Patterico's Pontifications


Bobby Jindal: We Are Reaping The Results Of Our Garbage Culture

Filed under: General — Dana @ 8:29 pm

[guest post by Dana]

In the aftermath of the mass shooting at Umpqua College, President Obama has been politicizing the tragedy and lecturing us about the need for more gun control as he prepares to take executive action on the matter. Meanwhile, Gov. Bobby Jindal has been thinking deeply about the root causes that lead up to such evil acts. He asserts that they are part and parcel of the ongoing downward slide of “cultural decay, the glorification of evil, the devaluation of human life, the breakdown of the family, and specifically the complete abdication of fathers.”

After citing examples of our cultural and moral decay, Jindal zeros in on the role of the Umpqua College shooter’s father:

Now, let’s get really politically incorrect here and talk specifically about this horror in Oregon. This killer’s father is now lecturing us on the need for gun control and he says he has no idea how or where his son got the guns.

Of course he doesn’t know. You know why he doesn’t know? Because he is not, and has never been in his son’s life. He’s a complete failure as a father, he should be embarrassed to even show his face in public. He’s the problem here.

He brags that he has never held a gun in his life and that he had no idea that his son had any guns. Why didn’t he know? Because he failed to raise his son. He should be ashamed of himself, and he owes us all an apology.

When he was asked what his relationship was with his son, he said he hadn’t seen him in a while because he lived with his mother. Case Closed.

Reactions to Jindal have been about what you would expect, ranging from the absurd to the violent and pathetic. Jezebel accuses Jindal of blaming the killings in Oregon on abortion and single mothers, and over at Esquire, Charles Pierce calls Jindal a charlatan and asks “[W]ould I be uncivil if I were to suggest that somebody punch this man right in his dick?”

Because guns.


92 Responses to “Bobby Jindal: We Are Reaping The Results Of Our Garbage Culture”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (86e864)

  2. If Jindal had been this outspoken from the beginning, he might be higher in the polls.

    norcal (a6e04e)

  3. Well said, governor.

    nk (dbc370)

  4. By God, I think he’s on to something here. The Truth hurts.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  5. And the MSM claims that Ben Carson is “blaming the victims” when he says that he thinks he would have fought back in some manner rather than just stand there and get shot.

    How did we get to the point that fighting back in self-defense could be considered to be wrong? Maybe its the “no tolerance” policy of disciplining all students in a fight with no consideration given to identifying the aggressor.

    Gramps (bc022b)

  6. As Greg Lake put in “I Believe in Father Christmas”, “Be it Heaven or Hell, The Christmas we get we deserve.”

    It’s the same for the culture that you accept.

    J.P. (cc46f4)

  7. Two thoughts:

    (1) The best way to rile the Social Justice Warriors is to point out to them how empty and stupid is the popular culture they have been shaping for the last half-century. They are mad, because at some level they know it’s true.

    (2) Charles Pierce suggests “that somebody punch [Jindal] right in his dick?” Notice how a pissant urban eunuch like Pierce wants somebody else to do his dirty work? What a useless pussy.

    JVW (ba78f9)

  8. Let me get this straight:
    Little freak kills ten people.
    Little freak’s absentee sperm donor blames guns for his little freak’s rampage.
    Bobby Jindal tells world absentee sperm donor is full of s**t.
    F**kwits get panties in knot.

    Hey, Charlie (Pierce)! At least Bobby Jindal has a dick, you ridiculous little pussy.

    nk (dbc370)

  9. It’s really stunning how much outrage Jezebel and Pierce feel toward Jindal. And he wasn’t the one who went on a killing rampage.

    Dana (86e864)

  10. People don’t generally respond well when others outline their faults and hypocrisy and Jezebel is no exception. Despite their adoption of pro-choice (i.e. selective or variable) principles, they are vulnerable to suffer from cognitive dissonance.

    n.n (71510b)

  11. Odd, I had the same reaction as Jindal two days ago.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  12. R.I.P. Gail Zappa, widow of Frank, mother of Moon Unit

    R.I.P. Billy Joe Royal, singer of “Down in the Boondocks” fame

    Icy (941b63)

  13. The best way to rile the Social Justice Warriors is to point out to them how empty and stupid is the popular culture they have been shaping for the last half-century. They are mad, because at some level they know it’s true.

