Patterico's Pontifications


AG Lynch: Well, Yes, Omar Mateen’s Wife Disappeared Right Out From Under Our Nose

Filed under: General — Dana @ 6:06 pm

[guest post by Dana]

AG Loretta Lynch made a visit to Orlando yesterday bringing $1 million dollars in federal funds to aid in recovering costs for law enforcement responding to the recent massacre. AG Lynch also met with the families of those who lost loved ones at the hands of Mateen.

Moreover, Lynch enlightened the public on how to respond to terrorist attacks. Word has it that those who have pledged their allegiance to ISIS, and radical jihadists everywhere, were shaking in their boots as a result:

“We stand with you to say that the good in the world far outweighs the evil … and that our most effective response to terror and hatred is compassion, unity and love,

Oh, and there was also the small matter of Omar Mateen’s disappearing wife, who could be in Really Big Trouble, depending on how much she knew, and when she knew it:

“Has the shooter’s wife left the state of Florida?” a reporter asked Lynch during her press conference Tuesday.

“Right now, I don’t know exactly the answer to that,” Lynch candidly replied. “I believe she was going to travel but I do not know exactly her location now.”

Meanwhile, officials and the media are still trying to determine what may have motivated Mateen. This is just so weird, given the speed with which Lynch had figured out Dylan Roof’s motives in the horrible killings at a church in Charleston:

Yet last July, when Lynch announced federal hate crime charges against Roof, Lynch expressly emphasized his motivation.

“Several months prior to the tragic events of June 17, Roof conceived of his goal of increasing racial tensions throughout the nation and seeking retribution for perceived wrongs he believed African Americans had committed against white people,” Lynch said during a press conference. “To carry out these twin goals of fanning racial flames and exacting revenge, Roof further decided to seek out and murder African Americans because of their race.”

Lynch even acknowledged Roof sought to create as much notoriety as possible, something her press conference ostensibly helped him achieve.

“An essential element of his plan, however, was to find his victims inside of a church, specifically an African-American church,” she said, “to ensure the greatest notoriety and attention to his actions.”

If only Mateen had left just one clue behind…

P.S. I am currently travelling and have very limited wifi because I’m in the Middle of Nowhere, so if this subject has already been covered by another poster, please ignore this post.


108 Responses to “AG Lynch: Well, Yes, Omar Mateen’s Wife Disappeared Right Out From Under Our Nose”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (344bc7)

  2. what is striking dana, is that story went down the memory hole, try to find it in the journal, the times, the post, usa today,

    narciso (732bc0)

  3. omar was making anti trump comments while he was reloading.

    not omar (9270fa)

  4. narciso,

    You’d almost think there was a plan…

    Dana (344bc7)

  5. these loretta lynch fbi pooftermonkeys what lost omar’s wife?

    they’re the same losers harvardtrash ted and meghan’s cowardly disgrace-to-the-uniform daddy think should be able to look through people’s data without a warrant

    happyfeet (831175)

  6. well he was a red queen fan, according to the fellow who tipped him to the feds, it’s really frightening how this part of the story is strickly samizdat,

    narciso (732bc0)

  7. yes yes yes omar and stinkypig sittin in a tree

    Jesus wept

    happyfeet (831175)

  8. No one posted on this, Dana, good post. We’re lucky to have you posting here.

    DRJ (15874d)

  9. interesting they looked at both side in this analysis,

    occam’s razor would suggest the second option, though,

    narciso (732bc0)

  10. The people who can’t run VA Hospitals or do simple email or monitor potential accomplices to mass murder want to lecture America about how George W. Bush failed to stop a hurricane from hitting New Orleans.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  11. Yep, good to get this story out to more folks…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  12. Wasn’t it the Florida FBI who killed the guy who knew who-all was involved in the Boston Marathonn bombing? Alone in a room in a house where they had taken him for “questioning”? I smell “Cleaners”.

    nk (dbc370)

  13. yes, you know where he was living though, orlando,

    narciso (732bc0)

  14. We think that Omar Mir Seddique Mateen’s motive might have been that he wants to unify the various factions of the Presbyterian Church in America.
    But we’ll never know!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  15. Since she is not under arrest, and there were no plans to arrest her, maybe they couldn’t do too much. Tghey could have held her or surveilled her as a material witness maybe.

    I don’t know if this apparent chronology is right: It is said his wife didn’t know where he was (was she still living with the baby in Florida with him?) She called him and got him. He told her don’t you know what’s going on? – listen to the news. She texted him back that she loved him. She tried to call him several times but he wouldn’t answer the phone again.

    I don’t know if that is all. But that’s only for that night in any case.

