Patterico's Pontifications


Donald Trump’s Latest Late Night Tweet Storm

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:32 am

[UPDATE: Ah, I see Dana already did this story. Well, read both of our posts!]

All the online polls say this was a good idea. All of them!

After the Machado story broke, places like the Daily Caller reported: “Snippets of an adult film starring Machado are available on multiple free porn websites.” This has been debunked:

It should come as no surprise that celebrity nude photographs and sex videos drive major traffic on the Internet. But when legitimate photographs or videos are not available, hoaxsters often resort to creating their own. In some cases, this involves Photoshopping a famous face onto a nude or near-nude body (as was done with Sarah Palin), or changing the title of a sex video if it features a porn actress who bears a resemblance to a celebrity

The latter is the case with Alicia Machado. In 2009, a video clip purportedly showing the former Miss Universe winner engaging in anal sex was circulated online, and that is the clip that now most frequently shows up in response to web searches on the phrase “Alicia Machado porn.” However, the woman seen in that video is not Alicia Machado — the clip was taken from the 2004 DVD Apprentass 4, which features porn actress Angel Dark, and was later retitled to suggest it showed Alicia Machado:

The Daily Caller article now sports the correction: “Correction: The star of Apprentass 4 was Angel Dark, not Alicia Machado.”

Happily, we can still carry on the debate, because there is some grainy footage of figures squirming together on a bed on a Spanish reality show. As says:

Machado is also often described as having been in a “sex tape,” a claim that stems from her 2005 appearance on the Spanish reality show La Granja (similar to the United States’ The Real World), which she was reportedly kicked off of after being filmed having sex with another cast member:

The romantic relationship between Alicia Machado and her fellow Venezuelan, baseball player Bob Abreu, is finished. The breakup was announced by the athlete himself in an interview with the Telefutura cable network.

The remarks followed a scandal that erupted over Machado’s appearance on the Spanish television program La Granja. In the course of that reality show, the former Miss Universe and Spanish actor Fernando Acaso were filmed having sex. After the incident, the Venezuelan actress and singer was booted from the program, and two weeks ago she apologized on the air to her boyfriend.

“I never thought things would happen like that. [Fernando] behaved very respectfully towards her as a woman” Abreu says. He also said that Machado would now have to think things through. Abreu emphasized that he is no longer Machado’s boyfriend and said their relationship had ended before Machado went to Spain to participate in La Granja.

However, the so-called “sex tape” stemming from that incident, which is nothing more than some grainy, night-vision footage of a couple of covered figures writhing in a bed, hardly qualifies as explicit. And reality television being what it is, the scene the tape depicts was quite possibly staged or fabricated.

I have a friend who once played a role on a reality show. He was the cheating husband caught on tape with multiple bikini-clad women in a hot tub. My friend has never been married, but he got paid cash money to pretend he was so he could sit in a hot tub with bikini-clad women. Not a bad gig. Lesson: “reality” shows are fictional trash. Sorry to burst your bubble.

So now maybe Mike Pence can spend part of the Vice Presidential debate defending the notion that Trump’s late night reference to a sex tape was not a debunked reference to a porn tape, but a reference to grainy footage from a reality show. I think that would be a good use of his time, don’t you? Better than, say, using that time to talk about, say, Tim Kaine boycotting Netanyahu’s speech to Congress and his ties to J Street.

Thanks, Donald!

209 Responses to “Donald Trump’s Latest Late Night Tweet Storm”

  1. Now read Dana’s.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  2. Just no self control, Patterico. That seems to be the DJT way.

    I keep thinking about how well he could do, just sticking to HRC’s problems.

    But instead, he creates his own.

    Why, it’s almost like he doesn’t want to let a friend down!

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  3. like Mr. Instapundit says

    the failmerican propaganda sluts won’t talk about issues, so Mr. Trump just has to make the best of what they *will* talk about

    if that’s a trashy chubby-thighed third whirl porn star then there you go


    I’d never know about it

    my class of people do not do the twitter you see

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  4. It’s like you don’t read your own posts, Mr. Feet.

    Oh, wait. I doubt you do.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  5. He didn’t fire her and give her cancer. He didn’t strap her to the roof of his car. But stupid Trump can’t let the story die.

    AZ Bob (d6a3a9)

  6. “Trump wins whenever he talks about issues; he loses whenever he talks about himself.”
    –Ann Coulter

    AZ Bob (d6a3a9)

  7. Machado is being used a Hillary surrogate on Spanish language channels.

    Made her enough of an issue for you to write about her past bad deeds, even so far as expressing sympathetic support for Trump!

    That’s a veil no amount of reality has been able to penetrate up till now.

    papertiger (82d7e8)

  8. my class of people do not do the twitter.” – happy

    Maybe I should start.

    ThOR (98fee1)

  9. She was all over Spanish media, the same folks that made Zimmerman an unperson.

    narciso (d1f714)

  10. Too lazy to prep for the debate.

    Too self-indulgent to lay off twitter.

    Not Presidential material?

    Even the numb nuts over at USA Today can figure that out.

    ThOR (98fee1)

  11. She was a plant like effendi khan, set up months in advance.

    narciso (d1f714)

  12. “set up months in advance”

    In the sure and certain knowledge Trump would react like Pavlov’s dogs or Skinner’s pigeons. What will be used to trigger the next peck and drool episode?

    Rick Ballard (1aa129)

  13. now consider the case of the dancing chimps, who just realized gambling was going on,

    crossing metaphors I realize, this is why they chose Gozer

    narciso (d1f714)

  14. With President Trump, when the 3 A.M. phone call comes you’ll get a busy signal, and bumped to voice mail saying Trump is on the line with other emergencies.

    Leave a number. He’ll get back to you.

    papertiger (82d7e8)

  15. 17

    Hillary will be in the stocks by then.

    papertiger (82d7e8)

  16. Hillary has an ad featuring the woman Donald was tweeting about. Patterico even mentioned it before and how effective it was. So Donald fights back, and nevertrumpers tell us that’s “undisciplined”.

    Remember about ten years ago when the conservatives were all mad at Bush because he would never fight back and defend himself against the left’s attacks?

    Ahh, good times…

    LBascom (2f3828)

  17. Donald Trump’s Latest Late Night Tweet Storm

    And you just had to do a posting on this. No self-control, Patterico.

    Oh that spry young hipster and his love of the twitter… Pshaw!

    “Fairy tales can come true; it can happen to you; if you’re young at heart.” -Frank Sinatra, ‘Young At Heart’ 1953

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  18. Except Abreu broke up his engagement with her due to her tape.

    Not fictional unlike your friend.

    Her threat to kill a judge isn’t fictional either.

    Nor is her baby by a drug lord.

    Carry on.

    NJRob (26e665)

  19. actually she jokes about how much concern she shows about security protocols, but crickets,

    narciso (d1f714)

  20. It needs repeating:

    A political party that proudly opened its national convention showcasing illegal immigrants addressing America on national television, coast-to-coast, is not a party with the best interests of the country at heart this cycle.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  21. Such a fuss over JR using the Twitter.

    Has anybody asked Maudie if she’s figured out how to set the clock on her VCR yet?

    “I don’t understand why this freaks you out so much.” ‘Sex, Lies and Videotape’, 1989

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  22. it puts the jeering of the cops in perspective,

    upstanding citizens just aren’t her bread and butter,

    narciso (d1f714)


    Apologize, Maudie.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  24. too mundane a consideration if tucker carlson got it wrong, as well as the daily mail, well apologies, then again those two parties rather liberally sample the enquirer,

    narciso (d1f714)

  25. it’s a floor wax and a dessert topping,

    so much so, that usa today didn’t consider it worthy of mention,

    narciso (d1f714)

  26. Host who rants over MSM obsession with shiny objects while ignoring substantive stories does same thing.

    Chinese for lunch.

