Patterico's Pontifications


Rep. Liz Cheney Understands Republicans Can’t Focus on The Future Without First Reckoning With The Past

Filed under: General — Dana @ 6:04 pm

[guest post by Dana]

Remember how Republicans hammered on Rep. Liz Cheney because she wouldn’t stop talking about the election or January 6? She’s looking backward, not forward!

Well, it’s a darn good thing Cheney refused to dismiss the “big lie” and whitewash what happened on Jan. 6. Instead of doing whatever it took to remain in Trump’s good graces, she remained loyal to the Constitution. She chose to keep her integrity intact by demonstrating a relentless determination to push back on Trump and his “big lie,” as well as being determined to dig as deeply as possible to find out the who, what, where, and when of that fateful day at the US Capitol. Unlike her Trump-Republican colleagues, Cheney understands that the GOP simply cannot move forward as a healthy, viable party that holds to conservative ideals and principles if the events of Jan. 6 are whitewashed and not faced with an unwavering quest for the truth, regardless of where it might lead.

Here’s Cheney’s opening statement from today’s hearing:

Here is Rep. Adam Kinzinger’s opening statement:

These two elected officials do the Republican Party, and Americans, proud. It’s too bad their fellow Republicans don’t see it that way.


George P. Bush Learns The Hard Way

Filed under: General — Dana @ 9:30 am

[guest post by Dana]

In his run for Texas attorney general, George P. Bush, who sold out his family in an effort to get an endorsement from the head of the GOP (Donald Trump), learned a bitter lesson. Sadly had Bush not put ambition above the evidence before him, he wouldn’t have given Trump the opportunity to publicly humiliate him. Trump’s thin-skinned vindictiveness toward the Bush family, and anyone whom he has perceived as offending or wronging him, is well known. And now Trump has very predictably, and I dare say gleefully rejected George P. Bush:

Attorney General Ken Paxton has been bravely on the front line in the fight for Texas, and America, against the vicious and very dangerous Radical Left Democrats, and the foolish and unsuspecting RINOs that are destroying our Country. Ken is strong on Crime, Border Security, the Second Amendment, Election Integrity and, above all, our Constitution. He loves our Military and our Vets. It is going to take a PATRIOT like Ken Paxton to advance America First policies in order to Make America Great Again. Ken has my Complete and Total Endorsement for another term as Attorney General of Texas. He is a true Texan who will keep Texas safe—and will never let you down!


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