Patterico's Pontifications


Steve Bannon at CPAC: Trump Will Pursue “Deconstruction of the Administrative State”

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:00 am

I know, right? That headline sounds like a really good thing, doesn’t it? Naturally, the Washington Post, where Democracy Dies with Distraction and Deception, tries to portray this as a scary development, articulated by a “reclusive mastermind”:

The reclusive mastermind behind President Trump’s nationalist ideology and combative tactics made his public debut Thursday, delivering a fiery rebuke of the media and declaring that the new administration is in an unending battle for “deconstruction of the administrative state.”

. . . .

Appearing at a gathering of conservative activists alongside Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, Bannon dismissed the idea that Trump might moderate his positions or seek consensus with political opponents. Rather, he said, the White House is digging in for a long period of conflict to transform Washington and upend the world order.

“If you think they’re going to give you your country back without a fight, you are sadly mistaken,” Bannon said in reference to the media and opposition forces. “Every day, it is going to be a fight.”

. . . .

Bannon framed much of Trump’s agenda with the phrase, “deconstruction of the administrative state,” meaning the system of taxes, regulations and trade pacts that the president says have stymied economic growth and infringed upon U.S. sovereignty. Bannon says that the post-World War II political and economic consensus is failing and should be replaced with a system that empowers ordinary people over coastal elites and international institutions.

I’d be standing on my feet applauding if I didn’t know that this is accompanied by a desire to put ruinous tariffs on foreign goods. But let’s not let that particular bit of economic ignorance overshadow the point of this post: the joy we should all feel at an administration that seemingly wants to take an axe and start chopping down the forest of regulation that is choking off economic growth in this country.

The administrative state has become one of the greatest threats to liberty in this country, in large part because of its trashing of the separation of powers. Bureaucracies pass regulations like a legislature, enforce them like an executive, and rule on the validity of their own actions like a judiciary, with administrative law judges who are arms of the same bureacracies whose regulations they review. Meanwhile, Congress abandons its role in the process, and judges defer to the agencies’ interpretations.

But Donald Trump is fighting back. His admittedly ham-handed executive order — requiring two regulations to be repealed for each one passed — may be a meat cleaver . . . but that may be what’s required here. It actually creates incentives for agencies to do away with regulations, and that’s a good thing. Trump’s signaling that he would sign the REINS Act, by which Congress would take back explicit responsibility for reviewing significant regulation, is another positive step. (It’s been passed by the House. What’s taking so long, Sen. McConnell?) Finally, by nominating Neil Gorsuch, who has opposed excessive judicial deference to bureaucracies as a dangerous threat to the separation of powers, Trump has attacked the administrative state from yet another angle (whether he realizes that or not, and I doubt he does).

Something else I have noticed: it’s a lot easier to appreciate some of the actions taken by Donald Trump during periods when he keeps his mouth shut, his Twitter feed largely quiet, and his administration free from ridiculous publicity-seeking controversy.

Let’s hope he keeps that up, even as we recognize that he most definitely won’t.

[Cross-posted at RedState and The Jury Talks Back.]

406 Responses to “Steve Bannon at CPAC: Trump Will Pursue “Deconstruction of the Administrative State””

  1. Bureaucracies pass regulations like a legislature, enforce them like an executive, and rule on the validity of their own actions like a judiciary, with administrative law judges who are arms of the same bureacracies whose regulations they review.

    Moreover, they are not elected, nor subject to recalls or any type of oversight from the electorate.

    The line between what administrative agencies do and our elections of the people who put those people in place is incredibly attenuated.

    I’m not surprised that a businessman would (a) understand the system, at least on an intuitive level, and (b) hate it. I can only imagine trying to get something built, then facing a regulation, and thinking, “Okay, whose campaign do I donate to do get rid of that?” The answer is, of course, no one’s.

    bridget (1c91a9)

  2. Trump and Bannon should start deconstruction with elimanating the governments baseline accounting system.

    mg (31009b)

  3. I love the scare term “nationalist ideology”.

    One could apply this term to every president in history and with the possible exception of Carter and maybe Clinton, only Obama would not fit the bill.

    harkin (afc7a6)

  4. I’d feel a lot better about all this if the president’s policy advisors used language such as restoring constitutional liberty and the rule of law as opposed to the now intellectually tale concept of deconstruction. The later began as a left wing concept with its roots in the efforts of French intellectuals to muddy the waters about their own activities as Nazi collaborators during WWII. It has become so trite that everything from fruit salad or chow mien to Mod era fashion looks have been “deconstructed” on TV contests in recent years and the results are seldom anything good.

    NC Mountain Girl (fc2566)

  5. Because De man and heidegger wanted to dismantle reality, to elect another, you must root out before you can build again.

    narciso (d1f714)

  6. 2.Trump and Bannon should start deconstruction with elimanating the governments baseline accounting system.
    mg (31009b) — 2/24/2017 @ 9:33 am

    You called it, mg. That and Sunshine Laws would help fix a lot.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  7. Does anyone know what he means by “Deconstruction of the Administrative State?”

    Sammy Finkelman (b32091)

  8. What’s he baseline accounting system?

    The problem is actually trying to predict things a year or more in advance and putting everything in a budget straightjacket.

    They are going to have areat deal of trouble repeling and replacing Obamacare because:

    1) The math doesn’t add up – therefore to do the same thing, more money must be spent, at least at first. Right now somebody loses money – insurabnce companies, or people who pay premiums, or it’s an unprojected increase in the deficit.

    2) Increeases in government expenses that occur without any change in the law, but because things cost more than expected or taxes take in less than exected, are not “paid for”

    3) When government spends money out of pocket or by lowering taxes, estimates of the increase in the deficit can be too high – but when it’s an entitlement, it’s too low.

    Sammy Finkelman (b32091)

  9. 3.I love the scare term “nationalist ideology”.

    One could apply this term to every president in history and with the possible exception of Carter and maybe Clinton, only Obama would not fit the bill.
    harkin (afc7a6) — 2/24/2017 @ 9:33 am

    Harkin, the left has changed the meaning (as usual) to the term “nationalist”. They eliminated the good’ole American patriotism meaning and made it the “dark” Nazi meaning only. I’ve noticed that I’m being called a “white nationalist” by extreme leftists (which it seems are all that’s left)nowadays rather than their former “white supremacist” or just plain “racist” as before. I’m getting used to the new handle. It seems in todays tolerant America if a Caucasian is proud of the accomplishments of his race he’s a racist. Why must I be ashamed that the Founding Fathers were white, or Fathers for that matter? Similarly, if one is actually proud of America and still maintains the ideal of America today he is a dark style nationalist.

    It seems the educational/propaganda complex has succeeded in creating an entire generation or two of anti white/anti America- white Americans. How the left managed to turn an entire race and country into self haters working diligently against themselves should be studied by psychologists and propagandists alike for decades. Goebbels would be so proud.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  10. Rev Hoagie

    May I also suggest sunset laws? Not to be confused with sundown laws.

    I wonder how many “rubber rooms” are in all our agencies?
    Is it true that a Trump EO could get rid of the Federal Employees Union?

    Pinandpuller (c56ba5)

  11. This is the part of the pyramid scheme where the early adopters get good payouts. Now he need to rope in a whole new group of suckers.


    Pinandpuller (c56ba5)

  12. It seems in todays tolerant America if a Caucasian is proud of the accomplishments of his race he’s a racist

    Well,yes. To think in terms of “race” at all is the core of all racist ideology. Which is why the core goals of the Left are inherently racist. If you say there is a white race, you are agreeing to the Left’s basic premise. The only effective counter to Leftism is to proclaim yourself a human being, and that the only race that exists is the human race.

    As for the concept you term nationalism, “patriotism” is the only word I have ever needed for it since I was a kid back in the 60s trying to memorize the Pledge of Allegiance.

    kishnevi (18dae1)

  13. Rev Hoagie

    I know this guy who is a first generation American whose dad is from Iran.

    He got all worked up over Trump yesterday. He said something to me about being a white male and I asked,” Do you literally know the origin of the word ‘Aryan’? Go look in the mirror dude.” He’s actually non religious or possibly an atheist otherwise I’d be a little worried.

    Pinandpuller (c56ba5)

  14. Hopefully he meant “dismantling,” since I’d really rather not read a pile of pretentious pseudo-intellectual pap about what we already know: government bureaucracy sucks.

    M Scott Eiland (1edade)

  15. we’d have been better off if nasty woman ashley judd had washed her jeans and kicked the execrably corrupt mitch mcconnell’s useless ass out of office

    his corrupt greasy pig wife would’ve had to get a real job poor thing, but that’s just too damn bad for piggy i think

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  16. Oh, Happy Day!

    Colonel Haiku (dab36f)

  17. If you say there is a white race, you are agreeing to the Left’s basic premise.

    I don’t understand how acknowledging the fact there is a Caucasian race has any relation to the left. The left’s basic premise is that all races are equal in every aspect and in reality they are not. Each being sometimes beautiful and at others ugly, but never identical.

    The only effective counter to Leftism is to proclaim yourself a human being, and that the only race that exists is the human race.

    Unfortunately, that is not true. The Human Race or a Human Being is the name of a species. Caucasian, Mongolian and African are names of races.

    As for the concept you term nationalism, “patriotism” is the only word I have ever needed for it since I was a kid back in the 60s trying to memorize the Pledge of Allegiance.

    It was not I who termed the concept of “nationalism”. To me patriotism and nationalism are interchangeable. It is not I who calls another a “white nationalist” trying to make it derogatory, it is leftists as I have said. They don’t call people “white patriots” now do they? You see, a white separatist or a white supremacist would be racists. Not a white nationalist. That’s my only point, kishnevi. They’re trying to soil the word “nationalism”.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  18. What has been said and happened after the election will pale to the pushback from the Entrenched that we’ll soon see once this dismantling begins. We’ll soon see who the enemy really is and to what lengths they are prepared to go to stop this.

    Colonel Haiku (dab36f)

  19. Q: What does the average Iranian husband do when his wife spurns his amorous intentions at night?

    A: Ghotzbadeh

    Colonel Haiku (dab36f)

  20. Oh yeah, Colonel. Just can’t wait to see all the noble “whistleblowers” that crawl out from the depths of “public service” hell to save the American people from this madman called Trump!
    They will be hailed as the true modern heroes of America rendering us poor veterans to second class status as defenders of the Constitution.

    I have melted chips of Reese’s peanut butter cups sticking up my laptop keyboard.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  21. Take noodlehead Ned and,Romana Ahmed, the lAtest crying crocodile tears to Jeff Goldberg and Andrea Mitchell, and anyone who will listen.

    narciso (525eb7)

  22. The triumphalism of the Trump guys in this threat is hilarious. They are mostly mad at “nevertrumpers” again. Conservatives. That’s who they are mad at when Trump pretends to be conservative.

    Was Obamacare repealed day one?

    Was ISIS defeated in 30 days?

    Will the administrative state be deconstructed?


    Trump is no fan of sunshine laws or limited government. His speeches are riddled with enormous government programs. He wishes to build more government, only he wants to centralize control of it even further. Bannon is well known to be dishonest, hell any reader of this blog knows that.

    My point being that before you lose your minds bashing the fool nevertrumpers for calling Trump what he is, and acting as though yet another political speech is an actual accomplishment, perhaps start asking for results. It’s been a month. Where’s the results?

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  23. Patterico,

    You’re a lawyer, so tell me. How does the REINS Act get past INS v Chadha?

    In Chadha, the Supremes said that the only way for Congress to affect government is to pass a law and get the President to sign it. At the time, regulations could be blocked with one house voting against them during a 90(?)-day window. This was ruled unconstitutional 7-2.

    In REINS, there is again no presentment, and again if either house fails to approve certain regulations they are blocked. How is this functionally different than an (unconstitutional) one-house veto?

    A better approach would be to require a law to be passed to enact regulations over a certain threshold of impact. FUNCTIONALLY, it would be one-house veto, but it has the presentment clause intact.

    Of course this might just demonstrate why Chadha was wrongly decided.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  24. Clara Peller rides again!

    Colonel Haiku (dab36f)

  25. “Steve Bannon At CPAC” is the headline.

    “Is that crazy enough for ya’?!” – R. P. McMurphy [Jack Nicholson] ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’ 1975

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  26. CPAC almost had a child molestation advocate from NAMBLA on. Nothing they could do would surprise me.

    Bannon’s a dishonest tool, and like all dishonest tools in politics, is promising grand stuff he will never deliver to a crowd of suckers. The headline isn’t who speaks but who listens to this crap.

    It does appear that the people who care what your heritage is are much more likely to believe Trump or Bannon. Wonder why that is.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  27. You all know my fundamental political measure is “stupid is as stupid does.” My question is a simple one: what stupid things has the Trump Administration undertaken in the past 5 weeks? I’m having trouble thinking of any. How ’bout you?

    On the other hand, the smart moves seem to come one after another. Just the other day, I was pleased to read that Arkansas’s junior Senator, Tom Cotton, has become Trump’s go to guy in the Senate. It doesn’t get much better than that.

    My crystal ball has been a bit cloudy of late – in this I’m not alone – so I’m hesitant to make forecasts, but my scorecard tells me that we are on the right track. Simply acknowledging the considerable string of good decisions no more amounts to “triumphalism” than acknowledging that New England won the Superbowl simply because you were rooting for Atlanta.

    Recently I was asked, here in these comments, when do I stop giving Trump the benefit of the doubt (my answer is that I will do it when a pattern of behavior tells me he merits it). I have a similar question for Trump haters: when do you start believing your eyes?

    Finally, the United States is no stranger to non-tariff barriers, which are used to game the import market to the advantage of U.S. producers. Want to buy cheap cane sugar from Latin America? Good luck! Trump’s intent to protect domestic producers from international competition is simply a matter of incremental change.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  28. lot easier to appreciate some of the actions taken by Donald Trump during periods when he keeps his mouth shut, his Twitter feed largely quiet, and his administration free from ridiculous publicity-seeking controversy.

    Let’s hope he keeps that up, even as w

    As Trump addresses Pat’s 100% homosexual free Holy CPAC.

    Ha-ha! [YouTube]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  29. “My question is a simple one: what stupid things has the Trump Administration undertaken in the past 5 weeks? I’m having trouble thinking of any. How ’bout you?”

    – ThOR

    They’ve allowed Trump to speak in public a lot. If that’s not a stupid thing to do, I don’t know what is.

