Hillary’s Litmus Test for Supreme Court Nominations: Pledge to Reverse This Pro-Free Speech Decision I Don’t Like
Allahpundit says what needs to be said:
Friendly reminder from Phil Kerpen: The Citizens United case was about whether a corporation had a First Amendment right to spend money from its general treasury to promote criticism of … Hillary Clinton. People on both sides forget that, I think. It’s natural in hindsight to assume that a conservative group being scrutinized by the feds for a political attack in 2007 was training its fire on Obama. Nope. The question was, does Citizens United’s right to free speech include the right to spend big bucks publicizing “Hillary: The Movie” when Hillary was a candidate for president?
That’s the case that would-be President Hillary Clinton now desperately wants overturned.
Big Government is always going to try to take away your rights. Always. It will never stop. And the way they do it is, they try to make it sound like it’s a Good Thing that your rights are being taken away. So they pick an unpopular target like Big Corporations — which can be annoying but are subject to competition, unlike the federal government — and try to make the argument about Big Corporations controlling everything. When, in fact, the issue in Citizens United was whether citizens could band together, using the benefits of a corporation, to criticize Hillary Clinton.
Hillary — unexpectedly! — doesn’t think they should be able to. And so she will have a litmus test for her Supreme Court nominees, that they must oppose the operation of the First Amendment in this context.
Big Media will not criticize her for this. You see, Big Media benefits when other voices are shut down. Hillary can’t shut up editorial writers (yet), so when competing voices are quieted, the voices of Big Media ring out louder than ever. So the idea that media would oppose a lefty presidential candidate explicitly opposing the First Amendment — an idea that at first glance seems like a given — is actually a pipe dream.
Big Media, by and large, will applaud.
Here’s the bigger picture: The ship is going down. Electing someone like Ted Cruz instead of Hillary Clinton will slow it, but the real effort needs to be in finding systematic ways to decentralize power. Ideas include an Article V convention, states resisting federal mandates, systematic civil disobedience such as is recommended by Charles Murray in his latest book (more about that in a future post), and creating institutions that operate independently from government to the extent possible. And if none of that works, secession by the states populated by people who believe in liberty.
In the meantime, vote against Hillary Clinton and do your best to preserve your First Amendment rights for the time being. Just don’t kid yourself into believing that’s enough. It isn’t. Not even close.
Patterico (9c670f) — 5/16/2015 @ 9:31 amhello! What Hildebeast cares about ANY issue?
(cue bad Russian accent)
“Apologies. Charitable givings of flying fucks not authorized.”
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 5/16/2015 @ 9:33 amYou wrote:
And that’s because they think they know better than the voters. Better than you and me.
When HRC says, “…it takes a village..” what she means is her own viewpoint. None other permitted.
Simon Jester (c8876d) — 5/16/2015 @ 9:44 amAnd Pamela Geller.
Steve57 (25a5a0) — 5/16/2015 @ 9:47 amMeghan’s coward daddy most certainly approves of this
#theydidsomethingtohisbrain you see
happyfeet (831175) — 5/16/2015 @ 9:51 amHis mini-me definitely does approve.
I despise this man. I especially despise him because he hides behind the troops.
I can speak for at least some them when I say they’re not fighting over there so we can surrender here.
Steve57 (25a5a0) — 5/16/2015 @ 10:05 amCapitulation does seem to be the order of the day, though.
Steve57 (25a5a0) — 5/16/2015 @ 10:06 amTwo or three more Federalist Society members on the Supreme Court could not hurt. If Wickard and such are overturned, and states regain their powers (subject to the limitations in the 14th amendment) for most local matters, there is some hope.
Kevin M (25bbee) — 5/16/2015 @ 10:15 amI remain convinced that an Article V Convention will not help and could hurt. By the time such a convention would produce results, you will have enough control in Congress that it won’t be needed.
OTOH, if I had a single amendment for such a convention to consider, it would be amending Article V to add the ability of 2/3rds of the states to propose amendments by passing identical resolutions within a rolling 3-year period. Such proposals then would need to have the normal 3/4ths ratification. I’d also want to add the now-common 7-year limit to ratification.
Although I’d rather that Congress propose it in regular order.
Kevin M (25bbee) — 5/16/2015 @ 10:32 amI don’t see how an Article V convention could possibly hurt. We will never have enough control in Congress that it won’t be needed.
Congress will not make itself irrelevant. Sticking its nose into every aspect of our lives provides too many attractive opportunities for the members to enrich themselves through bribery.
Steve57 (25a5a0) — 5/16/2015 @ 10:46 amSteve… comedian Rob Bartlett was doing a mean Lindsey Graham impersonation on the Don Imus show just this past week. Hilarious… I wish it was on Youtube.