    He took her along for at least one trip to a gun shop, to buy ammo, one trip to the place where he killed people and one trip to Disney World, which he also considered as a target, but decided against because of the security checkpoint. He may have discussed his ideas with her. She apparently said she tried to talk him out of it, and maybe thought she succeeded.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4)

  16. The question is not his motive – we know it – OK, maybe it is hard to tell of he was wanted to kill homosexuals or just wantd to kill Americans, and if suicide was an independent motive – but teh real question is WHEN did he decide to attempt this, and how long had he been planning this. And what should have been the key point when this should have been detected.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4)

  17. no, sammeh, the question is whether he has a handler, was she one of them, maybe it was someone he had met back in the kingdom, or the ft. pierce mosque,

    narciso (732bc0)

  18. 17. narciso (732bc0) — 6/22/2016 @ 7:06 pm

    no, sammeh, the question is whether he has a handler,

    That’s a subset of the question I raised: WHEN did he decide to do this.

    was she one of them,

    I doubt his wife was his handler. She could have been a conduit, though. maybe it was someone he had met back in the kingdom, or the ft. pierce mosque, The two trips are very suspicious, especially the fact that there were two, but they are four to five years back. This sounds something like maybe somebody being re-activated. By somebody elsemaybe, than his original handlers.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4)

  19. From what I read, Omar Mateen pledged loyalty to [Redacted]. Maybe if we can figure out what [Redacted] is and what they stand for, we’d be able to clear this up. I mean, he was a good [Redacted] that believed in [Redacted].

    Dejectedhead (65d226)

  20. Barcky is teh prez, we wish he was a-leavin’
    Cuz the world is now aflame
    Barcky likes to talk, his words they are deceivin’
    Sh*t happens, won’t take the blame
    Get fu*ked, get fu*ked
    Fu*ked and then you go pound sand
    Get fu*cked, get fu*ked
    Fu*ked and then you go pound sand

    Dour Loretta Lynch she thought she was the AG
    Said the law, no one’s above
    Had the killer’s wife but then she let her go free
    Said we’ll win their hearts with love
    Get fu*ked, get fu*ked
    Fu*ked and then you go pound sand
    Get fu*ked, get fu*ked
    Fu*ked and then you go pound sand

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  21. Sorry… bad burrito…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  22. Let’s face it, a lot of you guys are just angry at Loretta Lynch because she’s doing such a good job as AG!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  23. I believe I read that he linked himself as following in the footsteps of, not only to the Tsarnaev brothers, but also that other person from Florida who went to Syria and blew himself off in front of Syrian soldiers.

    I think that part has not been released. I think that was said to the police. Very very little of his conversations with police negotiators was released – only his first 911 call. But some was reported the first day or two.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4)

  24. yes, moneh abusalha, that the doc brown supporter, who tipped him off to the police, noted,

    narciso (732bc0)

  25. It is interesting that a couple of these killers all seem to know to pledge allegiance to ISIS and Baghdadi, and to do it at the last minute. It’s like a formula, or maybe they are told they won’t get to heaven and enjoy the 72 trasins unless they punch that ticket.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4)

  26. #25 Sammy,

    You think it’s coincidental?
    If someone told me that I had to murder a bunch of innocent people in order to get 72 virgins, I would tell them to go to hell.
    But maybe these evil murderers actually believe they’re going to be rewarded by Allah? Is that a possibility?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  27. mateen, coulibali, the one in australia, btw do you know the significance of tomorrow, the 17th od Badr.

    narciso (732bc0)

  28. Noted what? This is again a little like a cryptic crossword puzzle, except that it’s not so cryptic. You noted what I said? But I didn’t say anything about the guy who’s been in the Washington Post and on the CBS Evening News tonight.

    I can see (with Google’ help) that Moneh Abusalha is the name of the guy who was the amwerican suicide bomber in Syria, and doc brown is Bernie Sanders, and the person who called the FBI * in 2014 was a Bernie Sanders supporter in 2016, or was that somebody else who knew Omar Mateen?.

    * The FBI investigated. I don’t know if that’s the agency he called.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4)

  29. Here’s the New York Times today on the difficulty (suppposedly) facing investigators: (on the front page today)

    How Do You Stop a Future Terrorist When the Only Evidence Is a Thought?
    MAGNANVILLE, France — The first time Larossi Abballa appeared on the radar of French terrorism investigators, the only act of violence they could pin on him was killing bunnies.

    He had joined a small group of men, all bent on waging jihad, on a trip to a snowy forest in northern France five years ago, when he was 19. There, they videotaped themselves slaughtering the rabbits, bought so the men could grow used to the feel of killing.

    When he and seven others were later arrested, the authorities found that several of the men had saved the video of the slaughter on their cellphones, alongside footage of soldiers being beheaded, according to French court records. Mr. Abballa was eventually convicted on a terrorism charge and spent more than two years in prison….

    …But at the time of his arrest in 2011, investigators were not able to definitively show that he was a permanent threat to France. After his prison stint, he was placed under surveillance. Just months after the wiretaps stopped, he committed the double murder last week….

