Patterico's Pontifications


Happy Birthday to My Dad

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:11 am

As I have done every March 17 since I started this blog, I am wishing my Dad a Happy Birthday.

It is a tradition to note my previous similar posts on this special day.

He would have been 92 today.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.]

8 Responses to “Happy Birthday to My Dad”

  1. Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Patterico, and bless the memory of your father.

    nk (dbc370)

  2. The positive influence and direction and all of the good memories will remain with you forever.

    Colonel Haiku (384e8e)

  3. He would be proud. Great tradition. He’

    Dustin (de9ab8)

  4. Erin go bragh! And Happy Birthday, and fond memories, to you and your Father! reff

    reff (9caf9a)

  5. This is one thing I’ve always loved about this blog. Happy Birthday!

    G (f85a02)

  6. Wish you were here. Pink Floyd (unplugged)[YouTube]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  7. I miss my father, too, Patterico. I will raise a glass to your father tonight. I’ll even get some Irish whiskey if you like, but I would prefer to toast his memory with Lagavulin 16.

    Simon Jester (d3af62)

  8. Bless you Dad.

    We all miss our Dads.

    July 2 was my father’s BD. About 30 years ago, when VHS camcorders had just become affordable, I made a point of getting one and trying it out on a sunny July 2 as I took Dad for a birthday sail on what was then my new sailboat.

    It was a special shakedown cruise, as he was the one who’d named it in what was the only flash of creativity I’d ever seen him display. He said call it ‘Oboe.’ Seemed out of left field for a sailboat name to me as I struggled with more nautical names so I asked why. Without missing a beat, his deadpan response remains a treasured memory: “Because it’s a wind instrument and you can play on it.” Perfect. I never laughed so hard.

    I’d secured the camera to the deck, focused on us in the cockpit with the tiller and a cooler of cold ones while we chatted for two hours under a warm sun as a gentle breeze moved us up and down Barnegat Bay. Just mundane stuff- oblivious to the running tape. Nothing important– just conversation. It was a good tape and I put it away and got on with living.

    Dad passed in 1999. And now, every July 2, I watch that video. And what once seemed mundane, is now priceless.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

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