Let’s All Act Dreadfully Regarding the Covington Catholic HS boys
[guest post by JVW]
Dana, Patterico, and I were trading email last night discussing which one of us wanted to address the big contretemps over the weekend regarding the boys from Covington Catholic High School and Nathan Phillips of the Omaha Tribe of Native Americans. Dana and I both concluded that this was a ridiculous story that had snowballed into something unimaginably stupid and that neither one of us looked forward to trying to unpack it. The host wisely kept quiet. I eventually told them that I would take a hack at addressing it, but I spent a couple of hours reading through accounts of what happened and various opinions concerning it, and I came away no more excited about sharing my opinions than I was going in.
Suffice it to say, this whole kerfuffle was a misanthrope’s dream. I am just going to assume that everyone here has a basic idea of what happened, because, honestly, one of the things I struggled with last night was trying to recount the events and the various spin that was spun by advocates and agendavists (yeah, I just made up that word). If you haven’t yet seen what happened, take an hour (if it’s worth your time, and it’s probably not) and watch the brief three minute clip that circulated Saturday morning (the events took place the day before), then watch a different video with more context, and finally watch the longer version (fast-forward though as much as you want) that started to make the rounds later that evening and yesterday.
Here’s what I think about all of what happened:
1. The boys were stupid to wear their MAGA gear to the rally, and their chaperones were asleep at the wheel for permitting it. Sure, you can give me the free speech argument, but I’m pretty sure these boys were on a school-sponsored bus tour and the school had every right to dictate the day’s dress code. I would also fault the boys if they showed up wearing I’m With Her regalia, or John Kasich clothing, or even Kamala Harris duds. That brought a partisan element to an event, the March for Life, that should have been party-neutral.
2. The Black Hebrew Israelites didn’t do anything to shake my image of them as a bunch of nut jobs. I was acquainted with a fella some years ago who fell for their flim-flam and became more than somewhat unhinged (or perhaps his association with the group just shone a light on his existing problems with reality). The way these grown men provoked the boys with racial slurs is typical of the thuggishness of so many members of that sect.
3. Nathan Phillips’s actions here are either self-aggrandizing or intentionally inflammatory. To hear him tell it, he waded into the crowd of boys to defuse the situation brewing between them and the Black Hebrews. But if that’s true, why did Mr. Phillips not speak to any of the boys — perhaps introduce himself to them and talk them like a respected elder might to young men — instead choosing to bang his drum and chant his prayer face-to-face just inches away from a young man? At best Mr. Phillips tried to help in a tense situation but badly blundered; at worst he was hoping to draw attention to himself by confronting the young MAGA kids. Also, let’s ask how we would feel if Mr. Phillips had done the same thing to a 16-year-old girl. Wouldn’t that come off as creepy and menacing? I also join those who think that Mr. Phillips is not an accurate chronicler of the truth. There is a cacophony of noise on the video, but I don’t hear any chants of “build that wall” that he claimed to hear, and I have a hard time buying into his claim that he feared for his safety in the presence of those boys.
4. Regarding that now infamous young man in the video, Nicholas Sandmann (I use his name because he has gone public with his side of the story), as an old man sitting here today I wish he hadn’t stood there staring down Mr. Phillips, but I have a very strong feeling that 16-year-old JVW would have done pretty much the exact same thing. A young boy loaded up with testosterone in the presence of his friends as they are verbally sparring with another group is not suddenly going to back down to an old man beating a drum and chanting in his face. If he had, the left side of the Internet would no doubt be crowing about how a brave Native American elder stared down an unruly MAGA teen and made the boy back down, and I know that a 16-year-old isn’t going to let himself be in that position. Dammed if he did; dammed if he didn’t.
5. And what would 2019 be without an immediate internet lynch mob assembled to punish the boys. Naturally the trolls and the keyboard commandos emerged with calls for doxxing all of the boys, leading to at least one Covington Catholic student who was not present at the march being harassed with death threats after being mistakenly identified in place of young Mr. Sandmann. The usual cacophony of Hollywood half-wits, intersectionality idiots, and journalism jackasses certainly thought it appropriate to issue snap judgements. Sadly, even some conservative outlets decided not to get left behind in the parade and also bought into the idea that the boys were entirely to blame, only to then walk back their reactions with apologies and mea culpas when the other videos began to emerge (pseudo-conservatives took part as well). And of course, there are those media hacks who continue to double (and triple) down on their initial wayward perspectives.
6. Finally, perhaps the worst offender of all was the school itself along with the Diocese of Covington. Instead of protecting their young charges, instead of calmly calling for a timeout on the hate in order to gather all facts and make an informed judgement, they surrendered to the mob by issuing a statement blaming the students for the entire situation. Imagine you are a parent of a Covington Catholic student; how satisfied are you that your son is going to be in a supportive environment with adults who look out for his well-being in return for your $8,000 tuition check? Considering that bashing Catholics — especially bashing white male Catholics — is one of the new hip progressive hobbies (although, to be sure, the Church does itself no favors with its inexplicably poor decisions), considering that members of Congress, from Ted Lieu (Dem – Twitter) to the boys’ homestate Congressman in an adjacent district all thought it proper to pile on, the last thing these boys need is for their own side to covet the forty thirty pieces of silver of secular approval. Fortunately for the boys, their own Congressman, Thomas Massie, did excellent work in making the case against the rush to judgement. The people of Kentucky’s Fourth District are lucky to have Rep. Massie on the case. [Disclosure: I went to college with Rep. Massie and am friends with his chief of staff.]
There’s plenty more to pontificate about, but I’m going to wrap it up here. There’s work to be done for sure: some young men who could behave with more decorum in public settings, several chaperones who ought to take seriously the idea that their charges are representatives of the school and community, plenty of activists who have to stop thinking that they can intimidate and harass with impunity, lots of media members who really should quit falling for stories that neatly confirm their deeply-held biases, and uncountable numbers of outside observers who need to stifle themselves rather than regurgitate some predictable hot take that is appropriate to their side.
Some people are suggesting an Obamaesque “beer summit” (yeah, OK, root beer) between Mr. Phillips and some of the boys (especially young Mr. Sandmann). This alumnus of Covington Catholic who is now a restauranteur has proposed his establishment as a meeting location. It’s not the worst idea I have heard, but I wonder if it wouldn’t just be more cause for grandstanding.
JVW (54fd0b) — 1/21/2019 @ 8:27 pmAlso: there’s a lot to this story that I left out of this post, tidbits that while interesting are either hard to confirm or don’t particularly shed light on the situation. There was a mom who claimed on Twitter that Mr. Phillips approached her 15-year-old daughter who was wearing a MAGA hat and started with his chanting and drumming, but then backed down when her daughter appeared freaked out by being accosted by an old man. Plausible, yes, but so far she’s the only person I saw who reported this happening. There are also some internet sleuths who are doubting the claim that Mr. Phillips is really a Vietnam vet, reasoning that his age makes him too young to have seen combat since the last marines left Vietnam before he would have been through basic training. I don’t think that fact is all that germane to the incident at hand, though it does demonstrate that the media will take some people’s claims of being a combat vet at face value and not seek any corroboration.
On the other side, we now have legions of people, some who claim to be Covington Catholic alumni or the family members or close friends of CC alums, who are insisting that the school has a long history of racism, sexism, homophobia and all the other bugaboos of social justice. Again, a lot of this is unverified, and some claims of past incidents that have been lodged have been vigorously denied by other CC alums and family. I think it’s best to avoid going down the sinkhole of trying to adjudicate all of those claims.
JVW (54fd0b) — 1/21/2019 @ 8:37 pmCough cough. 30 pieces of silver, not forty, isn’t it?
I think the young man himself acted in a rather mature fashion, by doing nothing and saying nothing, and letting a smirk betray his opinion of the guy chanting in his face. But his schoolmates were not all as mature as he. The school needs to tutor kids on how to respond to provocation in this age of social media.
Kishnevi (dce4ce) — 1/21/2019 @ 8:38 pmThe same Georgetown prep card that vanity fair has wound up again, the template is like the CBC obamacare rally and the tea party encounter ten years ago.
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 8:40 pmCough cough. 30 pieces of silver, not forty, isn’t it?
Odd, I also initially thought it was 40 pieces, but at the last minute I Duck-Duck-Go’d it and it appears to be 30. I wonder why you and I both thought 40?
[Edit: Oh, I see what you are saying. Even weirder: I thought 40, looked it up, saw it was 30, yet somehow still wrote in 40. I swear I am getting senile. Man. – JVW]
JVW (54fd0b) — 1/21/2019 @ 8:40 pmsexism, homophobia and all the other bugaboos of social justice
Kishnevi (dce4ce) — 1/21/2019 @ 8:42 pmLet’s not forget that simply adhering to traditional Catholic teaching is in the eyes of SJW in and of itself sexism and homophobia.
I think the young man himself acted in a rather mature fashion, by doing nothing and saying nothing, and letting a smirk betray his opinion of the guy chanting in his face. But his schoolmates were not all as mature as he. The school needs to tutor kids on how to respond to provocation in this age of social media.
Sorry, I should have responded to your entire comment.
I agree. I wish the kids had stood there impassively while Mr. Phillips went through his display for the cameras, but again they were almost certainly high on testosterone from their verbal spat with the Black Hebrews and not in the mood. And being the adult in the crowd, Mr. Phillips damn well ought to have understood that.
JVW (54fd0b) — 1/21/2019 @ 8:42 pmContretemps.
Nope, no fake firewater summit. It would legitimize Chief Syncopatac and why would anybody want to do that?
I also have a
nk (dbc370) — 1/21/2019 @ 8:43 pmn opinionjoke about Catholic priests who run boys’ schools, but I’ll keep it to myself for the time being. It’s not funny, anyway.Contretemps.
Thanks! Correction made. It’s always a word in the first few sentences, isn’t it?
JVW (54fd0b) — 1/21/2019 @ 8:47 pmeven if you’re an evil lying indian elder of the lackawana food stamp tribe you still can’t up and lynch young kids
not without the help of jack douchey’s twatter you can’t
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/21/2019 @ 8:52 pmIn a different context, a gentleman I know posted a column last night with two typos in the first line. It turned out that he had gone over the column four times looking for typos, etc before typing…yet still missed them.
Kishnevi (dce4ce) — 1/21/2019 @ 8:53 pmGreat post, JVW.
I think a beer summit would be a mistake. The media screwed up so badly this weekend, I can’t imagine what they’d do with a non-spontaneous, pre-arranged meeting. Exploitation of a kid by adults just doesn’t seem like a good idea. Especially as the hatred for him is already baked in. (Some blue checkmark tweeted a side by side of the kid and Justice Kavanagh because…)
Dana (023079) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:06 pmThe Covington boys didn’t just confront Black Hebrews and American Indians. They needed more and better chaperones.
Paul Montagu (feb979) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:08 pmIn a different context, a gentleman I know posted a column last night with two typos in the first line. It turned out that he had gone over the column four times looking for typos, etc before typing…yet still missed them.
Welcome to my life, Kish.
JVW (54fd0b) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:09 pmThis is old news, there’s a new threat lurking on the horizon!!!
“And I think the part of it that is generational is that millennials and people, in gen z, and all these folks that come after us are looking up and we’re like, the world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.”
— Alexandria Ocasional-Cortex
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:13 pmErrare humanum est.
nk (dbc370) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:15 pmI’m curious as to why people think there should be some public shaming of the kid involved? Isn’t it his parents’ job to assess and address his behavior, and to have him make amends if necessary? I don’t believe internet mobs get to take the place of good parenting. Most of us can look back at our teenage years and cringe, to one degree or another. And yet most of us matured and came to understand responsible behavior.
Dana (023079) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:16 pmthe kids did absolutely nothing wrong
the diocese on the other hand behaved in a forthrightly evil twisted and abusive fashion
the vile malicious indian pervert set the native american brand back decades
but what’s more interesting than the individual bit players is how contrived this all was
Hitler used scapegoating as a fulcrum to advance his agenda – and he was very broad brush about it, scapegoating large minority groups – jews, gays, gypsies and et cetera
but Jack Douchey’s twatter lets today’s fascists micro-target their scapegoats
never again will fascists need to resort to that hitlerian broad brush, so in that sense the twatter is indeed very progressive
young white male catholics in maga caps were just the ticket this week to build on the preferred anti-catholic narrative the fascists have to keep simmering simmering simmering throughout the ruth bader deathwatch (and as a bonus this target resonated nicely with the new commercial for gillette’s new ladyboy ultra razor)
so that’s who the creepy mongolian throat singer and his twatter army targeted
i don’t think we’ve ever seen such a perspicuous example of what a nakedly fascist implement the twatter is, and how it’s designed to target and destroy people, irrespective of evidence or truth (the lynching campaign is still very much ongoing, and these kids and their families are in very real physical danger tonight)
so this has been a neat eye-opener for some, but just like in hitler germany the majority of people are, and will remain, steadfastly in denial
and so history repeats itself, this time again as tragedy
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:20 pmMost of us can look back at our teenage years and cringe, to one degree or another. And yet most of us matured and came to understand responsible behavior.
Exactly. The worst people in the world are those who are writing stuff like, “I hope this kid can’t get into any of the colleges he wants to attend because the admissions officers all know who he is and blackball him.” The reality is that is a very distinct possibility, and short of some loose-lipped admissions director acknowledging that the kid is blackballed, no one will every know it. I can understand thinking a teenager’s life should be ruined if he kills someone, I can pretty much understand thinking a teenager’s life should be ruined if he forcibly rapes someone, but how you can look at a non-physical “confrontation” like that and want to punish the kid forever is simply beyond me. It goes to show how completely awful some of our are in our smug moral certitude.
And, by the way, depending upon certain circumstances, the hip new idea in progressive circles is that the guy who murders or rapes someone has a teenager deserves a second chance as an adult, which the internet braying donkeys want to deny to a kid who “smirked” at an aging Indian.
