Patterico's Pontifications


Unearthed Trump Quote from 2012: “I Don’t Believe” in Deporting Most Illegals

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:00 am

In an interview in 2012, Donald Trump said he did not believe in deporting illegal aliens who had been here for a long time and been productive — the sort of de facto amnesty he claimed to oppose in his primary campaign. The quote was unearthed by Andrew Kaczynski at CNN and appears to have been overlooked this entire campaign season. CNN:

Just four years ago, Donald Trump took a drastically different position on what is now his central issue: deporting undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Since he announced his candidacy last June, Trump has promised to build a wall on the US border with Mexico and at various times said he would, as president, deport all or many of the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the country. However, in an June 2012 interview with CNBC’s Squawk Box reviewed by CNN’s KFile, Trump said he didn’t believe in deporting undocumented immigrants who, he said, “had done a great job.”

Asked about his views on immigrant labor, Trump said, “You know my views on it and I’m not necessarily, I think I’m probably down the middle on that also. Because I also understand how, as an example, you have people in this country for 20 years, they’ve done a great job, they’ve done wonderfully, they’ve gone to school, they’ve gotten good marks, they’re productive — now we’re supposed to send them out of the country, I don’t believe in that, Michelle, and you understand that. I don’t believe in a lot things that are being said.”

Unless Donald Trump is saying that most illegals are not the good folks he describes here, he’s taking a position that most of them should not be deported.

The question is: does anybody care any more?

It is a measure of the way the race has developed that this will likely be greeted with a collective yawn. CNN has a video a the link that shows the tougher line Trump took during the primaries, saying flatly “they have to go” and speaking of a deportation force. “The good ones” would be allowed back, but first they would be deported. This is what he said. Trump voters were definitely duped in the primaries.

But the thing is, they will look you in the eye and tell you they weren’t. And Trump has known this ever since August, when his campaign floated a trial balloon of a softer approach on immigration, and his fans shrugged and said OK.

Let’s review some of the recent history. In August, it was suspected that Trump would be pivoting on immigration, based on comments he made at a town hall, and Big Media was buzzing with stories about a possible “softening.” For example, the L.A. Times reported on August 25:

Trump appeared to be test-driving a new, more moderate approach during a Fox News town hall this week. The idea, which sounded strikingly similar to those of his Republican primary rivals former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, would allow some immigrants to remain in the country as long as they had no criminal records and agreed to pay back taxes.

The Trumpers didn’t seem to care. Rush Limbaugh even told his listeners he had never believed Trump on immigration anyway — so, who cared if he was pivoting?

Ultimately, when Trump gave his immigration speech in Arizona on August 31, 2016, it was received as a reaffirmation of all his tough policy proposals. He did his level best to make it sound like he favored deporting everyone . . . in theory:

In a Trump administration all immigration laws will be enforced, will be enforced. As with any law enforcement activity, we will set priorities. But unlike this administration, no one will be immune or exempt from enforcement. And ICE and Border Patrol officers will be allowed to do their jobs the way their jobs are supposed to be done.

Anyone who has entered the United States illegally is subject to deportation. That is what it means to have laws and to have a country. Otherwise we don’t have a country.

CNN covered the speech with an article headline: Trump on immigration: No amnesty, no pivot:

That idea that Donald Trump is softening his immigration policy: Not going to happen.

The Republican presidential nominee on Wednesday re-upped the harsh immigration rhetoric that electrified his primary campaign, vowing “no amnesty” for undocumented migrants living in the United States and promising to build a “beautiful” and “impenetrable” border wall that Mexico would pay for — hours after that country’s president vowed that it wouldn’t.

But the lead-up to the speech, in which the Trump camp was floating the idea of amnesty, or at least refusing to deport huge masses of people, revealed for Trump that his most ardent supporters don’t really care about this issue. (Or any issues. As long as Trump seems to embody a generalized notion of combat with the left, any particular issue can be sacrificed for The Greater Good — whatever that is.)

And, frankly, the idea that 2012- or 2013-era Trump would support amnesty is not much of a shock, given that he seemed to approve of the idea of amnesty in 2013 . . . in a tweet:

So the big CNN story is likely to have no effect. That’s our politics these days, folks. Giant contradictions in policy positions are meaningless.

[Cross-posted at RedState.]

