A Kennedy Finally Loses in Massachusetts
[guest post by JVW]
Never thought I would live to see it:
Riding a wave of support from the Democratic party’s progressive wing – including the backing of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Elizabeth Warren — Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts on Tuesday survived a heated primary battle against challenger Rep. Joe Kennedy III.
Speaking to supporters, Kennedy conceded to Markey about 2 and a half hours after polls closed in Massachusetts – in a primary battle that grabbed national attention as it turned increasingly bitter this summer.
“A few moments ago I called Sen. Markey to congratulate him,” Kennedy said Tuesday night. “The senator is a good man. You have never heard me say otherwise.” He added, “Obviously these results were not the ones we were hoping for.”
With 44 percent of the vote reporting, Markey was leading Kennedy 54% to 48%.
It seems a bit premature to concede an election not yet half counted and within a mere six percentage points, but I suppose that the Kennedy campaign expected their man to perform a lot better in the towns and precincts that have already been counted and have decided not to wait out what is shaping up to be a long, glum night.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, she of the newly-coiffed hair, endorsed Rep. Kennedy and he had no trouble raising money among his family’s well-heeled friends and progressive activist admirers, but in the end the echos of “Camelot” have apparently faded sufficiently such that they are but a distant echo or perhaps even merely a page in the history book to many Bay State voters.
I guess that calling for “a new generation of leadership” wasn’t such a winning campaign in a year when both major parties are putting up septuagenarians for President. This is the first ever loss for a Kennedy family member in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.