Rubio Running for Re-Election
Little Marco is running for re-election to the Senate:
Sen. Marco Rubio will announce Wednesday he will seek re-election to the Senate, reversing a pledge he made a year ago to either assume the presidency or return to private life in Florida, instantly transforming an already competitive race and improving the chances that Republicans can maintain the Senate majority.
I learned this primary season that I don’t care for Marco Rubio. I learned that he is am empty suit who will do and say anything that serves his political ambitions. I learned how deep and blatant his lies had been about opposing amnesty for illegal aliens. Finally, I watched him try to “stand by” the things he had said about Donald Trump during the campaign — including branding Donald Trump someone who can’t be trusted with nuclear weapons — yet who supports Trump today because he said he would support the nominee.
Well, Rubio also said he would not run for re-election to the Senate, too.
I have only said like 10000 times I will be a private citizen in January.
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) May 17, 2016
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) June 22, 2016
While I am no longer a member of the Republican party (I officially deregistered online), I also believe that it is important that they maintain control of the Senate and House. The GOP is feckless in fighting big government, but they are the most organized bulwark against big government out there. (Libertarians don’t win elections; they even argue about whether it’s moral to vote.) If I were convinced that Rubio is the only chance to hold on to the seat, then I would support Rubio.
But I’m not so sure he is. I know Mitch McConnell put out a big “draft Rubio” campaign. But Ted Cruz and Mike Lee seem . . . more lukewarm:
Marco Rubio reached out to Ted Cruz to confirm his intent to run for reelection to his Florida Senate seat, according to sources familiar with the matter.
According to two aides briefed on the Tuesday phone call, Rubio asked Cruz to blast out a statement urging Rubio to run for reelection, “so it’s not just Mitch [McConnell]” asking him to do so, as one aide described it.
Those aides say Cruz declined, as he didn’t want to be accused of nudging out US Representative Ron DeSantis, the tea-party favorite in the race for Rubio’s seat. The aides say that Senator Mike Lee of Utah echoed that concern after Rubio approached him with the same request. A Lee aide confirmed that this conversation took place.
If Mitch McConnell wants Rubio, and Ted Cruz and Mike Lee don’t, I tend to think I don’t either.
UPDATE: DeSantis is now out. Sounds like he would have been a better small-government candidate but was pushed out by Mr. Ambition. Oh well.
UPDATE x2: And with DeSantis out, Cruz is now supporting Rubio in the primary.
i got a pocket
got a pocket full of SUNSHINE!
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 7:42 amUPDATE: DeSantis is now out. Sounds like he would have been a better small-government candidate but was pushed out by Mr. Ambition. Oh well.
Patterico (86c8ed) — 6/22/2016 @ 7:51 amI want to like Rubio, but after this campaign season, I can’t. Just another statist politician.
Dan S (e312ac) — 6/22/2016 @ 7:53 amRubio may not be the only chance to hold on to the seat for the GOP, but he is certainly the best chance: the Democrat odds of turning that seat are considerably less this morning.
kishnevi (6fbba2) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:01 amLet’s just say it…Calvin Coolidge was a RINO! (LOL)
Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:09 amFriday June 24 was the deadline. It’s good to see that Marco Rubio is correcting a mistake. He does have the best chance, especially with all those newly registered voters who have moved from Puerto Rico, who are being registered by the Democratic Party. (people do like to vote for the re-election of famous Senators)
Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:19 amThis is why the GOP is terrible today. Everybody’s a purist.
Marco Rubio is ambitious. He’s terrible. Get rid of him.
Ted Cruz shut down the government for no apparent reason. He’s terrible. Get rid of him.
Perry said Oooops once. He’s terrible. Get rid of him.
Romney drove with a dog on his roof 30 years ago. He’s terrible. Get rid of him.
Christie had people that did something with a bridge. He’s terrible. Get rid of him.
Kasich is a GOPe RINO. He’s terrible. Get rid of him.
Well, we got rid of them all, and who’s left? DONALD TRUMP!
Congrats Purists!!!! Good job! Good effort!
A.S. (23bc66) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:20 amYeah, I’ll take Rubio.
nk (dbc370) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:32 amWe could do worse than Rubio. A Democrat, for example.
Kevin M (25bbee) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:35 amThe weasel wing of the Republican Party is not a small one, at least among our leaders.
The good news is that Shorty is doing what Romney and other nominees that preceded Romney failed to do: hammer the Democratic nominee. With both Trump and Romney, there was no shortage of material to work with, but in the weasel Romney’s case, only a shortage courage.
The main difference between Shorty and the weasels is that Trump wears his shortcomings on his sleeve; the weasels work hard to keep their manifest deficiencies well hidden – and they do it as a team. There is an honesty to Trump’s lone-wolf repulsiveness that I like.
Also, I find myself wondering if there had been no Cruz candidacy (or Fiorina), would I find Shorty so repugnant? If Trump were just one poorly formed ego among many vying for the nomination, would I find him so troubling?
ThOR (c9324e) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:35 amLet’s just say it…Calvin Coolidge was a RINO
So was Reagan!
Kevin M (25bbee) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:36 amThOR,
Where was Trump in 2012? He could have spent a few million making speeches about how terrible Obama was. He could have gotten media attention saying “Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!” (assuming he knew of it) and heightened awareness of the issue. But no, that would have been a selfless act.
Kevin M (25bbee) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:40 ambut can we count on Rubio to confirm Hillary’s partial birth judges?
