Patterico's Pontifications


Ted Cruz Was Right When He Said…

Filed under: General — Dana @ 5:56 am

[guest post by Dana]

…the Senate under Republican control is no different from when Democrats were in control.

Sean Davis ‏@seanmdav

All McConnell had to do was allow a vote on taxpayer funding for PP. That’s it. It’s all he had to do. And yet he couldn’t do it. B/c Ex-Im.

But when you have Senate leaders who fill the tree and file cloture to block amendments they don’t like, you don’t really have a Senate.

61 Responses to “Ted Cruz Was Right When He Said…”

  1. Good morning.

    Dana (86e864)

  2. mcconnellwhore sits in his favorite chair – he sits very quiet and still, his testicles gently cradled in John Cornyn’s loving hands

    vote republican

    happyfeet (831175)

  3. Why don’t the republicans pick mf’s for leaders like pelosi, reid or shumer, instead we get mcconnel, boner, lott, hatch and other losers and pussies.

    Jim (defd88)

  4. Totally missed that Henry Reid moved to Kentucky and changed his name to Mitch McConnell.

    Disappointed (713654)

  5. #mcconnellsucks

    Ted Cruz is pretty awesome for tearing him a new one.

    Charlotte (6c0f18)

  6. My respect for Ted Cruz grows daily.

    ropelight (f9622d)

  7. “Fill the tree”.
    Such a strange phrase,
    what could it mean?
    The devil is in the details.

    bobathome (f50725)

  8. Fill the tree, as I understand it…
    Put a limit on the number of amendments which can be offered, and then fill up the available slots with technical amendments and amendments from friendly senators, so the amendments you do not like have no chance of being voted on.
    A favorite technique of Reid in his last years as Majority Leader.

    kishnevi (294553)

  9. Kisnevi, indeed. But are you authorized to disclose this information? This phrase is sufficiently ambiguous that it serves a valuable purpose for the Majority Leader. He can honor his promises to the Democrats while betraying his commitments to the members of his own party, and all he has to do is say he was just “filling the tree” should he be held accountable for actions. If Cruz hadn’t explained this, it would be business as usual in D. C.

    Isn’t it strange that when Reid “filled the tree” he furthered the interests of Democrats, and now with Republican control of the Senate, the same holds for McConnell? Can you only “fill the tree” when expanding government?

    bobathome (f50725)

  10. 60% of democrats approve what their party is doing, while only 20% of republicans approve the actions of their party.

    Maybe the fact that all McConnell had to do is allow a vote on Planned Parenthood funding, yet he didn’t. It seems that Ex-Im bank which is a government bank that looses around 200 million dollars a year giving money to large companies is more important to him than defunding Planned Parenthood which sells body parts for profit from abortions.

    It’s an easy moral choice between defunding an organization that sells baby body parts and giving money to large corporations. I’m surprised that 20% of republicans approve their party’s actions. It seems to me it should be much lower.

    Tanny O'Haley (c674c7)

  11. Ted Cruz is coming to the senate floor at 4pm EST to decry the acts of bargaining, pro business legislation, cooperation, agreement, and consensus.. Ted will point out that despite his non existent poll numbers, these sudden speeches that could have had an affect months ago have absolutely nothing to do with his plummet in money, volunteers and approval ratings, he is still only concerned for what is best for Te(d)xas and Americruz.

    He will also address tomorrow the need to investigate the purity of our drinking water…

    EPWJ (f70196)

  12. just smear a lil dollop of bushfilth on that mcconnell sammich and hell we can call it lunch

    happyfeet (831175)

  13. EPWJ, thanks for the heads up. I look forward to seeing what Ted has to say.

    Are the businesses that you seem to support the same ones that you say give undeserved salaries to their executives? And is “consensus” getting 45 Democrats and 6 Republicans to vote “yes” on a measure that 80% of the Republican base finds disgusting?

    bobathome (f50725)

  14. If McConnell, Hatch and Cornyn were Democratic operatives out to destroy the GOP, what would they be doing differently?