    “With Six, You Get Eggroll”- 1968

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  27. sometimes he does four rallies a day, in as many timezones, whereas they wheel out red queen like captain pike for a moment or two,

    narciso (d1f714)

  28. @34– LOL If only she’d beep once for yes and twice for no.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  29. it’s the utter absurdity of the exercise, she insists like chip dillard all is well that a tax hike and a minimum wage increase won’t solve in toto, he rallied in waukesha, melbourne miami,
    some ahia berg, all with a 36 hour period.

    narciso (d1f714)

  30. I do agree he should have a texting hiatus, if only there was an organization of office holders, that were carrying his message forward, instead you have a blanc mange duma, pretending shock over the rhodes road show, and deciding JASTA was a waste of their time,

    narciso (d1f714)

  31. granted it could all be kabuki, because what is actually going on is shibolleth, what one feelz is what is important,

    narciso (d1f714)


    He sounded fine to me and 30 million other people. Apparently it was a problem inside the hall. So what? Whiny McWhiner can’t blame the mic for losing.

    Patterico (ffe711)

  33. Her threat to kill a judge isn’t fictional either.

    Nor is her baby by a drug lord.

    Carry on.

    NJRob (26e665) — 9/30/2016 @ 10:50 am

    I reported both of those, you may recall. Though the former has more backing it up than the latter, as far as I can tell.

    Patterico (ffe711)

  34. no, actually he will be smack dab in the middle of the district in rock creek park, serving as the nosy houseguest one can’t dislodge,

    we could of course move on to more substantial matters, but ‘what difference does it make,

    narciso (d1f714)

  35. @40 “He sounded fine to me…”

    Except he didn’t.

    Flag on the play, Patterico.

    See your own posting w/video for details: 9/27/2016 Sniffy Donald at the Debate

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  36. Whiny McWhiner can’t blame the mic for losing.

    You are.

    JR isn’t. He won. The online snap polls say so. 😉

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  37. let us say, we’re in the schrodinger’s cat scenario, it may be dead or alive, but not both,

    narciso (d1f714)

  38. who has gotten the story more correctly,

    narciso (d1f714)

  39. Can you imagine this man as President? The on;y real question will be how long it takes for him to be impeached. Will it be for siccing the IRS on night-club comics? Or getting us into gratuitous wars over imagined slights? Or just generally bringing disrepute onto the Office and the Nation?

    The only question is whether the Dems would decide to make us keep him and refuse to convict.

    As to Hillary, no, I don’t want to imagine her as president either.

    Still waiting for the credible third choice to step forward.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  40. Schrödinger’s Cat IS both dead and alive. If you don’t understand that, you’ve missed the ENTIRE point.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  41. 49.Can you imagine this man as President?


    Because Americans don’t want to be governed. They wish to be entertained.

    And this guy would be the best show to hit Washington since ‘Hamilton’ did matinees.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  42. you know who else had a cat is wheeler

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  43. oh yes, she was an early sjw, had an odd emoji handle, honestly this campaign is as bewildering as cloud atlas, what was that about,

    narciso (d1f714)

  44. Schrodinger

    Mine has an umlaut: Schrödinger

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  45. 53: That’s what Joe Miller said.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  46. Maudie in Florida on CNN.

    Something is wrong with her body motion. Rigid. Stiff. Almost hunch-shouldered– like Richard Nixon.

    Emoting over the Marlin’s pitcher. Is she planning to go to Latrobe for Arnold Palmer’s memorial services on Tuesday? Probably not. Too much white noise.

    Howzabout Hoboken, Maudie? Peruse the wreckage of the 109 year old train terminal- because the infrastructure is just fine in the good ol’ USA!

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  47. well alaska’s like a whole other country, anchorage has been brechted, as in ‘electing a new people in it’s place,

    narciso (d1f714)

  48. Many Americans would vote for any sane mainstream alternative to these two, given the chance. Probably enough to force the House to choose, if not win outright.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  49. Of course, the third option would have to be an organized one. Ballots for Mickey Mouse don’t get counted.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  50. and that would be deemed legitimate from which perspective, I don’t mean the constitution ‘that’s more than a hundred years old,’

    narciso (d1f714)

  51. “Whiny McWhiner can’t blame the mic for losing.”

    Well, there is losing, and then there is not winning…

    LBascom (2f3828)

  52. Kevin M: Gary Johnson is sane, even if the Libertarian Party is not. But polls don’t show him winning *anywhere*.

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  53. 63.
    Ookay. The debate as a scene from a BDSM flick….

    Kishnevi (c2a547)

  54. 60. Kevin M (25bbee) — 9/30/2016 @ 1:13 pm

    Many Americans would vote for any sane mainstream alternative to these two, given the chance. Probably enough to force the House to choose, if not win outright.

    This is maybe still possible, but it is getting less likely because they’ve started voting already in Iowa.

    It may require divine intervention.

    The most likely way this could get thrown into the House would be if the votes split exactly right and there’s a strong campaign in one or two states and polls showing vote changes in that state.

    I think it is also important that the winner get as small a percentage of the popular vote as possible because that will buck up the opposition.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  55. Honestly, this is what makes me cringe the most:
    both for his reaction like a cowed turtle and also to see if I see a 3 or a 4 on the gas station prices – but thats why we frack.

    Bob23 – I think BO is going to come out Muslim on November 4 just to roil Hillary one last time.

    And Gary should have concentrated his resources in the west, aimed for a win in his home state (perhaps promised La Naca Gorda the Secretary of State or something) and aimed for pluralities in AZ, NV, CO, UT, OR.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  56. Vote analysis: If the cumulative percentage of the 2-party vote is below 77% or 78% Hillary Clinton will not win. Who will win varies, but, is most likely Trump, with the possibility of the result being throown into the House of Represenatives if the Electoral vote is closely divided and somebody else carries one or two states. Or if the percentage of the 2-party vote is well under 60% and multiple states are carried by other candidates.

    The over/under 2-party vote total for Hillary Clinton getting more popular votes than Donald Trump is around 77% or 78%. Trump can win if 38% of the vote will be more than Hillary Clinton’s percentage.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  57. Gary Johnson really shouldn’t be the main third party candidate. I think he is weak on foreign policy/defense.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  58. Hey, folks…

    Remind me.

    Was DCSCA the one with the fleet of expensive cars?

    Or was he the one with a gazillion Jewish friends in Iran?

    Or the one who was dodging rocks in San Diego?

    Or the close personal friend of von Braun?

    I guess he got out of therapy or something. But he still has the weird fixation on 60 and 70s television.


    Simon Jester (3dbc42)

  59. Unfortunately, and I don’t agree with some of the “tactics” Donald does this because:

    1) nobody else is doing it
    2) this is how the D’s play and the GOPe deplore it, but just bend over and take it.

    For example, the link is below but here’s an excerpt:

    His convention was called “one of the worst ever.” Chris Matthews deemed him “dangerous” and “scary,” Ellen DeGeneres said “If you’re a woman, you should be very, very scared.”

    His opponent ran an ad against him portraying him as uniquely dangerous for women.

    “I’ve never felt this way before, but it’s a scary time to be a woman,” said a woman in the ad.
    He was frequently called a “bully,” “anti-immigrant,” “racist,” “stupid,” and “unfit” to be president.

    I’m referring, obviously, to the terrifying Mitt Romney.

    We sit and complain that the R’s take it and don’t get in the gutter, and then when our candidate does, (and I agree, he should let some of this go), we bitch.

    You pussies need to make up your mind.

    Steve_in_SoCal (58e1f9)

  60. Bob23 – I think BO is going to come out Muslim on November 4 just to roil Hillary one last time.

    You mean Hussein hasn’t already?

    From Audacity of Hope: “I will stand with the moslems should the political winds shift in an ugly direction”.

    “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”

    “The moslem call to prayer is one of the prettiest sounds on earth”

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  61. Yeah, but I’m talking press conference in garb praying on a rug from a corner of the WH he has converted into a mini-mosque.

    urbanleftbehind (4757e0)

  62. “Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?”

    If I were a betting girl, I’d bet this was the first time in the history of this great country that the words “check out sex tape” have ever come out of the mouth of a presidential nominee.