JVW (54fd0b) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:21 pmThere are also some dreadful priests whose parish is apparently the Church of Secular Twitter.
JVW (54fd0b) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:28 pmThere’s Marquette, there’s Notre Dame, there are the Loyolas, there’s Brigham Young (really), and any other number of church universities who will not blackball the kid if Covington stands by him. The UCs and the NYs and like ilk maybe, but would that really be a big loss?
nk (dbc370) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:31 pmThere’s Marquette, there’s Notre Dame. . .
I wish I could agree with you, nk, but the recent history of both Marquette and Notre Dame (along with Georgetown, DePaul, and some notable others) is that they have long ago abandoned Catholic education for whatever trendy secularism is popular in academia. Notre Dame does annual productions of the Vagina Diatribes and attempts to get work permits for the Muslim Brotherhood’s favorite academics, and Marquette harasses tenured professors who come to the defense of a student who advocates for traditional marriage. They are long gone. Maybe the kids can go to Thomas Acquinas or Ave Maria or something.
JVW (54fd0b) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:39 pmugh Mr. JVW
catholicism anymore
it’s rottered
and creepy
that guy’s super creepy
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:41 pmBecause they exist, in a world where the handmaid’s tale is taken as not only plausible but nearly inevitable this makes sense,
The so called women’s March which is hobbling like the black night had to be the set piece, fIling
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:41 pmFaiIling that, the notion of an anti moloch themed rally could not be allowed they figured this was Georgetown prep electric boogaloo, also it’s a shot across the bow to Amy barrett
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:43 pmJVW, thank you for a clear description of the issues at hand. But we live in a world—heck, a comments thread—where people can lie, exaggerate, and throw profanities about.
And that’s just more tinder on the bonfire.
But you know the saying. Some people don’t care about anything being valuable. They just…
But it’s not their world. It’s our world.
I think that people should be held accountable for their words. If they lie about a person, or accuse them of crimes, they should be held liable. What surprises me no little is that it isn’t just anonymous types raining down death threats on these kids, but people who are identifiable. Journalists, even.
And I am happy that some of the kids have lawyers taking those names down.
It’s not difficult to be civil and thoughtful. It’s even possible—as you have done—to criticize the kids.
But our nasty society has moved away from civility. So here we are.
Simon Jester (3575b9) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:46 pmThis comment was right below the priest’s thread that JVW linked to at 20:
So a dumb kid wearing a dumb hat automatically means they have no moral compass or can even be of the faith. I find this really amusing considering it’s the Catholic Church we’re talking about. An entity which has turned a blind eye to, and protected their own leadership who viciously sexually abused children for decades. But yeah, go after a dumb kid in a dumb hat.
Dana (023079) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:47 pm*or cannot even be of the faith*
Dana (023079) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:49 pmNo, Simon when the frankovichs and frenches of this world decide to throw young Christian men under the bus, than back over them, it’s more than mere narrative. Then they want to pretend they didnt do such a thing, and their authority be accepted on some other area.
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:51 pmBut Dana, the goal is to put complicated human beings into simple boxes with labels. Labels that we can bow down to, or that we can hate.
I don’t believe that this sentiment is new. But I do think that modern technology has weaponized our dehumanizing one another; demonizing people we have never met, and deifying others we do not know.
And it’s all based on narcissism; feeling good about oneself because of the self-perceived righteousness of mere slogans and bumper stickers.
Simon Jester (3575b9) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:57 pmWe aren’t slouching, were at warp speed toward gomorrah, violence as we saw at the j 20 riots resembled something from wild palms or some other dystopia I wouldn’t put past creamer whose staged these montages in ths pasr.
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:58 pmit’s not just throwing them under the bus though
it’s the ones whose parents (wisely enough) won’t let them on that bus to go to next year’s march
jack douchey’s twatter is a remarkably effective device for ostracizing people, for driving them into the shadows
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:58 pmRecently, a priest in the Catholic church where I went for summer day camp more 50 years ago, took down a rainbow flag that a predecessor had hung in the church — a rainbow flag, in a Catholic church! — and burned it. A mob formed and accused him of “Hate!!1!”. The diocese removed him. So I understand what you all are saying.
nk (dbc370) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:58 pmNo it’s not merely about narcissism, but about power to deny reality and reshape it, as in London the once great metropolis where acid attacks and mass stabbings are barely worth noting anymore.
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:00 pmburning it was a wee bit theatrical
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:01 pmWe all know what Dorsey and Zuckerberg and Mayer think about things and they impose that reality before we can even process it. Cover with a pillow until it stops moving and you crush its throat for good measure.
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:03 pmYes the rainbow flag is just a symptom of what Paul spoke in Romans 1, the friar in Frisco, made that crystal clear.
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:06 pmWe have seen the likes of Phillip’s before in ward churchill, this rage was inspired by the hecatomb now almost 18 years in the past.
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:08 pmWho seems to be behind him is daniel Sheehan, another anti American appleseed who had rather strong influence in Hollywood and academia
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:11 pmI think the wheels went off the track with Weinstein and spacey, who were the paintbrush and canvas of depravity, so evil is made some to admire and good to be disdained
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:14 pmInteresting to see journalists delete their hottake smears about the situation after subsequent video appeared. Including CNN’s Ana Navarro and Bakari Sellers.
Dana (023079) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:15 pmSo what, they will do it again and again until they feel real consequences for what they did now frankly CNN is it’s own hell.
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:18 pmBuzzfeed was criminally irresponsible two years ago, but we expect then to behave ethically. Why?
that’s how the fascist twatter dance is performed
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:19 pmRecently, a priest in the Catholic church where I went for summer day camp more 50 years ago, took down a rainbow flag that a predecessor had hung in the church — a rainbow flag, in a Catholic church! — and burned it.
Perchance, was this priest (the flag-burning one) from Africa? I’ve noticed that the African priests don’t have much time for humoring the LGBTQ lobby, or winking at couples who live together in sin, or divorced people who want to receive communion and then marry their new partner in an evening ceremony in a private room at a hip bar with both priest and rabbi as co-officiants, or college girls who want to be told that God doesn’t really care if she’s on birth control, the way that some of the new crop of progressive priests want to operate thanks in no small part to the confusing signals from the Holy Father. The African priests often come from places where Al-Shabaab or Boko Haram might burst in during mass and make martyrs out of the entire congregation, so they tend to be a little bit less enthusiastic about the First World problems of the laity.
JVW (54fd0b) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:22 pmYes this pontiff seems to be winging it like Jim Carrey in that Morgan Freeman, his reign has not been on balance a positive one
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:28 pmVehicle, not to mention what archbishop viviano revealed, values clarification or Charles Currans work leads nowhere fast.
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:31 pmKnowing who these people are, I think this was a deliberate provocation which they thought would leave to stronger measures this narrative was the fall back position.
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:34 pmthe fascist twatter kabuki dance continues as jack douchey takes down a burner account so as to appear to be pro-active while letting the child-lynching play out
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:37 pmWasnt there a thing about a murderer who was admitted to Harvard after an interval?
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:42 pmPerchance, was this priest (the flag-burning one) from Africa?
No, I get the impression that he’s old Northwest Side Polish-American. As for the “theater”:
nk (dbc370) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:42 pmThey deserve a medal not any reproach of any sort. Now the local Spanish paparazzi did note something I dont think the den of scum and villainy that TMZ is, has acknowledged.
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:46 pmit seems likely that if he’d just taken down the flag and tossed it in a drawer he’d have achieved the same thing and still have a job
but i imagine the church will keep paying him anyway like how they do the other priests who … go astray
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:47 pmnononono they do NOT deserve a medal Mr. narciso
the corrupt and dirty catholic church has its head so far up the ass of politics and it’s so perversely committed to inflicting its progressive whims and fancies on america that it really has no standing to whine when politics intrudes across the vestibule
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:53 pmBest thing happening on Twitter right now, by the way, is that Erik Estrada is retweeting every single woman of my age (and older) who has written a tweet professing their undying love for him. You go get you some, Ponch!
JVW (54fd0b) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:54 pmIt’s just weird when at the top of your timeline on Twitter are about fifteen retweets from Erik Estrada.
JVW (54fd0b) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:55 pmThey all got charge on their cable package now?
Narciso (8703aa) — 1/21/2019 @ 10:57 pmRe- JVW’s assessments-
1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. Yes- w/a qualifier; don’t be so hard on yourself; you ain’t that old.
5. Yes.
6. Yes.
Why anybody was on the Mall at all in lousy weather w/t government closed, Congress away, w/t monuments and museums shuttered, w/a major winter storm bearing down on the city and some superb football on TV speaks volumes on where their heads were at: warm and where the sun don’t shine.
Great post, JVW.
DCSCA (797bc0) — 1/21/2019 @ 11:16 pmlife wasn’t going to march for itself Mr. DCSCA
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/21/2019 @ 11:19 pmThanks DCSCA. I appreciate your kind words and am glad you liked the post. It was kind of challenging to write.
JVW (54fd0b) — 1/21/2019 @ 11:35 pm@58. Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, Mr. Feet; did before they were here; will march on after their gone.
DCSCA (797bc0) — 1/21/2019 @ 11:35 pm^they’re
DCSCA (797bc0) — 1/21/2019 @ 11:35 pmThe execrable Reza Aslan, last seen palling around with cannibals in India for CNN (because, you know, intersectionality and who are we to judge other cultures and all that), coughed up a wretched Tweet on Saturday. In case it gets deleted, it reads “Honest question. Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid’s?” just above a picture of Nicholas Sandmann smiling at Nathan Phillips.
Why yes, Mr. Aslan, I have seen a more punchable face. It’s one that you probably shave most every morning, and I won’t at all be surprised if I am proved correct sometime soon.
JVW (54fd0b) — 1/21/2019 @ 11:43 pmI think we will find out that the drum banging Mr. Phillips worked for Sidney Blumenthal, instead of fighting the commies in Vietnam.
mg (8cbc69) — 1/22/2019 @ 3:10 amAmerica is the cesspool of journalism.
mg (8cbc69) — 1/22/2019 @ 3:24 amNk did that sort of work before – rooting out a thief of valor- on these very pages, mg.
urbanleftbehind (b6a7f6) — 1/22/2019 @ 3:25 amNothing quite as entertaining as a culture grifting lefty.
mg (8cbc69) — 1/22/2019 @ 3:32 amRe JVW’s
#3 Philips is a rank opportunist, nothing more in this case. One of the B.I.s must have did time in the NW quarter of the country to have his anti-native dozens down so pat.
#6 that capitulation on the part of CCHS itself isn’t a sop to SJWs so much as it is a CYA for the athletic department; the school doesn’t seem to have speed at the skill positions and the wings if you know what I mean, for being an edge city in a large metro. The exposure of the larger beef plus pics of students in black body paint at b-ball games were of more concern.
That said, I do hope the name Catholic universities look past this in admitting any of the kids…I’d hate to lose any of them to Hillsdale or Liberty and eventually out of the Roman Catholic faith.
urbanleftbehind (b6a7f6) — 1/22/2019 @ 3:39 amThat doesn’t make sense. Nothing happened on the way to the rally. Nor immediately after the rally when they were allowed to split up and see DC. Nothing happened until the end of their entire day in DC.
Then, while waiting for a bus, they were accosted by a tiny handful of lunatics.
Your position is untenable in a free society. Maybe the kids shouldn’t have worn nice pants in case a crazy homeless dude were to take offense at the very end of an uneventful trip
BuDuh (3be8af) — 1/22/2019 @ 5:09 amThis isn’t the sort of country we want to leave our children…
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 1/22/2019 @ 5:19 amMy only point of equivocation is being too hard on the Covington School response. Should they have paused and dutifully investigated? Sure, but this is the Catholic Church and they are suffering horribly right now from being slow to react, morally obtuse, and protecting their own. Let’s face it. The initial optics looked horrible…..arrogant MAGA-hat wearing teen disrespecting ancient Native American vet. Yeah, it was wrong…badly wrong….but the pastor erring on the side of “kids, mind your elders” is not an irredeemable message. The adults actors on the DC mall are the ones whose actions and motives should be scrutinized….plus the ones that went directly after the kids and their families. We need some consequences from all of this…or we will continue seeing bad behavior….and it will escalate…
AJ_Liberty (165d19) — 1/22/2019 @ 5:22 amAny blame, any whatsoever on those kids is despicable in itself. They did nothing wrong. Wearing a political hat in Washington DC is neither a crime nor in any way “wrong”. It’s simple free speech. That lawyers fail to understand this is an indication to me that lawyers are more interested in ginning up work for their guild than they care about the Constitution or natural rights. No one would have thought twice about a kid wearing a MAGA hat at a political event except for the FACT that in incident was instigated by supposed adults, threatening some high school kids. There’s nothing to ponder here except why do the NT right hate Trump so much that they’re willing to throw teenagers under the bus?
JSkorcher (4aeca3) — 1/22/2019 @ 5:55 am“Maybe the kids shouldn’t have worn nice pants in case a crazy homeless dude were to take offense”
I don’t know….when you see MAGA regalia…does one think calm, collected, and reasoned? There are few people who are honestly ambivalent about Trump…and have no opinion about his bravado and messaging. Opponents would say that outward support via the MAGA gear is outward support for the worst of Trump’s norm-busting behavior and antics. I think that’s why Phillips vectored over to the teens and away from a similar in-your-face confrontation with the Black Hebrew Israelites. If the teens are there to support Life and oppose abortion on demand, why confuse the message by bringing in Trump…..a really late-in-life convert to the pro-life position? Nice pants are apolitical.
AJ_Liberty (165d19) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:06 amkids can wear what they want this is how we get an honest expression of who the lifeydoodle movement consists of
nobody wants to see a bunch of phony doodles prancing around the mall
we want the real deal
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:11 amWhy the MAGA hats? Because they’re kids and they’re not doing the moral and political calculus of our grossly over-the-top Trump hatred environment. If they wore shirts with Ronald Reagan pics on them, would you question that as well? If they think being pro-life is what can make America great, what in God’s name is wrong with that?