    nk (dbc370)

  15. #16: Narciso, your link to theFederalist site is a good quick read. It explains the linkages that McConnell must create in order to get the Highway Bill passed. It also explains why conservative amendments must be surpressed in order to maintain the governing cabel of a lock-step Democratic group, and a handful of RINOs. I seem to recall campaign promises to the effect that legislation would be as advertised by its title, the legislation would be transparent, and ample time would be provided to support an intelligent debate. This Highway Bill will contain a lot more than concrete and repairs to our infrastructure, and it fails in all of the promised improvements to D. C. sausage factory procedures.

    bobathome (f50725)

  16. Let’s have a reader poll – who is more deranged – Perry, in general, or EPWJ when he is smearing a conservative he doesn’t like?

    JD (3b5483)

  17. If an Article V convention were convened and enough states ratified its product, the very first person in Federal court to invalidate the new constitution would be John Roberts.

    The total abdication of fealty and duty to the people and the constitution by those entrusted with power will require revolution at some point. The current republic will not withstand this treachery.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  18. #19 Ed, I agree unless those like Roberts are made to JUSTLY to cower in fear.

    Problem in today’s society is people like Roberts can simply wipe their a** with us and there literally are no consequences. Justice Roberts has not had one material deterioration of his well being as a result of his decisions. So it is all very academic, both his principles and their application thereof. His priority is the Cocktail Circuit and being respected by his Harvard peers. He is utterly contemptuous of the rest of us as are most Ivy League set folks in Govt.

    So my view sadly, is only when those in power have a visceral and real fear of being strung up at the lamp post, do they contemplate the evil they bring to the world. Same goes for the Left and Right. So while neither encouraging or conspiring, I think a few more “nuts with guns” actually using them would be very helpful in restoring sanity to how we govern in this Country. But that is only part of the solution.

    Once that retribution platform is in effect, then you would need an MLK like figure to come in and corral the movement and use civil disobedience to implement change. This really is no different then how the Left turned this Country 1960s forward.

    A little bit of violence and lots of protesting. But the elites must live in fear of immediate extinction. And right now, none of these Ivy Types in Govt, Media, Journalism or the Bureaucracy are concerned.

    That is how you get Lois Lerners. Like, eh, fuck you. What are you going to do about it? Answer? Nothing. So it goes on and on.

    Rodney King's Spirit (9225a4)

  19. #21 And if the SCOTUS gets in the way of legally changing the Constitution as they did in the Health Care debate just recently by ignoring law (and making up law) then Mussolini all of them b/c they are worthless and tyrants.

    Sad but I just don’t see the Right winning an Assymetric War versus the Left. Left makes shit up and that becomes law with no consequences. Right does something wrong and they are drummed out of public life, jailed at times and their colleagues are made to renounce them.

    Rodney King's Spirit (9225a4)

  20. JD

    Smearing who? Just ask Ted one question

    Would he deport a child of 18 1 month from graduation who lived here since 1st grade?

    Thus endth the Ted

    Look, legislation, negotiations are done by an ARMY of people, lots of things going on at once and to think that Ted had even met one on one with McConnell over such a no noting issue like the In and Out Bank – stretches the boundaries – Ted’s been all but called a liar – I bet McConnell actually said nothing to Cruz and hasn’t since he got to Washington – because everyone knows his record.

    I mean for this story to be “Ted” “True” that would mean:

    1. McConnell would have broke character of fifty years and made a solemn promise to a guy who just campaigned for his opponent in KY in the Primary

    2. McConnell plays all his cards close to the chest – most legislative leaders do, Delay was called the Hammer, Gingrich the snake, Don’t even want to know what they called LBJ – but McConnell told Ted something else?