    Leviticus (efada1)

  30. Long as you have your head up there might as well check for polyps.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  31. i haven’t decided yet about this bannon person

    i think he’s needs a better dermatologist

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  32. nevertrumpers are the leaches who enjoy sucking up the hate the commie democrats and msfm have puked up.

    mg (31009b)

  33. ThOR,

    With all due respect, it’s actually a pretty good list at this point of things the Administration has done that were stupid or embarrassing, and the list of accomplishments is extremely short. They’ve barely even appointed anyone, and most of the appointments were very poor by the standard of anyone who isn’t a hopeless partisan.

    But Trump needs to get off the golf course and start lobbying for the things he promised. But instead all we get are more promises. This is why the majority of Americans have a negative opinion of its president. Of course most of us voted against him too.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  34. yeah keep suckin up that puke losers

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  35. Can you imagine having mittens in command? The msfm would have him polishing tranny bathrooms and he would cater to their whims.
    Pathetic, lazy and in the tank describes mitty and his flock of numbskulls.

    mg (31009b)

  36. I’d like to add that across the board tariffs are better tools to limit imports than industry-by-industry, product-by-product, carve-outs, which are largely hidden, create deadweight loss and have greater skewing effects. Of course, with these non-tariff barriers there is far greater opportunity for graft by our elected officials.

    You ever wonder why we have a national epidemic of diabetes caused by high fructose corn syrup, mainly from soda pop? It is a byproduct of protecting domestic corn producers.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  37. You know who’s a big fan of man boy love – even risking his job to partake there from?

    Shepard Smith – and that unlike Milo, Mahr, or even Sulu, is one truly worthless [edit]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  38. Mr. Shaq has a grape-flavored beverage with AriZona Beverages it’s called Shaq Fu Grape Punch and it has tasty high fructose corn syrup as one of its flavor profile building blocks

    Shaq Fu also comes in strawberry and cream soda flavors try all three and find the one that’s right for you

    Shaq Fu taste a legend reborn yum

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  39. If President Trump and King Bannon didn’t have c.o.c. rinos delaying their tactics, maybe Dustin would get mad enough and go North.

    mg (31009b)

  40. @16 hf

    Ciao, Elaine!

    Pinandpuller (c56ba5)

  41. Nobody ever threatens to go South, after an alleged century of global warming.

    Does that seem right to you?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  42. “(T)he appointments were very poor by the standard of anyone who isn’t a hopeless partisan.”

    – Dustin

    So you think we’d be better off with the sort of milquetoast cabinet that Romney would have nominated?

    Democracy is a partisan process. Trump made promises – partisan promises – and has done a remarkable job following through on those promises. For him not to follow through and, instead, appoint non-conservatives and pursue non-conservative policies, was one of the biggest concerns of Trump’s pre-election critics on the right. It was one of my big concerns. It was one of Patterico’s concerns. We all feared Trump was a secret liberal, who was duping unsophisticated country folk into voting for him and, that once elected, he’d show his true spots. I was wrong about this. We were all wrong.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  43. So you think we’d be better off with the sort of milquetoast cabinet that Romney would have nominated?

    Yes, I honestly do, even though I grant they probably would have sucked too.

    You see, I do not accept the idea that Trump is sincerely conservative.

    Democracy is a partisan process. Trump made promises – partisan promises – and has done a remarkable job following through on those promises.

    … but he hasn’t.

    He promised that by this point in his administration specific things would have been accomplished. He did appoint a Court justice, but the timeline on that was taken away from him. Obamacare is still here, and that’s a promise Trump made, so no blaming others. Trump needs to get off the golf course and do his job. Trump promised ISIS would be gone by day 30. We’re past that point.

    I predict a lot of people will say that Trump’s promises were impossible to keep anyway, so let’s give him a break, while also saying Trump kept his promises. I don’t understand it, but I think that’s what’s coming.

    We all feared Trump was a secret liberal

    Oh, I don’t think it’s a secret. The guy wants to spend spend spend.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  44. I was listening to Trump’s CPAC speech and thought to myself: “So this is what speaking truth to power really sounds like.”

    ThOR (c9324e)

  45. Bizarre Trump supporter shoots at Indian engineers in a Kansas bar while shouting “GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY”

    Apparently he thought they were middle eastern Arabs or Iranians while murdering one of them.

    Just a thought to the guys upthread who are really concerned about Americans whose parents are from Iran… how many of them have ever harmed anyone here, compared with white nationalist idiots?

    I grant the situation in Europe from immigrants is very serious, but keep it in perspective. Iranians whose parents came here to make something of themselves are just Americans like everyone else. As Kishnevi said, the entire concept of ‘you’re a white’ and ‘white race’ is a manipulation of society that we should reject.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  46. Rumor has it Frances Scott Key’s descendents, from the F Scott Fitzgerald wing, have filed a cease and desist letter against Republicans using “the Star Spangled Banner” at CPAC.

    Does that seem right to you?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  47. I don’t care how pure his heart is. Does that really matter? I care about where we are headed and whether Trump is moving us in the right direction. So far, so good.

    If it turns out that at some future point President Trump morphs into a RINO, at least he’ll be in good company. By my accounting, Reagan was the last non-RINO nominee. That was a long time ago.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  48. Yeah Dustin. I see your link now.

    As this was a admitted case of mistaken identity, how can they claim hate crime?

    The man doesn’t hate the people he shot, and hasn’t shot the people he hated.

    Case dismissed. Right?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  49. Thor – your honesty is rare.

    mg (31009b)

  50. Well, Persians are a little more evolved than those from the Sunni areas further south. They got a lot of the Genghis Khan seed like the Russians and Chinese. Dangerous, but in the chess not connect 4 nor checkers way. Most also came in one big glop in the late 70s/early 80s running from Ayatollah. So on a statistical basis, I’m inclined to agree with Dustin.

    urbanleftbehind (1262d7)

  51. Rev Hoagie

    White has become synonymous with the prefix ‘mal’. Just put it in front of anything you don’t like.

    On a side note the talk radio station in DC is WMAL.

    Pinandpuller (c56ba5)

  52. As this was a admitted case of mistaken identity, how can they claim hate crime?


    I’ll give you the laugh at least.

    Well, Persians are a little more evolved

    The people, or at least the ones who are doing OK socially and financially, are. The government is just horrible. Just horrible and I hope Trump the best of success in dealing with that government, which Obama rolled over for in the most corrupt way.

    I don’t care how pure his heart is. Does that really matter? I care about where we are headed and whether Trump is moving us in the right direction. So far, so good.

    If it turns out that at some future point President Trump morphs into a RINO, at least he’ll be in good company. By my accounting, Reagan was the last non-RINO nominee. That was a long time ago.


    Hey, I understand you’re trying to be balanced here and you’re trying to be optimistic. The worst case scenario was that Trump would revert to the planned parenthood donating Trump who loved Hillary and Obamacare, if not something more socialist. And that’s not the case here. And that’s good. Granted point 100%.

    I just am really tired of the promises and ready to see some results. I recognize this big talking lotsa golfing thing and I’m not going to praise the talk.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  53. I’m so old I remember when we were saying “it took generations for the progressives to mess things up, it will take generations to make things right again”. Now Dustin is complaining Trump hasn’t restored the government back to pre-Roosevelt days in a month.

    I guess for some it’s better to wallow in bitterness than admit they might be wrong.

    I feel sorry for them.

    Leon (feb2a4)

    Poor Coyote

    mg (31009b)

  55. White-nourished. White-odorous. White-content.

    Smells like White Spirit.

    Pinandpuller (c56ba5)

  56. Was Bannon petting a white kitteh?

    Pinandpuller (c56ba5)

  57. Now Dustin is complaining Trump hasn’t restored the government back to pre-Roosevelt days in a month.

    I guess for some it’s better to wallow in bitterness than admit they might be wrong.

    I feel sorry for them.

    Leon (feb2a4)

    This feigned pity judgment thing was sad when Obamagirl was doing it, and it’s sad now too.

    Trump made promises with timelines, and he should keep his promises. If he were at least trying to keep them and working hard that would be better (still a problem), but he’s golfing all the time … more than Obama. And at the end of the day, when Trump was able to out-promise the other Republicans in the primary, it’s then a legitimate point that he’s not keeping his word.

    I’m not asking for Trump to fix everything in a month. Just the stuff he promised he had a “secret plan” to fix in the first 30 days. My sense of personal responsibility is nothing to pity me for, I assure you! You say you are going to do something, you better do it!

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  58. Was Bannon petting a white kitteh?


    Cats are chattel and I’m sure they don’t have to be white for Bannon.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  59. Dolly Madison saved our founding documents from certain destruction in the face of advancing British troops.
    Why isn’t she on the twenty? Dolly is noteworthy.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  60. Wrong thread. Sorry.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  61. Not a judgment thing.

    For ten years the left has been hopeful and optimistic, and I’ve been angry and bitter. Now the shoe is on the other foot, and I feel sorry for those on the right that are still angry and bitter when most of us on the right are finally feeling happy and optimistic. I’m sorry for those on our side who’s self-righteousness prevents them from seeing the change of fortune and being glad.

    But, like I said, some prefer being miserable. Too sad for them.

    Leon (feb2a4)

  62. Bannon and company winning the rust belt with their focus on the economy was brilliant. If those states get back to work with a well deserved pay raise, more states such as Mn. will turn red.

    mg (31009b)

  63. 43 and 45… Thor speaks the Truth! Thanks for your candor, sir. I know I can head over to Daily Kos if I want to read the counterpoint.

    Colonel Haiku (dab36f)

  64. If I want some 12th Magpie-type ruminations and poormouthing on the fact that Hillary and the Democrats didn’t win, I can get the good stuff elsewhere.

    Colonel Haiku (dab36f)

  65. Papertiger

    Fun fact: Dolly Madison hid the Rose Law firm records and Vince Foster’s suicide note.

    Pinandpuller (c56ba5)

  66. Dolley (spelt with an e) is not only noteworthy.
    She’s spongeworthy.
    [bing search]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  67. Dang. Did it again.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  68. Read Hitchens for info on what Iran used to be. He had a deep, abiding respect for their culture, traditions and people.

    Colonel Haiku (dab36f)

  69. “Fun fact: Dolly Madison hid the Rose Law firm records and Vince Foster’s suicide note.

    Sultry good looks absolve many a sin.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  70. The McCain led never trumpers should switch to a plane piloted by Sully.

    mg (31009b)

  71. For ten years the left has been hopeful and optimistic, and I’ve been angry and bitter.

    I’m sorry about that. Sounds like you’re reading misery into my comments because of your own experiences with politics. I actually find personal responsibility to be the key to satisfaction in life. For example when I note that what Trump promised he would do in the first 30 days was less important to him than golfing (something he mocked Obama for doing). I try to take responsibility when I make mistakes and then move forward happily, without guilt.

    I see so much anger from Trump fans. Look at how they talk to those who don’t agree with them. Look how defensive you are. Look how passive aggressive this Haiku weirdo is being. Seems miserable!

    You can hashtag winning over and over and mock good people like me for wanting an honest presidency and an honest government, but eventually it becomes clear you guys are deflecting. Why else would the standard for Trump still be “I guess he’s better than Hillary”? She was awful, as bad as Trump. That’s such a low standard.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  72. Bannon and company winning the rust belt with their focus on the economy was brilliant. If those states get back to work with a well deserved pay raise, more states such as Mn. will turn red.


    That would be great. Maybe more ethanol subsidies and tariffs on the products they buy at Wal-Mart will enrich them. Maybe they will actually find Trump’s promises make working Americans much much poorer in a world that has moved on from people standing on assembly lines.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  73. Your hate for people that have hope in President Trump and his cabinet is consistent, way to stick to your agenda, Dustin.

    mg (31009b)

  74. I don’t hate you at all! I just disagree with you, primarily for your own good. I actually have it great personally, and have for several years. Like a lot of Texans, we didn’t suffer as much with Obama as the rest of the country.

    Trump’s economic policies in particular are probably not going to make our lives better. Granted, the thing with Trump is that I never actually know for sure what he’s going to do. One day he appoints a good Justice to the Supreme Court, the next he french kisses a Russian dictator.

    but I don’t hate you guys. Except the racist ones. Them I pretty much don’t have any love for.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  75. Trump just sort of begs to be condemned. He physically assaults his wife. He gropes women. He’s spent years boosting the Clinton machine with lots of cash they used to thwart conservatism. He rallied to the aid of the left so many times on Larry King. He is personally profiting from his Secret Service detail. As he engages other countries, they buy rooms in his hotels.

    If this guy weren’t on Team R, most of the folks deflecting away criticism of Trump would be the loudest critics. I can’t process why anyone would think criticism of Trump has to come from an ‘agenda’ when clearly he’s brought this on himself.

    But when I praise a politician, you’ll know I meant it. I do not cover for either team.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  76. You’re an American, Dustin. Stop whining like a victim of your own paranoia.

    Colonel Haiku (dab36f)

  77. The dark side of #NeverStrumpet.

    Colonel Haiku (dab36f)

  78. If the Trump administration is able to accomplish even half of what it says it will do, this country will be in a far better position than what the Obama administration left behind.

    Colonel Haiku (dab36f)

  79. Haiku,

    I’m not going away. You can keep bashing me and saying weird stuff about how I get to be an American too but need to shut up about Dear Leader. I’m not going away.

    You should work on your maturity. I disagree about politics, but there’s no reason to spaz out and get personal every single day. You have had this obsession with me for years and it’s honestly coming across as some sort of age related mental illness.

    I agree Obama left behind a lot of problems. I would like Trump to stop golfing and get to work on those problems, some of which he promised to fix in his first thirty days. He was nominated because of his great promises. I’m not out of line to point out he simply isn’t keeping them. When he does, then he gets credit. Another speech by Bannon or Trump? YAWN. That’s not paranoia. It’s just common sense… something white nationalists often do not have, whether they are murdering Indians in Kansas bars or ranting about the evil nevertrumper conspiracy to get the pedophile out of CPAC.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  80. i heard there’s an ICE checkpoint all up in Hillary Clinton’s butt

    it got my cousin

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  81. Ah say, ah say son, the Democrats are still trying to make sense of the results of the November election and it’s apparent that many here continue to struggle with that same thing.

    Colonel Haiku (dab36f)

  82. how many tranny wrestlers does it take to make you wanna puke?

    just the one, but that’s only if you’re a big old transphobic butthole

    don’t talk to me

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  83. No one wants you to “go away”, Dustin. You have the right to speak your mind. Besides, many find your stridency and inner struggle quite amusing.

