Yeah, Democrats Take MeToo Seriously
[guest post by JVW]
Here’s a heartwarming story starring two bona fide California progressives, one of whom has a strong chance of becoming the Democrat nominee for President in 2020:
A longtime top staff member of U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris resigned Wednesday after The Sacramento Bee inquired about a $400,000 harassment and retaliation settlement resulting from his time working for Harris at the California Department of Justice.
Larry Wallace, who served as the director of the Division of Law Enforcement under then-Attorney General Harris, was accused by his former executive assistant in December 2016 of “gender harassment” and other demeaning behavior, including frequently asking her to crawl under his desk to change the paper in his printer.
The lawsuit was filed on Dec. 30, 2016, when Harris was still attorney general but preparing to be sworn in as California’s newly elected Democratic senator. It was settled less than five months later, in May 2017, by Xavier Becerra, who was appointed to replace her as attorney general.
By that time, Wallace had transitioned to work for Harris as a senior advisor in her Sacramento office.
How do you think Senator Harris is going to respond to this development? Will she say that she took her staffer’s word that these charges were untrue? Will she insist that she allowed him to have due process while these allegations were being investigated, because that’s how the law ought to work? Or will she claim that she had no idea any of this was going on?
“We were unaware of this issue and take accusations of harassment extremely seriously. This evening, Mr. Wallace offered his resignation to the senator and she accepted it,” Harris spokeswoman Lily Adams wrote in an email.
Yeah, because no one in the California Attorney General’s office — the office Kamala Harris helmed for six fucking years — ever mentioned to the Senator or to anyone else in her office that a lawsuit had been filed naming Wallace as a harasser about a week before Attorney General Harris was sworn in as California’s newest Senator, and her Senatorial office spent nearly two fucking years in the dark about the fact that one of her staffers had this lawsuit hanging over his head, even as the Senator herself was pompously grilling Brett Kavanaugh over comparatively frivolous charges. Perhaps there’s no inter-office gossip within the malodorous and corrupt Democrat party establishment of the Golden State. Or maybe the real answer is that a politician who had her path to power greased by — ahem, ahem — “dating” a ridiculously corrupt married powerbroker who was twice her age might have a huge blind spot when it comes to entitled progressive men treating young women like transient objects of sexual gratification.
And what of the proud and flamboyant Trump antagonist who replaced Ms. Harris as California Attorney General, the unexceptionable Xavier Becerra? Surely he rose about rank partisanship and waxed indigently against the awful behavior of his fellow Democrat, Mr. Wallace, right? There can be no doubt that he believes all women and was supportive and helpful as Ms. Hartley worked through the legal system in an attempt to be heard and recognized, right?
Becerra, who by then had been appointed to succeed Harris, and two of this deputies said the department took “reasonable steps to prevent and correct workplace harassment” by instituting procedures for harassment and training Hartley on the policy.
Hartley “unreasonably failed to utilize the procedures during the period of time, and after, the alleged harassment or discrimination was occurring,” Becerra wrote. “Had Plaintiff taken reasonable effort to utilize these procedures Plaintiff’s alleged harm, injury or damages would have been avoided, in whole or in part.”
When progressive Democrats aren’t involved, that’s usually called blaming the victim. Regardless of what Mr. Becerra thinks about the deficiencies of Ms. Hartley’s claims, his office settled with her to the tune of $400,000 of taxpayer money.
This is yet another data point in the hypothesis that progressive Democrats don’t really care about sexual harassment all that much, except for as a way to bash their political opponents. They unleashed the wave far too carelessly in the hopes of tripping up Donald Trump, only to watch in horror as it consumed Bill Clinton, Al Franken, John Conyers, Eric Schneiderman, and several of their own allies. Now, despite all of the hashtags, all of the pussy hats, all of the marches, they are acknowledging that they only address it in their own camp when they are absolutely forced to. And where they can not magically make it go away, they simply shrug their shoulders and say that they had no idea it was going on, a lame excuse that they certainly wouldn’t accept from their political adversaries.
Sexual harassment is real, many women (and some men) unfairly suffer from it, and people of good faith need to do what they can to eradicate it from our society. But I’m to the point where I think that only a fool falls for this MeToo garbage, which was always just a left-wing political movement disguised as a social concern.
The rest of the article has some salacious details that indicate that Mr. Wallace is quite the creep.