    …Among the difficulties for the authorities in 2011 was that Mr. Abballa had aggressively denied any connection to terrorism. He told investigators he was an atheist. He denied that he had taken part in the practice-beheadings of rabbits — he was not seen on the video — even though the seven other men in the cell all said he had participated. And the members of the group contradicted one another. When pushed, one of Mr. Abballa’s accomplices explained that they had slaughtered the animals in order to have halal meat to eat during the Islamic holiday of Eid, according to a summary of their interrogation.

    It took investigators time to spot the hole in that claim: The forest slaughter was in January, and the Eid al-Adha holiday had been celebrated two months before, in November.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4)

  30. I would give Lynch credit for candor, but she really had no other choice that wasn’t an immediately provable lie. So, no credit.

    What an amazing display of incompetency.

    She should have been asked to wear an ankle bracelet or the like, and if she refused, she should have been placed in custody as a material witness likely to flee.

    Mitch (bfd5cd)

  31. Mohammed Malik was the sanders supporter that tipped off the feds, abusalha and mateen were from the same mosque 2/130 members, ex con converts are called braquers, over there, like the koauchi bros,

    narciso (732bc0)

  32. Lynch is a Clinton Republican type individual. These Clinton republicans sure have lied profusely over the years.

    mg (31009b)

  33. The Dana in the middle of nowhere…

    Keep an eye peeled for Mateens wife.

    steveg (fed1c9)

  34. Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 6/22/2016 @ 7:36 pm

    If someone told me that I had to murder a bunch of innocent people in order to get 72 virgins, I would tell them to go to hell.

    It’s not enough to murder innocent people. According to the latest Islamic theology, it has to be in response to the orders of Baghdadi. Leave that out, and you go to hell, instead. And you must let as many people as possible know.

    Or so it appears.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4)

  35. Omar Mateen had on a bracelet that night, indicating that he’d entered the club/bar before. They hand this out so somebody doesn’t have to pay admission twice. He must have been thinking very hard – he knew it would be the end of his life, and he also had to post a statement of allegiance to Gaghdadi and ISIS on Facebook (which nobody noticed till a day or so later)

    He started the attack very late at night – around 2 am, near closing I read in one article, although maybe that was inaccurate.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4)

  36. 144 virgins for murdering Trump.
    For the gun control lesson of course..

    steveg (fed1c9)

  37. Narciso@37.

    Reports law enforcement recovered phones from The Pulse w recordings of killer talking to outside person re tactics

    Very interesting. He also spoke with someone in a foreign language (probably Arabic) when he was attemting to buy body armor, and apparently, after consulting whomever, decided to go away. The store did not take his name. This incident was reported to the FBI later, after the FBII visited the store on an unrelated matter. That’s when the FBI asked for his anme and the store couldn’t give it.

    Why (only?) from other phones? Was this on;y because some people set their phones to record?

    Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4)

  38. Yep… how ’bout that, narciso.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  39. ‘you can’t stop the signal, mal.’

    narciso (732bc0)

  40. I would think, or hope, that she is lying. I would think they are watching her and hoping she does something incriminating. It’s sad that they have no criminal charges they can throw at her now, especially since the rest of us are treated as criminals at the airport and on line, but that’s the way it is.

    The alternative to that theory is too appalling to think about.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  41. I wonder if Lynch gave her cigarette money.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  42. 144 virgins for murdering Trump.

    Lessee ….

    A illegal alien Muslim terrorist kills Trump, some other Republican wins in a landslide, and they get to use nukes I figure.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  43. I’m sure you all know that it is COMPLETELY WRONG, to point out that LORETTA LYNCH is ONLY THE A.G., because she is BLACK.
    I know, I know. Having balls and truth make most of you SHIVER.

    GUS (30b6bd)

  44. THE

    GUS (30b6bd)

  45. SAMMY, Mister REDACTED, was very upset about REDACTED, and he pledged his allegiance to REDACTED, because he believed in REDACTED, and wanted to KILL all of those who were NOT WORTHY of REDACTED.


    GUS (30b6bd)

  46. Paul Ryan is a Clinton republican and would be at home reading this blog.

    mg (31009b)

  47. You seem comfortable too, mg.

    Luke Stywalker (89e82e)

  48. “Attorney General Loretta Lynch thinks you’re stupid. Or, at least, her boss does.

    According to CBS News justice reporter Paula Reid, the Department of Justice is trying to shift the national conversation surrounding the massacre at an Orlando gay club “more to hate and not just terrorism.” The layperson may see only a modest distinction between “hate” and “terrorism.” The latter is generally a violent expression of the former. For the Obama administration, there is a world of difference in the two concepts—the foremost being that the White House can’t be directly blamed for increased incidents of hate.