    Colonel Haiku (dab36f)

  84. #NeverStrumpet? I was definitely a #NeverStrumpet as well as #NeverTrump before the election, but I have eased up on that. Melania Ginger McKenna Knauss-Trump-et is now Third Lady as a fait accompli and it is pointless to dwell on it. Even before the election, she was the less significant of Trump’s baggage. I’d go even further and say that she deported herself excellently at the inauguration, and since as well, staying in the background and concerning herself only with her own kid’s lunch.

    nk (dbc370)

  85. Well the fall of heaven, apprised me if a more balanced perspective of the
    The shah’s reign. Was he perfect by no means but compared to his neighbors across the gulf, the tikriti clique across the shatter Al arab

    narciso (d1f714)

  86. So who’s Second Lady?

    urbanleftbehind (1262d7)

  87. Marla Maples.

    nk (dbc370)

  88. When people write or talk about themselves, and talk of their pure hearts, honesty, integrity and virtuous intentions, they aren’t really describing themselves. They’re painting a portrait of the type of person they would like to be, and what they would like to be generally highlights what they are currently falling short of being.

    Colonel Haiku (dab36f)

  89. Bain sad comes in for particular criticism, he was the designated dissident whose gossip was in the ear of Randall and rouleau. And let unsaid Pierre salinger and unlike oveidi or bakhtiar he never incurred any consequence ( he was one of theromoters of the October surprise)

    narciso (d1f714)

  90. So what policy errors do you find of note, the immigration pause was well within statutory language but was sabotaged by the likes of ragdsdale

    narciso (d1f714)

  91. Mohamed Pahlavi conspired with his father’s enemies to depose him and take his throne. That was not going to go unpunished. He not only lost everything except a few billion dollars in foreign banks, he also died from a horrible illness, in ignominious exile, spurned and abandoned by his erstwhile allies.

    Saddam Hussein who took advantage of the situation to start a war that slaughtered a generation of young Iranian men suffered an even worse fate. He lost his sons and he died on the scaffold.

    Chickens do come home to roost.

    nk (dbc370)

  92. that’s cause they’re chickens

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  93. You need to read fall of heaven, that’s akin to the screeds against the colonels, that gave rise to the November 17th movement

    narciso (d1f714)

  94. I remember the first time I was sent to the principal’s office. I was in first grade.

    Our teacher asked what my favorite animal was, and I said, “Fried chicken.”
    She said I wasn’t funny, but she couldn’t have been right, because everyone else laughed.
    Anyway, my teacher sent me to the principal’s office.
    I told him what happened, and he laughed, too.
    Then he told me not to do it again.
    My parents told me to always tell the truth.
    I did.
    Fried chicken is my favorite animal.
    I told my dad what happened, and he said my teacher was probably a member of PETA.
    He said they love animals very much.
    I do too. Especially chicken, pork and beef.
    The next day in class my teacher asked me what my favorite live animal was.
    I told her it was chicken.
    She asked me why, so I told her it was because you could make them into fried chicken.
    She sent me back to the principal’s office.
    He laughed, and told me not to do it again.
    I don’t understand.
    My parents taught me to be honest, but my teacher doesn’t like it when I am.
    The next day, my teacher asked me to tell her what famous person I admired most.
    I told her, “Colonel Sanders.”
    Guess what!

    nk (dbc370)

  95. dogs think i’m crazy roflmao, nk.

    mg (31009b)

  96. Revisit 2016 election night: start watching at hour 1:20 for next 18 to 20 minutes…

    Interesting to watch the overall mood change and moaning & bi+ching start in earnest.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  97. seriously Mr. P are you ready to do an honest to God gut-check on how goddamn unreliable and skeevy the propaganda slut media is anymore

    esPECially amazon turdlord Jeffy Bezos’s “wapo”

    you been linking them a LOT

    it’s worse than CNN even cause all Jeffy pays them to do is poop on Mr. Trump

    poop poop poop!

    any other stories they do are strictly off the clock

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  98. Still haven’t gotten that new computer, eh? Cause the way I read this post is Patterico taking a switch to WaPo’s behind, the way he used to do to LAT.

    nk (dbc370)

  99. just need new keyboard

    and yeah this post? he’s dredged up some skepticism

    but *nothing* published under the auspices of amazon turdlord jeffy bezos is creditable

    my name is happyfeet and i approve this message

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  100. This isn’t working out:

    narciso (d1f714)

  101. Not even a year’s supply of Huy Fong Sriracha sauce at $0.09 per ounce?

    nk (dbc370)

  102. james comey’s a superlatively corrupt p.o.s.

    you have somebody better in mind to lead the fbi?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  103. ooh that’s good but I already have at least a year’s worth

    it’s just how i roll

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  104. and honestly i prefer the old school chili garlic a lot of times

    it too has a man-chicken on it

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  105. seriously Mr. P are you ready to do an honest to God gut-check on how goddamn unreliable and skeevy the propaganda slut media is anymore

    You do know this is Patterico, the guy who did all those LA Times Dog Trainer in review stories, right?

    You see how he says “tries to portray this” regarding the WAPO’s coverage? That’s not exactly a trusting fanboy.

    Speaking of biased media, Trump’s banning media from press briefings, saying they shouldn’t be allowed to post stories without naming sources, and obviously weeding out the critical voices. Jolly!

    I wonder how long until he starts auditing the conservatives who criticize him. I know, I know, but Obama.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  106. okey dokey well i hope to see more of this healthy skepticism going forward

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  107. What has Carlos slum’s paper printed that is verifiably true and not innuendo or conjecture?

    narciso (d1f714)

  108. Speaking of biased media, Trump’s banning media from press briefings, saying they shouldn’t be allowed to post stories without naming sources, and obviously weeding out the critical voices. Jolly!

    you didn’t perhaps read about the fearsome trump bannings on jeffy bezos’s blog did you Mr. Dustin

    it’s a fairly common mistake

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  109. Yeah, I guess it didn’t happen. Oh wait, no it happened but Obama did something that wasn’t remotely as bad but let’s pretend it’s the same as what totally didn’t happen oh damn this is all screwed up.

    Anyway, I happen to like Jeff Bezos. I have a huge conflict of interest there. The Washington Post has always been lefty, but generally a respectable publication. A cut above the WSJ and NYT, to say nothing of LAT. And let’s be real: even the worst lefty rag has less bias and hackery than Drudgereport or Breitbart or Aceofspdes. Even the tabloids are better.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  110. You remember why drudge hit the big time, because nearly 20 years ago, the graham post spiked the lewidnki story, even though the facts were solid, one they publish without a cintilla of actual sources or even names alleged.

    narciso (d1f714)

  111. i knew someone would finally provide the answer to the riddle

    why did the chickens cross the road?
    so they could get home

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  112. Yeah, there was no press-briefing-press-briefing like we see on TV. It was Sean Spicer not inviting the BMOCs to sit with him at lunch an off-camera private conversation and they’re mad because he didn’t ask them if he could do that. Really:

    They clearly wanted to have a gaggle that was not on camera and was not the full press corps today. We don’t object to there being briefings like that that aren’t always on camera, but we have encouraged them when they want to do something like that … [to] still do it in the press room and do it in a place where all the reporters have a chance to ask questions.

    So, we’ve made that clear, and we’re going to continue to have discussions with them about that. And we’re not happy about how this happened today.

    nk (dbc370)

  113. Interesting…
    I saw the story via a Twitter link to the NY Times. The version I saw this afternoon contained a quote from Trump’s speech in which he apparently said the MSM was hiding behind the First Amendment, and shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it…and received much applause from CPAC.

    I went back now to post the quote, and discovered the article had been extensively rewritten, the Trump quote deleted and replaced with a more innocuous but still hostile quote. Also out, an explanation of the gaggle, who was allowed in and who kept out, and who protested the exclusion of CNN et al. The new version instead details Trump’s current quarrel with the FBI, or at least the Grey Lady’s version thereof. And, this being the Grey Lady, no hint I can see that the previous version ever existed.

    kishnevi (1a529d)

  114. this is an eventful weekend

    there’s cpac, followed by the academy awards
    i wonder what the angry hillary fans in hollywood will say which will have the effect of generating more sympathy for president mr donald among honest working people out there in ‘murica

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  115. 1 month and 1 day prime free

    and it’s a good feeling

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  116. The Newpaper Of Making Up The Record, kishnevi. (You know who coined that.)

    nk (dbc370)

  117. Pro tip
    Amazon Marketplace almost always has better deals than Amazon itsel, prime or not.

    kishnevi (1a529d)

  118. michelle obama is a six-footer
    she’s an amazonian

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  119. Actually, amazon means “breastless” as in “no female breast that gives milk” breastless.

    nk (dbc370)

  120. People can be very cruel to flat-chested lesbians.

    nk (dbc370)

  121. so mr jeff bezos created an empire of breastless women
    no thanks

    it’s not like i spend all day eating wings at hooters
    but i can’t imagine being john lennon and asking the world to imagine a world without breasts
    that’s just not right

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  122. Well have you seen gal gadot, criminally under utilized in the Batman film, this why are bringing in the guy behind cloverfield.

    narciso (c67390)

  123. Bezos supports mastectomies!

    Downright atheistic if you ask me

    5 Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins, which feed among the lilies.

    6 Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, I will get me to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense.
    (Song of Songs Chapter 4)

    kishnevi (1a529d)

  124. Gal Gadot is a 7 then becomes a 9.8 in WW garb. Under this casting logic 30 years ago, Annabeth Gish would be in this role.

    urbanleftbehind (1262d7)

  125. That would seem improbable, I don’t k how who could hAve elided the gO between shapely heroine and ingénue cover back then.

    narciso (d1f714)

  126. I did not even know who Gal Gadot was until this moment. And darn proud of it.

    nk (dbc370)

  127. You might know her as the rock’s partner in two of the last fast and furious films, or nit.

    narciso (d1f714)

  128. Yeah, that means your not a fanboy, nk. That’s a good thing.

    urbanleftbehind (1262d7)

  129. But she’s IDF!

    kishnevi (1a529d)

  130. Bow joelle carter, ava from justified will be on that need NBC crime show.

    narciso (d1f714)

  131. Isn’t that the current version of Wonder Woman?

    Didn’t google it.

    What do I win?

    Anyway, there are no KFC’s in town here, which nagged at me noggin.

    Why wouldn’t there be? We have free range chickens wandering all over. They pick bugs off the bumpers of cars and trucks in nearly every grocery store parking lot.

    nk @ 119 provides the answer.

    Thanks nk, for removing the niggle from my noggin, solving the puzzle.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  132. The answer is my neighbors have anthropor , anthrop, think that chickens are their friends, so they don’t eat enough of them to keep a KFC in business.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  133. Anthropomophized yes triple word score.

    narciso (c67390)

  134. Seriously. A chicken trailed by four chicks walked right up then over my feet at the Winco the other day.

    It’s not like they’ve taken over, but with a little organization, a charismatic chicken hawk to lead them….

    papertiger (c8116c)

  135. Fur extra credit; name one movie up for picture of the year at the Oscars.

    No search engines allowed.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  136. You’re a daisy if you do.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  137. Hacksaw Ridge, of course. Not because of Mel Gibson, but because of Desmond T. Doss and I learned that here. I think from Steve57?

    nk (dbc370)

  138. Or was it kishenvi? Dustin? Leviticus? In the context of not going along with the crowd.

    nk (dbc370)

  139. There’s lion, the standing fir slymdig millionaire

    narciso (d1f714)

  140. Congrats nk. You are a daisy.

    Here’s a fun fact about one of the nominees of the past, (typed up while waiting)

    Master and Commander, features a French frigate carrying 56 cannon, hull unpenetrable to British cannon, able to overtake the pride of the British Navy on the open seas.
    At the set time of the movie, 1805 (and probably all times before or since), no such French frigate existed.

    But there was one ship that fit that bill in existence at that time.
    It’s name was USS Constitution, more affectionately termed “Ol’ Ironsides”, and it kicked the Brit’s henies pretty thoroughly whenever engaged, but that wouldn’t have fit the plot of their movie.

    I think if they had presented Master and Commander as written, the Brits tricking their way to victory over the superior American frigate, despite the outcome being ahistorical, the Hollywood weinies would have voted it Best Movie that year.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  141. Lion? I don’t think of myself as a lion. I guess I might as well be. Have a mighty roar.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  142. Oh. You meant a movie. Weird. Never heard of it before.

    Narciso is a daisy too.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  143. btw that was a Firefly reference.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  144. papertiger

    If we were still British we could put Pavarotti on the 10 p note because he’s a tenor.

    Pinandpuller (166ee8)

  145. Name them? Sure. I’ve seen all nine.

    Arrival (pretty good)
    Fences (good, with a couple great performances)
    Hacksaw Ridge (excellent; might be my favorite)
    Hell or High Water (very good, in an indie kind of way)
    Hidden Figures (very good, in a traditional sort of way)
    La La Land (very good, will win Best Picture)
    Lion (loved it)
    Manchester by the Sea (left me cold)
    Moonlight (hated it)

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  146. papertiger is not manly enough to quote Jubal Early. Or Mal, or Jayne. Or Wash.

    Or Kaylee, for that matter…

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  147. The sad thing is that I guessed all four SAG acting winners totally on external logic, having not seen fully half of the nominated performances at that point. Hollywood is too predictable.

    They’ll all win tomorrow night, too…except maybe Denzel Washington.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  148. I haven’t quoted Kayley, but the rest of them. Whole set.

    I’ll be in my bunk.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  149. @126 nk

    And 40DD is amazin’.

    Pinandpuller (166ee8)

  150. You’ll be in your bunk? Staring at your pretty ball gown from Persephone, mayhaps?

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  151. Well if you could wear,a,silly hat like Jayne, narciso doesn’t refer to a flower. But a person, a combination of betsy ross and patrick benry

    narciso (d8c415)

  152. swear by my pretty flor bonnet.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  153. The interesting thing is they were service supporting planets in the same system

    narciso (d8c415)

  154. @130 kishnevi

    I saw one old girl whose breasts looked like two young roes fighting in a gunny sack. I guess that’s where sac a lait originates.

    Pinandpuller (166ee8)

  155. Life supporting, like Travis n

    “We were on the losing side, doesn’t mean it was the wrong one” mal Reynolds

    Joss , still doesnt understand he’s browncoat, but rooting for the alliance.

    narciso (d8c415)

  156. About Lion, narciso, had you seen that movie with your own, or just read about it?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  157. Answer pending, our entire knowledge base of Oscar nominees sources from mush mouth, the lawyer.

    Hollywood take note.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  158. Heard about it from a friend, also saw the legend of Tarzan, it’s has high end cinematogrophy considering technical awards

    narciso (7c4af0)

  159. Doesnt seem probable, maverick billet is armed services not intelligence? So I would say deare price ahmed, Yates, and some nsa operatives to be named later.

    narciso (7c4af0)

  160. “Someone tried to kill you, you kill them right back” mal reynolds.

    narciso (7c4af0)

  161. The way I heard it, McCain used super-secret alien spy technology that his crack private echelon of North Vietnamese Ninjas funded by counterfeit beers sold through his wife’s beer distriburship stole from a crashed flying saucer at Area 56.

    nk (dbc370)

  162. “A Trump administration is going to be four years of hell for Russia: a massive American doubling down on shale production along with a major military buildup. Trump is, in other words, a nightmare for Putin and a much, much bigger threat to Putin’s goals than President Obama ever was or wanted to be.