82 Responses to “Unearthed Trump Quote from 2012: “I Don’t Believe” in Deporting Most Illegals”

  1. Nonsense. The point was never about “policies” or “ideas”; the point was to stick it to the establishment by supporting a man who would make business deals with the establishment.

    CayleyGraph (353727)

  2. yes yes

    this was before it was clear to everyone how food stamp and the socialists were weaponizing illegals (soros agenda)

    I think me personally I’d caught on by then but Mr. Trump was probably more reluctant to draw that conclusion because he has a very big heart and it is full of love for all the people

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  3. and why do they put that information out now.

    narciso (d1f714)

  4. Oct 24, 2016
    will throw out illegal criminals
    will throw out sanctuary cities
    will vet all muslims coming into this country
    will not allow illegals into the country
    will review non-criminal illegal immigrants status
    simple: yea or nay

    otto (6617e7)

  5. What have I been saying?

    Who needs substance when you’ve got semblance?

    On this, both major parties are in alignment.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  6. Hillary Clinton was on record against gay marriage until 2013. Not seeing any #NeverHillary movement among Democrats.

    It’s like they think they need to win the election first, THEN push their issues through. That’s ridiculous, no one can make any headway doing that.

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  7. Obama was on record against gay marriage until 2012. Didn’t see any #NeverObama movement among Democrats either.

    It’s like they think they need to win the election first, THEN push their issues through. That’s ridiculous, Republicans are much smarter.

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  8. I’m printing up bumper stickers with a new take on an old Midwestern sensibility. They should have broad appeal:


    ThOR (c9324e)

  9. a lot of money has been committed on the other side, because they certainly believe he threatens their interests,

    narciso (d1f714)

  10. It’s like they think they need to win the election first, THEN push their issues through. That’s ridiculous, Republicans are much smarter.

    That’s what you, narciso and I have been preachin’ since this crap started. We’re not Trump supporters but we understand Priorities! First win the White House and keep the Senate, then worry about how all the Republicans in power will control Trump. You can’t effect change from the outside in this case. If Trump looses, no Republicans let alone conservatives, TeaParty or any others will have any input WHATSOEVER for at least four years (and I’m being real, real kind at four years).

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  11. they don’t get, maybe one has to try in another language,

    narciso (d1f714)

  12. Patterico,

    isn’t Trump’s response in 2012 exactly your position?

    Sound like he won you over.

    NJRob (a07d2e)

  13. Klingon?

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  14. perhaps maybe dothraki, (an obscure dialogue in game of thrones)

    narciso (d1f714)

  15. @Rev’m Hoagie:First win the White House and keep the Senate, then worry about how all the Republicans in power

    Hogwash. The correct order is this:

    1) Determine the purest set of principles from pure reason.
    2) Winnow candidates and voters to the most pure.
    3) ????
    4) Morning in America!

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  16. it’s like noonan’s complaint, that trump could have been more tactful, well it’s not clear that would have worked

    narciso (d1f714)

  17. I don’t understand why it’s so difficult to understand we ended up with a crappy, a-hole candidate. So what? Shake it off and win the election to keep the democrats out of power THEN we’ll work on fixin’ the Republicans but at least Trump won’t get away with anything while Killary will get away with EVERYTHING.

    Funny, the democrats ended up with a crappy liar of a candidate and they are solid as a rock behind her because they know if the Republicans win THEY ARE OUT OF POWER!

    They keep their eye on the prize while our guys form a circular firing squad.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  18. I thought Trump changed his position on immigration because he read Ann Coulter’s book, Adios, America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole.

    That book didn’t come out until 2015.

    Dejectedhead (0c7c2f)

  19. I don’t think the neverTrumpers realize how many millions of moderate, or undecided or even Republican voters they pushed to not vote at all. That’s going to kill our down ballot as I’ve explained twenty times. In the last two weeks I almost decided not to vote myself from reading the constant arguing here. But after thinking about it I realized I gotta vote even if my old allies have turned, I gotta vote. I cannot betray the Party just at the moment that would allow HILLARY CLINTION to become President of the United States. Incomprehensible that the very woman we thought we’d seen the last of has come back like dog vomit and is about to give the surrender monkeys a real colonoscopy.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  20. I think they overestimate their reach, this blog isn’t even available in certain govt offices, when one refers to the umpteenth squirrel moment, well they’re in toon with minitrue, but when it’s shibboleth, it might as well not exist,

    narciso (d1f714)

  21. It’s not just this blog. There are dozens out there just crawling with neverTrumpers yet I have not found one single leftist site that promotes neverHillary”s. And people wonder why democrats win elections and the GOP is called the Stupid Party.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  22. The GOP is the stupid party because idiots throw away their principles (hint: if you can put them aside to vote for garbage, you don’t have any principles at all, to begin with) in order to make an Alphabetist vote. Just admit you have no principles and be done with it. Quit pretending you’re respectable.

