Patterico's Pontifications


Rumored: Biden Has Selected a VP Candidate [Updated: It’s Harris]

Filed under: General — JVW @ 12:36 pm

[guest post by JVW]

[UPDATE 1:23 pm]NBC News says it’s Senator Kamala Harris. Hat tip to everyone who put this in the comments. I said a while back that this either makes Joe Biden look weak for going with someone who so nastily demagogued him at the debates, or it makes him look magnanimous in victory. Or he had nothing to do with the pick and won’t remember who it is anyway.

In any case, the real Kamala Harris died over the past weekend. I remember him well; may he rest in peace.

UPDATE 2 (Dana): Trump has already tweeted his campaign’s anti-Harris ad:

—— Original Post ——

The media is abuzz with rumors that Joe Biden has finally settled upon a Vice-President candidate and will announce the decision shortly, as early as today. This follows murmurs that since twice delaying his pick after initially declaring that the announcement would come at the end of July, Mr. Biden has had second thoughts about the names he has been dropping for the past couple of months and has even considered reneging on his hard promise to select a woman and his soft promise that she would be African-American. MAGA Twitter and pro-Trump sites yesterday announced that Kamala Harris had met with Mr. Biden and then subsequently unfollowed him on social media, but there seems to be enough holes in that story to take it with a grain of salt. Claims that a private jet had flown from South Bend to Delaware over the weekend sparked speculation that Biden would select Notre Dame Head Football Coach Brian Kelly, but with Notre Dame agreeing to play football this fall in the Atlantic Coast Conference it would seem that Coach Kelly will be too busy to campaign.

Last chance to make your predictions. I still think that Coach Kelly is strongly in play.


UPDATE BY PATTERICO: There goes any slim chance I might have voted for Biden.

Flynn Oral Argument in Motion

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:28 am

I came into it late and have to start working, so I’ll listen to the bulk of it later. However, listening to the Solicitor General arguing, I was struck by Judge Wilkins finally getting to the matter I have asked here many times:

If a defendant has been convicted and sentenced, and there is video of the Attorney General accepting a briefcase of cash from an agent of the defendant, and the Government requests that the case be dismissed … does the District Judge have to dismiss the case?

The Solicitor General’s answer?

Yes. The defendant gets off scot free.

Perhaps the Attorney General can be investigated for bribery and prosecuted, but the defendant gets off scot free — under a rule (Rule 48) that requires “leave of court” for a dismissal.

That strikes me as an extreme position. Am I the only one?

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