    Timbly (011fb1)

  63. Man, where the heck did ole hunstopia maxedeer go, anyway? Just vanished, just like that! Astounding.

    Leviticus (03bf59)

  64. Touché Bob23. Should’ve added “at least in public.”

    It’s just surreal to me what a circus this election cycle has been. On both sides. This can’t be the best America has to offer. God help us.

    Timbly (011fb1)

  65. this is why I mentioned schrodinger,

    narciso (d1f714)

  66. so the same folks who thought hanen was an obstructionist, will laud garoufis when he comes up with his edict, and you can image with past being prologue,

    narciso (d1f714)

  67. yes he lived in indonesia, but his hatred is for western civilization generally, he sees the salafi as the more effective venue for this,

    narciso (d1f714)

  68. Our CA scientific leaders are predicting an earthquake soon.

    At this point, fine with me.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  69. yes it’s a typo, but that makes it worse, as kish would tell you,

    coral gables is affluent, more likely cuban american republican, coral springs is more mixed, bluer than the atlantic,

    narciso (d1f714)

  70. Johnson’s Cat is in a hotbox-in a state of simultaneous intoxication and sobriety.

    Pinandpuller (d64b08)

  71. Ace:

    Apparently, some in this party really do think they’re going to hand the election to Hillary, and, bizarrely, they think this will bully the rest of us into knuckling under to their agenda in 2020.

    Rather than simply getting payback and tanking their candidate in return.

    This party is on the verge of self-destructing. The upper class of the party is upset that the lower class has finally had its say, and they’re determined that should never be permitted to happen again.

    Why then would anyone of the lower class ever vote for the GOP again? Are they required to sign a piece of paper confirming that they are Lessers who should know their place in order to have the privilege of voting against their own interests?

    I’m personally probably defecting to the Democrats after this. All my life I’ve been animated by one idea in politics. Not about guns, not about abortion, not even about national security. (Okay, that last one is important.)

    But what caused me to join the GOP is the very palpable idea emanating from the liberals that there was a group of people empowered due to their position and education to Lead Us, and the rest of us had no say in the affairs of the country. They were to make decisions for us, and we were to follow.

    This idea saw flower in the media itself, where a group of people who had no particular expertise in history or political philosophy, and who weren’t even terribly intelligent, used the simple happenstance of having jobs giving them control over information as a justification to deceive and manipulate people into supporting their agenda.

    I see that currently happening in the “conservative” media, where we have a hundred people who claim to be #NeverTrump and #NeverHillary but, strangely enough, never talk about the downsides of a Hillary presidency. Oh, they’ll talk up how much of an authoritarian Trump is, but not Hillary’s sense of entitlement, grievance, vengeance, and her own history of authoritarianism and lawlessness in covering up her crimes.

    They talk all day about “Principles,” but discard the most basic principles — such as keeping a proven lawbreaker out of the White House, or just honestly admitting which candidate they’re actually supporting to their readers — as convenience may recommend.

    In fact, right now they’re howling about Ted Cruz’ “calculations” in endorsing Trump, while not admitting their own pose of “Being Against Both Equally” is in fact a completely contrived lie they’ve calculated will permit them to agitate for their candidate (Hillary) while not compromising their career prospects within Conservatism, Inc. too much.

    How much can I agitate for Hillary while still retaining plausible deniability?

    How much can I agitate for Hillary to appease my anti-Trump donors while still keeping enough pro-Trump readers that my anti-Trump donors will feel they’re getting enough eyeballs per dollar of their patronage?

    The party — not just the party;the writers who are supposed to have telling the truth as their first mission, but instead of become nonstop liars all the time decrying Trump as a liar himself — has declared war on all of the Lessers beneath their station, those not in The Media and who should, therefore, not have quite as much of a say in things as they themselves have.

    They’ve made themselves into exactly what they pretend to oppose — and exactly what I do in fact oppose.

    DNF (755a85)

  72. ‘I have a friend who once played a role on a reality show. He was the cheating husband caught on tape with multiple bikini-clad women in a hot tub. My friend has never been married, but he got paid cash money to pretend he was so he could sit in a hot tub with bikini-clad women. Not a bad gig. Lesson: “reality” shows are fictional trash. Sorry to burst your bubble.’

    ROFLMAOPIP. Your post reads more as a self-revelation; as if your own bubble was burst.

    Everybody has known that since its inception. You really need to bone up on your ‘Network’ before prattling on about the media, Patterico. Lesson:

    “But, man, you’re never going to get any truth from us. We’ll tell you anything you want to hear; we lie like hell. We’ll tell you that, uh, Kojak always gets the killer, or that nobody ever gets cancer at Archie Bunker’s house, and no matter how much trouble the hero is in, don’t worry, just look at your watch; at the end of the hour he’s going to win.

    We’ll tell you any sh-t you want to hear. We deal in illusions, man! None of it is true!

    But you people sit there, day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds… We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality, and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you! You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube, you even think like the tube!

    This is mass madness, you maniacs! In God’s name, you people are the real thing! WE are the illusion!” – Howard Beale [Peter Finch] ‘Network,’ 1976

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  73. If it’s a choice of a fixation between TV and DCSCA I choose TV.

    Pinandpuller (d64b08)

  74. Republicans who stay home elect democrats
    bumper sticker from somewhere

    mg (31009b)

  75. @89- 57 channels– and nothing on.

    “He chose… poorly.” — Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade, 1989

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  76. Donald Trump’s Latest Late Night Tweet Storm

    ‘What Cuban embargo deal; Miss Universe got fat!’ tweets JR.

    “When you create a diversion, it’s for a reason. Connect me with General Pemsel!” – ‘The Longest Day,’ 1962

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  77. 84. Solar Cycle 24 is past Rmax and as its magnetic field collapses flares such as that this week and earthquakes, resulting from diminished interaction with Earth’s field occur.

    Also a return to drought is on tap with the departure of El Nino conditions in the Pacific.

    DNF (755a85)

  78. #nevertrump assumes that at some point the cosmic dice will roll in their favor. This is just a bad stretch they are enduring and their luck is bound to change.

    Except there are no dice, and randomness is entirely subjective.

    DNF (755a85)

  79. it is the way issues have been vaccuumed from the campaign, because they cut against her,

    narciso (d1f714)

  80. Always amusing watching Carl Bernstein on CNN pontificate and/or rationalize Clinton infidelities. He, of course, would know after what he did to the late Nora Ephron.

    “The S.O.B. pardoned the S.O.B.!” Bernstein to Woodward, 1974.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  81. you have a skewed notion of what went on with watergate, it was a coup d’etat, enabled by a disgruntled apparatchik felt, who caught himself in the ringer, and almost ended up in jail for his arrogance,

    narciso (d1f714)

  82. The aftertaste #nevertrump leaves with its dredging up imagined positions of 20 years past when the Great White Satan was yet to become a reality TV star, is ever one of inauthenticity.

    Remonstrations are made as to their fealty to some litmus test of conservatism, to their presence from time immemorial but the fact is they suck at thought, they are pretenders to the oligarchy, wannabes in the anterooms of power.

    DNF (755a85)

  83. ot’s like the eloi claxon, summoning them back into the bunker, (the time machine, 1966)

    narciso (d1f714)

  84. the problem is, clearly the party apparatus say jasta, that it doesn’t refudiate almost retroactively,

    narciso (d1f714)

  85. that’s tbd, in reality there are many things that the all seeing eye doesn’t show, I’ve listed a few, there are things he has addressed at rallies, yet all the world cares is about the gotcha
    validation of their own regard,

    narciso (d1f714)

  86. #nevertrump sounding like a journo hopped up on the whole drugstore:

    While on the campaign trail in 1972, Hunter S. Thompson issued a dire warning that is more true today than it ever has been.

    He warned us about what would happen to the country if we continued along the destructive path he noticed nearly 45 years ago. He observed that if Americans continued to accept “lesser of two evilism” the only thing we’d end up with would be increased evil.

    He was right.

    Here’s the quote:

    That’s the real issue this time,” he said. “Beating Nixon. It’s hard to even guess how much damage those bastards will do if they get in for another four years.”