    “I cannot tell you definitely that we will ever narrow it down to one motivation,” Lynch told reporters while expounding on a litany of reasons why a disturbed and violent individual may go on a rampage. “This was clearly an act of terror and an act of hate.” CBS appropriately headlined the attorney general’s attempt at obfuscation “a motive may never be known.” Well, the attorney general’s motives are surely known.

    The DOJ sacrificed all plausible deniability that it was not trying to confuse the public about the Orlando shooter’s true motives when they thought it prudent to omit the shooter’s references to the Islamic State in a transcript of the 911 call in which he confessed to his crime.

    “In the name of God the Merciful, the beneficent,” said Omar Mateen on the night of his rampage. “I pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi may God protect him [said in Arabic], on behalf of the Islamic State.”

    It is an act of extraordinary hubris to dismiss what this self-styled ISIS militant has said and impose upon him some other series of motives that complicate the story. Surely, Lynch would prefer we be talking about “hate” and the supposedly elusive definition of Islamist terror rather than her announcement that the FBI has apparently lost track of Mateen’s wife, who was almost certainly an accomplice in this murder.

    Lynch’s contention that Mateen’s fairly clear motive can never be truly known is not a new approach to deadly incidents of Islamist terror on U.S. soil. In November of last year, FBI Director James Comey insisted that we may never know precisely why 24-year-old Mohammad Yousuf Adbulazeez attacked and killed four U.S. Marines and one sailor that summer at an armed forces recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tennessee…”

    Colonel Haiku (71a740)

  49. You want more of the same, by all means, make sure you sit on your asses in November, or take the direct route and vote ” Democrat”…

    Colonel Haiku (71a740)

  50. A lifetime Democrat like Trump? No thanks.

    Luke Stywalker (89e82e)

  51. Like pigs in a sty, see how they snide.

    Colonel Haiku (71a740)

  52. Easy to be snide over two New York liberals, like peas in a pod.

    Luke Stywalker (89e82e)

  53. And all the forty percenters have well earned gullibility records too.

    Luke Stywalker (89e82e)

  54. Freedom of choice, you’ve made yours, so marinate in it, tool.

    Colonel Haiku (71a740)

  55. Its easy to tell who’s getting all spiced up.

    Luke Stywalker (89e82e)

  56. mg, I don’t think Paul Ryan has much in common with Hillary. If you’re looking for a Clinton Republican, perhaps you should look to the one who said Hillary would be a great president, was a terrific secretary of state, and gave her campaigns a lot of his money.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  57. As I remember it, Madoff’s victims got rather vocal too, when reality dawned.

    Luke Stywalker (89e82e)

  58. ” gave her campaigns a lot of his money.”

    Oh, that’s just business, he says. It’s not a personal act, like inviting someone to your wedding.

    Luke Stywalker (89e82e)

  59. Why do you find it so hard to believe that this was a gay-on-gay crime by a killer queen who happened to be Muslim?
    Gays have killed nearly 660,000 Americans with AIDS alone.
    In the United States alone.
    That’s eighty, 80, eight-o, more Americans than have been killed by Muslim terrorists and jihadists worldwide.
    Because they did not want any restrictions on getting their bareback jollies in bathhouses and in the bathrooms of places like this nightclub.
    And now they’re looking to get back in the blood supply so they can kill even more.
    Obama has been placating them and pandering to them and catering to them, true.
    But Trump is even more gay-friendly. Sincerely and “naturally” and not because of politics.
    The difference is that, this time, Obama is not totally covering up for them by shifting all the blame on Muslims.
    Trump is.

    nk (dbc370)

  60. eighty times *more* Americans

    nk (dbc370)

  61. Haiku says if you want more of the same don’t vote or vote democrat. I think he’s right that this will lead to more of the same. I think he’s wrong to imply that voting Trump will change anything. In fact, I think supporting Trump will lead to far more of this corruption, because we all know Trump has boasted of paying off politicians, busted deals, and been dishonest. He is also particularly vicious to those who oppose him, and being someone who opposes him I find that part particularly important.

    Hillary’s terrible, but that doesn’t automatically mean whoever she opposes is better. Besides, would you rather the GOP oppose corruption or be led by it? That’s what this election boils down to if you think Trump and Hillary are similar.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  62. It’s not a personal act, like inviting someone to your wedding.

    Luke Stywalker (89e82e)


    Good point.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  63. plus hillary’s partial birth judges gonna do so good on the wee baby fetuses

    happyfeet (831175)

  64. i’m just along for the ride on this election

    it’s very low stakes, like one of those low budget japanese anime things what has the giant babies destroying cities and eating people’s heads

    it’s utterly silly but you just kinda wanna stick with it and see how it ends

    happyfeet (831175) — 3/11/2016 @ 8:31 pm

    Luke Stywalker (89e82e)

  65. yesyesyes nothing compares to

    a quiet evening alone

    happyfeet (831175)

  66. plus hillary’s partial birth judges gonna do so good on the wee baby fetuses


    It’s really nasty how you revel in jokes about abortion. We all recall you are not pro-life and thus you are dishonestly attempting to manipulate us. Most of us recall Trump recommended a pro-partial birth abortion judge for federal appointment, allied with Hillary while praising planned parenthood, and has called himself pro-choice before it was convenient to him to pose as a conservative for the GOP primary.