    When Idiocracy came out, progs at DKOS hailed it as a satire of gopfoxkochredneck degeneracy. SJWs can’t imagine they share any blame for our retarded culture.

    scrutineer (b7d257)

  14. I take it that at this stage of his career Charles Pierce pays Esquire to print his stories.

    seeRpea (ce512c)

  15. She had that Camarillo Brillo.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  16. when you reflect on how bobby j would have no problem whatsoever using government like a cudgel to force a frightened teenage girl to give birth to a wholly unwanted fatherless child

    his argument loses some of its coherence

    but he’s just such a desperate attention-starved little thing I don’t think he cares

    full disclosure: i’m still in the camp what says leveraging random slaughter for political advantage is low class

    whether you’re a fascist food stamp whore in the white house or a desperate attention-starved lifeydoodle loser from louisiana, it’s just tacky

    happyfeet (831175)

  17. when you reflect on how bobby j would have no problem whatsoever using government like a cudgel to force a frightened teenage girl to give birth to a wholly unwanted fatherless child

    happyfeet (831175) — 10/8/2015 @ 4:36 am

    Talk about incoherent.

    Gerald A (e1ec12)

  18. Happytroll, you are a pathetic liar.

    Steven Malynn (4bc33a)

  19. Just shut up, you lifeydoodles, and don’t give no backtalk to our enlightened, freedom-loving, progressive narrative.

    nk (dbc370)

  20. This is a topic that needs to be discussed and Jindal’s contributions are reasonable and helpful. I don’t agree with him that these factors are the root causes of mass shootings such as the one that happened at Umpqua Community College, but it’s a valid discussion point.

    DRJ (521990)

  21. #15 known as Happyfeet is a pathetic imbecilic troll. IMHO.

    mark johnson (8eda43)

  22. DRJ,

    What do you believe to be at the root of the spate of mass shootings and/or this one specifically?

    Dana (86e864)

  23. Well consider the attention focused in roanoke, and newtown, also mental health issues.

    narciso (ee1f88)

  24. HF is a member of the death cult, and a bigoted hater of Christians, his being a heretic after all.

    John Hitchcock (36943d)

  25. I think there is a troubling number of mass shootings by people who have been diagnosed or suspected of having some form of autism. Last year, the Washington Post published an article on a study that showed a statistical link between mass shootings and autism or brain injury, and it appears possible that the Umpqua CC shooter had Aspergers.

    DRJ (521990)

  26. I believe it’s the constant barrage of leftist propaganda disguised as education and entertainment. Young people are clearly incapable of seeing through the fog of BS and identifying what this crap really is. For 50 years the left has broken down the family with program after program all designed to separate fathers (read; Men) from their wives and their children and make the latter the “families” of the State. Why else would an idiot like Hillary! have a meme like “It Takes a Village”? It doesn’t take a village, it takes a father. Of course discipline is out of the question for parents and if one tries to discipline one will find himself a “child abuser” and have his kids taken away. Same in schools, zero discipline.

    Every little Johnny and Suzie is “special” and everybody gets a trophy. Anyone who is not a white , male Christian is taught they are victims. Kids with sexual identity disorders aren’t helped, they’re encouraged to “explore” their homo side and end up sexually ambiguous. Hence, they too become victims. Those unfortunate enough to be born white, male, Christian and straight are told they are racist oppressors and no matter that they weren’t even alive at the time nor now much they do penance they can never, never, ever make up for America’s original sin of slavery.

    Then these “special” kids realize they are not only not special but in the scheme of things they’re outright losers and they go whakadoodle and mow down a crowd for attention. Look daddy, look girls, look America, I’m somebody I’m important I’m special. The left has done a remarkable job. Remove God, remove morality because every culture is equal, remove responsibility, competition and excellence because we all get trophies and you create the perfect little slug to be manipulated by the left.