    The argument was familiar, I had even made it myself, here and there, but I was beginning to sense something very depressing about it. How many more of these goddamn elections are we going to have to write off as lame, but “regrettably necessary” holding actions? And how many more of these stinking double-downer sideshows will we have to go through before we can get ourselves straight enough to put together some kind of national election that will give me and the at least 20 million people I tend to agree with a chance to vote for something, instead of always being faced with that old familiar choice between the lesser of two evils?

    Now with another one of these big bogus showdowns looming down on us, I can already pick up the stench of another bummer. I understand, along with a lot of other people, that the big thing this year is Beating Nixon. But that was also the big thing, as I recall, twelve years ago in 1960 – and as far as I can tell, we’ve gone from bad to worse to rotten since then, and the outlook is for more of the same.

    —Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail ’72

    The glass is always empty because he drains it.

    DNF (755a85)

  87. So, what day do you guys think Trump will quit? I think it will be the 15th.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  88. “Congress has proven woefully inept at asserting its constitutional right to check and balance Obama’s executive overreach.
    The courts have often abdicated their own oversight.

    But the press is the most blameworthy. White House press conferences now resemble those in the Kremlin, with journalists tossing Putin softball questions about his latest fishing or hunting trip. One reason Americans are scared about the next president is that they should be. In 2017, a President Trump or a President Clinton will be able to do almost anything he or she wishes without much oversight – thanks to the precedent of Obama’s overreach, abetted by a lapdog press that forgot that the ends never justify the means.”

    — Victor Davis Hanson

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  89. The Trump campaign was always supposed to lose. That was the pla going it. Just ratfu** the GOP as long as possible, then call it a day. So here we are beginning October and Hillary the Horrible can’t even beat her own shill.

    It’s like that bit in The Producers where “Springtime for Hitler” turns out to be a smash hit play.

    So, Trump is going to have to do this the hard way. He’ll pee on stage at the next debate if that’s what it takes.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  90. no that was maverick’s campaign, that was the great bronx cheer, with one saving grace, this is why I smile at nicole wallace’s agita,

    narciso (d1f714)

  91. Boy, what a mess this blog has turned into !

    I might be back after the election but I;m not sure anymore.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  92. I would say chasing the bespoke whale has driven them mad,

    narciso (d1f714)

  93. “The Trump campaign was always supposed to lose.”


    “That was the pla going it. Just ratfu** the GOP as long as possible, then call it a day. So here we are beginning October and Hillary the Horrible can’t even beat her own shill.”

    It’s amazing how many new stories you can invent to cover for a fake central story.

    “It’s like that bit in The Producers where “Springtime for Hitler” turns out to be a smash hit play.”

    Occam’s razor: Or a reality-television star is good at drawing eyeballs with publicity stunts.

    “Trump will do the GOP and his chances a world of good if he would drop the tabloid junk and get back to the issues.”

    The ‘issues’ have mountains and mountains of memorized talking points from the opposition and your supposed allies. The tabloid junk is so junky and so unlikely-to-be-well-studied that doing something as simple as rebutting it throws Hillary into hilariously apoplectic denunciations about it being ‘unhinged’.

    Just like with Khizr Khan, you can’t be seen to let opportunistic ethnics bully you just because they belong to a PROTECTED CLASS. Smack them down now and you’ll be immunized if they try to pull it out later.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  94. Mike–

    You confuse Trump’s original message (which was mostly a hijacking of Cruz’s message) with Trump, the man who goes nuclear over every slight.

    But if you really really want Trump as President, I’m not sorry to see you go.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  95. MPC poster ENJ has the goods:

    Let me explain this for anyone who still doesn’t understand

    * Hogo Chavez (or whatever her name is) became Miss Universe.

    * This basically means you have to sign a one year contract with the Miss Universe Organisation (a subsidiary of the Trump Organisation) doing PR and promo work in exchange for money.

    * There are RULES, for example there’s a legally defined amount of weight you’re allowed to put on.

    * Hogo Chavez far exceeded this limit, she was about 50 kilos and she became medically obese by gaining 20 kilos in a matter of months; I have no idea how people could get fat so quickly but it probably involved eating large amounts of raw sugar.

    * Rather than terminate the contract and make the runner-up Miss Universe; Donald Trump gave Hogo Chavez an opportunity to work off the weight and make things right again, she seemed thankful for this opportunity.

    * She squandered Trump’s generosity by gaining another ten kilos, he still didn’t fire her.

    * Hogo Chavez returned to Venezuela and was “allegedly” the getaway driver in a murder, she threatened to murder a judge and she cheated on her husband with a drug lord; becoming pregnant in the process. She then flew to Spain and appeared on some reality TV show where she had sex with another contestant, a video of this sexual encounter is available on the internet. She also did topless nudes in a studio shoot if anyone wants them

    If you click on the link in my name, you can get more trenchant and fully-researched facts like this. Or you could just listen to Pat and Dana try to make payroll by streeeeeeetching credulity on how THIS HURTS TRUMP, HE’S REALLY GOING TO LOSE THIS TIME!!!

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  96. actually much of his pitch about trade, and foreign military entanglements, predates perot, the concern about islamic extremism dates back to 1999, some things he has amended, but not the crux of it,

    narciso (d1f714)

  97. 104. Germany could break the taboo and bail out Deutsche Bank causing its cap to balloon 40% but Commerzbank and UBS just laid off 10,000 each and elections are coming so don’t bet the farm just yet. Liquidity is tight.

    Here in the US Obamaneycare prices for 2017 are due with Blue Cross and Cigna yet to confirm the markets they will be in.

    Pending home sales are down headed lower, manufacturing is on life support with inventory to sales ratios at all time highs. P/E values are essentially stratospheric. So frontrunning the Fed is the only play in town and the bond yield curve is flat potentially inverting.

    Keep your bladder empty.

    DNF (755a85)

  98. 113. “You confuse Trump’s original message (which was mostly a hijacking of Cruz’s message) ”

    If you could find your azz with both hands this would be described as a transparent lie. Cruz said nothing about trade, was ambivalent about immigration, bought the party line over adventurism, etc.

    That fact is why he lost. A plurality of the public turned away.

    DNF (755a85)

  99. If I had to make a case for getting rid of democracy and letting the elites run everything, Exhibit A would be this election and the choice of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. I think it would be a lousy idea, mind you, but the idea that either of these turds becomes president is so bad, I would prefer a military coup.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  100. Well, DNF, you’re so wrong I don’t know where to start. But can’t find you ass_ with both hands since you don’t HAVE hands, being all ass_.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  101. well seeing as the elites have red queen’s number on speed dial,

    narciso (d1f714)

  102. 119. There you have the nub, you cannot finish because you can’t begin.

    DNF (755a85)

  103. A plurality of the public turned away.

    1) Wrong the first. The “public” did not vote in the GOP primaries. Mostly it was people who claimed to be Republicans.

    2) Wrong the second. “Plurality”: A plurality voted for Trump. A MAJORITY of GOP primary-goers voted against Trump. See the difference?

    And that’s just one sentence.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  104. why does he hate the great lakes so,

    narciso (d1f714)

  105. 87. You would be doing what many would have done if Jerb or Rubes had gotten the nomination. Heck, if it had NOT been Palin, but one of Mavericks favorites – the Dems would have 179’d and found a use for Webb /Edwards and his bastard baby.

    urbanleftbehind (4757e0)

  106. Max, because you are a willing slave of the Sitra Achra does not mean the rest of us will follow your example.

    You want to actually help Trump? Then shut up until November 9 so we have less reason to think of the cesspool that Trump is.

    Kishnevi (c2a547)

  107. we would have to use tactical nuclear weapons, to dislodge them

    No, they simply get fired and get to appeal it to somebody from home.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  108. The media in a nutshell tonight:

    10:56 PM EDT- CNN’S DON LEMON: “Back in a minute with what Howard Stern has to say about Donald Trump and what it could Mean on election day.”