    If Trump were the Manchurian candidate that people keep wanting to believe that he is, here are some of the things he’d be doing:

    Limiting fracking as much as he possibly could
    Blocking oil and gas pipelines
    Opening negotiations for major nuclear arms reductions
    Cutting U.S. military spending
    Trying to tamp down tensions with Russia’s ally Iran

    That Trump is planning to do precisely the opposite of these things may or may not be good policy for the United States, but anybody who thinks this is a Russia appeasement policy has been drinking way too much joy juice.

    Obama actually did all of these things, and none of the liberal media now up in arms about Trump ever called Obama a Russian puppet; instead, they preferred to see a brave, farsighted and courageous statesman. Trump does none of these things and has embarked on a course that will inexorably weaken Russia’s position in the world, and the media, suddenly flushing eight years of Russia dovishness down the memory hole, now sounds the warning that Trump’s Russia policy is treasonously soft.

    This foolishness is best understood as an unreasoning panic attack. The liberal media hate Trump more than they have hated any American politician in a generation, and they do not understand his supporters or the sources of his appeal. They are frantically picking up every available stick to beat him, in the hopes that something, somehow, will Miloize him.

    So blind does hatred make them that they cannot understand how their own behavior is driving American public opinion in directions that bode ill for liberals in the future. In the first place, suppose Donald Trump does not in fact turn out to be the second coming of Benedict Arnold. Suppose instead, as is much more likely, that he turns out to be a very hawkish president, one who quite possibly will make George W. Bush look like Jimmy Carter. The media and Democratic Party leaders will have staked huge amounts of credibility on a position that turns out to be laughably untrue. Six months or a year from now, they will have to flip from calling Trump an anti-American traitor and Russian plant to calling him a dangerous, fascistic ultranationalist whose relentless hawkishness is bringing us closer to World War Three.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  163. Six months or a year from now, they will have to flip from calling Trump an anti-American traitor and Russian plant to calling him a dangerous, fascistic ultranationalist whose relentless hawkishness is bringing us closer to World War Three.”

    Colonel, they’re already hedging their bets. Most of the state run propaganda media are of the Trump the “Russian plant” mind while their accomplices in the tabloids and on the net are trolling the “hawk bringing on WWIII” shtick. At least that’s what I’ve noticed but I can’t read everything.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  164. No reason why he cannot be both. A foreign puppet and a fascist ultranationalist.

    But I doubt I will call him either thing very much. I’ll mostly be alternating “Badgerheaded Buffoon” with “Orange-skinned Pansy”.

    nk (dbc370)

  165. he issonice how he helps undothe strangulations

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  166. Godwin on the 50, and you were complaining about pahlevi fils retiring pop. Fall of heaven elaborates on the fedayeen al islam which preceded Khomeini by two generations

    narciso (38b1ac)

  167. It’s the running of the Pomeranians in Pamplona 24x7x365, Hoagie! The media and #NeverStrumpets liberal outrage machine rolls on…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  168. “CHANGE: Department of Homeland Security Is Now Taking Bids to Build the Border Wall.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  169. “Damn you, Bridget. Damn you to Hades. You broke my heart in a million pieces. You made me love you and then you… I shaved off my beard for you, devil woman!”

    papertiger (c8116c)

  170. greatest Firefly quote of all.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  171. I could have used Putin’s puppets in Belarus, Chechnya, Kazakstan, Ukraine before Maidan, and several other Russian satellites, who are both Putinas and repressive authoritarian ultranationalists (not to mention the dozen or so when Russia called itself USSR) but who would have recognized them? You need to consider your audience.

    And “complaining” about the Shah overthrowing his father?

    nk (dbc370)

  172. Tweak the high end on your emotional equalizer, sweet pea.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  173. The “islamophobia” narrative, free speech & the Left’s double standard on islam – Sarah Haider [YouTube]

    Watching I felt my anxiety level rise. Not because of what she said. It’s rather mild, and unprovocative.
    Just knowing the liberals (she approaches the subject from a liberal position) could give less than half a [edit] what might happen to her. Just knowing the nature of the psychotic sons of [edit]s arrayed to take reprisal just for speaking, never mind the content.

    I’m nervous someone will attack her from off camera the whole time. Throw acid in her face or some other demented thing.
    Watch and tell me you don’t feel that anxiety too.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  174. After seeing Trump on both sides of so many issues, it’s really no surprise that Trump can be both a hawk and Putin’s lapdog. You could use a similar point on every issue because he’s all over the place.

    But before the four years are over, I wonder if we’ll see that video. Trump does too!

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  175. History is a difficult subject for Democrats and their quislings…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  176. Dustin, when somebody makes up a bogeyman that will jump out from under his bed six months from now, there is no point in taking him seriously. He’s just looking for something to be scared or mad about.

    The fact is that Trump will be treated like any President should be. When he does good things, people will praise him, and when he does bad things, people will be criticize him.

    nk (dbc370)

  177. Damn straight, nk.

    And like I’ve said a couple of times, Trump is doing better than the worst case scenario. His judicial appointment was good. He’s predictably falling short in a lot of areas and hasn’t kept most of his incredibly ridiculous promises, but that’s no surprise. It’s just a good point to raise because during the primary these ridiculous promises were defended by the same people saying it’s ridiculous to remember them today.

    Folks need to remember these guys are politicians and it’s good and healthy to criticize them. There’s no need to deflect or get pissy about it.

    mg’s link above is hilarious for the comments explaining that Mccain deliberately crashed his plane into Hanoi so that he could kill hundreds of pilots by informing on US military secrets. The degree of hatred and paranoia Trump’s most core fanbase has for anyone scrutinizing power is bizarre but strangely familiar from Obama’s little pack of Obamagirls.

    Guys, live a little. It’s a pretty day. American politicians get raked over the coals and they do suck most of the time. It’s not like we’ve had a great president in about 30 years. It’s only going to get harder for Trump, who is destined to be remembered as probably the worst president in American history.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  178. Haiku, when you talk about democrat quislings to defend Trump, it’s extremely confusing. Trump has kissed more democrat ass before and after his election than most democrats have. You and Trump both seem to be obsessed with bashing conservatives while pretending you’re one of us, but Trump hates Ted Cruz and thinks Hillary should be admired.

    I guess when you say quisling you’re projecting a bit. I have never seen someone lick boots like you. Even if I say Romney was born with a silver spoon or point out he, like Trump, dodged the draft, your dentures fly right out and you fall out of your bedpan. It’s not fair to your caregiver!

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  179. Too cool for school…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  180. This is dr. Gorka’s thesis, a serious man we haven’t had at the nsc since Michael doran two of Obama’s flunkies, Simon and Benjamin can’t handle that reality

    narciso (1a2000)

  181. It’s only going to get harder for Trump, who is destined to be remembered as probably the worst president in American history.

    Making a stupid prediction/statement like that certainly secures you bona fides as open minded and objective. Thing is, Obama has that title wrapped up for as far as we can see into the future.

    I guess Trump’s “honeymoon” is over (ha,ha). The press gave Obama an eight year honeymoon and they couldn’t give Trump eight minutes. Like you Dustin, proving their non partisanship, objectivity and predilection for fairness.

    But aside from declaring Trump the probable worst president award after a whole one month and five days in office any other predictions? Like maybe America will never be great again? Or are you one of those that believe she never was? Or perhaps she’s only great under leftist presidents cause you know, they’re so perfect and compassionate and cool and all.

    After eight years of mom jeans and bicycle helmets a guy who doesn’t sit down to pee can be disconcerting to the radical leftist mind. We understand.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  182. It gets very silly the analogue of remnick and Sullivan’s scream from munsch.

    narciso (1a2000)

  183. Making a stupid prediction/statement like that certainly secures you bona fides as open minded and objective.

    Yeah, I non-sarcastically agree that it does, because it’s correct.

    Those who just cannot grasp that Trump is doing an awful job, and that it was predictable that he would, because he is a terrible, weak man with no ethics… you guys are the ones with no credibility. You’re so in the tank that when you give Trump credit no one can distinguish it from when you carried water for Milo the guy who thinks sex with young boys is hugely positive.

    On the other hand, when I give Trump credit, it actually does mean something because I’m not in the tank.

    After eight years of mom jeans and bicycle helmets a guy who doesn’t sit down to pee can be disconcerting to the radical leftist mind. We understand.

    Except I’m not a radical leftist. That’s why I was similarly critical of Obama throughout his term, and also critical of W on domestic spending before that.

    You have confused “Republican” with “Conservative”, and to your partisan mind, criticizing a republican proves someone is a “radical leftist”, when actually I am critical of Trump when he is not as conservative as I’d like. If you go back and check this is actually pretty obvious!

    Besides, just because Obama was bad doesn’t mean Trump is not bad. The two things are totally unrelated. I do not lower the bar for Republicans because of irrelevant democrats. This is not a team sport to me and I am not going to join you in pushing everything to the left by lowering the bar constantly out of fear of the ‘other side’. there is no other side. Team R and Team D are both way off the reservation from my point of view.

    Trump had no honeymoon because the majority of voters rejected him by millions. He is the least popular president in American history. These are facts. He’s destined to be forever known as an awful president.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  184. The prologue to this, was an aborted attempt at ‘self deportation’ in the early 90s. Runs kind of long.

    narciso (7b9f03)

  185. The same vekakte polls from the campaign, are your guide as to his lerforance, some polls over sampled democrats by 20 points.

    narciso (7b9f03)

  186. I think the consistent tone of anger and “you’re a secret leftist” from Trump’s Defense Force is intended to secure echo chambers where they can live free of reality. You see this all the time. Someone criticizes Trump and then a whole bunch of empty insults surround him like a flood of stupidity.

    I was kinda frustrated with W’s reputation after his terms were over. He made mistakes but was a fundamentally great leader who cared for this country before himself (much unlike Trump). He got us through very hard times and we remained, for the most part, American. Though we lost some freedom along the way. I was frustrated because I didn’t see the reality of some of it that frustrated a lot of folks and I often just decided ‘hell, they are just biased leftists’. But it was more than that. He didn’t communicate effectively to America.

    Trump is so much worse at communicating to America, and believes in shutting down information and rooting out the same leaks he praised when he begged Russia to leak US Classified information if they could hack it from Hillary’s emails. He’s fundamentally disloyal to us. His fans are going to experience what I did with Bush, only so much more severe they will either lose faith in the entire process or do what we see here… create echo chambers and disconnects, insisting the conservatives who are trying to help them as I do are actually radical leftists with some secret evil agenda.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  187. narciso,

    non-snarky thought: consider trying Swiftkey to replace the ‘keyboard’ on your phone. It’s on apple or androids.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  188. Thanks it’s way too soon to evaluate, his choices have been good on balance, I’m not crazy about devos or tillerson, but as the stones say ‘you can’t always getvwhat you want’

    narciso (7b9f03)

  189. You can’t make this stuff up, Hoagie.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  190. one of the things i like about president mr donald is that he causes the disappointed fans of hillary and evan macguffin (a film reference that narciso will surely get) to over-reach in their protestations

    i’m old enough to remember when president-elect mr donald merely tweeted “happy new year!” and they all had to go get prescriptions for xanax the next day

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  191. “We spend a lot of time looking for systemic risk; in truth, however, it tends to find us.”

    The truth is that hard times come. Crisis comes. We will have a moment where America needs to pull together and handle adversity. Could be a hurricane or a nuclear bomb or something else, but it’s coming. And the ability of our leaders to communicate and lead us will be so important.

    Trump, and more than that, Trump’s basically evil fanbase who hate just about everyone who isn’t like them, make this task difficult. For someone like me that wants our president to succeed whether they are Obama, Trump, Hillary or Bush, that’s sad. But there’s basically no interest from Trump or his fans to unite. We’re in “I Won!” mode. We’re in “bend the knee” mode. When the challenge comes, no one will listen to them, because no one should listen to folks like that. And the least popular president in American history will be in quite a predicament.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  192. W had some good cabinet choice yes like rumsfeld and some poor ones like Paul O’neill who he had Ron susskind write his poison pen memoir, the levick wurlitzer coordinating white shoe law firms and the VCR were there from the beginning.

    narciso (d1f714)

  193. It’s a terrible thing to witness…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  194. Trump, and more than that, Trump’s basically evil fanbase who hate just about everyone who isn’t like them, make this task difficult.

    Sometimes there is only one word which can define someone with such broad based prejudice: Dumbass!

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  195. A thousand lefties at the bottom of the sea would be a good start…

    “OH, I THINK THEY JUST PULLED AHEAD OF HER ON THAT FRONT: Law professors seek to have Kellyanne Conway disbarred for bringing “shame upon the legal profession.”

    Here’s the actual letter, complete with the names of the law professors who have disgraced themselves. But if you want to establish a rule like this for all lawyers in the public eye, well, enjoy it. Sauce for the goose, and all that.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  196. “The left’s combination of evil and stupidity is the driver straightforward from here. With the grim understanding that they hate us, we need to accept that there may be no easy return to peaceful coexistence. Our goal in electing Donald Trump was to remove the left’s hand from our throat, not to put our hand around blue peoples’ collective windpipe. We don’t care how they live their lives, but leftists care very much how we live ours. Their goal is to lock both hands around our throat and squeeze until we submit to leftist tyranny or die.

    It’s hard to see how we compromise. Do we just somewhat submit, or only die a little?

    This crisis has to culminate somehow. It could end peacefully, with a return to the old norms and reasoned competition between ideas. But it seems no one is interested in that; instead, one side has to win decisively, and one side has to lose decisively. If so, I say we win and they lose, since I’m not ready to submit or to die.

    How about you?”

    — Kurt Schlichter

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  197. one of the things i like about president mr donald is that he causes the disappointed fans of hillary and evan macguffin (a film reference that narciso will surely get) to over-reach in their protestations

    The sad thing is that Trump’s supporters will also overreach in their defense of him. And neither side recognizes its own overreach.

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  198. I have stated my reservations but I’m not going eleventy!!! on them, like the blaze or right scoop does.

    narciso (7b9f03)

  199. The sad thing is that Trump’s supporters will also overreach in their defense of him.

    The definition of defense is protecting from an offense. Can one’s defense be “overreach”? When we have people in this politic who, like Dustin, consider millions of Americans evil because they don’t like their choice for president what is an appropriate defense without so-called overreach? Dustin is just revisiting the Deplorables meme of that filthy corruptocrat that lost to Trump by framing all who disagree as unmenschlich, subhuman. It makes it easier to deprive people of their rights, freedom and lives if they are not really human.

