Patterico's Pontifications


April Ryan: When You Tell Me to Sit Down When It’s Not My Turn, That’s RACIST!!!!

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:11 am

April Ryan has a grievance, and her grievance is against Donald Trump. She expresses it in a piece titled: April Ryan: I’m a black woman. Trump loves insulting people like me:

Friday, when CNN’s Abby Phillip asked Trump if he wanted newly-designated acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker to “rein in” Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Trump tried to dismiss her by saying: “What a stupid question that is. What a stupid question. But I watch you a lot, you ask a lot of stupid questions.” Wednesday at the White House, he told me to “sit down.” In Friday’s press gaggle, he called me “nasty” and a “loser,” never mind my 21 years, covering four presidents as a reporter for American Urban Radio Networks.

It’s not hard to find the common denominator: Though there’s hardly anyone — from his predecessors to senators in his own party — he won’t try to shout down with ad hominem insults, Trump relishes, and injects venom into, verbal attacks against women of color.

She links to a Twitter video of her being asked to sit down:

Here’s an even better angle, in which you can see her repeatedly standing up and trying to hijack the press conference when it’s not her turn:

It’s her turn when she says it is. If you disagree, you’re racist.

The White House has had issues with me ever since January, when I asked, “Mr. President, are you a racist?” After his response to Charlottesville, after “s—hole countries,” after “get that son of a b— off the field” and “What the hell do you have to lose?” it’s more than a fair question, it’s necessary. As a black woman journalist, I’m going to keep asking it and continue seeking answers. That’s my job and I am up for it.

Here’s a video of that moment, asking that “necessary” question:

By the way, April Ryan’s bio for her grievance piece states:

April Ryan is White House correspondent and Washington bureau chief for American Urban Radio Networks. She is the author, most recently, of “Under Fire: Reporting from the Front Lines of the Trump White House.”

I cannot read that without hearing in my head one of those guys with the deep voices who does the movie trailers (you know, the cliche kind where, with “Solsbury Hill” playing in the background, the guy intones: IN A WORLD…) solemnly pronouncing the phrases:

APRIL RYAN is ON THE FRONT LINES and she is [dramatic pause] [one more dramatic pause, for feeling] UNDER FIRE

My, the BATTLE SCARS she must have from those SKIRMISHES, dodging the incoming ROCKET ATTACKS of people telling her to sit down when it’s not her turn!

Wait your turn, lady. Until then, sit down and shaddap. That’s not racism. That’s common courtesy.

[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.]

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