JVW (42615e) — 12/5/2018 @ 9:56 pmMaybe Beto has a good path to the Dem nomination after all. In the real world this sort of thing should be a major strike against Kamala Harris, but perhaps she has that intersectionality teflon.
JVW (42615e) — 12/5/2018 @ 9:58 pmSince it’s not a conservative… #movealong
mg (b4b72a) — 12/5/2018 @ 10:19 pmBy the way, apologies for the salty language in the post, but I wanted to get across the utter implausibility that Kamala Harris didn’t know that this lawsuit had been filed. There is virtually no way unless she is purposely ignorant, and Senator Harris’s office right now is likely flat-out lying to us.
JVW (42615e) — 12/5/2018 @ 10:24 pmAfter the Kavanaugh brain damage involving Ms. Harris, karma.
Paul Montagu (6a98e9) — 12/5/2018 @ 10:25 pmIt’s my considered judgment that if Kamala Harris has any feeling about this, besides how it affects her politically, they are that “she had to go through it so why not this b!tch”. Soul of an insect.
nk (dbc370) — 12/5/2018 @ 10:32 pmWillie Brown is lucky that she did not literally eat him.
nk (dbc370) — 12/5/2018 @ 10:34 pmIt’s too bad that there is no opposition party in California. Maybe someone should start one.
Kevin M (a57144) — 12/5/2018 @ 11:04 pmIt would be fun if Mr Wallace filed his own harassment charges against the Senator.
Kevin M (a57144) — 12/5/2018 @ 11:06 pmAnd it’s possible that it was Danielle Hartley’s karma to be tormented in this life in order to embarrass Kamala Harris with a relatively petty scandal, but somehow I doubt it.
nk (dbc370) — 12/5/2018 @ 11:12 pm“They unleashed the wave far too carelessly in the hopes of tripping up Donald Trump, only to watch in horror as it consumed Bill Clinton, Al Franken, John Conyers, Eric Schneiderman, and several of their own allies.“
Neil DeGrabass Tyson is in the middle of a tussle right now, if you read his excuses and his horror at the lack of due process (for himself, not Kavanaugh), it’s illuminating.
“The trend persists, and without any apparent improvements, according to Carson. She notes that Tyson’s apology shares some noticeable qualities with its antecedents. Like CK and Batali, Carson says, Tyson finds opportunities to tout his achievements. He talks about his “professional history with the demotion of Pluto” when addressing the groping allegation against him, and mentions the “grueling adventure-marathon” that was finishing astrophysics graduate school. And then he uses these successes, Carson adds, to tear down his alleged victims, whom he seemingly blames for his alleged indiscretions.”
harkin (fbc353) — 12/6/2018 @ 12:20 am“How dare she put me in a position to rape her,” right Dr. Tyson?
JVW (42615e) — 12/6/2018 @ 12:28 amare Democrats have a lot of less-trashy options to pick from
it won’t be long before over-heated cougar Kamala Harris starts looking more and more like a potential Secretary of Education in the administration of somebody that does a better job of keeping his or her pants on
happyfeet (28a91b) — 12/6/2018 @ 3:07 amhrm
happyfeet (28a91b) — 12/6/2018 @ 3:08 amarethe fake news trash at fox are saying she was “caught unaware” btw
happyfeet (28a91b) — 12/6/2018 @ 3:14 amWhat didn’t Kamalatoe know and when didn’t she know it?
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 12/6/2018 @ 3:38 amKim K. left a box of Kanye’s old clothes on Dr. Tysons porch (if I recall correctly, he’s also on board with a US Space Force).
urbanleftbehind (380f76) — 12/6/2018 @ 5:14 amshe’s a very thoughtful lady sometimes
and pretty too
happyfeet (28a91b) — 12/6/2018 @ 5:49 amNDT probably just thought he was an irresistible force:
harkin (fbc353) — 12/6/2018 @ 6:41 amHes a singularity,
Narciso (a36d4a) — 12/6/2018 @ 7:01 amThe tattooed lady who accuses Tyson of searching for Pluto under her dress (under the short sleeve of a dress is still “under the dress” isn’t it?) apparently does too.
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 7:04 amOf course it was a ploy, Gillibrand was not smart enough to realize that,
Narciso (a36d4a) — 12/6/2018 @ 7:08 amI’ll tell you, the only accusation against Tyson which does not sound like something you find in a cow pasture is the one by his temporary personal assistant, who was a vulnerable person and did actually quit her job the next day, after what she considered an attempt at seduction over wine and cheese at his apartment the night before.