    3. McConnell hates the In and Out Bank – he hates big government – he hates taxes – but he’s not the Boss of everyone

    4. McConnell also knew defunded the In and Out Bank didn’t matter because OBAMA (ohhhh caps,,,) OBAMA has the final say and we all know he could care less about America

    5. The Amendment Tree has been in place for almost 120 years or so according to someone on the radio – what Cruz wanted to do was make a special little place in the world so he could be the master of the senate – if Cruz really cared – about you and me he would have in private worked with those who disagreed with him and worked to convince them, he may not have converted them but they would have rewarded him with some of his goals – but again he is not getting anything done for anyone

    (gee isn’t that how life works?)

    So 3rd grade Ted can go back to his hubris and pout – hopefully he will understand that compromise happens in a capital – just like a casino can grow on indian lands..

    This is just like 12′ when Cruz made the very bad mistake of trying to describe what Dewhurst did, and how he passed a Bill on a radio station not with a airheaded dj but owned by s statewide elected conservative founder of the tea party and it was an EPIC beatdown, in fact so EPIC that if any significant Democrat was running against Ted, ted would have won but it wouldn’t have been a landslide but a 52/48 type of win

    Ted was wrong refused to believe he was in total error and then everyone was a liar because Ted had his facts wrong – (gosh seems like a trait a few here seem to have)

    So take a deep breath lots of Tea senators turned out to be compromisers – it happens because that’s the way the country runs.

    EPWJ (79a319)

  21. I was like, totes, clean and jerk with the sledge hammer, then squat, right shoulder, left shoulder.

    Into the Dancing Queen.

    Only seventeen.

    Then there were the side lunges, the grave diggers, …

    Ah, the danger, the romance…

    Steve57 (0412d7)

  22. that song has to be considered a Vienna convention violation,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  23. EPWJ is campaigning very hard to beat Perry in the new poll.

    JD (07bd91)

  24. I’m an extremely weird guy, narciso.

    Steve57 (0412d7)

  25. He’s succeeding, JD.

    Hoagie (f4eb27)

  26. no you have a sense of the absurd, which is a prerequisite to be in the bearded spock world,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  27. I used to pass as normal. I just did 20 sit-ups, get-ups. Weirdo me.

    Steve57 (0412d7)

  28. With the kettle bells.

    Steve57 (0412d7)

  29. JD

    They will be by to pick up your broken “Ted Forever” signs, but they want them bundled first

    EPWJ (93c8e9)

  30. Steve

    Favorite Kettle Bell story

    Friend of mine his wife told me he bought a 35 lb kettle bell and was working out with it making fun of his wife and two teenage daughters ultimate kettle bell workout video….

    After 15 minutes – yep hit himself in the meat of his thigh doing something not recommended with the kettle bell.

    And of course when you mock someone and then do something stupid KArma LITERALLY knocks on the door

    As he’s sitting in his wifes recliner with a 10 lb bag of ice saranwrapped to his leg – his biker friend comes a calling.

    My friend tells him he was doing a windmill with this really massive kettleball and hit his leg and it isn’t going on the ride this weekend.

    KArma knocks again as several more weekend bikers come into the house and hear the story all over again – this is a rowdy group – but they were silent

    What my friend didn’t realize is he was sitting in his wifes chair and next to her chair was her dainty PINK 8 lb kettle ball while he was telling everyone how he nearly broke his leg with the damn thing because he got it going to fast and couldn’t stop it

    He wont tell me his new nickname

    EPWJ (93c8e9)

  31. RE: JD’s poll

    I vote for EPWJ, with the ananity, in the mirror.

    felipe (56556d)

  32. he picks up, a copy of the home game,? and a years supply of rice aroni

    narciso (ee1f88)

  33. I denounce myself, I am seeking help.

    EPWJ (93c8e9)

  34. that’s the first step lil monkey

    happyfeet (831175)

  35. It’s unfortunate McConnell and his minions are so immensely arrogant that they not only believe they truly represent the will of the people, but it doesn’t even occur to them to honestly look at why Trump might be so popular. If it weren’t for the likes of him and his ilk, Trump would have been laughed out of the campaign before he even announced.

