Patterico's Pontifications


Explosive James O’Keefe Video: Democrat Operatives Boast About Provoking Violence At Trump Events

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:15 pm

James O’Keefe has been having a lot of fun lately tweaking the establishment and showing how Democrats engage in voter fraud and dirty tricks. Today he has a blockbuster new video, which he teases on Twitter with this:

I took him up on it, and here’s what I saw:


Yup: the top result is O’Keefe’s latest video. This one highlights the dirty tricks pulled by DNC operatives who go to Trump events with the express motivation of goading Trump supporters into committing violence.

The video is embedded below, and it’s well worth the 16 minutes it takes to watch it. You meet shadowy operatives like Bob Creamer and Scott Foval, who (according to the video) run dirty tricks on behalf of both the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC. (Foval explicitly tells one of O’Keefe’s journalists that he is contracted to both the Hillary campaign and the DNC. He says that consultants like him serve as a sort of communications link between entities that are not allowed to communicate directly.)

These people have created a lot of the stories you have read about in the news. Democrat operatives on this video brag openly about how they seek to provoke violent situations at Trump rallies and other events. Foval boasts about sending provocateurs to have “leading conversations with people who are naturally psychotic” at these rallies. The events are scripted in advance.

A shadowy fellow named Aaron Minter, who goes by Aaron Black, says: “Nobody is really supposed to know about me. . . . So the Chicago protest, when they shut all that? That was us.” He is referring to a Chicago Trump rally where violence broke out and two police officers were injured, and the rally was cancelled. He continues:

None of this is supposed to come back to us, because we want it coming from people. We don’t want it coming from the party. So if we do a protest and it’s branded — “oh, the DNC protest” — right away the press is going to say: partisan.

Foval explains:

We have to be really careful because what we don’t need is for it to show up on CNN that the DNC paid for x people to . . . that’s not going to happen.

An operative named Zulema Rodriguez adds: “And then we also did the Arizona one where we shut the highway down.” And the dirty tricks aren’t all recent, either. They’ve been going on for a while. Here’s Foval talking about a staged incident at a Scott Walker rally months ago:

FOVAL: You remember the Iowa state fair thing where Scott Walker grabbed the sign out of the dude’s hand and then the dude gets kind of roughed up right in front of the stage right there on camera? That was all us. The guy that got roughed up is my counterpart who works for Bob [Creamer].

He explains that they “scenarioed” the situation, planting several people up front, and several more in the back so there could be a reaction. He adds that a story in the media, about a 69-year-old woman using an oxygen tank assaulted in North Carolina by a Trump supporter, involved one of their operatives.

Here’s my disclaimer and caveat. I’ve met James O’Keefe. I’ve had dinner with him, and talked far into the night, closing the restaurant down. He and I have battled many of the same people. I’m fond of the guy and I like him. I think many of the attacks on his editing are overstated or even dishonest. That said, there have been times — and James knows I feel this way — when I have disagreed with his editing decisions. (An example of a post where I both criticize and defend O’Keefe is here.) So I think we need to see the reaction to this, and see how the raw footage stands up to the inevitable accusations of “selective editing.” There are enough long quotes showing these folks boasting about their handiwork that the DNC is not going to be able to wave it all away with editing complaints. And O’Keefe has already claimed his first scalp, reporting tonight that Foval has been fired.

Overall, I think he’s done a lot of good work. And to his credit, he has historically put out all his raw footage, so that anyone looking to make accusations of misleading editing can look to his raw footage. (Does Katie Couric do that? No — and if the people slandered by Katie Couric had not made their own recordings, she never would have gotten caught.)

Critics will argue that even if Trump fans are goaded into committing violence, they are legally and morally responsible if they start the violence. Even if that’s true, the protestors are, by the operatives’ own admission, going to the events for the express purpose of getting Trumpers to start violence — and police officers end up getting hurt in the resultant chaos. (The O’Keefe video shows a police officer bleeding from the head after being injured at the Chicago violence that was deliberately provoked by DNC operatives.)


Furthermore, the operatives are promoting the protests as spontaneous and unconnected with the DNC, and they are neither. They are scripted and absolutely directed by Hillary’s and the DNC’s henchmen.

Note well: these folks concede in the video that Hillary was aware of the work they do. And they don’t seem to think they are operating legally or morally; indeed, Foval discounts the idea of following what the “legal and ethics people say” — saying that “we need to win this motherf**ker.”