    You’re doing a whole lot of projection over there. Evil, indeed.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  200. Haiku just quoted Schlichter saying the left is evil and stupid. Are you worried that they will be viewed as “not really human,” Hoagie? Or is that different because it’s not your side?

    DRJ (15874d)

  201. “evil and stupid” and “human” aren’t mutually exclusive

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  202. Read the entire Schlichter post at the link, DRJ.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  203. The administrative state now is aimed less at correcting market failures than moral failures. This is why the federal bureaucracy without hesitation extends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to tell North Carolina that it cannot have single-sex bathrooms, and why Title IX is extended well beyond legislative intent to institutionalize the radical feminist ideology of “rape culture” heedless of either facts or due process of law.

    This is not just limited to government bureaus. As James Burnham argued, the “managerial society” would come to permeate the world of “private” business as much as government.

    We can see this mentality in the case of Brendan Eich, hounded out as CEO of Mozilla for having once held the same position on gay marriage that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton held at the same time, or the number of corporations that announced they would cut back business activity in North Carolina over the bathroom bill.

    “Resistance is left to the minority, and such as will not be convinced are crushed.” And this project is self-perpetuating.

    It’s annoying how Hayward looks to Eich and such for examples of how “the managerial society” has come to permeate more and more of the private sector, cause what I remember about the Eich kerfuffule is it was much more similar to a rapidfire twitter lynching than, say, an expectation that we all must do our part to contribute to a “sustainable workplace” or what have you, which is far more commonplace and pernicious than the Eich episode.

    That said, i remember our last ceo – who was a complete wad and not long for the job – he got the whole company into a room and asked… are any of you aren’t on linkedin?

    A few idiots raised their hands.

    “You need to fix that,” he said.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  204. oopers are any of you *not* on linked in i mean

    gonna go check the vestibule for that damn keyboard

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  205. Can one’s defense be “overreach”?

    You sound like a North Korean.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  206. When people know the truth, fact don’t matter.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  207. Is it only a recent trend that we see self-identified “Conservatives” pushing back in a more concerted way against a newly elected Republican administration than the Democrat opposition? Or has it been like this, only on a lesser scale?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  208. The sad thing is that Trump’s supporters will also overreach in their defense of him. And neither side recognizes its own overreach.

    Chuck Bartowski

    If I’m overreaching I honestly must be blind to it. I feel like I’m bending over backwards to see the good in Trump and he’s just not a good person. That means more to me than it might mean to others who are entirely worried about results and believe this administration will bring about something conservative by tearing down everything (I disagree that this is going to be the result).

    Ethics matter. When Bill Clinton lied for such base purposes, that changed things. When Nixon interfered with an investigation to cover his ass, that changed things. Leaders who are not admirable cause problems that go beyond any temporary results they may point to.

    And it’s starting to go beyond just being a bad person in his personal life.

    But what do I know? I must be the radical left, if you listen to some of these people. I am part of the fake news agenda and everything I say about Dear Leader must be ignored. If you don’t ignore it, you’re also the radical left. Good thing the radical left is looking a lot like the majority of voters or I’d be more worried about the Lois Lerner angle.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  209. he is so good

    to keep us safe he does the policies

    over and over again if he has to

    he is so good

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  210. Haiku,

    You try to enforce an echo chamber here, on a conservative blog. I really do not believe you’re all that aware of the left’s point of view on Trump if you think the right is bashing Trump more than the left, which is credibly building the case for impeachment.

    Your use of the word concerted suggests you think there’s some sort of conspiracy and coordination. Maybe we’re all reaching the same conclusions because we’re right, and there’s no coordination and no conspiracy. I guess as the GOP becomes more Infowarsy in their defense of Trump this kind of thought is bound to come from the TDF.

    Remember when Trump blamed 9/11 on Bush? Yeah, maybe your sensitivity to bashing GOP presidents is a tad inconsistent.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  211. perez beat the muslim

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  212. perez is obama’s lubed-up lil hand puppet

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  213. “credibly building a case for impeachment”. There’s the giveaway.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  214. All is Vanity… Fair.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  215. Interesting picture.

    Brigadier General with a Fourragere and many decorations. Valorous!

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  216. even in black n white he make you think all the world’s a sunny day

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  217. One of my faves too, mg.

    The first time I heard this one… my buddy had his new Harmon Cardon stereo turned way up and I got a chill up my spine. Such a simple riff…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  218. Forgot about that one, Col.

    mg (31009b)

  219. perez beat the muslim
    I wish

    mg (31009b)

  220. Mohammad Ali Jr. the son of the late legendary boxer, was detained for hours by immigration officials earlier this month on Feb. 7, says a family friend.

    Monday I’m going to be detained by the City of Sacramento for the greater part of the business day, possibly stretching into many days, for jury duty.

    I’m hoping some of my friends here will call the AP to caterwaul and whine about the injustice of it all on my behalf.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  221. Mohammad Ali, Jr.? Moslems don’t do “Jr.”. Who’s screwing with who here? But that’s okay after all he became a moslem to avoid the draft and serve in Vietnam because as we all know Islam is the religion of peace therefore he was a conscientious objector. Or something. Ahhh, the constantly morphing and changing rules that govern the leftist intellect. Ask him how much he hated America and refused to pay his taxes so fought outside the US jurisdiction. Until he decided life was better here then somehow sneaked back in…all forgiven.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  222. It says Ali Jr. went to Jamaica to speak at a Black History Month event.

    I have a question. Is Black History Month a thing in the UK? Has it gone global, or is it just a Pan American infliction?

    TO ANSWER THAT QUESTION I searched “Black History Month UK” and clicked the first link return.
    There it is. Feature articles celebrate the lives of noted black Britons; John Henrik Clarke, Bayard Rustin, and Mary Bethune.

    Here’s the snag though. Henrik Clarke is from Alabama. Rustin is from Pennsylvania. Mary Bethune is from South Carolina.

    Apparently there are no “B” list black Britons from annuls of history worth celebrating. Just Americans.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  223. In his later years when I’d see him standing there peeing himself, with spittle dribbling from his quivering lips and shaking like a leaf, his eyes glazed over in a stupor I’d smile and wonder if perhaps the Hindu’s are correct and karma is a bitch.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  224. Hey, when are we to be blessed with “Moslem History Month”, papertiger? They can regale us with stories of the “spiking” of Christian women by Saladin.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  225. That happens to a lot of boxers – and let’s face it – a lot of old people in general.

    Aging is never pretty.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  226. I’m just glad to hear the immigration system is working so well, actually.

    If someone named Mohammad wants to enter the country, I want that guy to spend at least as much time answering questions as it takes me to find a “pro Trump news bubble” on the net.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  227. Mohammed Ali was a draft dodger? He should have run for President.

    Actually, he was a draft protester. He said “Hell, no! I won’t go!” and took his lumps.

    Not like some orange-skinned pansy whose father paid a doctor to give him a note that he had “bones in his heels”. (Although I suspect that the true story is that he failed the moral fitness test, IFYKWIMAIYD.)

    nk (dbc370)

  228. *a draft dodger with dementia* for a better parallel.

    nk (dbc370)

  229. Mccabe, the official whose wife received funding via red queen’s foundation, that guy.

    narciso (d1f714)

  230. Actually, he was a draft protester. He said “Hell, no! I won’t go!” and took his lumps.

    The first and last pacifist Muslim who made a living beating the snot out of people.

    Sorry no. [YouTube]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  231. You wonder how the Libby witchhunt, it began by forcing ashcroft to recuse, allowing comey to appoint fitz even though they knew Armitage was thecleaker.

    narciso (d1f714)

  232. *a draft dodger with dementia* for a better parallel.

    nk (dbc370) — 2/25/2017 @ 5:04 pm

    The price is wrong, nk. [YouTube-nsfw (language)]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  233. I think that if dodging VD can, in Trump’s own words, be Trump’s “personal Vietnam”, then dodging punches can be Ali’s.

    nk (dbc370)

  234. The first and last pacifist Muslim who made a living beating the snot out of people.

    You probably know what a false equivalency is, but I can’t really blame you for arguing that boxing is the same thing as a shooting war. 62,979,879 people think that Trump is the same thing as a President.

    nk (dbc370)

  235. Twenty year old Howard Stern reruns?

    You’re asking for it now, nk. And you’re gonna get it. [YouTube – nsfw]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  236. Ali’s crime was in giving a murderous cult the patina of respectability.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  237. Whatevs.

    nk (dbc370)

  238. In his defense, I don’t think that was Punchie’s goal (he was just looking for an excuse to abuse women). It’s a case of the road to hell being paved by encephalopathy.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  239. @192 Rev Hoagie

    “A cynic is not merely one who reads bitter lessons from the past; he is one who is prematurely disappointed in the future.” -Sidney J Harris

    Pinandpuller (0b6646)

  240. Cassius was under the influence if garraklan at the time, who would later be a wholly owned subsidiary, then again considering what happened to lopes rivers, it was all for the best

    narciso (d1f714)

  241. Hey…how did the 4th or 5th subgroup (nationally) get to be first one in DNC history? I’m going to check if Abreu report is having a corresponding shitcow.

    urbanleftbehind (16016a)

  242. 251… At least Ali chose to go in a different direction than Farrakhan’s cult.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  243. “Hey champ. What have you been doing during the hiatus?”

    “Howard, if been busy [edit] every school girl that gives me a wink. That, and ditching the wife.”


    “Howard, I’ve been following the teachings of Elisha Mohammad, praise Allah.”

    See. It’s more Cosell friendly that way.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  244. For the first 20 and + in my life,I lived down the block from a close associate of Ali’s in the South side of Chicago. He would visit every few years and neighborhood kids and -some- parents would run up to his Caddy and try to take pictures…a notable exception was a gentleman who was a Vietnam veteran who let his kids go with the crowd, but when i asked why aren’t you going too, he said simply “he ain’t shit”. He was more part of the Elijah faction who coopted the National Moorish Science temple and who may or may not been a founder of the Black P Stone gang (a cofounder, Jeff Fort took them ing a more transnat terrorist direction under the El Rukn moniker).

    urbanleftbehind (16016a)

  245. niño transgénero cerca de ganar título estatal de lucha

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  246. That doesn’t make sense in any language, as alvares guedes, the late Latin lennue Bruce comic would say (reacted)

    narciso (d1f714)

  247. future Dem would be presidential candidates are plotting the same for the Boston Marathon bomber.

    Don’t figure on them getting away with it. Too many videos, and a feature film for their terrorist benefactors to overcome.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  248. A transgender child is about to win the state wrestling championship. Girl’s title, right, happyfeet? Did it start out as a girl and is now calling itself a boy or did it start out as a boy and is now calling itself a girl? (I did not, and do not, care to click the whole story.)

    nk (dbc370)

  249. A thought experiment if trump were really berzilius windrip crossed with Aaron mccomb, would the major papers cover him differently?

    narciso (d1f714)

  250. #262 nk

    Forget it, nk, it’s Texas.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  251. * the first is the villain in ‘it can’t happen here, second the aspiring candidate in time cop, substitute deutcher from “sound of thunder’ and recall from ‘give Me liberty’

    narciso (b6d81f)

  252. @262 nk

    A girl wrestler has been taking testosterone for a year because she think she’s a dude. They won’t let her wrestle men so she’s essentially cheating legally. Like the 45 year old NCAA “woman” basketball player.

    Pinandpuller (8f8572)

  253. Pinandupuller, just like a man entering a women’s restroom, some of our conservative friends will be lecturing us that voting for Hillary in 2016 (Dustin, cough, cough) is the preferred choice for true conservatives!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  254. Can one’s defense be “overreach”?

    Sure it can. When peering at under-aged girls in their dressing room is written off as “peeking at impressively developed young ladies in a beauty contest”, then the defense has overreached.

    You’re doing a whole lot of projection over there. Evil, indeed.

    I’m not sure what I’m projecting. I’d like you to precisely define what I’ve said that was evil. If you can’t do so, then I demand an immediate retraction and apology.

    Chuck Bartowski (211c17)

  255. More like showing your [edit].

    Your kung fu is weak. [YouTube – both times]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  256. 266. Story screams for our resident Texas basher, D…

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  257. Teh Tusslin’ Trannie of Telingua Texas

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  258. Heshe took her down and put a half-Sheila hold on her…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  259. Heshe regretted the “no jock” decision when teh wangdangdoodle made an appearance…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  260. Its sad coronello, that this is a story. But as Dana puts it, #first world problems

    narciso (d1f714)

  261. Heshe thought everything was goin’ along okay at the pre-tussle press conference until Dustin threatened to scratch hisher eyes out…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  262. Heshe scoffed at Dustin’s idle threats until the one about gettin’ nancy’d, persian version…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  263. Heshe’d never heard of a move like nancy’d persian version… sounded like greek to Heshe…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  264. Cuz if someone’d pulled that asinine Austin stuff in Terlingua, they’d get their damn hash straightened out in no time…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  265. R.I.P. Bill Paxton, actor

    Icy (f1c111)

  266. Indeed, a thoroughly normal dude both on and off screen.

    urbanleftbehind (924249)

  267. Bill Paxton? He’s too young. He just started a show Training Day which I thought was pretty good. Sad. He was a cool guy.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  268. Thisis for anyone who has anything to say against Texas!

    felipe (023cc9)

  269. Paxton always gave a solid performance. One movie that I thought really showcased his talent is One False Move… a film that was also one of Billy Bob Thornton’s early movies.

    I know that both my sons will be shaken a bit, as they went through a period when they were younger where they’d quote one of Paxton’s lines from Aliens to comic affect in everyday situations.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  270. Funny stuff, felipe!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  271. What a drag! I liked Bill Paxton. He was one of my favorite “Bills” right after Shatner.

    felipe (023cc9)

  272. oh that’s a for reals loss

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  273. maybe someone can help meryl pull that oscar out of her butt and she can say something gracious tonight instead of being a tacky skank

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  274. Cruz Supporter, I said that Hillary was unacceptable for the presidency many times. Trump just happens to be also unacceptable. You’re lying about my point of view. Obviously one of them was going to win, but neither were OK. Hillary is irrelevant because the election is over, that was a childish ‘binary’ standard intended to cover up that both candidates are simply failures of their political parties, both broken and contrary to the intentions of our founders on every level. Trump is in the White House now. He’s not keeping his promises. It’s a fair point. But but but Hillary is not an adequate response, and lying that I’m a Hillary supporter is willfully dishonest on your part after I’ve expressed this to you at least a dozen times.