JSkorcher (4aeca3) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:12 amIt was Washington DC not some baseball game or church or Rotary Club meeting. Where exactly do you think it is acceptable to wear a MAGA hat if not at a political rally in DC? Are they only to be worn at Trump rallies? You know, like hoods at a Klan meeting?
JSkorcher (4aeca3) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:16 amThe wrong thing the kids were wearing was their white skin. I’m serious. If they had been “children of color”, they could have beaten Tom-Tom to a pulp and scalped him to boot, and at most there would have been a four-sentence article on AP. There’s a war against white people and they’re going after our kids first.
nk (dbc370) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:20 amif i remember right patrice comey threw dignity to the wind and pranced around the mall with a vagina on her fool head
and nobody told her she should have dressed differently that i can remember
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:21 am99.9999..% of the people they encountered that day must have thought that way. It wasn’t until the end of the day that 4 professional hecklers decided to pick on the kids. The Black Hebrews target white people. Even if the few kids that had MAGA regalia weren’t as “dumb” as dana says they were, and left their “dumb hats” at home, the white group was still a target.
By all accounts 4 Black Hebrews and 3 Indigenous activists went nuts at the end of a full day of touring, participating and interacting in DC.
Is that what the school and the chaperones are supposed to prepare for?
The people who are making the “dumb hat” the issue are doing so by pretending they were there, arm in arm with the Black Hebrews. Because without their fake attendance at the event it is a nothingburger based on the facts.
BuDuh (3be8af) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:23 amOne problem is making judgements based on a few seconds of video. I was convinced these were bad kids, then good kids, and now with video of them shouting at a couple of young women walking by, I am convinced they are just kids. Most of them are probably “good kids;” a couple of bad apples make them all look bad/stupid. They needed chaperones, badly.
The red hats don’t help. But on the other hand, it’s fricking America. I didn’t vote for Trump, but one should be able to wear an offensive piece of clothing and shout offensive political slogans without it being considered an “assault” and without being doxxed within an inch of your life.
I don’t know what I would do if an ahole were beating a drum in my face. Probably walk away. not sure why the kid engaged in a staring contest, but I don’t believe that was an offensive act. As someone else said, that kid acted maturely, but his friends made him look bad.
JRH (fe281f) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:31 amThey needed chaperones is the next BS. Throw them under the bus. Where were you? Perhaps all the NT’s can put down their internet devices and volunteer to chaperone kids around DC. What crap. You know who needed chaperones? The Black Israelites and the Native Americans. But of course it’s wrong and racist to say this.
JSkorcher (4aeca3) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:38 amThe PTA moms at my daughter’s schools, who generally do chaperone duty for field trips, would have mopped the pavement with the mopes.
nk (dbc370) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:45 amYou cant wear an American flag pin a tea party shirt, but che gear is ubiqitous.
Narciso (b84796) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:48 amnk, you got a lot of ex-Cicero mamas in R-B?
urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:52 am“You know who needed chaperones? The Black Israelites and the Native Americans.”
Yes you are absolutely right. Their depravity seemed so evident I didn’t comment on it.
JRH (fe281f) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:53 amI think a little navel gazing is in order:
Narciso (b84796) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:54 amhttps://www.breitbart.com/the- otmedia/2019/01/21/fake-news-never-sleeps-national-review-falls-for-more-anti-trump-media-hoaxes/
Berwyn, North Riverside, Lyons, LaGrange, and Broadview, too.
nk (dbc370) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:00 amHonestly it’s like you think Lucy will let you kick the football this time, and then thr chiropractor bill comes.
Narciso (b84796) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:04 amSo is it true they’ve had to close CCHS because of demonstrations held there against the diocese ?
Colonel Haiku (93c406) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:15 amApparently coronello
Narciso (b84796) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:19 am88. They ought to be posting armed guards around the perimeter.
Gryph (08c844) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:19 am“Where exactly do you think it is acceptable to wear a MAGA hat if not at a political rally in DC?”
But the rally was for Life….the Trump gear distracts attention…..not every event has to be a referendum about Trump. If the March for Life is actually about persuading people….and changing hearts….I’m not sure if stumping for Trump helps….do you?
AJ_Liberty (165d19) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:21 amAre the demonstrations in support of the kids and against the diocese for the way it treated the kids?
nk (dbc370) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:22 amThe democrats had it easy wearing hoods back in the day. Times have changed.
mg (33bdac) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:24 am92… should be, but probably not.
Colonel Haiku (93c406) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:24 amBTW, did you know that the etymology of diocese is from Diocletian (the administrative districts he formed) and he was the biggest persecutor of Christians?
nk (dbc370) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:24 amThe rally was to show support in the lions den, like cpac in the age of nero I mean obama.
Narciso (b84796) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:27 amThese lefty nitwits who criticize people on the right for their morality and/or ethics put theirs on and take theirs off like a coat and they will hurt or ruin a child’s life in a heartbeat.
Colonel Haiku (93c406) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:27 amSay, where have Tillman and Cthulhu been? Were they pink-slipped by Think Progress ?
Colonel Haiku (93c406) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:29 amFrom what I gather from my #GoogleFakeNews aggregator, the demonstration are in Covington the city, to protest the government shutdown, there may a be a small pro-life rally, and the school is shut down today due to “security concerns” unrelated to either event.
nk (dbc370) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:30 amRe: typos. I’ve had this in my files since… forever. Decades. I re-read it periodically to remind me that stuff happens, notwithstanding one’s best efforts.
The Perfect Book
By William Keddie
The Foulis’s editions of classical works were much praised by scholars and collectors in the nineteenth century. The celebrated Glasgow publishers once attempted to issue a book which should be a perfect specimen of typographical accuracy. Every precaution was taken to secure the desired result. Six experienced proof-readers were employed, who devoted hours to the reading of each page; and after it was thought to be perfect, it was posted up in the hall of the university, with a notification that a reward of fifty pounds would be paid to any person who could discover an error. Each page was suffered to remain two weeks in the place where it had been posted, before the work was printed, and the printers thought that they had attained the object for which they had been striving. When the work was issued, it was discovered that several errors had been committed, one of which was in the first line of the first page.
ColoComment (b48a15) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:31 amAs found in A Passion for Books, by Harold Rabinowitz and Rob Kaplan.
Who is this guy, lionel hutz:
Narciso (b84796) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:33 amNo, MAGA gear does not “distract attention” except insofar as those looking to make it that way do so. Instead of looking for the mote in the kids’ eyes, look at the beams in the instigators. Or your own, for that matter.
JSkorcher (4aeca3) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:35 amYou have your timeline wrong. Nobody was bothered at the rally.
The distraction, unrelated to the Trump gear, was much later and caused by 4 professional racists that hated white people.
BuDuh (3be8af) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:41 amFor Paul if he happens by this thread:
BuDuh (3be8af) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:45 amNot that I’m taking any sides on this, and I certainly didn’t research the specifics of any claims Nathan Phillips may have made, but as a veteran who never sat foot in country and enlisted in June of 1973, every Veteran that served between August ’64 and May ’75 is considered a Viet Nam vet. I think there is some limitation on days served during that timeframe, I forget the specifics, but that is a fact. Now, I make it very clear that I didn’t serve in-country if asked, but I do not shy away in claiming I’m a Viet Nam vet. That is my right.
Brotherico (dfc953) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:46 amevery Veteran that served between August ’64 and May ’75 is considered a Viet Nam vet
Wouldn’t you have to have served in or near Vietnam? I mean if you were stationed in, say, West Germany during that time period, why should you be considered a Vietnam veteran?
Bored Lawyer (998177) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:49 am106. Why should I be considered a Viet Nam vet? Guess you’ll have to ask the United States Government that question since they made this determination, and not those of us who served during the timeframe. To be frank, I was surprised at the time. I usually don’t volunteer this information, only when asked or like at this moment making a point.
Brotherico (dfc953) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:06 amWere trying to establish that this is not a stolen valor, or at the very least like Jesse Ventura hes not exaggerating his exploits
Narciso (b84796) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:08 amIf Nick Sandmann wanted to enter the world of punditry or pugilism (the real or choreographed kind), he could do no worse than using a certain Metallica song as an intro.
urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:13 amSoave says you’re seeing what you want to see, I say called as seen. Y’all can have your opinions about what you saw, I have mine.
Paul Montagu (d33a2c) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:15 amBother, yes. I worked with a guy who did basic training as the last class of 1975 and served in Germany starting in 1976. He was eligible for “Vietnam Era Veteran” benefits. He and I used to joke about it.
JSkorcher (4aeca3) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:15 amBTW, it appears plausible that a Russian troll helped amplify the conflict.
Paul Montagu (d33a2c) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:17 amWhere are the regs from the previous thread who saw kkk hearts by looking into the eyes????
And lol weak sauce from those who can’t handle hats or people protesting in the cold. Maybe the inserted heads belong to you.
harkin (e6b10c) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:17 am108. Understand, and like I said I don’t know what this man “claimed”. I was just making the point that if all he claimed was to be a Viet Name vet, and he did in fact serve during the timeframe I referenced, there is NO stolen valor.
Brotherico (dfc953) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:18 amAccounts back in the Washington post and a local paper in 2000, say he served all other references are to this year
Narciso (b84796) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:21 am“The Covington boys didn’t just confront Black Hebrews and American Indians. They needed more and better chaperones.”
Paul Montagu (feb979) — 1/21/2019 @ 9:08 pm
Yeah, those boys were calling others “racists” and “punks” before the facts came in. They need to follow the example of self-anointed right-thinking adults, so much in abundance as this incident proves.
Munroe (85fe67) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:28 am
harkin (e6b10c) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:38 amMatt Walsh
Nathan Phillips has called the Covington students “beasts” and a “lynch mob.” He has lied about their behavior. He has smeared them publicly. And last night he rejected an offer to meet with them and hinted instead that they should be expelled. In summary, he is a very bad person
“BTW, it appears plausible that a Russian troll helped amplify the conflict.”
Bill Kristol strikes again!!!
Colonel Haiku (93c406) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:44 amActually, that indicts most of the Left and NeverTrump.
Colonel Haiku (93c406) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:45 amIt’s a floor wax and desert topping coronello.
Narciso (b84796) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:48 am“Say, where have Tillman and Cthulhu been?”
I avoid posting in circle jerk threads.
Davethulhu (fab944) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:49 ambig chief child lyncher’s still a huge dirty liar
he lied and lied
and tried to ruin these kids
This will for sure go down on his permanent record.
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:50 amWell now it is one,
Narciso (b84796) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:50 amBTW, it appears plausible that a Russian troll helped amplify the conflict.
it’s also equally plausible that the filthy men and women of the corrupt and perverted FBI are behind that account
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:51 amAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez
As a reminder, Jason Chaffetz is the guy who thought your healthcare costs the same as a T Mobile bill, so I wouldn’t exactly call him the foremost expert on the financial stressors of everyday Americans.
__ _
“One study shows that through new options created by the Affordable Care Act, nearly 6 in 10 uninsured Americans will find that they can get covered for less than $100 a month. Think about that. Through the marketplaces you can get health insurance for what may be the equivalent of your cell phone bill. Or your cable bill. And that’s a good deal.” – Barack Obama
harkin (e6b10c) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:52 amSaying you can tell someone is a racist/KKK type by looking at their eyes is lunacy.
Blaming that lunacy on Russian trolls is just doubling down.
harkin (e6b10c) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:56 amWe’re still just scraching the surface of this story.
There was a conspiracy to defame the boys (perhaps to protect the Black Hebrew Israelites, or somebody working with them) and Twitter has suspended a key account involved in the hoax.
Sammy Finkelman (102c75) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:00 amIt was Russian trolls, or some unknown international trolls.
Sammy Finkelman (102c75) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:01 amThe account is based in Brazil, like Greenwald who pushes the pro Iranian pro qatari line.
Narciso (b84796) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:01 am“I avoid posting in circle jerk threads.”
That runs counter to normal leftist behavior.
Colonel Haiku (93c406) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:09 am128 – you really think Russky trolls can prompt a supposed thinking adult to say they can see racism in another person’s eyes?
harkin (e6b10c) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:17 amSubliminal programming obviously whoever it was understood the left and never trumper rights flagellation instincts
Narciso (7d6f68) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:21 am79 JRH (fe281f) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:31 am
They couldn’t. They were backed up against a wall, and it was the Indian(s) who had space behind them Nathan Phillips (who has told lies before) told lies about what was going on. His friend filmed the short video, and when they had gotten what he wanted, or (if you were to elieve his later versions) thought he had stopped a confrontation walked away.
The boy who was smiling did so, he has said, because he thought that was the way to show he was friendly.
The students did not know when he came whether he had come to help or hurt. What he did looked like he came to help, but then he slandered them.
The boys were standing their waiting for abus to pick them up. The Black hebrew Israelites (who routinely shout at anybody who seems to disagree with their cult) were shouting insults at them, most of which could not be put on TV (one network amanaged them calling them crackers)
They were all kinds of insults. One claimed that there were nmo n****** among the boys and one biy shouted they had two.
They decided to outshout them, And maybe were already singing their school sports song.
Nathan Phillips comes there with a drum. So it looks like he, too, is trying to outshout the Black Hebrew israelites. They were not hostile to him, and some of them actually started to sing the song Nathan Phillips was singing. (remember, the idea was to outshout the Black Hebrew Israelites)
Sammy Finkelman (102c75) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:28 amNothing subliminal about it. They, the “They”, are everywhere, and I mean “Everywhere, Man!”, telling our kids that they should be ashamed of their White Privilege, and their Racist Slave-Owning Past, and Boys Knowing They’re Boys And Liking Girls, and Girls Knowing They’re Girls And Liking Boys, not to mention knowing their fathers’ names without a DNA test.
nk (dbc370) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:28 am128 – 131. The trolls didn’t act alone. This started with native Americans.