    “Sorry… sex, tears… this must be the news.” – Aaron Altman, [Albert Brooks] ‘Broadcast News,’ 1987

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  109. everything is broken, and what isn’t is on the way to being broken, the cities from one coast to the other are back to the dark days of deathwish and the warrior, the adversaries probe us without consequence, and we take relief no great reckoning comes upon us, but we know we can’t hold that off forever,

    narciso (d1f714)

  110. really pure evil, you note the milieu we are dealing with here,

    narciso (d1f714)

  111. why would he, that misunderstood why he sought and maintains power, while pair the vanity fair report, he will haunt us till the end of our days,

    narciso (d1f714)

  112. “everything is broken, and what isn’t is on the way to being broken, the cities from one coast to the other are back to the dark days of deathwish and the warrior, the adversaries probe us without consequence, and we take relief no great reckoning comes upon us, but we know we can’t hold that off forever,”

    The adventures of the guy who got off the #NeverTrump sauce and Just Started Paying Attention. Maybe you’ll start quoting earth-shattering Moldbug visions or saying “wait…anti-racist really DOES mean anti-white!!!” next. Your political enemies don’t care about you and want you dead. Film at 11.

    Quit being a gloomy Gus and refer all further questions, concernes, or emotional travails to the nearest alt-righter to receive your recommended daily allowance of ‘harden the **** up’ and ‘Told ya so’ and ‘maybe you should have read those reports rather than denouncing them as racist’.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  113. The no Trumpers hero. I expect this ingrate to be hired to write for Patterico.

    mg (31009b)

  114. @122 KevinM

    Using your logic greater majorities voted against Cruz, Kasich etc.

    Pinandpuller (bf2046)

  115. @Kevin M:Wrong the first. The “public” did not vote in the GOP primaries. Mostly it was people who claimed to be Republicans.

    In other words, Trump appeals to non-Republicans, enough to inspire them to vote in primaries they would not normally bother to vote in?

    But whether or not that is true, the Republican base is behind Trump now, or so says that notorious pro-Trump rag National Review:

    “Trump now has has now consolidated just as much support from his side as Clinton has from hers. Trump gets 90 percent support from Republicans (a touch higher than her 88 percent support from Democrats) and 76 percent from conservatives (a touch lower than her 79 percent from liberals). These differences are within the margin of error. A new PPP poll finds the same thing, with Trump at 89 percent support among Republicans and Clinton with 85 percent among Democrats, and both at 87 percent support among very conservative and very liberal voters respectively. Trump is a little off Romney’s level of support from his own side in 2012 (93 percent among Republicans and 82 percent among conservatives). But Clinton is trailing Obama’s support as well (92 support among Democrats and 86 percent among liberals). In other words, about what you would expect of two candidates who have the broad support of their own bases, but are weak and running in a year when there are a couple of third-party candidates.”

    #NeverTrump always tries to have it both ways. Shouldn’t vote for Trump because he can’t beat Hillary, and when he beats Hillary he’ll be a disaster.

    Gabriel Hanna (bc876a)

  116. The Department of Homeland Security says computer hackers have attempted to break into parts of the computerized voting systems in more than 20 states.
    Hackers probed nearly two-dozen state voting systems in an act officials are calling a “probing of concern,”an DHS official told Politico.

    Officials say computer networks are constantly being probed by hackers, but the recent attacks are of a much more concerted nature.”It’s reached a threshold of some concern,” the official told the online news outlet.

    DHS has offered to help the states monitor their systems for hackers and are providing Attorney Generals with digital scans of their voting systems.

    One of my many counselors reported this week a premonition that the recount and legal battle over this election will persist for many months.

    DNF (755a85)

  117. 122. You are intellectually helpless.

    123. Prior to that 50% rise a 64 year-old making more than $25K yearly has to pay $5K in premiums with a $7K deductible.

    ACA, really?

    DNF (755a85)

  118. 141. And just to spell that out for maths ignorant #nevertrump, 10% of 25% of 50%, their share of the total eligible voter population is, wait for it, 0.0125%.

    The Democrats are stealing many times that number and Trump still has a good chance until the recount gets rolling.

    DNF (755a85)

  119. Sorry, make that 1.25 %

    DNF (755a85)

  120. Pat Caddell on Thursday about the apparent disconnect in election polling, stating, “The secret is nobody knows what we’re polling.”
    Caddell continued:

    There are different ways of doing it. They come out with different results … because the polling tends now to be very snap – who’s ahead, who’s behind. We’re not looking deep enough into the attitudinal structure of this race. And that’s where I have repaired myself, which is to really try to dig into that because that is what, in the end, what will be determinative.

    “Some of these polls are good. Some are not good,” stated Caddell, adding:

    We don’t know, for example – we have voter models based upon past performance – we don’t know whether that’s going to hold up. The Trump model indicates voters who have not been participating, but are registered, who are planning to come out and vote.

    DNF (ffe548)

  121. Time:

    Ultimately, U.S. plans may depend on how far Assad pushes. Will he settle for consolidating control of the western half of the country that’s already within his grasp? Or will he push to recapture the entire country, a move that would come only at an unimaginably high human cost? One thing is clear: Russian planes in Syria’s airspace and Iranian boots on Syrian ground give Moscow and Tehran a bigger say on Assad and a greater stake in Syria’s future than Washington will ever have. And that’s a reality that the next U.S. President would do well to accept.

    DNF (755a85)

  122. IBD:

    Health Reform: Two Blue Cross plans made the stunning announcement in the past week that they were dropping out of ObamaCare markets. If even the Blues — the backbone of the individual insurance market for decades — can’t make it, ObamaCare is truly on the road to ruin.

    Blue Cross was once thought to be ObamaCare’s firewall. If for-profit insurers decided to drop out of the exchanges, at least these venerable nonprofits would remain to provide coverage.

    But that’s not the case anymore. Despite getting approval on an eye-popping rate hike of nearly 60% for 2017, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee announced that it was quitting three of the largest ObamaCare markets in the state, which will leave 100,000 enrollees to scramble for an alternative coverage next year.

    The state’s Blue Cross had lost half a billion dollars in ObamaCare’s first three years, and the company’s spokesman said “there are too many uncertainties to continue participating on a statewide level as we have before.”

    That decision came shortly after Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska’s announcement that it was pulling out of ObamaCare entirely in that state — stranding some 20,000 ObamaCare enrollees — after losing $140 million. “We can’t take another hit,” said CEO Steve Martin last Friday. The decision came after the company had won approval for a 42% premium increase.

    These dropouts are on top of the June announcement that Minnesota’s Blue Cross was abandoning the states individual market entirely in the wake of $500 million in losses, which means more than 100,000 people in the state will be looking for a new insurer for next year.

    That same month, Arizona’s Blue Cross announced that it was dropping out of two counties — Maricopa and Pinal. It later decided to get back into Pinal County after Aetna fled the state, which would have left Pinal with zero insurers in the ObamaCare exchange.

    In North Carolina, Blue Cross was contemplating an exit until other insurers dropped out, leaving it the sole carrier in much of the state.

    As Douglas Holtz-Eakin of the American Action Forum put it, “This is a striking indictment of ObamaCare because the Blue plans were the backbone of the individual market prior to the Affordable Care Act and the largest participants in the exchanges.”

    DNF (755a85)

  123. Cornucopia:

    Okinawa, Japan’s Katsuren castle has long been celebrated for its rich history (it’s a UNESCO world heritage site), but it seems that its past is a lot more complicated than previously believed. Archeologist Hiroyuki Miyagi found nine ancient Roman coins while excavating the Japanese ruins this month.
    It was a completely unexpected discovery: Miyagi had only been planning to look at samurai armor but, from his past excavations in Italy and Egypt, was able to recognize the coins instantly. Through subsequent X-ray analysis, the Roman coins were dated to at least 400 AD. (There was also an Ottoman coin from 1687 located.) Studies of the site have been going on for the last three years, so it’s even more surprising the unlikely find only happened now.