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:50 amIf Pulse convinced Rubio to run for re-election, might it also elicit the answer to some questions about a famous athlete’s “virginity”:
urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 6/22/2016 @ 9:06 amRubio is either a betrayer or a sucker on immigration. That’s different from ‘ambitious’. It’s even different freon RINO. He’s either an idiot who got taken by Chuck Schumer or a traitor who’s been against us from the start.
Ingot (bd67e2) — 6/22/2016 @ 9:37 amrepublicans don’t care about immigration anymore silly pickle they just want hillary to win so she can do the partial birth judges on the fetuses
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 9:45 amReally, urbanleftbehind? The bar tender from Pulse talks of his respect for a guy who he terms “awesome” who flew in all the way from the Bahamas to wish a fellow classmate well and you insinuate the guy lost his “virginity” as you put it, in a gay affair? I guess you figure if the democrat moslem terrorist was a fag then it’s safe to assume the Republican Christian ball player must be too.
Rev. Hoagie® (734193) — 6/22/2016 @ 10:11 amwhaa
Tim Tebow’s been an out and proud gay person for like five years now
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 10:13 amI didnt believe the rumors either, until he broke up with Miss Rhode Island (Olivia Culpo), damn what a dimepiece!
urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 6/22/2016 @ 10:20 amhe can’t love her the way she needs so they had to reassess the relationship
conscious uncoupling they called it
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 10:22 am13. happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:50 am
No, he’ll vote to confirm Merrick Garland in the lame duck session in an attempt to prevent that.
Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4) — 6/22/2016 @ 10:27 amI like Rubio. I don’t trust him but he has a wonderful ability to articulate a positive message about America.
DRJ (15874d) — 6/22/2016 @ 10:33 amOff topic, but a pretty good speech from Trump today:
“Trump, with his unerring instinct for the identifying the growling beast within us all, understands that Americans don’t trust Hillary for one crucial reason: they think, correctly, that she’s out for herself. And he hit this point over and over in his well-crafted (!) speech. Trump first had to position himself as an altruistic candidate driven by concern for country, which he did in lackluster fashion. But when he turned his guns on Hillary, he hit paydirt. He called Hillary a “world class liar,” concluding, “Brian Williams’ career was destroyed” for lesser lies than Hillary has told.
He slammed Hillary for her corruption. “Hillary Clinton has perfected the politics of personal profit and theft,” he said. “She ran the State Department like her own personal hedge fund – doing favors for oppressive regimes, and many others, in exchange for cash.” He added, “She gets rich making you poor.”
Yes. Yes, yes, and yes.
He rightly attacked Hillary’s foreign policy:
The Hillary Clinton foreign policy has cost America thousands of lives and trillions of dollars – and unleashed ISIS across the world. No Secretary of State has been more wrong, more often, and in more places than Hillary Clinton. Her decisions spread death, destruction and terrorism everywhere she touched. Among the victims is our late Ambassador, Chris Stevens….She started the war that put him in Libya, denied him the security he asked for, then left him there to die. To cover her tracks, Hillary lied about a video being the cause of his death.
He added:
Perhaps the most terrifying thing about Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy is that she refuses to acknowledge the threat posed by Radical Islam…. I only want to admit people who share our values and love our people. Hillary Clinton wants to bring in people who believe women should be enslaved and gays put to death.
Excellent stuff.
And here’s Trump on Hillary’s private email server:
Then there are the 33,000 emails she deleted. While we may not know what is in those deleted emails, our enemies probably do. So they probably now have a blackmail file over someone who wants to be President of the United States. This fact alone disqualifies her from the Presidency. We can’t hand over our government to someone whose deepest, darkest secrets may be in the hands of our enemies.
The best line of the speech, by a long shot, was this one: “She believes she is entitled to the office. Her campaign slogan is ‘I’m with her.’ You know what my response to that is? I’m with you: the American people. She thinks it’s all about her. I know it’s all about you – I know it’s all about making America Great Again for All Americans.”
This goes right to the heart of Hillary’s failures as a candidate.
Yes, it does.”
Colonel Haiku (71a740) — 6/22/2016 @ 10:33 ami abjure this marco rubio then Mr. F
he’s not a good choice
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 10:34 amAnyone who would prefer a Democrat to a Republican for ANY office is numb from the shoulders up.
Colonel Haiku (71a740) — 6/22/2016 @ 10:35 amugh harvardtrash ted is at it again
this time he’s trying to make it to where loretta lynch’s sleazy fbi poofterboys can get all up into your business without a warrant
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 10:40 amBut he said he hated it.
Another lying conservative who broke his word.
DCSCA (a343d5) — 6/22/2016 @ 10:45 amInteresting. I’ve had the same thought, albeit not so much about Fiorina. But we had some great options and it feels like what could have been the pivotal year for conservatism has been wasted by many stupid people. Of course that makes Trump more unpleasant.
Dustin (2a8be7) — 6/22/2016 @ 10:47 amLittle Marco has little chance.
Trump will take him down, down ballot again.
DCSCA (a343d5) — 6/22/2016 @ 10:53 amit’s a dissapointment, for all the reasons laid out before, but we had the exciting blanc mange, mel martinez before, so if we’re looking for numbers,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 11:14 amSenator Ted Cruz’s statement today
Don’t you want to protect Americans from specific suspected terrorists, happyfeet? Or do you hate Cruz too much to care?
DRJ (15874d) — 6/22/2016 @ 11:28 amBanning Muslims is good if Trump wants it, but investigating specific suspected terrorists is bad if Cruz wants it.
This is who happyfeet is.