These operatives’ biggest fear is having CNN and other networks tell the public that they are behind all this. Well, James O’Keefe just told the world. We’ll see if CNN and the others follow up on it.

Here’s the video:

[Cross-posted at RedState.]

89 Responses to “Explosive James O’Keefe Video: Democrat Operatives Boast About Provoking Violence At Trump Events”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  2. It’s like terrible kabuki theatre: and most people jump when their media masters clap.


    Simon Jester (c63397)

  3. What is really sad, Patterico, are the number of people I know who I am certain would say this okay because of how much they hate Trump.

    You and I dislike the fellow, but not to that extent.

    But this kind of psychological engineering is a bad, bad idea. Nothing new about it, I realize.

    Like I wrote before. I’m depressed.

    Simon Jester (c63397)

  4. why are you surprised simon, in russia, it’s called maskirovka and provokatsya, hybrid warfare for short, for a party which evinces to be against volodya, much in the same way they say they support serviceman and law enforcement, they act exactly in the same way,

    same as the curiel case, or the formation of somelivesmatter, ‘rub raw the sources of discontent,’

    narciso (d1f714)

  5. Committed Trumpers have the exact same attitude about morality and legality. Screw it all and win at all costs.

    This election has caused them to self-identify on the right, making it easier to locate and reject them.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  6. it is the foundation of a police state, we saw it with the two minute hate that kanye triggered against w, to cover up the criminal malfeasance of blanco and nagin, coordinated through color of change and van jones outfit, creamer’s part in crafting obamacare and axelrod, organizing the astroturf to sell it, bypassing the people.

    narciso (d1f714)

  7. they don’t have the infrastructure even if they had the inclination, trump will be facing trench warfare, because there are fifth columns in the bureaucracy whose default setting is to move impeachment,

    narciso (d1f714)

  8. But let’s not make this thread about Trumpers. Let’s make it about the dirty tricks on the left. Sickening. What if a cop was killed in one of these contrived violent situations?

    Patterico (bcf524)

  9. they wouldn’t care, you heard the catcalls on the convention, you know the meetings they’ve had with deray, portions of cities baltimore, ferguson, others that come to mind,

    narciso (d1f714)

  10. Good call, Patterico.

    One thing I ask my friends who discuss politics with me (very few!) is what are their limits? What could their candidate do that would be too much for them?

    That’s kind of where I am.

    Or is there no limit? That leads to the “by any means” philosophy, I suspect.

    Simon Jester (c63397)

  11. 1984, is an instruction manual for them, the jacobin spirit, read great upheaval to see the premature sjw attitude in all of the leaders of the terror,

    narciso (d1f714)

  12. for them, there is no limit, and I wouldn’t think direct action ends at this endpoints, the baader, the weatherunderground, action directe, the brigatte all started in student activism, which moved to militancy,

    narciso (d1f714)

  13. you could fill all the pages of all the papers, with just the ties between different communities of interest,

    narciso (d1f714)

  14. What did Hillary know and when did she know it?

    nk (dbc370)

  15. maybe o’keefe, should have kept that schiller line in, but the dems only care about citing republican presidents which can’t rebut the coopting by the progs just like the only good wars are the ones we haven’t fought yet, in their view,

    narciso (d1f714)

  16. =yawn= Donald Segretti redux.

    We’ve seen ‘Meet John Doe’ and ‘Mr. Smith Goes To Washington,’ too. How the the ‘Ballyhoo Boys’ work their black bag magic is very old news in this game which ain’t bean bag. As J.J. Hunsecker would spit in venom, ‘Are we, kids, or what?’

    “Follow the money… Look who they’re running against. They bugged offices, they followed people, planted false press leaks, passed fake letters… they canceled Democratic campaign rallies, they investigated Democratic private lives, they planted spies, they stole documents… and now don’t tell me that all of this was the work of one Donald Segretti.” – ‘Deep Throat’ [Hal Holbrook] ‘All The President’s Men’- 1976

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  17. there are minor blurbs on cnn, about the kennedy matter, larger type on cbs, but straight denial on msnbc and cbs,

    narciso (d1f714)

  18. they will block out the signal, to anybody who isn’t directly interested, and the ignorance will win out,

    narciso (d1f714)

  19. Am I connecting the dots right? This was done during the primaries. Their purpose was to drive support to Trump and make him the nominee? Because that’s what happened.

    nk (dbc370)

  20. keep chasing the squirrels, you think this hasn’t still been going on,

    narciso (d1f714)

  21. Chicago was when Cruz was still alive. When was Arizona?

    nk (dbc370)

  22. they did the same with bernie supporters, in addition, the top men doffed their hats, in denial of what was going on, in california and new mexico,

    narciso (d1f714)

  23. As of this very moment, there is no one outside of the conservative media who has bothered to write about Scott Foval and the Democrats’ penchant for violence. Surprised?