    Every time you’ve complained about a bible thumper exploiting paranoia and fear over social issues, you really were itching to do so yourself, huh. Or, more accurately, you lost whatever originally motivated you to care about this stuff and now you’re just going through the motions because Trump is the best way to show the world the middle finger.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  67. special snowflake’s consumed too many oxygens already

    happyfeet (831175) — 3/13/2016 @ 10:43 am

    Luke Stywalker (89e82e)

  68. Hillary’s a stinkypig what will do the partial birth judges Mr. Dustin!

    She promised!

    But Mr. Trump will do the good judges to where even lil roob roob will coo with pleasure.

    This is why Mr. Trump will win, not stinkypig.

    happyfeet (831175)

  69. this is such nakedly revolting, nakedly obnoxious pandering i don’t even know what to say to this

    happyfeet (831175) — 3/11/2016 @ 8:45 pm

    Luke Stywalker (89e82e)

  70. But Mr. Trump will do the good judges to where even lil roob roob will coo with pleasure.

    This is why Mr. Trump will win, not stinkypig.

    happyfeet (831175)

    You need to tighten up the cute language thing. It’s lost its luster.

    And I think you’re wrong on every single assertion in this quote. I think Trump would appoint awful judges after his inevitable shift left. Hoping for Souter level appointments would be wishful thinking. And I also think Trump has approximately zero percent chance of winning and he is not attempting to win. He is channeling the donations to himself instead of using that money to build a campaign operation. That’s odd, right? Unless he’s a hustler, which of course we know he is in every other walk of his life.

    Even the guys preferring Trump to Hillary have to be pretty sick of watching Trump run his campaign into the ground like Michelle Fields walking up to ask a question.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  71. And just to be sure I don’t evade Happyfeet’s good point: Yes, Hillary will appoint awful judges. That is why it would be such a shame to run Trump against her. Can the GOP unite behind someone else? I think maybe… just maybe. But that’s better than the hell no they won’t unite behind Trump (D).

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  72. Ryan has lost the house, perfect for Clinton republicans.

    mg (31009b)

  73. Imagine the smell in that house after a sit in with democrats and the diversity of foods consumed. Not sustainable but combustible.

    mg (31009b)

  74. Truck Fump. Let’s talk serious.

    Do you recall Fast and Furious? A sting operation that the ATF lost track of and gave tons of guns to drug dealers?

    Would you consider a one in ten chance that that’s what happened here? The FBI loves to set up stings, entice people into illegal conspiracies, then look good when it prevents the crime it started. I strongly believe that is what happened in the Boston Marathon bombing but the Tsarnaev brothers outwitted the FBI, and I am granting a 10% probability, given this guy’s prior history with the FBI, that it happened this time too.

    nk (dbc370)

  75. Truck Fumpkins, mg. They are on record that they will attempt to intimidate delegates with threats of physical violence. Roger Stone has even proposed that they confront them at their hotel rooms. That’s what this lawsuit is about. Breitbart In Name Only are all Trump’s buttboys and they lie worse than Trump. There is no First Amendment right to a lynch mob.

    nk (dbc370)

  76. i have to say i think the nevertrumpers are failing to make a compelling case for to choose stinkypig over Mr. Trump

    happyfeet (831175)

  77. “Haiku says if you want more of the same don’t vote or vote democrat. I think he’s right that this will lead to more of the same. I think he’s wrong to imply that voting Trump will change anything. In fact, I think supporting Trump will lead to far more of this corruption, because we all know Trump has boasted of paying off politicians, busted deals, and been dishonest. He is also particularly vicious to those who oppose him,”

    With one, it’s a guarantee of more of same. With the other, there is hope. Time will tell.

    Colonel Haiku (f3bf77)

  78. I get where you’re coming from. Sure, maybe Trump turns out to be an improvement. Wouldn’t take much, after all. I bet almost any of us could seriously improve this country if we miraculously took over.

    …And maybe he turns out to be something truly worse than the sad status quo. That’s also a possibility.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  79. I am neither an illegal alien nor on welfare. It will make little, if any, difference to me personally who is President. It will make a big difference to Trump, and I don’t think Trump is worthy of the gift of the Presidency. He can go scratch. I am not helping him move into the White House. Not his Slovenian petite amie, either.

    nk (dbc370)

  80. Truck Fumpkins, mg. They are on record that they will attempt to intimidate delegates with threats of physical violence.

