Patterico's Pontifications


DEVELOPING: Mueller Delivers Report to DOJ; Breathless Nation, uh, Watches Basketball [UPDATED]

Filed under: General — JVW @ 2:25 pm

[guest post by JVW]

Attorney General Barr now has the report from Special Counsel Mueller. Let the grandstanding begin.

This can be an open thread. Feel free to post developments as they emerge.

UPDATE: Fox News reports that Mueller does not recommend any new indictments. That tidbit has been added to the original link in the post.


Abuse of Interpol’s Red Notices: It’s Not Just Putin and It’s Not Just Bill Browder

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:13 am

The New York Times has a good piece, the title of which speaks for itself: How Strongmen Turned Interpol Into Their Personal Weapon:

Hakeem al-Araibi thought he had escaped the reach of the Bahraini government when he fled to Australia years ago as a political refugee. But immediately after landing in Thailand for a belated honeymoon last year, Mr. al-Araibi was arrested and scheduled to be sent back to his native country.

Bahrain, which has been accused of torture and other abuses, had used what is known as an Interpol red notice to reach across the world and grab him, despite rules meant to protect refugees.

Abuse of Interpol is not restricted to Russia going after Bill Browder. It is used by countries like Turkey, Egypt, and Venezuela to go after journalists and dissidents.

I guess we still accept that countries can run their internal affairs the way they like. Are we going to invade every country that persecutes free speech? But we don’t have to let those countries use our rule of law institutions to do their dirty work.

[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.]

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