    Don’t take my word, look around.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  27. I’m not trying to make autism or brain jury a suspect classification. I agree with this comment from my Washington Post link, above:

    The director of the United Kingdom’s National Autistic Society’s Centre for Autism reacted to the study with caution. “We would urge people not to jump to conclusions about people with autism and to make judgements [sic] about a whole section of society,” Carol Povey told the Independent. “This and previous research shows that the vast majority of individuals with autism are law abiding and respect the rules of society. Indeed, in many cases, individuals with autism are unusually concerned to keep the letter of the law, due to the nature of the disability.

    I hope this research and discussion helps us focus on the fact that many of these shooters are people who have already been identified as struggling with antisocial, violent, or behavioral problems. That’s typically why they are diagnosed in the first place. This gives us an idea of who to help to try to keep this from happening.

    Unfortunately, society’s response may be to demonize these people and their families, but I hope that stronger minds will prevail and help everyone realize and address that, in a few cases, autistic and brain-injured individuals may pose a risk of violent or antisocial tendencies.

    DRJ (521990)

  28. Who hates America more: the liberals who hate what it used to be and like what it’s becoming, or the conservatives who hate what it is becoming and liked what it was?

    The answer, unsurprisingly, will depend on your definition of “America.”

    Leviticus (f9a067)

  29. the liberals who hate what it used to be or the conservatives who hate what it is becoming

    we both know that we lost it somehow

    let’s get it back!

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  30. As always, Leviticus argues with false choices.

    Steven Malynn (4bc33a)

  31. I’m not arguing. I’m commenting. Not every conversation is an argument.

    Leviticus (f9a067)

  32. Or has to be, anyway.

    Leviticus (f9a067)

  33. Jindal is 100% correct. So is Mary Steyn on these issues.

    My only hope is DARWIN plays a huge role in exterminating these people.

    Rodney King's Spirit (ab8c0d)

  34. #27 Liberals can’t claim to love America when they are so busy “fundamentally transforming it.”

    Sorry but your argument is idiotic at face value given one side wants the America is was born into and the Left wants America to undergo gender reassignment surgery and chop off its dick.

    Sorry but that ain’t love you lefty twat-waffle. That is anger.

    Rodney King's Spirit (ab8c0d)

  35. Clarification: …. given one side (Conservative) wants the America IT was born into …..

    Rodney King's Spirit (ab8c0d)

  36. Which America do we want? The one that considers the US Constitution to be supreme law of the land? Or the Leftist one, which considers the Constitution to be “over 100 years old” and difficult to read, and not very important anyway?

    John Hitchcock (36943d)

  37. Leviticus: “America I want you to take female hormones, chop off your nuts, get a vagina, get breast implants and carry my baby with your frozen sperm and my egg inside your rectum … BUT I LOVE U SO MUCH RIGHT NOW!!!!”


    The Left is mentally ill. Their elites need the sword or the institution.

    Rodney King's Spirit (ab8c0d)

  38. Which came first ‘garbage culture’ or ‘progressive government?

    The core, atomistic assumed wisdom is that humankind requires control supplied through coercive power over the citizenry.

    This elemental truth nonetheless excuses any and every sin by an unaccountable sociopathic parasite that has already snuffed out the life of the Republic.

    If the obvious is so easily ignored as laid out at the link, there is no longer any obstacle to evil. Case in point the threatened veto of a defense bill failing to close Gitmo.

    Peace and order are leaving on walkabout.

    DNF (51a50d)

  39. 1700s
    The earliest known United States shooting to happen on school property was the Pontiac’s Rebellion school massacre on July 26, 1764, where four Lenape American Indian entered the schoolhouse near present-day Greencastle, Pennsylvania, shot and killed schoolmaster Enoch Brown, and killed nine or ten children (reports vary). Only two children survived.

    • November 2, 1853 Louisville, Kentucky A student, Matthew Ward, bought a self-cocking pistol in the morning, went to school and killed Schoolmaster Mr. Butler for excessively punishing his brother the day before. Even though he shot the Schoolmaster point blank in front of his classmates, he was acquitted.