    Yes, someone somewhere expressed the opinion that if the delegates ignored the Republican base and voters and used last-minute rule changes and unfaithful votes to select someone at the behest of the GOPe, then there might be some fisticuffs on the floor. But #nevertrumpers are happy that someone attempted to kill Trump and unhappy the attempt failed, since they still have fantasies about Cruz becoming the nominee even though he was soundly and completely defeated (along with the other 14).

    prowlerguy (fa36d8)

  81. But #nevertrumpers are happy that someone attempted to kill Trump and unhappy the attempt failed,

    Name one. An online pseudonym will do.

    nk (dbc370)

  82. someone somewhere expressed the opinion that if the delegates ignored the Republican base and voters and used last-minute rule changes and unfaithful votes to select someone at the behest of the GOPe, then there might be some fisticuffs on the floor.

    Lie. Roger Stone told Trumpkins to confront delegates even in their hotel rooms.

    nk (dbc370)

  83. I am neither an illegal alien nor on welfare. It will make little, if any, difference to me personally who is President. It will make a big difference to America, and I don’t think America as we know it will survive a Hillary! Presidency. She can go scratch. I am not helping her move into the White House. Not her lying, whore mongering, rapist husband, either.

    Rev. Hoagie® (734193)

  84. So he was ticked off at the bureau, so he slew a club full of gays, right.

    narciso (732bc0)

  85. I am neither an illegal alien nor on welfare. It will make little, if any, difference to me personally who is President. It will make a big difference to America, and I don’t think America as we know it will survive a Hillary! Presidency. She can go scratch. I am not helping her move into the White House. Not her lying, rapist husband, either.


    Rev. Hoagie® (734193)

  86. NK – it’s sad but post #60 would have been the real life quote of an obscure Cruz supporter…which then would have been played on non-stop loop until November.

    MG – it’s not the diversity of foods but the lactose intolerance of non-nordics that will make that a real gas.

    urbanleftbehind (0f5559)

  87. Mateen probably had an outside-of-club “coordinator” and an inside guy whose role may have encompassed placing weapons in hidden corners, holding doors shut during the escape or even as another shooter. I would start pay more attention to this Muslim Marine who supposedly saved 70 clubgoers.
    Apart from whatever salacious rumors regarding homosexual escapades and disappointments with Hispanic lovers, another reason to target a Latin night is because a higher percentage of that clientele maybe ex-felons (Orlando is a next stop for many ex-con hispanics from NY and IL) or under court supervision and thus maybe hesitant and or restricted from carrying firearms.

    urbanleftbehind (0f5559)

  88. We stand with you to say that the good in the world far outweighs the evil … and that our most effective response to terror and hatred is compassion, unity and love,

    These are the idiots democrats put in government.

    Rev. Hoagie® (734193)

  89. they still have fantasies about Cruz becoming the nominee even though he was soundly and completely defeated

    No, he probably wins if it goes to a second ballot. Trump still can’t seal the deal. In fact, he’s practically deliberately running his campaign into the ground. Cruz was competing with a dozen republicans against the sole democrat in the race, whom the media gave so much help to because they saw this coming where Texas is a swing state and Hillary is up double digits despite being the weakest dem candidate in 30 years.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  90. It makes more sense, that there is a coordinator, maybe someone he knew in fort pierce.

    narciso (732bc0)

  91. Major reservoir current cond from the Dept of Water Resources,

    All of the foothill reservoirs are full except for New Melones, which is being actively emptied for the benefit of smelt.

    You know what that means? Donald Trump was right.

    In the Bee article the democrats are revealed in the planning stages of emptying out Shasta again as soon as they can to support a deep summer salmon run imported game fish against the seasons. Also they plan on continuing the emptying of New Melones and the other San Joaquin storage as the need arises for the smelt.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  92. No, he probably wins if it goes to a second ballot. Trump still can’t seal the deal.

    Trump sealed the deal with 1542 delegates to Cruz’s 559. And there is the fantasy you cling to: that despite winning by a 2.75-1 margin, in your mind Trump hasn’t actually “sealed the deal” and if somehow the RNC completely changes the rules to somehow disallow 300 or so delegates from being seated, THEN Teddie will ride to glorious victory. After all, he is fulfilling Biblical prophecy, right? He can not be denied!!! Of course, even that final step depend on unfaithful delegates to be faithful to HIM and not changing their minds again. Let me repeat: your fantasy depends on changing the rules and the faithfulness of people who have shown themselves to be unfaithful. Great primary strategy there.

    prowlerguy (fa36d8)

  93. Remember how they told us this was a super double plus ungood Muhammad Ali of droughts, never seen the like of which will take time, years, decades, centuries, to recover from.

    The lakes are full.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  94. 73. mg (31009b) — 6/23/2016 @ 4:50 am

    Ryan has lost the house, perfect for Clinton republicans.