After the incident, which was nothing, or nothing bad aaginst the boys,there seems to have been a conspiracy to
1) Hide the existence of the Black Hebrew Israelits and
2) make the Catholic high school students wearing MAGA hats who were in Washington e for a Right to Life rally) look like they were hostile to Native Americans (why Donald Trump supporters should not like Indians was not explained.)
Sammy Finkelman (102c75) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:30 amThaf suggests likelihood of final passage:
Narciso (7d6f68) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:32 amDo I have to put everything in quote Mark’s, it’s like the villain in bodyguard she knows the narrative would never suspect her.
Narciso (7d6f68) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:36 amIt started with lies by the Indians (in co-ordination probably with other people – it could not ahve become viral if they acted alone. They needed the Russian trolls.)
There have been different versions of the tale told by Nathan Phillips:
He later on told a third version to the New York Times:
Version A was there were no Black Hebrew Israelites, and the students surrounded him, unprovoked.
Version B was some boys had started attacking four of the African-Americans. So he decided to come there and bang and sing a song of peace with his drums.
Version C was that nothing physical had happened, but he was afraid things were “coming to a boiling point.”
Sammy Finkelman (102c75) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:38 amPractically everybody’s got a video camera nowadays, especially tourists, so the story Nathan Phillips told had to change.
Version C now is like this:
Frejo is Marcus Frejo who, along with a friend of his, not Nathan Phillips, was standing around (and maybe with?) the Black Hebrew Israelites.
Sammy Finkelman (102c75) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:39 amYet, narciso, the Supremes could not help splitting the difference.
urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:39 amDonald Trump is the one who’s against abortion and for appointing Supreme Court justices who might overrule Roe v Wade.
That’s Version C, after the video evidence surfaced.
Actuall, he’s a leftist who has some history of slandering people.
Because it is not true. And in the version where he went there to defuse the situation, the boys were not doiung anything wrong.
That would be a curious thing. Why would Donald rump supporter presume an American Indian would be against a wall?
The thing is, it is a lie, but it may be inoperative at this point, and been edited out of Nathan Phillips’ current version of reality. When did Nathan Phillips claim that?
The boy who smiled thought that was the way to be friendly, because remember Phillips looked like he’d come there to out shout the African Americans. It was an artificial smile, though, and looked it.
They rushed to judgement because now it is a sin not to condemn certain kinds of evil quickly.
Sammy Finkelman (102c75) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:50 amWho can grok their logic
Narciso (7d6f68) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:51 amSo why hasn’t Jack morrisey account been suspended, or this dreadful shoes person, they sent wictor and Montes Bradley into the phantom zone for much less.
Narciso (7d6f68) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:55 am“It was an artificial smile, though, and looked it.”
__ _
“In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offense. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called.”
harkin (e6b10c) — 1/22/2019 @ 10:13 amWith a GunWith a Drum by Steely DanI could be wrong but I’ve seen your face around
Your tears they flowed you saw trash on teh ground
You saw the kids and then you made your move
With a drum
With a drum
You will be what you are just the same
Did you play the bullied man with the drum in your hand
And watch your cred go down teh drain?
You were a leader of that ragtag crazy bunch
You hoped your drum beat would soon prompt the young man’s punch
He stood his ground and we laughed like Nelson Muntz
With a drum
With a drum
You will be what you are just the same
Colonel Haiku (93c406) — 1/22/2019 @ 10:13 amDid you play the bullied man with the drum in your hand
And watch your cred go down teh drain?
There are a great many mysteries in the universe, narciso.
nk (dbc370) — 1/22/2019 @ 10:13 amThose kids are unpeople to them, short answer , future Bret kavanaughs or even worse William pryors.
Narciso (7d6f68) — 1/22/2019 @ 10:19 amThanks for this thoughtful summary and comment. I can excuse some behavior on the part of the kids–they’re kids–but just about every adult involved in this mess behaved poorly and should be examining their own part in this.
Rochf (877dba) — 1/22/2019 @ 10:35 am144… we are almost there, harkin. Some of us arrived early.
Colonel Haiku (93c406) — 1/22/2019 @ 10:52 am1984 is a how to manual:
Narciso (7d6f68) — 1/22/2019 @ 10:58 amThose assholes are important only to people who make them important. If there is one thing I like about Trump is that he does not hesitate to tell them to “Shove it!”.
nk (dbc370) — 1/22/2019 @ 11:02 amPikachu bait:
urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 1/22/2019 @ 11:08 amhttp://www.foxnews.com/politics/joni-ernst-says-husband-was-physically-verbally-abusive-in-divorce-filings
Well that’s disappointing steelman who was a Senate candidate from Missouri had a similar experience with her ex husband.
Narciso (7d6f68) — 1/22/2019 @ 11:27 am“Those assholes are important only to people who make them important.”
Can you be more specific? There are so many to choose from!
Colonel Haiku (93c406) — 1/22/2019 @ 11:39 ambread bags has had a life of hardship and woe
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/22/2019 @ 11:48 amAll the assholes who piled on the kids. And Joni Ernst, for a further example.
Iowa is a no-fault divorce state. Her allegations against her husband are irrelevant and, if Iowas has the same model law as Illinois, insufficient for divorce. She has to allege irreconcilable differences. But some b!tches just can’t give up their whining and moaning and just got to get the shots in as long as there’s breath in their bodies.
nk (dbc370) — 1/22/2019 @ 11:49 ammeanwhile obamaboy Chris Brown’s been flexing his rape skills in Paris
lots of stuff happening this week
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/22/2019 @ 11:57 amSweet! https://www.dailywire.com/news/42474/lawyer-covington-kids-threatens-sue-nyt-obvious-james-barrett
Colonel Haiku (93c406) — 1/22/2019 @ 12:02 pmEach new day we see evidence of a mass illness that is fast becoming “emblematic of the ugliness at the heart of our holier-than-thou, white-hating, male-hating, and Trump-hating establishment culture.”
Colonel Haiku (93c406) — 1/22/2019 @ 12:06 pmI have seen the full tape if you don’t like what happened tell catholic priests to stop raping boys.
lany (ed7109) — 1/22/2019 @ 12:16 pm…I’m late to this thread, and JWV I’m sure your original post may be different now that we have much more information.
#1 I disagree with your point about wearing the MAGA hat.
a) He’s a kid. How is it any more outrageous than, wearing an NRA shirt, or a Mao/Che t-shirt?
b) The March of Life is a absolutely a political event. We can’t disconnect politics from cultural wars…as culture is downstream to politics.
#2 Agreed. I’ll go even further…the kids learned quite a few things. One of which in a large protest, there bound to be counter-protestors. Even the one acting badly, calling each other names. Yes, we’d love to have respect from the various groups, but we also have to recognize that this is literally expression of free speech and all parties need to acknowledge that such speech, no matter how heinous, is allowed and protected. (if they were physically violent, then we should definitely take exception to those acts).
#3 It is now known that he has done this before and that it’s alledge that he’s perpetuation stolen valor. (it’s not clear to me if it’s the media who f’ed up a assumed he’s a Vietnam vet and didn’t make the distinction that he served in that era, but didn’t deploy in Vietnam).
#4 My take is that we was about the only adult in that whole scenario. He literally did the right thing here.
5. Agreed. Monumental F’up by almost everyone.
6. Agreed. I think they already walked it back… I missed the formal mea culpa from them if it did occur.
whembly (b9d411) — 1/22/2019 @ 12:46 pmnow this guy was kicked off, twitter ostensibly for a metaphorical expression, but really because he has tracked gcc operations through out the world,
narciso (d1f714) — 1/22/2019 @ 12:47 pmUgh… typo in #4: should be:
whembly (b9d411) — 1/22/2019 @ 12:48 pm#4 My take is that he was about the only adult in that whole scenario. He literally did the right thing here.
This line of thinking is troubling. It’s akin to “she was wearing a short skirt, this asked for it” mentality. I saw my first MAGA hatwearing person at the local market last week. She was about 75 or so, quietly going about her business like everyone else in the vicinity. I watched for a little bit, and saw people pass her and not give an extra look or make any comment, she said hi to the cashier, who politely returned her greeting and chit-chatted during checkout. No one was agitated, and frankly everyone seemed calm, collected and reasoned-including the woman on the MAGA hat.
Teenage kids are basically pretty dumb, impulsive, and cursed with a temporary belief in their own preciousness. Time and real life usually knock them to the ground into adulthood. Girls wear skirts too short, teenage boys wear MAGA hats. No one deserves any kind of hell for either decision.
Dana (023079) — 1/22/2019 @ 12:52 pm^^^ 100% Dana. Very apt analogy that the rage move is acting like MAGA apparels the say way as “girls wear skirts too short”. As in, they were asking for it.
whembly (b9d411) — 1/22/2019 @ 12:56 pmUh… I have typo-itis today. “rage move” should be “rage mob”.
Pat needs to institute a donation policy for misspellings…(ie, 10cent per)
He’d be rich in no time! 😉
whembly (b9d411) — 1/22/2019 @ 12:57 pmWait, there is John Kasich clothing? Floppy shoes, multi-colored silks, pancake makeup and a big red nose?
Kevin M (21ca15) — 1/22/2019 @ 12:58 pmI hope to see some libel suits against the reckless news media and some deep-pocketed individuals.
These kids were NOT public figures (and claiming that the initial libel made them so is grotesque) so libel should be fairly easy to prove. The malice, reckless disregard and harm (e.g. continuing death threats and doxxing) are all easy to spot. Even by public-figure rules, the case can be made.
I hear that Covington has suspended classes due to death threats. The school itself has suffered harm.
Kevin M (21ca15) — 1/22/2019 @ 1:10 pm106: Yes: my older brother who served IN Vietnam and in combat (not some AC office in the Pentagon), is a Vietnam Vet. Someone serving in Germany might be a “Vietnam era Vet” but no one with common sense equates the two.
Harcourt Fenton Mudd (5e0a82) — 1/22/2019 @ 1:10 pm“The boys were stupid to wear their MAGA gear to the rally, and their chaperones were asleep at the wheel for permitting it.”
Like the Trump supporters beaten up in San Jose after a rally. Chased out of a Chicago rally. And chased out of restaurants. How silly of them not to know that Cranks and antifa have the right to beat anyone of a differing opinion. And some think that acquiescing to this is prudent.
Foolish Trump supporters. They think they live in America.
Harcourt Fenton Mudd (5e0a82) — 1/22/2019 @ 1:18 pmCheers, HFM.
mg (8cbc69) — 1/22/2019 @ 1:26 pmTo add to 164, it’s a tricky thing because although I should be able walk down the streets of south-central L.A. at 2:00 am, safely, the reality is much different. What we should be able to do and what reality allows for are obviously two different things. There are risks involved that must be taken into consideration when choosing to walk at that time in that location. Apparently if you’re a teenager and you wear a MAGA hat, that choice must also now take into consideration a serious risk-factor. And how sad is that. But if we’re honest, Trump hasn’t been helpful in this area.
Dana (023079) — 1/22/2019 @ 1:32 pm“The boys were stupid to wear their MAGA gear to the rally, and their chaperones were asleep at the wheel for permitting it. Sure, you can give me the free speech argument, but I’m pretty sure these boys were on a school-sponsored bus tour and the school had every right to dictate the day’s dress code.”–JVW
I was on the mall in W,DC a few months ago and there were all kinds of street vendors hawking MAGA gear…hats, shirts, etc.
I’m willing to bet that the boys picked up that MAGA gear from those same vendors after they were allowed to “free range” the mall. I haven’t seen any evidence that they brought it from home, wore it on the bus or wore it to the March for Life. If that is true, how were the chaperones at fault?
JVW, do you have or have you seen any evidence that the boys wore the MAGA apparel to the March or on the bus to the march?
Calfed (ab1180) — 1/22/2019 @ 1:36 pmCalfed, I saw a brief clip on TV over the weekend which showed a group of teenagers marching in the March for Life, some of them wearing red baseball caps. But it was very brief. The unstated claim was that this group was the group from Covington, but I can’t be sure 1)that it was indeed them and that 2)the red caps were MAGAgear, and not something else like Cincinnati Reds caps.
kishnevi (845597) — 1/22/2019 @ 2:18 pmMaybe the war hero can host the Oscars?
mg (8cbc69) — 1/22/2019 @ 2:20 pmThe possibility of crossing paths with 4 lunatics after spending an uneventful day in DC is a “serious risk factor” when traveling?
I thought coddling was the standard for liberals.
BuDuh (3be8af) — 1/22/2019 @ 2:41 pm“This line of thinking is troubling. It’s akin to “she was wearing a short skirt, this asked for it” mentality.”
Perhaps….but would you encourage your teen son to go into a nasty political environment with the hat on….would you let him go out the door without giving him some advice on how he wants to be perceived? Trump is all about raising the rhetoric…hitting back….tweeting before thinking….personal attacks…..and the MAGA hat is his calling card. If you wear the hat, you are at some level endorsing a President who is a big part of the problem with our political discourse. The fact that your 70-year-old woman wasn’t bothered about her hat (really, first hat after 2.5yrs….have you been locked down in SF!?) doesn’t tell the whole story. If you want to persuade people, you don’t bring up Trump. Trump is emotion….he’s tag lines….he’s bumper stickers….the hat is flipping off the liberal media…it’s personality worship…if he was a persuasive leader, he would have the backing of the American people for the wall…and he would have political leverage. All he has are angry disciples.
AJ_Liberty (165d19) — 1/22/2019 @ 2:51 pmcan one be a little more selfaware and a little less trite:
narciso (d1f714) — 1/22/2019 @ 2:56 pmwhat’s that French proverb again:
what a wicked animal, it deigns to defend itself;
narciso (d1f714) — 1/22/2019 @ 3:14 pmDude… the angry disciples are emanating from mainly the liberals here… The shocker in this ordeal is that the usually skeptical conservatives dogpiled early on as well. As well as how the media at large lost their fucking minds here.
These reactions LITERALLY feeds the #FakeNews mantra that Trump espouses.
