That Wacky Gov. Inslee Announces Who He Would Ask To Be His Secretary Of State
[guest post by Dana]
Sometimes I step back, and look at American politics and the incredible theatrics involved, and I ask myself, are these people for real??
Anyway, you may recall that the last time I posted about Washington’s Gov. Jay Inslee, he had just signed a bill making Washington the first state to approve composting as an alternative to burying or cremating human remains. And you thought that was a doozy…
Today at the progressive Nutroots Nation conference, the “climate change candidate” told the audience who he would like to see be his secretary of state if he won the election:
[O]ne of his firs acts as president would be to get a secretary of state who embraces world unity and “love rather than hate,” as he rebuked President Trump’s foreign policy.
“My first act will be to ask Megan Rapinoe to be my secretary of state,” he said. “I haven’t asked her yet so this could be a surprise to her.”
“I actually believe this because what I think what she has said that has inspired us so much is such an antithesis of the president’s foreign policies,” he added.
Here’s the thing: Once upon a time there would have been no doubt that Inslee was just joking about Rapinoe. Today, however, I’m not so sure. We’ve elected a reality show host as President of the United States, so why not a soccer star for secretary of state? Anyway, if it’s someone who “embraces world unity” and “love rather than hate” that Inslee is looking for, he has to look no further than fellow candidate, Marianne Williamson.
And in further asking whether these people are for real, I read that after the U.S. Women’s Soccer team victory, Megan Rapinoe appeared on the Rachel Maddow Show. Maddow asked her whether she would consider running for the presidency because that’s what anyone who becomes a mega-star in the U.S. does with their 15 minutes of fame: they consider whether or not to run for the presidency:
Maddow: One of the reasons that I feel like your career is of national interest, not just for you as an athlete but for you as an American, is because over the years I feel like, watching you just as a fan, I feel like you have become more and more comfortable and more and more articulate in terms of using the platform that you’ve got to say what you think ought to be happening in the world.
You seem more calm, more capable, more eloquent than ever, and it seems like that gets better over time. And so that makes me want you to do this forever….you’re really good at talking when you need to talk and saying things that need to be said…
Public Policy Polling literally did a poll today. Which was you versus Trump in a presidential contest and you beat him by a point. So, you know, I don’t think you’re going to announce that you’re running for president here, but –
Rapinoe: Yeah, no, I’m not.
So apparently she would be available for the secretary of state slot…
Anyway, in the words of Rapinoe: “…try to be as educated as [you] can….try to keep up with things, watch The Rachel Maddow Show, of course, keep [yourselves] woke.”
Seriously, are these people for real??
(Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.)