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 5/16/2015 @ 11:25 amLindsey is really our jar jar binks, actually that insults jar jar,
narciso (ee1f88) — 5/16/2015 @ 11:32 amOn a side note, I caught Bill Maher last night (Ayaan Hirsi Ali was his guest) and when the panel came on, Charles Murray was seated next to a progressive chick who clearly thought more government is the answer to almost every situation. Murray sought to explain how even rehabilitating a simple bridge in some city was unable to progress because of big government demands for permits, assessments, and red tape in general. He further sought to illustrate government’s ineffectiveness and dismal results next to private companies doing the work by explaining how even building a simple, straight road takes at minimum, 8 years to get started. Again because of government. He kept his examples straightforward and still the progressive could not get it and went on about how there are projects that big government can do better and more effectively and efficiently because private industry simply can’t. That he was composed and kept his cool was impressive.
Dana (86e864) — 5/16/2015 @ 11:54 amthis is that half of the segment;
narciso (ee1f88) — 5/16/2015 @ 12:03 pmyou know there’s a conundrum, I find it hard to wrap around, they complain about PACs yet they leverage the largest ones, Maher contributed to it, they outspent us 2/1. but Koch!!
narciso (ee1f88) — 5/16/2015 @ 12:09 pmShe sure shut down The Path to 9/11.
There are pirated copies around, I guess but ABC and Disney must have had good reasons to give up the $40 million it meant.
I wonder what they got for it ? Maybe a payment in advance,
Mike K (90dfdc) — 5/16/2015 @ 12:10 pmwell it seems there was pay to play, re one of the last opportunities we had to take out UBL, re a falconry camp, involving princes from the UAE
narciso (ee1f88) — 5/16/2015 @ 12:29 pmwell if you’ve bought the judge and bribed the jury:
what difference does it make,
narciso (ee1f88) — 5/16/2015 @ 12:37 pmI don’t see how an Article V convention could possibly hurt.
What makes you think they wouldn’t report out:
Repeal the 2nd Amendment
Kevin M (25bbee) — 5/16/2015 @ 12:46 pmAdd an amendment guaranteeing the right to abortion
Add an amendment banning hate “speech”
Add an amendment regulating campaigning and political speech
Add an amendment removing all remaining barriers to federal taxation
Banning the death penalty
Declaring a right to shelter, food and personal dignity
yes, that’s a risk, there’s also a risk we might cross that way through executive action,
narciso (ee1f88) — 5/16/2015 @ 12:51 pmA convention does not have the power to ratify anything on its own. Nothing that happens at a convention will have the force of law unless the states approve the measures.
Steve57 (25a5a0) — 5/16/2015 @ 12:51 pmThere are pirated copies around
There sure are. If only there was a torrent metasearch engine for firefox.
Kevin M (25bbee) — 5/16/2015 @ 1:07 pmI wonder what they got for it ? Maybe a payment in advance,
Favors. It’s all about favors.
Kevin M (25bbee) — 5/16/2015 @ 1:09 pmIt always amuses me how leftists claim this about Citizens, but would never dream of having the same restrictions on the 1st Amendment applied to labor unions, or MFmedia corporations, except Fox. They want direct control of who can talk.
JD (3b5483) — 5/16/2015 @ 1:22 pmJD–
And talkradio. They would ban that entirely.
Kevin M (25bbee) — 5/16/2015 @ 1:43 pmexcept Air America, that’s where MSNBC hatched their crop of strigoi
narciso (ee1f88) — 5/16/2015 @ 1:45 pm10- Col. I thought the iman was on the tractor pull channel.
mg (31009b) — 5/16/2015 @ 2:59 pmThe GOP’s litmus test for confirmation should be “Not!”. Of course, McCain and his posse will stab us in the back, again.
Kevin M (25bbee) — 5/16/2015 @ 3:12 pmAnd NPR because that’s a government service.
Kevin M (25bbee) — 5/16/2015 @ 3:13 pm“I just hate pussy… footin’. I’m a man who eschews equivocation and evasiveness I like to get to it. So as soon as I announce my candidacy on June 1st, I will start right in on my fundraisers. I love me a good party and my fundraisers are gonna be Hell-raisers. I’m gonna call mine fun-raisers, cuz we will have us some fun, y’all. When I first formed my presidential exploratory committee, “Security Through Strength” – or STS – I threw an old-fashioned luau with wine… I called it “Pois Will Be Pois” and everybody got leid.”
– Senator Lindsey Graham
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 5/16/2015 @ 3:33 pmAnd the First Amendment.
Steve57 (25a5a0) — 5/16/2015 @ 3:58 pmhttp://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2015/05/have-hostile-governments-stolen-hillarys-emails.php
The short answer is yes.
Oh, I can imagine why. Apparently we need someone who knows what it’s like to menstruate as President.
I know many of you aren’t religious but, seriously, God help us all.
Steve57 (25a5a0) — 5/16/2015 @ 4:50 pmBy the way.
Steve57 (820638) — 5/16/2015 @ 7:32 pmOr this
I was there today.