    John Hitchcock (d1dc89)

  23. since 1964, the party leadership at best pitied their base, at worst wish for a Brechtian solution, demographics and indoctrination have accomodated that desire,

    narciso (d1f714)

  24. I don’t see how we will ever win back the country unless we first win back the party.

    The humiliating defeat of the GOPe candidates in this cycle was an encouraging first step.

    With another humiliating defeat in the general election, the deck will be cleared of the remaining faux conservative and we can get down to business.

    Heretics must be purged. Just ask Pope Leo X.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  25. we will not escape tribulation, those taken away will be judged most mightily, matthew 24, with addendum in titus and thessalonians both of them,

    narciso (d1f714)

  26. when amnesty has rendered the country blue from coast to coast, try to see how that works out,

    narciso (d1f714)

  27. For an example of the contrast between someone with principles and someone who has thrown his principles away:

    The “white people are my people” crowd are all evil. Every last one of them.

    That’s a nice racist opinion. It would play well at today’s modern anti-white college campuses. One can be proud of being black, Hispanic, Indian, middle eastern, Asian, mixed or Martian but those damn white boys is evil, every last one of’em. Pure evil I tell ya!
    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38) — 10/22/2016 @ 6:46 am

    It’s racist to say that selecting “my people” by someone’s definition of which race they are is evil?

    One can be proud of being black, Hispanic, Indian, middle eastern, Asian, mixed or Martian but those damn white boys is evil, every last one of’em.

    Cite where I ever said that or admit you provided false testimony against me in order to call me racist. Here, I’ll provide a citation of my own.

    Note the date of that.

    As she was growing up, I drilled it into her head that there is no such thing as “race.” All people alive today can trace their roots back to Noah, Ham, Shem, and Japheth. Since there is no such thing as race, racism is stupid. I repeated it constantly. And she took me at my word. Race has never meant anything to her in her social life or her dating life. She has dated white guys, guys from India, and black guys. And I couldn’t be prouder of her for her “pigmentation is irrelevant” approach to life. She is very outspoken about that.

    I wrote that in 2009 about when I was raising my daughter. In 2009, she was approaching 21, so what I taught her had taken place nearly a decade prior to that. So I have a long history of saying it’s not okay to claim all those things you tried to claim I support. Proof that you provided false testimony against me in order to call me a racist.

    And you went all emotionalist on me while lying about what I believe in order to call me a racist. That right there is exactly what Leftists do, since you’re so keen on accusing others of doing Leftist things in your emotionalistic “screw logic” attacks.
    John Hitchcock (4edfdd) — 10/22/2016 @ 4:23 pm

    John Hitchcock (d1dc89)

  28. The last time the Clintons occupied the White House they cleansed the executive branch of republican appointed officials by firing US Attorneys and demoting key senior executives leading to mass resignations/retirements. In addition, to help their unclearable sycophants obtain TS clearances they moved an unknown number of raw FBI files over to the White House which had the added benefit of unnerving republicans who still don’t know if their records were included. Good Times.

    I’m sure they’ll be much more restrained this time, right?

    crazy (d3b449)

  29. with nevertrump you don’t get the most out of life like how you do when you embrace Mr. Trump

    don’t settle for nevertrump

    you deserve to be happy

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  30. Mr happyfeet, look at all the people who are #NeverTrump; Barack, Michelle, illary, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Chuckie Schumer, Bill Maher, Alec Baldwin, Amy Schumer, Joy Behar, Martha Raddatz, et al …
    And look at the commenters here who are #NeverTrump.

    The movement doesn’t seem to attract happy go lucky people.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  31. With another humiliating defeat in the general election, the deck will be cleared of the remaining faux conservative and we can get down to business.

    Heretics must be purged.

    ThoR’s got it. The smaller the party gets, the stronger it will be. When it gets to a dozen people it will be more powerful than we can possibly imagine, and everyone will flock to vote for it.

