Patterico's Pontifications


Another Baltimore Cop Acquitted in Freddie Gray Death Trial

Filed under: General — JVW @ 11:13 am

[guest post by JVW]

[UPDATE: I corrected the spelling of Freddie Gray’s name in the title and in the post. – JVW]

Officer Caesar Goodson, Jr. was acquitted earlier today on all charges stemming from his participation in last spring’s arrest and subsequent death of Freddie Gray. Goodson had driven the police van in which Gray had been placed while handcuffed, and he was accused of having intentionally given Gray a “rough ride” causing him to be tossed about in the back of the van. Gray died from neck and spinal injuries that prosecutors contend were suffered during the van ride. Goodson had been charged with second-degree depraved heart murder, three counts of manslaughter, second-degree assault, reckless endangerment and misconduct in office, but presiding Judge Barry Williams found him not guilty on all charges. Goodson is the third of six Baltimore PD officers brought up on charges. Officer William Porter’s trial ended in a mistrial back in December and Officer Edward Nero was found not guilty last month.

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby has been criticized for over-charging in this case and for a reckless rush to judgement in general. In the Goodson case, it also turned out that her office had withheld exculpatory evidence from Goodson’s defense team, including a witness account that Gray had continued to move on his own in the van after the point that the prosecution contended his spine had been broken. In addition, Legal Insurrection discusses tension between the Baltimore Police Department and Mosby’s office after prosecutors floated the theory that detectives have deliberately sabotaged the Goodson case through poor work. Goodson’s case was considered the strongest of the six for the prosecution, so his acquittal today does not bode well for the chances of winning convictions in the remaining three trials.


29 Responses to “Another Baltimore Cop Acquitted in Freddie Gray Death Trial”

  1. Say this for Baltimore: as with the Porter mistrial and the Nero acquittal, it doesn’t appear that Baltimoreans are willing to riot over today’s verdict. I hope I’m not premature with this observation — nightfall in Baltimore is still several hours away.

    JVW (eabb2a)

  2. Amazing what a complete lack of evidence will do for the defense.

    Steve57 (ecac13)

  3. I am unfortunately on the verge of making un-Christian remarks about Ms. Mosby’s future, involving Dingoes.

    Steve57 (ecac13)

  4. If the NSA or some other federal or state agency is monitoring this conversation, I bear no ill intent toward Marilyn Mosby.

    I wish no harm to come upon her.

    So she can never live this down.

    Steve57 (ecac13)

  5. In the Goodson case, it also turned out that her office had withheld exculpatory evidence from Goodson’s defense team, including a witness account that Gray had continued to move on his own in the van after the point that the prosecution contended his spine had been broken.

    I think this is because they want to say that the injury happened before Freddie Gray complained, but that’s not true.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4)

  6. 1. If your prediction holds, its because they are learning the hard way about fetal policing.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  7. I hope I’m not premature with this observation — nightfall in Baltimore is still several hours away.

    An the bus loads of democrat rent-a-rioters is still miles away.

    Rev. Hoagie® (734193)

  8. Black judge acquits black cop of killing black man. Sounds like racism to me.

    Myiq2xu (0ddb17)

  9. Now I understand why lawyers are almost all leftists. The police union boss is calling for an end of these malicious prosecutions so law suits can’t be far away. The democrat politicians (lawyers) prosecute the police union members (democrats) using the democrat district attorney’s so everyone has employed the lawyers who always win regardless. Amazingly, they’ll win tax payers money taken from hard working citizens and spread it around like payola. Everybody makes a buck but the poor butt-F****d tax payer, who then reelects the corrupt democrat politicians because they’re black. I’m in the friggin’ Looking Glass.

    Rev. Hoagie® (734193)

  10. Most disgraceful prosecutor since Jim Garrison.

    Brendan (54f236)

  11. “An the bus loads of democrat rent-a-rioters is still miles away.”

    Does Soros pay overtime for night rioting?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    scrubone (c3104f)

  12. it also turned out that her office had withheld exculpatory evidence from Goodson’s defense team

    this is what passes for justice in loretta lynch’s sick sad sloppy failmerica

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  13. “Most disgraceful prosecutor since Jim Garrison.”

    Did you follow the Zimmerman trial?

    scrubone (c3104f)

  14. Does Soros pay overtime for night rioting?

    Of course not scrubone, minimum wage, overtime and health insurance benefits are for evil corporations like Chick-fil-A or Wal-Mart these guys are in it for The Cause!

    Rev. Hoagie® (734193)

  15. Did I see Charlie Rangel state that regular citizens shouldn’t be permitted firearms but he and his armed guards should?

    Rev. Hoagie® (734193)

  16. Mosby is in the same class with Nifong, along with Garrison and the Zimmerman prosecutors.

    DN (1da183)

  17. The only problem with comparing Mosby to Mike Nifong is Nifong left in disgrace and was disbarred and Mosby will score a promotion or make that run for higher office she was being groomed for by the Maryland Dem establishment. Sometimes life’s not fait.

    f1guyus (5a4596)

  18. Fair

    f1guyus (5a4596)

  19. UPDATE: I corrected the spelling of Freddie Gray’s name in the title and in the post.

    JVW (eabb2a)

  20. Freddie’s Dead

    Freddie’s dead.
    That’s what I said…
    Let the man catch a ride; ‘said he’d ride inside.
    But the man liked to flop and then he’d flip
    Everybody’s misused him; ripped him off and that ain’t hip
    A junkie playin’ with fire; think he act in The Wire
    A terrible blow, but that’s how it go…
    Freddie’s on The Corner now… if you wanna be a junkie, wow…
    Remember, Freddie’s dead…
    We’re all fed up with Mosby
    too clever by half and then she
    She can’t deal with ethics or laws,
    In reality… She’s a lost cause
    an’ Freddie’s dead, his peeps got bread

    Colonel Haiku (f3bf77)

  21. #15 Hoagie,

    It’s just like Barack lecturing everyone about how building a fence to keep illegals from entering our southern border is wrong and contrary to “our” American values, yet he lives in a mansion which is … protected by a fence.

    As a child, he was never taught the addage about what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  22. @8, trolling, much?

    Steve57 (ecac13)

  23. Don’t get arrested in Baltimore. Better yet, don’t go to Baltimore.

    nk (dbc370)

  24. nk,

    Wasn’t Freddie Gray habitually in trouble with the law? So maybe the problem isn’t the police, maybe the problem was Freddie Gray.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  25. Somewhat amazingly, there’s a story in the Baltimore Sun in which many members of “the community” say that the litany of not guilty verdicts will do nothing to harm Mosby’s status as a rising political star.

    Because she had the courage to do the right thang, ya understand.

    Read all about it here:

    Deuce Frehley (73c323)

  26. Deuce, there’s a lot of ways to look at this. One of them is that she pacified the mob, and the cops should be grateful that all they had to go through was a trial.

    nk (dbc370)

  27. no, she incited the mob, gave them false hope, suborned perjury re the medical examiner,

    narciso (732bc0)

  28. Check out my comment on the Trump campaign thread?

    nk (dbc370)

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