Patterico's Pontifications


President Biden: Would Support Moving MLB All-Star Game Out Of Georgia Because Of “Jim Crow On Steroids” Law (UPDATE ADDED)

Filed under: General — Dana @ 2:01 pm

[guest post by Dana]

When the Georgia voting law was passed, President Biden called it “Jim Crow in the 21st century”. He also inaccurately described a portion of the law, for which he received four Pinocchios from the Washington Post fact-checker. To date, he has not yet corrected his false claims. Yesterday, the President said in an interview with ESPN that he would support MLB if they moved the All-Star Game out of Georgia because of the new law:

President Joe Biden on Wednesday said he would “strongly support” moving the MLB All-Star game out of Georgia, citing the state’s controversial new voting law that includes a provision banning volunteers from delivering food or drinks to voters in line.

“I think today’s professional athletes are acting incredibly responsibly,” Biden said to ESPN’s Sage Steele during an interview. “I would strongly support them doing that. People look to them. They’re leaders.”

The All-Star Game is set to occur on July 13 at the Atlanta Braves’ Truist Park.

Biden was critical of the divisive Georgia voting law, which was signed by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp in late March, during the interview with ESPN.

“Look at what’s happened across the board. The very people who are victimized the most are the people who are the leaders in these various sports, and it’s just not right,” Biden said. “This is Jim Crow on steroids, what they’re doing in Georgia and 40 other states.”

Gov. Kemp responded to the President’s criticism:

Kemp has pushed back against the president’s criticism of the law, stating there is “nothing ‘Jim Crow'” about it.

“It is obvious that neither President Biden nor his handlers have actually read SB 202,” Kemp said. “As Governor, I won’t back down from keep Georgia elections secure, accessible, and fair.”

President Biden’s hyperbole-on-steroids isn’t helpful, but I suspect he is solidifying that from here on in, this will be the Democratic Party’s company line. And on cue, Stacey Abrams released a video referring to the new law as “Jim Crow 2.0”. However, she explains why the state should not be boycotted by corporations and other entities, believing that ultimately it will end up hurting marginalized groups. Taking a stand against a Georgia boycott is a noticeable break from President Biden position on the issue:

A number of companies have released statements criticizing the new law. This includes Delta and Coca-Cola, which are headquartered in Atlanta.

Exit question for President Biden:

UPDATE: MLB caved. They are pulling the All-Star game out of Georgia:


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