Can you blame him at this point?
[Fished out of the moderated comments filter. Avoid the profanity if you don’t want your future comments caught up there. – JVW
whembly (b9d411) — 1/22/2019 @ 3:38 pmHe’s a big part of the solution to our political discourse. The right has been having its Aziz handed to it by the soyboys in academia, the media, and entertainment industry for so long it took an SOB (and I never liked the guy…before) to cut through all the BS and surrender theater and actually win at anything. Look at how weak and stunningly pathetic the right has become. The response by the “leaders” of the right to this has been stunningly shameful. The blame these cowards have heaped on an innocent kid…SMDH. Clowns like these have proven they are completely unworthy of their place in positions of trust.
JSkorcher (4aeca3) — 1/22/2019 @ 3:39 pmthey aren’t leaders just kibitzers and gossips, the better part of valor was to reserve comment, or actually investigate the circumstances,
narciso (d1f714) — 1/22/2019 @ 3:58 pmIt’s easy to see that the fix was in when considering today’s cultural paradigm. White boys, no matter how upstanding they might be, can never be allowed to come out in a better light than an indigenous person, no matter how corrupt that individual might be. It’s baked in. This is why the journos/famous people jumped on it right away. They already knew the required outcome, regardless of facts.
Dana (023079) — 1/22/2019 @ 4:09 pm“Perhaps….but would you encourage your teen son to go into a nasty political environment with the hat on….would you let him go out the door without giving him some advice on how he wants to be perceived? Trump is all about raising the rhetoric…hitting back….tweeting before thinking….personal attacks…..and the MAGA hat is his calling card. If you wear the hat, you are at some level endorsing a President who is a big part of the problem with our political discourse.”
“Liberty”. I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
Colonel Haiku (9d2fbb) — 1/22/2019 @ 4:14 pmAnd if he was trying to diffuse…. why didn’t he stand in front of the Black Israeli guys banging his drum inches from one of their faces?
What would have happened if he had?
Harvey (0b5d76) — 1/22/2019 @ 4:17 pmI can’t imagine that turning out badly,
narciso (d1f714) — 1/22/2019 @ 4:21 pmohnoes common sense happened now all John McCain’s fabulous tranners are banned from the military even the joke Navy
not much left of Johnny’s legacy now
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/22/2019 @ 4:32 pmIn case you missed it:
Wouldn’t that be a Russian troll
Sammy Finkelman (102c75) — 1/22/2019 @ 4:44 pmNote they didnt suspend the one who threatened to throw the kids into a woodchipper.
Narciso (dff1d2) — 1/22/2019 @ 4:51 pmWhy does it have to be a Russian troll and not some other ethnicity of Communist troll, Sammy? Like Seattle for instance?
nk (dbc370) — 1/22/2019 @ 4:51 pmThe possibility of crossing paths with 4 lunatics after spending an uneventful day in DC is a “serious risk factor” when traveling
The probability of that is always higher in large cities than elsewhere. And in certain places such as New York City, DC, Los Angeles, etc it is very high. The risk in DC is aggravated by the fact that most such lunatics are from out of town, unlike others places.
Kishnevi (65c56e) — 1/22/2019 @ 5:01 pmDavid Brooks wrote a pretty nice column about the brouhaha.
The comments from the NYTimes readers are enough to make you think we have passed the point of no return.
They don’t care what the full video shows, the boys are white, they are right-to-life and they smirk. The commenters also ignore the evidence to repeat the claim that the boys targeted and “swarmed around” Phillips to intimidate him.
harkin (e6b10c) — 1/22/2019 @ 5:18 pmQuelle surprise:
Narciso (dff1d2) — 1/22/2019 @ 5:27 pmBest recap/response I’ve seen so far:
harkin (e6b10c) — 1/22/2019 @ 5:32 pmFrom a profile in 2012
Narciso (dff1d2) — 1/22/2019 @ 5:37 pmIf you haven’t been paying attention to this event and it’s aftermath and if you care, do some research and read what has been said and done who has said or done it. Then decide who deserves your support. And who deserves your condemnation and – if you feel charitable – your prayers for forgiveness and a change of heart.
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 1/22/2019 @ 5:51 pmthe claim that the boys targeted and “swarmed around” Phillips to intimidate him.
Kishnevi (65c56e) — 1/22/2019 @ 5:53 pmHarkin, if you watch the video there is at least one point at which the Lefties are surrounded by some of the Covington kids, who are jeering/cheering/whatever. In fact the only one in that group not doing was Sandmann. So “swarmed around” is not inaccurate. As to intimidating the Lefties, it is quite clear from the faces and actions of the Lefties, they were not intimidated, and the kids themselves probably thought the Lefties to be something to be laughed at.
Was any of it real, no:
Narciso (dff1d2) — 1/22/2019 @ 5:55 pm“The comments from the NYTimes readers are enough to make you think we have passed the point of no return.”
When everything is Breaking News….nothing is Breaking News. The story from the start had literally no news value….so there was some manufactured outrage….the media had to fan the outrage under the rubric of news analysis…the usual virtue signalling was unleashed….followed by the inevitable internet mafia to seek and try to destroy….then came the inconvenient reveal and finally….cognitive dissonance. But people will always try to rebuild their fragile world view through time-honored….rationalization. That’s why we need to break this cycle…and start communicating like humans used to….we have to stop this desperate need for enemies and cheap narratives. Go do something that involves human contact.
““Liberty”. I don’t think that word means what you think it means.”
Zing. I hope I recover.
AJ_Liberty (165d19) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:07 pm197 – “if you watch the video there is at least one point at which the Lefties are surrounded by some of the Covington kids,”
You mean because he was the instigator and caused the confrontation?
He targeted them, he approached them, he pounded his drum in the kid’s face, all the while, the guy taking one of the videos is positively giddy, saying that Phillips is showing them who’s the boss.
This truly is a Rashomon moment. Imagine the heat these kids would be under if there was no video to counter Phillips’ absurd (and ever-changing) claims.
He’s now suggesting maybe they should be expelled, who’s trying to intimidate who?
harkin (e6b10c) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:37 pmCalm down. I agree with everything you said. But to say the kids “swarmed around” the Leftists is actually saying something accurate. That’s all.
Kishnevi (65c56e) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:44 pmCorrection added: discharged, not retired.
Dana (023079) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:44 pmReally, those Covington parents have to come out and call that piece of trash what he is, a piece of trash, and straight out say: “Leave our kids along, mother_____s!” And if some pederast Jesuits don’t like it, find some choice words for them too.
nk (dbc370) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:52 pmIsn’t “retired” military euphemism for “retreat”?
Kishnevi (65c56e) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:53 pmThis is a Washington Post reporter blaming conservatives and Trump for the lack of content and fact-checking:
Abby Ohlheiser
Viral stories take time to develop, this creates challenges for actual reporters, and the pro-Trump Internet is good at pouncing in the gap. We know this. The Covington story has become a really sticky example of all of that at work
__ _
Got that? People seeking to counter fantasy and smear with fact pounced.
__ _
Some replies:
Nick Jenkins
Replying to
Translation: We didn’t bother to gather the facts because we had to signal our virtue as soon as we could.
__ _
Ang (life should be peachy but…)
Wait… viral stories take time??? Umm… no. That’s the whole idea, the story went viral…as in immediately. Smh… no. Investigators take time. Viral is completely off the hook.
__ _
Remus Remington
Replying to
The media are the victims, the Trump internet are the bad guys. Got it.
__ _
Tim Carney
I hate to say it, but it sounds like you’re blaming the mistakes reporters made about the people who pointed out the Twitter lies.
__ _
I’m a pro-life Catholic and I wanted that boy to suffer, after watching a 20 second video. I’m appalled at myself and the media. I’m embarrassed about my public admonishment of him. I should’ve known better though. The media is not what it used to be. #NeverAgain
__ _
Seriously though you style yourself as a reporter who covers misinformation and you unironically wrote a “conservatives pounce” piece? Sigh….
__ _
Demanding HONESTY, INTEGRITY and TRUTH in journalism is now labeled as Pro-Trump Internet. The audacity of the left to prey on emotion to fabricate HATE towards anyone who doesn’t agree with them is appalling. Demanding the TRUTH is now being condemned. Truly remarkable
__ _
Rex Cooters
Or…we threw gas on a fire but thankfully MAGA showed up with water.
__ _
Nicholas Augusta ★
harkin (e6b10c) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:57 pm@naugusta
Democracy dies in darkness. Right?
Well, this goes into the category of Small Small World
Kishnevi (65c56e) — 1/22/2019 @ 6:58 pmhttps://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/22/covington-catholic-trumps-white-house-lawyer-went-kentucky-school/2650238002/
Phillips is a,pawn of a bigger agenda
Narciso (dff1d2) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:03 pmMore like the category of guilt by association. I’m sure he’ll be hearing from the horde.
harkin (e6b10c) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:06 pmSo why would you go AWOL as a refrigeration mechanic, fear of a rogue compressor?
Narciso (dff1d2) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:11 pmSo now reza Aslan realizes he chose his worlds poorly.
Narciso (dff1d2) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:14 pmSo why would you go AWOL as a refrigeration mechanic, fear of a rogue compressor
Kishnevi (65c56e) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:19 pmMore likely fear of an NCO who expected you to actually fix the stuff you were supposed to fix.
Yes that seems to be an obvious one, especially if the nco was like Louis gossett jr or Lee Armey
Narciso (dff1d2) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:21 pmMy mom used to invite Marines from Pendleton and El Toro over for Sunday dinner in the late 60s/early 70s. I used to sit fascinated listening to their Viet Nam stories. It seemed like half of them were from TX. I also remember some of the terms they used.
IIRC UA was unauthorized leave for less than 30 days and AWOL was after it hit 30.
harkin (e6b10c) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:23 pm“Zing. I hope I recover.”
— AJ_”Liberty”
You might, give it your best shot. Stranger things have happened.
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:26 pmAnd the method to this madness
Narciso (dff1d2) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:29 pmThis is a real US Congressman folks:
Rep. John Yarmuth
I am calling for a total and complete shutdown of teenagers wearing MAGA hats until we can figure out what is going on. They seem to be poisoning young minds. [1/2]
Rep. John Yarmuth
The conduct we saw in this video is beyond appalling, but it didn’t happen in a vacuum. This is a direct result of the racist hatred displayed daily by the President of the United States who, sadly, some mistake for a role model. [2/2]
He now claims it was a joke.
harkin (e6b10c) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:31 pmGrab one, put a dark wig on it and you’ll recognize that look:
The Thames is so full of cocaine, it’s pranging out London’s eels, study says…
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:36 pmDon’t know about the second tweet, but the first tweet is an obvious parody of Trump’s explanation of the (Some) Muslim Travel Ban.
Kishnevi (ea0f8c) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:40 pmWhich came off the hovercraft in hungarian.
Narciso (dff1d2) — 1/22/2019 @ 7:40 pm218 – I guess if you consider hats as potentially dangerous as religious followers who have been known to murder thousands merely for being American it was a real knee-slapper.
harkin (e6b10c) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:09 pmHat crime it’s a whole new category of crimethink.
Narciso (dff1d2) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:18 pmI’m willing to bet that the boys picked up that MAGA gear from those same vendors after they were allowed to “free range” the mall. I haven’t seen any evidence that they brought it from home, wore it on the bus or wore it to the March for Life. If that is true, how were the chaperones at fault?
JVW, do you have or have you seen any evidence that the boys wore the MAGA apparel to the March or on the bus to the march?
Hmmm, that’s a good point, and I admit I hadn’t thought of that possibility. I do note that it appears some kids were wearing MAGA T-shirts and sweatshirts as well, but your suggestion that they bought them from street vendors sometime during the day makes a good deal of sense. In that case, I would retract my criticism of the chaperones. I guess too that I would understand why the students had that gear on while waiting for their bus; it’s not as if they would have had shopping bags in which to stow away their merchandise.
JVW (54fd0b) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:32 pmAll of last week was a never ending and ever-compressing cycle of lefties loudly falling for more and more threadbare and obviously manufactured stories and more and more doubling down in the face of more and more correction from higher and higher authority figures. No further confirmation is needed-conservatives have been so supine and letting them win for so long that a large number don’t even know how to “apologize” or “repent” anymore.
But let us not waste time on the accursed when we have to put our own house in order. Starting with ‘don’t be like National Review’:
“Dr. Milton Wolf
· Jan 21, 2019
Replying to @JonahNRO
So it’s my fault NRO likened these high school kids to Christ’s executioners? Gotcha.
Jonah Goldberg
No it’s your fault you are who you are. “NRO” didn’t do any such thing. One writer made the mistake of believing a host of news stories as being accurate. We took down the post and apologized for it. You’re just doing your usual fan service.”
If NR and Goldberg and all the movement conservatives who piled on are so innocent they would be right now going after the school that still hasn’t made amends for the kids, the mayor who made despicable statements, and the social media giants that haven’t enforced their own supposed guidelines. They would be cutting ties with and waging war on the leftist media outlets that created the story. They won’t do any of this. They’ll hope the episode fades away and go on treating the tech monopolies and the corporate media as respectable free market agents and the populist Right as an enemy.
Do not go and do likewise.
ADDENDUM: Note to Catholics: if you don’t want your youth to abandon the faith and worship the naked will to power (perhaps with a racialist or nationalist or communist gloss), then maybe you shouldn’t cave to people who despise your Church. Apologies are screams for further brutalization.
Teferi (944f3b) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:45 pmIs yarmuth/KY = Cohen/TN?
urbanleftbehind (6542f3) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:48 pm#1 I disagree with your point about wearing the MAGA hat.
a) He’s a kid. How is it any more outrageous than, wearing an NRA shirt, or a Mao/Che t-shirt?
b) The March of Life is a absolutely a political event. We can’t disconnect politics from cultural wars…as culture is downstream to politics.