    (Maybe by the time some people read this my link will yield a few mainstream media hits, but probably not.)

    JVW (6e49ce)

  24. I know. North Carolina was on September 14. That’s not a good one, though. Only a psycho would punch a 69-year old woman (with or without an oxygen tank).

    nk (dbc370)

  25. no I’m not surprised, the world they envision is not unlike the alliance, the sino anglo oligarchy in firefly, that friedman dreams about, not to be too reductive,

    narciso (d1f714)

  26. why do you think they bet hundreds of millions on red queen, soros sowed somelivesmatter with multiples more, amplified through the crump/julian axis, whose beta test was sanford,

    narciso (d1f714)

  27. you really don’t understand what’s at stake, the regime means to rule, not govern by consent,

    narciso (d1f714)

  28. which was why paul singer could never be reconciled to ted cruz, if you don’t know the recent past, how can you chart the future?

    narciso (d1f714)

  29. It’s the DNC’s involvement that’s news. Soros’s involvement is older than the internet. It’s known but not talked about much that he pays for professional agitators who pick up local looters and useful idiots to create chaos. Not just here, but the western world over. You know there’s a BLM in England? Why he is allowed to get away with it can probably be traced back to the Church Committee.

    nk (dbc370)

  30. well he’s greased the right pockets, like hugo drax, blofeld is too obvious a parallel,

    narciso (d1f714)

  31. don’t kid yourself 1/10th know about soros, then they know about the koch brothers or adelson,

    narciso (d1f714)

  32. 23.they did the same with bernie supporters, in addition, the top men doffed their hats, in denial of what was going on, in california and new mexico,

    In short, it’s rigged. Shivver ‘me timbers.

    “The sea is calm you said. Peaceful. Calm above, but below a world of gliding monsters preying on their fellows. Murderers, all of them. Only the strongest teeth survive. And who’s to tell me it’s any different here on board, or yonder on dry land?” – MaA Claggert [Robert Ryan] ‘Billy Budd’- 1962

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  33. People like me — who were daily viewers of Glenn Beck’s late great daily show on Fox News — know all about Bob Creamer.

    Here’s why.

    L.N. Smithee (be07d1)

  34. Happy 90th Birthday, Chuck Berry!

    Icy (1dd25d)

  35. @35. NINETY?!?!

    Good Golly, Miss Mollie!

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  36. And team republican continues to ignore all things that would help Trump. You peeps can’t die quick enough.

    mg (31009b)

    I gladly stand with these men.
    You people luv you some clinton republicans. sick

    mg (31009b)


    Good Golly, Miss Mollie!

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 10/18/2016 @ 12:58 am

    Epic. Fail.

    That was Little Richard, not Chuck Berry.

    Don’t believe everything you see on YouTube.

    THIS is Chuck Berry.

    L.N. Smithee (be07d1)

  39. “Only a psycho would punch a 69-year old woman (with or without an oxygen tank).”

    And with that, he tore the wig off his head and hobbled to the door of the dinette, just as fast as his walker would allow…

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  40. I gladly stand with these men.
    You people luv you some clinton republicans. sick

    mg (31009b) — 10/18/2016 @ 3:43 am

    Ehhh, shaddup.

    They make their choices, and I’ve made mine. If those men want to waste their prestige by choosing as Commander-in-Chief a man who would just as soon spit on them as praise them depending on whether or not they kiss his fat, rich rump, that’s their problem.

    L.N. Smithee (be07d1)

  41. Nixon in a pantsuit, minus Tricky Dick’s charm and judgment.

    JP (f1742c)

  42. Quite a list of military men. One would do well to respect their sacrifice and opinions, as opposed to acting the buffoon.

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  43. Simon Jester @3, you and me both, brother. Our choices in 2016 are finite scum, and infinite scum.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  44. From what I’ve read, this targeting is still going on…

    IRS SCANDAL UPDATE: ACLJ: Major Victory: IRS Ordered to Issue Outstanding Determinations & Answer for Political Targeting of Citizens.