. (Joshua Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies)
Are there men like Grant or Lee or Chamberlain today?
kishnevi (adea75) — 5/16/2015 @ 7:57 pmYes. They tend not to get promoted beyond o-5.
Steve57 (820638) — 5/16/2015 @ 8:32 pmI do not include myself in their company.
Steve57 (820638) — 5/16/2015 @ 8:33 pmRomney robbed and a coyote howls somewhere in Texas…
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 5/16/2015 @ 8:55 pmIF LIBTARDS LIKE!!!!! I’ll trade CITIZENS UNITED……..SETTLED LAW.
Gus (7cc192) — 5/16/2015 @ 9:27 pmlindsay-graham-on-koran-burning-freedom-of-speech-is-a-great-idea-but-were-in-a-war
Graham is the epitome of a squishy, squish-squish, milquetoast Republican. And, yes, I’m aware that a person’s private life may not provide hints at that person’s public life, politically or otherwise. But rumors about Graham’s sexuality — if accurate — make me think he’s therefore that much more prone to tilting left, since homosexuality and liberal instincts often (and do) go hand-in-hand.
Mark (cc1c30) — 5/16/2015 @ 11:12 pmCan you give it a rest, Mark?
Steve57 (820638) — 5/16/2015 @ 11:34 pmAn Article V convention will most likely result in the destruction of the US. But secession could save large portions of the US. And the feared armed rebellion could do the same. I already know massive inflation and an overburdening Federal debt is coming, as soon as the Fed stops its near-zero interest rates. And that’ll happen shortly after a Republican becomes President. It is a given. One trillion dollars just to finance the current national debt, all hidden and unreported, will be the sledge hammer Democrats use to reclaim all the controls. This, despite Obama’s and the Democrats’ huge, massive, irresponsible deficit spending the likes NOBODY has ever seen before.
I agree Ted Cruz is the best option currently available. I also agree Ted Cruz is just a stop-gap that will only slow the destruction of the US. I don’t see the US Constitution and Declaration surviving the next 20 years.
Abraham Lincoln said:
Ronald Reagan said:
That day is, unfortunately, upon us.
John Hitchcock (da3ea6) — 5/16/2015 @ 11:48 pmThat’s what they said when they created the last convention, in 1787. And the convention decided to ignore its terms of reference and do its own thing, and then create ratifying commissions to ratify what it had done, completely bypassing the state legislatures. Who’s to say a new convention wouldn’t a similar thing: write its own new constitution, and organise a nationwide referendum on it, in which aliens can vote and no ID may be required.
Milhouse (bdebad) — 5/17/2015 @ 12:09 amCan you give it a rest, Mark?
Steve57, until and unless you can determine data like the following isn’t a window into the minds of people, I’d say that equating one particular aspect of a person with another aspect of him (or her) needs to be highlighted instead of rarely or never mentioned. IOW, in the public arena (among researchers or scientists, for example), how often, if ever, are liberal instincts and sexuality scrutinized? The media most certainly never wants to equate GLBT (or, for that matter, other segments of “minority America” too) with liberalism and visa versa. Why?
^ I wouldn’t be surprised if a large portion of those in the GLBT who do label themselves as “conservative” (much less “Republican”) are actually thinking along lines of economics (ie, “it’s important to balance one’s checkbook each month!”) instead of pure politics or ideology, particularly that of culture.
Mark (cc1c30) — 5/17/2015 @ 12:51 am[…] Patterico on Patterico’s Pontifications: Hillary’s Litmus Test for Supreme Court Nominations: Pledge to Reverse This Pro-Free Speech Decisi… […]
From Around the Blogroll | The First Street Journal. (21e1b9) — 5/17/2015 @ 6:20 am[…] Patterico discusses Hillary’s free speech stance […]
Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove (93d8ff) — 5/17/2015 @ 6:55 amI so, so agree with you. Any reform is not coming from the top down–the GOP is almost as invested in Big Government as the Dems. It’s going to be up to us.
Patricia (5fc097) — 5/17/2015 @ 7:32 amo.t. – I pray Gowdy swears Mills in to testify.
mg (31009b) — 5/17/2015 @ 7:55 amhttp://nypost.com/2015/05/17/hillary-clintons-consigliere-covers-up-for-her-scandals/
I look forward to it. In the meantime, there’s always:
Robert Heinlein: Take Back Your Government (1992)
IGotBupkis, "Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses." (225d0d) — 5/17/2015 @ 12:14 pm@40. Abe was the starter that paved the way for the finishing. The original rights-abridging, centralizing, income taxing, sender of men with guns. How the hell did you think that was gonna turn out?!
Abe would have love the Clintons.
Matador (97d3c8) — 5/17/2015 @ 7:19 pmloved.
Matador (97d3c8) — 5/17/2015 @ 7:23 pmas opposed to Douglas, seriously now,
narciso (ee1f88) — 5/17/2015 @ 7:25 pmdeflection is beneath you, sir.
Matador (97d3c8) — 5/17/2015 @ 7:32 pm