    Because he tried to stop House Democrats from carrying on and staging a spectacle like Ted Cruz? I mean, what?

    Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4)

  95. prowlerguy, you are arguing with people who don’t believe Trump is a Republican even though the Republican Party does, the news media does, the people who voted for him in the Republican primary do and any sane person on earth who is not in complete and total denial of reality does. They need some inner justification for turning traitor to their own party and becoming republicans4hillary!.

    If you guys aren’t going to support the Republican Party then have the courage of your conviction like Patterico did and resign. Until you are out of the Party you’re no more than traitors. We have communists to fight so go join with them. You’ll fit right in.

    Rev. Hoagie® (734193)

  96. MICHELLE GOLDBERG: Trump’s Speech About Hillary Was Terrifyingly Effective. Well, she’s crooked, incompetent, and unlikable. She ought to be an easy target. Funny that no previous GOP candidate has gone after her this way

    Colonel Haiku (f3bf77)

  97. 91. narciso (732bc0) — 6/23/2016 @ 7:07 am

    It makes more sense, that there is a coordinator, maybe someone he knew in fort pierce.

    And now we have to ask the question as to why the FBI is acting so stupid.

    You had a link on the first Orlando shooting thread @249

    I summarized it as follows:

    1. Marcus Dwayne Robertson, a black former U.S. Marine, now aged 47, and also informally known now as “Abu Taubah”, led a gang of New York bank robbers called “Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves” circa 1990, in the course of which 10 banks, private homes, and post offices were held up at gunpoint, three police officers shot, and one cop was attacked after he was injured by a homemade pipe bomb.

    He was arrested in 1991.

    2. He was also accused, at some point, of being a bodyguard for Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman, leader of the World Trade Center bombers – period of time unspecified in this article. I don’t find mention of him in the index of two Peter Lance books I checked.

    3. He was also accused of having donated more than $300,000 in stolen funds to mosques he attended, period of time that the donations or the accusation was made unspecifed. What those mosques really were also unspecified.

    4. Robertson denied both of these last two claims.

    5. He cut a deal on the other charges and served four years in prison.

    6. He was an FBI informant from 2004 and 2007 tasked with documenting terrorists’ plans and networks in Africa, Egypt and the United States.

    7. He was arrested on a firearms charge in 2011 and pleaded guilty in January 2012.

    8. Then, on March 14, 2012, based on a 2011 wiretap, in which he instructed one of his students at his online “Fundamental Islamic Knowledge Seminary,” recently re-named “Timbuktu Seminary,” to file false tax returns to obtain a tax refund to pay for travel to Mauritania for terror training, he
    was charged with conspiring to defraud the IRS.

    9. You may wonder why he wasn’t charged with giving material support to terrorism. My hunch is, somebody blocked it, but couldn’t stop the tax charge.

    10. He was convicted of the tax charge in December 2013.

    11. Prosecutors sought a sentence enhancement of 10 years on the basis of terrorism per the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

    12. But U.S. District Judge Gregory Presnell freed Robertson in June 2015 with time served.

    13. Almost everything in the case is under seal, including Robertson’s testimony. (It’s probably classified.)

    14. The student, who actually went to Mauritania, pleaded guilty in 2012 to lying to authorities and conspiring to defraud the IRS and was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison.

    Terrorism was not one of the charges he pleaded guilty to, if it was made.

    15. Omar Mateen was another one of students.

    16. While in the John E. Polk Correctional Facility in Seminole County, Florida, Robertson was kept in shackles and assigned his own guards. Whenever he was transported to court, a seven-car caravan of armed federal marshals escorted him. He was initially moved into solitary confinement after prison authorities believed he was radicalizing up to 36 of his fellow prisoners.

    17. Robertson has openly and enthusiastically preached against homosexuality.

    18. Law enforcement sources said Sunday that Robertson, and several associates were rounded up for questioning early Sunday, June 12, but police, as well as his attorney, refused to confirm or deny that.

    Update: It’s now a liberal meme that Robertson is/was being falsely accused because they say, point 15 is wrong.

    Robertson runs an online Islamic seminary, and on the day of the Orlando shooting, Fox News reported that anonymous law enforcement officials claimed Mateen was one of Robertson’s students.

    Other outlets — including the New York Post and the Daily Beast — followed suit, but as the Intercept reported, the stories were meritless.

    Robertson said he and his staff examined the seminary’s financial and administrative records after the accusations came up. Through that, Robertson told the Intercept, they learned Mateen had no known affiliation with the seminary or Robertson.

    Nonetheless, Robertson said he received death threats based on his alleged connection to Mateen, which did not in fact exist.

    I think that could very well be wrong. He might not have been any kind of official student. But somebody leaked it.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4)

  98. …scientists say only a few thousand of the estuary’s namesake fish remain, after numbering in the millions just a few decades ago.