DRJ (15874d) — 6/22/2016 @ 11:29 amHaiku @23. I think this might the speech, or is very close to the speech, that Trump postponed because of the Orlando massacre. Hillary decided to beat him to it by one day with an attack on Trump.
Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4) — 6/22/2016 @ 11:53 amfailmerica’s trashy corrupt fbi poofterboys can’t be trusted to use tools to fight terrorism
they let omar’s wife go!
if they wanna see the personal data of specifically-identified suspected terrorists they can get a warrant and harvardtrash ted can suck it
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 11:56 amAre you #NeverRubio, Patrick? Would you counsel against any vote for Rubio in Florida’s general election? (Obviously you would not support him in the primary there.)
It’s pretty easy to be #NeverTrump in California because, let’s face it, Hillary is a mortal lock in this state.
Would you still be #NeverTrump if, hypothetically, the election came down to your vote alone, and it HAD to be either Hillary or Trump? (Assume for the sake of my hypo that Hillary wins unless you mark your ballot for Trump, i.e., no third option.)
Mitch (341ca0) — 6/22/2016 @ 12:32 pmI would in my quixotic way, vote for desantis, in the primary, and rubio in the general,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 12:40 pmSenate dining room needs another busboy—- Re-elect Rubio!
DCSCA (a343d5) — 6/22/2016 @ 12:44 pmThis goes right to the heart of Hillary’s failures as a candidate.
And as long as Trump is the candidate, nobody will notice Hillary is on stage. Sometimes sucking all the air out of the room isn’t a good thing.
Kevin M (25bbee) — 6/22/2016 @ 12:46 pmWould you still be #NeverTrump if, hypothetically, the election came down to your vote alone, and it HAD to be either Hillary or Trump? (Assume for the sake of my hypo that Hillary wins unless you mark your ballot for Trump, i.e., no third option.)
Or, suppose you were GOD! Patterico? What then??? What would you choose? Would you give the Tin Man some brains?
Kevin M (25bbee) — 6/22/2016 @ 12:48 pmThis is who happyfeet is.
Slipperyfeet, if you ask me.
Kevin M (25bbee) — 6/22/2016 @ 12:50 pm“Anyone who would prefer a Democrat to a Republican for ANY office is numb from the shoulders up.”
– Colonel Haiku
Donald Trump is not a Republican. He’s a con artist. And you’re a chump for believing otherwise.
Leviticus (efada1) — 6/22/2016 @ 12:59 pmKevin M, my question is for Patrick, but I’ll mark you down as preferring Hillary in office to having to hold your nose and vote for Trump. My hypo, my rules. Cute snark attempt, though.
Mitch (341ca0) — 6/22/2016 @ 1:05 pmsince it all comes to down to this,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 1:11 pmDonald Trump is not a Republican. He’s a con artist. And you’re a chump for believing otherwise.
Leviticus (efada1) — 6/22/2016 @ 12:59 pm
And ALL Democrats and the assholes who support them should now be considered enemies of America, as they support criminals, aberrant behavior, and the destruction of our traditional values.
Colonel Haiku (71a740) — 6/22/2016 @ 1:16 pmJust as every Democrat politician is a criminal and all their supporters taints
Colonel Haiku (71a740) — 6/22/2016 @ 1:20 pm“And ALL Democrats and the assholes who support them should now be considered enemies of America.”
– Colonel Haiku
We clearly have very different visions of America.
Good luck with your pogrom.
Leviticus (efada1) — 6/22/2016 @ 1:26 pmYes, if you are a liberal Democrat, you certainly do have a different vision… a very short-sighted vision.
Colonel Haiku (71a740) — 6/22/2016 @ 1:29 pmVisions of money trees, fairy dust and clouds of unicorn farts…
Colonel Haiku (71a740) — 6/22/2016 @ 1:30 pmCivil War for everyone!
We even have a nifty movie to use as a basis.
I call Black Panther! Because the vibranium suit is totally rad.
Ingot (e5bf64) — 6/22/2016 @ 1:32 pm“12. Where was Trump in 2012? He could have spent a few million making speeches about how terrible Obama was. He could have gotten media attention saying “Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!”
In 2012 Trump was a private citizen, not running for office, supporting the Republican candidate Mitt Romney. How very odd that you seem to think he should have been acting like a candidate when he wasn’t.
“27. But we had some great options and it feels like what could have been the pivotal year for conservatism has been wasted by many stupid people. Of course that makes Trump more unpleasant.”
Pivotal in what regard? Losing with dignity and graciousness? Or winning?
Because the greatest conservative policies and candidates in the world mean *nothing* if you don’t get elected.
The first neccessity is to WIN the presidency. And, unfortunately, none of those great conservatives that were running would have had much of a chance of beating Hillary.
Actually, absent Trump, none of them would have even gotten close to being nominated. Absent Trump, Jeb would be the Republican candidate.
fred-2 (ce04f3) — 6/22/2016 @ 1:35 pmOf race and class division, arbitrary gender selection, anti-science, unlimited abortion, expansion of the state, trillions upon trillions of unfunded liabilities, etc….
Colonel Haiku (71a740) — 6/22/2016 @ 1:37 pmGood luck with your unsustainable
Colonel Haiku (71a740) — 6/22/2016 @ 1:40 pmvisionhallucination, LeviticusLook at urbanleftbehind, getting his giggles on about Tim Tebow possibly being a secret homosexual simply because he visited a former high school teammate in the hospital who had been shot by the evil jihadist Omar Mir Seddique Mateen.
What’s sick is that urbanleftbehind equates having a gay friend with being gay.