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 7:10 amIt seems a little implausible now cornel west probably Tennessee coates likely.
Narciso (a36d4a) — 12/6/2018 @ 7:11 amMike Pence is a wise man.
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 7:11 amHow I wish he could be the President.
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 7:12 amTa-nehisi with/on a dude more than likely.
urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 12/6/2018 @ 7:27 amGuys — the idea that every single bit of everything was a clever Dem ploy sounds great, until you run into the reality of the number of Hollywood and media figures who have been destroyed in this. I don’t think a genuine political ploy brings down Harvey Weinstein and Moonves and NBC. At the very least, you have to factor in Ronan Farrow’s revenge mission into all this.
I agree the Dems have been trying to tamp things down, ever since Al Franken got caught in the mess, and I find it significant that we have one one major Democrat (the NY Attorney General) suffer major consequences since Franken. But I’m not sure that lasts. Events, dear boy, have a way with them, despite the best efforts of those who think they control them.
Appalled (c9622b) — 12/6/2018 @ 7:31 amHave you ever seen reality into any of these narratives, yes its just a flesh wound the size of Godzilla, its not about the truth
Narciso (a36d4a) — 12/6/2018 @ 7:42 amJheff Fhlake needs to just go home and spend more time with his nasty racist dog-slaughtering family i think
happyfeet (28a91b) — 12/6/2018 @ 7:48 amI’ve hated flake when flake hate wasnt cool, because he was Fidel’s toy poodle.
Narciso (d26172) — 12/6/2018 @ 7:52 amhe’s a very strange twisted and perverted person, and he has absolutely zero respect for the constitution
not unlike vicious anti-semite Bob Corker really
happyfeet (28a91b) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:00 amI think, as a farewell gesture, Corker and Flake, should go and pants Trump.
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:07 amPants
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:10 am(d) Verb. American. To overpower someone and remove his trousers by force as a humiliation. Equivalent to the British debag. Usually only done to males as removal of the pants, the traditional male garment, is a symbolic emasculation. Pantsing in this sense may be used as an initiation rite, a punishment, or just done for fun. See also depants
How long before the “romantic comedy” is a dead art form? “There’s nothing funny about rape!”
Kevin M (a57144) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:14 amThis is yet another data point in the hypothesis that progressive Democrats don’t really care about sexual harassment all that much, except for as a way to bash their political opponents.
They also manipulate the justice system for their political needs.
AZ Bob (885937) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:15 amWho is Ronan Farrow taking revenge on? His father for marrying his sister; his mother for not knowing who his father is; the Hollywood-Manhattan culture in which his family is nothing very unusual?
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:18 ami’d like to see a trend get underway where people embrace President Trump and celebrate him as a leader and visionary
happyfeet (28a91b) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:19 amMany have embraced villainy, none the villain.
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:23 amAnd … Eureka! For 28 years I have been trying to find a less clumsy form of the Greek expression which translates literally as “Many have embraced treachery, none the traitor”. Thank you, happyfeet!
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:24 am🙂
i’m taking tomorrow off
happyfeet (28a91b) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:25 amDemocrats don’t have to outrun the bear, they have to outrun Republicans, and they seem to be doing that.
How important Me Too is varies from person to person. Me Too purists such as Rose Mcgowan, may find this a terrible sin and refuse to support the Democrats. The reality of the situation is that Me Too voters don’t get to choose between a Democrat and perfect candidate. They get to choose between a Democrat and a Republican.
Democrats are clearly cleaning their house, and need to do a better job of it! They should start by exiling the Clintons. But that’s just my opinion.
Time123 (dba73f) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:26 amRepublicans remain the party of “Grab them by their Pu$$y” who nominated and stood behind Roy Moore. The best they can do is point out the Dems aren’t perfect.
The problem is Corker tupolev’d us all endorsing the Iran deal, and flake screwed the people of arizona.
I read ronans other screed, he seems really hip with Hamas loving Qatar and sings a song for Colombian rebels
Narciso (ad2232) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:43 amThe Republicans have the best policies for example energy policies and wall policies
this is good cause everybody loves their policies
where they falter is on execution sometimes but slicked-up little sex toy Paul Ryan is leaving
happyfeet (28a91b) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:45 amThe other point is Lauer Moonves and spacey screwed everybody and the victims didn’t even get a t shirt.