    Dana (86e864)

  36. #21 looked like English, it kind of sounded like English, but any relation to actual English ended there. It is a rambling incoherent mess. It is like you vomited out every conspiracy and fevered imagination you had of him. You dispute things that are beyond dispute. It is surreal. You have done this EXACT act so many times to so many conservatives it is comical.

    JD (34f761)

  37. this sounds like something from Babelfish, I had a dialog with some dutch commentators, they recommended me not to use it again

    narciso (ee1f88)

  38. It IS different.

    But the differences are, on balance, even more disappointing.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  39. I cannot stand McConnell. But I don’t think he has “minions”, Dana–at least in the sense that I normally see the word “minions” used.

    a follower or underling of a powerful person, especially a servile or unimportant one.
    synonyms: underling, henchman, flunky, lackey, hanger-on, follower, servant, hireling, vassal, stooge, toady, sycophant;

    a yes-man, a nameless faceless servant. It is a negative term implying that your only importance is from the person who orders you around.

    elissa (5a4897)

  40. Mr. Cruz was on a local radio interview today and had nothing but good things to say about his friend Mr. Trump.
    I am hoping the establishment republican party continues the road their on as the base makes a turn for someone who will fight. Very simple. Only the establishment GOP’s stupidity could mess up an election victory.

    mg (31009b)

  41. cronies are a better descriptor,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  42. but it doesn’t even occur to them to honestly look at why Trump might be so popular.

    I can tolerate people like McConnell or Obama, et al, if they’re at least willing to relocate from their current residences and move to one of the beauty spots throughout the US, particularly near the US-Mexico border, where the dynamics of lots and lots — and lots — of “undcoumented” immigration can be witnessed in Surroundsound, in Cinemascope, 24/7, 365 days a year. And please make sure their children or grandchildren come along for the ride—public schools are waiting for them with open arms!

    Live (and enjoy) the reality, Mitch and Barry.

    Mark (3ed2ac)

  43. hmm, interesting. The House GOP hierarchy is refusing to consider the Senate version of the highway bill.

    seeRpea (65ab7f)

  44. Having internet troubles, but I’ll pop in a moment
    I’ve heard a number of people on radio, etc., among conservs, saying that Cruz was not showing leadership by “airing dirty family laundry”, etc.

    All I can say, is I am tired of EPWJ and anybody else that just wants to nag and nag about anybody that tries to do something other than mumble and stumble along.

    If the evil among us just wants to make everyone get fed up and quit on it all, they are making progress.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  45. It’s always the same: What about the poor babies? Will you separate families that work hard every day? What are you, a monster?

    It’s not either or.

    Every argument with a liberal always come down to some sort of either-or argument with no basis in reality.

    I’m really tired of liberals. Mainly, because they are not, you know, liberal.

    Ag80 (eb6ffa)

  46. Ag80, I prefer “progressives” to describe the demographic group that includes such luminaries as Kerry, Obama, Clinton, Carter, Pelosi, and Reid. There was a time when “liberal” was not a pejorative.

    bobathome (f50725)

  47. about poor boeing, the highway trust fund which is a sieve, which squirrel are we discussingm

    narciso (ee1f88)

  48. Wait a minute… McConnell de-funded In and Out Burger?!?! This will not stand!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)


    “Why Does The GOP Exist?”

    Ben Domenech asks that reasonable question. Sadly, there’s no reasonable answer…

    Steve57 (0412d7)

  50. Thanks steve57.
    In the next election the GOP must die. Letting the GOP tread water is crazy, pull the plug.

    mg (31009b)


    Recommended reading.

    The Tanker War,

    …Two of the deadly 15-foot long Exocet missiles, each tipped with a 300-pound warhead, were now streaking toward the Stark. Their blue rocket exhausts reflected off the waters of the Gulf as they bobbed up and down slightly, maintaining a sea-skimming altitude about 10 feet above the surface. The frigate’s low alert status had not changed and off-duty crewmen, some in the last moments of their lives, remained settled in their bunks.