It’s the puritans … culturally, and politically.
Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 6/22/2016 @ 2:10 pmIt’s the gay agenda, CS: “Everybody’s gay! Bend over!”
nk (dbc370) — 6/22/2016 @ 2:22 pmA total Crist-ian move. Disgusting.
Given how poorly Rubio performed in the Florida primary, and with DJT dragging everything down, I am calling it now: Rubio will get his original wish. He will not be in the next Congress.
Ed from SFV (3400a5) — 6/22/2016 @ 2:36 pmColonel Haiku – thank you for that.
What you’re saying is there is no space for compromise; there is no room for living together; there is no room for rapproachment between the tribes. In your eyes, there is only war.
That says a lot about *you* and not very much about anyone else.
aphrael (e0cdc9) — 6/22/2016 @ 2:36 pmBig Ed From SFV,
I think you’re one of those conservatives who is so conservative that you’d rather see a Democrat-controlled Senate than one controlled by Republicans.(LOL)
Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 6/22/2016 @ 2:43 pmPrinciples !
the situation is beyond dire really
this idea that failmerica can afford four years of a stinky fascist pig like hillary isn’t realistic
failmerica needs to do something drastic
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 2:44 pmfred-2,
Trump considered running for President in 2011 and actually led in the polls in April 2011. He has run or considered running for President at least four times since 1987. Trump is a perpetual Presidential candidate.
DRJ (15874d) — 6/22/2016 @ 2:46 pm“Donald Trump is not a Republican. He’s a con artist.”
– Leviticus
It’s not that I disagree, it’s just that your characterization fails to distinguish him from other pols. And I find it hard to fault him just because he is better at it than most others (e.g., the incompetent, wannabe charlatan Marco Rubio).
ThOR (c9324e) — 6/22/2016 @ 2:46 pmTrump was a birther in 2011 and still is. That is his agenda, fred-2.
DRJ (15874d) — 6/22/2016 @ 2:48 pmMr. Trump’s a good person what wants to roll back the regulations that are strangling prosperity in this once-great country.
The stinky pig-woman just wants to make everything worse.
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 2:50 pmThOR,
Republican is just a word, a label, at this point. The issue is who is conservative. Rubio is not a conservative on all the issues that matter to me, but he clearly is one on many issues. What part of Trump’s agenda is conservative?
DRJ (15874d) — 6/22/2016 @ 2:52 pmbut which one will close tranny gap?
tahiti, a tiny little french fail-colony island is ahead of us with an official transvestite (mahu) per administrative district
it’s a disgrace
nk (dbc370) — 6/22/2016 @ 2:54 pmTrump is open to more gun control, he wants Congress to replace ObamaCare but he won’t promise to stop it himself, he wants to limit the First Amendment when it comes to people who criticize him, he praises Planned Parenthood, and raise taxes. I’d like a wall, too, but not at that cost.
DRJ (15874d) — 6/22/2016 @ 2:57 pmMr. Trump is really good plus he won’t appoint all them partial birth judges the stinky pig wants to appoint.
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 2:58 pmAphrael, don’t succumb to hare.
If I get you right, and that’s where you’re going.
Steve57 (ecac13) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:00 pmhate.
Steve57 (ecac13) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:00 pmMr. Trump’s the candidate of love and that’s why everyone likes him so much.
The stinky pig’s the candidate of bitterness and hate.
Choose wisely.
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:02 pmTrump needs to do what Bernie Sanders did and focus on small donors on the internet. He needs you to stop up, happyfeet, and ropelight and papertiger, too. And Colonel Haiku and everyone else who says Trump has to win. This is your chance to make it happen. What are you waiting for?
DRJ (15874d) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:03 pmSteve57 – I believe that compromise is possible and that rapproachment between the tribes is the only *workable* future, and that’s not going to change. But I also think those calling for war should be called out on it.
aphrael (e0cdc9) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:04 pmWhy should any of us care about Trump vs Hillary when his biggest supporters won’t pitch in?
DRJ (15874d) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:04 pmtwo million was raised in one day,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:07 pmi’m not giving any monies this year to anyone except people i know
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:09 pmmy comcast gets here tomorrow this is very exciting
u-verse is a stinky pig like hillary, just slower
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:10 pmThor,
Jesus Christ, Marco Rubio is totally a conservative. He’s also the most engaging public speaker since Jack Kemp.
The gang of 8 was stupid, but you guys have to get over the “100% purity test” deal.
Governor Reagan signed a scary abortion bill into law, as well as “no fault” divorce. As President, he compromised on an amnesty bill which the Democrats ultimately renegged on.
Some of you guys really would be happier with no loaf a bread, rather than half a loaf of bread, huh?
Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:11 pmlil roob roob’s a doodle poodle apple stroodle
he does not add value
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:14 pm> Some of you guys really would be happier with no loaf a bread, rather than half a loaf of bread, huh?
Well, see, if they just round up everyone who won’t give them a full loaf, declare them enemies of the state, and imprison them, then they can have the whole loaf rather than half!
aphrael (e0cdc9) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:15 pm58. DRJ (15874d) — 6/22/2016 @ 2:48 pm
I thought he stopped being a birther.
He announced he was satisfied after the White House released this:
Note: This link will become dead shortly before noon, on Friday, January 20, 2017.
But I see in your link that on July 10, 2015 he said he didn’t know where Obama was born, and that Obama hadn’t released his records, (saying only that he released ‘something’) but that he’s off that subject and doesn’t want to get into it.