    Haiku, you’re really desperate to turn every civil criticism of Trump into a really personal fight, because you cannot stand for people to express a different point of view. You want this blog to be your echo chamber but it’s not your blog. Your claim that I threaten people with violence is pretty irritating. I never do that. I view these blogs as entertainment, to enjoy myself when I’m not working a stressful job, but you view these blogs as war, where you seek to tear people down in as ugly and miserable a fashion as you can.

    But let me ask you a question: since you want to spend so much time linking my real life identity to everything I say, can you put your real name next to your incessant ugliness? Would you be proud of that? Your job, your town, your nationality, your name… what are they? You apparently feel that it’s appropriate for those you disagree with, because you take politics so personally, but can you live up to that yourself? Would you be proud if the world knew you were a racist troll?

    251… At least Ali chose to go in a different direction than Farrakhan’s cult.

    Colonel Haiku

    Like years ago when Stashiu pointed out you were lying about your sockpuppetted comments about my race, you’re trying to be cute in hiding how nasty you’re being, but you are aware of my last name and you’re referencing it. You and I both know it. You take criticism of a damn politician that personally. But you always have been that way. You’re like the sport team’s fan throwing a beer at the other team’s fans. Apparently my points are really powerful that you find this to be a reasonable response.

    It’s true that I grew up reading the Quran. As you’ve pointed out, as though this is an issue, I’m an American. I served honorably in the Army and I’m a cop now. I’ve watched the GOP collapse in on itself like a dying star, and recognized that the ugliness the partisans show is simply a reflection of how desperate the party is.

    Patterico, Dana, your blog, your rules, but I think Haiku’s comments about my race, name (the Farrakhan one), where I live, whether I’m clawing out eyes, and this heshe stuff, should be deleted and moderated in the future. I would also like my response to him deleted if those comments are deleted. Thank you.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  275. i want to start a revolution of LOVE

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  276. happyfeet,

    That would be awesome. I think a revolution of love should start at the top. Trump could embrace Ted Cruz and Ted Cruz’s wife and father (an amazing guy), apologizing sincerely for the way he treated them, being a humble and loving man. I think he could then embrace George W Bush for how he handled the 9/11 disaster with dignity and strength, and apologize for accusing Bush of being responsible for 9/11. He could then apologize for humiliating Romney after the Secretary of State nonsense.

    He’s already done a lot of this towards Hillary I suppose. It’s no surprise that Trump’s behavior towards Cruz has shown Cruz’s supporters (not the Trump Supporter who trollishly uses that name to comment here) that he’s our political opponent. Of course, Cruz’s supporters have long recognized that much of the GOP is conservatism’s other political opponent after the democrats.

    But yes, Trump as our leader should embrace his opportunity to be the moral leader who bridges a divide.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  277. Dustin (ba94b2) — 2/25/2017 @ 12:30 pm

    When Nixon interfered with an investigation to cover his ass, that changed things.

    Nixon did not interfere with an investigation, and he didn’t really do it to protect himself.

    He didn’t interfere in June 1972, because what he authorized sputtered out. Nixon wanted to keep the connection beween the Watergate burglars and the Committee to Re-Elect the President hidden. This was already known at the time! Nixon’s main motive was to protect whoever in his campaign had done this, but not himself, because he knew he hadn’t authorized it. But he also mused about letting the chips fall where they may.

    John Dean had gone to him and claimed it was Ehrlichman’s idea that they should tell the CIA to tell the FBI that a CIA operation in Mexico could be uncovered if some lead was pursued. The CIA did not do that. So nothing happened. That was his one instance of his partcipation in the cover-up.

    Later, on July 6, Nixon told L. Patrick Gray to just investigate this. With the connection to CREEP public, and John Mitchell resigning as campaign manager, he had no further interest in covering anything up about Watergate.

    He did get involved a second time, but also to no effect. The second time was in March, 1973 when John Dean got him to agree to pay money to E. Howard Hunt to keep Hunt from revealing the burglary of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist’s office. Nixon did not expect that to do anything more than buy him some time.

    He did not consider there was any criminal law violation that he was protecting anyone from since this had been for “national security” reasons. As Senator Sam Ervin later pointed out, though, there was the little matter of the 4th amendment – this burglary was not only embarrassing and potentially controversial, it was illegal. But Nixon wasn’t thinking along those lines.

    Now there was an interesting thing about that payment:

    When John Dean asked Nixon to authorize the payment of hush money he had already given Hunt the money! The day before. John Dean was covering himself.

    Also John Dean lied to Nixon about Hunt making such a threat. Hunt had not said anything like that. But Nixon would not have given Hunt money to cover up anything related to Watergate, so John Dean had to give Nixon a different reason. John Dean gave Hunt the money for his own reasons.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  278. Haiku has been posting nothing but garbage for a while now. I skip past his comments unless somebody else references them.

    nk (dbc370)

  279. Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 2/25/2017 @ 6:25 am

    That Trump is planning to do precisely the opposite of these things may or may not be good policy for the United States, but anybody who thinks this is a Russia appeasement policy has been drinking way too much joy juice.

    Putin didn’t make a deal with Trump – he made a deal with people who were advisers to or acquaintances of Trump. And when you buy your Manchurian candidate second hand that way, it may not work out. Trump probably wants or wanted Russia to destroy ISIS without the United States having to risk any troops.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  280. Nixon did not interfere with an investigation, and he didn’t really do it to protect himself.

    You’re entitled to your opinion, my friend, but

    In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his consitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice, in that:
    On June 17, 1972, and prior thereto, agents of the Committee for the Re-election of the President committed unlawful entry of the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in Washington, District of Columbia, for the purpose of securing political intelligence. Subsequent thereto, Richard M. Nixon, using the powers of his high office, engaged personally and through his close subordinates and agents, in a course of conduct or plan designed to delay, impede, and obstruct the investigation of such illegal entry; to cover up, conceal and protect those responsible; and to conceal the existence and scope of other unlawful covert activities.

    Nixon decided that it would be better to resign than submit to the impeachment hearings about that specific point.

    xon wanted to keep the connection beween the Watergate burglars and the Committee to Re-Elect the President hidden. This was already known at the time! Nixon’s main motive was to protect whoever in his campaign had done this, but not himself, because he knew he hadn’t authorized it. But he also mused about letting the chips fall where they may.

    I imagine there was a lot of back scratching. But to me, this is still interfering with the investigation. What amazes me is that this is probably child’s play compared to what got stuffed into Sandy Berger’s pants, or how Lois Lerner was covered for. To say nothing of Bill Clinton just straight up lying to us (my other example above).

    Of course I’m referencing Trump’s administration telling the FBI what to say about its ties to Russia, another active investigation. If Trump is interfering in that investigation, I think that’s serious and it’s unacceptable.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  281. Sammy, your other point, that Russia is foolish if it thinks it bought Trump, is a very good point. Trump isn’t known for keeping his end of the bargain. He’s known for renegotiating, bankruptcy, and otherwise screwing people. If Russia helped him ascend thinking it could then control him, they are surely mistaken. Trump probably would survive any revelation they have about Trump (even the prostitutes and urine thing). His supporters would laugh it off, and Trump knows that. He isn’t going to lose sleep as the office of the presidency is diminished.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  282. Re; Muhammd Ali Jr: I assume he was carrying a U.S. passport (unless he wasn’t) (A U.S. passport is regarded as forgery proof, and should end all questions) and travelling with his mother, who was also a U,S. citizen and given no trouble, and I presume, vouched for him.

    The only thing that might explain it is that some malicious person phoned in a tip about some imposter travelling under a U.S. passport that said Muhammed Ali. And the tip probably did not say he was a terroorist, but maybe something like a drug smuggler and not a Moslem at all.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  283. FWIW re Ali Sr., 2 of his daughters married white dudes, both boxers to some degree.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  284. Awful news about Bill Paxton. Just 61.

    A good egg. Quite grounded as actors go and far too young to have passed.

    Aside from his acting credits, and of historic note, Paxton narrated a documentary about the last hours of JFK which airs occasionally on the cablers. Paxton was a youngster who was in Ft. Worth, Texas in 1963 and attended JFK’s last outdoor public speaking engagement. A photographer captured an image taken from behind JFK of the young Paxton perched on the shoulders of a relative, above the crowd, listening to the President’s remarks. An hour or so later, Kennedy was in Dallas motorcading through Dealey Plaza into the history books.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  285. @267 Trump Overreach Supporter

    Dustin reminds me of a guy telling us all how overrated Tom Brady is during the Patriot’s first possession of the Superbowl. Even though he beat 16 other great, good and fair to middlin’ QB’s to play in the big game.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  286. Dustin reminds me of a guy telling us all how overrated Tom Brady is during the Patriot’s first possession of the Superbowl. Even though he beat 16 other great, good and fair to middlin’ QB’s to play in the big game.


    OK Thanks for sharing this insightful response to … what specifically where you replying to? Just that I criticize Trump generally?

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  287. In my scenario Tom Brady is playing against the Atlanta Falcons, half of the Patriots, the refs and some random crazy fan a la the Dirty Harry stadium sniper.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  288. I mean if you want to disagree with the entire concept of criticizing Trump at least that’s pretty honest. A lot of Trump fans really are that silly. And seeing this as sports fans is also telling.

    But my point in this thread was that Trump made promises about what he would accomplish in his first 30 days. These promises were stupid, but his fans bashed the other GOP candidates and the democrat candidate because their promises weren’t as bold. Now Trump is golfing all the time and his promises have been broken. It seems like a very black and white criticism, totally fair, to hold a politician up to his own words.

    But because it’s such an easy point against him, I guess the response has to be cranked up a lot. ‘Heshe’ ‘persian’ and now ‘not a fan of Tom Brady’, whatever that means.

    So what does that one mean?

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  289. You gotta admit, for the first half of the game, the Falcons were awesome. That was a great comeback, and a lot of it did come down to Tom Brady’s strategic stamina and experience.

    Though I’m not really much of an NFL fan. More NCAA for me.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  290. And Trump’s resting entirely on his election upset victory. Not on the long term strength of keeping his promises. Is that more like the Falcons or the Patriots? I think it’s actually a very short term strategy… if we really need to make this a football metaphor. And Trump’s hands are too small to catch a football.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  291. @302 Dustin

    Context. A narciso level nickname. Trump as Tom Brady isn’t moving the ball as fast as you think he should based on his pre-game interviews. It’s the Patriot’s first possession and we have a full four quarters to play. But he’s a bum and your team didn’t even make it there. McMuffin was The Saints back when they would go 0 and 16. Never Trump are Raiders fans.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  292. Now, Nixon might have thought it politically damaging to acknowledge a connection between the burglars and his campaign, but that concern expired when it became known to all. He was actually misinformed about it being still possible on June 23, 1972 to conceal that fact. He was trying, first of all, to protect Liddy. To cut it off before it reached Liddy. Which was an absurd thing to try to do.

    People were so tired out by the time this tape was revealed that they weren’t thinking straight. That June 23 tape did not reveal participation in any ongoing coverup. That tape revealed something that went precisely nowhere because the CIA deputy director didn’t go along, and no message was passed along to the FBI. And we already knew about that. We didn’t know about the Nixon conversation. Nixon made no further attempt to cover anything up about Watergate. None of the things that happened later had anything to do with him.

    Nixon resigned because he had lost political support, not because he acknowledged he deserved to be impeached. It was almost a British or Australian or Canadian thing.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  293. The puny sanctions that Obama imposed on Russia were like the grain embargo and the refusal from Olympics in 1980 for the invasion of Afghanistan, meanwhile he slashed the us military to the lowest point since 1939.

    narciso (d1f714)

  294. Trump’s administration telling the FBI what to say about its ties to Russia,

    The Trump Administration said that’s not correct. They say, Andrew G. McCabe and then James Comey (that is, the tp leaders of the FBI) went to Reince Priebus and told him that the stories about a White House official having asked the F.B.I. to rebut an article detailing contacts between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russian intelligence officials were not true. And nobody had approached them, i.e., Bannon was not acting behind his back and so on.

    The Trump people then said, “Well, will you tell that to the public?” They said, “We can’t”

    Priebus had also asked Andrew McCabe if he himself (that is Priebus) could say publicly that “senior intelligence officials” had informed him that a New York Times article about there having been contacts between people in the Trump campaign and Russia was inaccurate, and he was told that he could and he did that in an interview on Sunday February 19. They also directed reprts to the Chairmen of the intelligence committees in Congress, who said the contacts were minimal.

    This then gets leaked as Trump going to the FBI and telling them to put out a (false) story that that President Donald Trump’s campaign advisers were NOT frequently in touch with Russian intelligence agents during the election.

    The Washington Post cites as its source “White House official.” Which leads Trump to believe that the media are lying and making up sources.

    Now, obviously, somebody’s lying to somebody.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  295. You know Dustin, I have two day shipping from Amazon but when it comes on day three I don’t call Jeff Bezos a liar. I suppose I might have a problem if I never get what I ordered. Or a bag of d*cks like the Bundy’s up in the wildlife preserve takeover.

    Maybe my problem is I have no idea what Trump promised in his first 30. I didn’t vote based on that so you can’t really hang that around my neck.

    You are a day trader and I only check my positions now and then.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  296. e. Trump as Tom Brady isn’t moving the ball as fast as you think he should based on his pre-game interviews. It’s the Patriot’s first possession and we have a full four quarters to play. But he’s a bum and your team didn’t even make it there. McMuffin was The Saints back when they would go 0 and 16. Never Trump are Raiders fans.


    Ah, thanks for clarifying. I’m admittedly on defense here thanks to some of the other comments and appreciate the respectful explanation.

    You’re right, it’s very early on indeed to decide who is going to win the ‘game’. That Trump has failed to live up to his promises about his first month doesn’t mean he’s going to fail after four years. That he’s golfing more than Obama doesn’t mean he’s going to recuperate and then get to work.


    If by some chance Trump does lead us to prosperity and renewed leadership in the world, defeat ISIS as promised, stand up to Russia on Syria or stand up to the North Korean belligerence, etc etc, I promise you I’ll give him credit for it at that time. Though as early as it is, Trump made those promises specifically for this early timeframe because he was outbidding his competitors.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  297. R.I.P. Judge Wapner, TV’s ‘The People Court.’ 97.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  298. Sammy,

    I have a theory that the democrats kept stories of Russian interference and Trump’s blackmail under wraps, and will continue to until the right time, much as they did with Rep Foley.