    DNF (755a85)

  124. Meet, Andrew Spieles, a student at James Madison University, and apparently “Lead Organizer” for HarrisonburgVOTES. According to the Daily News-Record, Spieles confessed to re-registering 19 deceased Virginians to vote in the 2016 election cycle.

    While this should come as a surprise to precisely 0 people, Spieles just happens to be Democrat who, accorded to a deleted FaceBook post, apparently recently ran for Caucus Chair of the Virginia Young Democrats.

    It’s too bad really, sounds like Spieles had all the right “special talents” required to be very successful politician…he just forgot the most important first rule: “Don’t get caught.”

    DNF (755a85)

  125. #NeverTrump always tries to have it both ways. Shouldn’t vote for Trump because he can’t beat Hillary, and when he beats Hillary he’ll be a disaster.

    Gabriel Hanna (bc876a) — 10/1/2016 @ 4:29 am

    This is the perfect election for Republicans but Trump can barely keep up with horrible Hillary. And if he does manage to win, which I doubt, he will be a disaster.

    DRJ (15874d)

  126. It’s the DNF blog!

    DRJ (15874d)

  127. well if you’re at this level of gloat, you may need to check your bearings

    it’s slightly netroots with a patina of undeserved arrogance,

    narciso (d1f714)

  128. it seems that the late drumheller and murray (remember them) where stovepiping to the uk, as well

    narciso (d1f714)

  129. You have to admit, DRJ, that someone making a slew of sequential posts in this thread is amusing.

    Simon Jester (3dbc42)

  130. and max, since you seem to ventured from your volkischer, stop attacking someone who is just restating points, it does seem some of the leading lights of this establishment, have been gaslighted most severely,

    narciso (d1f714)

  131. et tu simon, you don’t notice the irony, I find the outrage factory, is inversely proportional to what should concern us,

    narciso (d1f714)

  132. 152. Narciso ought to feel ignored.

    Yes, supplying content in its tendentious absence.

    DNF (ffe548)

  133. I have suggested just a few areas, where the ahab quotient is less noticeable, the slants lawsuit, the imminent garoufis one, the leaked second hand intelligence briefing, nada por nada,

    narciso (d1f714)

  134. 157. OTOH, he reliably represents academia being perpetually triggered.

    DNF (ffe548)

  135. DNF is a breath of fresh air with this “all the news that’s fit to blog” approach. Roman coins from 400 AD in Okinawa, who would have thought. Plus Deutsche Bank and Blue Cross. Trump and Clinton will likely prove to be completely unrelated to the next few Black Swans. They certainly won’t provide any answers to the problems that will confront us. Keep your powder dry.

    BobStewartatHome (d2c7a4)

  136. this deeply condescending attitude, which only samizdat publications seem to capture,

    sometimes they miss the bullseye, but bloomberg, bezos, carlos slims are on another plane entirely,

    narciso (d1f714)

  137. 163. The Great Uniter(in American Balkanization) pre-justifies, e.g., BLM and Migrant Jihadis to instigate their destructive riots and attacks as an excuse for Federal intrusion.

    In fact, the feral mobs are but cannon fodder, and the putative beneficent surrogacy a sham.

    DNF (ffe548)

  138. it’s her 47% moment, wonder how many will be made aware, the basket of deplorables was not because her cohort does share the opinion,

    narciso (d1f714)

  139. well they aren’t far wrong from certain corners

    narciso (d1f714)

  140. 151. “This is the perfect election for Republicans buti Trump can barely keep up with horrible Hillary. ”

    Multiple sources linked elsewhere indicate Trump running well ahead of Romany at this point in their respective campaigns.

    Moreover his campaign is generally aiding down-ticket contests for the GOP.

    Your assumption that some, possibly any, Establishment offering would do better in a change election is at best counter-intuitive and yet #nevertrump fails to provide any thing tricked out as evidence for its mythology.

    DNF (ffe548)

  141. 151. Cont. The evidence is that Trump is doing better with Blacks, Hispanics and Independents than prior Republican attempts.

    Although Mr. M. deplores outsiders voting for his Republicans, Trump has increased significantly outsiders interest in voting for a nominal Republican.

    #nevertrump is simply unhappily finding itself a minor political constituency. Blame God.

    DNF (ffe548)

  142. Oct 1 2012 Romney RCP average 45.7%
    Oct 1 2016 Trump RCP average 44.4%

    Oct 1 2012 Obama RCP average 49%
    Oct 1 2016 Clinton RCP average 47.5%

    Rick Ballard (1aa129)

  143. Your assumption that some, possibly any, Establishment offering would do better in a change election is at best counter-intuitive and yet #nevertrump fails to provide any thing tricked out as evidence for its mythology.

    DNF (ffe548) — 10/1/2016 @ 8:13 am

    I’m pretty sure Kasich would be doing better. Now the same general objection that people raise about Trump, that he’s not reliably conservative, applies as much or even more to Kasich. I’m guessing about 90% of the NeverTrumps would vote for Kasich without giving it a second thought.

    Kasich doesn’t have Trump’s personal quirks but that is not the central reason the NeverTrumps put forth for their NeverTrumpism. They claim to be standing on some principle.

    Gerald A (a48c32)

  144. 169. 151. Cont. The evidence is that Trump is doing better with Blacks, Hispanics and Independents than prior Republican attempts.

    Although Mr. M. deplores outsiders voting for his Republicans, Trump has increased significantly outsiders interest in voting for a nominal Republican.

    #nevertrump is simply unhappily finding itself a minor political constituency. Blame God.

    DNF (ffe548) — 10/1/2016 @ 8:23 am

    Where do y’all come up with this stuff? Trump is doing better with Hispanics? Laughable. My wife’s family is hispanic and with the exception of my sister-in-law voted for Romney and McCain, but won’t vote for Trump. And within their community it’s more of the same. Trump is doing better with Black Americans? Again, that’s unproven, and in fact Hillary is doing a better job at suppressing Black voters than Trump is at gaining their support. Trump killing it with Independents? Again, the polls aren’t bearing that out; and as much as y’all want to whine about skewed polls spare me the vitriol. I bought into that same narrative in 2008 and 2012 and it got us Obama both times. No more.

    You want someone to blame for what’s looking like a loss to Clinton? It isn’t the #NeverTrumpers, it’s the candidate stupid.

    Sean (41ed1e)

  145. So Sean, are many then just sandbagging for multiple purposes? At least more are mastering that Cuban and Tejano art of telling neighbors what they want to hear.

    urbanleftbehind (d3c77e)

  146. Where do y’all come up with this stuff? Trump is doing better with Hispanics? Laughable. My wife’s family is hispanic and with the exception of my sister-in-law voted for Romney and McCain, but won’t vote for Trump. And within their community it’s more of the same. Trump is doing better with Black Americans? Again, that’s unproven, and in fact Hillary is doing a better job at suppressing Black voters than Trump is at gaining their support. Trump killing it with Independents? Again, the polls aren’t bearing that out; and as much as y’all want to whine about skewed polls spare me the vitriol. I bought into that same narrative in 2008 and 2012 and it got us Obama both times. No more.

    You want someone to blame for what’s looking like a loss to Clinton? It isn’t the #NeverTrumpers, it’s the candidate stupid.

    Sean (41ed1e) — 10/1/2016 @ 9:37 am

    I don’t know where people get the idea Trump will get a lot more Hispanic or black votes than Romney but he doesn’t have to. He’s going to do much better with working class whites than Romney did. If Romney did as well with them as Trump will he would have won. The polls indicate that if Trump loses Clinton’s margin will be Republicans who voted for Romney who don’t vote for Trump. IOW the NeverTrumps.

    Gerald A (a48c32)

  147. the ruling class loves that pig they wanna do that pig all up in it to the glory of constitution and dead fetuses and harvardtrash ted and more dead fetuses

    they all want a lamborghini you see

    they feel quite entitled

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  148. nonono it’s a private joke (baby parts lol)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  149. “THIS KEEPS HAPPENING: Can’t shake the cough! Hillary Clinton chokes up at Florida rally and pops a throat lozenge just minutes before she’s helped down a set of stairs by an aide as health woes continue to plague her.”