Donald Trump had made public his original birth certificate from 1946, and acted surprised when people told him that’s not a valid birth certificate. Obama’s family probably lost his a long time ago, (something he probably doesn’t want to say) and, besides, it no longer has any legal value.
Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:16 pmaphrael,
I’m just wondering, when Barack asked Latino voters to get in the faces of their political adversaries, did you complain? When he said that his supporters should bring a gun to a knife fight, did you complain?
Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:16 pmThere’s tons of examples of the Left invoking metaphors of violent conflict and confrontations upon their “enemies,” but I’m just amused that you’re flipping out about Colonel Haiku talking about a war of ideologies, when your side has been talking that way for years.
aphrael I think you and I are closer than you think. There is always a price to be paid.
Steve57 (ecac13) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:17 pmwe’ll take white bread, when we can’t have whole grain,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:18 pmI know he’s just another nbc spokesidiot aspiring to espn statUS
Colonel Haiku – thank you for that.
What you’re saying is there is no space for compromise; there is no room for living together; there is no room for rapproachment between the tribes. In your eyes, there is only war.
That says a lot about *you* and not very much about anyone else.
aphrael (e0cdc9) — 6/22/2016 @ 2:36 pm
You’re welcome. They “get in my face and punch back twice as hard” like their fearless leader orders and I’ll raise the bar as much as it takes. Democrats version of “compromise” is their way or the highway. Democrats professed desire to have an open and frank discussion translates to shut up, listen and we’ll tell you how it’s going to be.
Eff ’em in their fat pie holes. But you go ahead and ben dover. Speaks volumes about you and your gullible, go along to get along nature, aphrael.
Colonel Haiku (71a740) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:33 pmCruz Supporter – I would absolutely vote for Marco in this race. If nothing else, being in the Senate will force him to actually take actions which demonstrate his conservative bona fides, which is to say he will be exposed again and again, thus compromising his chances in 2020.
I can see his new 2016 campaign motto – “Four more years!” Too bad for him a Senator’s term is 6, eh?
Ed from SFV (3400a5) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:36 pm“I believe that compromise is possible and that rapproachment between the tribes is the only *workable* future”
Then get with it and straighten out your tribe, aphrael. You have your work cut out for you.
Colonel Haiku (71a740) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:37 pm64, 65… you had it right teh first time.
Colonel Haiku (71a740) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:38 pmCruz Supporter – I’m reacting to Colonel Haiku because he is a member of a community of which I am a member, announcing to that community that I am an enemy of America.
Should I *not* be offended by that?
It’s certainly rhetoric I would never use, and it’s rhetoric I would call out – and *have* called out – against if my liberal friends were to use it in my presence about conservatives.
aphrael (e0cdc9) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:38 pmBut maybe my error here is in assuming that I’m actually a member of this community.
aphrael (e0cdc9) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:39 pmyou’re the best member of all!
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:39 pmFrom Mark Leno and Ricardo Lara, the people you ignored when they went after United Airlines and the Boy Scouts:
California Bill Would Ultimately Erase Religious Schools
L.N. Smithee (b84cf6) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:56 pm“What part of Trump’s agenda is conservative?”
Yesterday, Trump promised a litany of changes in a major policy speech. The list sounds pretty conservative to me, though you may disagre. Here it is:
“Here are a few things a Trump Administration will do for America in the first 100 days:
Appoint judges who will uphold the Constitution. Hillary Clinton’s radical judges will virtually abolish the 2nd amendment.
Change immigration rules to give unemployed Americans an opportunity to fill good-paying jobs
Stand up to countries that cheat on trade, of which there are many
Cancel rules and regulations that send jobs overseas
Lift restrictions on energy production
Repeal and replace job-killing Obamacare — it is a disaster.
Pass massive tax reform to create millions of new jobs.
Impose tough new ethics rules to restore dignity to the Office of Secretary of State.”
Yesterday, in a different address, Trump said he plans to dismantle Obama’s financial “reforms.”
ThOR (c9324e) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:57 pmAphrael, as far as I’m concerned you are a member of the community
Steve57 (ecac13) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:57 pmaphrael,
In other words, when Barack invokes metaphors of conflict and aggression, you have no objections. Okay, at least you’ve established clarity about that.
I would think you’d have higher expectations of a President, but, I guess it’s like watching a sports game and seeing one of your favorite team’s players commit an obvious foul, but you justify it by saying, “He’s a dirty player, but he’s our dirty player.”
Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 6/22/2016 @ 3:59 pmDJT, in his core, is NOT a conservative. He is utterly informed by “New York Values.” Among these NYV’s is a close cousin to the Islamic tenet that it is entirely OK to lie and cheat in order that an important goal be reached (destroying infidels). In NYC, the goal is wealth and power. DJT has well demonstrated total fealty to attaining these for himself. Imams everywhere recognize.
Ed from SFV (3400a5) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:04 pmDJT, in his core, is NOT a conservative.
i don’t believe you
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:04 pmRoobs will wear the gang of eight lead weight for life.
mg (31009b) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:06 pmHe would be running away with this nomination if he would have told the golden seven to eat dung and die.
so the man from phantasm, brent scowcroft, joins erdogan’s man, armitage in endorsing red queen,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:10 pmI am one who was characterized by the leader of the Democrats as a bitter clinger to my religion, the one who is told I am a bigot because I don’t think the Scotus has the authority to change the meaning of words.
I don’t see any request to compromise except on terms of my total surrender.
MD in Philly (34fa24) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:15 pmEd From SFV,
Were we wrong to support a punk like Stalin over a punk like Hitler? Or should we have just waited until 1948 for better choices?
Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:17 pm(LOL)
But, yes, I would rarely use inflammatory language,
but maybe sometimes that is the right thing to do.
Nobody wanted to compromise with Brendan Eich.
MD in Philly (34fa24) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:17 pmnarciso,
Yeah, Brent Scowcroft, Richard Armitage, zzzzzz.
Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:20 pmArmitage was such a vocal proponent of truth and honesty that he allowed Scooter Libby to have his career ruined rather than stand up like a man and say, “Yeah, I was the one who spilled the beans to Bob Novak — not Libby.”
cowardly trashbiscuit colin powell is 100% responsible for his boy armitage’s actions
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:23 pmBrent Scowcroft is a “realist” a Paleo-conservative, isn’t he? He was against the invasion of Iraq.
He was also against overthrowing Qaddafi:
He took what is Donald Trump’s current position.
Both Brent Scowcroft and Zbigniew Brzezinski were for the Iaran deal, though:
Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:30 pmso he’s siding with the neocons who are riding with red queen, does anybody see a problem here,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:33 pmWe really should call them what they are, narciso: republicans4hillary!.
Rev. Hoagie® (734193) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:41 pmhillary’s a stinky pig
i can’t even
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:43 pmspeaking of stinky pigs
the jimmy johns sammich pig (Jimmy John Liautaud) is a good republican piggy
good as they come
but look how stinky he is
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:46 pmyou really need to get over your birth trauma
you know
l ron hubbard described it
in dianetics
there you are all comfy swimming around in your womb
next thing you know you’re being squeezed out of this tight nasty stinky dripping hairy thing
and the world is now cold and dry and bright instead of warm and wet and dark
and some squeaky-voiced soft creatures are pawing you constantly
in intimate places
birth trauma
it can be cured
call scientology for an auditing session
nk (dbc370) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:49 pmClinton republicans luv them some chamber of commerce b.s.
mg (31009b) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:53 pmscientology’s just for poopers
i heart leah remini now more than grilled cantaloupe even
her and Mr. Angelo both
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:53 pmI don’t think it really matters what Shorty is at his core. What matters is if he feels it is in his own self-interest to follow through on conservative promises. Shorty is a salesman. If he finds something he can sell, he’ll keep selling it. Right now, he’s selling conservative Donald quite successfully. Why shouldn’t he stay the course?
During the primary process, Trump, himself, suggested that he’ll move to the center during the general election cycle. He may, but he clearly has yet to start down that path.
I once had a particularly narcissistic friend. I found it difficult to find gifts for the friend, even though I am a particularly clever gift giver, because my friend was always one step ahead of me in figuring out just what he wanted and buying it for himself. Trump shares just this sort of narcissism. If the gift he wants is the adulation that comes with a winning presidency (and what president wouldn’t?), he may well get a conservative President Shorty.
And, to be fair, the possession of conservative core principles is in short supply among Republican elective office holders. Just how conservative were you expecting Romney to be?
ThOR (c9324e) — 6/22/2016 @ 4:55 pmI find myself living through this election cycle day-by-day.
Today, I am happy because Shorty has delivered a first-rate fisking of the hateful Mrs. Clinton. Because of the spinelessness of the GOPe, such take-downs are few and far between. I enjoyed reading every word of Trump’s evisceration.
ThOR (c9324e) — 6/22/2016 @ 5:07 pmyou ask why they were so interested in the hudna,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 5:09 pmA person of low character and intellect will do the right thing because that is what fulfills his base instincts? Ok, then.
nk (dbc370) — 6/22/2016 @ 5:13 pmHillary is not Cruz. The media will not propagate Trump’s attacks against her, gratis. They will relentlessly “fact-check” them, if they don’t bury them altogether.
nk (dbc370) — 6/22/2016 @ 5:16 pmHow does me saying I would vote for Rubio in November somehow become analogous to rejecting Uncle Joe in 1941?
Yalta would have been a very different meeting, though. I’ll certainly grant you that much.
Ed from SFV (3400a5) — 6/22/2016 @ 5:16 pmwhat you think they would have done so for cruz, were you around the last three years,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 5:20 pmThe point is that Trump’s free ride is over. If he wants to be heard, he’ll have to pay for it.
nk (dbc370) — 6/22/2016 @ 5:24 pm“Clinton Disabled Security In Homebrew Illegal System; Weeks Later, A “Serious” Hacking Attempt Occurred
Quick, let’s elect her to teach other people in the party a lesson.”
— Ace
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 6/22/2016 @ 5:29 pmWith Mexican pesos!
mg (31009b) — 6/22/2016 @ 5:31 pmLoretta Lynch: So We Sort of Lost Track of the Orlando Terrorist’s Likely-Accomplice Wife
“It looks a lot like incompetence, but it might just be tha they’re performing well for their actual employeers.
Oh: ABCNews downplayed Lynch’s/Obama’s censorship of the killer’s 911 call.
ABCNews/ABC/Disney/Marvel/ESPN must be destroyed.”
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 6/22/2016 @ 5:33 pmalthough, gannett, newscorps, and the journal all ignored the story, so the combine sticks together.
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 5:40 pmDammit! My self aware Skynet strikes again.
Steve57 (ecac13) — 6/22/2016 @ 5:46 pmcarp, this is why we can’t have nice things,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 5:47 pmAnother comment about political compromise came to mind,
When was the last time you heard a prominent Dem describe a “policy difference” with Republicans?