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  45. IS THIS REALLY A SURPRISE? “Hillary Clinton was so abusive toward her diplomatic security staff that many quit or sought reassignment during her tenure as secretary of state, a former agent told FBI investigators, according to documents released Monday.”

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  46. Scott Foval is a really angry gay dude from Iowa.
    He graduated from Iowa State in 1995.
    He’s of the age that he was in high school and college when ACT-UP was making waves in the late ’80s thru the mid ’90s by doing creative protests, vandalism, et al.

    He’s been associated with People for the American Way.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  47. Unfortunately beck has repudiated that part of his life, setting his sight on the bespoke whale.

    narciso (d1f714)

  48. IS THIS REALLY A SURPRISE? “Hillary Clinton was so abusive toward her diplomatic security staff that many quit or sought reassignment during her tenure as secretary of state, a former agent told FBI investigators, according to documents released Monday.”

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2) — 10/18/2016 @ 5:53 am

    Good link, Colonel. I think this will be this morning’s post.

    Patterico (540255)

  49. America’s unsung geniuses stand with Trump.

    nk (dbc370)

  50. It doesn’t matter the sentiment, but the structure to carry it out, Apollo project, storm change of color.

    narciso (d1f714)

  51. coronello, I don’t know if you follow DiploMad 2.0 but he blogs here.

    He’s a man after mine own heart.

    Saturday, March 7, 2015
    The Clintons: The Same Old Tricks
    Almost three years ago, I wrote that Hillary Clinton,

    has taken the opportunities that fell into her lap, e.g., her playboy husband became Governor of Arkansas and then President, and ably used them to advantage, e.g., a Senate seat, almost the Presidency, and now SecState. As the First Lady of Arkansas, she played the role required of her: she laundered bribes for her husband. That is what Whitewater was about. That was her role at the Rose Law Firm: she would collect and launder the payoffs. She “made” a fortune in cattle futures, right? OK, when will you pay me for that bridge? (Note: The GOP was too stupid to explain the Whitewater affair, and accepted the media line that it was “too complicated” for the public to understand. My Foreign Service friends and I who had spent years in places where that was the role of the First Lady figured it out instantly.)…

    He knows the third world like I know the third world. Welcome to your fundamental transformation. If you need or want help adjusting, I can’t recommend him more highly.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  52. Maybe in the end, they didn’t want to upset the applecart, where did the borgias focus their attention on haiti, the Balkans and palestine, Arafat word out his frequent flier miles.

    narciso (d1f714)

  53. Btw nigeria, under abacha was a popular prospecting site, back in the 90s. When you play with international institution the skim is unlimited.

    narciso (d1f714)

  54. Like the export import bank and overseas investment corporation.

    narciso (d1f714)

  55. Now that foval is gone, they have a Charlie Gibson problem.

    narciso (d1f714)

  56. Look at all the garbage bezos and Carlos slim and Rupert out up instead of these facts.

    narciso (d1f714)

  57. “WOMEN WHO HATE TRUMP, but aren’t with Hillary. Weirdly, the most powerfully pro-Trump people I know are women who own their own businesses.”

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  58. While we’re busy fighting among ourselves this old evil becomes the new normal.

    crazy (d3b449)

  59. These types of political die hards are out there in most of our communities. They belong in prisons.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  60. Re: 52 – we are as corrupt as the third world, the necessary result of the administrative control of government. “Administrative Law” is rule by the bureaucrats/apparatchiks, which is always corrupt, has always been corrupt, and will always be corrupt.

    Steven Malynn (5c1dae)

  61. The WaPo had a piece yesterday about violence at Trump rallies but no mention that I could see of this.

    Since I refuse to subscribe, I get only a glimpse of the article.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  62. “Hillary Clinton was so abusive toward her diplomatic security staff that many quit or sought reassignment during her tenure as secretary of state, a former agent told FBI investigators, according to documents released Monday.”

    This is not new information to anyone who read “unlimited Access” by Gary Aldrich in the 1990s.

    When Hillary walked through the West Wing no one was allowed to look at her.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  63. When Hillary walked through the West Wing no one was allowed to look at her.

    Who in their right mind would want to?

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  64. Like the basilisk or medusa.

    narciso (4d8e40)

  65. “When Hillary walked through the West Wing no one was allowed to look at her.”

    “Look away!… LOOK AWAY!!!!!”

    — Cosmo Kramer

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  66. IT’S THE “DENSE PACK” SCANDAL: “It’s almost impossible to keep up with the evidence of Clinton misconduct, wrongdoing and illegality that continues to emerge. It is overwhelming.”