    Trump is concentrating power and identity of the GOP. If he goes down like Nixon X 10, that will be a long term win for democrats. They surely didn’t expect him to win at all, but if he did, better to play the long game because he could turn a lot of the middle off to the GOP for another generation, much as Nixon and the 1964 civil rights act did. Big wheels are turning very slowly and it may just be that they aren’t turning towards the right.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  299. To be fair Never Trumps are as dedicated, perhaps even more so, than Trumps to ensuring their are less and less Raider fans.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  300. Chuck Bartowski

    Is it a little weird that Bruce Jenner hasn’t demanded a retraction yet?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  301. When they don’t list any names of operatives like the ones who ere png’d in December, you know there is no story there, the crowdstrike report didn’t even authenticate the software was Russian manufacture, its become opensource, like much of what anonymous does

    narciso (d1f714)

  302. 316, and not John:

    If it is the long game, they were better off letting it bottom out hard vis a vis Ellison over Perez. They gave away their faint chance in the Rust Belt by dissing a manifestation of its ghettos in that decision.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  303. Judge Wapner? But he was 97? I read a book of his, I think. I don’t know whether to feel bad that he died, or bad that it’s 2017.

    We’re 1/6 of the way through the 21st century.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  304. Maybe my problem is I have no idea what Trump promised in his first 30. I didn’t vote based on that so you can’t really hang that around my neck.

    You are a day trader and I only check my positions now and then.

    Pinandpuller (

    No, I’m not a day trader. I intend to keep pointing out Trump’s failed promises as they are reached. Trump set up these standards with his own mouth. If you think these goals are ridiculous, that’s on the president, not the guy who quotes Trump accurately and honestly.

    You seem to be suggesting that Trump will indeed keep these promises, only a day late, and the nation isn’t materially damaged, just as though you got those socks a day late from Amazon. I think you’re exactly backwards. Trump isn’t bothering to keep his promises at all. He’s not working congress. He’s not interested. He doesn’t think you, his supporter, will hold him accountable, and he knows his opponents already hate him anyway. You are providing him with no reason to keep his word to you.

    So away to the golf course he goes, living the life of a king, focusing primarily on squishing the heretical press.

    We’ll see who is right if, after four years, immigration is really under control, the wall is built, ISIS is gone, the economy is flourishing, voter fraud is stamped out. I very much want to see Trump succeed at this! But I bet in four years you guys are still saying “just wait longer, jeez guys, it’s coming in four more years!”

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  305. Good gravy when will people stop looking for the pony in the (redacted) pile, like that idiot dos report which an astute teenager could cut and paste.

    narciso (d1f714)

  306. It’s a deal Dustin. Come back in four years. But please stop your whining after only five weeks. It’s silly to believe he can go any faster than he can go. The constant b!tching and moaning about a guy in office less than two months when the last a-hole had an eight year honeymoon is psycho.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  307. They gave away their faint chance in the Rust Belt by dissing a manifestation of its ghettos in that decision.


    You’re talking about the party that got millions and millions more votes than Trump, right? Time will tell who is calling a game early!

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  308. Dustin

    Perhaps it’s safer to say that because of market volativity I check Trump’s positions infrequently.

    Pinandpuller (c56ba5)

  309. Congress can’t even bothered to point out that approved the seven countries in the eo, Mccain can’t be bothered to schedule hearing on the defense apptees in his purview. Or other officials like Gail heriot.

    narciso (d1f714)

  310. Dustin (ba94b2) — 2/26/2017 @ 11:33 am

    I have a theory that the democrats kept stories of Russian interference and Trump’s blackmail under wraps, and will continue to until the right time, much as they did with Rep Foley.

    The trouble with that they is that the right time should have been last fall, and they did try to make something out of it.

    TRUMP: She wants open borders. People are going to pour into our country. People are going to come in from Syria….

    ….Now we can talk about Putin. I don’t know Putin. He said nice things about me. If we got along well, that would be good. If Russia and the United States got along well and went after ISIS, that would be good.

    He has no respect for her. He has no respect for our president. And I’ll tell you what: We’re in very serious trouble, because we have a country with tremendous numbers of nuclear warheads-1,800, by the way-where they expanded and we didn’t, 1,800 nuclear warheads. And she’s playing
    chicken. Look, Putin…

    WALLACE: Wait, but…

    TRUMP: … from everything I see, has no respect for this person.

    CLINTON: Well, that’s because he’d rather have a puppet as president of the United States.

    TRUMP: No puppet. No puppet.

    CLINTON: And it’s pretty clear…

    TRUMP: You’re the puppet!

    CLINTON: It’s pretty clear you won’t admit…

    TRUMP: No, you’re the puppet.

    CLINTON: … that the Russians have engaged in cyberattacks against the United States of America, that you encouraged espionage against our people, that you are willing to spout the Putin line, sign up for his wish list, break up NATO, do whatever he wants to do, and that you continue to get help from him, because he has a very clear favorite in this race.

    So I think that this is such an unprecedented situation. We’ve never had a foreign government trying to interfere in our election. We have 17-17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military, who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyberattacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin and they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing.

    WALLACE: Secretary Clinton…

    CLINTON: And I think it’s time you take a stand…

    TRUMP: She has no idea whether it’s Russia, China, or anybody else.

    CLINTON: I am not quoting myself.

    TRUMP: She has no idea.

    CLINTON: I am quoting 17…

    TRUMP: Hillary, you have no idea.

    CLINTON: … 17 intelligence-do you doubt 17 military and civilian…

    TRUMP: And our country has no idea.

    CLINTON: … agencies.

    TRUMP: Yeah, I doubt it. I doubt it.

    CLINTON: Well, he’d rather believe Vladimir Putin than the military and civilian intelligence professionals who are sworn to protect us. I find that just absolutely…[crosstalk]

    TRUMP: She doesn’t like Putin because Putin has outsmarted her at every step of the way.

    WALLACE: Mr. Trump…

    TRUMP: Excuse me. Putin has outsmarted her in Syria.

    WALLACE: Mr. Trump…[crosstalk]

    TRUMP: He’s outsmarted her every step of the way.

    WALLACE: I do get to ask some questions.

    TRUMP: Yes, that’s fine.

    WALLACE: And I would like to ask you this direct question. The top national security officials of this country do believe that Russia has been behind these hacks. Even if you don’t know for sure whether they are, do you condemn any interference by Russia in the American election?

    TRUMP: By Russia or anybody else.

    WALLACE: You condemn their interference?

    TRUMP: Of course I condemn. Of course I-I don’t know Putin. I have no idea.

    WALLACE: I’m not asking-I’m asking do you condemn?

    TRUMP: I never met Putin. This is not my best friend. But if the United States got along with Russia, wouldn’t be so bad.

    Let me tell you, Putin has outsmarted her and Obama at every single step of the way. Whether it’s Syria, you name it. Missiles. Take a look at the “start up” that they signed. The Russians have said, according to many, many reports, I can’t believe they allowed us to do this. They
    create warheads, and we can’t. The Russians can’t believe it. She has been outsmarted by Putin.

    And all you have to do is look at the Middle East. They’ve taken over. We’ve spent $6 trillion. They’ve taken over the Middle East. She has been outsmarted and outplayed worse than anybody I’ve ever seen in any government whatsoever.

    WALLACE: We’re a long way away from immigration, but I’m going to let you finish this topic. You got about 45 seconds.

    TRUMP: And she always will be.

    CLINTON: I-I find it ironic that he’s raising nuclear weapons. This is a person who has been very cavalier, even casual about the use of nuclear weapons. He’s…

    TRUMP: Wrong.

    CLINTON: … advocated more countries getting them, Japan, Korea, even Saudi Arabia. He said, well, if we have them, why don’t we use them, which I think is terrifying.

    But here’s the deal. The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order, it must be followed. There’s about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so. And that’s why 10 people who have
    had that awesome responsibility have come out and, in an unprecedented way, said they would not trust Donald Trump with the nuclear codes or to have his finger on the nuclear button.

    TRUMP: I have 200 generals…

    WALLACE: Very quickly.

    TRUMP: … and admirals, 21 endorsing me, 21 congressional Medal of Honor recipients. As far as Japan and other countries, we are being ripped off by everybody in the-we’re defending other countries. We are spending a fortune doing it. They have the bargain of the century.

    All I said is, we have to renegotiate these agreements, because our country cannot afford to defend Saudi Arabia, Japan, Germany, South Korea, and many other places. We cannot continue to afford-she took that as saying nuclear weapons.


    TRUMP: Look, she’s been proven to be a liar on so many different ways. This is just another lie.

    CLINTON: Well, I’m just quoting you when you were asked…

    TRUMP: There’s no quote. You’re not going to find a quote from me.

    CLINTON: … about a potential nuclear-nuclear competition in Asia, you said, you know, go ahead, enjoy yourselves, folks. That kind…

    TRUMP: And defend yourselves.

    CLINTON: … of language-well…

    TRUMP: And defend yourselves. I didn’t say nuclear. And defend yourself.

    CLINTON: The United States has kept the peace-the United States has kept the peace through our alliances. Donald wants to tear up our alliances. I think it makes the world safer and, frankly, it makes the United States safer. I would work with our allies in Asia, in Europe, in the Middle East, and elsewhere. That’s the only way we’re going to be able to keep the peace.

    WALLACE: We’re going to-no, we are going to move on to the next topic, which is the economy….

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  311. I guess Trump failing splashes on the nevertrumpers who wanted Hillary to succeed.

    Pinandpuller (c56ba5)

  312. Dustin,

    I can’t say that Haiku was necessarily trying to make a reference to your name. I think he was just making a reference to Muhammad Ali and the direction he went with his Muslim faith and so forth. If you think I’m wrong I’ll hear you out. You can email me if necessary.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  313. Dustin:

    Trump is concentrating power and identity of the GOP. If he goes down like Nixon X 10, that will be a long term win for democrats. They surely didn’t expect him to win at all, but if he did, better to play the long game because he could turn a lot of the middle off to the GOP for another generation, much as Nixon and the 1964 civil rights act did. Big wheels are turning very slowly and it may just be that they aren’t turning towards the right.

    The long game is immigration, without trying to call too much attention to it, and meanwhile try to get Trump reviled, wthout being very specific about why.

    This “2-minutes hate” business – like you have someone trying to boyvott aany business that has anything to do with Trump – is hurting the Democratic Party. There could be a 3-way race in 2020.

    Sammy Finkelman (8dcc71)

  314. “I Know These Hills” (Hatfields & McCoys Theme)

    “It is with heavy hearts we share the news that Bill Paxton has passed away due to complications from surgery,” a family representative said in a statement.

    I could eat the ass meat out of a dead rhinoceros.

    Damn you for a pig thief, Floyd Hatfield.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  315. It’s a deal Dustin. Come back in four years. But please stop your whining after only five weeks. It’s silly to believe he can go any faster than he can go. The constant b!tching and moaning about a guy in office less than two months when the last a-hole had an eight year honeymoon is psycho.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38) — 2/26/2017 @ 11:42 am

    Note that nothing you said actually points out how I’m mistaken to hold Trump to his promises. He made the promises and failed them, and it’s “whining” to call him on the very standard he used to get elected.

    Note also that when I criticized Obama before his election and in his first month, you didn’t express any reservations about it. In fact, none of Trump’s fans today seemed to mind at all that I was criticizing Obama at this point in time.

    Hoagie says this is psychosis, which means I am disconnected from reality. But the reality is simple: Trump hasn’t lived up to his own word. He is instead spending a lot of time golfing, which also breaks his word after he both condemned Obama for it and stated he would be too busy in DC working for us.

    I think this accusation is projection from hot-headed and needlessly defensive Trump fans who could just say “yep, Trump didn’t keep his promises, and golly, he isn’t the most honest guy, but I do think if you’re patient he will eventually do some good… not everything he promised because he’s Trump and you can’t really take his word for anything, but some good!”

    But no, can’t be reasonable. I should just shut up. “Come back in four years.” Not that any Trump fans gave Obama a four year honeymoon. They just want Dear Leader’s critics silent.

    Well no, I’m going to continue!

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  316. Perhaps it’s safer to say that because of market volativity I check Trump’s positions infrequently.


    LOL given his manic nature, I think you make a strong case. But if not Trump’s own supporters, who can hold his feet to the fire? And if you don’t, what reason does he have to keep his promises? He isn’t listening to the rest of the country.

    Patterico, your blog your rules. I already said my view on it. Emailing you guys in private is what got me doxxed in the first place.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  317. Dustin

    In 2009 Rush said,” I hope he fails.”

    To me it sounds like you are saying,”I think Trump’s failed.”.

    That’s debatable. Seems a bit premature. Could be you don’t like the man. Could be you are dead nuts level.

    Pinandpuller (c56ba5)

  318. What do you tell a Trump fan with two black eyes?

    Pinandpuller (c56ba5)

  319. To me it sounds like you are saying,”I think Trump’s failed.”.

    If that’s what I said, sure. But I was so much more specific. “Here is what Trump claimed he would do in his first 30 days and he hasn’t really made substantial progress, let alone accomplished these goals. He is instead golfing a lot.”

    I think interpreting this to mean “I think Trump is a total failure four years from now” is projecting your bias FOR Trump as my bias against him.

    Remember, Trump spent so much time fighting conservatives, bashing Cruz and backstabbing a lot of nominal Republicans. It’s up to him to win us over with results. You’re right I don’t like the man. Why would I? And with that in mind, Trump has to actually do something to win me over, and I will be watchful over what he’s doing.

    This is completely normal, not “dead nuts”. Trump has embraced being the political enemy of Cruz supporting conservatives with his vulgar attacks. He’s been truly unethical in his business dealings since his election, a huge point of issue for any fan of limited government and transparency. He’s wasting enormous sums of money on his travel, and he’s taking a lot of credit for stuff he hasn’t done. Of course I don’t like the man, and when he breaks a promise, I’ll point it out.

    Just as you would if the politician were someone you didn’t like, I suspect.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  320. Rooster Cogburn: I am struck that LaBoeuf Dave is shot, trampled, and nearly severs his tongue, and not only does not cease to talk, but spills the banks of English!

    papertiger (c8116c)

  321. I would play Trump promise bingo with you Dustin but what are the stakes other than “told you so”?

    Pinandpuller (c56ba5)

  322. I will deduct a few points from Trump for promising two day shipping before he sat down with Paul “What Can Brown Do For You” Ryan.

    Pinandpuller (c56ba5)

  323. I can’t wait till we’ve worked 30 days without failure. The boss is gonna buy us lunch.

    Pinandpuller (c56ba5)

  324. Readers Digest version Dave:

    Me. Me. Me. Me. I hate Trump. Me. Me. Me. I hate everyone who voted for Trump. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me.
    No good reason. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Be back in a minute.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  325. I will deduct a few points from Trump for promising two day shipping before he sat down with Paul “What Can Brown Do For You” Ryan.


    See, this is the response I was hoping for a million comments ago.