You don’t. Republicans don’t have different ideas of how to promote the welfare of people, they want children to go to bed hungry. Republicans don’t want to debate the wisest ways to deal with the environment, they just don’t care if their children and grandchildren die from pollution. Republicans don’t discuss how to deal with Saddam and why, they just lie and people die.
Besides, racist and homophobe.
And we are asked to compromise?
MD in Philly (34fa24) — 6/22/2016 @ 5:52 pmSorry, apjeal, I have malware.
Steve57 (ecac13) — 6/22/2016 @ 5:55 pmThOR:
Trump is a populist, ThOR, not a conservative. Don’t confuse his authoritarianism with conservative respect for legitimate authority.
DRJ (15874d) — 6/22/2016 @ 5:58 pmTrump > stinkypig
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:00 pmThis election proved there aren’t enough conservatives for him to care about pleasing us. He will want to please New Yorkers, celebrities and all the power brokers in Washington.
DRJ (15874d) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:03 pmi do hope he pleases selma blair
she needs a win
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:04 pmThe critical fact that you identify is that Trump wants to follow, not lead. He will follow the crowd so they will give him the money, fame, and adulation he craves.
DRJ (15874d) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:04 pm#ChurchOfDonaldology
L.N. Smithee (b84cf6) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:09 pmThe
Sea OrganizationTrump Organizationexcept he staked out a position, pretty far on the outer edge of discourse, and brought people along,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:09 pmHe will follow the crowd so they will give him the money, fame, and adulation he craves.
how’s that any worse than the sleazy slimy food stamp slut we have now?
food stamp doesn’t follow the crowd he acts like a c-word all the time and lets his trusty associated press propaganda sluts clean up after
and how’s that even a smidgen worse than stinkypig?
Mr. The Donald – he’s a wildcard – and
we never gonna survive
we get a lil crazy
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:11 pm#Hillary!4Evah
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:13 pmOn Supreme Court Justices and the Second Amendment:
Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man that he didn’t, didn’t, already have.
Heller and MacDonald made a difference only in DC and Chicago*. Every state, including the State of Illinois outside Chicago, allowed greater freedoms to keep and bear arms than Heller and MacDonald recognized in the Second Amendment. The Supreme Court granted minimal crumbs. Meaningful rights to gun ownership and possession were acquired and protected in the Congress and the state legislatures. Like we’re seeing right now in Congress.
Don’t get hung up on the Second Amendment and what a future black-robed junta will do with it.
*In Chicago, if I possessed an unregistered gun in my home, on my land, or in my fixed place of business, and got caught, I would lose the gun and face a $500.00 fine. Realistically. If the reason I got caught is because I used it lawful self-defense, Illinois’s preemption law absolved me from criminal liability (no fine or threat of jail) and I would only lose the gun. Not a very big biggie. A filter for the super law-abiding.
nk (dbc370) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:15 pmthey let their sentiment and the analysis, cross over like chocolate and peanut butter, coronello,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:16 pmconservatism screwed itself in the heinie hole (sp?) by obsessing 24/7 on homos and fetuses
raise your hand if you helped
don’t be shy
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:16 pmremember, good people
all these ones what are saying Mr. Trump is unworthy of the presidency?
they wanted to run low-class trashbiscuit sarah palin right up in there without any education lubrication or elucidation
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:18 pmactually they have done little on that front, as well, maybe bork would have provided some respite on the second issue, kennedy was the weathervane that was made to order,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:19 pmexcept for Mr. Patterico
he always had tundra barbie’s number i think
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:19 pmI know we lost your vote, happyfeet. We’ll never get over the regret.
nk (dbc370) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:19 pmthem’s fighting words, pikachu, the irony is she was rather let live on the legal front, but her very presence was shibboleth,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:20 pmit’s gonna take a lot of trump Mr. nk
to change the way things are
it’s gonna take a lot of trump
or we won’t get too far
happyfeet (831175) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:21 pmit only took three campaigns to ferret this out,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:23 pmhappyfeet is right. Trump is like Obama.
DRJ (15874d) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:24 pmDRJ,
I understand that talk is cheap. Is Shorty’s talk cheaper than, say, Rubio’s? Probably, but it’s hard to know. I don’t disagree with what you have to say: Trump will say one thing and then do another. But so do most of them.
My objections to Trump is this: I find his persona not only offensive, but potentially dangerous as a commander-in-chief. Short-sighted, short-tempered, and vindictive: he is a particularly loose, loose canon. He is a nasty piece of work, entirely unbecoming of the office . For that reason, and that alone, I will not vote for him.
Irrespective of my personal critique, I think it is important to acknowledge how Trump is changing things for the better, in terms of the acceptable substance of the debate – something I hear referred to as opening the “Overton window.” For the longest time, Republicans have been too timid to address serious issues such as the acceptability of membership in race-based identity groups by non-Whites. Wise Latinos my @ss. Bigoted Latinos is more like it. Thanks to Trump, we now get to talk about it.
ThOR (c9324e) — 6/22/2016 @ 7:00 pmI see you have adopted Trump’s term of affection for Rubio. Perhaps there is hope for you yet.
Anon Y. Mous (9e4c83) — 6/22/2016 @ 7:10 pm🙂
#114 Ed From SFV,
You know very well that in #96 I was making an analogy to your refusal to vote for Trump over Clinton.
Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 6/22/2016 @ 7:40 pmThing is, you got are not asking us to “vote for Trump over Clinton”. You’re asking us to “vote for Trump because Clinton”. And we say “We’re not voting for either because Trump”. “Hillary bad” does not equal “Trump ok”.
nk (dbc370) — 6/22/2016 @ 7:47 pmI surely did not, Cruz Supporter. If that somehow makes me dense, so be it.