    An April 30, 1866 editorial in the New York Times argued against students carrying pistols, citing “…pistols being dropped on the floor at balls or being exploded in very inconvenient ways. A boy of 12 has his pantaloons made with a pistol pocket; and this at a boarding-school filled with boys, who, we suppose, do or wish to do the same thing. We would advise parents to look into it, and learn whether shooting is to be a part of the scholastic course which may be practiced on their boys; or else we advise them to see that their own boys are properly armed with the most approved and deadly-pistol, and that there may be an equal chance at least of their shooting as of being shot.”

    Read the whole thing.

    nk (dbc370)

  40. Rodney King’s Spirit, please cut out the personal attacks on Leviticus. He deserves our respect even if we don’t disagree with him.

    JVW (ba78f9)

  41. And if you don’t believe that Leviticus deserves our respect then I at least submit to you that he deserves our courtesy.

    JVW (ba78f9)

  42. R.I.P. Gail Zappa, widow of Frank, mother of Moon Unit

    It always amazed me that after her husband had his run in with Tipper Gore and the Parents’ Music Resource Center, Mrs. Zappa nevertheless was an enthusiastic supporter of and donor to Al Gore’s Presidential campaign. You know, sometimes it’s hard to take these entertainment folks seriously. Rest in peace, Mrs. Zappa.

    JVW (ba78f9)

  43. When you spend over 50 years designing a dysfunctional, victim society full of deep psychological problems and it becomes dysfunctional and psychologically sick why be surprised? Then, these idiots want to turn over finding the cure to the very people in the very same positions in the same government that created the problem. Now who’s really sick here?

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  44. #39 & #40 And therein lies at the core of why the Right always loses.

    Mocking and humiliating the other side works wonders — the Right should know this give the results the Left has produced doing as such.

    Wake up. Smell Coffee. We don’t live in a Civil Society. The savages are winning if you have not received that memo. So I have no issue calling a moron a moron and humiliating and rubbing their face in fecal matter if needed. When they stop, so will I.

    I suggest the Right lace up its boots and leave the Country Club once in awhile. Put down the College Degree and grab a baseball bat.

    Rodney King's Spirit (ab8c0d)

  45. “Sorry but that ain’t love you lefty twat-waffle. That is anger.”

    – Rodney King’s Spirit

    I’ll take your word on it – you seem to know a lot about anger.

    Leviticus (f9a067)

  46. #43 The radicalism, the vulgarity, the lies, the violence of the Left in the USA has benefited in transforming the Culture and our Government.

    Conservatives need to stop lying to themselves that somehow the “higher road intellectually” works in creating/achieving a better society.

    History is not on your side.

    Rodney King's Spirit (ab8c0d)

  47. Oh, I agree completely, Rodney King’s Spirit but I don’t think Leviticus is a liberal. I get the feeling he’s a moderate tending conservative. He’s thoughtful. Generally not rude to us. Maybe a little sarcastic but who isn’t? I got no beef wit Leviticus.

    You are right though. The left gets tons of mileage out of mocking and humiliating and doing so in a down right disgraceful way. Civility? From the left? What am I, some “coon” or something?

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  48. #44 No doubt your idiot comment pisses me off in the most fleeting of ways.

    Reminds me of a play “I love you, you are perfect, now change.”

    That pretty much sums up the Left’s view of “America” (or what used to be).

    No, you don’t love America. You hate it and are ecstatic every time a brick is removed from its base.

    Just be honest is my view.

    Rodney King's Spirit (ab8c0d)

  49. #46 The Right should air drop pictures of abortions over Manhattan. Pictures of hungry Venezuelans who cheered for leftism. Stop playing around and show them the ugly world they root for. Put horns on the Castro brother standing next to Obola with 1,00,0,000 murdered and Obola cheers. That is what works. Not civility.

    You want to eat Lobster? Mercilessly bring the water to a boil.

    Rodney King's Spirit (ab8c0d)

  50. Mocking and humiliating the other side works wonders — the Right should know this give the results the Left has produced doing as such.