Thanks for the comment whembly. Of course the March is a political event; what I was critical of is that the MAGA stuff makes it into a partisan event. Big difference there. As for the Che shirt, that’s a great example of what I mean. Let’s say you have a March for Affordable Health Care or something similar, sponsored largely by groups that might be political in nature but are officially nonpartisan. Now you and I probably know that 95% of the marchers are going to be Democrats, Greens, or Socialists, philosophically at least if not in true party registration. But as an organizer of the march, you would hate to see the march turn into a rally for Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, adorable though our spunky but clueless niece may be, because that turns the event into something largely partisan and personality-based. That’s why I didn’t want to see the kids sporting the MAGA gear.
But as I mentioned above, the idea that the boys purchased the MAGA gear on the streets that day and were only wearing it as they were waiting for the bus undermines that argument that I made, and if that’s the case then I regret my criticism of the boys and their chaperones.
JVW (54fd0b) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:48 pmNo Cohen is a whole other brand of idiot, the real life version of Steve Martin’s the jerk.
Narciso (dff1d2) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:50 pmHe came to my attention, with his hot take celebrating the yet to be immaculate one ‘ jesus was a community organizer, pilate was a governor’
Narciso (dff1d2) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:52 pmOf course you want to hear Bezos hot take:
Narciso (dff1d2) — 1/22/2019 @ 8:57 pmFresh off the grill:
Narciso (dff1d2) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:01 pmTeferi, do you realize how much of Church history is composed of exercising the naked will to power?
And remember that the incident features a professional Leftist agent provacateur does not mean some of the kuds at that school are asinine juveniles.
Kishnevi (5f8436) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:09 pm“Thanks for the comment whembly. Of course the March is a political event; what I was critical of is that the MAGA stuff makes it into a partisan event.”
Yes indeed, it’s soooooo respectful, intersectional, and boring that the only time the media pays it any mind is when Ben Shapiro starts hawking podcast products or Chief Crying Wolf manufactures an incident for his leftist masters to threaten the lives, families and livelihoods of Catholic schoolboys in particular and Christian schools across the nation in general.
Face it, the March for Life threw those kids under — way too complacent a move for such an impotent little joke of an organization that hasn’t moved an inch toward its goals in however many decades it’s been limping along. Conservative media, radio, and the GOP should eviscerate them. We should insist.
100% replacement of whoever runs the pathetic March or there shouldn’t be one at all next year. It’s not like anyone would notice the thing missing (but for anniversary stories of this incident).
The entire organization exists completely on the terms of its opponents. It is totally broken. It uses their language, their framing, their weltanschauung, thinking that it is somehow subverting the mass-abortion complex! Its main ideological thrust is now about how feminist it is to “choose” life.
It was very good at one thing: turning out polite groups of Christians to the capital for them to be completely ignored. Obviously even this impotence will not be tolerated any more…unless we fight.
Teferi (1b566d) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:11 pmKishnevi, so the hell what if they were? The media response and pile-on would be entirely unjustifiable and intolerable even if everything they were accusing the kids of was true!
Teferi (00e23d) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:15 pmdoes not mean some of the kuds at that school are
Should be does not mean some of the kids at that school are not
Talking about typos, I have in front of me a commercially produced CD from a reputable group of musicians that has a typo in the title on the front of the CD
This one
Only my copy, unlike the Amazon image, gives the title as
Caniones sacrae 1575
It is btw as very good CD if your taste goes that way.
Kishnevi (5f8436) — 1/22/2019 @ 9:16 pmPatterico – What do you know about L. A. attorney Robert Barnes? Will he hold these people accountable for slandering these abused kids?
mg (8cbc69) — 1/23/2019 @ 1:40 amhttps://spectator.org/andrew-breitbart-was-right-about-the-media/
mg (8cbc69) — 1/23/2019 @ 3:43 amI miss reading thoughts from Milhouse.
mg (8cbc69) — 1/23/2019 @ 4:01 amOT – I though Eye-Talians didnt look like this anymore. They would probably get the “bilingual” retail floor service in Texas or California.
urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 1/23/2019 @ 6:27 amHe was a Buffalo’d Soldier
Colonel Haiku (9d2fbb) — 1/23/2019 @ 6:42 amIn their war on America
Buffalo’d Soldier, one-beat deadbeat
Fighting teh Catholics, don’t need toothpicks
Driven to cause strife
As the kids March For Life
Colonel Haiku (9d2fbb) — 1/23/2019 @ 6:43 ami thought you could buy toothpaste on the reservation with your food stamps
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/23/2019 @ 6:50 amAs I pointed out earlier on, your argument was undermined by the timeline no matter what. If they wore MAGA apparel from the beginning of their field trip it was only an issue when 4 racists at the end of the day started picking on the kids. The entirety of the day untill that point the kids were apparently dressed appropriately.
BuDuh (11cc68) — 1/23/2019 @ 6:51 amThe reality that they are trying to deny by canceling brexit
Narciso (5ae54a) — 1/23/2019 @ 6:53 amit’s not just nevertrump and other national review snotty-snots Mr. BuDuh
hitler picked on people with unfashionable headgear too
this is just how they do
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/23/2019 @ 6:54 amThat’s very true. Real Nazis only wore clothing by Hugo Boss. (You can look it up.)
nk (dbc370) — 1/23/2019 @ 7:07 amToo bad there was no Burlington Coat Factory or TJX family of stores…you could have demoralized those Nazis by suddenly packing those sub-discounters with Hugo Boss inventory (as has been with Michael Kors in recent years).
urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 1/23/2019 @ 7:22 amSo the dems are going back to their roots:
Narciso (5ae54a) — 1/23/2019 @ 7:23 ammg (8cbc69) — 1/23/2019 @ 4:01 am
Same here. He brought much to our table.
felipe (5b25e2) — 1/23/2019 @ 7:27 amI’ve seen him over at legal insurrections comment section
Narciso (5ae54a) — 1/23/2019 @ 7:34 amhttps://www.nytimes.com/1997/08/15/business/hugo-boss-acknowledges-link-to-nazi-regime.html
Hugo Boss Acknowledges Link to Nazi Regime
AUG 15 1997
Before Hugo Boss A.G. became known for classic men’s suits and flashy
ties, the clothing manufacturer made uniforms for the Nazis, a company
spokeswoman acknowledged today.
The company said it had become aware of the dealings with the Nazis
after the name of its founder, Hugo Boss, who died in 1948, appeared on
a list of dormant accounts released by Swiss bankers last month.
“Right now we are trying to get a handle on the situation,” a
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/23/2019 @ 7:57 amspokeswoman for Boss, Monika Steilen, said. “This is a very new theme
for us. We have nothing in our archives.”
I do understand where you’re coming from… but, I disagree. Here’s why:
whembly (b9d411) — 1/23/2019 @ 7:59 ama) March for Life is not only a political event, it’s manifestly partisan because it’s an pro-life/anti-abortion event. How could it not be? Do I wish that we all can sit down, and unemotionally debate this subject matter and come to a good resolution? Sure! However, that is not the case as this subject matter is between two highly entrenched and emotional groups that can only be described as partisan.
b) I’m sorry, please I mean no disrespect, but objecting to the MAGA hat at such event seems like a tepid justification like its his fault for this ridiculous ordeal. However, I’m absolutely confident that you don’t really believe that as at the end of the day, I’m sure we can all agree that we should be able to handle any individuals sporting apparels with “x” message, regardless of what it means without resorting to the dogpiling we witnessed last week…
The Covington kids wore the MAGA hats at the March for Life.
Paul Montagu (7c54bc) — 1/23/2019 @ 8:18 amMontagu has the soul of a Soviet apparatchik so what?
Narciso (5ae54a) — 1/23/2019 @ 8:21 amSeriously this is the kind of Soviet show trial that my parents fled, which no major democratic political with the exception of Joe Lieberman had any problem for forty years.
Narciso (5ae54a) — 1/23/2019 @ 8:35 amSo I wonder if Teferi is put off by the copious amounts of La Virgen Guadalupe imagery held/carried by several participants in the March for Life.
urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 1/23/2019 @ 8:36 amSigh! Leave it to #FakeNewsNYT to f**k a simple, albeit admittedly minor, historical fact. Hugo Boss designed the first SS uniforms at the request of Heinrich Himmler. They were such a hit that he went on to make more. And a lot of money too.
nk (dbc370) — 1/23/2019 @ 8:40 amI didn’t see much response from March for life organizers I know the archdiocese went full turtle
Narciso (5ae54a) — 1/23/2019 @ 8:40 amI am not a republican and I an pro-life. You are clearly mistaken. Exploiting those millions of lost lives for Donald Trump is absurd. Donald Trump was quoted as saying “I am very pro-choice!” and sponsored events honoring the co-founder of NARAL Pro Choice America. Trump was so fringe that when asked “Would you ban partial-birth abortion?” Trump said “No”. I wonder how many hundreds of thousands of children never made it because of Trump’s tremendous support for the pro-choice movement. He sure helped them a lot over the decades.
If your Trump defense will be “oh for most of his life he personally really hated abortions but supported the concept of choice” then I hope you didn’t criticize Obama or Hillary for their abortion views.
The GOP is not pro-life. Its president is at best a shameless flip flopper, exploiting the abortion issue for votes, but he’s not the only Republican who isn’t pro-life. And though the fringe Trump fans here will never believe it, there are pro-life democrats too. In fact, a lot of former republicans, people turned off by Trump’s refusal to take responsibility for his personal actions, ever, are pro-life.
More importantly, this is an issue that is bigger than your damn polls and politicians.
His actions are his fault. The principle argument is that other people were worse. A micro version of the ‘whatabout’ ism used to protect Kavanaugh, Trump, Hillary, Obama, and basically every other politician these days when they do something bad. Nothing the young men in MAGA hats did was unlawful, but in the video, the short one the media wanted us to focus on, they were punks. They did surround the old man, get in his face, and attempt to intimidate him. That smirk during the intimidation effort evoked a lot of ugly images of from the past. The argument that it’s not their fault because of stuff other people did is not an argument for personal responsibility or growth.
The big problem at first was another internet mob ready to destroy people. The mistake from the central MAGA guy in particular… not that big a deal, not a national news story. He should learn from it, but not be destroyed by it. That’s what I criticized (and what Harkin cut from my comments to lie about what I said).
Now we have the another stir of the hornet nest, the politics of anger and hate and victimhood, in the opposite direction. We are not supposed to accept that everyone was a jerk here, because that means this isn’t that important of a story. By all means, we should criticize the media for keeping us in the dark about the big picture. But as one side insists they believe this, they are linking BS from their side’s spin.
But as Trump continues to fail at all of his promises, no wall, no end to obamacare, society in decline, we’re talking about sacred “MAGA hats” and not the fact that this promise of America being great again was complete BS.
All this fury and pounding of the table because on all important issues, Trump fans have absolutely nothing to be happy about. Trump is being called on to resign. He’s probably going to be impeached. His scandals with Russia and obstructing justice are frankly very well demonstrated to all but the fringe. Trump blew his chance to get a wall the second the voters rejected him (in 2018, not 2016). Trump blew his chance to get rid of Obamacare. He was barely able to work with his own side, because of his weak leadership skills, and he has so far had complete failure working with democrats. Granted, that’s hard work. But we’re seeing why George W Bush was a better president than trump.
Anyway, keep pounding the table about this MAGA kid. Keep attacking other commenters. The last thing you want to do is discuss the issues, right?
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 8:40 amProving that they were wearing appropriate attire.
BuDuh (11cc68) — 1/23/2019 @ 8:51 amLike Aaron Worthing was fair game for kimberlin because of molly who became an in person, btw Charlie Hebdo four years ago may not of even happened.
Narciso (5ae54a) — 1/23/2019 @ 8:57 amWhat issue do you have in mind?
BuDuh (11cc68) — 1/23/2019 @ 8:57 amThe issue is the show trial of nick sandman and by proxy Amy Coney barrett, if you cant see that is the subtext.
Narciso (5ae54a) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:02 amNothing is coincidence:
Narciso (5ae54a) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:13 am“Now we have the another stir of the hornet nest, the politics of anger and hate and victimhood, in the opposite direction.”
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 8:40 am
Because calling the kid a “racist punk”, as you did in the Stelter thread, is not a stir of the hornet’s nest, nor any indication of “hate and anger”. It’s fair to attack this kid, but not fair to attack adult commenters who should know better. The kid will certainly learn from this. Others, not so sure.
Munroe (f6fb40) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:15 amLawyer for Covington Catholic families gives Media 48 hours to ‘retract and correct’ smears.
Colonel Haiku (9d2fbb) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:17 ami’m very pro-life and pro-abortion and pro-choice, and I truly love our president, President Donald Trump (heartfelt love)
and i think the way Jack Douchey’s twatter has tried to lynch young kids and ruin their lives is problematic, because what if it had succeeded and those kids had been savagely killed by virtue-signaling national review scribes?
so many people were tricked by the social media!
everyone thought they’d spit on the cross – the cross that remains an enduring and beloved symbol of Christ’s sacrifice!
as you can see our little country has some soul-searching to do
And there’s absolutely no safeguards in place to keep this from happening again.
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:18 amIt was NBC after all… https://twitter.com/RAMansour/status/1088119256569458688
Colonel Haiku (9d2fbb) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:19 amThe definition of unsafe space, existence is a threat to these people.
Narciso (5ae54a) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:21 am“Imagine being male and white and STILL thinking you had the right to defend yourself when falsely smeared by multiple media outlets.”
Let alone adults who know better but willfully assist those who smear and defame.
Colonel Haiku (9d2fbb) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:26 amthe only issue is Trump Bad – Rinos good
mg (8cbc69) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:29 amIf you look at it any another way your just a deplorable commie mother trucker who is anti America.
Buduh, thank you for asking me for some issues I am more concerned about. I listed some of them in the comment you responded to. Did you read all of that comment?
Here are some issues:
Repealing Obamacare and redefining our relationship with the federal government.