Narciso (ad2232) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:45 amthose are apples and oranges i think what they did on Mr. Spacey was really unfair plus he was good in Baby Driver
happyfeet (28a91b) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:47 amStipulated hes been playing sociopaths since mel profitt in the 80s oh it turns out he wasnt playing.
Narciso (ad2232) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:54 ami still haven’t seen midnight yet
happyfeet (28a91b) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:57 ami think it’s on my kindle, the book version
happyfeet (28a91b) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:58 amSo Ryan allowed a weaker immigration bill (curbelos) to compete with the Goodlatte one, a little too clever he lost his seat.
Narciso (ad2232) — 12/6/2018 @ 8:59 amRyan didn’t lose his seat, he just got fed up and quit. He would have been re-elected from his district for the next 40 years if he wanted.
Kevin M (a57144) — 12/6/2018 @ 9:01 amdirty mccain-fellator curbelo lost
happyfeet (28a91b) — 12/6/2018 @ 9:09 amCurbelos seat, here’s the twist the candidates husband is all up in the Russian business.
Narciso (ad2232) — 12/6/2018 @ 9:12 amMe Too purists such as Rose Mcgowan
Ha, ha, ha, ha! Rose McCowan is a cheap-ass Hollywood w–re who discovered her virtue when she lost her invitations to the casting couch. She and other Hollywood chippies like her are what is making the MeToo movement a tired joke in the eyes of real people who want to protect real working women from real predators in the workplace.
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 9:40 amLeftists don’t care. It’s about their agenda. And speaking of leftist sympathizers, how’s Jeff Flake doing spitting on everyone on his way out the door?
NJRob (4d595c) — 12/6/2018 @ 9:48 am“Democrats are clearly cleaning their house, and need to do a better job of it! They should start by exiling the Clintons. But that’s just my opinion.”
Ha! If they really got serious about it much of Hollywood, the Titans of Silicon Valley, Wall St., the MSM, etc., would be in deep schiff.
Colonel Haiku (5b7649) — 12/6/2018 @ 9:55 amso a little googling reveals that “aquaman” is just a fancy way of saying “waterman”
i hadn’t realized Dolph Lundgren was in this movie good for him! this will be a happy Christmas at the Lundgren house
this time last year he was celebrating his star turn in Sharknado
ugh it also has the revoltingly skeevy Amber Heard all up in it
hard pass
happyfeet (28a91b) — 12/6/2018 @ 10:00 amI guess, for the Democrats it’s now sexual harassment for me but not for thee.
Rochf (877dba) — 12/6/2018 @ 10:02 ami hadn’t realized Dolph Lundgren was in this movie good for him! this will be a happy Christmas at the Lundgren house
Mock all you will, but he was pretty damn good reprising his Ivan Drago role in Creed 2.
JVW (42615e) — 12/6/2018 @ 10:07 amViggo Mortensen is the only good actor to show up in the last forty years.
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 10:12 am42 – “Democrats remain the party of “Drag a $20 bill through a trailer park” who nominated and stood behind serial rapist Bill Clinton”
“The best they can do is point out the Dems aren’t perfect.”
You must have missed the Kavanaugh hearings, they prevented the railroading/career destruction of a very good man.
harkin (fbc353) — 12/6/2018 @ 10:12 ami’d heard creed 2 was ok
i just don’t have any real appetite for that one
happyfeet (28a91b) — 12/6/2018 @ 10:14 amEvery time I saw a commercial for that movie, I thought, “Hello. My name is Adonis Creed. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71) — 12/6/2018 @ 10:25 amnk #54:
So she’s lying about the delightful Harvey W? Or does she just annoy you?
I think you know that the people who tend the blow the whistle on the intolerable often tend to be really unpleasant themselves. Most nice folks care too much what their peers think of them, or worry about hurting people who didn’t hurt them.
Appalled (c9622b) — 12/6/2018 @ 10:28 amHey… even teh Dem sweathogs are coming clean…
Colonel Haiku (5b7649) — 12/6/2018 @ 10:31 am#61 —
I expect Republicans to fight for due process.
I expect Dems to remind us the #metoo problem is real.