    Matt Yglesias? Mock and humiliate him.
    Ezra Klein? Mock and humiliate him.
    The Los Angeles Times editorial board? Mock and humiliate them.
    Paul Krugman? Mock and humiliate him.
    The entire staff of Gawker media? Mock and humiliate them.
    Leviticus? Nope.

    See the difference?

    JVW (ba78f9)

  51. i do

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  52. JVW,

    you’re wrong. Leviticus has no interest in conservative beliefs as shown by his strawman above. He thinks progress means destroying the nation created by our founding fathers to make it more inclusive and progressive even if that means everyone is poor and dependant on the government for basic sustenance; himself excluded of course.

    There is no negotiating with someone who wants to destroy your life and your beliefs. He is just too passive aggressive to say it clearly and concisely. He’s learning all the wrong lessons at law school, but still believes his progressive beliefs are fundamentally superior to your own.

    There is no negotiating with the left. It’s either defeat or submission. Take your pick.

    njrob (7e4833)

  53. Rodney King’s Spirit, keep up the good work.

    njrob (7e4833)

  54. #49, I see a difference in the relative value of the targets but all targets are worth political extermination regardless of priority.

    And when you have low hanging fruit, you pick it. You don’t worry about the better, juicier, apples higher up on the tree.

    Rodney King's Spirit (ab8c0d)

  55. Ok, Leviticus. Now you know. You’re not dealing with a bunch of middle-aged (and older) white guys sitting around bellyaching because their Metamucil is the wrong flavor, their bridgework is loose, and those darn kids keep stepping on their newly-seeded lawns. This is the Executive Board of the Super Secret Society To Save The World One Blog Comment At A Time from Godless Liberalism and The International Muslim-Progressive-Mexican Conspiracy. Serious business. Don’t think that because our armies in the field are engaged in fighting ISIS, Russia, and Warren Buffet, we won’t have time to throw a bowl of high-fiber Ensure at you if you give us any more of that seditious talk. Watch what you say, watch what you do. If you are not with us, you are against us. A stitch in time save nine. You’ve been warned.

    nk (dbc370)

  56. Rodney King’s Spirit,

    You’re a guest here. You will not pick up a baseball bat against one of my commenters — at least one that I like. (If you want to mock and humiliate Perry as he re-emerges in one of his many incarnations, that’s another matter.)

    Patterico (fecd9b)

  57. #55 You can do as you wish Mr Frey as will I. And, yes, allegorical baseball bats are very much in need in our Republic. Weakness is not to be tolerated and leftist stupidity drummed from the Public Square at all costs. They must be mocked and humiliated and confronted at every turn.

    Catch that very civil GQ Article on good ol Ben? Anyway, I love when the Left delivers the point to my message in the real. The Left plays for keeps while we play for “respect.” Wake the #%$@ up everyone.

    Rodney King's Spirit (ab8c0d)

  58. My only hope is DARWIN plays a huge role in exterminating these people.

    Rodney King’s Spirit (ab8c0d) — 10/8/2015 @ 7:34 am

    Unfortunately that is leaning on Darwin even harder than most atheists do.

    Bill H (2a858c)

  59. #57 I know. That is why I put it in the hope category. Sitting around waiting for the hand of god to clean up the mess in the most biblical of terms.

    Rodney King's Spirit (ab8c0d)

  60. Yes gq is the nastiest hive of scum and villainy after Esquire and vanity
    Fair, what else is new.

    narciso (ee1f88)

  61. #55 You can do as you wish Mr Frey as will I.

    OK. If what you wish conflicts with what I wish, you have fair warning what will happen. Can the attitude on Leviticus.

    Patterico (fecd9b)

  62. And, yes, allegorical baseball bats are very much in need in our Republic. Weakness is not to be tolerated and leftist stupidity drummed from the Public Square at all costs. They must be mocked and humiliated and confronted at every turn.

    That seems to me to be a very childish view of discourse, but to each his own. Just mind the rules here. Again: you are a guest.