    Everyone we LET vote for it. We don’t want to make its appeal less selective.

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  32. I try to adhere to the Golden Rule when interacting with others, until they demonstrate that the rule does not apply in their case.

    Colonel Haiku (6fe2b1)

  33. well race probably meant nothing to george zimmerman, he tutored black youth, even took up the matter of one tormented by the local department, but that didn’t matter, in so far as white is western culture, it’s got to go, except for perhaps marx, darwin, freud, and their offspring foucault.

    narciso (d1f714)

  34. Treat them like you would like to be treated.

    Colonel Haiku (6fe2b1)

  35. But it doesn’t work with masochists…

    Colonel Haiku (6fe2b1)

  36. Or Dustin

    Colonel Haiku (6fe2b1)

  37. Burma Shave

    Colonel Haiku (6fe2b1)

  38. Patterico,

    isn’t Trump’s response in 2012 exactly your position?

    Sound like he won you over.

    It’s my position, too. But no. I oppose Hillary on all the issues. I oppose Trump because he’s a pig, I don’t trust him, and he’s nuttier than a fruitcake.

    A clock with spinning hands will tell the right time now and then.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  39. yes yes it’s a dour and joyless movement

    none of these people are even a little bit like those zippy seniors in the aarp commercials what have a spring in their step and a zest for getting the most out of life

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  40. 29.For an example of the contrast between someone with principles and someone who has thrown his principles away:

    The “white people are my people” crowd are all evil. Every last one of them.

    That’s a nice racist opinion. It would play well at today’s modern anti-white college campuses. One can be proud of being black, Hispanic, Indian, middle eastern, Asian, mixed or Martian but those damn white boys is evil, every last one of’em. Pure evil I tell ya!
    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38) — 10/22/2016 @ 6:46 am

    It’s racist to say that selecting “my people” by someone’s definition of which race they are is evil?

    Yes. It’s pure racist. If one is white then white people are his people. To call him evil because he is aware of that is racist. I’m a Lutheran, Lutherans’s are my people. Now am I a religious bigot because I share commonality with other Lutherans? I’m an American, Americans are my people. Am I now an evil xenophobic nut or just another proud American?

    One can be proud of being black, Hispanic, Indian, middle eastern, Asian, mixed or Martian but those damn white boys is evil, every last one of’em.

    Cite where I ever said that or admit you provided false testimony against me in order to call me racist. Here, I’ll provide a citation of my own.

    First of all Hitchcock, I never “said” you said that. I used the example to contrast WHAT you said which was if one is part of the “white people are my people crowd” he is EVIL. That is what you said I it not? So by your definition one cannot be proud of being in the white people crowd unless he’s evil. Yet you make no mention of any other people, only whites. So here is your chance.

    Secondly, all you need do is admit that:
    The “black people are my people” crowd are all evil. Every last one of them.
    The “Hispanic people are my people” crowd are all evil. Every last one of them.
    The “American Indian people are my people” crowd are all evil. Every last one of them.
    The “Asian people are my people” crowd are all evil. Every last one of them.

    Either that or you are racist against whites.

    And please get off your high horse and stop judging everyone else’s morals, character and motivations. You have neither he temperament nor the intellect to do it properly.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  41. The NeverHillary % of the left is too lazy or too overworked at barista/waiter type jobs to maintain websites bearing witness of their existence. Their declarations are posted among friendly circles in their Facebook pages. This is far more evident in the Sun Belt – thats why a Florida is barely blue, Arizona teetering and Texas with considerable cushion to spare. Voting in the right candidates (patronage) / party is not as essential to day-to-day existence like in say IL, NY, NJ parts of CA. Its not wrong (of Trump and his handlers) to discourage them from even showing up; at the least such strategy zeroes out a good deal of the Never Trump who just dont bother showing up even for the down ticket.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  42. R.I.P. Tom Hayden

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  43. But the best strategy is not to take the Never-X at their word and assume the worst, that they will fall in line, and you must counter this by showing up and voting.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  44. I don’t think you are looking very hard for NeverHillary liberals, Hoagie. For instance, Dennis Kucinich’s very liberal sister and husband and Obama’s half-brother Malik are NeverHillary leftists for Trump.

    DRJ (15874d)

  45. Come on, whether Trump sends the military house you house deporting people (extremely unlikely) or instead secures the boarder and implements e-verify, the result will be just about the same. Why quibble about which way it happens? So Hillary can install open borders? Give me a break.

