Patterico's Pontifications


Baseball Crank: The 41 Worst People You Meet on Twitter

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:12 am

Dan McLaughlin (aka the Baseball Crank, who recently left his law practice to become a full-time writer at NRO) has a very thorough taxonomy of annoying Twitter personalities today titled The 41 Worst People You Meet on Twitter. These particularly amused me:

3. The Chief Dufflepud: The Chief Dufflepud’s signature characteristic is twofold: He has a legion of sycophantic followers who trail after him giving off praise like Sir Robin’s minstrels, and he constantly reinforces their reinforcement of him by retweeting their hosannas to his brilliance and courage. If you argue with the Chief Dufflepud, he will make sure that your mentions are flooded with these people, none of whom will add anything knowledgeable to the discussion; they will simply assert that you have been Owned and Destroyed by The Great One and should Take The L.

. . . .

5. The Swaggerer: The Swaggerer may be male or female (as may most of these types), but machismo is his game, and he is most typically found on the right. What distinguishes The Swaggerer is that he’s more interested in showing that he is Tough and Fights and Never Apologizes and Owns the Libs and Isn’t a Snowflake and Doesn’t Care About Your Feelings than he is in the actual content of his arguments.

. . . .

19. The Instant Logan Act Expert: The Instant Logan Act Expert is an unfortunate by-product of the democratization of discourse. Thirty minutes into any public controversy, the Instant Logan Act Expert suddenly has strong and confident opinions about the topic, despite having never given it a moment’s thought before. Often, the Instant Logan Act Expert is simultaneously an actual expert in one or more other topics, and he should really know better.

Read it all.

10 Responses to “Baseball Crank: The 41 Worst People You Meet on Twitter”

  1. I’ve liked the Crank ever since his early days at RedState. NRO is the better for having him.

    Paul Montagu (0cc189)

  2. This article was funny. It missed the person that’s pushing their policy preference as the solution to every problem.

    e.g. Single Payer. Pandemic? Single Payer. High Unemployment? Single payer Low unemployment? Single payer. Bad weather? Single Payer.

    Time123 (ca85c9)

  3. When I realized that Twitter was a great place to yell at complete strangers, but not much more, I quit it.

    Kishnevi (86d06e)

  4. Twitter delenda est.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  5. It missed the person that’s pushing their policy preference as the solution to every problem

    Worse is the one whose single solution is a cult fetish, like Transcendental Meditation or Metricization.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  6. It missed the person that’s pushing their policy preference as the solution to every problem

    Worse is the one whose single solution is a cult fetish, like Transcendental Meditation or Metricization.

    Kevin M (ab1c11) — 4/3/2020 @ 9:23 am

    Or ‘vote for bernie’

    Time123 (ca85c9)

  7. 42. The Evaluator. Draws up a list of 41 Twitter profiles.

    nk (1d9030)

  8. We could compile a twitter DSM. DSMtd-1

    felipe (023cc9)

  9. I don’t understand the complaint about Chief Dufflepud. Crank seems to be upset that someone is popular and he isn’t. The Swaggerer seems to be about Crank’s dislike of conservatives. He doesn’t like conservatives who “own the libs”. Okey-dokey.

    The only one I liked was logan act expert. unfortunately, this type is not limited to twitter, but infests cable news, Network news, and the WH Press corps. Journalists constantly pretend to experts on every subject and of course are “Smarter than Trump” even though their dumb questions (usually parroting another Journalist) show otherwise.

    rcocean (2e1c02)

  10. I don’t do Twitter. I figured out very early on how much of a cesspool it can be,

    I have, however, seen all 41 of these people on Facebook and on website comment sections.

    Jeff Lebowski (0b16c9)

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