Dems fail more than Repubs, simply because they have not figured out how to untangle themselves from Bill and Hillary, and because they like to think their folks are less likely to rape and harass. (Never noticing that being a good Lefty is a perfect cover for for a being a decadent slimeball)
Appalled (c9622b) — 12/6/2018 @ 10:33 amLundgren and the very scary guy who played Victor Drago stole that movie. They were such sympathetic characters compared to the obnoxious Creed that you rooted for them in the end.
NJRob (4d595c) — 12/6/2018 @ 10:35 amSo she’s lying about the delightful Harvey W?
No, she’s not lying. Weinstein paid her a $100,000 for it. I guess it wasn’t enough.
Or does she just annoy you?
She disgusts me. She epitomizes Hollywood culture.
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 10:57 amI think Victor Drago’s Romanian actor could play an effective hillbilly, I got more of a J.D. Vance / swole Stephen Tobolosky vibe than that of a Eastern Euro baddie.
Gotta disagree on Amber Heard – she’s one of the last classic white girls left.
urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 12/6/2018 @ 11:07 amTeh guy was just coming to terms with his politics…
“Democrat accused of repeated use of women’s restroom will resign in January.”
Colonel Haiku (5b7649) — 12/6/2018 @ 11:20 am
Colonel Haiku (5b7649) — 12/6/2018 @ 11:24 am“Colorado Public Radio reported earlier this year that Kagan was among a group of Democratic senators who have called for the ouster of Republican state Sen. Randy Baumgardner, amid accusations that he groped an aide in 2016.”
Glasss houses. Stones. Chutzpah. Hypocrisy.
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 11:26 amPauvre, pauvre, Dinesh. Poses for picture with Steve Bannon, plays brown immigrant card when called alt.right, gets called for playing brown immigrant card. Poor guy just can’t catch a break.
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 11:30 amnk:
I will disagree. What epitomizes Hollywood culture to me is the entitled pretty face that makes bold statements supporting lefty politics everywhere because that’s what it takes to get ahead, and thinking themselves important and brave. Rose McGowan — I can’t vouch for her personal character (other than she did starlet type nude scenes). But she did take stands that were risky. Unlike Stormy Daniels, she did her thing without making it seem like a marketing opportunity.
And helping take out Harvey Weinstein IS a public service.
Appalled (c9622b) — 12/6/2018 @ 11:31 amditto on heard, yes she drove johnny depp, (it was a short trip) crazy, and well elon was already dialed to eleven, meanwhile guess who was a director at the pla princess outfit, Huawei, none other than man of mystery, alex downer,
narciso (d1f714) — 12/6/2018 @ 11:41 amthats kind of the same game with Ben Shapiro, but at least D.D’S doesnt get caught up caping for RINO Latinas.
urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 12/6/2018 @ 11:43 amBannon’s is a portable form of nationalism that can be repackaged and sold in semi-adversarial markets (for example, he probably went to TJ last month without us knowing).
urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 12/6/2018 @ 11:47 amif it’s mrs scott duffy, guilty as charge, the only good thing that came out of the real world
narciso (d1f714) — 12/6/2018 @ 11:55 amBut she did take stands that were risky.
Well, she did risk pneumonia by appearing at the Oscars in a literally (and I know what literally means) see-through dress.
And she did risk brain-eating amoeba by sniffing cocaine.
I don’t know what she risked in her meretricious relationships with Marilyn Manson and now Rain Dove (look him/her/it up)
Unlike Stormy Daniels, she did her thing without making it seem like a marketing opportunity.
Have you seen the Time’s Up GoFundMe account? Her career has been dead in the water for what, ten or fifteen years? How do you think she’s supporting herself?
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 12:02 pmDinesh should have just said: To, anybody who does not badmouth Trump 24/7/365 is alt.right.
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 12:03 pmGorka makes for an ideal Seinfeld foe, if only to hear them all say “GORKA!” when he roils their plans.
urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 12/6/2018 @ 12:04 pmthe franco Persian magnate who is funding never trump, is so of the pompadour alt verse of D’Souza,
narciso (d1f714) — 12/6/2018 @ 12:10 pmit’s probably not interesting enough to actually pay to see aquaman, but I remember they met on rum diaries, the quasi biography of hunter Thompson’s early days.
narciso (d1f714) — 12/6/2018 @ 12:13 pmAnd Stormy has made no bones about what she’s after. She’s not claiming to be a champion for sexually harassed women. She wants money. She had a story to sell and Cohen low-balled (her word) her with a mere $130,000.