    Patterico (fecd9b)

  63. Relevant to Dr. Carson:

    He is doing book signings at various Barnes and Nobles, if anyone is interested in seeing him sort of upclose.
    If you don’t want to click on every entry in the list, search events at your local stores.

    kishnevi (31ba4e)

  64. #61 “That seems to me to be a very childish view of discourse, but to each his own.”

    Ignoring your views has worked wonders for generating results for the Left. Sticking to those views has not for the Right. As one very smart man once told me “Would you rather be rich or right?”

    Plus I would hardly call something childish when what is done is done in a purposeful way with full knowledge of the results desired. That I would submit is intellectually weak reasoning that defaults to platitudes. Being cunning and manipulative is anything but childish even if the methods are ascribed as such.

    Rodney King's Spirit (ab8c0d)

  65. Heh. I picture a twelve-year old girl saying: “I’ll never be your friend! Never!”

    nk (dbc370)

  66. Rodney King’s Spirit,
    While I have no comprehension why Patterico makes some of his decisions, this is his site. This is his house, and if he deems what you are doing to be unbecoming in his house, you have two choices.

    1) Obey him without throwing a hissy fit.
    2) Leave.

    There truly is no third option for you. If you choose to disregard both options, the second option will be forced on you.

    John Hitchcock (dd322f)

  67. #65 So be it. But to be clear, a website is not a home and certainly not one that has a comments section for the public.

    But I am civil to Mr P, just things like Levi that I refuse to be civil too in context to the debate. As stated they must be drummed out of “polite” company much the way the Right has been in the Cocktail Lounge Circuit.

    Rodney King's Spirit (ab8c0d)

  68. #65 … but sure he can do as he wishes. Negative Rights, I am all for it.

    Rodney King's Spirit (ab8c0d)

  69. one can disagree without being disagreeable

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  70. It’s a bit counterintuitive to drive the people whose ideas you find dangerous away from the people with the opportunity and the ability to persuade them to change those views. The goal is discourse. People on this site have convinced me to reconsider my positions on a number of occasions and a number of issues. I think, without knowing, that I have given a few people on this site reason to reconsider their owns positions as well.

    That’s a good thing, not a bad thing.

    Leviticus (f9a067)

  71. Rev. Hoagie, at 46: there’s an interesting implication there that people who are thoughtful and generally not rude to you cannot possibly be liberals. Was that intended?

    Rodney King at 47: I travel in very, very liberal circles, and I’ve met virtually nobody who *hates* America. Most people either (a) love America and believe that America has failed to live up to her higher ideals, and that we should help her do so; or (b) believe America is one nation among many, neither better nor worse than any other.

    I understand taking issue with these positions – but to describe them as *hate* is wild overstatement.

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  72. Leviticus (f9a067) — 10/9/2015 @ 11:03 am

    That was well said.

    felipe (b5e0f4)

  73. Who hates America more: the liberals who hate what it used to be and like what it’s becoming, or the conservatives who hate what it is becoming and liked what it was?

    The answer, unsurprisingly, will depend on your definition of “America.”

    I’m trying to think of counterexamples to the “limousine liberal,” much less the “champagne socialist,” referring to conservatives who tout right-leaning policies and values but live happily in an environment that’s just the opposite of conservatism. Of course, one can be too literal with such an interpretation, citing the image of a staunch Republican residing in a nice Victorian in San Francisco or a dyed-in-the-wool conservative living large near Harvard in Boston.

    But at the very least, I can think of few to no places that are as overwhelmingly conservative/Republican as cities like Detroit are overwhelmingly liberal/Democrat, and that, at the same time, are daily reminders of what a disaster zone is all about. Beyond national borders, I can think of few countries that are as devoutly conservative (normative too, and not a weird reactionary hybrid found in the Middle East) as Venezuela (or Argentina, etc) is devoutly liberal that are also a poster child for a flopping, flailing environment.

    Mark (f713e4)

  74. 72.Rev. Hoagie, at 46: there’s an interesting implication there that people who are thoughtful and generally not rude to you cannot possibly be liberals. Was that intended?