Your analogy does not hold as the hot, clarifying war has not begun here. Once it does, I’ll be better able to identify the players. Unless I miss my guess, DJT will have long taken all his marbles home.
Not that anyone asked, but I am soooo hoping the Brexit forces win tomorrow. The elites are almost certain to demand a do-over, despite having promised to abide by the folks’ wishes. This will set off a frenzy of populism there and if DJT has a brain, could trigger something similar here.
Elections results are living, malleable organisms, doncha know.
Ed from SFV (3400a5) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:09 pmnk (dbc370) — 6/22/2016 @ 6:15 pm
And even in the street, and even if you were a gang member, the penalty is not too great. Which is why Chicago has so many murders.
Now it is not that way in New York City.
Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:22 pmEd From SFV,
Oh, please.
Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:28 pm“Identifying the players“?
Jesus, we’ll roll out the red carpet when you decide to announce to the world whom you’re voting for. (LOL)
looks like I picked a wrong week,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:34 pmHillary Clinton: see Mexican tap water… rattlesnake with a “pet me” sign… an elevator ride with Ray Rice, Bill Cosby as a bartender… gas station sushi… a Jimmy Carter economic plan… Brian Williams news reports… emails from a Nigerian princess… a prostate exam from Captain Hook…
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:36 pmNice, Cruz Supporter. Engage, minimize, and demean. Alinsky smiles upon you.
Ed from SFV (3400a5) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:38 pm“Clinton Disabled Security In Homebrew Illegal System; Weeks Later, A “Serious” Hacking Attempt Occurred
This gets it all wrong. The security features were disabled, not at, but at That was because of e-mails coming from, that were not being treated as legitimate.
There was no loss of security at
The Clintons are not fools. Their system was secure. It seems like the phishing attack, if that’s what it was, made against it, did not work.
Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:39 pmI completely agree Trump changed the debate for the better, and also that he is a loose cannon of dubious character and judgment. I might trust him a little if he had supported conservative policies during his life, but I don’t see them.
DRJ (15874d) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:40 pmThere was apparently a human being constantly watching the Clinton system for suspicious activity, perhaps on alert. The attack on on Jan. 9, 2011 sounds more like repeated attempts to guess a password. The system was shut down. This happened a number of times.
On Aug. 3, 2011, Clinton received infected emails, disguised as speeding tickets from New York. The emails instructed recipients to print the attached tickets. Opening an attachment would have allowed hackers to take over control of a victim’s computer. This apparently was not done.
Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4) — 6/22/2016 @ 8:48 pmDRJ,
There is something else. Above, I mention I enjoyed reading the transcript of Trump’s comments. I read the transcript because I can’t bear to watch and listen to him. There is something about his mugging and whining that makes my skin crawl.
Also, here’s a question I’ve been thinking about: If I owned the Tastee Freez in my town, would I hire Trump to work the counter. Could I trust him with my prized customers? Not likely. Would you? I’m surely not going to vote to put him in the White House.
ThOR (c9324e) — 6/22/2016 @ 9:08 pmThe prize customers for a tastee freez being little league and soccer teams.
papertiger (c2d6da) — 6/22/2016 @ 9:37 pmrip, david thatcher, last of the doolittle raiders,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 9:46 pmEd: 1
(R) Supporter: 0
Dustin (2a8be7) — 6/22/2016 @ 9:58 pmJust so everyone knows there is such a thing.
Steve57 (ecac13) — 6/22/2016 @ 10:29 pmIf I owned the Tastee Freez in my town, would I hire Trump to work the counter.
How about hiring Trump as the closer at your car dealership?
Kevin M (25bbee) — 6/23/2016 @ 12:01 amThis gets it all wrong. The security features were disabled, not at, but at That was because of e-mails coming from, that were not being treated as legitimate
This is because they WERE NOT LEGITIMATE. You had an external server pretending to be a source of email with “internal” status. So they had to crack open the firewalls to accommodate her.
Kevin M (25bbee) — 6/23/2016 @ 12:05 amI want to call for another scorekeeper. What’s the procedure?
papertiger (c2d6da) — 6/23/2016 @ 1:04 amKevin M (25bbee) — 6/23/2016 @ 12:05 am
This must have been a newly installed or upgraded firewall, because it happened in the middle of her tenure. The firewall must have been intended to prevent phishing attacks by sending e-mail from an unreliable source to spam.
This also proves that, besides her top aides, there were any number of people, at least at the technical level, who knew about her e-mail system, which raises questions as to why FOIA requests were not answered properly, and why the State Department allowed that to happen. Of course, Hillary Clinton and or some top aides, arranged for things to happen that way.
Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4) — 6/23/2016 @ 9:00 amThe likely Democratic nominee for the United States Senate in Florida is a big liar (so he would fit in well with Hillary Clinton – or maybe donald trump, biuut he’s running as a Democrat)
He wasn’t really a CPA, barely getting a license, and getting one only by going to Colorado, and barely passing their test, and getting one not valid in Florida, nor was he really a small business owner.
Sammy Finkelman (643dcd) — 6/23/2016 @ 4:41 pmit’s instructive, how they didn’t look at murphy when he ran against allen west, or carl domino, defede is a big lefty, so maybe he wants grayson as the nominee,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/23/2016 @ 4:45 pmthere are some parallels with david rivera, a gop state rep, who had falsified his sources of income, yet neither the irs nor the state atty, a reno protege, sought to indict him,
narciso (732bc0) — 6/23/2016 @ 4:47 pm