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 12:19 pmmcdougal is presentable, and has a tear jerker story, why didn’t they double down on her?
narciso (d1f714) — 12/6/2018 @ 12:23 pmin other embrace news,
narciso (d1f714) — 12/6/2018 @ 12:30 pmreal politik democrat party voters 30% black 30% hispanic 40% white over half liberal women the rest bernie bros union members gays ect. kamela harris/beto o’rouke in 2020. white liberals will fall in love with this ticket. groper joe but! its my turn! as the minority freight train runs him over!
lany (650950) — 12/6/2018 @ 12:41 pmWeiner/Holder 2020
Colonel Haiku (5b7649) — 12/6/2018 @ 1:14 pmIt’s not Sparky… or Skatey… or Wheels or Beto.
His name is Robert Francis O’Rourke and there’s not even 1/1024 of Hispanic in him.
Colonel Haiku (5b7649) — 12/6/2018 @ 1:16 pm“Hollywood Culture”?!?!
That’s America…
Arnold Schwarzenegger.
DCSCA (797bc0) — 12/6/2018 @ 1:28 pmGeorge Murphy.
Shirley Temple Black.
Fred Grandy.
Clint Eastwood.
Ronald Reagan… to name a few… and now… Donald J. Trump; mythmakers all.
And Stormy has made no bones about what she’s after. She’s not claiming to be a champion for sexually harassed women. She wants money. She had a story to sell and Cohen low-balled (her word) her with a mere $130,000.
Can a lawyer like Avenatti also sign a client like Stormy to a representation contract similar to what an agent would sign? In other words, could Avenatti be slated to receive 15-20% on any speaking, book, or film fees due to Stormy regarding this contretemps with Trump? Or is it against the rules to mix legal representation with agency representation?
JVW (42615e) — 12/6/2018 @ 1:32 pmdespite voter suppression and out right fraud (n.c. congressional district 9) democrat still won house lost senate seat in florida ;but felons will be legal to vote 2020 over a million and puerto rico moving to florida. bye bye florida. voting machines will be serviced in detroit so democrats won’t have 70,000 votes not counted as what happened to clinton. and she won’t be on the ballot to turn democrat base OFF!
lany (650950) — 12/6/2018 @ 1:38 pmActually it hung over his head only from Dec. 30, 2016 until May 16, 2017, a period of four and a half months.
It was when the Sacramento Bee recently found out about the $400,000 settlement and asked about it, that he resigned from his in Senator Kamala Harris’s Sacramento office. That was yesterday. [December 5, 2016, during George Herbert Walker Bush’s funeral ceremonies.]
When something becomes news, Democrats quickly resign, or are pushed to resign; otherwise they keep it quiet. So it is never current news and the story does not get legs
The May 2017 settlement included a non-disclosure agreement, although apparently it wasn’t sealed, plus a promise not to seek employment with the California Department of Justice again. The job with Senator Harris sounds like she was protecting him, or that he was very useful politically.
Sammy Finkelman (102c75) — 12/6/2018 @ 3:22 pmThis is what happened to her:
She also said he toook away her legitimate responsibilties and had her run personal errands, including washing his car, doing maintenence on his car and booking flights
This sounds like it was retaliation. When she complained, she got more retaliation. Evidently, they were trying to fire her for cause.
Finally, they transferred her on December 23, 2014, two years before she sued.
But she claimed that her stress prevented her from finding another job for outside the department and that she took two promotional tests and scored 95 but was not considered for the jobs.
She says she started getting panic attacks and depression, and then got a pinched nerve in her arm in March 2016, had surgery in September 2016, and finally filed a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing.
The Sacramento Bee says she sued two months later (which would be in November, not December) and they were keeping her on medical leave instead of accomodating her. Then in December she filed a lawsuit. (which evidentaly means something different than suing)
Sammy Finkelman (102c75) — 12/6/2018 @ 3:24 pmSnowe/ Flake/2020
mg (8cbc69) — 12/6/2018 @ 3:42 pmny contention is that #metoo, was a torpedo, they launched from the konevalev, and it’s basically locked on to them, that is the reality, now the narrative is something different,
narciso (d1f714) — 12/6/2018 @ 4:00 pmthese people never go away:
narciso (d1f714) — 12/6/2018 @ 4:04 pmActually it hung over his head only from Dec. 30, 2016 until May 16, 2017, a period of four and a half months.