    Trump wrote a check that the other branch of government needs to keep for him.

    So Trump needs to get his ass off the golf course, stop using his dinners with dignitaries as a fringe experience at his resort, and start working DC, rallying congress to repeal Obamacare.

    This is very hard work, partly because Trump has not done a good job making friends. He needs to develop his abilities as a politician. My suggestion above about apologizing to Cruz’s family was intended to help Trump. He needs to win legislators over to want to help him. Because if they do not help, Trump cannot keep most of his promises. And right now, I’m seeing that congress does not want Trump to be successful at all.

    You can blame this on the congressmen too, but Trump wrote the check that bounced.

    I would play Trump promise bingo with you Dustin

    I think you’ll have to in a couple of years. I’m just the guy willing to say this on a conservative blog, knowing I’ll get hundreds of responses from Trump’s defense force. Most of the country is saying the same stuff I’m telling you, but they don’t want to say it here (and who can blame them? This blog is a horrible place to comment sometimes and that is definitely the purpose behind Haiku’s comments).

    Trump’s the least popular president in American history and Hillary kicked his ass in the popular vote by millions. Trump’s gotta win the country over or his coattails will be short, confounding his trouble in congress.

    How many republicans will be distancing themselves from Trump in as the midterm campaigns begin? How will this impact your wall, your obamacare repeal, and Trump’s insanely huge budgetary needs?

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  326. Tadoocha!

    papertiger (c8116c)

  327. Carpals tunnel or bust?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  328. Dustin

    You are reminding me of an Orson Scott Card novel. The super smart people on a particular planet are afflicted with OCD. The main character is compelled to follow wood grains across a floor, for instance.

    Maybe checking off Trump promises gives you tranquility. It’s not my cup of tea.

    Pinandpuller (b441e1)

  329. “Long Road Down” Hatfields & McCoys funeral dirge.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  330. Maybe checking off Trump promises gives you tranquility. It’s not my cup of tea.


    You’re the nicest Trump fan in discussing it so it must be interesting to you on some level.

    But absolutely I do enjoy and will enjoy pointing out when one of Trump’s many promises is not kept. He campaigned like he ran his businesses, fully planning to screw over the suckers, file bankruptcy, sue, etc. He was able to out promise Cruz and Rubio and Walker, and I enjoy pointing out that this was a mistake.

    Carpals tunnel or bust?



    I have a hard time ignoring someone who addresses me reasonably. Feels like being rude to ignore them. But like bashing Obama at Kos, bashing Trump on a righty blog means the volume becomes unmanageable.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  331. Five minute to Wapner.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  332. Charlie: That’s it. You blew it. You don’t get to see your program. Finished.
    Raymond: One minute to Wapner.
    Charlie: Yes, one minute to Wapner. I had you in there, Ray! You were in there! The defendant, the plaintiff, you had it all. They are in there making legal history. *Legal history!*

    papertiger (c8116c)

  333. That has to be my best use of a movie quote ever.

    It’s a trifecta.

    References the passing of a beloved celebrity. Makes sport of Dave’s idiosyncrasies. And is topical to the blog owners profession.

    You’re welcome!

    papertiger (c8116c)

  334. pharmacies across the country are looking forward to when mr tom brady & the new england patriots visit president mr donald at the white house

    that’s the day when all the millions of disappointed hillary fans will come for their refills

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  335. You have a gift, Papertiger!

    Trump Supporter, is there a single Hillary fan in this thread? Even one? You might want to look into prescription medication yourself for your apparent delusions. (LOL)

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  336. My comment about Muhammad Ali taking a different path than Farrakhan is because he chose to follow the branch led by the son of the deceased Elijah Muhammad, who opened his to all races, and ethnicities. Louis Farrakhan chose the racist path started by Elijah M. I think this division began around the time they had a shootout of some sort in Washington, DC back in January of 1977.

    As far as the other stuff about the tranny grappler vs Dustin that was uncalled for and I extend my sincere apology for that.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  337. And I don’t know Dustin’s last name, nor do I care to.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  338. It’s an art. Although I did call Dustin Dave.

    Practice. Practice. Practice.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  339. I’ll accept your apology like I have the last couple, just because I’m not on my own turf here.

    But I’m not a fool and I realize what you’re doing because you’re very predictable in the cowardly way you reference people and needle them. It would be delightful if you would go ahead and live up to your own standards, tell us where you work, what your name is, and where you live. I think anonymity is bad for troll and yet good for free speech, so if you do not want to do that, I ask you to consider why you’re ashamed of what you’re saying. You’ll notice that when I was doxxed nothing about my commenting changed. I absolutely guarantee that would not be the case for you, for the same reason you’re so passive aggressive in how you engage me.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  340. I think Dustin has been like this ever since he was a kid, sick in bed, and Michael Jordan promised to hit him a home run.

    Pinandpuller (b441e1)

  341. Reread some of your posts, Dustin. I’m not ashamed of anything I’ve written. I have no idea what your name is, I only know you have a compulsion to deride the POTUS… which is not objectional in and of itself. But you need to be funny when you do it… like Greg Gutfeld is funny when he does it. Otherwise it is very tedious, preachy and tiresome.

    I’ll just say I’m not a fan and leave it at that.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  342. mr tom brady made the super bowl great again
    and he did it in texas

    the disappointed fans of the falcons and hillary don’t know what it’s like to win like mr tom brady
    but they know what it’s like to win like mr tom dewey

    coffee is for closers
    so is winning

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  343. Dustin

    Maybe we should expand the roll of promise keepers to include the other republicans who campaigned on the repeal of obamacare.

    Pinandpuller (b441e1)

  344. Anybody see either Nocturnal Animals or Manchester by the Sea? I watched them the last two evenings and talk about your depressing movies.

    A few thoughts… Michael Shannon is an excellent actor and has a mug for movies like no other… Casey Affleck is a much more accomplished actor than his bro Ben… and apparently you need to be extremely careful when driving at night in west Texas!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  345. The Year of the Musical (again): La La Land!

    askeptic (340f22)

  346. Would it be such a bad thing if about half of Congress went on a factfinding mission to a Chilean mountainside?

    Pinandpuller (b441e1)

  347. If they really want to get to the bottom of any issue, they need to go to the Marianas Trench.

    askeptic (340f22)

  348. the promise that mr donald kept that i’m most thrilled about is that he defeated that nasty hillary woman

    in a tom brady kind of way not a tom dewey kind of way

    so now we’ll be able to say “justice gorsuch” instead of “justice somebody-from-the-ninth-circuit”

    winning is good
    we’ve earned some coffee

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  349. One more thought… the beginning of Nocturnal Animals left me with a case of hysterical blindness for nearly 30 minutes… we had to pause the movie until I calmed down and regained my vision.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  350. Amy Adams is in nocturnal animals right.

    narciso (d1f714)

  351. Yep, she is. I also watched her in Arrival a couple of weeks ago.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  352. Maybe we should expand the roll of promise keepers to include the other republicans who campaigned on the repeal of obamacare.


    You’re not keeping up! I agree and I said you should blame legislators too upthread.

    But you’re just deflecting. Working on Congress is Trump’s job. I suspect if it were a democrat president’s promise, you would have a totally different standard about whether his promises are also his responsibility.

    Also, Trump said he had a “Secret Plan” to defeat ISIS in his first 30 days, as part of his phobia tour. This plan does not appear to exist, or at least I’m sure not seeing its effects whatsoever.

    the promise that mr donald kept that i’m most thrilled about is that he defeated that nasty hillary woman

    Thanks for sharing. I was not familiar with this argument because you’ve never made it, Trump Supporter.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  353. Reread some of your posts, Dustin. I’m not ashamed of anything I’ve written. I have no idea what your name is, I only know you have a compulsion to deride the POTUS… which is not objectional in and of itself. But you need to be funny when you do it… like Greg Gutfeld is funny when he does it. Otherwise it is very tedious, preachy and tiresome.

    I’ll just say I’m not a fan and leave it at that.

    Colonel Haiku

    Why did you reference where I live and my ethnicity? and why did you apologize for the transgedered attack crap and not the actual creepy stuff?

    How is it you were not aware of my name when you commented in the thread where Patterico complained I was doxxed, and another thread where my name was quoted?

    Because you’re a liar. Just like every other time, you’ll twist yourself into a preztel lying about your behavior.

    If you’re not ashamed, why don’t you play on a level field with me. What’s your name, racist troll?

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  354. Is it a little weird that Bruce Jenner hasn’t demanded a retraction yet?

    Don’t be a jackass.

    Chuck Bartowski (211c17)

  355. I didn’t read anything about you being doxxed, for chrissakes, Dustin. Whoever did that to you was wrong. It wasn’t me. My comments about Ali were about the late boxer, nothing to do with you.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  356. What is your name, racist troll? You did talk about where I live and my ethnicity, why?

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  357. I didn’t read ANYTHING about your name, Dustin. I don’t read every post, especially yours. I alway have a pretty good idea of what will be said.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  358. You’ve mentioned before that you live somewhere around Austin and that you are of Iranian heritage.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  359. I think y’all should just not talk to each other.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  360. You’ve mentioned before that you live somewhere around Austin and that you are of Iranian heritage.

    Colonel Haiku

    And why did you reference where I live and my ethnicity? How is that in any way relevant to anything here?

    It’s just being creepy.

    Why are those comments exactly the same in their oblique nature to your reference to my name?

    Isn’t your denial of what you’re doing just like the time you denied writing that sockpuppet stuff, when you were proven to be lying? Wouldn’t I be a fool to believe you?

    And what is your name, racist troll who isn’t ashamed of his comments? Be proud and put your father’s last name on display with your behavior, or admit you’re actually ashamed of yourself.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  361. I think y’all should just not talk to each other.


    I guess I need to be banned if that’s the case, my friend.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  362. c’monpeoplenow smileon your brother

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  363. i ran out of packing stuff i’m a go steal some of those free newspapers


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  364. Good Lord, I guess not.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  365. So its a quandary because I like Emma stone, as well (her appearances in the Spiderman films didn’t work, imho)

    narciso (d1f714)

  366. things i like better than emma stone are include



    three-day weekends

    bill paxton retrospectives

    polio vaccine

    grasshopper cocktails

    silk pajamas

    kristin chenoweth

    hummingbird cake

    leveling up

    empty middle seats in coach

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  367. Dustin

    I’m not unsympathetic and I’m not trying to interject where I’m not wanted but you may suffer from Munchhausen by Streisand.

    For the record I’m not wearing adult diapers and driving nonstop to Texas.

    Pinandpuller (b441e1)

  368. there’s a lot of love in this thread tonight

    never seen anything like it

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  369. Hell or High Water was an excellent movie… Jeff Bridges has either changed his speech pattern as he seems to talk like a crusty old western sheriff all the time or he has some incredibly ill-fitting dentures…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  370. I guess I need to be banned if that’s the case, my friend.

    Not at all. It was just a suggestion.

    Colonel, placing aside the lack of reference to a name, it’s just not a good idea to start referencing aspects of someone’s personal life when you are in an argument with them. It comes across as threatening whether it is meant that way or not.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  371. You deserve a rhubarb cupcake pikachu,for the rest of you’there’s no fighting in the waR room’

    narciso (d1f714)

  372. Okay. I guess there was a lot I missed going on in the background, but that’s nothing new.


    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  373. thanks!

    i did kinda earn it huh

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  374. Oddly there were running an episode of agents of shield where paxton’s John Garrett was becoming a cyborg.

    narciso (d1f714)

  375. oh i’m behind on that one

    when does Runaways start on hulu do you know?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  376. that was maybe the last comic i ever read unless you count revisiting watchmen

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  377. They ate onlystaring filming this month, so I’d say summer.

    narciso (d1f714)

  378. oh

    that guy what was filming while steve irwin was murdered by that stingray they never caught, his wife is in it

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  379. Whomever put in the good word to get me off jury duty, thank you.

    To avoid embarrassing public displays, I’ll credit Mohammad Ali Jr. in abstention.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  380. For the record I’m not wearing adult diapers and driving nonstop to Texas.


    Brother, I appreciate that I surely seem to be overreacting (I’m not). Note that I’ve treated you with a pretty reasonable amount of respect. I’ve treated just about all of you Trump guys with respect, answering you directly, not insisting you’re bigots or stupid or anything like that. Cruz Supporter is an exception because come on. I have always hated how my interactions with Haiku are such a threadjack. Remember, Haiku’s the one who keeps referencing me. I normally do ignore him.

    I would love to know what he has found so relevant about my heritage, which he’s mentioned so many times for years, sometimes lying about doing so. One theory: Some Republicans think being a certain race is in itself very mockable. I interpret his reference to where I live and my name (granted he is Bill Clinton on this and will deny deny deny) to be creepy and weird. I want an explanation. It’s not asking much, and while he denied one part of this, he admitted the other and should explain himself.

    While Haiku did apologize again, he also said he wasn’t ashamed of anything he said. That’s a dishonest apology and it’s cowardly and passive aggressive. Better to just not apologize if you aren’t sorry. Racist right wing trolls are worse than any other point on the political spectrum. All that it needs to thrive is for good people to stand idle and not call it out. So Haiku, what is your name, you racist troll?

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  381. dustin needs a timeout
    and a glass of milk and a cookie, too
    maybe a valium

    the ref is blowing the whistle on your sanctimonious sanctimony and your humorous lack of humor

    persians are considered caucasian, so please take a chill pill on claiming to be of a different race

    bobby ferrin says don’t worry be happy

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  382. Trump Supporter. You might feel like piling on makes you a winner, but it really makes you a loser.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  383. News that’s fit to print, Dustin.
    God Bless President Trump.

    mg (31009b)

  384. MG, from your link

    Were you aware that Barack Obama and his administration supported legalized prostitution with prostitutes as young as 10-years-old?

    I don’t believe that. In fact, I think Haiku was actively defending Milo the other day, you know, when he praised sex with 13 year olds. I think your article is an effort to protect Trump’s camp from the impression Americans now have that it finds sex with young boys to be “hugely positive” in Milo’s words.

    n the first month of Trump’s first term in office, there have been over 1,500 arrests for human sex trafficking, nearly four times the total for all of 2014 under Obama. Some of those arrests are detailed here.

    That is awesome and let’s give credit where it’s due: to the folks who did the legwork on what must have been a long term investigation that had nothing to do with Donald or Milo.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  385. That article is crap. Approving contraception or abortion for vulnerable pubescent girls of any age who might be raped and get pregnant is NOT “support[ing] legalized prostitution with prostitutes as young as 10-years-old”.

    nk (dbc370)

  386. Thanks nk.

    You’re sharp as hell lately.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  387. Back at you, Dustin.

    nk (dbc370)

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