    Old, dried up, lying crook…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  150. @ DNF, #168:

    Your assumption that some, possibly any, Establishment offering would do better in a change election is at best counter-intuitive…

    Remember those spring polls that showed Cruz beating Clinton in a head-to-head general? And Rubio beating her by more? And Kasich (ick) beating her by still more?

    And Trump being the only major Republican candidate losing to her?

    Unfortunately, there’s no way for us to test a counterfactual. I can’t go back and swap out Trump for either Rubio or Cruz (although oh, how I wish I could) and then record the polls at this point in that universe, in order to prove to you once and for for all how wrong you are. But I can, and will, point out that what is currently happening is exactly what the polls suggested would happen months ago…though I do admit that Trump shutting his mouth for a month has made it a race for a lot longer than I would have believed possible.

    I guess it doesn’t mater, though. Even if I could prove you wrong with polling data from an a;ternate-universe October that showed Cruz en route to a comfortable victory, you would probably still ignore it. Just like I suspect you’ll ignore Rick Ballard’s post at #170. Facts may be stubborn things, but people can be far more so.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  151. #184 Demosthenes,

    Yes, if Rubio were the nominee, he’d beat her like a drum.
    A lot of people will only be voting for illary because they think Trump is too wacky.

    The contrast between Rubio and illary would be night and day.
    Nobody would be talking the lesser of two evils, or how they wish neither of them would win.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  152. 184,185. Although, I do get the feeling many of the same people who bailed on Romney/Ryan would bail on Rubio. Those people’s worst nightmare is not a Dem victory but a narrow Rubio victory by way of NV, CO, NM, and the new FOB crowd of FL and VA.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  153. @181–Maudie has more props than MGM.

    “Hip hooray, the American way! The world is a stage; the stage is a world of entertainment.” – Judy Garland, 1952

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  154. You guys are undoubtedly right, anyone but Trump would have been inevitable!

    Even more inevitable than Romney!!

    LBascom (2f3828)

  155. @ LBascom, #188:

    You guys are undoubtedly right, anyone but Trump would have been inevitable!

    Anyone but Trump would have been better, on a whole range of fronts and issues. And yeah, odds are very good that they’d be beating Hillary.

    But don’t let that stop your snark. I know it’s all you’ve got now.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  156. @184-Remember those spring polls that showed Cruz beating Clinton… Even if I could prove you wrong with polling data from an alternate-universe October that showed Cruz en route to a comfortable victory, you would probably still ignore it.

    Pfft. Stale Texas Toast.

    With apologies to Tom Lehrer:

    Gather round while I sing you of Canadian Cruz,
    A man whose allegiance is ruled by expedience;
    Call him unprincipled for changing his views,
    “Principles, schminziples,” coos Canadian Cruz

    Don’t say that he’s hypocritical,
    Say rather that he’s quite political;
    “Once the endorsement was up, by this week it’s old news!
    Memories are short,” coos Canadian Cruz

    Some have harsh words for this bait-and-switch ruse,
    But some say their attitude should be one of gratitude;
    Like his wife and his father; their honor abused,
    So easily betrayed by Canadian Cruz

    To become a conservative hero;
    Just show Texans you’ll stand up for zero;
    “In Calgary ‘oder’ Houston, I have proved I can lose,
    And I’ll prove it again,” coos Canadian Cruz

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  157. @Demosthenes: Not one #NeverTrumper has been able to explain why the candidates who failed to beat Trump, among Republicans, would somehow be doing better. Not one.

    Because they cannot explain the primaries with contradicting one of their multiple narratives. If Trump can’t get the base, (which, by the way, a little under Romney on Republicans and a little over on conservatives) then how did he get the nomination?

    Either he got the base and got the nomination that way, which means that Republicans liked Trump better than any other candidate and thus no-non Trump could beat Trump among Republicans.

    Or, lots of people crossed over to vote, which means Trump draws non-Republican voters more than any other Republican alternative did and hence would do better in the general.

    #NeverTrump cannot have it both ways.

    Gabriel Hanna (bc876a)

  158. I really want to hear some explanation for why, if Trump is so terrible, how did he win the primaries and how does he have the same support with the base now that Romney had at this time?

    You want to blame the media, that they fooled Republicans into voting for this monster? Well, the media was picking Hillary no matter what, and they were going to be doing the same things they do to Trump that they did to Romney and McCain and Bush and even Dole. Trump, at least, was on prime time TV for 14 years, was a celebrity since the 80s, and Americans are not just hearing of him now through what the media says about him like they would be with Kasich or Cruz or whoever it is #NeverTrump hearts now.

    It would still be all macaca, binders full of women, dogs on roof racks, new Hitler, racist, misogynist, etc etc.

    Gabriel Hanna (bc876a)

  159. “if Trump is so terrible, how did he win the primaries”

    – Gerald A

    Because there are a ton of stupid Trump supporters.

    This isn’t hard.

    Leviticus (03bf59)

  160. Gabriel Hanna,

    A general election is a different animal than the primaries.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  161. Gabriel Hanna,

    Trump basically got 30-40% of the primary votes until Cruz dropped out. The rest of the candidates split the remaining 60-70%. Normally the nominee has garnered a larger percentage of the GOP votes but the multitude of candidates, and the fact so many stayed in for so long, meant Trump could win with far less than 50%.

    Ron Paul would have won with this scenario.

    DRJ (15874d)

  162. @DRJ:Trump basically got 30-40% of the primary votes until Cruz dropped out.

    In other words, Trump did better with Republicans than any other alternative.

    Thank you.

    Gabriel Hanna (bc876a)

  163. @Cruz Supporter:A general election is a different animal than the primaries.

    Right. So we should have gone MORE liberal than Trump, or what are you saying?

    So not Cruz then, who couldn’t beat a liberal even among Republicans?

    But what liberal Republican beat Trump? None.

    See this is what I’m talking about. All the people asserting that somebody else would do better in the general can’t back it up with any evidence.

    Gabriel Hanna (bc876a)

  164. @Leviticus:Because there are a ton of stupid Trump supporters.

    This isn’t hard.

    Yup. So he’s a shoo-in for the general, in other words.

    Hain’t we got all the fools in town on our side? And ain’t that a big enough majority in any town?

    Gabriel Hanna (bc876a)

  165. Because there are a ton of stupid Trump supporters.

    This isn’t hard.
    Leviticus (03bf59) — 10/1/2016 @ 2:04 pm

    Not surprisingly, that’s what Hillary said too. Glad to see you guys all think alike.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  166. The stupid and the shallow have the same right to a voice in the governance of their affairs as the rest of us do.

    I don’t know why I, as the ivory tower academic, is the one having to say this.

    You have to win elections with the electorate you have. There is no guarantee that winning this one will move things in the right direction, but it is 100% guaranteed that losing it will move things in the wrong one.

    The chemo might kill us before it kills the cancer, but the cancer will kill us regardless.

    Gabriel Hanna (bc876a)

  167. Yes, he did better but the vote was so diluted among the candidates that it was hard for voters who dont like Trump to coalesce around an alternative.

    It’s like saying peppermint ice cream is the most popular ice cream. That’s only true if it’s competing against 15 flavors of chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla.

    DRJ (15874d)

  168. @DRJ:it was hard for voters who dont like Trump to coalesce around an alternative.

    In other words, Trump did better with Republicans than any other alternative.

    Thank you.

    And at the moment, according to that pro-Trump rag NRO, Trump is supported by 90% of Republicans and 87% of conservatives. They seem to have coalesced around him at least as well as they did with Romney.

    Gabriel Hanna (bc876a)

  169. Getting 40% of the vote is great and kudos to him, but that still means 60% of GOP primary voters didn’t choose Trump. Compare it to the Democratic primary votes at the same link. With fewer candidates and more convincing wins, it was easier for the Democrats to unite the Party beind its nominee.

    DRJ (15874d)

  170. Gabriel Hanna,

    You are deliberately ignoring my point. That is not discussion in good faith.