Yeah, I was a bit careless in my construction there. What I meant to imply is even after the lawsuit was settled Wallace should have had a sense of foreboding that the settlement would eventually come to light, as should have Sen. Harris. Of course, since they are both arrogant Democrats who believe that the rules don’t apply to them, they just kept soldering through. I wonder if this Wallace guy really did any worthwhile work in the Senator’s office, or if he was just a political stooge collecting a paycheck.
JVW (42615e) — 12/6/2018 @ 4:05 pmA coast to coast issue-New Jersey Dems will take a backseat to no one when it comes to hypocrisy –
Bugg (024e40) — 12/6/2018 @ 4:11 pmOh I didn’t know mark green (r tenn) finally made it into the congress.
Narciso (d1f714) — 12/6/2018 @ 4:51 pmCan a lawyer like Avenatti also sign a client like Stormy to a representation contract similar to what an agent would sign? In other words, could Avenatti be slated to receive 15-20% on any speaking, book, or film fees due to Stormy regarding this contretemps with Trump? Or is it against the rules to mix legal representation with agency representation?
Most likely he could but, at the very least, Stormy should be represented by another lawyer for that contract with him. Not just be told that she should have another lawyer look it over, but actually have another lawyer look it over, and Avenatti should not consider the deal done unless she does.
Their contract right now is that Stormy paid him $100 cash as a retainer and that’s all he gets from her pocket. All his fees and costs are to be paid from legal defense-fund fundraising appeals he set up for her.
Why do I know so much about a hooker and her mpip?
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 4:54 pmPersonally, I wouldn’t have Stormy as a client if she was heiress to a goldmine, even if I was not a germophobe. She turned against her former lawyer who blackmailed Cohen for her, and for a while she turned against Avenatti saying she never authorized him to file the defamation suit against Trump that she lost.
“Michael, dude, b!tch be a ho, bro! Git away from her!” Like that.
nk (dbc370) — 12/6/2018 @ 5:03 pmTrue, narciso, Green always had been a face of Insta-man/aka The Haiku Herald.
urbanleftbehind (380f76) — 12/6/2018 @ 5:13 pm*fave
urbanleftbehind (380f76) — 12/6/2018 @ 5:13 pm“Why do I know so much about a hooker and her mpip?”
Who is Iceberg Slim, Alex?
Colonel Haiku (5b7649) — 12/6/2018 @ 5:15 pmHe along with Denver Riggleman who beat Olivia Wilde’s moonbat mom, leslie cockburn
Narciso (d1f714) — 12/6/2018 @ 5:20 pmSchiff/Schatz 2020
Colonel Haiku (5b7649) — 12/6/2018 @ 5:22 pmOlivia being hawt didn’t save cowboys and aliens:
Narciso (d1f714) — 12/6/2018 @ 5:29 pmThen again what could as Craig was even less expressive than his bond, and Harrison Ford acting like he was still trapped in carbonite.
Narciso (d1f714) — 12/6/2018 @ 5:36 pmBrown/Cuban/2020
mg (8cbc69) — 12/6/2018 @ 5:39 pmmoonbeam or sherrod
mg (8cbc69) — 12/6/2018 @ 5:45 pmI’m expecting the Banshees of teh Left to go after Morgan Ortegus, who – during a discussion of identity politics on Fox News that compared Warren and Corey Booker – made the mistake of beginning her comment with an old saying… “let’s just call a spade a spade…”
Colonel Haiku (5b7649) — 12/6/2018 @ 5:59 pmThey call him ‘restraining order’ in ahia.
Narciso (d1f714) — 12/6/2018 @ 6:00 pmAbout how far north and east does laid back Ahia become nasally Ohio?
urbanleftbehind (380f76) — 12/6/2018 @ 6:21 pmIt’s a colloquial thing, mostly in the Cleveland area.
Narciso (d1f714) — 12/6/2018 @ 6:22 pmWhich? I thought the nasal was N E Ohio. I’ve heard drawls as north as little Detroit aka Toledo, and Columbus gets all the dialects.
urbanleftbehind (380f76) — 12/6/2018 @ 6:25 pmThe expression, don’t know about dialect,
Narciso (d1f714) — 12/6/2018 @ 6:30 pm