    No implication intended. I was just trying to opine that I think Leviticus is a moderate or even a libertarian but not a liberal. However, being a person who does not travel in very, very liberal circles I find after about two or three minutes of discussion on almost any topic with a liberal and the name calling begins. Or the insinuations of being ignorant, stupid or poorly educated. I recall one discussion where the lib got PO’d and said: “Well, you’re Christian” and the way he said Christian you would have thought he said s-h-!-t. Another time I walked into my favorite watering hole and was greeted by Ray, a leftist, with “Here’s a flat earther”. See, by virtue of being a leftist they are correct about everything.

    Actually, living in the Philadelphia suburbs I travel in quite a mixed circle. I would say about 50% conservative, about 30% moderate and 20% liberal. So I get to hob-knob with all kinds and I have never met a liberal who loves America. At least not the free market, Judeo-Christian, Constitutional Republic America I love. I’ve asked liberals to state they love America and they refused saying: “I don’t have to say it to believe it”. Nice try. I’ve found that liberals believe men need to be controlled by governments. I believe governments need to be controlled by men.

    Aphrael, almost every nation in the world is socialist or communist yet people are still dying to get in to America, the very same America that liberals believe “has failed to live up to her higher ideals, and that we should help her do so; or (b) believe America is one nation among many, neither better nor worse than any other.” Why? You are not alone it seems. About 50% of the folks think America need “fundamental change”. I wish you good luck with that. I figure we grew in power, strength, influence and wealth for the first 200 years doing something right. WE won wars, dug canals, built skyscrapers and Mt Rushmore, grew the most vast economy in history, the same with our military, offered more people more Freedom and prosperity than any nation in history, created more inventions more advances in medicine and science and I could go on and on. But liberals we didn’t live up to our ideals or that we’re no better nor worse than Somalia. I think liberals suffer from cognitive dissonance.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  75. Leviticus, how would you describe this ?

    I am not saying he hates America but what is this with a statement by someone who is pretty courteous and soft spoken?

    Just curious.

    Alsl, read some of Bernie Sanders’ statements.

    He doesn’t like us very much.

    Today in America, if you are black, you can be killed for getting a pack of Skittles during a basketball game. These hateful acts of violence amount to acts of terror. They are perpetrated by extremists who want to intimidate and terrorize black and brown people in this country.

    Who are those extremists ? Crazy people or Republicans ?

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  76. well probably it is striking how many things he is not aware about, unlike another fellow, who actively ignore doubleunplusgood facts,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  77. aphrael,

    I think these people hate America, much like Jeremiah Wright. Odds are they are also liberal.

    DRJ (521990)

  78. BTW, aphrael, not one liberal I know flies an American flag at his home. Not even on Independence Day. Not one was in the service. Not one is or was in business. Not one was only married once without divorce. Not one practices a religion. I have 8 people who work with me at a food bank to provide Meals on Wheels for elderly shut-ins. Not one liberal. I have many people who help me at my club to provide benefits for veterans, Thanksgiving and Christmas meals for the poor and Toys For Tots as well as St. Jude and Children’s Hospital. Not one liberal.

    I don’t think I like the “higher ideals” liberals espouse to for America because I don’t think there is a higher ideal than putting something ahead of oneself. Leftism has evolved from a political position to a religion. Haven’t you noticed how Republicans are always arguing among themselves on different points (of course you did the MSM calls it in-fighting) yet the Democrats are a picture of solidarity? There is no difference between Bernie Sanders, Hillary! and Biden. They are all leftists and all believe identical. Can you say that about Bush and Trump and Cruz and Carly? Leftist do not tolerate anyone leaving the narrative. BTW, why did the dems boo God last time? And perhaps you can explain the difference between a socialist and a democrat, Hillary! can’t. And since you have a socialist running on your party ticket I figure you should know.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  79. I have 8 people who work with me at a food bank to provide Meals on Wheels for elderly shut-ins. Not one liberal. I have many people who help me at my club to provide benefits for veterans, Thanksgiving and Christmas meals for the poor and Toys For Tots as well as St. Jude and Children’s Hospital. Not one liberal.