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  67. Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis and Fats Domino are all still around, too!

    Icy (089e90)

  68. Colonel,

    And yet Hillary is going to win the election because Trump’s numbers are even worse. There are two nags in this horse race and yours is even worse than theirs.

    DRJ (15874d)

  69. this is coming from the same press, who has been colluding with the administration 24/7, I don’t know what to tell you, the volume of scandal here would wear out hercules,

    narciso (d1f714)

  70. btw one of the dem nazguls, carusone, who went after beck and rush, is a high poobah at the dnc,

    narciso (d1f714)

  71. Trump 2016: Obey the Military

    Leviticus Channeling Haiku (efada1)

  72. and that relates to nothing, now the military has been slashed to pre world war two levels, and it’s been encumbered with bogus directives, like preventing climate change, and enabling dysphoria,

    narciso (d1f714)


    Naked unattractive Hillary statue: Obscene! An insult to women! And note the violent response: “The statue was up for less than three hours before an enraged woman toppled it over and started yelling at the statue’s creator.”

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  74. Good to see your perception of ethics and moral values are in good shape, DRJ.

    Colonel Haiku (7967f2)

  75. I know. North Carolina was on September 14. That’s not a good one, though. Only a psycho would punch a 69-year old woman (with or without an oxygen tank).

    nk (dbc370) — 10/17/2016 @ 10:31 pm

    You mean Richard Campbell the psycho 73-year old legally blind man who was being led by his wife through a bunch of screaming anti-Trump protesters who never punched her? Is that the psycho? You can see from the video that she grabs him from behind and he turns and she “falls down”. If it happened the way the media reported it, I’d be upset at that man who punched that frail old woman with an oxygen tank too. The problem is that the media was lied to or may have known it was a lie and because the media believes in the worst behavior of Trump supporters, they never investigated the veracity of the claim. Either way, we can’t believe what the media tells us.

    Lauren Southern – 69-Year Old Punched at Trump Rally: Debunked?

    The headline should have read Anti-Trump Activist Assaults 73-Year Old Legally Blind Trump Supporter.

    Tanny O'Haley (c674c7)

  76. I know a “legally blind” lady who drives. It’s like “legally registered gun” or “journalistic ethics”, a pretty much meaningless phrase.

    So it was just a couple of old fogies mixing it up? Thank you. That makes it funny and the people on both sides trying to spin it ridiculous.

    nk (dbc370)

  77. Really how did the reaction happen over here.

    narciso (d1f714)

  78. And another thank you, to Taney, for reminding me that this election is between two superannuated flower children who should be looking at assisted-living communities and not the White House.

    It is the gasping of the aged septuagenarians
    Aged septuagenarians!

    nk (dbc370)

  79. Really how did the reaction happen over here.

    My reaction was from following the link in Patterico’s post. And I just thanked Taney, twice, for the correction.

    nk (dbc370)

  80. No at the time,

    narciso (d1f714)

  81. @39- =buzz= Incorect.

    So you’re saying he never sang it.


    Thank you for playing.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  82. Thank you, Haiku 75.

    DRJ (15874d)

  83. The Alinskyites have been exposed.
    Here’s an idea; let’s continue to allow them to retain power for the next four years!
    After all, it’s a lot better than having Chris Christie as AG!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  84. And yet Hillary is going to win the election because Trump’s numbers are even worse. There are two nags in this horse race and yours is even worse than theirs.

    DRJ (15874d) — 10/18/2016 @ 9:05 am

    What is your point?

    Gerald A (a48c32)

  85. It’s over, guys. Hillary is the President-elect. Hunker down, head for the hills, or organize a resistance. And by organize a resistance I mean vote in the downticket races for people who might oppose her.

    nk (dbc370)

  86. brad woodhouse, formerly of the dnc, now with ‘correct the record’ was foval’s boss, and creamer is going to have to scam for food again, like with the iran deal.

    narciso (d1f714)

  87. This stuff is like Segretti, only worse. (Segretti didn’t disrupt rallies)

    You know, we always thought it was like this.

    Sammy Finkelman (22cc00)

  88. Mike K (90dfdc) — 10/18/2016 @ 7:38 am

    When Hillary walked through the West Wing no one was allowed to look at her.

    Bill Clinton didn’t want anyone talking to her whom he did approve of or know of, but he couldn’t say that.

    Sammy Finkelman (22cc00)

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