    DRJ (15874d)

  171. Comment 2902 is a response to my point and I appreciate that. I don’t appreciate the snark. It is good for Trump to unite the Party but 4 weeks before the election is very late.

    DRJ (15874d)

  172. 202, not 2902.

    DRJ (15874d)

  173. You should talk to Elephant Stone, Gabriel. You are two peas in a pod.

    DRJ (15874d)

  174. @DRJ:it was easier for the Democrats to unite the Party beind its nominee.

    Yeah you can say that when the DNC put its thumb on the scale and had to fire Debbie Wasserman-Schulz over it.

    Correct if I am wrong, but you think the RNC should have done something similar? Or rewritten the rules at the last minute before the convention?

    And how do you think the 40% or whatever of Republicans that Trump had then would have appreciated that? And any other candidate would have had less support from Republicans, we already know that from the primaries. If any alternative had had more then Trump would not have won the primaries.

    Gabriel Hanna (bc876a)

  175. @DRJ:You should talk to Elephant Stone, Gabriel. You are two peas in a pod.

    Don’t know why you bother with stuff like this. Means nothing to me. If it has some private meaning to you and the other regulars and constitutes some kind sick burn I have not the context to understand, well get all the enjoyment you like out of it, but it don’t bother me none.

    Gabriel Hanna (bc876a)

  176. Why Trump will win in a landslide; the Bradly effect in a nation of (illegal) immigrants…

    LBascom (2f3828)

  177. “Senator Obama is a decent person and a person you don’t have to be afraid of as president of the United States.” John McCain

    “Crooked Hillary.” Donald Trump

    “If there’s a new way

    I’ll be the first in line

    Well it better work this time.” Peace Sells-Megadeath

    Pinandpuller (ebed7f)

  178. Getting 40% of the vote is great and kudos to him, but that still means 60% of GOP primary voters didn’t choose Trump. Compare it to the Democratic primary votes at the same link. With fewer candidates and more convincing wins, it was easier for the Democrats to unite the Party beind its nominee.

    DRJ (15874d) — 10/1/2016 @ 2:33 pm


    Help me understand why you are even talking about this? It’s in the past. Trump won the nomination. Some of us are not happy about that, but that changes nothing.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  179. With friends like Leviticus, who needs enemies?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  180. “By rights the conservatives should be doomed. Yet with the possible exception of the British Brexiteers the American electorate alone of the Western voting public is broadly aware that it is Blue Model which is desperately racing for harbor before the onset of a Perfect Storm. The financial system is trembling on the edge, bad news is seething just under the surface and there is but dubious haven in an “Third Obama term” supplied Hillary Clinton. Kerry’s frantic ceasefire efforts, the offers of bailouts to domestic constituencies and bribes to foreign enemies only serve to emphasize how the system is just living from moment to moment, with no other plan but to hang on.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  181. 214-Colonel, it might help if you look at nevertrumpers like this:

    LBascom (2f3828)

  182. you thought they would allow the crimethink to percolate,

    narciso (d1f714)

  183. The market is forecasting a Donald Trump victory

    My job is to interpret what I see in the stock market and the market is forecasting a Donald Trump victory. That is one of the reasons why the market has been strong and will continue to be strong. Contrary to what you hear from almost everyone in the media, the market will NOT crash if Trump wins, and the market will NOT decline sharply if he does well in the upcoming debates and surges in the polls. Please stop being brainwashed by the mainstream media.

    My theory is that it’s forecasting a Trump win, a more business friendly environment, and a stronger economy over the next few years.

    The stigma of admitting to being a Trump supporter makes me think that if he’s within a margin of error in November, he wins in a landslide.

    So says Joe Fahmy at Yahoo Finance. Fahmy is echoing the theory of Wall Streeter Jeffrey Gundlach about how Trump will outperform his poll numbers by a significant amount.

    Gerald A (a48c32)

  184. when they refuse to challenge the internet shanghaiing or robertscare what else are we to conclude,

    narciso (d1f714)

  185. DRJ (15874d) — 10/1/2016 @ 2:05 pm

    Trump basically got 30-40% of the primary votes until Cruz dropped out. The rest of the candidates split the remaining 60-70%.

    Trump actually got higher in states with small Republican parties that usually lose elections and closed primaries (so only true believers would register Republican) like most of the states n the Northeast.

    Cruz was either not a factor, or disliked, and anybody who liked Cruz, liked Trump better becuase he was stronger on his main issue. Some states Cruz woin, like Utah and Wisconsin, he only won as ameanas to stop Trump. When it looked like a vote for Cruz might be interpreted as being actually for Cruz, and that there was nobody to ste in, as in Indiana, he lost.

    Sammy Finkelman (57e37d)

  186. “if Trump is so terrible, how did he win the primaries”

    – Gerald A

    Because there are a ton of stupid Trump supporters.

    This isn’t hard.

    Leviticus (03bf59) — 10/1/2016 @ 2:04 pm

    Some kind of Freudian slip?

    Gerald A (a48c32)

  187. 30. DCSCA (797bc0) — 9/30/2016 @ 11:36 am


    The problems were inside the hall, not on the air. I didn’t notice anything either on the radio, or on TV. (The radio, as almost always in liove events, runs some seconds behind TV, broadcasting it later)

    Sammy Finkelman (57e37d)

  188. The #NeverTrumpers are more angry at Trump than they are at illary. (Some of them will even admit to it! LOL)

    That’s precisely why Rubio should have become the nominee.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  189. Lol, Gerald. Also, if you figure the average Trump supporter – male or female – might weigh 170 lbs., a ton would amount to… we’ll round up… a total of 12 people. So 12 “stupid” Trump supporters… compared to tens of millions of stupid Clinton supporters and a few thousand #NeverTrumpers.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  190. 48. narciso (d1f714) — 9/30/2016 @ 12:40 pm

    who has gotten the story more correctly, </blockquote. Is Putin promising to do to Aleppo what uaddafi promised to do to Benghazi, but, a House of Commons report claims, probably really didn't intend to do, to Benghazi, because he didn't do it to other, smaller, cities?

    Except that he didn't promise to massacre people in those other cities. He had declared he would do like Tiananmen Square, Waco and the destruction of Fallujah. Waco? We could say he understood Bill Clinton had done that on purpose, except he includes Fallujah.

    Only Putin didn't promise to do that, but he's doing it. And lying about it.

    Sammy Finkelman (57e37d)

  191. Why won’t the #NeverTrumpers admit that they’re #PrettyMuchForHillary?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  192. he’s been attacking nusra and outfits affiliated with them, and they have sought sanctuary in aleppo, consequently those groups are mostly responsible for the civilian casualties, like the parliament report on libya, there was little actual evidence of gaddafi’s behavior, and conversely too much about the nature of the rebels,

    narciso (d1f714)

  193. Why won’t the #NeverTrumpers admit that they’re #PrettyMuchForHillary?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 10/1/2016 @ 8:42 pm

    Because they’re not. Trump is a terrible candidate, unable to stop agreeing with Liberal policies, cut out the frat boy antics, or even do the most basic work to win back disaffected Conservatives. Because of him Hillary isn’t losing. Because of him Hillary is on track to win in November. And because of HIM we’re going to have to fight harder than ever to save this Republic. Romney and McCain received all of the blame for their losses but most of you want to give him a pass and instead focus on the small group of individuals that were both a) told they were needed to usher in a landslide for Trump in November, and b) aren’t even large enough in numbers to equal 1% of the overall vote come November. But keep blaming #NeverTrump, your boogeyman.

    Sean (41ed1e)

  194. If Hillary is cancer, Trump isn’t chemo, he’s malaria.

    NickM (d6362a)

  195. If hillary’s a sleazy diseased criminal pig, Trump isn’t marlon brando, he’s a plum lolly!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  196. 230. NickM (d6362a) — 10/2/2016 @ 11:20 am

    If Hillary is cancer, Trump isn’t chemo, he’s malaria.

    Meaning you think malaria is much easier to cure or survive, but if it does kill you, it’ll kill you quicker.

    Sammy Finkelman (57e37d)

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