    …Lieutenant Moncrief inserted his key in the console and brought the Phalanx into “stand-by” mode, which meant that it was warmed up, but its internal radar was not operating. If the Phalanx had been set on “automatic” it would have tracked and fired on any target it detected.

    …The Exocet’s warhead may not have exploded, but the missile easily sliced though the thin, unarmored hull of the Stark. Propelled by its still burning rocket motor, it tore its way deep into the body of the ship, ripping its way through the portside fire main, the ship control berthing
    area, the barbershop, the mail room and the Chief Petty Officer’s quarters. The missile started to break up as it careened through the ship, with one piece passing entirely through the hull and finally punching a small exit hole in the starboard side. The unexploded warhead itself came to rest in a passageway near that hole. Tragically, the still burning rocket motor came to a stop in a heavily occupied crew berthing area. Because the Exocet had been launched well short of its maximum range, it was still carrying a large quantity of solid rocket fuel when it hit.
    A few seconds before, the rocket motor had been powering the 1,500-pound Exocet over the Gulf at 550 mph. Now, fueled by 300 pounds of remaining propellant, it was spewing an intense jet of flame
    like a gigantic blowtorch inside the relatively small confines of the berthing compartment. What it was like for the men trapped in there is unimaginable. Sailors screamed as they were incinerated in their bunks

    …As the inferno raged below decks, individual crewmen fought to save their buddies and their ship. Electronics Technician Wayne Richard Weaver, from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, kept pulling men from the wreckage and supervising their evacuation from Combat Systems Berthing. He could have easily escaped, but remained to aid as many men as possible. Weaver may have pulled as many as a dozen men to safety before succumbing to his injuries. He was later found clutching the body of another man he had been trying to rescue.

    …Unless that line could be shut down, there would be inadequate water pressure to fight the raging
    fires. Stark officer Lieutenant William A. Conklin later recalled, “Caouette knew he was going to die, that’s what he said to people who passed by him.”8 Mark Caouette’s charred body was later found
    slumped over one of the valves.

    Also: STARK BASIC.pdf

    Stop me if I’m wrong, but shouldn’t we be smarter in 2015 than we were in 1987?

    Steve57 (0412d7)

  52. we need a little crimmus right this very minute candles in the window carols at the spinet cause the jews are at the ovens and this is no bueno that obama wants to kill em but huck didn’t get the memo

    happyfeet (831175)

  53. 46.It’s always the same: What about the poor babies? Will you separate families that work hard every day? What are you, a monster?

    Age80, isn’t that exactly what the left did with Elia Gonzalez? At the point of a rifle?

    Hoagie (f4eb27)

  54. I wouldn’t say I lived in fear.

    Because I didn’t make a career out of flying helicopters.

    Still it was sobering to see all those guys lining the walls of the Navy hospital.

    If something is out to get you, it’s not paranoia to prepare for it catching up to you.

    Fire was clearly out to get me.

    Also it’s good to have a well stocked first aid kit. And by well stocked first aid kit I mean if Sears is having a sale on tool boxes, buy one and fill it up.

    The ready-made ones are, to be polite, inadequate.

    Steve57 (0412d7)


    Lightweight, three stage centrifugal, air-cooled and highly portable, powered by a proven and dependable two cycle engine. The pump is designed to withstand the rigors of fire fighting and is easily integrated into any existing operation. Performance criteria have been designed to make this unit into a truly outstanding and reliable performer while keeping the weight under 33 lbs.

    Requires auxiliary fuel tank and hose assembly — easily adapts to portable fuel tanks used by outboard motors.

    A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, a pond to stick my intake hose into…

    Steve57 (0412d7)


    This is not the kind of tool you’d need on a ship. Unlike a firefighting or dewatering pump.

    Steve57 (0412d7)

  57. Not once while I was serving in ships did it occur to me, “You know what I nee? A grubbing hoe so I can dig a fire break.”

    Steve57 (0412d7)

  58. fire is the devil’s only friend

    happyfeet (a037ad)

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