    And what happened a few decades ago? Both parties flooded the state and doubled its population with cheap labor and easy Democrat votes.

    Very sad news on the water situation, papertiger. Mostly because the sheeple just go along with it.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  99. Why would “both parties” flood the state to get more democrat votes?

    Rev. Hoagie® (734193)

  100. any sane person on earth who is not in complete and total denial of reality does.

    Hoagie, you don’t actually sound like you believe it. You sound like you’re trying to convince yourself by pounding away at the table.

    Of course Trump is a democrat. He’s a Clinton donor from New York who calls for gun control whenever there’s a terrorist attack. He’s a serial bankruptcy artist. He’s built an empire on every sleazy thing he could think of. He’s a republican like Lisa Murkowski and Dede Scozzafava are.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  101. Trump sealed the deal with 1542 delegates to Cruz’s 559.

    Nope. Trump currently has zero delegates because they haven’t voted yet. Nice try though. I understand why you really want to give us the impression there is no choice, but the GOP actually can win this election. It is simply a matter of wanting to.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  102. Hoagie, I meant the Dems wanted the voters and the Repubs wanted the cheap labor. Actually both parties wanted the cheap labor.

    Patricia (5fc097)


    Something really peculiar is going on.

    In an interview that aired on the June 14th 2016 Tuesday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “On the Record,” fundamentalist Muslim Imam Abu Taubah aka Marcus Robertson denied reports that Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen attended his online seminary while refusing to condemn the stoning of women for adultery and saying that some journalists should be beheaded. However, later in the segment, Taubah backpedaled on that remark. Taubah flatly denied that Mateen was a student of his or of his school, saying that the online seminary doesn’t have the face to face classes. He denied ever having met Omar Mateen.

    Orlando Imam Abu Taubah aka Marcus Robertson claims he was a double agent for the FBI and CIA. While he was in jail on 11/13/2012, Orlando Imam Abu Taubah filed a Federal Lawsuit against 8 FBI agents, FBI boss at the time Eric Holder and Roger Hnadberg [sic -should it be Handberg?] III the Asst United States Attorney in the Middle District of Florida. Marcus Robertson claims he was a covert operator for the CIA and the FBI Terrorist Task Force From 2004 to 2007. The 8 FBI agents in the “Robertson Lawsuit” were, Adam Topping, Kevin Thuman, Bryce Essary, Kevin Coleman, Robert Manson, Kevin Corlew, Christopher J. Savard, and NYC FBI Supervisor Anthony “Tony” Bivona. Orlando Fl Imam Abu Taubah aka Marcus Dwayne Robertson was arrested on August 23rd, 2011 by FBI special agent Kevin Corlew who is a specialist in counter-terrorism matters in the United States.

    BACKGROUND 2nd Force Recon: Ex-Marine Marcus Dwayne Robertson aka Abu Taubah claims to have served in the elite counter-terrorism unit Joint Special Operations Command before leaving the military as a conscientious objector. A spokeswoman for the National Archives confirmed his service from May 16, 1986 to May 1994, in the U.S. Marine Corps 2nd Force Reconnaissance Company as a field radio operator, discharged in the rank of corporal. Records show he was trained in radio telegraph, scuba diving, marksmanship, hand to hand combat, knife training, parachuting, terrorism counteraction, surveillance, infantry patrolling and finance.

    Some of his claims in the lawsuit sound very much like implausible lies, but what may not be a lie is that he was gien aletetr of immunity.

    This sounds like like Whitey Bulger than anything else. Or a triple agent.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4)

  104. Errata:

    * but what may not be a lie is that he was given a letter of immunity.

    This sounds more like Whitey Bulger than anything else. Or a triple agent.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4)

  105. Hoagie, you don’t actually sound like you believe it. You sound like you’re trying to convince yourself by pounding away at the table.

    Only to a person in total denial like yourself, Dustin. Trump is a registered Republican, he’s running on the Republican ticket and unless some miracle occurs he will be the Republican candidate for President of the Unite States. What else would you require to be a Republican? Hell, he’s more Republican than you are at least he supports the Republican candidate. You’re a republican4hillary!.

    Rev. Hoagie® (734193)

  106. More from the Bill Warner website:

    Marcus Robertson changed the name of his Muslim Seminary from F.I.K.S. to Timbuktu (see map above) on or about May 12th, 2016 the same day his new website appeared for Timbuktu Seminary….The Judge sentenced Abu Taubah aka Marcus Robertson on April 30th, 2015 for his federal gun charge and IRS tax fraud convictions to time served. The Judge agreed to allow Abu Taubah aka Marcus Robertson to speak “in camera showing” of his work with the FBI and CIA but it never happened…..

    So we know the guy is a fraud, and yet he has some protection.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a22e4)

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