Trump’s promise to eradicate ISIS in 100 days… then his wish to abandon the battle so the Russians can take it from here. Before an election, we’re drumming up fear, and after, we’re dismissing the same fear. Along those same lines, Trump bombing that Syrian airfield. Trump gave Russia (Syria’s ally) advance notice of the strike, and so the strike had minimal effect and was back in use a few hours after 59 tomahawks ($1.4 million dollars each) were expended.
Why didn’t the GOP build a wall when the GOP actually had the power to do something about it? Why are they playing brinksmanship games now when they don’t have the power to get the result? Why do we keep seeing Trump and other politicians forget to fight until there’s no chance of success? I think it’s clear: the issue is about manipulating opinion, not the result.
Balancing the budget. I know Bill Clinton didn’t quite make it there, but it’s no accident that prosperity came along with the leaner spending of his era.
The recent vote to keep the USA in NATO, which was mostly a response to Trump doing Russia’s bidding on foreign policy, but brought up some really important issues about what the NATO alliance should mean. And Trump’s claim he could just pull us out of NATO, which undermines the organization in a way that directly and dangerously benefits Russia.
The GOP’s claim that Trump now understands the stakes in Syria, regarding his decision to pull out of an area Russia very much wants us to leave. Why didn’t the president understand what the men and women he sends to war are doing? I think it’s a really interesting subject that we barely talk about because we’re too obsessed with whatever the blogs and MSM are telling us to worry about. Our entire role in the world after 9/11 is apparently in flux right now.
You’re concerned about how it’s proven MAGA hats are appropriate for bla bla bla. Many Trump fans like you are very fixated on the corruption scandals. I have to admit, after a while Trump’s scandal stuff is just boring because we all know what kind of man he is. For me, the most important thing is the performance, and on these issues, I don’t think the GOP has performed well.
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:33 amHe is a racist punk.
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:34 amThanks for the list Dustin.
I see that Trump being pro-life really isn’t an issue. That is good.
BuDuh (11cc68) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:38 amit’s not racist to look askance at toothless mongolian throat singers
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:38 amThen they wouldn’t be like me.
BuDuh (11cc68) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:39 amYou may have missed why that is relevant to the original post. It is an on-topic point.
BuDuh (11cc68) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:41 amErm… partisan doesn’t necessarily only mean Democrat vs. Republican. I didn’t make that distinction between the two groups in the abortion debate as being Democrats are pro-choice and Republicans are pro-life. Sure, most of them would fall in those two groups cleanly, but just as there are pro-life democrats such as yourself, there are pro-choice republicans.
My point being that the March of Life *is* partisan is to highlight the strong adherents in both factions.
I’ve not once defended Trump for this.
I’m defend those kids against the folks who were triggered over a farking hat and folks who unjustly dogpiled them.
Again… no where in my statement is me putting up a ‘Trump defense’.
The majority is I would think…well I hope! 😉
Sounds like a run of the mill politician.
Craven politicians doing/saying things for votes. Here… clutch my pearls would ya?
I agree…but, for different reasons.
Here we have high school kids and parents being targeted by the rage mob. If you don’t see this as being an issue, then we’re going to have a tough time communicating here because that is an ordeal where all of the adults there failed these kids, and that includes all the dogpilers on social media and traditional media.
For wearing a farking hat? Are you serious?
I think you need to re-review the videos Dustin.
He did nothing wrong Dustin. I believe you’re basing this on a very small snippet of the plethora of videos available and has fallen for the initial characterizations. If nothing else, read this:
Here’s the problem Dustin, the reactions *is* absolutely the story here.
No. This is the story BECAUSE it’s about the HATRED from Trump. Not because of his failed policies and what not. Hell… Joy Baher either intentionally or unintentionally admitted it because they’re so desperate to get Trump out of office:
Yeah… I don’t think so. I’m a transactional Trump supporter and post-Kavanaugh hearing I’m a milimeter away from going full MAGA. Hell, after this event this weekend, I’m a micrometer away from going full MAGA. As for the important issues, I can list out a litany of things that I’ve approved, so suffice to say, I’ll disagree on this point.
Mueller only knows. If it turns out a nothingburger, man I don’t even want to theoryhammer what would happen.
This I absolutely agree with you as there were deals to be had between Democrats and Republicans.
I’m going to stop you here. You still need 9 democrats to overcome cloture(filibusters) in order for a hypothetical repeal to pass. Democrats weren’t going to do that, and I think this is an unfair criticism of Trump here.
Can’t argue with that.
I keep pounding away because I don’t want a rage mob like last weekend to be du jour in our society.
whembly (b9d411) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:43 amThat brought a partisan element to an event, the March for Life, that should have been party-neutral.
You’re kidding, right? Considering that the best way to be kicked out of the Democrat Party (other than wearing a MAGA hat) is to protest against abortion, the March for Life is about as partisan as one can get.
I guess one can vote Democrat and be against abortion, but it requires significant self-deception.
Kevin M (21ca15) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:48 amYou Ain’t
SeenFelt Nothin’ YetI saw teh young Latina
She took my breath away
She said, “I’ve come to take it from you”
But I wanted it that way
I think that anyone ain’t Trump is good
So I grabbed hold both muh ankles… mmh
Oooh, oooh she looked at me with big brown eyes
And said,
You ain’t felt nothin’ yet
B-b-b-baby, you just ain’t felt n-n-nothin’ yet
Here’s something that you never gonna forget
B-b-b-baby, you just ain’t felt n-n-nothin’ yet
Nothin’ yet, you ain’t been around
That’s what they told me
And now I’m feelin’ better
Colonel Haiku (9d2fbb) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:52 am‘Cause I found out for sure
She took me to teh cleaners
And my future’s so secure
They said that AOC is good for me
And she took all she could get
Yes, she took what she could get
And then she looked at me with them big brown eyes
And said,
You ain’t felt nothin’ yet
B-b-b-baby, you ain’t felt nothin’ yet
I am not a republican and I an pro-life. You are clearly mistaken.
How many registered Democrats do you meet at those pro-life events? Yes, there are independents, Libertarians and others who are willing to take the time to travel to DC and attend such a protest, but just about everyone there will have voted mostly for Republicans, except for a few they could not stomach.
More to the point, not one person attending such a rally will be either surprised that other rally attendees are vocal supporters of the GOP officeholder. If they are offended by a MAGA hat and stomp off due to “partisanship” they are among the most self-deluded people in the nation.
Support/Opposition to abortion is probably the clearest defining issue between the two major parties. It is slightly possible to be successful in the GOP while supporting “Choice”, it is utterly impossible to oppose abortion and be accepted by the national Democrat Party.
Kevin M (21ca15) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:56 am*
Kevin M (21ca15) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:57 ameitherI guess one can vote Democrat and be against abortion, but it requires significant self-deception.
That would be Harry Reid.
nk (dbc370) — 1/23/2019 @ 9:59 amBy showing a picture of Covington kids wearing MAGA hats at a March for Life rally? That’s quite the overreaction.
Paul Montagu (7c54bc) — 1/23/2019 @ 10:03 amSeattle street scene good! MAGA hat BAD!!!
Colonel Haiku (9d2fbb) — 1/23/2019 @ 10:09 amOh, and well said, Dustin, on all three counts.
Paul Montagu (7c54bc) — 1/23/2019 @ 10:26 am“So I wonder if Teferi is put off by the copious amounts of La Virgen Guadalupe imagery held/carried by several participants in the March for Life.”
The border stays open and she’ll end up getting replaced by Santa Muerte in short order.
And now in this episode of DUSTIN COVERS HIMSELF IN GLORY:
“He is a racist punk.”
“Anyway, keep pounding the table about this MAGA kid. Keep attacking other commenters. The last thing you want to do is discuss the issues, right?”
Saying incredibly ugly and slanderous things regularly without serious attribution or apology and then having the chutzpah to put in hall monitor complaints about how ‘commenters are being attacked’ for saying these despicable (and currently actionable) things is a very sure sign of either a monomaniac or a Shareblue sock puppet, secure in the knowledge that HIS masters will protect him from just retribution. How much longer will our patience last for these obviously malicious agents now that it’s very clear that people like you are largely responsible for the dreadful acting, I wonder?
Teferi (5c6b9b) — 1/23/2019 @ 10:28 amAnyway, where is Rent-A-Drum when/where he is really needed:
(Note: the patient was reportedly a member of a reservation community in southern AZ).
urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 1/23/2019 @ 10:31 am284… assuming Paul gazed thru the soul windows and this is not an interpretation of an “emission transmission”.
Something to chew on… it’s one thing to have a relatively small number of people around America who are totally off their rockers with hate, that’s to be expected. It’s quite another thing when people vote them into Congress, and our media write nothing but shallow, unquestioning puff pieces about them.
Colonel Haiku (9d2fbb) — 1/23/2019 @ 10:36 amYes that’s the size of it:
Narciso (5ae54a) — 1/23/2019 @ 10:42 am“it’s one thing to have a relatively small number of people around America who are totally off their rockers with hate, that’s to be expected. It’s quite another thing when people vote them into Congress, and our media write nothing but shallow, unquestioning puff pieces about them.”
Those who like to imagine themselves bosses but are too lazy to earn any real respect or experience prefer to elect obviously weak or damaged men as their representatives, imagining them infinitely pliable and easy to bully, which works out right up until strong men figure out the game and get elected while feigning weakness.
Teferi (98970a) — 1/23/2019 @ 10:43 amPaul, thanks man. Same to you in the previous thread. Haters gonna hate, and on the internet, fringe finds fringe, and they build on eachother, trying to make these things personal. It’s clear why that is.
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 10:51 amThe only proper hate target is trump, got it:
Narciso (5ae54a) — 1/23/2019 @ 10:52 amWere at the end of granscis trek through the institutions, typified by California where there isn’t a trace of real political opposition, and as in Venezuela the ruling class has insulated itself from accountability.
Narciso (5ae54a) — 1/23/2019 @ 10:59 am285 – “Saying incredibly ugly and slanderous things regularly without serious attribution or apology and then having the chutzpah to put in hall monitor complaints about how ‘commenters are being attacked’ for saying these despicable (and currently actionable) things is a very sure sign of either a monomaniac or a Shareblue sock puppet, secure in the knowledge that HIS masters will protect him from just retribution.”
Dead on, well said.
I heard this earlier today and it really describes the hate and wished for violence coming from those who act from emotion and ignorance more than thought:
“The Left has succeeded in convincing its base that a red MAGA hat (“Make America Great Again”) is every bit as racist as a KKK hood or a Nazi swastika.”
But it’s the eyes, THE EYES, where you can really tell.
This kid may be racist or he could be the next messiah, but I’d be the last person to try and convince myself, much less anyone else that I could tell by a video of his face.
harkin (e6b10c) — 1/23/2019 @ 10:59 amThere is more self flagellation here than the albino in davinci code.
Narciso (5ae54a) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:04 amWe definitely need more harrrumping here!
Colonel Haiku (9d2fbb) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:10 amI agree with others on the comment by Teferi.
BuDuh (11cc68) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:21 amHe is a racist punk.
Dustin, we’re done.
Kevin M (21ca15) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:35 amCheers, Kevin!
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:36 amHere we have a white, male, likely hetero teenager accosted by a serial protester and long-term liar, and his crime was: standing up to a bully.
For this he is called by formerly readable commenters, a “racist punk.” Shame.
Kevin M (21ca15) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:37 amBut you are more than happy to dishonestly clip my comments to shreds to claim I said the opposite of what I did say. You’re happy to judge, so long as the judging is dishonest and intended to shut down opinions you don’t agree with.
I’m not telling you to agree that this punk and his pals, who absolutely made their disagreement with the old man racial (tomahawks and chants, etc), and absolutely got in his face, were racist punks. I think that, but you don’t have to.
For all your complaining about what the media did, hiding parts of the truth to present the clip they wanted to twist, that’s exactly what you do too. You’re exactly the same as the MSM you’re mad about.
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:40 amI meant to say his crime (while being these things), was standing up to a bully.
The racism here is apparent: WHite men are not allowed to stand up to bullying from their racial betters. IF they do, an internet lynch mob will form. There must be a conservation law regarding racism.
Kevin M (21ca15) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:40 amI’ve explained my view at length, Kevin. If you disagree that’s great. I do not care that he is white. I don’t know why you care so much what the color of his skin is. If you don’t want to read opinions you disagree with, that’s your choice, but it’s why you’re so thin skinned.
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:41 amThat’s the GOP today. It’s not about the issues. It’s not about solving anything. It’s about screaming SHUT UP a lot.
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:42 amCalypso Louie is a racist punk, not a young man minding his own business.
mg (86e893) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:45 am300. harkin (e6b10c) — 1/23/2019 @ 10:59 am
But if somebody online claims they can, people are pretty slow in treating that claim as complete nonsense. (Ann Coulter claims she thought something was suspicious when she saw the picture and the claims made about it, but still, I think, not even Ann Coulter was ready to start debunking it without knowing any more.)
Nathan Phillips approached different boys, hoping that a picture of at least one of them standing next to him could be misreoresented as hostility. (there was an associate with him taking video)
Sammy Finkelman (102c75) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:46 amReasoned discourse will always be appreciated.
Colonel Haiku (9d2fbb) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:47 amKevin M (21ca15) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:37 am
No, he wasn’t doing that at all.
He thought Nathan Phillips was joining in with them in trying to drown out the Black Hebrew Israelites (them with school songs and him with a drum) and he smiled at him because he thought that;s the way to look friendly – or perhaps he was amused at it.)
Sammy Finkelman (102c75) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:49 amNathan Phillips is a sleazy lying veteran from native america and he’s not the best a man can be
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:51 amNo, Nick Sandman is not a racist punk.
The Black Hebrew Israelites are racist punks.
Chief Him-Stealum-Plenty-Valor is probably a racist punks, although that’s not his primary attribute — being a disgusting piece of rawhide-pounding, child-bothering, gutter trash is his primary attribute.
nk (dbc370) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:53 amYeah, who else would have raped a woman in a coma?
nk (dbc370) — 1/23/2019 @ 11:57 amOut here in Caliunicornia, things are just peachy!