    That pretty much backs up various surveys and studies that indicate, in comparison to liberals, larger percentages of conservatives donate their time and money (and blood to blood banks too).

    I can stomach the idiocy of liberals if they at least — at least — don’t fall for the idea their biases stem from a wonderful place in their heart and, most crucially, foster a wonderful society., October 10 via Crowds gathered at the Million Man March in Washington, D.C. were led in a “down, down USA” chant Saturday morning by a female speaker.

    The Native American woman proclaimed that Muammar “Gaddafi is still alive” and called for President Barack Obama to pardon Leonard Peltier, a Native American activist who was convicted of murdering two Federal Bureau of Investigation officers in 1975. The woman then led the crowd in a chant of “down, down USA.”

    “They have a whole race of indigenous people on reservations, concentration camps. They’re out there killing the indigenous people spiritually,” she said.

    Thousands of black people and other minorities descended on the nation’s capital with banners and flags for the “Justice or Else!” rally — the 20th anniversary of the first Million Man March.

    ^ If liberalism were a race or ethnicity, that really is the “race” or “ethnicity” of most of the people at that event.

    I’d welcome the US government (if it has to be so kind and generous) buying the people at such rallies a one-way airline ticket to Venezuela.

    Mark (f713e4)

  80. I’d welcome the US government (if it has to be so kind and generous) buying the people at such rallies a one-way airline ticket to Venezuela.

    I would settle for just cutting all government subsidies to all these protestors. After all, if they have time and money to protest they have time and money to find a job and work. It’ll keep them out of trouble. Besides, if they hate us that much, screw’em.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  81. DRJ – I think that’s a fair assertion, and I’d note that they are not the liberals with whom I have experience.

    Which suggests to me that there’s more than one flavor of liberalism, all competing for the same name.

    Barack Hussein – I’d agree that very few liberals in my experience fly the flag – but I think that’s a cultural thing. Sometime before I became politically aware, urbanites came to see flag-flying as a sign of rural conservatism; it’s probably too late to unroll that.

    I know liberals who were in the service, and who *are* in the service.

    I don’t think being in business, or being married, or practicing religion is relevant to the question of whether or not someone hates America, though, so I’m not sure how they’re relevant to any point I was making. That said, I know liberal businesspeople; I know happily married liberals; I even know some religious liberals (although they are comparatively few in number, to be sure).


    We’re a great country. We have done many great things. People want to come here because we are economically successful and because we provide a freedom that is absent in much of the world.

    But that doesn’t mean we’re perfect. And it certainly doesn’t mean that we live up to our ideals in all regards.

    How could we? We’re comprised of humans.

    We can both be better than everyone else AND be not as good as we ought to be. 🙂

    aphrael (4eae3a)

  82. You are who I try to think of when I think of liberals. You’re a gem, aphrael.

    DRJ (521990)

  83. aphrael was 16

    and sick of school

    he didn’t know what he wanted to do

    he bought a gitar

    he got the fevar

    that’s rock n roll

    happyfeet (831175)

  84. happyfeet, i wish i played an instrument. i do NOT have the patience to develop that skill, however.

    aphrael (4eae3a)

  85. here you can do the vicarious

    happyfeet (831175)

  86. when you slay 55 million, 1/6 of your population, that cannot help but have negative impacts,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  87. Also, Rev. Hussein, although you didn’t ask me to, I’ll volunteer: I love America. I think she has done great things for humanity, and she is a great place to live, and she is a country of which I am proud to be a citizen.

    I *also* think she has flaws. She is not alone in that; anything constructed by human beings has flaws, as perfection is unattainable and entropy is real. 🙂

    aphrael (4eae3a)

  88. america i love more than beans

    but the way obamahillaryfailmerica keeps trying to lure me into the back of the van

    oh my goodness

    stranger danger

    you know i like my chicken fried

    happyfeet (831175)

  89. I think jim crow was one of the most injurious flaws, coming a generation after the civil war, and lasting three quarters of a century, it mocked our greatest values,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  90. i can’t make no argue with that mr. narciso

    happyfeet (831175)

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