    Andrew (9c2915)

  46. “House you house” >> “house to house”

    Andrew (9c2915)

  47. Patterico, if you’re not going to take sides in this election, why not just blog about other stuff?

    Andrew (9c2915)

  48. You’re helping to kill a CHANCE of something that you yourself would strongly favor. That applies to immigration and lots of other issues. Please stop.

    Andrew (9c2915)

  49. Question to Lloyd Bridges in Airplane:

    “Should we turn on the runway lights now?”

    Answer from Lloyd Bridges:

    “No…that’s just what they’ll expect us to do…”

    Question now:

    “Should we vote for the only realistic alternative to Hillary Clinton, the worst presidential candidate in recent history?”

    Answer from Patterico:


    Andrew (9c2915)

  50. In 1997, David Horowitz wrote about Tom Hayden:

    “Hayden came back from Hanoi proclaiming he had seen “rice roots democracy at work.” According to people who were present at the time, including Sol Stern, later an aide to Manhattan Borough President Andrew Stein, Hayden offered tips on conducting psychological warfare against the U.S. He arranged trips to Hanoi for Americans perceived as friendly to the Communists and blocked entry to those seen as unfriendly, like the sociologist Christopher Jencks. He attacked as “propaganda” stories of torture and labeled American POWs returning home with such stories as “liars.” ”

    Rest In Pieces

    Colonel Haiku (6fe2b1)

  51. I’m not looking very hard for NeverHillary liberals. I seldom look hard for anything they just jump out. I never ran across The Talon, that’s all. Still, I don’t see a big neverHillary movement but I’m sure since I said that you’ll show me one.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  52. Tom Hayden’s dead? Good! I do hope it was slow and painful.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  53. John likes him a portion of Hellfire with a double measure of Damnation.

    Pinandpuller (4255e1)

  54. Why is it okay to run the faux-conservative GOPe out of the party, but not okay to do the same with Shorty?

    Both co-op the conservative message and our party, more generally, while they sell out trusting voters.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  55. So why don’t we have a basic Republican party and Republican Prime where you get unlimited streaming of Ted Cruz speeches?

    Pinandpuller (4255e1)

  56. Stephen DenBeste has passed. Rest In Peace.

    Steven Malynn (206198)

  57. Trump’s devoted fans are one thing. At least they actually believe in the guy. It’s the ones who knew Trump was a liar about basically everything he claimed to believe in, but as soon as he was nominated started shilling against what they were saying about him before, who have really been annoying.

    Trump is to the left of Hillary. The election was lost for folks like me as soon as Hillary became the more honest and conservative of the two party’s choices.

    And now look where pretending has gotten you guys. The nation’s been smirking at the GOP’s moral authority since Mark Foley, but now when the GOP nominee says he respects women, the room fills with laughter. Hillary’s going to use war on women rhetoric and it’s going to be tiresome and it’s going to be very effective when it shouldn’t have been.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  58. oh that’s sad news

    he was a terrific and wonderfully good pickle

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  59. I try to adhere to the Golden Rule when interacting with others, until they demonstrate that the rule does not apply in their case.

    Colonel Haiku

    It’s always amusing when you get in this pious mode. Have a little self awareness.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  60. That is truly a loss, Steven Malyyn.

    Colonel Haiku (6fe2b1)

  61. If it ain’t mistah chopped livah, himself.

    Colonel Haiku (6fe2b1)

  62. @Dustin:Hillary’s going to use war on women rhetoric and it’s going to be tiresome and it’s going to be very effective when it shouldn’t have been.

    Yeah, we all saw how it failed to have any effect on Romney.

    Has anyone else noticed that pro-Trump, #NeverTrump, and #NeverHillary are all blaming establishment GOP?

    What does that say, about the reputation of the GOP and its ability to win national elections?

    Not to mention that all the parts of the Party of Stupid are trying to purge each other instead of win anything.

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  63. Each faction is putting more and more effort to gain control of less and less.

    Party of Stupid indeed. Just go off to wherever the Whigs are already.

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  64. “BUT OF COURSE: Clinton State Department IT Official John Bentel Takes Fifth Amendment During Judicial Watch Deposition.”