Colonel Haiku (9d2fbb) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:04 pmIt’s really amazing that someone (anyone) would libel a teenager based on an image of his face.
Is it libel? Reckless disregard is shown by avoiding available evidence. Since he’s a minor and not a public figure (other than being so publicly libeled), I’d have to say yes.
Kevin M (21ca15) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:06 pmI don’t know why you care so much what the color of his skin is.
I don’t. His detractors do. If this had been a black kid (there were some in the group), no one (other than the crazy “Black Hebrews”) would have said a thing.
Kevin M (21ca15) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:08 pmGoing by this video, there were four or five Black Hebrews (and no doubt they were obnoxious name-calling wankers) and about the same number of American Indians, and on the other side were dozens of Covington boys. To say that those boys were “bullied” is ridiculous on its face. There were no white hats in this situation. The CCS boys catcalled girls, one of them made an inexcusable rape comment, and a whole bunch were doing war cries, tomahawk chops and ghost dance chanting, acts which in this context can be seen as racist from their mocking.
Paul Montagu (27e440) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:12 pmI doubt he was trying to cosplay a famous Smiths song.
urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:13 pmRegarding MAGA hats, I know I’d be ashamed to wear one. A MAGA hat is a statement of endorsement for a racist.
We do have a problem with racism in the GOP. It’s probably the most sensitive issue to mention to a loyal republican. They always demand a level of proof that is completely impossible to obtain, mocking what we all know is there. Republicans will instantly go for the SHUT UP YOU DEMON approach when it’s brought up.
Did the punks reference the old man’s race? Yes, indisputably they did. While mocking the man’s race, they surrounded him and got in his face with what I interpreted to be a bully’s intimidation smirk, much like all those old black and white photos of racists.
A big issue of the day, perhaps the biggest, appears to be immigration, and the wall in the USA, and also immigration in Europe. That’s what those MAGA hats are about. If you ask Republicans if the democrats are trying to import hispanic voters due to their racial assumptions about how successful those people will be, and therefore how they will vote on government benefits, you’ll get a lot of nodding heads. It’s not hard to see why the reverse is often true as well, but we can’t talk about it because it’s too painful. Gets to the heart of why Trump was elected in the first place.
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:18 pmYup.
That’s what I am referring to when I say they referenced the old man’s race in the intimidation effort, culminating in the punk smirking in the old man’s face.
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:19 pmand now whenever anybody sees Nathan Phillips they’re like that’s the creepy lying veteran guy and everybody hates him, but that’s just the consequences of what he did
it’s not that they’re hateful people he’s just a vile disgusting person
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:19 pmhttps://gizmodo.com/congress-now-wants-twitter-to-explain-how-that-covingto-1831971692
That might connect this to the teacher’s union in California, although that account may not really have anything to do with anyone who is in the teacher’s union. The picture in the profile was grabbed off the Internet from someone in Brazil.
Sammy Finkelman (102c75) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:26 pm“The CCS boys catcalled girls, one of them made an inexcusable rape comment,”
__ _
You sure about that? It sounds like it just may be another smear out there that will be disproven after the smear has done its job:
David French
harkin (e6b10c) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:26 pm@DavidAFrench
Vile tweet. The kid who made the rape comment wasn’t Covington Catholic. The black adults were viciously taunting the kids with racist and homophobic comments.
I encourage those who haven’t taken the time to review the 2 hour long video to do so when possible and see if you come away with the take just shared again in comment 317.
Colonel Haiku (9d2fbb) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:32 pmDustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:18 pm
In Europe, I think we can definitely say that Vladimir Putin is behind it. (he likes it because refugees create oopposition to what’s going on in other countries – theer’s no immigraiton from Congo so nobody knows or cares what’s hapepening there. A second reason is this creates a reason for most of the western democracies to ally with Russia on teh grounds they are bth white and Christian.)
It’s been going on a lot longer in the USA tahn in Europe, where it really was started by Vlkadimir Putin. Bob Grant I think was talking about thsi on the radio in 1974. I would mostly blame the border patrol union.
That’s waht everyone assumes, and it may be more true with time. The 2020 election is heading toward being fought on the issue of immigration.
Sammy Finkelman (102c75) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:33 pmSo you’re agreeing with what I said a few days ago. That was my primary point before Harkin cut my comment to pieces. The punks did something stupid. Youth is about making mistakes. It’s a shame that both sides use these organized propaganda machines to spin stories well out of control so we aren’t talking about the issues. Issues I listed in this thread, but no one wants to talk about. Instead of being one country, we’re being manipulated into as many divisions as possible.
Do you think I care about these guys? There were probably 50 people worse than them in the very video they are in.
Trump is president right now. Trump’s supporters are not victims of whatever propaganda machine is out there. But something is up. Perhaps those Russians that Trump was begging for help from, on national TV, are exploiting our diversity as a source of division. Perhaps they’ve been doing that for 70 years in one way or another.
You guys want to get mad at me for what I said a few days ago? Fine, I’ll either say I was wrong, or I’ll admit I still think what I think. But there’s a reason you guys are being driven by hate and anger every day.
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:34 pmCared enough to call them racist.
Colonel Haiku (9d2fbb) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:35 pmCharacterizing people as racist is a way of ruining their futures.
Colonel Haiku (9d2fbb) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:37 pmMore on the rape comment:
“According to another Twitter user, the teen who makes the offensive remark is not a Covington Catholic student but attends Owensboro Catholic in Owensboro, Kentucky, about 200 miles southwest of Covington. But that claim has yet to be independently confirmed either……..
…..The Owensboro school released a statement saying that “we were obviously very distressed at the comments made by the Owensboro Catholic Student yesterday,” and adding that the teen was already “expressing a great deal of remorse for the pain he has caused.”
But guess what the headline is?
Teen Shouts ‘It’s Not Rape If You Enjoy It’ In New Covington Viral Video, As Trump Invites Kids To White House
harkin (e6b10c) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:38 pmI agree with almost every word of this comment. Don’t really like using the young man’s name though. It’s a pointless gesture now.
Those other guys were punks and worse. But if someone wants to get in front of cameras as the ringleader of a racist bunch of BS, people might just think that guy is a racist punk.
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:38 pmTrump is president right now.
this is really what it’s all about
putting aside our differences and just enjoying this wonderful moment
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:42 pm“Perhaps those Russians that Trump was begging for help from, on national TV, are exploiting our diversity as a source of division.”
Context is helpful…
Colonel Haiku (9d2fbb) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:43 pmColonel haiku @317
Where in the 1:46:18 long video is the key moment? Early or late?
Sammy Finkelman (102c75) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:48 pmIn other non ranch news:
Narciso (5ae54a) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:50 pmReasonably sure. Bengals shirt said it, standing next to MAGA-hat kid.
Paul Montagu (27e440) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:53 pmafter 1:15 or so, they first (?) notice some people wearing MAGA hats. They say they look like school shooters. Satying about the students they believe everyone was white. But even Saint Nicholas was black. They are very anti-homosexual. They say the French were a bunch of homosexuals just like the Romans. Look at Donald Trump on YouTube. Your president is a homosexual. There’s video of him with Rudy Giuliani dressing up. Asks for a Bible. They’re not going to read this in a Catholic church….they have people sear on aBible but your Bible condemns homosexuality.
Is this from the same time? Does Nathan Phillips show up in the 1:46:18 video?
Sammy Finkelman (102c75) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:53 pmI’m mad at the Owensboro kid, not because he did the catcalling, but because he wasted it on some upper size talent, that’s more young William Jefferson Clinton’s speed.
urbanleftbehind (6542f3) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:54 pmThe 2016 election was about immigration, and unfortunately the side promising to finally do something didn’t do much. A weak economy did more to slow the flow than anything else. The democrats believe that the longer they hold this off, the closer they get to a demographic reality that ends the issue.
I admit, you have a very good point. I do not want to ruin the future of this guy, the one hiring the PR firm. I do not think his future is ruined, but I do think his choices caused him a lot of trouble, and he should learn from them. Life just kicked his ass. I am a better man for the times life has kicked my ass.
Help me out. What do I call these young men that conveys my criticism of their choices that isn’t so harsh? I can’t sign on to your point of view, and I reject ‘the whole video’ defense, but I genuinely would appreciate a better way to articulate this point. What do you honestly suggest someone with my point of view should call these young men?
My problem isn’t that these individuals were being racist punks so much as that the GOP has a problem with racism and talking about racism.
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:54 pmI’d enjoy it a lot more if he balanced the budget.
There is quite a lot of context to Trump’s begging the Russians for help with his election, huh!
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 12:59 pmAbsolutely, but a mob of internet justice is just as wrong for him. Interesting that I was saying it was wrong for your side’s guy from the beginning, but you guys only seem to have a problem with the mob being mad at your side’s guy… not the lefty.
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 1:01 pmas far as the deficit goes, we have a structural imbalance i fear
and this business about an online mob on chief one-tooth? I’m not really seeing that
he’s like that chick in florida what killed her baby – he went way out of his way to make himself contemptible, and now he’s famous
happyfeet (28a91b) — 1/23/2019 @ 1:07 pmBut assuming the guy with the neo-Nazi bracketed name is correct, the kid goes to Owensboro Catholic, so that’s completely different.
Paul Montagu (27e440) — 1/23/2019 @ 1:09 pmBalancing the budget would require something amazing to happen. Trump should be firing everyone who works for as many departments as he can, and make this shutdown a little more meaningful.
Or we can keep hating on the guy you’re hating on all day, but don’t see anyone hating on. I don’t think that matters as much, but you do you.
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 1:13 pmYes, the rage mob is a massive issue now.
I disagree with the premise that the kid did anything wrong.
However, I *do* agree with you that there’s so much My Team-ism, that various groups are being manipulated.
Ok, so why are you claiming the kids surrounded the old man? The video doesn’t support that. It may not be your intent, but you appear to be giving cover to justify the idea it’s these kids fault.
Maybe so… but, please with tears in my eyes, this really isn’t about Trump. It’s how this fiasco has transpired and it’s these catholic kids being unfairly dog piled.
For my part, my anger is how quickly these kids were thrown under the bus over a kid wearing a bloody MAGA hat. And that everyone was to quick to virtue signal without verifying this event.
That is the point I’m trying to articulate.
whembly (b9d411) — 1/23/2019 @ 1:18 pmForget it hes beyond reason:
Narciso (5ae54a) — 1/23/2019 @ 1:25 pmBecause they did.
Of course it isn’t. Trump fans and Trump critics were alike being idiots on camera, deliberately, in that event. But Trump is one of the real issues we should be talking about, but instead we’re arguing about something stupid.
Personal responsibility is a virtue, yes. virtue signal, like cuck, is one of those buzzwords used by the nihilist Trump movement. There is such a thing as right and wrong. I’m not going to be shamed for expressing this, even when unpopular.
The GOP has a huge problem discussing racism in good faith. It’s always this PROVE IT OR SHUT UP YOU EVIL DEMON overreaction. Sorry, but the racism problem in the GOP is only worse as a result. And that actually does involve Trump.
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 1:26 pmThese Covington Catholic School kids did nothing wrong… other than having the audacity to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, Christian (Catholics, in this case) supporters of the March For Life, white, male and a bit rambunctious.
Colonel Haiku (9d2fbb) — 1/23/2019 @ 1:27 pm#343 Ok, so why are you claiming the kids surrounded the old man?
I’ve watched the videos that doesn’t support that… I’ve even linked The Atlantic piece where the author didn’t believe that happened.
Maybe so… but, please with tears in my eyes, this really isn’t about Trump
The reactions last weekend isn’t stupid, it’s abhorrent. Its the kinds of escalation events that people can get hurt.
And that everyone was to quick to virtue signal without verifying this event.
O.o dude… virtue signaling isn’t new.
This is a separate issue Dustin, and I’m willing to discuss specifics. However, this even last weekend isn’t that.
whembly (b9d411) — 1/23/2019 @ 1:32 pmwhembly, you’re talking past me, not to me.
This is a good example. I believe the overreaction to a silly story is a distraction. Your response is explain that the overreaction was bad. You’re agreeing with what I was saying a few days ago, but you’re not really addressing my point.
Neither is ‘cuck’. Both are buzzwords intended by the Trump circle to bash people who express the idea of right and wrong, particularly with respect to racism or moderation. Again, you are talking past me, not really addressing my point at all. The GOP has a huge problem honestly talking about racism. The GOP even has a problem with virtue.
So you do not think that the larger group of young men surrounding (or whatever you want to call it… ‘being all around him’ I guess) the old man, getting right in his face, were trying to intimidate him? You don’t think all of their references and mocking of his being native American were racial? By all means, you have every right to hold that opinion. I think they were provoked into a racist response, where they looked like punks.
You don’t think racism was an issue in this event? Why then are so many of the Trump fans in this thread mentioning skin color, over and over?
Dustin (6d7686) — 1/23/2019 @ 1:49 pmI’m trying to address your points.
I’m glad we agree at this point.
What do you mean specifically?
Two things can be true.
1) The GOP has a problem with addressing racism. Yes, I’ll agree to that.
2) #1 has no bearings to the events that transpired last weekend.
I watch videos of this Justin… the old man walked towards and into those boys banging on his drum. Please watch those videos that is all over the ‘net now.
If you still think my eyes are lying to me, then we really don’t have anything further to discuss.
Not by these boys.
Because had you watched/listened to the full videos, instead of the the snippet, you’ll hear the racial/bigot epithets came from the Black Israelite and the Indian group.
If you disagree… at least consider this a modern day Rorschach test.
whembly (b9d411) — 1/23/2019 @ 2:25 pm“…they were stupid to wear a MAGA hat…”
April Nelly (069c4f) — 1/24/2019 @ 8:29 amHalf the country voted for this candidate. Hello.
Manufactured outrage and kool aid. #walkaway