial must begin within 30 or 60 days of the impeachment – that is, they can;t leave the Governor hanging, and a majority cannot refuse to proceed with a trial.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/5/2021 @ 8:35 amNthing about this in the CBS Evening News tonight.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/5/2021 @ 4:28 pmGovernor Cuomp has been given until next Friday, August 13, to submt a response to the Assembly
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/6/2021 @ 10:07 amNew York Governor Andrew Cuomo seems to have no friends left who don’t work for him, except Rudolph Giuliani, a few letter writers to the New York Daily News, and his dog.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/6/2021 @ 10:10 amRudolph Giuliani but not his son son Andrew
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/6/2021 @ 10:15 am@159. And the blonde at his feet by the pool side.
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/6/2021 @ 10:19 amThe New York State Assembly wad investigating four different grounds for impeachment but has abandoned one of them: Covering up of structural problems on the new Mario Cuomo bridge (the replacement for the Tappan Zee Bridge over the Hudson Rover.)
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/6/2021 @ 10:23 am161, That blonde woman probably works for him. She’s typing something, isn’t she?
Andrew Cuomo was holed up with his top aides on Wednesday, (I think) trying to prepare a response but they couldn’t figure out what to say.
He did release a 14-minute video on Tuesday prepared in advance of the release of the report, and his lawyer has submitted something arguing that some of the witnesses contradict themselves, (apparently by praising Cuomo after the date of some alleged incidents)
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/6/2021 @ 10:36 amThe other day Bill O’Reilly said (I don;t know if this accurate) that, right now, Governpr Andrew Cuomo controls the disbursement of $50 billion in federal assistance.
In any case, that power goes away the instant the New York State Assembly votes ti impeach, although he still collects his salary and gets to live in the Governor’s mansion (which after his break-up with Sandra Lee, is apparently his only home.)
He can easily drag things out till approximately the end of the year.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/6/2021 @ 11:13 amRita Glavin pooping chaff on the TeeVee for Governor Creepyshow.
Allow me, on behalf of the citizens of the State of Noo Wawk, to ask Rita Glavin a few ‘Cuomo Questions:
So, Rita… do you date older men?
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/6/2021 @ 1:23 pmRita… are you hot to trot or just prefer to ride Italian stallions?
Rita… you should really wear a dress more often.
Rita… so the governor likes to hire women for ‘diversity.’
Variety is ‘the spice of life,’ eh sweetie?
DCSCA (f4c5e5) — 8/6/2021 @ 1:29 pmCriminal complaint against Cuomotose for felonious fondling of the breast filed.
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/6/2021 @ 2:05 pmThe state trooper is the one new allegation – the 11th case – that nobody knew about until the Attorney General’s report was released. (Only ten cases were known that the AG was looking into)
Cuomo wasn’t prepared for it on Tuesday – his people were still not prepared for it on Friday. I mentioned it briefly at 110.
This involves a small abuse of power (changing the requirements to hire her, so Cuomo says he wanted more women) and lying to the press.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/6/2021 @ 3:05 pmThere won’t be any prosecution without the victim formally complaining and testufying voluntarily.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/6/2021 @ 3:07 pmThe CBS Evebing News this time had some coverage of the Andrew Cuomo events.
They’ll also interview an anonymous victim (not named in the report) on Monday morning in collaboration with the Albany Times Union.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/6/2021 @ 4:08 pm169… per 167, a victim has taken the next step, Sammy.
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/6/2021 @ 6:14 pm161. 163. The blonde woman is Cuomo’s office director, Stephanie Benton.
The pool is in the Executive Mansion. Neither is dresssed for swimming. Cuom has a shirt and pants and a paper notebook in front of him. The secretary is dressed in a jumper (not a bathing suit) and has kicked off her flip flops.
It is said she also has sunglasses although I can’t see them in any of the pictures that are printed in the Friday, August 6, 2021 New York Post. She is using a laptop.
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/7/2021 @ 7:43 pmStephanie Benton is the person who, one time, took the sexual harassment training instead of the Governor (evidently Cuomo wanted the excuse that he didn’t know what he shouldn’t do according to state law and policy.)
Sammy Finkelman (51cd0c) — 8/9/2021 @ 11:36 am