    Colonel Haiku (6fe2b1)

  65. “John Bentel, former Director of Information Resource Management of the executive secretariat, would not answer questions about whether the Clintons had paid his legal fees or offered him financial incentives, according to Judicial Watch, the conservative-leaning group that brought the suit.

    A federal judge in August ordered Bentel to testify under oath because “the record in this case appears to contradict his sworn testimony before the Benghazi Committee.”

    He had told the Benghazi committee in 2015 that he had “no knowledge” of Clinton’s server.

    You’ll have to click on the link to find out if that’s true or not.

    Spoiler alert: Not.”

    Colonel Haiku (6fe2b1)

  66. Ethics, propriety… important to most here, not so much to those who’ve pledged their vote to Clinton/Kaine.

    Corrupt Cronyism… despised by most here, no biggee for those who’ve repeatedly confirmed they will be voting for Clinton/Kaine.

    Colonel Haiku (6fe2b1)

  67. i cannot belieber you people are arguing over what mr. donald the trump said in the year 2012

    what mr. donald the trump said in the hour 20:12 today is not what mr. donald the trump beliebers anymore

    you people just do not understand great minds which are in a constant state of flux

    like mr. donald the trump’s


    nk (dbc370)

  68. RIP Steven DenBeste

    Chuck Bartowski (211c17)

  69. Yeah, we all saw how it failed to have any effect on Romney.

    Has anyone else noticed that pro-Trump, #NeverTrump, and #NeverHillary are all blaming establishment GOP?

    What does that say, about the reputation of the GOP and its ability to win national elections?

    Not to mention that all the parts of the Party of Stupid are trying to purge each other instead of win anything.

    Gabriel Hanna

    The blame thing isn’t really important to me. I just find Trump dishonest and note that a few of the people really angry with me for not supporting Trump are also very dishonest (and actually were saying the things I did about Trump not that long ago).

    Democrats have found an amazing wedge issue in Trump. The GOP will be fighting over whose fault his failure is for years and years.

    What does that say, about the reputation of the GOP and its ability to win national elections?

    Nothing good.

    Romney, Mccain, Dubya, Bush 41. All accomplished and decent people, but none of them were appealing. The best of the four lost a popular vote to Al Gore. Reagan was the last time the GOP primary system worked.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  70. They certainly weren’t more appealing than a Treasury check, a housing subsidy or an EBT card. It’s going to be interesting to see the turnout levels with no threat to subsidies involved.

    Rick Ballard (1919a4)

  71. Romney, Mccain, Dubya, Bush 41. All accomplished and decent people, but none of them were appealing. The best of the four lost a popular vote to Al Gore. Reagan was the last time the GOP primary system worked.

    Nonsense. Romney was the finest man we’ve fielded for president since Reagan, and possibly before then. Dubya was mediocre at best and really quite liberal in his spending.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  72. Romney got done in by those who saw Mormon as cult. Check the differential in NC between McCrory and Romney. That 2,000 was survivable in 2012 NC, but a similar differential killed off FL, VA and IA to say nothing of OH.

    urbanleftbehind (fa551e)

  73. @ Cruz Supporter, #32:

    Well, look at what’s on Politico. Pro-Trump “news” outlet aligns with leftist OWS alum to smear Trump’s primary opponents.

    And here you are, trying to smear actual conservatives by placing them in the same camp as liberals…while the campaign of the liberal you’re supporting for president does business with fellow lefties to stop actual conservatives from winning the Republican nomination.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  74. actually, no, an anonymous source, spins the story, away from coordination between correct the record, and the clinton campaign, you’ve been squirrreled,

    narciso (d1f714)

  75. Fact is, #InvertebratesForHillary voters would rather switch than fight, because fighting takes a spinal column.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  76. politico was the site who had moira bray, allege that the huntress, had kept the wardrobe, she subsequently went to work for rand paul, and then later for scalise, where she confirmed that attendance at a david duke rally that never happened,

    narciso (d1f714)

  77. #76 Demosthenes, the arch scoldings get old.
    My observation that many #NeverTrumpers are not exactly a “happy go lucky” bunch is hardly a smear … except maybe in the eyes of someone who isn’t happy go lucky. (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  78. But I believe that there are many good immigrants, who only want to to a place which is better than their homeland, for them and for their children. I don’t think he could build a wall at the border.

    Dog Breeds (dc1b49)

  79. You know perfectly well what I was objecting to, and it had nothing to do with “happy go lucky.”

    Demosthenes (09f714)

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